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Topics - the_last_sheikah

TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1)Fenrir: Nocturne
2)Bakasura: davy

3)Agni: BDS
4)Kumbhakarna: them
5)Nemesis: Bird
6)Ah Muzen Cab: Latios212
7)Sun Wukong: Bubbles
8 )Geb: AwesomeYears
9)Nox: Maelstrom

All around, pretty good game I think, the end started to drag a bit, but either way, congratulations to the human team!
Post game analysis will be up...soon. Promise ;)
TWG 77: Smite: Battleground of the Gods

1)Fenrir: The Unbound, can vigi' one player only once, at any time
2)Bakasura: The Great Devourer, Will always win the buff camp attempted

3)Agni: God of Fire, If the person they vote to lynch survives, it will be announced to the thread that the survivor has been burned.
4)Kumbhakarna: The Sleeping Giant, takes 2 hits to kill
5)Nemesis: Goddess of Revenge, if killed, the last player to vote for her lynching/wolf who sent the PM/vigi'd her, will die(effect will not be active night 1)(player killed will be counted as vigi'd)
6)Ah Muzen Cab: God of Bees, lynch votes count as 1.1 votes
7)Sun Wukong: The Monkey King, cannot be lynched
8)Geb: God of Earth, cannot be vigi'd
9)Nox: Goddess of Night, if killed, the next night phase is skipped

Gimmick: Buff Camps
Each day phase, 2 random Buff Camps will spawn.  Players will send a PM with the buff they want to get.  Players will have a 1/(# of players attempting that camp) chance of winning it (unless Bakasura is one of them).  Buffs only last the following night phase(save for fire giant buff), and it is announced to the thread who attacked which camp. The possible buffs are:

-Damage Camp: Player's votes are x2 next day phase
-Mana Camp: Player gets a one use seer
-Fire Giant: Player cannot be wolfed or lynched the following day
-Gold Fury: Player gets a one use revive
-Attack Speed Camp: Player will win a KitB the next day phase
-XP Camp: Player cannot be lynched, but cannot vote

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. AwesomeYears
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. maelstrom
5. Bird
6. Latios212
7. them
8. Bubbles
9. davy

Wolves will be told their roles, Gods will only be told that they are a God, not which one.

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end March 20 at 10:00PM EST.
The Damage Camp has spawned!
The Attack Speed Camp has spawned!
PC / Smite
February 18, 2015, 09:28:24 PM
I'm surprised there isn't a topic for this yet.  It's a free to play third person MOBA, and it's a lot of fun.  Download it here and add me as a friend.  My username is TheBoz.

Gaming / Video Game survey
April 18, 2013, 02:00:16 PM
I need people to fill out a survey for my sociology project, so if you could take a minute or two to fill this out for me that'd be great.  Thank you.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue Postgame
March 12, 2013, 04:18:34 PM
TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue

1. The Meta: Bubbles7689

2. Agent South Dakota: K-NiGhT
3. Agent Wyoming: TheZeldaPianist275
4. Agent Washington: Vermilionvermin

Reds and Blues:(humans)
5. Church: Mashi
6. Tucker: BlackDragonSlayer
7. Caboose: wolf
8. Sarge: Yugi
9. Sister: FSM-Reapr
10. Lopez the Heavy: blueflower999
11. Grif: Waddlebro
12. Simmons: Hunter of Souls
13. Doughnut: Mr. Tanooki Suit
14. Doc: popo447
15. Junior: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Humans WON!

A.I. distribution:
Day 1:
-TZP = Epsilon (lynched)
-Mr. T = Sigma (stolen)
-verm = delta
-FSM = gamma
-Blue = omega
-Waddle = theta

Night 2:
-verm = delta
-FSM = gamma
-Waddle = theta and omega

Day 2: (bubbles lynched and all A.I. destroyed)
-verm = delta
-Yugi = gamma
-Blue = omega
-Waddle = theta

I'll be honest, I was glad to host this game and soooooo many times did I practically cream my pants when someone found out a game-changer, and boy did that happen often!  Unfortunately, only 2 A.I.s were used all game(not counting omega), and because Bubbles and verm were lynched so early, a lot of the new powers never got used.  I understand why, but it's kinda a let down that K-NiGhT just gave up at then end, oh well.  Good game every one, maybe I'll write a player analysis someday. ::)
So if you didn't already know, my friends and I have started a gaming channel on Youtube.  We're still working on being more consistent with release times, but for now I'll probably be posting some of the videos here too anyhow.

Here's a new one where I make my friend Dan play Kirby's Epic Yarn.

Hope you guys enjoy what we do.  Stay tuned for more videos in the future.
Forum Games / Random Fact Time GO!!!
March 04, 2013, 07:40:44 PM
Simple, post the first random fact that comes to your head.  Anything goes, but please use spoiler tags if it's NSFW.
Ready? GO!

Americans collectively consume approximately 900 billion calories each day.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue
February 26, 2013, 05:25:01 PM
TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue

1. The Meta: Cannot be wolfed/sniped/vigi'd.  Sends Host a PM each phase with a player's name.  If that player has an A.I., the Meta steals the A.I. and the player dies.

