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Topics - TheZeldaPianist275


Congratulations, Paper!

Part 1: Role Reveal

1. Rock Vigilante--ThatHiddenCharacter
2. Rock Reviver--davy
3. Rock Nullifier--therealmathguy

4. Paper Vigilante--Toby
5. Paper Reviver--BlackDragonSlayer
6. Paper Nullifier--mastersuperfan

7. Scissors Vigilante--K-NiGhT
8. Scissors Reviver--SpecsFlyer17
9. Scissors Nullifier--Oricorio

Part 2: Action Recap

N1 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter: Kill Davy
2.   Rock Reviver—davy: --
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy: Nullify BDS

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill BDS
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS: --
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Oricorio

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT: Kill Davy
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17: --
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio: Nullify Davy

N2 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter: Kill K-NiGhT
2.   Rock Reviver—davy
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy: Nullify MSF

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill THC
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Math

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT: Kill Math
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17: Revive Davy
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio

N3 Actions
1.   Rock Vigi—ThatHiddenCharacter
2.   Rock Reviver—davy: Revive Math
3.   Rock Nullifier—therealmathguy

4.   Paper Vigi—Toby: Kill Davy
5.   Paper Reviver—BDS
6.   Paper Nullifier—mastersuperfan: Nullify Davy

7.   Scissors Vigi—K-NiGhT
8.   Scissors Reviver—SpecsFlyer17
9.   Scissors Nullifier—Oricorio

More to come!

1. Rock Vigilante
2. Rock Reviver
3. Rock Nullifier

4. Paper Vigilante
5. Paper Reviver
6. Paper Nullifier

7. Scissors Vigilante
8. Scissors Reviver
9. Scissors Nullifier

-Order of operations: Nullify > Revive > Vigi
-For example, the following chain could exist: (paper nullifier) targets (rock nullifier) who targets (paper vigilante) who targets (scissors reviver). In this case, the paper nullifier at the top of the daisy chain would cancel out the rock nullifier, allowing the paper vigilante's kill to go through. The scissors reviver would be dead, but his revive would still go through.
-Example 2: If a nullifier and vigilante target each other, the nullifier wins out.
-Example 3: If a vigilante targets a nullifier who targeted a reviver, the nullifier dies, but because the vigi's kill does not block the power of the person he targeted, the nullify still goes through, and the revive fails. Uh oh!
-Your team wins when your people are the last ones standing.
-Standard stuff regarding game minutia. Someone gets lynched every day phase, phantoms are in play, instas are on, no cardflips.
-You can't vigi someone who was dead at the start of the phase in case they get revived. Likewise, you can't revive someone who was alive at the start of the phase in case they get vigi'd.
-If there's a question about the game, @ me in the thread so I see it quickly.
-Be as clear as possible when using your night actions. Bolded actions and names help.
-Have fun. Looking forward to this--you guys rule!


The Players
1. mastersuperfan
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. davy
6. Oricorio
7. Toby
8. therealmathguy
9. K-NiGhT

Vigi PM
You are the ___ Vigilante. PM me the name of someone you want dead, and if no one nullifies you, they'll be dead at the end of the night.

Reviver PM
You are the ___ Reviver. PM me the name of someone you want back in the game, and if no one nullifies you, they'll be alive at the end of the night.

Nullifier PM
You are the ___ Nullifier. PM me someone's name to stop their night action in its tracks...unless someone nullifies you first. Choose carefully.

Because every player gets a night action, phase updates may be a little late, as I sort through the implications of any last-minute actions on any other actions. Be patient!

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends in 48 hours, on Tuesday, April 23 at 20:00 Central Daylight Time.


1. Rock Vigilante
2. Rock Reviver
3. Rock Nullifier

4. Paper Vigilante
5. Paper Reviver
6. Paper Nullifier

7. Scissors Vigilante
8. Scissors Reviver
9. Scissors Nullifier

-Order of operations: Nullify > Revive > Vigi
-For example, the following chain could exist: (paper nullifier) targets (rock nullifier) who targets (paper vigilante) who targets (scissors reviver). In this case, the paper nullifier at the top of the daisy chain would cancel out the rock nullifier, allowing the paper vigilante's kill to go through. The scissors reviver would be dead, but his revive would still go through.
-Example 2: If a nullifier and vigilante target each other, the nullifier wins out.
-Example 3: If a vigilante targets a nullifier who targeted a reviver, the nullifier dies, but because the vigi's kill does not block the power of the person he targeted, the nullify still goes through, and the revive fails. Uh oh!
-Your team wins when your people are the last ones standing.
-Night/day cycle as usual. No one is required to use their power at night, but there must always be a lynch candidate.
-Added clarification (thanks Specs): you can't vigi someone who was dead at the start of the phase in case they get revived. Likewise, you can't revive someone who was alive at the start of the phase in case they get vigi'd.


