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Messages - Cobraroll

Music / Re: Stuck! Please Help!
January 30, 2009, 03:22:00 AM
Not having heard the songs you describe, but being a music n00b myself, I can list the songs I'm able to play after 8 months of lessons. All of them are quite simple, and can be found on NSM:

Dire Dire Docks, SM64
Select your File, SM64 (super easy)
Hazy Maze Cave, SM64
Pokémon RBY - Route 1
Pokémon RBY - Pallet Town
Pokémon RBY - Elite Four

And working on a few more, such as Inside the Castle from SM64 and Ending Theme from the same game. Also, have a look at Haunted Merry and Endless Staircase, also from that awesome game. The last one is cool, because it keeps on going higher without actually getting anywhere.
Yep, a Nintendo Fanboy, here I am!
Well, there is a few I've requested, I suppose you've seen the topic (as you have posted there already). And if you want an (in my eyes) truly awesome arrangement from Pokémon, requested here twice before the expire, but abandoned, behold:

Dialga/Palkia Battle - Super Smash Bros. Brawl (number 1) (if you want the original)

It's mostly piano, and I think the rest wouldn't sound bad if played on piano either. If you like it, give it a try.

Last, for your information, the (awesome) Trainer School music link has expired. Just thought I'd point that out.
Request / Re: A Rush of Requests (Pokémon)
January 29, 2009, 09:27:32 AM
Mind? Mind?

I listed the songs that are my favourites. If you like any of them, chances are pretty big that they are amongst my very top ones, as all on the list are.

And I was considering adding Colosseum/XD to the list, but forgot it, and a few days later, you had arranged pretty much every song from those games anyways, so I didn't have to. Thanks a lot!

Have fun arranging.
^Good! Thanks!

As a side note, do you own other Pokémon games? You're starting to get through much of the song roster in Colosseum/XD, so what's after that? The music in the 3rd and 4th gen handheld games is very similiar in style to that in Colosseum/XD, so maybe something from there?

I made a request topic here, but the size of it has appearently discouraged people from posting there. Have a look!
Project Archive / Re: SUBMISSIONS ON HOLD
January 28, 2009, 12:45:04 PM
I hope that feature is back soon. Just give the guys enough time, and the first update will hopefully feature a huge batch of songs. Take your time, but do it properly, and the site will have a solid foundation to build further on when we're back to normal.
Help! / Re: The Under - Pokémon Colosseum
January 27, 2009, 07:14:54 AM
The Under is sealed off and filled with concrete in Pokémon XD. Just thought I'd point out that.

Too bad I can't help you with the song itself. It sounds fairly hard to arrange, so good luck. Anyways, thanks for trying!

EDIT: Where in the song is you referring to? Here's a video link:

May help others who are trying.
Nice work!

I know there is a separate request forum, but you seem to be the only one that does Pokémon Colosseum/XD on here. Can I ask you to at least have a look at one song, and see if it's feasible?

"Battle Mode" or "Colosseum Mode", or whatever it's called. In Pokémon Colosseum, it's the music that plays when you get to choose modes, and you don't choose Story Mode. It's also used before and after the matches in outside-story Mt Battle. I know it's merely a version of the Pokémon Main Theme, but it has that awesome intro...

Anyways, keep on arranging! There is so much good music in the Pokémon games, and it's nice to see that someone specialises on it.
I have been looking for those songs for some time now! Thanks for arranging!
Especially like the Phenac Pre Gym one (AKA Trainer school), and I love the Trainer Battle one too.
Are you planning to do more Pokémon Colosseum arrangements? I.E. the iconic Pyrite Town, or Phenac city? The "other" battle theme is also good, the one used in the first 10 or 20 matches in Battle Mountain. Though, due to all the strings, it may not sound as good on piano.
Sorry to bump, necroposting, or whatever you call it on these forums, but I have seen a bit over your arrangement queue, and it looks impressive (too bad the links are broken *curses MediaFire*). I reall hope you can fix those, as I very much would like to sheets for some of the songs (Molgera Battle in particular. That's one of the best boss battle themes ever).

Sorry to clog up your topic with a noobish question, but the "queue"-section - what's that? I've that seen most arrangers here have one, with or without links. And as MediaFire have mercilessly deleted files here in the months the site has been down, I haven't had much of a possibility to check it. Is it:

a) The files you are currently working on, posting half-finished arrangements to get feedback and/or ideas before continuing?

b) Finished arrangements, ready for submission to the site, but not yet in the "submission" section, because there are other you want to submit first?

c) something else?

And if there is a thread for general questions, could someone please direct me to it? I figured out that the question was too small to deserve its own topic.