2. Agent South Dakota: If South has an A.I. when she is lynched/vigi'd/brutaled/attacked by the Meta, she can sacrifice her A.I., and future use of A.I., in exchange for survival.
3. Agent Wyoming: Wolf Sniper
4. Agent Washington: Wolf painter.  Can't use A.I.s, but can receive them(they will be transferred at the end of the phase)

Reds and Blues:(humans)
5. Church: Seer, can't use A.I.s, but can receive them(they will be transferred at the end of the phase)
6. Tucker: Vigi, if the Meta is Vigi'd, Tucker dies instead.  One use only.
7. Caboose: Guardian
8. Sarge: Brutal human.  Knows he is the brutal human.
9. Sister: Takes 2 hits to kill. Told she is a regular human.
10. Lopez the Heavy: During the day, Lopez will be seered as blue.  At night, he will be seered as red.  Told he is a regular human.
11. Grif: Human
12. Simmons: Human
13. Doughnut: Human
14. Doc: Human
15. Junior: Human

A.I. units(items):
-Omega: Your vote counts as 3.
-Gamma: You may extend the phase by 24 hours or end the phase instantly.
-Delta: You can PM the host and ask either how many wolves remain, how many A.I.s the Meta has, or to seer someone.
-Epsilon: You may freely talk with dead players via PM for 1 phase only.  PMs must be sent through the host.
-Theta: You may send the host a message that will be posted anonymously at the end of the phase.
-Sigma: You may nullify one player's vote and power that phase.

-The Meta wins if he gets all the A.I.s.
-The Meta is not part of either team.
-If the Meta is lynched, all A.I. units are destroyed.
-The A.I.s are randomly distributed night one.  After they are used, they are randomly given to another player.  A player who dies with an A.I. automatically gives the Meta their A.I.
-A player can hold onto an A.I. as long as they want(except omega).  But if you have 2 or more A.I. in your possession for more than one phase(day or night), you will die and the Meta gains both A.I.

4.The Boy Who Cried Wolf
9.Hunter of Souls
11.Mr. Tanooki Suit
15. popo447

PMs will be sent out soon.
TWG XLIX: Red vs. Blue

1. The Meta: Cannot be wolfed/sniped/vigi'd.  Sends Host a PM each phase with a player's name.  If that player has an A.I., the Meta steals the A.I. and the player dies.

2. Agent South Dakota: If South has an A.I. when she is lynched/vigi'd/brutaled/attacked by the Meta, she can sacrifice her A.I., and future use of A.I., in exchange for survival.
3. Agent Washington: Wolf painter.  Can't use A.I.s, but can receive them(they will be transferred at the end of the phase)

Reds and Blues:(humans)
4. Agent Texas: Traitor
5. Church: Seer, can't use A.I.s, but can receive them(they will be transferred at the end of the phase)
6. Tucker: Vigi, if the Meta is Vigi'd, Tucker dies instead.  One use only.
7. Caboose: Guardian
8. Sarge: Brutal human.  Knows he is the brutal human.
9. Sister: Takes 2 hits to kill. Told she is a regular human.
10. Lopez the Heavy: During the day, Lopez will be seered as blue.  At night, he will be seered as red.  Told he is a regular human.
11. Grif: Human
12. Simmons: Human
13. Doughnut: Human
14. Doc: Human

A.I. units(items):
-Omega: Your vote counts as 3.
-Gamma: You may extend the phase by 24 hours or end the phase instantly.
-Delta: You can PM the host and ask either how many wolves remain, how many A.I.s the Meta has, or to seer someone.
-Epsilon: You may freely talk with dead players via PM for 1 phase only.  PMs must be sent through the host.
-Theta: You may send the host a message that will be posted anonymously at the end of the phase.
-Sigma: You may nullify one player's vote and power that phase.

-The Meta wins if he gets all the A.I.s.
-The Meta is not part of either team.
-If the Meta is lynched, all A.I. units are destroyed.
-The A.I.s are randomly distributed night one.  After they are used, they are randomly given to another player.  A player who dies with an A.I. automatically gives the Meta their A.I.
-A player can hold onto an A.I. as long as they want(except omega).  But if you have 2 or more A.I. in your possession for more than one phase(day or night), you will die and the Meta gains both A.I.

4.The Boy Who Cried Wolf
9.Hunter of Souls
11.Mr. Tanooki Suit
After a long and incredible game WOLVES WIN!!!

1. davy
2. Dude
3. Mashi

Reminder: The wolves do not know each other.

4. blueflower999
5. spitllama
6. The Boy Who Cried Wolf
7. K-NiGhT
8. Jub3r7
9. shadowkirby
10. Bubbles7689

11. gzgregory
12. BlackDragonSlayer

The teams:
9. Zubat
21. Azumarill
29. Celebi
46. Turtwig
56. Froslass
68. Beeheeyem

8. Jigglypuff
24. Wobbuffet
33. Ludicolo
37. Shedinja
55. Lucario
66. Ducklett


3. Squirtle
17. Chikorita
32. Mudkip
39. Pluse
54. Bronzong
69. Chandelure

6. Nidorina
20. Xatu
31. Torchic
38. Loudred
59. Oshawott
72. Mandibuzz

1. Bulbasaur
13. Electrode
34. Shiftry
47. Chimchar
60. Audino
64. Zoroark

5. Pikachu
15. Magikarp
25. Steelix
41. Milotic
53. Skuntank
62. Scrafty

The Boy Who Cried Wolf:
10. Diglett
18. Cyndaquil
36. Slakoth
45. Metagross
52. Drifiblim
63. Sigilyph

