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Messages - Nana1Popo2

You flatter me to think that I would take the extra time to do all that research prior to this game to come to some sort of conclusion like that haha.
Alas, i am not that well coordinated and am just trying to figure this out like the rest of you, only from a perspective of much inactivity between games.
If anything, I find it rather refreshing!
(But then i eventually get a target on my back because of it)

I will have to stick with my gut here and place a vote for TZP.

Aside from Ori, it's the only suspicion I have, including the play style dives into performance. I don't think at this moment any other person is striking much more of a flag, but anything can happen in 6 hours I suppose. Specs, your analysis is good, but idk what else I can say other than what I already have. Perhaps BDS is sliding too comfortably under everyone's radars?

I will do my best to check in before day change on my break at work. If anything further develops I will consider changing based on my previous analysis.
Oricorio, take the time you need! Hope everything does end up okay.

Can you also explain what LHF is?
I hope there will be more chatter today because tomorrow I will be at work when the day shift changes. I will likely pick a vote for someone tonight in the likely event I forget to post in time tomorrow.

Interested to hear more of your analysis, TZP.

Also Specs, if you post again in the morning.
I should specify, i dont believe that me posting analysis necessarily clears me as town, but rather it has been an observation that others expect it in some way to which it is earned through similar behavior.
I'll be so so honest, i tend to take a passenger seat role in these games! I think i've even mentioned that before.
The amount of deep dive y'all do is way beyond my mental capacity, but i do love joining along for the ride.

That being said, i will speak up if i have the right reason to do so! Maybe my flaw is I wait too long, because i want what i have to say to have substance and not just word vomit.

I'll go down the list of peeps and give my read on them, based solely on "listening" to everyone talk. I also have neither sent nor received any PM's.

Oricorio: I'm in agreement of the phrasing used by TZP, "I think Oricorio is maybe the most aggressive player in this lobby[...]". Perhaps trying to just snuff out information because they have seering power?
BDS: What I personally define as typical responsive behavior from what I remember from other games.
Specs: No true read, but it seems to have a bigger impact on other players here.

It appears that, for either some people here or in this game in general, getting a "town" read typically is given when giving heavy analysis and explanation into the social aspect of the game. As mentioned before, I lack this typically and perhaps that has always been my greatest weakness.
That being said, I will continue with the only shred of "something doesnt feel right" in my analysis.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on June 26, 2024, 06:30:13 AMI disagree that it was likely to be an RNG kill, though. My guess for why it happened: each wolf thought that, because a wolfing couldn't be guaranteed to kill someone, the best course of action was to play mindgames with the voting power and burn/chill someone unexpected. THC, as a player who had barely shown up, would be an ideal candidate to bank a burn/chill and keep the more active players thinking their votes were less powerful than they were.
TZP: It's only one paragraph, but it still gives me a weird feeling of how off-brand the decision may be from the wolves' perspective. It's only a hunch and I dont have much else. I appreciate the dive on Ori as it has assisted in forming my own opinion on them.
Xiao: Human lean; appreciate the effort in contributing to the game in a timely manner with the only vote so far, and the respect to say that it was primarily timing that it happened not necessarily the target.
Quote from: XiaoMigros on June 26, 2024, 03:21:52 PMI disagree with that analysis, I don't think it makes sense for wolves to target the less active towns under the current circumstances. I vote TZP

Is your vote for the sake of starting a vote count because none of us have voted?
To be frank, I did think TZP's analysis was oddly creatively-specific, but perhaps that's because they have more experience in TWG than I do... Does that warrant a vote already? Not that experience matters all the time, nor do I like to think outside the game (it gets confusing to me), but seeing that BDS posted about previous THC game history, idk.
I agree, msf.

Thoughts so far are it's tough to read anyone when all we do is speculate haha.
I don't mind the no non-lynch days because it certainly provides movement through the game, but it really is tough to point a finger even if justto point one.
Hi! I am here and quickly reading through everything.
This is unlike me but I did forget multiple times I was playing this game (my fault, is not an excuse; especially a "i havent been paying attention so dont count me as sus" excuse)..

It is late where I am, and I work open shift until about 4 hrs before the phase change (ugh). I will do my absolute best to reply throughout the day tomorrow!!

Initial thoughts are yes, be wary of  seering claims this early and i believe it highly unlikely, if anything very lucky, that the wolves both found each other AND got THC. Lucky, because like mentioned already, everyone at full vote is an absolute certainty at this point.
Cue "It's Been Awhile" by Staind
Agreed with BDS^. Although most of my shifts are closes and I might not be around precisely at phase change, I can always sneak a peek at work. Doesn't bother me if it is easiest.
Heck, I'll join in!
Quote from: Toby on December 10, 2023, 06:11:58 AMVery nice post game and analysis Davy. Thanks for all the work put in.

Great game!

Agreed. Thanks davy!

This was a great setup for a game, albeit odd how inactive it was in comparison to games I've played in the past.
Perhaps i got used to more consistent posting in Discord rather than forum-style ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Either way, i look forward to playing more!
I gotta say, getting thrusted into such a position of importance after not playing for a while threw me off haha.

It was lots of fun, but also for the record... everyone acted suspicious.
Definitely the first TWG where it was such a stalemate from my perspective. I should have led the fight against Toby like originally planned, but then he posted stuff that was rather credible.

Same with TZP. Alas...
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on December 07, 2023, 07:19:16 AMAnyway, I'm inclined to agree with everyone except Luigi, that if we've hit a wolf already, it's more likely to be Specs than Oricorio.

Wdym you agree with everyone except Luigi? The confirmed CO?..
I wont be back until hopefully right before phase change, but i cant get a read on math.
At least compared to the ever back-and-forth readings of Toby and TZP.
I agree with Specs being a likely candidate for wolf... BDS is low on the list, and with all respect to THC's schedule, they are in the back seat here (interesting?). At least theyve been able to reflect on the actions and likelihoods of the returning TWG members here.

Anyway, good luck, if im gone! If not, i'll do my best to push harder for info.