Nice arrangement! Definitely not as hard as Slider 😂
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Show posts MenuQuote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMTempo marking should be aligned with the left side of the time signature.Fix'd
The quarter note pickup should be aligned with the quarter rest in the LH.
Copyright text, page number, and running title should all be within the page margins.
Quote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMIt might be cool to include that arpeggio line as an optional RH part in m1-4, perhaps written with smaller notes.Good suggestion, I did consider this; however, I decided to exclude it. Not only would it take up a lot of space, but also if I did add it, then it would drop out at measure 5. In my opinion, it would seem odd to include it for such a short duration. Likewise, I tried to keep the piece difficulty closer to intermediate rather than having anything too crazy.
Quote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMm8 RH beat 2.5: I think it might be a bit easier to play that triplet if all the notes were in the upper octave as in the original. As you have it, the easiest fingering would be 5-1-5-5, but if they were all in the same octave you could do 4-3-2-1 or 2-1-2-1 or something. I don't have my keyboard with me right now so I can't play it, I'm just moving my fingers on my desk lol. If you think it's fine as is it is, then keep it.[/li][/list]After toying with it a bit, you're definitely right. Excellent idea.
Quote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMOh, wow, you're right. That second voice threw me off. Good ear.
- m8 RH beat 4: I hear the slur one note later than you have it (from D# to E in m9, with the E on beat 4 of m8 being staccato).
Quote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMm11 LH beat 4: The slur is touching the accent (also throughout the piece, the distance between the edge of the slur and the accents are not always consistent - look at m7 vs m9 for example).To me, it seems like a hair difference. Sharp eye xD
Quote from: Static on March 27, 2021, 07:24:41 PMm20 RH beat 2: I hear B in Layer 2 being slurred/tenuto, but I think it's fine to keep it staccato - it makes it a bit easier to jump to the octaves on beat 2.5.Yup, that's exactly why I made it the way I did-- to make the octave jump a bit easier.
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