The Players
1. mastersuperfan
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. SpecsFlyer17
5. davy
6. Oricorio
7. Toby
8. therealmathguy
9. K-NiGhT

Congratulations Wolves!

Thanks for playing, everyone. I had a lot of fun.

Part 1: Role Reveal

1. Master Wolf - threalmathguy
2. Wolf - SpecsFlyer17
3. Wolf - The Musical Poet

4. Seer - BlackDragonSlayer
5. Human - A# Minor
6. Human - Robbie89/Toby
7. Human - XiaoMigros
8. Human - davy
9. Human - ThatHiddenCharacter

10. The Strange Man - Oricorio

Part 2: Action Recap
Night 1
A# Minor is wolfed.
BDS seers XiaoMigros green.
Oricorio guesses BDS, A#, and Math as the lantern holders.
The real lantern holders (Robbie/Toby, Math, and Davy) seer Robbie/Toby green.

Day 1
Oricorio is lynched.

Night 2
BDS is wolfed.
BDS tries to seer Davy (but is wolfed).
The lantern holders (Robbie/Toby, BDS, and Xiao) seer BDS blue (but he is wolfed).

Day 2
THC is lynched, resulting in a wolf victory.
The Werewolf Game / TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux
October 19, 2023, 05:40:24 PM

TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux

On a dark and stormy October night, 10 friends found themselves in a small, lantern-lit village. The village was strangely dark; entering it seemed to drown out all the light from the moon, rendering it difficult to see anything clearly. The only things making anything visible at all? Three old, rusty lanterns hanging from poles lining the street.

1. Master Wolf
2. Wolf
3. Wolf

4. Seer
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

10. The Strange Man
A man who DOES NOT WANT to be seen. Every night phase he will privately guess the identities of the lanterns holders, and upon correctly guessing their identities, the lanterns are lost to the night, and their holders are killed, along with one normal wolf. He cannot be wolfed; if an attempt to do so is made, the public will not be informed.

3 Lanterns of the Night: at the start of the game, 3 randomly chosen players will become Lantern Holders and receive a Lantern of the Night. Each night, the 3 lanterns holders will privately vote to seer one of the holders. That holder's color is then privately disclosed to the other two holders. A lantern may be passed to another player who does not hold a lantern once per NIGHT PHASE ONLY. The recipient of the lantern will be randomly selected from the pool of those who do not hold lanterns, and he will be informed both that he received a lantern and of the identities of the other holders at the start of the following night phase.

-The Strange Man will never hold a lantern.
-If someone is killed while in possession of a lantern, it will be publicly announced that a lantern has been put out, and the Strange Man will only have to guess the holders of the remaining lanterns. However, if all three lantern holders are killed before the Strange Man guesses their identities, the Strange Man will die as well.
-The Strange Man's lantern guess applies to the players who held lanterns at the start of the night phase, not the players who received the lanterns at the end of it.
-No cardflips, instas are on. Classic rules, natch.

Victory Conditions
Wolves win when their numbers are at parity with humans & The Strange Man combined.
Humans win when the wolves are dead.
The Strange Man wins upon successfully guessing the lantern holders, but the game does not necessarily have to end at that point. Either of the other two teams may win with the Strange Man.


The Players
1. SpecsFlyer17
2. A# Minor
3. davy
4. threalmathguy
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. XiaoMigros
7. ThatHiddenCharacter
8. Robbie89 Toby
9. Oricorio
10. The Musical Poet

Remember...the Strange Man does not want to be seen. Proceed with caution.

Role PMs:

Master Wolf
You are the Master Wolf, fearsome leader of the wolves. Your partners are ___ and ___. The night is yours...unless something else is out there.

You are a Wolf. Your partners are ___ and ___. The night is yours...unless something else is out there.

You are the Seer, the humans' best hope for survival. Send me a PM once a night with the name of a player and I'll tell you their color.

You are a Human. It's dark out here. Stay safe.

The Strange Man
You are The Strange Man. Happy hunting.

if you receive a Lantern of the Night
What's this? You found a Lantern of the Night! The other Lantern Holders are ___ and ___. Send me a PM this night phase to cast your vote for which Holder you would like to Seer.

