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Topics - Fernman

While making piano arrangements some songs were so good I had to make other instrument arrangements for them.
Feel free to use the Musescore file to adjust to what you need to play.

Don't forget to check out my piano arrangements over Here.

Flute Solos
Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum Versions
Battle Castle
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Exploration Team Theme
Musescore File

The Gatekeepers
Musescore File

Saxophone Solo

Saxophone Trio
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Sky Peak Cave
Musescore File

Flute & Piano Accompaniments

Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Northern Dessert
Musescore File

Random Dungeon 3
Musescore File

Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola, Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue/DX Rescue Team
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A Message On the Wind
Musescore File

Team Skull
Musescore File

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Versions
White Treehollow Entrance
Musescore File

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Ciela, The Spirit of Courage
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A New World
Musescore File

Piccolo, Guitar & Piano Accompaniments
Yoshi's Story [N64]
Yoshi's Happy Result
Musescore File

Guitar Solo
Super Mario Sunshine
Pianta Village Band
Musescore File

Ukulele Solo (Low G String)
Super Mario Sunshine
Pianta Village Band
Musescore File

Guitar & Bass Guitar
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver Versions
Indigo Plateau
Musescore File

Flute, Banjo & Bass Guitar
Pokeomn XD: Gale of Darkness
Gateon Port
Musescore File

Violo & Violin
Pokémon Black and White Versions
An Unwavering Heart
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Shaymin Village
Musescore File

Flute & Viola
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Hidden Land
Musescore File

Flute, Bass Clarinet, Violin & Viola
Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Versions
Battle Castle
Musescore File

Flute, Bass Clarinet
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Spinda's Cafe
Musescore File

Memories Returned
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

Clarinet, Basoon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Kecleon's Shop
Musescore File

Sky Peak Forest
Musescore File

Flute, Bassoon

Clarinet, Flute
Yoshi's Story [N64]
Yoshi's Story
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A Wish For Peace
Musescore File

Pokemon Black and White Versions
An Unwavering Heart
Musescore File

Clarinet, Flute, Bassoon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Sky Peak Snowfield
Musescore File

Clarinet, Flute, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone

French Horn, Tuba, Trumpet

Trumpet, Saxophone, Flute, Drums
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Purification Chamber
Musescore File

Flute, French Horn, Tuba, Drums
Pokemon Stadium 2
Musescore File

Someone make a better version of this for Marching/Pep band please. That would sound awesome if it would be played for said occasion.

Tuba, Organ, Bass, Drum, Vibraphone
What better aquatic songs than WAVE RACE!

[N64] Wave Race 64 : Main Title


I omitted the percussion at the start
beat 1 of m8 should only play on the repeat, I added a parenthesis, but it only applied to the top note
m30 - I don't see how it's practical to play beat 3-4 RH with the Bb and d, but I added them in since I think you might be expecting them.
m38 b4, I simplified to a triplet, instead of a sextuplet, for playability

[N64] Wave Race 64 : Sunny Beach


m3 beat 4 I simplified to something more realistic to play
m4 beat 1, should only be played the first time, the parenthesis is there. though on the repeat the right hand could play the G, I just don't know how to notate this without that section getting too busy.
m23 I omitted the LH runs because the RH is busy, and the LH part has the melody, I began to add the runs in subsequent measures.

If the difference between what is arranged and what NSM expects is too great let me know and I can pick something else. I'm happy with how its arranged, I just don't want anything to get stuck.... for all our sake. No hard feelings taken.
Hi All !

I'm Fernman (Pronounced "Fern Man"). I make piano video game music arrangements that are playable for someone who can reach an octave while still being close to the original. What compelled me to start arranging music is I wanted to find approachable music that sounds recognizable and that isn't written so difficult to play. One may not have to play music as written, but if one has to make too many changes to it, one may begin to struggle than actually enjoy playing.
  • I don't aim for precise accuracy in my arrangements, instead I aim for relative accuracy by making the song playable and readable for the average player. So, for example, if a Pokemon song has high speed 16th notes, which may come easy to experts, I will modify it to be a more playable arrangement for a typical player while ensuring it still sounds recognizable.
  • If a song has large intervals I will shorten them while still making it sound part of the song. I can reach an octave so I arrange music to this range when possible.
  • If a song has multiple voices in it, instead of layering them I will have the melody, bass, and accompaniment have their own partnering. This way, when you repeat the song it sounds different each time, and is actually playable and is easier to read than if it were layered
  • In short I try to make music playable and easy to read/play to the extent the song allows it.
  • When applicable I will make a simpler version of the arrangement in addition to the "regular" version.
I am open to any and all constructive feedback to improve my arranging. I want to continue to improve my arranging skills. Although I may not be aiming for precise accuracy, I still want it to be accurate enough and be playable.

I arrange new music periodically.

My Musescore profile will always be most up to date. All songs are included within each music set:

Do check out my other instrument arrangements over Here

Would someone be willing to give me feedback on my Party At Joe's arrangment from Rayman 1?
I am certain the rhythms are not correct in the early part of the song, but I'm not sure how to fix it. It sounds correct, but I'm sure it is not the best way to write it.

I'll worry about proper ninsheet formatting and layout once the music notation is at a almost final stage.

UPDATED 6-16-23

I would appreciate any feedback.
Rayman 1 on the Sega Saturn was one of my favorite childhood games.
Thank you!