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Messages - raeko

Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 11, 2024, 08:58:17 PMI suddenly got really paranoid last-minute that you/TZP were wolves together lol (although in that case I probably should've just lynched BDS/TZP instead)

also sorry raeko for really putting you in a tight spot with that d2 play. hope we can get back together? <3 uwu

it's OK!! it did really make me question you ngl hahaha but ultimately we didn't end up sacrificing ourselves and stayed lovers til the end!! yeah! <3
GG everyone! Well played town ^^

Apologies for my complete lack of anything useful the entire game and going only for the wrong people lol

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on March 11, 2024, 07:56:29 PMThanks for hosting Oricorio. I feel badly about how I played—I really do love this game but I'm struggling to find the bandwidth for very thoughtful playing—MSF had my number that whole game.
I go through burnout cycles with TWG myself, even though I love the game too. The important thing is to just keep playing through the burnout and try your best!! A sloppy game or two can be good for your long term game if people assume you will always be sloppy and start underestimating you as a wolf

Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 11, 2024, 08:03:14 PMfunnily enough, if you actually didn't make that play, there was a chance I was going to sacrifice myself with raeko last second, and then you/Specs might've won :p

ON DAY ONE?? When I wasn't even online ;_;

Oh man this brings up traumatic memories of the Champs game I was in last year and I was last minute (like, LAST MINUTE) lynched on D1, prompted by a townie, I was the JOAT and didn't even have time to claim as it was so last minute... I'm glad you didn't do that and add to my traumatic soul injury lol
I'm kinda starting to think MSF is wolfing too but I don't want to vote them unless I am damn sure as I mentioned earlier. I would not be confident enough for that. MSF/THC wolf pair might make sense? They sure were PMing a lot by the sounds of things. Which could just be an energy matching thing but idk

I guess I will vote for Nakah for now though THC would be my actual target. Just in case people aren't going to be around for EoD (which it seems like might be the case) and Nakah already has a vote on him. I think Nakah is probably human but they would both die either way so it doesn't really make a difference
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 11, 2024, 07:30:34 AMI mean, I guess I'm not actually sure that solves anything, because if the wolves are me/THC then voting THC/Nakah today and you/Toby tomorrow means we would still win if we were wolves. but the point still stands that I'd be fine (though not extremely happy) voting THC/Nakah if it came to it.

But why would everyone by default go with toby tomorrow instead of one of us...?

If you and THC are the wolves, we still win by lynching THC today and you tomorrow. I'm not sure what you mean by this ending paragraph
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 10, 2024, 05:09:34 PMThat's straight up not true, as already stated near the beginning of the game. You still win, even if you die, if your team wins. Sacrificing yourself to get rid of a wolf is not only a viable strategy, but a relatively common one.

I know that you still win if your team wins, but eliminating yourself as a human is removing human control over the game. So you better be pretty damn sure your lover is a wolf. And since it's not a sure thing that your partner is a wolf so you could be eliminating two humans

But I was operating under the assumption that we had more time. It's different at the end of the game. Sacrificing yourself might be necessary at that point. I'm going to have to more seriously consider if MSF could be wolfing if we could be in lylo
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 10, 2024, 04:58:48 PMQuite an assumption to make. That's only the case if one of TZP/BDS was a wolf, and we don't know that for certain. But you said this twice in two separate posts (the other saying we are not in LYLO as if it's a known fact). The only way you could know for certain that we got a wolf with the last lynch was if you were a wolf and your partner died.

I haven't played in a lover's game or such a small game in a long time (the last small game I played was a lone wolf game) I just assumed we had another phase still. I haven't been in lylo in a second phase probably ever so it just didn't occur to me that we could already be there. Also was playing while trying to be social IRL and not be rude so wasn't really putting my entire brain energy toward the game (I'm home now though :D)
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 10, 2024, 04:43:23 PMraeko, if not you, what do you think the most likely wolf pairs are? who would you want to vote today instead?

Not IF not me. NOT me. First of all I'm not a wolf. Second of all voting to lynch yourself is against your win condition as well. so yeah not going to do that

And I'm not going to vote for you either for the same reasons. If the game is still going next phase, then I will consider lynching you, because that is when it would matter to win the game and my self sacrifice would be more beneficial

So that leaves me with Specs, Toby, Nakah and THC. At this point I think I lean Toby but I haven't been able to read the thread very closely. Like I missed a bunch of posts from EoD. and now I have to play games with some people that I planned last week, but after games tonight I will give the thread a thorough read over
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 10, 2024, 12:08:07 PMif nothing else, I also feel like her response to me asking "there's a chance I consider voting ourselves tomorrow" was a little overly buddying, which made me a bit uncomfortable.

