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Messages - flygon9

Alright, call me crazy, but I think piano renditions of Remix 6 from Rhythm Tengoku, Remix 10 from Rhythm Heaven, and Remix 10 from Rhythm Heaven Fever would be awesome. As people who have played the games would know, these are the "end-game-combine-all-others" remixes. As such, I think it would be neat to see a little bit from every sub-game in one big piano/piano duet arrangement. Normally I would try to write these out myself, but A: I have notepad, which is VERY limited in what it can do, B: I don't have the necessary skill level required for a project like this, and C: The amount of clef changes/key changes/time sig. changes would be crazy. But still, I think it's an interesting and fun idea. Any thoughts?

(P.S.: If you have never played these games, I HIGHLY recommend that you do)
Sorry, I'm still not sure I'm completely understanding what you mean
Thanks for all of the tips and fixes guys! I went through and I added some harmonies in m17-19. (Since the OST has them held for longer, I added them into layer 2, although measure 18 has some overlapping notes that'll need parentheses around them, and I can't do that in notepad.) I added the percussion thing at the end, but all I did was appregiate (I think that's how it's spelled) a Cm chord, but I'm not 100% sure that those are the notes, so someone also may need to check up on that. Also, in measures 11-12, I added the 3rd of the chord in the second of the three note arpeggios, if that makes any sense. I'd post the updated version up to this point, but alas, I don't know how to add files to forum posts like these. How does one do that? :P
Ack I keep noticing mistakes in it :P
Although I do think that either measure 29 or 30 should be deleted because the bass line only goes 2 measures beyond the triplet measure. (If that made any sense)
Thanks guys! I was actually considering cued notes for an optional percussion part for the first two measures, but A: that seemed kinda unconventional for this site, and B: I don't know how to do jack with notepad. (as I have previously noted on this site, I am a hardcore musescore user :P) But thanks for editing it; it really needed the fixes :)
Help! / Re: Creating a PDF
June 14, 2015, 06:48:20 PM
Hey, it worked! Thanks! Now, assuming it's accepted, I'll actually have an arrangement on this site. (Yay!)
Help! / Re: Creating a PDF
June 14, 2015, 05:05:06 PM
As is seen in a previous post of mine, I (unfortunately) do not have the full version of finale. I'm stuck with the potato-version, Notepad.
Help! / Creating a PDF
June 14, 2015, 04:57:49 PM
I realize that this has already been discussed in the forums, but it didn't have the answers I needed. So, simply put and very cut-throat, in finale notepad, what is the best and easiest way of creating a PDF file? The .mus and .mid files were easy, but even with the online handbook, I'm having trouble making the .pdf of my arrangement. So, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Help! / Re: Non-finale music notation softwares
January 12, 2015, 05:26:03 AM
Well regardless of whether or not they still have that discount, I doubt that it lowers the price enough that my 15 year old self can afford it.
Help! / Re: Non-finale music notation softwares
January 11, 2015, 06:12:43 PM
Aw dang. I already spent a ton of time on a duet version of the contest theme from ORAS. I guess i should start re-inputting that into notepad, huh? And as a side note, I was asking for finale for Christmas, but my parents contacted my band teacher and he recommended Sibelius, as it was more user-friendly. So that's what I ended up getting. (Not that I'm complaining of course, it works wonders.)
Help! / Non-finale music notation softwares
January 11, 2015, 11:32:07 AM
I've gotten a lot of my sheet music from this site, and since I enjoy transcribing in my free time, so I figured that I could give back with a couple sheets. However, thus beings the problems. My main expertise in notation programs is in musescore, and I'm getting better at Sibelius. But, everything on this site is Finale-based. I'm trying Notepad, however it's very primitive compared to what I'm used to. So I figure the best solution to just write songs in a different program and import them into Notepad via music XML. However, this hasn't worked. Does anyone else have any suggestions as to what I can do to work around using Notepad?