7. Clefable
22. Sudowoodo
27. Delibird
48. Piplup
51. Vespiquen
67. Klang

12. Drowzee
23. Murkrow
30. Treecko
43. Chimecho
50. Bidoof
61. Darmanitan

2. Charmander
16. Ditto
35. Gardevoir
44. Salamence
57. Snivy
70. Golurk

4. Rattata
14. Weezing
26. Shuckle
40. Minun
49. Jirachi
71. Braviary

11. Alakazam
19. Totodile
28. Smeragle
42. Kecleon
58. Tepig
65. Gothielle

Player analysis up tomorrow, probably.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XLIV: The Pokemon League
November 26, 2012, 06:36:17 PM
TWG XLIV: The Pokemon League
*Hosted by the_last_sheikah and Waddle Bro*

The game's universal effect: Items and Cardflip
Each player will be given 6 Balls, one for each set;
1 Master Ball
1 Ultra Ball
2 Great Balls
2 Poke Balls
Pokemon have special powers told in the description. EX: Smeragle, can paint a person once.
Each player will get a total of 6 Pokemon. You can catch your Pokemon Night 0, after the role PMs have been distributed. There will be no wolfing Night 0. In order to get the 6 Pokemon and a PM to the host with 6 Pokemon and the Balls you want to catch them. HOWEVER, if another player throws a Ball that has a better catch rate(Poke<Great<Ultra<Master) that player will get that Pokemon. Meaning the player's Ball will be wasted. If there are two same type of Balls on a Pokemon, the player who gets the Pokemon is chosen randomly. The loser wastes his/her Ball. All the Pokemon that get nobody chose, will randomly be given to people with 5 Pokemon or less so that every player has a total of 6 Pokemon. Players can trade their Pokemon with other players. In order to trade, both players have to approach the host by PM and tell what Pokemon they get, give and with who.

After all 12 players have signed in, the games begins and the roles and Pokemon will be given. You can use your Pokemon as items as many times as the Pokemon description tells. EX: "Smeragle, can paint a player once" After a Pokemon is no longer usable, it will faint.
A player can only use one Pokemon/phase.
A player can trade only one Pokemon in the entire game. You cannot trade fainted Pokemon.
Pokemon do not faint when a player dies.
Wolfings and starter powers happen by voting. EX: Players A, B and D are wolves. Player A and B vote for Player C. Player D votes for Player E. Player C=66% of the votes=Player C gets wolfed.

The Rivals(Wolves):

1. Rival
2. Rival
3. Rival

The wolves don't know eachother.

The Trainers(Humans):

4. Trainer
5. Trainer
6. Trainer
7. Trainer
8. Trainer
9. Trainer
10. Trainer

11. Trainer (will be told that (s)he's green)
12. Trainer (will be told that (s)he's green)

Starter Powers:
Grass:  Guardian (Night 1), Public Pokemon reveal(Night 2), Revive one Player (Night 3 until the end of the game)
Fire:  Stop the use of one Pokemon (Night 1), Give one player a Brutal power for the rest of the game (Night 2), Vigi (Night 3 until the end of the game)
Water:  Paint (Night 1), Psychic (Night 2, doesn't need a voting), Public Seering (Night 3 until the end of the game)

Starter Pokemon evolve every night.

SET 1:
STARTER, GRASS 1. Bulbasaur, if the player chooses the player with the Squirtle, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, FIRE 2. Charmander, if the player chooses the player with the Bulbasaur, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, WATER 3. Squirtle, if the player chooses the player with the Charmander, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
4. Rattata, the player can avoid a certain Pokemon's effect for one phase by PMing the host with the Pokemon's name. One-time use.
5. Pikachu, can make a player unable to use any Pokemon for one phase. One-time use.
6. Nidorina, if the player with this Pokemon is attacked by a Pokemon who's effect that is able to be used two times, that Pokemon will faint and nothing happens to the attacked player.
7. Clefable, the player can choose one player in the Night. After that Night is over, the player will be told what Pokemon did that player use that Night. Two-time use.
8. Jigglypuff, can make a player unable to use any Pokemon for one phase. One-time use.
9. Zubat, the player can choose two players during Night. The Pokemon of those two players will target each other this Night. One-time use.
10. Diglett, the player sends a PM during a phase. That player is immune to all effects for that phase. One-time use.
11. Alakazam, can seer a player during Night. One-time use.
12. Drowzee, the player can choose one player and a Pokemon that player has(must be correct, otherwise the power will be wasted). The chosen player will use that Pokemon. One-time use.

