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Messages - Kricketune54

Site News / Aquatic Update Part 1
November 27, 2024, 01:30:54 PM
Blub Blub! First, we at the updating team would like to acknowledge this update is both coming a bit late, and is not entirely complete.

There have been some challenges in our availability to keep the submissions process going for this project update, which we also have been prioritizing over regular submissions. In addition to that though, we have also been hard at work on ensuring a smooth transition to MuseScore submissions. This has taken a lot of staff time, but will help our ability to keep things going after Finale support is ended (see previous site news post for reference).

To address the growing time gap since NinSheetMusic last added new sheets though, we decided the best course was to split the Aquatic Project in half. That way, NinSheetMusic updates resume for the first time since the summer, and it gives us a chance to make things a bit more digestible given the aforementioned availability challenges.

So, to those of you who still have sheets on the Aquatic Update project board, regardless of approval, rest assured your sheets will be considered for the Aquatic Update Part 2.

Anyway, I was planning to recommend sunscreen before diving into this watery update, but given the current month, it might not be a good time for a dive...

[SW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons
"Tournament (Joining)" by Kricketune54

[PC] Crypt of the NecroDancer
"Deep Sea Bass (Coral Riff)" by Fantastic Ike

[PS2] Digital Devil Saga
"Never Ending Rain" by Metamyrrh

[NES] DuckTales 2
"The Bermuda Triangle" by NineLives

[GB] Kirby's Dream Land 2
"Kine's Theme" by

[N64] Mario Party
"The Wide, Wide Ocean" by NineLives

[Wii] Mario Sports Mix
"Koopa Troopa Beach" by Fantastic Ike

[GBA] Metroid Fusion
"Sector 4 (AQA) Underwater Area" by Olimar12345

[PS2] Okami
"Dragon Palace" by Th3Gavst3r

[MUL] Persona 5
"Ark" by Static

[PC] Rabbit & Steel
"Emerald Lakeside - Action" by Static

[MUL] Spiritfarer
"Last Voyage" by Olimar12345

[SW] Splatoon 2
"Riptide Rupture" by Cashwarrior1

[SW] Splatoon 3
"Frothy Waters" by Bloop

[MUL] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
"Deku Toad Battle" by Bloop

[N64] Wave Race 64
"Main Title" by Fernman

Quote from: Th3Gavst3r on November 17, 2024, 06:41:55 PMThere aren't 4 beats in these measures, so I'm assuming you're talking about this F# on beat 3? I definitely hear it on the downbeat in m18/26, but I think I hear what you're talking about in m22. I added another F# to beat 3.5 in m22
Yes 3 beats, relistening it does sound like it's just m22. I will accept now!
Only comment I had on listening to this was that at m18, m22, and m26, I was hearing the F# in the 1st RH voice come in on beat 4.5 as an 8th note, instead of right on 4.0 as a quarter.

Or was that how it was originally and it got changed with the changes made in the LH with the clef switching 16th's?
Sorry for the wait here - but I see your point. Only stuff I have left to say is just some spacing looks a little off, perhaps widen pg 2 system distance a little from the top title.
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I was a little hung up on LH m7-8 because I like having more chord notes represented from the original if possible, but I don't think there's an effective way to do it here.
Project Archive / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sheets
October 28, 2024, 08:15:17 AM
Okay great! I am now good to accept this sheet and close out your project thread
Projects / Re: Rubikium's Aquatic Update Project Sheets
October 16, 2024, 10:12:40 AM
Sorry for a bit of a gap, still a bit to go on this one, picked apart the LH a bit more

• m14 and m22 LH beats 2-3 this is a little too heavy with this many notes. I hear top to bottom, Bn-D# and F#-D# on the respective beats
• m23-24 LH can drop the Bn's on beat 2-3 not hearing them
• m25 LH beat 2-3 hearing An-F# and then Dn-F# (no An's on bottom)
• m26 LH beat 2-3 hearing Bn-G# but you could do G#-En, and then beat 3 hearing En-Bn-En (replace Dn on top)
• m45 LH it's hard to hear but the accordion does play the same type of pattern of the previous 4 measures. And you could then shift the LH part to its original octave in the RH?
• m49 and m52 LH hearing the held note restrike on beat 3
• m55 LH this beat is not entirely held, hearing movement/restrikes on beat 3
• m59-62 LH  beats 2-3 not hearing the middle notes of these note groups, hearing top and bottom
• m81 RH since it's not really going to be possible to hold you could write beat 1.0 into the current second layer but just as an 8th note
Quote from: Libera on September 19, 2024, 01:40:47 AMThat wasn't quite what I had in mind, and is certainly more 'arranged' than I was intending.  I was thinking something like this:


where some of the keyboard notes are just placed directly below the melody in the RH.  You could also go with just the F if you think the F Ab is too heavy, or don't like that the Ab has to be restruck later in the bar.

