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Topics - JacopoTore

Piano Arrangements / Dragon Buster NES Project
April 20, 2022, 09:16:26 AM
Good morning everyone,
I am writing this post together with my pupil Federico Mariane (you already know).
We have recently worked on a project that had the goal of transcribing all the music of the video game for the NES entitled "Dragon Buster".

I do not know if this post should be written here, in case of error I am willing to copy it elsewhere.
I would like to submit for your judgment and advice, all the transcripts we have worked on.
The reason why we write a post on "project" is the following, not being able to insert more than 2 scores at a time, we believe that starting to modify the scores before uploading them to the "submission center" can speed up publication times.
We wish everyone a good listening and a good reading!
Jacopo and Federico


Buongiorno a tutti,
vi scrivo questo post a quattro mani con il mio allievo Federico Mariane (che già conoscete).
Abbiamo da poco lavorato su un progetto che aveva come obbiettivo quello di trascrivere tutte le musiche del videogioco per NES intitolato "Dragon Buster".

Non so se questo post vada scritto qui, in caso di errore sono disposto a copiarlo altrove.
Vorrei sottoporre al vostro giudizio e ai vostri consigli, tutte le trascrizioni a cui abbiamo lavorato.
Il motivo per cui scriviamo un post su "project" è il seguente, non potendo inserire più di 2 spartiti per volta, crediamo che cominciare a modificare gli spartiti prima di caricarli sul "submission center" possa sveltire i tempi di pubblicazione.
Auguriamo a tutti quanti un buon ascolto e una buona lettura!
Jacopo e Federico
Gaming / Is Circus Charlie endless?
February 13, 2022, 06:28:22 AM
is Circus Charlie endless?
Feedback / Browse by composer
February 06, 2022, 03:33:54 PM
I think it is useful to create a "browse by composer" link in the main site. In this way people can search for scores not only on the basis of the videogame or the arranger but also the composer who is almost always more important than the arranger.
Nintendo / Balloon Fight 1P endless?
January 29, 2022, 02:16:16 AM
Good morning, does someone know of the 1 Player mode of "Balloon fight" is endless?
Feedback / release data issues
December 22, 2021, 02:12:43 PM
I'm looking for the arrangemente I posted and there is an issues.
Could you help me?
Feedback / Features request
April 07, 2019, 09:41:11 AM
Hello everyone
in the last post I came across a singular misunderstanding, I transcribed the music of a video game also used for another videogame (different console) already present in the site, so I did waste time for administrators, users and myself. So I thought it would be appropriate to somehow insert information that would list the use of those same music in various video games and consoles. My thinking is encyclopedic in nature, since information on composers (real names and pseudonyms) and on their soundtracks is often more important (for many researchers) than music itself. In addition, it would be advisable to insert a selection filter field for "composer" (as well as arranger, console and series). We are going beyond the line that will bring the music of old video games into the "history", important to be documented and (for obvious reasons) to be studied. This site collects important scores that are or are about to become historical and many people will search for these documents for the most varied reasons. This is probably the biggest site of musical scores of videogames and consoles (correct me if I'm wrong) and I think it's a further source of attraction for frequenting and collaborating users to add a series of capillary and nested information. An example is to include in the list of video games the names and titles that will then be redirected to the already existing scores, another solution would be to "duplicate" the scores by inserting the different and alternative titles (the most expensive solution in terms of space) . Probably there will be programming difficulties for the management of information and databases, but it is nothing impossible and will surely bring greater gain (in terms of culture) for everyone.
We could talk about it and discuss it, I volunteer to help even on a practical and management level of the site if you need it.
Off-Topic / You think it is possible?
May 13, 2018, 07:17:00 AM
You think it is possible to make a communion with the site ?
It is possible to find a way to join the power of these sites?
You think it would be a good idea?
Help! / Two months waiting new score
June 21, 2017, 04:52:49 AM
Hi, why you are waiting two months to publish sheets?
Thank you
Help! / Problem with upload
March 17, 2017, 01:05:56 PM
Hi have a problem, I want to add a new score but I have this problem: "You've reached the maximum number of currently open submissions. (2) ". I have a submission that is Accepted, and yesterday I put an old transcription I made. Can I resolve this limit?
Thank you