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Messages - Fernman

Quote from: Whoppybones on January 29, 2025, 08:08:39 PMI'm pointing out this one again because I relistened harder and I still don't hear it, even at .5 speed. To ensure we're looking at the same one, I'm referring to the 8th note on b3, not the dotted quarter on b4-6. If you listen again and still hear it, I also will say nothing more on this one.

I pitched up the audio 2 octaves, played at 0.5 speed and I can hear the top note. Unless there is something off with the HD version. I pitched up the version here:

Quote from: Whoppybones on January 29, 2025, 08:08:39 PMb22 et al - This isn't what I was thinking. I actually prefer the tied note from before over this one because this one muddies the melody throughout this section. Now that you mention it though, you're totally right about the unplayability of it with the second voice I was hearing.
Returned it to how it was.
Quote from: Whoppybones on January 25, 2025, 05:37:13 PMI personally think it would count better in 4/4 with triplets, especially with the up down up down drum pattern. That would reduce the number of measures and I think clean up the page quite a bit.

I don't disagree with the sentiment, however, I thought with all the triplets and even the 1st beat beginning in m12 which would be a eight + rest + eight triplet, it would look cleaner in 6/8. I want to stay away from 12/8 time since that is more difficult to read.
I agree it feels like it can be counted in 4/4. Though you can read it in 2 bar phrases.

Overall comment, I noticed that the first measure wasn't counted, so I fixed it. Add 1 measure to all comments to keep our place.

Quote from: Whoppybones on January 25, 2025, 05:37:13 PMFollowing feedback is counted as currently written
m12 b3 - I don't hear the top note in this one. I think the first chord is right, then this one is just the lower note. I think that's also true for m14, m16, and other similar measures.

No, I hear the top note

Quote from: Whoppybones on January 25, 2025, 05:37:13 PMm13 b2.5 & similar - Should be a D, not an Eb
m13 & similar - The LH should have 8th notes on b4-6 (or if you change the time signature, it'll end up as a triplet on b4)
m29 there are some missing stacattos
Tempo is actually 120bpm
m40 & 44 RH - I think it would be good to include an accent mark on the first note.
m44-47, 52-55 - To reduce accidentals, you could just include a Cb in each measure. You have that in 44 already, so just making that consistent should look nice.
m48-49 - starting in b4 of m48, I only hear a G and a Bb in those chords. If there is a D, it's pretty faint. Similar thing in 52-53.


Quote from: Whoppybones on January 25, 2025, 05:37:13 PMm20-25 - I know you mentioned not wanting octaves, but for these measures specifically there is an additional voice that is currently left out and I think including it would fill out the piece a little more. It starts as a Bb in m20 and then goes up to a C in m21, then a D in m22 and a little more after. I think it would be a great voice to add in!

I did refresh this LH section to more correct notes. In regards to the second voice, I added some of the notes where I can an octave higher, but not all of them since I didn't seem them in a practical range of either hand position. Not sure if this is what you are looking for.

Quote from: Whoppybones on January 25, 2025, 05:37:13 PMThere's also some layout issues. Dynamics and crescendos being too close to measure lines/staff lines is the main issue, but there's also an upside down tie or two.

I can't do much formatting in notepad

Also, I removed the lower middle note harmonic triplets (e.g. b5 of m20) to make them easier to play without losing sound quality.
While making piano arrangements some songs were so good I had to make other instrument arrangements for them.
Feel free to use the Musescore file to adjust to what you need to play.

Don't forget to check out my piano arrangements over Here.

Flute Solos
Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum Versions
Battle Castle
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Exploration Team Theme
Musescore File

The Gatekeepers
Musescore File

Saxophone Solo

Saxophone Trio
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Sky Peak Cave
Musescore File

Flute & Piano Accompaniments

Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Northern Dessert
Musescore File

Random Dungeon 3
Musescore File

Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola, Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue/DX Rescue Team
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A Message On the Wind
Musescore File

Team Skull
Musescore File

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Versions
White Treehollow Entrance
Musescore File

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Ciela, The Spirit of Courage
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A New World
Musescore File

Piccolo, Guitar & Piano Accompaniments
Yoshi's Story [N64]
Yoshi's Happy Result
Musescore File