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends in 48 hours, on Saturday, October 21 at 20:00 Central Daylight Time.
The Werewolf Game / TWG CXVII Player Scare-Downs
October 07, 2023, 06:29:53 AM

TWG CXVII: The Lantern Keeper Redux

On a dark and stormy October night, 10 friends found themselves in a small, lantern-lit village. The village was strangely dark; entering it seemed to drown out all the light from the moon, rendering it difficult to see anything clearly. The only things making anything visible at all? Three old, rusty lanterns hanging from poles lining the street.

1. Master Wolf
2. Wolf
3. Wolf

4. Seer
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human

10. The Strange Man
A man who DOES NOT WANT to be seen. Every night phase he will privately guess the identities of the lanterns holders, and upon correctly guessing their identities, the lanterns are lost to the night, and their holders are killed, along with one normal wolf. He cannot be wolfed; if an attempt to do so is made, the public will not be informed.

3 Lanterns of the Night: at the start of the game, 3 randomly chosen players will become Lantern Holders and receive a Lantern of the Night. Each night, the 3 lanterns holders will privately vote to seer one of the holders. That holder's color is then privately disclosed to the other two holders. A lantern may be passed to another player who does not hold a lantern once per NIGHT PHASE ONLY. The recipient of the lantern will be randomly selected from the pool of those who do not hold lanterns, and he will be informed both that he received a lantern and of the identities of the other holders at the start of the following night phase.

-The Strange Man will never hold a lantern.
-If someone is killed while in possession of a lantern, it will be publicly announced that a lantern has been put out, and the Strange Man will only have to guess the holders of the remaining lanterns. However, if all three lantern holders are killed before the Strange Man guesses their identities, the Strange Man will die as well.
-The Strange Man's lantern guess applies to the players who held lanterns at the start of the night phase, not the players who received the lanterns at the end of it.
-No cardflips, instas are on. Classic rules, natch.

Victory Conditions
Wolves win when their numbers are at parity with humans & The Strange Man combined.
Humans win when the wolves are dead.
The Strange Man wins upon successfully guessing the lantern holders, but the game does not necessarily have to end at that point. Either of the other two teams may win with the Strange Man.


The Players
1. SpecsFlyer17
2. A# Minor
3. davy
4. threalmathguy
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. XiaoMigros
7. ThatHiddenCharacter
8. Robbie89
9. Oricorio
10. The Musical Poet

Remember...the Strange Man does not want to be seen. Proceed with caution.
Feedback / Undervalued Soundtracks
November 13, 2022, 06:02:42 PM
Hey everyone.

I was chewing on this the other day while digging through some old sheets.  There are a lot of games that are extremely well-represented on NSM, either because they are wildly popular or because they have a small, devoted following.  What's interesting is that the amount of sheets being turned out on NSM doesn't always correlate with how strong a game's music is.

If you asked me what the three best game soundtracks I know of are, I'd have to go with Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Fire Emblem Fates, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.  Two of those have gotten a lot of love over the years (hi, Libera), but Tropical Freeze doesn't have a single sheet to its name, which is a bummer, because that soundtrack is a masterpiece.

What game soundtracks jump to mind as ones with world-class music that largely fly under the radar, either on NSM or more broadly?  Curious if there are some sleepers I don't know about.
Music / Music Uploadin'
November 23, 2016, 01:05:26 PM
Hey all.

I'm trying to upload some music to YouTube (the Super Mario Sunshine OST to be exact), and I'm not really sure how to go about that.  In the age of Windows 7, Movie Maker worked just fine for this, but that doesn't work with Windows 10.  Anyone know of a simple and free video editing program that I could use for this purpose?

Thanks in advance.
Nintendo / DKC Tropical Freeze
April 13, 2015, 06:05:00 PM
Hey, old friends!

I was going to throw this up on Amazon but figured I might as well offer it to you guys first.  Would anyone be interested in a download code for Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for around $30?
Nintendo / Wii Tech Help
October 10, 2013, 01:27:04 PM
So I posted on here a while ago that my Wii was broken, but I had Homebrew on it so Nintendo wouldn't fix it.  Can I get help virginizing it so a different place will do it for me?  I know you said you're somewhat knowledgable about this, Dude.  Can you help me out?

Sorry to return and all of a sudden start asking for help XD I know how rude that seems, but I miss this thing!
Gaming / How To Rip Music From 3DS?
August 03, 2013, 03:10:01 PM
Does anybody have info on how to do this?  If so, please share, I'm interested!
Gaming / Copy of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
March 28, 2013, 09:24:54 AM
Dos anyone have a copy of Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn that they would be willing to sell me?  Amazon's listings are crazy expensive, so I'd be looking for one around original retail price.  Anyone? :/
Gaming / TheZeldaPianist's Game Reviews
January 01, 2013, 01:54:30 PM
First off: did not copy Blueflower.  ;)

I'll be reviewing games, starting off with mainly 3DS titles, but I may do some others if I get bored.  I'll be reviewing games based on:

Concepts (What does the game bring to the table?  What do the developers aim for?)