SET 2:
13. Electrode, when the player holding Electrode is lynched, he must choose one player(if not, the player will be chosen randomly). The person chosen will be announced publicly. That player is one vote away from an insta for the next Day Phase. Will happen automaticly.
14. Weezing, when the player holding Weezing is lynched, he must choose one player(if not, the player will be chosen randomly). The person chosen will not be announced publicly. That player is one vote away from an insta for the next Day Phase. Will happen automaticly.
15. Magikarp, nothing happens.
16. Ditto, the player chooses a player. Ditto will transform to one of that player's Pokemon for the next Night Phase. Cannot transform into a fainted Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, GRASS 17. Chikorita, if the player chooses the player with the Totodile, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, FIRE 18. Cyndaquil, if the player chooses the player with the Chikorita, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, WATER 19. Totodile, if the player chooses the player with the Cyndaquil, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
20. Xatu, can seer a player during Day. One-time use.
21. Azumarill, the player names a player. He/she will find out one randomly chosen Pokemon from that player. Two-time use.
22. Sudowoodo, the player can make a player immune to all effects this Phase. Two-time use.
23. Murkrow, When a player dies, the player can find out that player's team. One-time use.
24. Wobbuffet, the player can redirect a players' Pokemon targets. Can use this power more than once in a phase. Cannot redirect a power to the player(s) chosen. Three-time use.

SET 3:
25. Steelix, the player can steal a random Pokemon from a dead player. He/she will give this Pokemon to the dead player in exchange. One-time use.
26. Shuckle, can send a PM to a dead player and the dead player can answer it.(MUST BE SENT TO THE HOST, HE WILL SEND THAT PM TO THE OTHER PLAYER) The message is allowed to have max. 200 characters in it.
27. Delibird, May choose one Pokemon to trade to a specific player. The other person will have to chose a Pokemon to give to Delibird's owner. One-time use.
28. Smeragle, can paint a player. Three-time use.
29. Celebi, can go back or go forward in time a phase(no wolfings or lynchings will happen that phase) immediately after the PM has been sent, but two phases later you will skip/go back(opposite to the option chosen before one phase) one phase.(EX1: The player uses Celebi Day 1 to go back. No lynching happens. It's Night 1 again. BUT, Night 2 will be skipped, meaning after Day 1, there will be Day 2.  EX2: The player uses Celebi Night 2 to go forward in time to Day 2. No wolfing happens. BUT, after Day 2 ends, it'll be Night 2 again. One-time use.
STARTER, GRASS 30. Treecko, if the player chooses the player with the Mudkip, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, FIRE 31. Torchic, if the player chooses the player with the Treecko, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, WATER 32. Mudkip, if the player chooses the player with the Torchic, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
33. Ludicolo, the player can take one random wolfing vote and change it to a randomly chosen person. One-time use.
34. Shiftry, the player can choose a player. That player's Pokemon targets a randomly chosen person instead of the one it already targeted/targets. One-time use.
35. Gardevoir, can guard a player. Doesn't guard from Pokemon. One-time use.
36. Slakoth, the person holding this Pokemon can only use one Pokemon at Night. But that player can use his/her Pokemon twice every Night(making any "one-time uses" into "two-time uses and "two-time uses" into "four-time uses", but nothing will happen to "three-time uses"). Optional. The player must choose will (s)he use this option in Night 1.

SET 4:
37. Shedinja, the player holding Shedinja always wins in a KitB.
38. Loudred, in the beginning of Night 1, the player holding Loudred will be revealed. EX: Player A has Loudred!
39. Pluse, the player holding Pluse knows the color of the player holding Minun. Cannot be traded.
40. Minun, the player holding Minun knows the color of the player holding Pluse. Cannot be traded.
41. Milotic, the player can choose a Pokemon. He/She will be told who has that Pokemon. One-time use.
42. Kecleon, the player holding Kecleon is seered red if a wolf has voted for him/her in the lynchings or wolfings. Will happen automaticly.
43. Chimecho, the player can revive a player for the next Day Phase. However, when that player gets even one lynching or wolfing vote, he/she will die immediately. The revived person can't use any of his/her Pokemon. One-time use.
44. Salamence, the player can choose a Pokemon. He/She will be told who has that Pokemon. One-time use.
45. Metagross, the player can choose a Pokemon. He/She will be told who has that Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, GRASS 46. Turtwig, if the player chooses the player with the Piplup, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, FIRE 47. Chimchar,  if the player chooses the player with the Turtwig, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, WATER 48. Piplup,  if the player chooses the player with the Chimchar, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.

SET 5:
49. Jirachi, the player's lynching and wolfing vote is always transferred 2 phases forward.
EX: Player votes for Player B in Day 1. The vote will count in the Day 2. Meaning the vote in Day 1=0.
50. Bidoof, the player can use Bidoof to make one extra use for one of his/her chosen Pokemon. Cannot be used on a fainted Pokemon. Two-time use.
51. Vespiquen, can vote in starter powers. Two-time use.
52. Drifiblim, when the Player holding Drifiblim dies, he/she must choose one player(if he/she doesn't, the player will be chosen randomly). The chosen player's starter power vote counts as 0.
53. Skuntank, when the Player holding Skuntank dies, he/she must choose one player(if he/she doesn't, the player will be chosen randomly). The chosen player's starter power vote counts as 0.
54. Bronzong, the player who's holding Bronzong, can get seering results from the last person who used their Pokemon. Two-time use. (EX: Player A uses a Bronzong. Player B uses a Pokemon 11.30 PM. Player C uses a Pokemon 11.57. The phase ends. Player A will get seering results from Player C.)
55. Lucario, can seer only for red players during Night. Two-time use.
56. Froslass, the player can choose one other player. He/she can't use any Pokemon for the next phase. One-time use.
STARTER, GRASS 57. Snivy, if the player chooses the player with the Oshawott, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, FIRE 58. Tepig,  if the player chooses the player with the Snivy, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
STARTER, WATER 59. Oshawott,  if the player chooses the player with the Tepig, the player will find out all of that player's Pokemon. One-time use.
60. Audino, the player can choose a Pokemon. If it's dead, it can be revived(unless it's owner is dead). One-time use.

