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Topics - Bird

The Werewolf Game / TWG 72: Player Sign-Ups
September 20, 2014, 11:07:32 PM
Let's do it!


1. BlackDragonSlayer
The Werewolf Game / TWG 69: PLAYER Sign-Ups
July 22, 2014, 07:59:28 PM
Welcome back!

We're mixing things up a bit this game. Instead of voting for a game and then signing up for it, everybody will sign up to play in the next game first. Then, we vote on a host to design a game for that number of players. That way, we avoid the problem of sign-ups not filling up later on. Also, feel free to use this thread to talk about what kind of roles/gimmicks you'd like to see in the game!

1. No backing out after the host is selected. That's rude!
2. Only players who have signed up to play are allowed to host.
3. Sign-ups close once 48 hours pass without another player joining, or whenever people get irritated by how long it takes.
3. No faction/mystery games. TWG Account games are fine!
4. Once the host is selected, his game must be approved by a member of the TWC before he can host it.


1. Bird
2. Mashi
3. maelstrom.
4. MaestroUGC
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. vermilionvermin
7. fank009
8. Yugi
9. Dude
10. davy
11. NocturneofShadow
TWG: Do You Trust Me?

  • Cardflipping: Players cardflip as the color they appeared to be the night phase prior to their death.
  • Trust Falls: Every player PMs three names to the host corresponding to players that they trust. On certain night phases, random players will begin falling, and one of those trustees that the falling player selected will be PM'd a question from the host asking if they want to save the falling player, or let them fall to their death. Two players begin falling on night 2, three players begin falling on night 3, and one player begins falling on night 4. Failure to send in three trusted names will result in those players being determined randomly. The same player will never fall twice.

1. Wolf - The wolves know each other and collectively share 4 seerings and 3 paintings to be used during any night phase.
2. Wolf - The wolves know each other and collectively share 4 seerings and 3 paintings to be used during any night phase.
3. Traitor - The traitors count for the humans, know each other, and collectively share 4 seerings and 2 paintings to be used during any night phase.
4. Traitor - The traitors count for the humans, know each other, and collectively share 4 seerings and 2 paintings to be used during any night phase.

5. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
6. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
7. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
8. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
9. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
10. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
11. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
12. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.
13. Seer - Has a seering power limited to two uses, which can be used during any night phase. Doesn't know his color.

Note: Number of seerings, paintings, and millers in the game is subject to change.


1. Nocturne of Shadow
2. fank009
3. Yugi
4. BlackDragonSlayer
5. Liggy

Number of player can be sized down to 11 (by removing a traitor and an orange seer, changing the falls to 2 on n2 and 2 on n3), and the number of seerings/millers/paintings is still subject to change, although I think this is a pretty good balance. I'm also considering not allowing players to tell the thread that they have a chance to catch a falling player, since I don't want that stuff to be decided democratically.
The Werewolf Game / TWG 63: Second Chances Post Game
January 12, 2014, 07:23:35 PM
I'm as surprised as you are. Role reveal:

1. Master Wolf Shaman - NocturneOfShadow
2. Wolf Corpse Mangler - Toby

3. Wolf Assassin - Mashi
4. Traitor-Shaman - K-NiGhT

5. Megakiller - Greg
6. Megakiller - Olimar12345 -> FireArrow
7. Medium - The_Subjective_Thought
8. Seer - Dude
9. Angel - BlackDragonSlayer
10. Angel - JDMEK5
11. Millwright - vermilionvermin
12. Herring - spitllama
13. Human - fank009
14. Human - Kman96

So what happened?

Night 1, both of the Megakillers (Greg and Olimar12345) went for Mashi, who false claimed Seer. Olimar's went through first, so Greg died alongside The_Subjective_Thought who was wolfed for claiming medium.

Day 1, K-NiGhT was pretty much lynched for inactivity, and Greg (unsurprisingly) was brought back to life.

Night 2, both the Megakillers killed the remaining two wolves: NocturneOfShadow and Toby. I think Nocturne had a few slip-ups in the chat, which was understandable for a new player, but I'm not sure what led to the other megakiller suspecting Toby.

In the end, all four wolves were dead by the end of Night 2. The humans might have gotten lucky a few times, but they still killed the wolves in record time, which is definitely impressive.
The Werewolf Game / TWG 63: Second Chances
January 07, 2014, 05:31:59 PM
TWG 63: Second Chances

1. Master Wolf Shaman - Wolf seered green. Also has seer powers.
2. Wolf Corpse Mangler - At any point in the game, has the ability to mangle a corpse preventing it from coming back to life or communicating with/through the medium. Two uses. Manglings are announced publicly.

3. Wolf Assassin - Makes a second wolfing each night phase separate from the Master Wolf and Corpse Mangler's wolfing. Can freely communicate with dead players.
4. Traitor-Shaman - Doesn't count for the wolves. Has seer powers. Every day phase, can create a message to be posted in the thread.

5. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies. If that player would die through other means (e.g. the wolves are already wolfing that person, or if the other Megakiller submits their kill PM first) the Megakiller dies.
6. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies. If that player would die through other means (e.g. the wolves are already wolfing that person, or if the other Megakiller submits their kill PM first) the Megakiller dies.
7. Medium - Can freely talk to dead players via PM. Can also sacrifice this ability to allow one dead player to freely communicate in the thread (without voting). This is canceled if the dead player's corpse gets mangled.
8. Seer - Just an ordinary seer. Can sacrifice seering for one night phase to find out how many wolves are left in the game.
9. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
10. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
11. Millwright - Thinks he's a human.
12. Herring - Thinks he's a human.
13. Human
14. Human


Other Important Information

On Days 1 and 2, players vote on who should be lynched as well as which player (who died in the last night phase) should be brought back to life. Wolf powers (on each sub-team) are pooled. This includes those of the traitor. So if the traitor dies, the Wolf Assassin gets totem and seer powers. If one wolf fails to submit a PM for their powers, the other wolf on that team can do so. The Human and Megakiller PMs were done through BCC.