Execution (How well are the game's concepts brought out?  Does the game hit its mark?)

Gameplay (What is gameplay like?  How fun is the game at its most fundamental?)

Controls (How easy is the game to control?  Do the controls complement the game well?)

Physical Difficulty (How challenging to play is the game?  Is the difficulty level appropriate?)

Mental Difficulty (Does the game actively engage the player's mind?  Is it overly confusing?)

Visuals (Are the graphics artfully designed?  Do they complement the game itself well?)

Music (Does the game have a good soundtrack?  How well does it fit the game?)

Environment (Is the world of the game immersive?  Does it add to the overall experience?)

Secrets (Are there enough Easter eggs to occupy the player?  Are they well-executed?)

Multiplayer (Does the game accommodate multiple players?  Is it still as much fun to play?)

Plot (Does the game have a motivating story?  Does it add to the experience?)

Depth (How much is there to the game?  Is it believable and immersive?)

Replay Value (Can the game be readily picked up for a second playthrough?  How long will the player be occupied?)

Ultimate Value (What does the player draw from his experience?  Will he look back on it as time well spent?)

I will give the game a score out of ten in each of these 15 categories, resulting in a score out of 150.  (woot more complex than Blueflower :P)  Please note that I am grading based on appropriateness.  For example, if a game is ridiculously challenging, I might not give it a 10 in Physical Difficulty, but rather a 3 because it's just too hard.

Speaking of appropriateness, I will include a section covering objectionable content in the game at the end of the review.

That's about it!  Thanks for reading forthcoming reviews!

Games reviewed:
1. nintendogs + cats: 71/150
Off-Topic / Favorite Christmas Carols
December 19, 2012, 02:20:41 PM
Can be religious or non-religious.

My runners-up are O Come O Come Immanuel and Carol of the Bells.  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day takes the bacon tho.  Chills every time.

Gaming / Ripping Help
November 27, 2012, 06:07:54 PM
I'm trying to rip a soundtrack from a GameCube game.  Can anyone give me down-to-earth, simple methods on removing audio files?  Need help. :/
Off-Topic / The Prayer Topic
November 21, 2012, 08:41:58 AM
So I'm a Christian.  Don't know how many other people on here are or at least believe in a higher deity, but for those of you who do, this is the place to post prayer requests.  I firmly believe that prayer is the only way for humans to speak with God and intercede for others.  If anyone thinks this is a dumb idea, don't bother to post and tell me so.

Basically post any prayer requests you might have here and presto!  You got me and anybody else who checks this topic praying for you.  Simple.

This thread is not a place where you may disrespect others' beliefs. Inappropriate comments are not welcome here, as prayer requests are a thing many people take very seriously. A violation of this rule may result in a ban.
Help! / ZIP files
November 14, 2012, 07:06:02 PM
I'm pretty sure someone was just waiting to ask this.   ::)

Nother noob question from TZP:  How does one make a ZIP file with a PC?
Gaming / Games That Make You Cry
November 07, 2012, 07:11:56 PM
What are games that are so phenomenal you tear up at?

As the first game I ever beat, Super Mario 64 DS carried a lot of nostalgia for me.  I was just sorta sad the experience was over.

And I'm sure you all know I'm a ridiculous Zelda nerd, (hence username) so almost every Zelda game I've played has reduced me to tears.  Especially Wind Waker.  So much emotion in the end.  I was sobbing.

What about you?
Help! / General Notepad Questions
October 06, 2012, 07:15:15 PM
Trying to fix up a lot of my .MUS files because the import to NotePad is awful.  If anybody else has any questions regarding NotePad, feel free to post them here.

1) Can I edit metronome markings?  If so, how?

2) Can I edit or move around ottava markings?  If so, how?

3) Can I write text in the middle of the page? (i.e. ritardando) If so, how?

4) Can I adjust the sizes of measures?  If so, how?

If this proves helpful, maybe we can even get it stickied.  Thanks!
Creativity Corner / TZP275 Plays Piano
October 04, 2012, 08:10:32 PM
My piano performances.

Right now, just this.  I'm playing through Majora's Mask right now and couldn't resist making a brief medley of some songs.  Enjoy!

Recorded with mah 3DS.  :3

EDIT: Ok, the embed refuses to work.  Just go to the link if you want to see it.