Guitar Solo
Super Mario Sunshine
Pianta Village Band
Musescore File

Ukulele Solo (Low G String)
Super Mario Sunshine
Pianta Village Band
Musescore File

Guitar & Bass Guitar
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver Versions
Indigo Plateau
Musescore File

Flute, Banjo & Bass Guitar
Pokeomn XD: Gale of Darkness
Gateon Port
Musescore File

Violo & Violin
Pokémon Black and White Versions
An Unwavering Heart
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Shaymin Village
Musescore File

Flute & Viola
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Hidden Land
Musescore File

Flute, Bass Clarinet, Violin & Viola
Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Versions
Battle Castle
Musescore File

Flute, Bass Clarinet
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Spinda's Cafe
Musescore File

Memories Returned
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

Clarinet, Basoon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Kecleon's Shop
Musescore File

Sky Peak Forest
Musescore File

Flute, Bassoon

Clarinet, Flute
Yoshi's Story [N64]
Yoshi's Story
Musescore File

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A Wish For Peace
Musescore File

Pokemon Black and White Versions
An Unwavering Heart
Musescore File

Clarinet, Flute, Bassoon
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Sky Peak Snowfield
Musescore File

Clarinet, Flute, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone

French Horn, Tuba, Trumpet

Trumpet, Saxophone, Flute, Drums
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Purification Chamber
Musescore File

Flute, French Horn, Tuba, Drums
Pokemon Stadium 2
Musescore File

Someone make a better version of this for Marching/Pep band please. That would sound awesome if it would be played for said occasion.

Tuba, Organ, Bass, Drum, Vibraphone
Help! / Re: LF Easy Nintendo Sheet Music
December 20, 2024, 02:58:04 PM
Hi There,

I hear you I only have octave size hands so I try to reduce the size of intervals to something more manageable, but that still sounds correct.

I have a slightly simplified version of Zelda's Lullaby.

Eventually you'll learn how to adjust music to make it more playable. For example, in this case you would pick other notes within the same chord, which is what is what I did in my simplified version.
I have an even simpler one on my Musescore profile.

I also have a subjective difficulty scale there in my Music Sets on Musescore which you may find helpful.

Here are some manageable ones early on

Clock Town PDF

Let's Go Home Together - ORAS

Hut by the River Pokemon Snap

This is the first one I learned just to get me comfortable with alberti base and hand independence, though I did transpose it to the key of C when I played it.
Goldenrod City (Simplified)

Big Boo's Merry Go Round

Hyrule castle Market - OOT

Frantic Factory Production Room - DK64

Send me a message through musescore if you'd like any others.

This one is still reachable octaves. It may not be precisely accurate to the original, but it sounds correct.
Lavender Town GSC - Grandma's Theme from Windwaker

And to reference some easy Ninsheet arrangements. - Koopa Village - Paper Mario (N64) - File Select - Super Mario 64 - Yoshi's In the Wind - Yoshi's Story (N64)
If you haven't noticed, no sheets have been moving lately. Just be patient. For no sheets to be moving they must have a good reason.
looks good to me.
I'm good with your formatting changes and adding the grace note you mentioned. I don't know how to add a grace note in notepad.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on September 10, 2024, 05:07:25 PMI suppose this is fine to do harmonics, but for m4 it would be An not Gn.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on September 10, 2024, 05:07:25 PMWell if it has to be a harmonic, I suppose this is fine. You could also add an additional Fn an octave up in the 1st voice  Also for this section, the RH G's should be their own whole note voice, and the Dn to Cn should be a separate second voice.

I'll pass on adding the additional Fn,
I changed the voicing as suggested, though not sure which way the stem should point.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on September 10, 2024, 05:07:25 PMWould jut suggest this alternatively.
I left it unchanged.
Assuming it is written for a player who has a comfortable 10 span reach, it wouldn't make sense to drop off the top Bn.
I would rather simplify this than leave it as is if my say had any real weight. My experience here and understanding looking at other ninsheets is that it is written to be as difficult as possible (withing the scope of the composition), but still playable to virtuoso pianists, in order to capture the intent of the composer. I rather not deal with back and forth and extra time in submissions and just leave it up to interpretation.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on September 10, 2024, 05:07:25 PMAlso, did you mean to keep the rest of the measures m19-24 the same with the 16th's on beat 4.5-4.75, or were you waiting to update that?