Order of Operations:
Night Phase: Seering->Wolf Kills->Megakiller Kills->Corpse Mangling->Revives/Medium Bringing Back Player
Day Phase: Revive Vote->Lynch->Mangling->Medium Bringing Back Player

Human Role PM:
QuoteYou are a Human, although it's possible that you're an Angel, Herring or Millwright.

Changes from the sign-up thread:
- Mangler has two uses, which are publicly announced.
- Wolf Assassin now has Medium powers.
- Seer now only has to sacrifice a single seering to determine the number of wolves left.
- Manglings now come after the revive vote.

- Wolf Assassin's medium powers are limited to communication with dead players.
- Medium powers can only be used by living players. If the medium or Wolf Assassin dies, they're the same as every other corpse.


1. The_Subjective_Thought
2. spitllama
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. Mashi
5. vermilionvermin
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. Dude
8. Kman96
9. k-NiGhT
10. fank009
11. Greg
12. JDMEK5
13. Olimar12345
14. Toby


Please read through the changes made to this game since the sign-ups (posted in "Other Important Information"). If you have any questions about the game, please send me a PM rather than posting them in the thread, and then I will relay any clarifications that must be made to the thread.

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends in two days on Thursday, January 9th at 9:00 PM Central Time (10:00 Eastern). Good luck!

Chatroom Link
The Werewolf Game / TWG 63: Sign-Ups
January 03, 2014, 09:24:56 PM
TWG 63: Second Chances

On Days 1 and 2, players vote on who should be lynched as well as which player (who died in the last night phase) should be brought back to life.
Wolf powers (on each sub-team) are pooled. This includes those of the traitor. So if the traitor dies, the Wolf Assassin gets totem and seer powers.

1. Master Wolf Shaman - Wolf seered green. Also has seer powers.
2. Wolf Corpse Mangler - At any point in the game, has the ability to mangle a corpse preventing it from coming back to life or communicating with/through the medium. Two uses. Manglings are announced publicly.

3. Wolf Assassin - Makes a second wolfing each night phase separate from the Master Wolf and Corpse Mangler's wolfing.
4. Traitor-Shaman - Doesn't count for the wolves. Has seer powers. Every day phase, can create a message to be posted in the thread.

5. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies.
6. Megakiller - Vigilante. Power only works on nights 1 and 2. Must kill someone on those nights or else he dies.
7. Medium - Can freely talk to dead players via PM. Can also sacrifice this ability to allow one dead player to freely communicate in the thread (without voting). This is canceled if the dead player's corpse gets mangled.
8. Seer - Just an ordinary seer. Can sacrifice seering for one night phase to find out how many wolves are left in the game.
9. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
10. Angel - Can revive one lynched player after death. If the other Angel dies first, becomes an ordinary human. Thinks he's a human, finds out who he is after death.
11. Millwright - Thinks he's a human.
12. Herring - Thinks he's a human.
13. Human
14. Human


Order of Operations

Night Phase: Seering->Wolf Kills->Megakiller Kills->Corpse Mangling->Revives/Medium Bringing Back Player
Day Phase: Lynch->Revive Vote->Mangling->Medium Bringing Back Player

Note: If a Megakiller's target is already going to die that night (either they are getting wolfed or the other Megakiller sent in a PM first for that player) that Megakiller dies due to not using their power on Night 1 or Night 2.


1. The_Subjective_Thought
2. spitllama
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. Mashi
5. vermilionvermin
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. Dude
8. Kman96
9. k-NiGhT
10. fank009
11. Greg
12. JDMEK5
13. Olimar12345
14. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
The Werewolf Game / TWG 63: Host Sign-Ups
December 27, 2013, 08:43:33 AM
I hope everyone had a good Christmas! Now let's see some TWGs.

Eligible Hosts:
The Werewolf Game / TWG Announcement: Short Holiday Break
December 10, 2013, 02:10:09 PM
I'm sure most of you have noticed that these past few sign-ups haven't filled. I think this is probably due to the time of year than a lack of interest in TWG; lots of people are either on vacation or are studying for finals. They still like TWG, but don't have time to join games right now. Because of this, we're going to have a short break in the TWG schedule, with regular games returning on December 27th.

None of the hosts whose games didn't fill will be penalized. In fact, every qualified player will be eligible to put a game forward when the new host sign-ups appear, even if you've hosted or attempted to host recently. Until then, feel free to post game ideas, talk about the rules, or complain about the new authoritarian TWC regime!

Happy Holidays!
The Werewolf Game / TWG 63: Host Sign-Ups
November 21, 2013, 09:57:08 AM
Players who Can't Host:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Waddle Bro

Post your games!!!!
The Werewolf Game / TWG 60: 2fool4skool - Post-Game
October 23, 2013, 06:57:53 PM
Congratulation Fools!

Role Reveal

1. Wolf - Davy
2. Wolf - fank009

3. Human - BlackDragonSlayer
4. Human - Olimar12345
5. Human - Greg
6. Human - Bubbles
7. Human - Mashi
8. Human - The Boy Who Cried Wolf
9. Human - Waddle Bro
10. Human - vermilionvermin

11. Fool - MaestroUGC
12. Fool - FSM-Reapr
13. Fool - The_Subjective_Thought


FSM        |||||||
Maestro   ||||||||||
verm       ||||||||||||||||||||||
Waddle    |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TST        |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
davy       ||||||||||||||||||||
Toby       |||||||||||
fank        |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mashi      |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bubble     |||||||||||||||||
Olimar      |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Greg        ||||||||||||||||||||||
BDS         |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Each | represents one post. The sonnet will probably go to fank, since I think in terms of wordcount, he was more active, plus he was constantly sending me PMs with his thoughts.