Back to your arrangements, I have also seen a few of them. Not tried playing them yet, as I am not skilled enough yet, but I hope to get to try a few of them as I am getting better. At least, they sound brilliant in Notepad, and my general experience is that it sounds even better live.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
January 21, 2009, 01:40:46 PM
Thanks a lot for the warm welcome! I hope my Request topic doesn't get the entire site frustrated with me...  :)

So far, I've picked songs from the most notable Nintendo franchises, and games I used to play way back then.
I started carefully with Dire, Dire Docks from SM64 (learned from a YouTube vid), and worked my way through Pokémon - route 1, Select Your File from SM64, and am now trying to perfect End Theme from the same game. I'm hoping to get to the Super Mario Bros. 2 Overworld by the end of the year, and it looks like NSM contains all the steps on the ladder (so I won't have to play boring examples of waltz or marches in piano class), all the way from Select a File, SM64, to Break the Targets, SSBM (hardest song I've found, at least. Silph Co or Kirby's Dreamland are up there too, as well as the Shadow Mario Duet). Plenty of material to work with, and thanks to you all, the amount keeps on increasing.

Weirdly enough, this site went down two days after I had had my first piano lesson, and the day after I got Finale. Luckily, I had saved a few files on my PC, so I had something to play the five months the site was absent. Thanks all for coming back, though. And thanks a lot for the kind advice.
Are there any songs I should check out? I'm mostly into the Pokémon and Mario franchises, but there are tons of good music out there, so I'm willing to try everything...

And by the way, "My name is..." in Norwegian is "Jeg heter..."(I'm named...) or "Mitt navn er..." (my name is). The former is the most frequently used, the latter is more formal.
Request / [MUL] Pokemon Series - Multiple Songs
January 21, 2009, 01:21:26 PM
On other forums, I am known as Pokemaniac. And there's a reason for that. I like the Pokémon games, simple as, and I have many fond memories from them. Not going too far off topic and into the realms of nostalgia, I can say that the music in the Pokémon games is amongst my favourite music of any kind, ever (sad, I know).
And Ninsheetmusic has largely helped me bring back sweet memories from playing the games. A lot of people have volunteeringly (sp?) arranged a lot of songs from the games, and put on this site. Thanks to you all.

However, as a fan, there are some more themes I'd like to see here. Here is a short (?) list:

Note: I'd like to see any of these songs, not necessarily all of them. Demanding you to arrange them all would be selfish and rude, as I know you have lives outside NSM too (at least, I assume so). Even if only one of these is arranged, I'd be happy. To prevent this from being one long demanding list, I'll put some comments beside them, in an attempt to inspire someone to consider arranging (or making the post frustratingly long. Your opinion). Thank you.

Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow:  ( )
The Main Theme - Or Title Screen, if you prefer that name. Referred to as Opening on VGMusic. The tune that greets you when you turn on the GB, ready to explore the world of Pokémon. It's also used in the following generations, and is one of the main songs anyone should have in their head once they hear the words "Pokémon Game"
(NOTE: There is already a song in the SSB64 section named "Saffron City". It's essentially this song, used on mentioned stage in mentioned game. But could we put it other places too?)

Viridian City - Title should say it all. And in conjunction with the Route 1 music (already on site), it could be used to form the "Road to Viridian City" theme from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Viridian Forest - Remember that place? Big, dark and full of bugs? And a freakin' labyrinth? All accompagnied by that tune. Ahh, the memories...

Trainer Battle - The craziest tune since Flight of the Bumblebee. I have seen an arrangement of it (in .pdf) somewhere else, and heck, that one's fast. And it is one of the most memorable songs from Pokémon as well, really deserving a place on this site. Too bad that very few people would be able to play it (hey, you accepted Break the Targets, right?).

Team Rocket Hideout - Beneath the Game Corner lies this evil lair, like the smaller brother of the Silph Co. building, just with spiining tiles instead of warp tiles. The music is almost the same as Silph Co. too, but still a bit different. Check for yourself.

Route 12 - The amazing open fields east of Fuschia City. Every time I hear this, I picture a vast open landscape, wind in my hair adventure, and just feeling generally good. How I wish I could play this on piano... (And it's less than 30 seconds long before it loops. Can't be that hard to arrange, can it?)

Evolution - The same theme for every game, and you're likely to hear this hundreds of times through the games. Pleeease...?

Show Me Around - Remember that guy who pushed you back to Pewter Gym every time you wanted to go further, but you couldn't? Well, the guy may be irritating, but the music is sweet. At least, check it out.

Ending Theme - Referred to as "Credits" on VGMusic. All adventures have to come to an end, in this case the victory tour around Kanto, running, biking, hiking and swimming from town to town celebrating the victory in the Pokémon league. But if possible, could the eventual arranger do the FireRed/LeafGreen version instead? It's a lot better than the one on VGMusic:

Last, Pokémon Healing - Bing-bing-be-be-bing! Five notes, that's all. Three seconds worth of playing. Can anyone help me with this?

Also, I know that the Bicycle Theme already has been requested, but I'll still mention it.

Pokémon Gold, Silver Crystal: ( )
New Bark Town - Starting with the start. For the umpteenth, but not last time: Ahh, the memories.

National Park - Calm and peaceful, but may not work on piano. Either way, check it out.

Mount Moon Square - One of the many ways the programmers saved space. The viridian forest was cut down, Pewter museum closed, Cinnabar Island destroyed, etc. And following the collapse of Mount Moon, Mt. Moon Square was made. With nice music. Check it out.

