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Messages - Lildigipoke2

Check out the new vid!
Off-Topic / Re: Pictures/Videos Topic
October 15, 2011, 11:53:11 AM
I'm not completely satisfied with how it turned out, but I finished a 9 1/2 minute Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Medley!
multiple consoles
no...something that is customly designed for each system....and there has to be room for games
Hey everyone,
So I'm doing an engineering project for school and I decided to try to build a video game console organizer.

First, would you want to buy one?
Next, what systems should I adapt it for?
Finally, if you want to buy one, how would you want it to be designed?

My grade's on the line here, so if you guys can help me out a bit. That would be amazing. Thanks so much guys!
Forum Games / Re: Hurt and Heal--v8.0
September 18, 2011, 04:26:57 PM
1. Mario - 15
2. Luigi - 14
3. Peach - 16
4. Daisy - 10
5. Wario - 16
6. Waluigi - 13
7. Yoshi - 14
8. Toad - 14
9. Bowser - 16
10. Bowser Jr. - 14

Screw Toad
Forum Games / Re: Pokémon to Hurt and Heal -- v7.0
September 13, 2011, 07:21:19 PM
3. Oshawott -- 20
4. Blitzle -- 15

Forum Games / Re: The person below me is...
September 11, 2011, 06:29:34 PM
Speaking of surprised, my sister just got engaged! She was totally surprised!

The person below me will write a "The person below me is..." unlike DrP's last post.
Forum Games / Re: Pokémon to Hurt and Heal -- v7.0
September 11, 2011, 06:27:59 PM
2. Tepig -- 7
3. Oshawott -- 22
4. Blitzle -- 12
Forum Games / Re: Pokémon to Hurt and Heal -- v7.0
September 04, 2011, 09:44:36 PM
1. Snivy -- 1
2. Tepig -- 17
3. Oshawott -- 17
4. Blitzle -- 11
5. Sandile -- 9
8. Litwick -- 16
10. Deino -- 9
Forum Games / Re: Whoevers post last wins. New rule.
September 04, 2011, 09:44:02 PM
i'm winning, son!
Forum Games / Re: The person below me is...
September 04, 2011, 07:55:50 AM
how did you know?!

The person below me plays Minecraft
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Polls!
August 30, 2011, 02:43:23 PM
King Boo...use him in Double Dash all the time
Forum Games / Re: The person below me is...
August 30, 2011, 02:13:54 PM

The person below me likes gay bacon strips.
well when it happens, congrats to her