Game Analysis

That was a pretty surprising outcome. I didn't really know what to expect when I made this game, since it's sort of difficult to predict what will happen when you throw in roles who are trying to get wolfed/lynched. It turns out that it adds a pretty interesting new layer to the discussions, and it was fun to watch as well. FSM claiming was an interesting element, as was TST sort of being found out.

One thing I was not at all prepared for was the last few phases, which turned out to be pretty crazy. I hadn't thought of using the fools as a... well, basically like a bomb-jacket. The suicide threat, playing "chicken" with the final fool, was extremely creative, and it's really too bad it didn't pan out. A wolf ended up getting lynched via kitb, which is somewhat disappointing... it would have been worth it if the game had continued after that, but then the biggest surprise of all happened. Fank, the final wolf, knowingly attacked the last fool, ending the game. I really can't explain his actions, especially since it looked like the final lynch was shaping up to be a verm lynch, but it brought the game to an end.

I'm kind of upset that there wasn't an incredible final confrontation, a big lynch argument between fank and verm, but things didn't pan out that way. That said, I'm really pleased with the activity as well as the way fools have worked this game. I hope more games have fools in the future.

Anyway, great job everyone and thanks for playing!

Player Analysis

FSM-Reapr – Straight-up claiming took guts. I mentioned to you in a PM that I'm glad you took the direction you did this game, it made the first day phase really interesting. There were a couple of different directions that this could have gone in. I figured most people would just suspect you were a wolf trying to avoid being lynched by pretending to be a fool, but you said in your claim that you wanted to be wolfed by being a threat to the wolves. I don't know what your true intentions were, but you ended up dying before any other fool, so terrific job. Interestingly, you sort of made it difficult for your fellow fool TST to win by posting that PM, but I guess you guys have completely separate win conditions so there's no real reason for you to help him out. Regardless, you earned the FOOL MVP.

MaestroUGC – Your fool strategy couldn't have been more different than FSM's. You went the much more conservative route of trying to be wolfed by virtue of being a typical, moderately contributive human. And what do you know, it worked flawlessly! Good work. FOOL HONORABLE MENTION.

vermilionvermin – You said you were disappointed in your performance this game, and I guess so far as catching wolves went, you could have done better. I think you had the best justification of anyone to kill FSM on day 1. And I think that in general you still made this game much more interesting, especially at the very end. You were the player to definitively point out that the lack of a wolfing was a numbers game rather than a mistake, and you were also the person who came up with the hilarious chicken plan. It didn't work out, and you probably would have been lynched if the game had continued, but it was a thrill to watch! HUMAN HONORABLE MENTION.

Waddle Bro – I feel like you were mostly on the sidelines for most of the middle part of this game, at least until the final phases when you started the lynch against davy, the only wolf lynch this game! But then fank wolfed TST and nothing else mattered. Good job though! HUMAN MVP.

The_Subjective_Thought – The "stumbler" plan was as creative as it was aptly named. I felt really bad having to clarify in the thread that this role wasn't real, but it's a hosts job to make sure everyone is on the same page if it's not a mystery game. This incident ended up with everyone believing you were a fool for the rest of the game, pretty much putting you on the sidelines of the action until the very end... when you somehow managed to win. You were extremely active though, and I definitely have high hopes for you in the future.

davy – In typical davy fashion, you spent a lot of this game in the shadows before popping up with extremely detailed thoughts on every player. Your "suspicions" were extremely well-supported, and it made it very difficult for people to tell that you were a wolf. In fact, you were never really figured out, and if verm hadn't been ninja'd, you guys would have won (since it wouldn't have been a kitb). WOLF HONORABLE MENTION.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf – You were the first person to argue that FSM was actually just a fool. And you were right! You also were the first person to point out that TST was likely a fool as well. And then you died. It's a shame you didn't last longer, since it looked like you were going to be a major player for the rest of the game. Oh well, night 1 deaths happen to everyone at some point.

fank009 – Your performance this game was incredibly consistent with your playstyle when you're not a wolf, which, if you ask me, is the sign of a good wolf! You provided analysis in the thread on a pretty regular basis and people were shocked, even when the game was over, that you were a wolf. That said, you definitely could have won this, but... didn't? You still didn't get "caught" so I'm giving you the WOLF MVP.

Mashi – I wonder how many people took your please claiming seriously? You really stuck with the joke a lot longer than I thought you would! I like that you made a suspicion list on day 1, and I feel like your behavior was pretty human for most of the game, especially this post:
Most people just thought you were a fool though, and your sort of eccentric behavior gave them decent reason to. Anyway, you got lynched, so that's too bad!

Bubbles – Smartly argued that FSM shouldn't be lynched on Day 1. You were actually pretty insistent on this point, yet everyone went and lynched him anyway! This argument, despite being in the human's best interests, went against the prevailing thought that FSM should have been lynched since "even if he wasn't a wolf, he was a fool, and that's better than lynching a human." This made people think you were his partner, and you got lynched for it. I feel like one of the main reasons it happened was because the humans didn't think of a better alternative, but oh well.

Olimar12345 – It was awesome seeing you be so active this game! You brought up a lot of different theories that other players may have overlooked. I thought it was kind of funny how TST faked that PM, although it ended up being inconsequential. Despite the fact that you were active, you ended up safetying a few times this game, which was disappointing.

Greg – You were also a lot more active this game which is great. You were a real voice of common sense for the beginning parts of this game, and were quick to point out logical flaws other players may have made. You asserted that FSM shouldn't be lynched, which was a good call... but then ended up lynching him.  Anyway, you were a solid player throughout the game and then you died!

BlackDragonSlayer – You were extremely active, and always had something to contribute when a new event popped up. But I feel like you weren't as decisive as you could have been—you went back and forth on the FSM lynch a while, and ended up voting for Fank (good!) without pushing it very hard. Your davy vote was instrumental in lynching the wolf, but it was also ultimately futile since fank ended the game anyway. Good job overall!