(You can also see in that image that I edited the tie at the end of the bar in the second layer a little so it doesn't intersect the tail.  Finale can do this if the stem direction swaps across a tie and I don't think it looks particularly nice, so I try to edit them out).

Okay, I have done as your screen shot specified. Sorry for the misunderstanding/wait
Perfect! I will now accept this sheet
Okay rereading this reply, I misinterpreted his final conclusion. But this was also before harmonies were added...
Project Archive / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sheets
October 02, 2024, 01:45:11 PM
Quote from: Bloop on September 14, 2024, 07:40:11 AMI think I hear something like this too, but it seems to be slowly pitch-shifting upwards anyway, just to add to the chaoticness. I raised all top notes so the starting point is correct, but I think it might be better to keep the R.H. all in half diminished chords, and imitate the chaoticness by having it rise a bit higher than it does in the original
if that makes sense
Okay, I think I can follow this between listening now.

Quote from: Bloop on September 14, 2024, 07:40:11 AMI'm pretty sure that's still an F#, though in the recording it might be a little bit in-between cuz it doesn't seem to be tuned a bit weird. I hear it a whole tone below the G# at least.
Relistening I agree with you

Quote from: Bloop on September 14, 2024, 07:40:11 AMAh yeah, on closer inspection the minor seconds before that in m39 as F-Gb (instead of E-F), and I heard Bn-Cn (instead of A#-B) in m41 beat 5
Okay! This also sounds better now updated.

Quote from: Bloop on September 14, 2024, 07:40:11 AMAlso, for some reason there's a double barline at the end of m61, despite the measure attributes saying it is a normal one. Does this show up for you too?
Yeah I see that too. Maybe swap it to custom barline and choose character #102? I did that and it fixed it/appears normal now for some reason.
Quote from: Fernman on September 12, 2024, 06:28:46 PMI'm good with your formatting changes and adding the grace note you mentioned. I don't know how to add a grace note in notepad.
Oh I'm not sure you can do that either...

I also caught it seems like the measure numbering was a bit off for whatever reason

Here is an updated file version. Let me know if anything needs to be fixed/updated from the previous files, otherwise I can replace the file in the project folder and accept the sheet


Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on September 28, 2024, 06:45:26 AMI had actually changed it from that because of this comment from Lat. I agreed that it made more sense to go with C# for this reason.
Just a quick response to that particular note. I'll look at the other stuff when I get a chance.
Latios did say here to stick with a Db chord though, even if it was a little weird for the LH to go Cb to An. I'm interpreting as a little weird is just a little weird, not flat out wrong.

Can leave it I guess for a third opinion but I think m36 should revert to being written in Db
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on September 16, 2024, 08:50:40 AMI had a little trouble with the chords in m19-20 because I had to listen to it with one ear at normal speed, but I think I've gotten at least close.
These seem right to me!

Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on September 16, 2024, 08:50:40 AMJust for the sake of being consistent with the LH I wrote it as a C# and changed the F to an E#.
So given the key for this track is in F major, a Db is going to be closer on the circle of fifths than C# minor. So flats for this measure

• m1-3 I relistened to this a few times, I'm hearing the Eb is restruck once on the next 8th beat. So basically add an Eb underneath the next note after each Eb (does not apply to m4). Did you interpret that to just be reverb? I thought it was clear enough on this listen that it was an actual restrike.
• m22 and 24 just make the trills consistent in placement, I think usually centered above notehead is recommended so the one in m24 move that a little to the left.
• m32 LH I hear a Gn on beat 1 and an Fn on beat 2 in the harpsichord part that could be placed up an octave from the current bass notes
• m33-34 similar to m25-28 I think there's harpsichord harmony notes that could go under the melody.
Okay! I am in agreement now
Project Archive / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sheets
September 12, 2024, 02:39:04 PM
Frothy Waters
Man, what is with this series' music

• m33 RH beat 1 sounds like Dn on top for 1.0-2.0, and Eb for 2.5, and then top note for 3.0 and 3.5 is Fn. 4.0 is Eb and 4.5 Dn.
• m34 RH notes 1-4 sounds like Fn on the top instead of the Eb. 5-6 hearing F# on top, but 7-8 hearing Gn and then same for 9-10, then 11-12 is G# as well as 13-14.
• LH m36 and similar instances of this pattern, I'm hearing the 6th note of the figure F# as Gn
• m39 RH quater note hearing G# and An