SET 6:
61. Darmanitan, the player can guard during Night. One-time use.
62. Scrafty, the player can choose a player during Day. If the chosen player dies, the player holding Scrafty will be told all of the fainted Pokemon of the chosen player. NOTICE: Pokemon do not faint when a player dies. Two-time use.
63. Sigilyph, the player will choose one player in Night 1. The player will get seering results from that person every Night.
64. Zoroark, the player can choose if the host would send him a PM with all the fainted Pokemon so far. The player can choose one fainted Pokemon and Zoroark will copycat it's power. One-time use.
65. Gothielle, the player can psychic(=will be told how many wolves are left). One-time use.
66. Ducklett, can protect the player from Pokemon for one phase. One-time use.
67. Klang, the player holding Klang knows the color of the players holding Minun and Pluse. Cannot be traded.
68. Beeheeyem, the player holding Beeheeyem will be immediately told if there is a seering on a player(s) during the phase this effect is activated. The player can change the seering target(s) at someone else. One-time use.
69. Chandelure, the player may vote for wolfings. If used by a wolf, the wolf has 2 wolfing votes. One-time use.
70. Golurk, can protect the player from Pokemon for one phase. One-time use.
71. Braviary, if the player who's holding Braviary founds out who has the Mandibuzz, he/she will find out that player's color. One-time use.
72. Mandibuzz, if the player who's holding Mandibuzz founds out who has the Braviary, he/she will find out that player's color. One-time use.

1. Youngster BlackDragonSlayer
2. Artist K-NiGhT
3. Beauty Bubbles7689
4. Aroma Lady/Guy blueflower999
5. PI shadowkirby
6. Veteran Dude
7. The Fisherman Who Cried Wolf
8. Black Belt gzgregory
9. Cooltrainer Mashi
10. Ace Trainer spitllama
11. Gentleman davy
12. PokéManiac Jub3r7

PMs will be distributed shortly.  Send Waddle your PM with the pokemon you want and in which ball.  Phase ends when all players have their pokemon (a.k.a., time differences suck).
1. Liquid Snake - Gzgregory
2. Solid Snake - Bubbles

3. Big Boss Snake - Verm
4. Badger Badger Badger Snake - Spitllama
5. Human Doctor - K-NiGhT/SFK
6. Seer - Maestro
7. Cool Guy - Mashi

8. Human(immune) - Bird
9. Human(immune) - FSM

10. Human- Socialfox
11. Human- Mr. Saturn
12. Human- Blueflower
13. Human- Jub3r7
14. Human- Spyro
15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Wry/Dude
16. Raiden who hisses - kman

And now, player analysis, with Bird:

the_last_sheikah was kind enough to let me do the post game anlyses. I'd say that it was a very good game overall. First I'm going to discuss the game itself, and the hosting, then I'll go over how each of the teams did, then finally I'll discuss each individual player.

The Game and Host: There were a few hiccups, but I think the_last_sheikah, despite all his self-deprecation, did a great job as host. There were a few hiccups, but none really broke the game. For somebody's second hosting, on a game as complex as this (one he didn't even create) I don't think we could have asked for much more. Thank you for stepping up to the plate and hosting the game for us!
As for the game itself, it didn't necessarily go as planned. The poisons were very easily avoided by overlapping them then curing the person who was doubly poisoned. I wish somebody had pointed out this hole I overlooked, but oh well! The millers never really came into play either, and the seer was removed early. But despite the fact that the game's little mechanics didn't really work out in game, I think that the game went really well. Even though not a lot of people died due to poison, the poisonings were still a very important element of gameplay. The wolves actually used the poisons to create an excellent defense for Gzgregory. If I could remake the game, there are definitely things I would have changed, but I think that the players helped make a flawed game design really shine.

The Wolves: Outstanding performances, all four of you. Not much more needs to be said. The humans were really eating out of your hands the whole time. Clever move with how you handled poisoning GZG as well. There were a few circumstantial things that helped you out, such as Maestrogate, verm being green and some very inactive humans, but I think there's a good chance you would have dominated regardless. Really excellent work. More detailed analyses in the player-by-player.
Two quick questions though: Did you guys attempt to get Maestro lynched by wolfing blueflower? And how did you avoid getting caught sending PMs?

The Humans: For the most part, I think the humans did a very good job as well. This game was very active, and some people really gave it their all. Mashi, Jub3r7, FSM, SocialFox and Kman spring to mind. Unfortunately, the activity didn't translate into catching the wolves. I'm sure we'll learn from this experience though and get them next time!

On the flip-side, there were some players whose performances were definitely lacking. I'll be more specific (and perhaps unpleasantly harsh) in the player-by-player, but the main culprit was inactivity. This game is a shining example of how it can cripple the human team. If there are skilled wolves who act like humans, I think it's pretty reasonable for the humans go for players who have literally posted fewer than 5 times. Who knows how the game may have turned out if Wrydryn and Mr. Saturn were as active as some of the other humans in this game.

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link!