Sonnet for fank009

Shakespearean sonnet in iambic pentameter (except for one line).

By lurking in the shadows, wolves survive.
They kill, attack and hunt by night's soft shade.
But only blending helps them stay alive,
as day reveals the choices that they made.

He knew the rules by now. He wasn't new;
experience had taught him all too well.
"Just act as always, they won't think it's you!"
And one by one, they came below his spell.

Convinced? Confused? At least they let him live.
The tide began to turn because they chose
the wolf to lead them. Hunters do not give
much mercy. Only sadness, death, and woes.

The men were down. The victory was nigh.
But none of that mattered once Fank chose to die.
The Werewolf Game / TWG 60: 2fool4skool
October 10, 2013, 10:51:49 AM
TWG: 2fool4skool

Effect 1: Every phase, the number of green and red players remaining is revealed.
Effect 2: The most active player gets a sonnet written about them in the post-game.

1. Wolf
2. Wolf

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human

11. Fool
- Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed. If all three fools are killed, the game ends.
12. Fool - Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed.  If all three fools are killed, the game ends.
13. Fool - Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed.  If all three fools are killed, the game ends.


1. FSM-Reapr
2. MaestroUGC
3. vermilionvermin
4. Waddle Bro
5. The_Subjective_Thought
6. davy
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. fank009
9. Mashi
10. Bubbles
11. Olimar12345
12. Greg
13. BlackDragonSlayer


Wolf PM (BCC)
QuoteWolf: [name]
Also a wolf: [name]

Kill some humans, try not to kill too many fools. Good luck, guys!

Fool PM (BCC)
QuoteYou're a fool.

You win when you die. If all three fools die, the game ends early! Good luck!

Human PM (BCC)
QuoteYou're a human. Kill some wolves, try not to kill too many fools!

Chatroom Link (Thanks Mashi)

Day 1
Night 2
Day 2
Night 3
Day 3
Night 4
Day 4
Night 5
Game End


Inactivity will result in a warning, further inactivity will result in you being replaced. Just make at least one decent post/vote per day phase and you'll be fine!

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends Friday, October 11th at 8:00 PM CST. Alternatively, it ends in about 31 hours and 9 minutes from the time this post was made. 8 greens and 5 reds remain. Good luck and have fun!
The Werewolf Game / TWG 60: 2fool4skool - Sign-Ups!
October 09, 2013, 09:08:33 PM
TWG: 2fool4skool

Effect 1: Every phase, the number of green and red players remaining is revealed.
Effect 2: The most active player gets a sonnet written about them in the post-game.

1. Wolf
2. Wolf

3. Human
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human

11. Fool
- Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed. If all three fools are killed, the game ends.
12. Fool - Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed.  If all three fools are killed, the game ends.
13. Fool - Doesn't count for humans or wolves. Wins independently when he's killed.  If all three fools are killed, the game ends.

The wolves don't want to kill the fools and the humans don't want to lynch the fools. But the fools are going to do everything they can to be wolfed or lynched. Will they succeed, ending the game early? Or will a few of them win as the humans and wolves battle to the end?

Only you can decide!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. FSM-Reapr
2. MaestroUGC
3. vermilionvermin
4. Waddle Bro
5. The_Subjective_Thought
6. davy
7. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
8. fank009
9. Mashi
10. Bubbles
11. Olimar12345
12. Greg
13. BlackDragonSlayer

(14. NocturneOfShadow)
(15. ShadowKirby)
(16. k-NiGhT)
(17. Dude)
Congratulations Wolves!

Hey everyone. I hope you enjoyed that game. I put a lot of work into hosting it, and even though I hit a couple of bumps along the way, I'm glad things played out the way they did. I'm going to be doing this post game thread in four parts.

Part 1: Role Reveal
Part 2: Actions
Part 3: Game Analysis, Balance and Mistakes
Part 4: Player Analysis
Part 5: Bonus Material and MVPs

...with a part being posted whenever. Part 1 coming in the next post!

The reason for this is that I have a lot to say. If I wanted to say everything at once, I wouldn't be able to post the post game until tomorrow afternoon, which nobody would like. This also gives me time to make a few cool things in the later sections and make the post-game cover all of the interesting things that occurred during the game.
The Werewolf Game / TWG 54: Game of Wolves
May 29, 2013, 04:11:26 PM

This game has 3 wolves and 11 humans. There are 4 different human factions as well as some roles that are not aligned to any faction. Only 11 of the roles in the lists below are actually in the game, the other 17 were given to various players (and wolves) to false claim with. I have updated the character lists with descriptions. They're very short (couldn't take you more than 10 minutes to read all of them), and give some idea as to what each character does. As this is a mystery game, be prepared for anything: items, poison, revivals, universal effects, swapping allegiances, and much more. Some of the more obvious mechanics are listed in the following post.

Character List (Quick Reference)
Eddard Stark
Catelyn Stark
Bran Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Jon Snow

Tywin Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Gregor Clegane
Sandor Clegane

Robert Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
Davos Seaworth
Renly Baratheon
Brienne of Tarth

Viserys Targaryen
Illyrio Mopatis
Daenerys Targaryen
Khal Drogo
Jorah Mormont
Mirri Maz Duur

Margaery Tyrell
Lysa Arryn
Theon Greyjoy

Character List (with Descriptions)
Character List

There are 28 characters in this list, but only 11 of them are actual roles in this game. The other 17 are false roles given to players and White Walkers to allow them to false claim more easily. This lists each of those roles (real or fake) by their house allegiance, if any. Try not to make too many assumptions about the make-up of the game based on the list or your role PM; I peppered the game description with (probably)s for a reason--it's tricky! The White Walkers may not even be red! They could be white or something! Characters from this list were selected to be in the game at random, rather than based on their importance.