I hear the snare in the same way as in the prior measures, so it is written as intended. The only place this becomes a problem is when  the notes intersect in m19, but the player could decide to play the Db with the RH. Do you have a different suggestion?

The rest are fixed.
I'm good with your changes. Thanks!
Regarding your pitching up bassline comment, recently I came across AI music splitters that can split the instruments, vocals, drums, and bassline out. There are a number of free ones out there with varying capabilities. This may be more effective than solely pitching up the song. Wanted to share an option for your consideration.


I recall prior feedback regarding the crescendos that each crescendo is to move from each stage mp>mf>f.
However I would like it to get start at the mp and gradually get louder at each triplet-like pair until it gets to the f.

I'm aware of the decending notes on b4 of m 13, 15, 17, and 19. I primarily hear the trumpets so I will prefer the held notes rather than the descending except in m19 when the descending notes fit better.

m48 I am well aware of the timpani that begins here, but I couldn't get it to sound pleasant if I keep what is currently arranged with the Timpani. It eight notes feel like they rush into b4 if its Staccato'd. or even going from an A to the low d sounds jarring.
If I switched to only the timpani it would feel quite boring so I kept the melodic aspects.

And yes I omitted any octaves in the LH. It doesn't sound as deep, but a triplet-like octaves (e.g. m 43) look very difficult to play. Going from octave to no octave in the song would sound off balance in my opinion.

And finally, to nit-pick VGMDB labels this as "Titania and Macbeth"
But it's not really Titania AND Macbeth, they are two different planets that have the same song. I prefer "Titania / Macbeth". but that is NSM's call.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 28, 2024, 08:10:58 PMThis is definitely true for the two sixteenth notes at the end of m1,3,5. But the other notes could be reasonably played if there was a lower octave added. But I'll leave it up to you, my reasoning being that it is rather quiet anyway in the original.

How about I put in a harmonic where the unreachable octave would be?

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 28, 2024, 08:10:58 PMWell my comment wasn't based on having a harmonic for the LH, it's that I don't think it is necessary to duplicate the D to C phrase in both hands.

It may not be necessary, but the LH looses its "weight" if only the Fn is played when the previous measures it was all harmonic notes. I think the Dn gives it some depth. There was a Gn so the song called for some harmony.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 28, 2024, 08:10:58 PMYes the 10th is difficult but should be possible on a good number of keyboards.  To make it easier, you could remove the for example at m9 beat 4.5 and then at 1.0 of m9 and m10 for consistency.

That makes it seem lop sided, I rather include it and leave it up for interpretation/adaptation.

Everything else is implemented.
Quote from: Bloop on July 23, 2024, 09:21:26 AMYou could do something like this together with a pedal mark, and have it continue into the current first 4 measures too:

I like the intro now, should the pedal be held in 2 measure increments?
in m4, I had put beat 4 of the LH in the RH so the LH had more time jump to the Fn

Quote from: Bloop on July 23, 2024, 09:21:26 AMWe usually do use parentheses for optional notes yeah, but it's not something that is defined in formatting guidelines. It was an alternative I thought of myself, so I'd accept both ways ^^ It depends on what you prefer.

I'll defer to whatever you think is best since you know notation better.

Quote from: Bloop on July 23, 2024, 09:21:26 AMEither way: the mordents you currently have are inverted mordents, we actually need the standard ones (so without the vertical line in the middle)
Interestingly Musescore calls the mordent you were looking for a "short trill"  and the inverted mordent I picked a "mordent"

everything else is implemented.