Mashi: I thought you did a very, VERY good job. The last time you were human in a game with me, you were very neutral about everything, not providing suspicions when asked, generally not being terribly helpful! You were almost the exact opposite this game, actively doing detective work and talking to people. Ultimately, you made the mistake (that pretty much everyone made) of trusting Verm too much. Additionally, perhaps in future games you could be more stubborn in your opinions. You thought Dude was human, but then after 30 minutes of discussion with Verm, you had him as one of your four wolves! Overall, a splendid performance, and very deserving of the HUMAN MVP.

Verm: Goddamn, dude! Impeccable performance, solidifying your position as probably the most terrifying wolf I've ever encountered. Being seered green night 1 was a massive stroke of luck, but I doubt it would have mattered. You had everyone trusting you in the end. I'd like to tell you how you could improve as a wolf, but it's hard to beat perfection. Congrats, and enjoy being the OVERALL MVP.

Bubbles7689: Well done. The only reason anybody really suspected you at the end was because they were running out of people to suspect. You could have been more active towards the beginning, but your suspicion list at the end (as well as seeming very helpful) really helped!

SocialFox: I think this is your first game, if I'm not mistaken. If so, good job. The false claim was definitely not traditional, and it may not have been the smartest thing to do in retrospect, but it was a really creative way of trying to assist the human team. I hope to see more clever plans like that in the future, but make sure you consider the consequences such plans might have. And sorry about you getting wolfed so early!
*host note* Your false claim to save a human was admirable, and similar to what I did my first game.  I have high hopes for you in future TWG.

Mr. Saturn: For a guy who claimed to like TWG so much, you really were useless. I don't really know why you signed up even, you were just dead weight for the first few phases, and lynch fodder for the later ones. And you said you were always this inactive! That really makes me sad. Try to be more active in the future! When you win as a human thanks to your hard work, you'll really enjoy it.

Bird: That's me. I'm really kicking myself for being so easily fooled by the wolves, but they did a great job. Surprisingly, my downfall was being not hardheaded enough when it came to my suspicions. I was ready to lynch both Verm and Spit at one point, but gave up when I saw their defenses. It's odd since I'm normally one of the most stubborn players! I was also kind of mean at some points, so sorry about that everyone!

Blueflower999: Well, somebody has to draw the short straw. Sorry man!

Kman96: Great effort, but like SocialFox, I think you should spend more time considering the consequences of your actions. I think humans should be all about openness and honesty. If you're going to lie, that's fine, but try and tell people in a way that doesn't sound so suspicious. Humans shouldn't really focus on sounding human, but I think they should spend some time trying not to sound like wolves.

Gzgregory: Very, very good job. I feel like sometimes you were reliant on the poisoning as your go-to defense, but if it worked, it worked! You also kept your head really well when Mashi, Verm and I pretended to have "found you out" although I suppose Verm might have just told you what was going on. You did a very good job, and I hope I'm not so easily fooled by you in the future.

Wrydryn: Come on, man! Don't sign up for a TWG if you're not even going to check what role you are. Sign-ups flew by, and we actually expanded the game, so it's a shame to see somebody just be dead weight. Try to be more active, or if you can't, try to give your role to somebody more willing to play.

Jub3r7: One of your better games. I'll admit that sometimes I considered you sort of a "background character" when it came to TWG, but that definitely wasn't true with this game. You really tried hard to find who the wolves were. I think that in the future though, if you get a suspicion, you should try pressing it harder. I think that wolves are more likely to make mistakes under pressure anyway.

Maestro: I may have been unnecessarily harsh towards you in the chat. You did get kind of screwed over day 1, but I don't think that's a very good reason to spite your team. You're a smart guy, I'm sure you knew it would have been a better move to claim before you died. Us lynching you was just an honest day 1 mistake. It would be great if you would try to help your team, even if it meant helping people who got you killed in the future.

K-NiGhT: Basically, the same stuff I said to Wrydryn. If you aren't going to have time to play, don't sign up! And then you made the very odd move of claiming to three separate people. The chances of claiming to a wolf were about 75%. You ended up claiming to TWO wolves. I guess it did work, in that you weren't immediately wolfed, but it seemed like a very hasty decision. In the future, I recommend only revealing your role to people you ABSOLUTELY trust.

Spitllama: Wow, that performance came out of nowhere! I had no idea you were such a force to be reckoned with. Other wolves tend to brush away suspicion, but you FOUGHT if off in a really admirable way. Nobody really noticed this except for in hindsight, but sometimes wolves make the mistake of sounding too confident that somebody is human (because they actually do know that the person is human). I'd just watch out for this, but it doesn't look like it really hurt you at all this game. I really look forward to playing more with you in the future!

FSM-Reaper: It looked like you really tried this game, and you came up with some clever suggestions for the humans. You were the first person to suggest overlapping the poisons to get rid of them, which was a great solution to the "how do we not poison ourselves" issue. And you frequently stalked the online list which was great, even though it didn't pan out this game (how did the wolves do that, by the way? They never got caught). In the future though, I'd try and analyze suspicions more than who is sending PMs. I expect great things from you someday!

Spyro: You were also sort of inactive, only popping in to make guerilla votes without much explanation. I don't really know how to say that, but that isn't really helpful to the human team. If you don't have time to be super active, at least try and back up why you think somebody is a wolf. An accusation without evidence isn't an accusation worth making.