* * *

House Stark
For the most part, friends with House Baratheon and enemies with House Lannister.

Eddard Stark - The honorable Lord of Winterfell and head of House Stark, Eddard "Ned" Stark is a man of principles. He's a good man, but very grim. He's known for repeating the words of House Stark: "Winter is Coming."
Catelyn Stark - Lady Catelyn Stark is Lord Eddard Stark's wife. Born a Tully of Riverrun in the south, she has yet to learn to love the North, but certainly loves her children. She is protective of them, and apprehensive that their safety may be endangered when war approaches.
Bran Stark - Bran Stark is the younger brother of Robb Stark and Jon Snow, and a son of Lord Eddard Stark. He's a kind and loving, with a strange gift for seeing things; visions and dreams of things to come. He also has a huge pet wolf named Summer.
Arya Stark - Arya Stark is the youngest daughter of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. She likes fighting, horseback riding, stealing treasures, killing people... typical little girl stuff. She's fierce, able to disguise herself and isn't afraid to do what she can to get what she wants, which in this case is probably revenge.
Robb Stark - Robb Stark is the eldest son of Eddard and Catelyn Stark and will inherit Winterfell and all of its titles. Like his father, he's honorable, with a strong sense of justice, although he does have a rebellious side as well. Excellent with a sword, too.
Jon Snow - Jon Snow is the black sheep of the Stark family, namely because he is not a Stark. Bastard children of the north are given the surname "Snow," and Catelyn Stark is not his mother. Since he won't inherit any lands or titles, he sought to find his place by joining the Night's Watch. There he watches from a wall of ice a wasteland full of ancient monsters and stuff. He carries around a torch, is very similar to his father, and has a giant wolf pet named Ghost.

* * *

House Lannister
For the most part, enemies with House Stark.

Tywin Lannister - Tywin Lannister is a wealthy, insightful, influential, and powerful man. When he was a teenager he completely exterminated a competing house, literally wiping the name "Reyne" from the Earth. He has many informants and cares about the legacy and reputation of House Lannister more than almost anything else.
Cersei Lannister - Cercei Lannister is as beautiful as she is backstabbing. Which is to say, very beautiful and very backstabbing. On the surface, she's the perfect lady, full of grace and charm. But just below the surface is a woman who is conniving, poisonous and prideful above all else. In other words, sort of a bitch! Twins with Jaime.
Jaime Lannister - Jaime Lannister is one of the greatest knights of the Kingsguard, a group of bodyguards sworn to protect the King. However, he has earned the nickname "Kingslayer" for killing the King (Mad King Aerys) he was sworn to protect. They call him honorless, but that doesn't change the skill he has with a sword. His last name also means he's super wealthy, which is pretty neat. Twins with Cersei. Has a sort of lazy, arrogant coolness about him.
Tyrion Lannister - Tyrion is a dwarf. Not the magical kind, a person with dwarfism. And he's sort of the reject of House Lannister, since none of his family likes him, despite the fact that he often has to fix their mistakes. He's extremely witty and tricky, but weak on the battlefield because of his stature.
Gregor Clegane - "Tywin's Mad Dog" they call him. He's an 8-foot-tall killing machine, with the tactical skills of an ape and the scaring skills of the Bottom of the Well from Ocarina of Time. He does Tyiwn's dirty work: pillaging, killing children, you name it. His huge size, addiction to painkillers and monstrous acts have left him mostly unfeeling.
Sandor Clegane - Gregor Clegane's younger brother. When he was a small boy, Gregor shoved his face into a hot fire, burning half of it, making him look pretty hideous. He's still an excellent swordsman, and incredibly loyal to House Lannister. He's no knight though, and hates all they stand for. He hates a lot of things, really.

* * *

House Baratheon
For the most part, friends with House Stark and enemies with House Targaryen.

Robert Baratheon - Robert Baratheon was once a fierce warrior and commander, crushing enemie and armies with his warhammer. Now he's sort of just a fat, lusty lecher. He still keeps up with the politics and plots of Westeros, but doesn't relish it the way other characters do. Hates the Targaryens for killing his love, Lyanna Stark.
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis is Robert's younger brother. Where Robert was easygoing, Stannis was stubborn and where Robert would let things slide, Stannis would deliver unflinching and merciless justice. A fierce naval commander and zealous believer in a the "Red God" of Melisandre. Also he will do whatever he can to spread information he believes to be true if it is what's right.
Melisandre - A red priestess of Asshai who became a loyal follower of Stannis Baratheon. She has magic powers, many relating to the use of fire, alchemy or poison. Believes she can see things in her fires.
Davos Seaworth - A smuggler who became a loyal follower of Stannis Baratheon. Will do what he can to advise or help him, and is a very trustworthy individual.
Renly Baratheon - Renly is Robert's youngest brother. Although he was never the warrior or commander his brothers were, his wit and looks have made him extremely popular with the commoners. Their love for him will surely give him hella armies someday. Oh, also he's totally gay.
Brienne of Tarth - A woman who would be a knight. Totally in love with Renly, and is completely dedicated to whatever cause he may pursue. Used to getting mocked for being a chick with a sword, but she's good with the sword so it doesn't matter that much. Very simple, not into the plots everybody else is obsessed with. Oh, also she's super tall and ugly.

* * *

House Targaryen
For the most part, enemies with House Baratheon.