I got a chance to read this now and I'm still on my phone so I won't respond point for point until I'm at my pc, but just to respond to this quick...

We are lovers lol to say a PM I sent you felt "buddying" is a huge stretch. It's a PM I sent to my lover in the game so like yeah? How is this a point against me? If you thought I was buddying with a wolf then sure. But I don't get this at all

But either way I said that because I think voting yourself out in TWG is a bad play in almost every conceivable situation, including a lovers game that isn't in lylo. I think it's a bad play and I wouldn't consider doing it, so that's why I responded that way. I don't see how that is buddying or what you are extrapolating from that message but that's just how I look at the game
Sorry I have also been busy. I have long been an advocate of not having EoD on Saturday nights because I have this problem a lot.

MSF, I still don't understand the point of you voting for me now instead of waiting? Why are you already voting for me when even if we mislynch we still have another phase? Like I just don't think this is the right move. Even if you thought I was a wolf that strongly it just makes more sense to keep yourself alive as long as possible. Cause once we are dead the wolves will have even more control over the game

Quote from: Toby on March 10, 2024, 03:19:36 PMSorry been busy today for Mother's Day in U.K.

I'm leaning towards voting Raeko today. I wasn't a fan of how she agreed with the Specs vote and some of her back and fourth with Nakah didn't seem too genuine
Mastersuperfan I'm giving strong town leans for

You only have a town lean on nakah, and a strong town read on MSF. You think me/nakah interactions are strange, why vote for me over Nakah? You'd also be killing your top town if you lynch me. so that doesn't really make sense to me

Sorry I'll be around more starting tonight
The last few games I've played with Nakah he has been town and his tone was very different than this game. He was talking in crazy metaphors and his usual lord of the rings sounding wording of things

Quote from: Nakah on March 09, 2024, 11:04:56 AMposting charisma

Sure let's call it that

He's missing his usual silly "posting charisma" and taking the game more seriously. I think this leans wolfy for him
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 11:16:57 AMraeko, what made you sus of THC initially? What makes you still sus of him now?

Mostly his reaction to Toby's Specs vote, but his reaction makes more sense now that we know that it actually wasn't a real vote

I just don't town read him and slightly wolf read nakah so they seem like the best bet overall
Woweeeeeee I voted for you so you voted for me back

Who do you think is a wolf tho :thinking:
I am also busy today and won't be able to post much. I'll try to get on a few more times when I am able

MSF is indeed my lover. It's OK you revealed before I could respond, I was thinking last night that I wanted to do that anyway

I was slightly wolf reading MSF yesterday but after reading the stuff from this morning I think I've changed my mind. I'm definitely not wolf reading him enough that I would want to sacrifice myself

If THC and Nakah are lovers I would probably want to lynch one of them. I still don't have a town read on THC and Nakah is just afk and when he was here he didn't really say much of anything

I know they can't both be wolves but I feel like there is a solid reasoning for either one of them to be a wolf so that's where I'm at really

I will put my vote on Nakah for now

I won't be able to pay too much attention to the thread but I'll try to come back before EoD to make sure this is still where I want my vote
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 08, 2024, 10:51:14 PMraeko/Nakah ??: I honestly haven't even been able to make much sense of their posts. Specifically raeko. I think I'd go full neutral for Nakah just for lack of posts to read, and neutral-slightwolf for raeko because of my notes about fluffy posts from them still seeming to be the case. They keep pointing out things claiming to "note" them, but not really elaborate.

why are we connected together ;_;

When you say "their" do you mean both of us? or who do you mean? you can call me she/her btw
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 08, 2024, 05:46:40 PMHow do you feel about Nakah sheeping your read in particular? Any suggestions as to why Nakah may have done that, from your perspective?
Because we are close friends, he usually tries to mess with me in werewolf games somehow or uses his PR powers on me >_> or sheeps me

Either that or he wasn't paying that much attention and just reacted to the first thing he saw within the first few posts, without realizing that I had already said the same thing

If we legitimately just mind melded and he did read my post then it's kinda weird that he would bring it up as if it was an original thought without acknowledging my post.

Regardless of why I would like to see more from him before I come to a conclusion. A single post is hard to make a read from