Dude and SuperFireKirby: For people who played the game for short periods of time, you both did very well. One of you pointed out how wolfy it was that people seemed to be going for "easy lynches", and you both showed activity and dedication even when a game was basically winding down. Thank you for that.

In summary, it's way more than I ever expected out of an NSM game, and I look forward to many more like it. Thank you for playing.

Thank you Bird, and thank you everyone else for an interesting and fun game.  On to the next one!  AVANTI!

Nintendo / Favorite GBA games
September 06, 2012, 07:18:11 PM
Pokemon Emerald
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
TLOZ: Minish Cap

So what are you guys's favorite GBA games?  Maybe if we get enough, I'll throw a poll up.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XXXVIII: Snakes on a Plane
September 01, 2012, 12:58:16 PM
TWG: Snakes on a Plane

1. Liquid Snake - Poisons someone each night phase.
2. Solid Snake - Cannot be poisoned.
3. Big Boss Snake - Master wolf (seered Green). Can determine someone's role each night phase. Appears red when poisoned.
4. Badger Badger Badger Snake - Brutal Wolf.  If lynched, send the Host a PM with the name of a Player.  That Player dies with him/her. Starts with one mushroom antidote, which lasts until given away or used.

5. Human Doctor - Cures someone each night phase.
6. Seer - Cannot be poisoned.
7. Cool Guy - Learns who gets the mushroom antidote each night phase.
8. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
9. Human - Cannot be poisoned. Doesn't know that though.
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human
13. Human
14. Human
15. The Pain, as portrayed by Nicholas Cage - Doesn't know he's red. As long as The Pain is alive, there will be a buzzing noise at the start of every Day Phase.
16. Raiden who hisses - Doesn't know he's red.  As long as Raiden who hisses is alive, there will be a hissing noise at the start of every Day Phase.

Universal Effects:
  • Color Cardflipping - when a person dies, their color is revealed to the thread.
  • Two poisons and a mushroom antidote are randomly distributed each night phase to three players. The players are alerted by a PM telling them what they got. After the doctor is dead, only one poison will be distributed.
  • Seerings come before poisons, poisons activations come before antidotes and antidotes come before a used poison will bring about a person's death.
  • Poisons and mushroom antidotes only exist during the phase they were given.
  • Poisons last two full phases before the person keels over. So if they're poisoned at night, they die at the end of the next night phase. They will be sent a PM alerting them as soon as they're poisoned.  If the poison isn't used, the player holding it is poisoned.

1. Mashi
2. vermilionvermin
3. Bubbles7689
4. SocialFox
5. Mr. Saturn
6. Bird
7. blueflower999
8. Kman96
9. gzgregory
10. Wrydryn
11. Jub3r7
12. MaestroUGC
13. K-NiGhT
14. spitllama
15. FSM-Reapr
16. Spyro

It is now Night 1.  Night 1 ends Sunday, September 2, at 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST/ 7 PM MDT/ 6 PM PDT/ ect.
Forum Games / Welcome to the Salty Spitoon
August 11, 2012, 06:03:49 PM
1-UP Contest!
So tell me, how tough are ya?
Off-Topic / That Marching Band topic
August 10, 2012, 07:03:25 PM
Band camps have started for most everyone and that first game is soon to come.  Post your joys, rants, pics, stories, vids, or whatever about your band here.

I can't wait for the band camp spirit days next week.  Monday is pirate day, so my friends and I are are going to carry around pirated DVDs and music, just for teh lulz.

Another beautiful piece from Uprising.  I just love this game's soundtrack.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XXXIV: Minecraft Post Game
June 27, 2012, 08:02:43 PM
TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Herobrine: Wolf Painter - davy
Creeper: Wolf - K-NiGhT
Zombie: Infective wolf - MaestroUGC

Steve: - Spyro
Iron Golem: Guardian - shadowkirby
Librarian: Seer - jake3343(Red Rose)
Priest: Psychic - Zunawe
Farmer: Human - Kman96
Farmer: Human - Dude
Farmer: Human - blueflower999
Butcher: Miller - Mashi(Diamond armor)
Blacksmith: Miller - gzgregory(TNT block)

Ok everyone, player analysis time!

1.MaestroUGC- You did an excellent job as the zombie.  In the beginning, you seemed to hang back in the thread, not posting to much, but you stayed in touch with your fellow wolves.  I don't remember if that long message to jake about who you said the wolves were was intended to get you lynched(and let's face it, that was the most wolfy PM I've ever seen, and I'm still chuckling about it!), but it allowed you to get jake infected and let the wolf team pretty much take the game.

2.K-NiGhT- Kinda inactive in the begining, but you stayed with the wolves and helped as best you could.  I can't find the chat log or posts that made everyone turn on you, but you took it in stride and let your team vote you so they seem human, and that did help the wolf cause.

3.Kman96- Everyone has bad games.  From an outsider perspective, I kinda believed you were human, but everyone else just out-argued you.  If you can put up a better defense than "I'm human! I'm telling the truth!" next time you are human, I think you'll be able to do much better.

4.shadowkirby- You posted very little and kinda disappeared for a while(I almost forgot about you), and then you had your little episode and disappeared again.  As guardian, you guarded kman the first 2 nights, then yourself.  You did say you had some irl stuff to deal with, so I understand that you were probably busy and stressed a lot.  I hope things are going better for you now.