Viserys Targaryen - The exiled Targaryen Prince. When Mad King Aerys was killed, the Targaryens were forced into hiding. As a result of this (or perhaps as a result of all the Targaryen inbreeding), he's gone sort of mad. Known as "The Beggar King" since he flees from place to place, begging for an army to take back the only home he ever knew. Also he gets really angry.
Illyrio Mopatis - The wealthy merchant who took in the Targaryens. Lives in the distant city of Pentos and plots to have the Targaryens ascend to power in Westeros by creating a war there.
Daenerys Targaryen - The exiled Targaryen Princess. Viserys had her married off to the savage tribal horde known as the Dothraki so that Khal Drogo might lead his horde to Westeros to take the throne back. She is shy and weak initially but learns to be strong like dragon. She also seeks vengeance for being exiled and her father being killed by the people there.
Khal Drogo - The savage leader of the Dothraki and husband of Daenerys Targaryen. Extremely strong and an incredible rider and fighter. Tough, terrifying and ambitious, there is little he could not do if he were determined, despite the simplicity of Dothraki culture.
Jorah Mormont - When Daenerys was given to the Dothraki, Jorah, another exile of Westeros, served as her guide. He's a knight who was sentenced to death for slaving, and has now found someone from Westeros to serve and counsel. But also, he's a spy!
Mirri Maz Duur - A witch that the Dothraki Horde happens across. Saved by Daenerys, she offers to help do cool magic stuff, like bring stuff back from the dead and set up poisons, cures and curses.

* * *

Third Parties
Could be aligned with anyone or no one.

Margaery Tyrell - The Tyrells are a powerful house that is moving up in the world. They rule over the lands of the south called "The Reach" the breadbasket of Westeros. Loved by her people (especially for bringing food to King's Landing, the capital), Margaery is trying to move up in the world. And for a woman, that means marrying somebody awesome.
Lysa Arryn - Lysa Arryn became unhinged when her husband died. Actually she's sort of a lunatic. She's paranoid, thinks she's seeing plots against her everywhere and has taken refuge in the mountain castle called The Eyrie. They kill people there by making them go through what is called the "Moon Door" where they fall to their deaths. Neat!
Theon Greyjoy - The only surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, the Lord of the Iron Islands. When the Greyjoys rebelled against the crown, Eddard Stark took Theon as his hostage and ward. He was raised alongside the other Starks, and is dark, witty, treacherous and good with a bow.
Varys - Varys is an enigmatic figure. A eunuch who rose to become a King's Advisor thanks to his network of spies. Little happens that he does not hear about, and its a mystery where his allegiances truly lie. Also he smells really nice.


- Yugi
- Mashi
- Liggy
- BlackDragonSlayer
- shadowkirby davy
- Bubbles
- Thiannon
- Zunawe
- fank009
- Olimar12345
- FSM-Reapr
- K-NiGhT TheZeldaPianist275
- FireArrow
- The Boy Who Cried Wolf


Nobody sits upon the Iron Throne. Somebody will be given the throne starting on Day 1. It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends Friday, May 31st at 8:00 PM CDT.


* * *

TWG 54: Game of Wolves
An elaborate 14-player mystery based on the TV show Game of Thrones.

1.   White Walker
2.   White Walker
3.   White Walker
4.   ??
5.   ??
6.   ??
7.   ??
8.   ??
9.   ??
10.   ??
11.   ??
12.   ??
13.   ??
14.   ??

The mythical world of Westeros is a land divided; seven noble houses rule the seven kingdoms of the continent. They feud, form alliances, backstab and plot against one another. A human player might get benefits from healing his allies and from killing his rivals. But will petty human in-fighting distract them from the real enemy—the white walkers, an ancient legion of creatures as ruthless and cruel as winter itself?

Every player (probably) will get a role which is aligned with a certain house. The other members of that house will be their allies, and the members of certain other houses will (probably) be their enemies. They will get benefits depending on what they do to those allies and enemies. But they don't know who is who. Despite this, all of the humans all have the same win condition (probably): eliminate the white walkers.

In addition to a role and a house, every player gets a fake role with which to false claim if they desire. White Walkers get two. These roles will feature characters a different allegiance. Now spoiler free! A character list will be provided, listing the name and allegiance of every real and fake role in the game. You don't need any familiarity with the show or book to perform extremely well in this game, since you should often be able to determine what powers a role might have by reading the description of that character.

And it's still a mystery game. Be prepared for twists, new mechanics, and other disasters to gum up your best laid plans.

* * *

Character List (Quick Reference)
Eddard Stark
Catelyn Stark
Bran Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Jon Snow

Tywin Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Gregor Clegane
Sandor Clegane

Robert Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
Davos Seaworth
Renly Baratheon
Brienne of Tarth

Viserys Targaryen
Illyrio Mopatis
Daenerys Targaryen
Khal Drogo
Jorah Mormont
Mirri Maz Duur

Margaery Tyrell
Lysa Arryn
Theon Greyjoy

Character List (with Descriptions)
Character List

There are 28 characters in this list, but only 11 of them are actual roles in this game. The other 17 are false roles given to players and White Walkers to allow them to false claim more easily. This lists each of those roles (real or fake) by their house allegiance, if any. Try not to make too many assumptions about the make-up of the game based on the list or your role PM; I peppered the game description with (probably)s for a reason--it's tricky! The White Walkers may not even be red! They could be white or something! Characters from this list were selected to be in the game at random, rather than based on their importance.

* * *

House Stark
For the most part, friends with House Baratheon and enemies with House Lannister.

Eddard Stark
Catelyn Stark
Bran Stark
Arya Stark
Robb Stark
Jon Snow

* * *

House Lannister
For the most part, enemies with House Stark.

Tywin Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Tyrion Lannister
Gregor Clegane
Sandor Clegane

* * *

House Baratheon
For the most part, friends with House Stark and enemies with House Targaryen.

Robert Baratheon
Stannis Baratheon
Davos Seaworth
Renly Baratheon
Brienne of Tarth

* * *

House Targaryen
For the most part, enemies with House Baratheon.

Viserys Targaryen
Illyrio Mopatis
Daenerys Targaryen
Khal Drogo
Jorah Mormont
Mirri Maz Duur

* * *

Third Parties
Could be aligned with anyone or no one.