Separate question: can I substitute "Sunny Beach" for "Options Menu" from Wave Race? Even though submissions are closed?
if not, that's fine.
If so, would this arrangement be able to be finished in the project timeframe?
Options Menu MUS
I knowingly chose the melody and block chords over the 16th note runs and the bass pattern (except in measures 9-14) In my opinion the block chords raised on octave changes the entire feeling of the song and carrying that baseline all the way through the song gets boring quickly. the chords at least have some variety.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AMThe C-F-Bb triad plays in those first two bars too though, so maybe you can add the two bars with just that triad? (better to add this last, so the measure numbers don't change for the rest of the feedback)

Without something to substitute the drum with, it's just a boring held note. and trying to add something this with the F and the drum, just doesn't feel well adapted to the piano in my opinion. I rather leave it off.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AMYou can add more parentheses and move them up or down, or alternatively, I can use full finale to shrink the note size so it's in-your-face?
Not sure what the "standard" is. I thought all optional notes would have the parenthesis, but I'll defer to you on what is common practice.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AM-m8-11: I think it may be better to add the bass in these 4 measures too, and arrange the chords in dyads underneath the R.H. The bass and drums here have this driving rhythm that is missing when just playing long notes in the L.H. The R.H. could be something like this: You could even leave out the held notes in m9 if you want for easier playability.

originally, I left it off because the following phrase is almost the same, so for variety I gave more emphasis to the held notes before jumping into the bass guitar. Its changed though.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AM-m14-15: There are some ornamentations on the R.H. notes in m14 beat 1.5 and 3.5, and m15 beat 1.5: these are mordents (the 8th articulation in finales articulation window)
playing a mordent at that speed? NSM must really want precise transcriptions...

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AM-m25-28: You could do something like this for the L.H.: I used the bass notes as bottom notes, and arranged a part of the synth lead above that. The driving bass rhythm is technically possible, but a bit on the harder side in m25-26, so I put it back in in m27-28.

my original thought was to have a break or "catch ones breath" from the 8th notes by giving attention to other instrumentation.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AMYou can do something similar in m33-34, but you can use the upper layer in m33 to play some of the R.H. notes instead, as they'd clash otherwise. In m34, the L.H. should start with the Eb bass notes on beat 4 already. The R.H. can take a G below the Bb-C-F chord in beat 4.

I might have got lost with this one. So as not to clash in m33 I changed the An 8th notes to a Gn, while keeping everything else I had near the same.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AM-m39-41: Maybe you can move the R.H. up an octave in m39 beat 4 up to m41 beat 1 (and m8 beat 1 too), for some more power? You could also add an octave above or below the L.H. then.

That makes the jump back down to the Cn more daunting, but if you think a virtuoso can play it Bloop, so be it.

Quote from: Bloop on July 17, 2024, 11:02:21 AMLastly, since the optional ending is based on m8-10, you could try to rewrite it in the style of the new m8-10 too, but I'm not exactly sure yet what I'd do myself. Ending it on m41 beat 1 would work too, as a short but strong ending.
Ending it on a high note leaves one in suspense/expecting, instead of at rest, so I brought it down with some octave F's + harmony.

As for Sunny Beach, I'll give it another look over at some point, but if it is unlikely to completed in the project timeframe (whatever that may be), I rather have you not start the review process and it can be skipped, no need to move it to the submissions section.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI don't see this on the files currently for m1-6
If the 16th pairs are octaves, I can understand reaching the following octave in time. But that looks difficult to play in time, at least for my octave handspan. Not sure what a larger handed player can do. If the 16th pairs are NOT played as octaves, then reaching the next octave in time is a challenge. So I don't find it practical, unless you have a different opinion.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI would suggest though removing the Dn in the LH of m8 beat 1, and just putting a low F on the bottom. Maybe just make the LH a whole note Gn (current Gn) and a Fn an octave lower, as this is a reachable note combination.

a 9th is not reachable for me, For those of us who can't reach the 9th, I wanted another harmonic, so I picked the D. I can add in the F as well, but I still want the D with the player having the option to exclude the F.
I added in a dotted whole note, if that was your intent.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI would suggest utilizing the timpani pitches as a part of the LH though. I think the LH currently is a bit empty feeling in my opinion. Take this example idea for m9 to first part of m10. You could incorporate that lower harmony part into the LH where possible (looking at m9 4.5 to m10 beat 1)

Key words are "where possible." That's a 10th. In my mind that is not possible for me, but I supposed if desired, one could play the timpani and the bottom note of the chord.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PM• m11 RH beat 3 the An should be a Bn • m12 RH beat 3 layer 2 add a staccato to this Gn