5.Dude- Ummm, Dude, let's put a safety up day 1, took a shower, and got wolfed night 2....yeah.

6.davy- Your coordination of the wolf team was excellent, and you got very lucky with your paintings.  You played very well, even getting kinda close to jake before infecting him.  Definitely one of the best players this game.

7.Spyro- First game.  You didn't have much to say outside of votes and trying to clarify stuff, but not much else was expected for a first game.  Keep playing, re-read the rules/older games, and you'll be fine.

8.gzgregory- Not much to say.  I assume you were more active in the chats, so, yeah, keep up the...good work?

9.blueflower999- Lynched day 1.....umm, you tried? I guess?

10.Mashi- I'm not sure how you were able to convince jake of your humanity, but you did, and were a good asset to the humans.  The "jokes" you and jake played were risky, and I'm not sure how much it helped.  Unfortunately, you and jake's (imo)"blind trust" of each other helped the infected jake kill you because of the overlooked possibility of him being infected.  Overall, you played well.

11.Zunawe- First game.  You played pretty well, though you could have used your power to help the humans a little.  You did survive all the way through, which is nice.  Keep playing, re-read the rules/older games, and you'll be fine.

12.jake3343- You took control right away claiming seer, and got an alliance together.  Unfortunately, your suspicions weren't always on par and you were easily tricked by the wolves into lynching the zombie.  As a wolf, you did an excellent job at being nonchalant, and most everyone believed you were still human.  You and davy did an excellent job in the end and took the game.  Nice job.

The whole game was pretty much controlled by the wolves.  Everything from paintings, to Maestro's wolfy PM to jake, to jake's performance went beautifully.  Great job you guys.

I had a lot of fun hosting this.  Thanks for a great game everyone!
Completed by mariolegofan

I don't know why this song has been stuck in my head for a few days, but has.  At least it's catchy...
If anyone wants to take a crack at this one, it would be appreciated.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XXXIV: Minecraft
June 15, 2012, 08:43:30 AM
TWG XXXIV: Minecraft

Welcome to Minecraft, a world full of limitless possibilities!  You can fight enimies, build a city, or just go on an adventure.  Who am I you ask?  I am the universe, I am everything you think isn't you.  And today, I shall tell you a story.

Once upon a time, there was a player.
A player who's dreams created the wold around him.
And that player, is you.

Herobrine: Wolf Painter
Creeper: Wolf, just a normal wolf.
Zombie: Infective wolf, may turn any player into a wolf upon lynching, that player is now on the wolf team and seered red.

Steve: Immune to griefing
Iron Golem: Guardian
Librarian: Seer
Priest: Psychic
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Farmer: Human
Butcher: Miller
Blacksmith: Miller

Items: (Items will be randomly distributed on the first night after the role PMs are sent)
Diamond armor: guards you from 1 wolfing or 1 griefing
TNT block: grief 1 player
Red Rose: guards you from 1 wolfing


-Humans and Millers will both receive this role PM:
QuoteYou are a regular villager, but are you a Farmer, the Butcher, or the Blacksmith?  Who knows?
-All items are one use only.
-Zombie must send a PM of who to infect while they are still alive, they may send as many PMs as they wish, but only the most recent before death will be used.

Night 1 ends Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 11AM EST/10PM CST/9PM MST/8PM PST/7PM AST

Run Minecraft
Create New World
Generating Level
Saving Chunks
Simulating world for a bit
*CRUNCH*  "OW! OW! OW! Why the heck did I spawn 4 blocks off the ground!?" said Steve as he entered this new world.  He spun around to see he spawned near the edge of a forest biome, the perfect place to start an adventure.  He walked up to a tree and began punching it.
   "Who's there?  Who said that?"  Steve yelled at the mysterious voice narrating everything he did.  "Stop that!"
Steve quickly gathered the wood and built a tiny shelter to hide from the voice, but to no avail.
   "Who are you and why are you saying everything that happens?" a terrified Steve shouted from his small shack.
"I'm not s-scared!  Just tell me who you are!"
I am the universe, I am everything you think isn't you.  I narrate because I am telling a story, your story.
   "Ok then, universe, what happens in my story?" Steve asked, even though he knew the universe would not tell him.
"Alright, now this narrating thing is just getting annoying."
Steve dug out from his shelter, and journeyed out of the forest to find a small NPC village.
   "Uh, I'm still inside, but thanks for the tip."
   Your welcome.
Deciding that the universe was definitively creepy, Steve followed its advice anyway and left the forest.
   "You do know you just insulted yourself there, right?  Oh well, not my fault." said Steve smugly.
He walked in silence for a while before arriving at an NPC village.
   "Good day," said a testificate enthusiastically "you must be an adventurer.  We love meeting travelers, you may stay here as long as you like."
   "Thanks, say, did you here that voice just now?" Steve asked, hoping he wasn't just going mad.
   "A voice?  Are you alright in the head son?  Maybe you should get some rest.  It's almost night time anyway, and you don't want to be around when monsters come out"
Nervous at the though of dangerous mobs and not having any weapons, Steve accepted the NPC's offer and found a house with an extra bed and went to sleep, still wondering why he was the only one who hear the universe's story.