Margaery Tyrell
Lysa Arryn
Theon Greyjoy

1. Yugi
2. Mashi
3. Liggy
4. BlackDragonSlayer
5. shadowkirby
6. Bubbles
7. Thiannon
8. Zunawe
9. fank009
10. Olimar12345
11. FSM-Reapr
12. K-NiGhT
13. FireArrow
14. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

(15. TheZeldaPianist)
(16. Davy)
(17. Greg)
(18. vermilionvermin)
(19. Jacob)

Parenthetical numbers are stand-by players for replacing sucky/inactive people. So don't be either of those things. Character descriptions will be added once I'm done writing the last few up.
Hey everyone! A couple of people expressed that they thought that host sign-up topics were coming up too quickly. I think they might prefer it if they were only put up after the current game was completed. There's pros and cons to each system:

Putting sign-ups up during current game
+ Little down-time between games
- Too many games too quickly could lead to burnout
- Players may feel rushed or want a break
- A player might be too busy to both play and post/analyze game in sign-ups

Putting sign-ups up after current game
+ Gives players a break
+ Gives players time to think about games they want to post/vote for
- Puts a large delay in between games

And there are other more extreme ideas as well. Maybe we should wait a week after the current game ends before putting up the next sign-up topic? I don't know! Just tell us what you all want, and if it's reasonable, we'll make it happen.

The Werewolf Game / TWG LIV: Host Sine-Ups
May 24, 2013, 09:45:11 PM
Let's see some games!

Players who may not attempt to host:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The poll will go up on Monday (the 27th) at 8:00 PM.

EDIT: Fixed the title for you!!!
Yeah, this is the sign-up topic if you'd like to host TWG 53. That's TWG LIII to our ancient Roman players. It's up a little early? Cry about it. We all do what we have to when it comes to showing Mashi up!!!

Ineligible Hosts:
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

And, if you didn't figure it out from the fact that they're already being used, the alternate accounts are now available for use. Feel free to incorporate them into your games however you'd like. Some ideas:
  • Create a "mystery player" who signs up by PM independently from everyone else.
  • Create a game where some players get to operate multiple accounts (on the same team, obviously).
  • Create a game where one player can take over other players' accounts.
  • Create a game with a "lights out" phase where everyone posts from the same account and only that account.

I'll update this post with the created games as they're posted.
  • TWG: The Musical - Yugi
    TWG: The Musical!

    1. Master Wolf: Can start a song at any time.
    2. Wolf Shaman
    3. Wolf

    4. Seer:
    5. Guardian: Can start a song at any point in the game.
    6. Human
    7. Human
    8. Human
    9. Human: Can start a song at any time.
    10. Human
    11. Miller: Can start a song at any time.
    12. Miller

    Song Mechanics.

    1.   Sometimes, I will start singing in the thread, other people must continue the song until someone reaches the last line of the song.
    2.   If a song ends, and some people haven't sung. I will give them a phantom.
    3.   If all the players have participated in a song and the song has not been sung in for 30 minutes, me or a co-host will finish it.
    4.   Certain roles can start songs of their own, see role list for more details.
    5.   If someone who isn't allowed to sing tries to start a song, I will stop the song and warn that person.
    6.   Try to make songs shorter than 3 minutes.
    7.   When starting a song, put a youtube link in it, so that people know what song it is.

    Yes. I made singing a mechanic.
    Yes. I am entirely serious about this.

    Extension goals are possible.
  • TWG: Game of Wolves - Bird

    * * *

    TWG 63: Game of Wolves
    An elaborate 14-player mystery based on the TV show Game of Thrones.

    1.   White Walker
    2.   White Walker
    3.   White Walker
    4.   ??
    5.   ??
    6.   ??
    7.   ??
    8.   ??
    9.   ??
    10.   ??
    11.   ??
    12.   ??
    13.   ??
    14.   ??

    The mythical world of Westeros is a land divided; seven noble houses rule the seven kingdoms of the continent. They feud, form alliances, backstab and plot against one another. A human player might get benefits from healing his allies and from killing his rivals. But will petty human in-fighting distract them from the real enemy—the white walkers, an ancient legion of creatures as ruthless and cruel as winter itself?

    Every player (probably) will get a role which is aligned with a certain house. The other members of that house will be their allies, and the members of certain other houses will (probably) be their enemies. They will get benefits depending on what they do to those allies and enemies. But they don't know who is who. Despite this, all of the humans all have the same win condition (probably): eliminate the white walkers.

    In addition to a role and a house, every player gets a fake role with which to false claim if they desire. White Walkers get two. These roles will feature characters a different allegiance. Now spoiler free! A character list will be provided, listing the name and allegiance of every real and fake role in the. You don't need any familiarity with Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire to dominate either, since most of the roles' powers don't match up very well with their character.

    And it's still a mystery game. Be prepared for twists, random mechanics, and other disasters to gum up your best laid plans.

    Character List

    There are 28 characters in this list, but only 11 of them are actual roles in this game. The other 17 are false roles given to players and White Walkers to allow them to false claim more easily. This lists each of those roles (real or fake) by their house allegiance, if any. Try not to make too many assumptions about the make-up of the game based on the list or your role PM; I peppered the game description with (probably)s for a reason--it's tricky! The White Walkers may not even be red! They could be white or something! Characters from this list were selected to be in the game at random, rather than based on their importance.

    Quick List:

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy

    * * *

    House Stark
    For the most part, friends with House Baratheon and enemies with House Lannister.

    Eddard Stark
    Catelyn Stark
    Bran Stark
    Arya Stark
    Robb Stark
    Jon Snow

    * * *

    House Lannister
    For the most part, enemies with House Stark.

    Tywin Lannister
    Cersei Lannister
    Jaime Lannister
    Tyrion Lannister
    Gregor Clegane
    Sandor Clegane

    * * *

    House Baratheon
    For the most part, friends with House Stark and enemies with House Targaryen.

    Robert Baratheon
    Stannis Baratheon
    Davos Seaworth
    Renly Baratheon
    Brienne of Tarth

    * * *

    House Targaryen
    For the most part, enemies with House Baratheon.

    Viserys Targaryen
    Illyrio Mopatis
    Daenerys Targaryen
    Khal Drogo
    Jorah Mormont
    Mirri Maz Duur

    * * *

    Third Parties
    Could be aligned with anyone or no one.

    Margaery Tyrell
    Lysa Arryn
    Theon Greyjoy
  • TWG: All the King's Men - MaestroUGC
    To host or not to host - that is the question -
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous vote counts,
    Or to take arms against a sea of wolves,
    And by opposing end them? - To die, - to vote, -
    No more

    Why the hell not?

    TWG LIII – All the King's Men
    War! There is great civil unrest, and a conspiracy has been uncovered to kill the King. A coup has been staged, and it is your job to find the conspirators and bring them to justice. Most of the movement has been apprehended, but 4 of the conspirators have gone undetected and they are capable of acting out their intentions.

     - The King has Full Authority, only the one who "Wears the Crown" is allowed to lynch somebody.
     - The one in Power sends the Host a PM with His/Her choice.
     - The Public (All players excluding the King and the Prince [Royalty]) can opt to Veto the Crown Bearer's choice through Public Vote, acted through the Prime Minister.
     - Vetos requires a 2/3 majority vote for success. This is counted for total possible vote count. The King and Prince cannot vote. Game start: 2/3=10 votes out of 15 total.
     - The King and Prince know each other. All of the wolves know each other.
     - State of Powers is as follows: King>Prince>Council>Public Vote
     - The Public Vote functions like normal voting. One lynch per day, wolfings occur as normal.
     - There will be an announcement each time the Crown moves, or when the game enters into Public Voting. It will not be announced on which player the Crown sits.
     - Wolves win when their numbers equal the humans. Humans win when all of the wolves are dead.

    16 Players:
    Master Wolf – The mastermind behind the movement.
    2 Wolves – 2 soldiers dedicated to the movement.
    Charismatic Wolf – the King's Council, a traitor; if he is killed, one name of a conspirator will be announced (Master Wolf's name is last on the list for reveal). If he dies while in power then the lynching will revert to a State of Panic, regardless of the state of the Prime Minister.

    The King – Our sovereign leader, if he dies power goes to the Prince.
    The Prince – Next in line for the throne, if both the King and Prince Die, the Charismatic Wolf assumes Power.
    Prime Minister – Has double voting power.
    The Royal Guard – Guardian
    8 Citizens – People loyal to the King

    There is no seer, so the colors are mainly for show/makes it easier to tell the roles apart. I'll clear up the language later, since I'm big on theming I plan on using terms and phrases when posting updates and the like.
The Werewolf Game / TWG New Account Rules
April 25, 2013, 08:06:02 PM
The following accounts have been created for anonymous games:

1. TWG Mario
2. TWG Luigi
3. TWG Bowser
4. TWG Yoshi
5. TWG Waluigi
6. TWG Link
7. TWG Kirby
8. TWG Pikachu
9. TWG Samus
10. TWG Fox
11. TWG DK
12. TWG Falcon
13. TWG Pit
14. TWG Snake
15. TWG Sonic
16. TWG Master Chief
17. TWG Ness
18. TWG Tingle
19. TWG Haruhi Suzumiya
20. [TBD]

This thread will detail how these accounts will be used as well as what rules are associated with them. These will eventually be added to the rules topic, but I feel an announcement like this is necessary for such a radical change.

Once your game wins, you can put up a sign-up topic. At this point, if you want to utilize the special accounts, send Bird a PM specifying which of the 20 accounts you would like to use. You'll get the passwords to those accounts, and you can distribute those passwords to the players whenever you want (either at the beginning for an anonymous game or in the middle if you just want an anonymous phase). You can give players multiple anonymous accounts as well. After the post-game goes up, the passwords of the accounts will be changed, and the users will be locked out.

1. Under no circumstances is a player or host permitted to modify the email address associated with any of the anonymous accounts. This will result in a permanent ban.
2. The anonymous accounts are not permitted to post in any topic besides the game one for which they were distributed.
3. Hosts will be given the passwords to each anonymous account, but they are not allowed to log into those accounts to gather information.
4. Hosts are allowed to change the avatars and signatures of these accounts prior to the game thread going up. If he or she elects to do so, players are disallowed from modifying the accounts or signatures. It is the host's responsibility to return the accounts to normal.
5. Players may change the avatars of each account as long as the avatar is still clearly representative of the account name. They are not permitted to change the signatures.
6. Hosts may place additional restrictions on each of these accounts regarding changes or posting styles, but it is up to him to enforce these rules.

This topic will be stickied for like a week, then the rules will be incorporated into the rules topic. As always, if you have any questions/comments/complaints/suggestions, here is the place to voice them!
The Werewolf Game / TWG Idea
April 13, 2013, 01:02:11 PM
Not too long ago, SlowPokemon came up with a very interesting game idea. Instead of the players playing on their own accounts, they would each be given a new account. This would lead to a very interesting anonymous game, which would be awesome in my opinion. The problem is that all these accounts would have very specific anime names like Tsuruya and Okabe, so that if somebody else wanted to do an anonymous game, they'd have to make 12 new accounts.

What I'm proposing is that we set up 20 new accounts right now. They could follow a very generic naming schema (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta; Ant, Bear, Cat, Dog), and be run by a member of the TWC. Whenever a host wanted to run an anonymous game, or a game featuring anonymous phases, they could get all the passwords and distribute those passwords to the players. After the game, the passwords would all be reset. This way, the same set of accounts would be used for all anonymous games.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Should we do it? And if so, what should all the accounts be named?