Lavender Town - Not on VGMusic, so here's YouTube to the resque:
Emotional, no? One of my favs from GSC.

Champion Battle - Epic. Really a dramatic battle against Lance and his dragons. Too bad his entire team sucked, as did every other trainer in the game except Red.

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald: ( )
Route 104 - Trumpets! Now well, maybe it would work on Piano too?

Littleroot town - Another memory-inducing song. Really good.

Pokémon Trainer's School - Also known as the Chansey Dance in FRLG. It's entirely in piano, so it shouldn't be too bad to arrange. Or amybe it would, but the results would be good. Please have a look at this. If you were to choose one song from R/S/E to arrange, let it be this.

Pokémart - If my local mall started playing this, I'd shop my arms off. I love this song.

Pokécenter - The slightly different Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald version. Worth it if you have the time.

Battle Tower - Please, is all I can say. The best trainers on the planet gather for the Ultimate Challenge, the Battle Tower. I really like this theme, and I would be very happy if anyone bothered to arrange it.

The Trick House - A good contestant for "Hardest Song on Site". Also, who honestly didn't love the Trick House?

The Battle Frontier - YouTube to the resque!
Really I song I would love to play. Have a look at it!

Emerald - The Battle Tower - From 3:00 in this video:
I bet it won't sound too bad on piano. And it's really sweet as well.

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl: ( )
Luckily for potential arrangers, I'm not that fond of the D/P music. Dialga/Palkia Battle has been requested, and the SSBB version is lots better anyways. The same goes for Route 209, the second good song in the game. So here's my only request from D/P:

The Sinnoh Underground - Looks like VGMusic lacks this one too. So we have to turn to YouTube again: . Have a look.

Dialga/Palkia Battle - I'll keep going on about this until I get some sort of feedback (STFU will do, but I hope for something better than that). The SSBB version of this gives me shivers, and the piano parts are wicked (in my opinion). I've listened a lot to it, and realised that most of the song is piano or very playable on piano, and I think eventual arrangers would run into very few problems. Here's even a link:

Now, I really hope for some feedback for that song. Other people requesting songs from the Pokémon games, post it here. It's not worth the trouble to post a bunch of all similiar topics.

I will once again repeat that I'm fine as long as one of these finds its way to the Net. This is just a list of proposals, it's not that it's deadly important to me that all these are arranged. Just a bit like your wishlist to Santa, you'll never get both the PS3 and the flying car, but either one will make you screaming with happiness.

So have a look, tell me if some songs would sound like a rockslide in a glass store when played on the piano, or let me know if you find some songs interesting, or if I have left some songs out.

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: Did I break any forum rules here?

EDIT: Arranged songs (Thanks a lot, GreekGeek, Composer#40, Furiianda, Cyndaquazy, DekuTrombonist, DrPamplemousse, Dahans, Pumpy_Heart and others!) are now marked with a strikethrough.
Request / Re: Super Mario Galaxy requests
January 21, 2009, 05:53:37 AM
Well, your arrangements are excellent, mister. And the quest of arranging all SMG music must be quite challenging.

Now, sorry if these are hard/impossible to arrange, and/or sounds like a car crash if played on piano, but I'd like to see:

Toy Time Galaxy - another arrangement on the classic Mario theme, so it may not be necessary to arrange. However, NSM already have Main Theme for SM64, and "Secret", for SM Sunshine, both of which are variations of the "beep-beep-beep-be-bebebe" song we all love so much. So if you have the time and motivation, go for it!

Cosmic Mario/Luigi - merely a slightly different version of the Shadow Mario Theme, but still a song that can make its own stand.

The "suspension" music Space Peace -  It's been a while since I last played SMG, and I'm not sure if this music has another name, but I hope you understand which theme I'm talking about. It's the one that play before bosses, races or other frantic events. Like before you race Spooky Speedster for the first time, or (I think) on the beach in Deep Dark Galaxy.

However, at least before arranging the two first, I suggest that you finish all "unique-to-SMG" arrangements. Those who are skilled at playing may just play the originals, and improvise the different bits.

Good luck!

EDIT: Now that this thread is linked to once again, I'd like to do a second search for the "Suspension" music. I found out it's named Space Peace and can be heard Here
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
January 21, 2009, 05:07:07 AM
Hello NSM!

As you might have seen somewhere, I'm new on this site. I've checked your site regulary since September (and mostly being met by that advert page, thanks a lot for coming back!), and read parts of the forum, but I didn't join before today. No regrets so far.

As well as being a noob on the site, I have only played piano for about seven months, so you can consider me pretty green there too. To top that off, I only play video game music, with a few exceptions. You see, I don't listen to a lot of music, but I play games pretty much. And the games' music often wake up sweet memories (such as getting up at 6:30 AM to check out Pokémon Yellow at my cousin's N64 (played via Stadium), and running around Viridian Forest to evolve that Metapod, so we could defeat Brock. Or running around Cool, Cool Mountain in SM64 in order to find all those red coins, with the accordion music chiming through the house...). So I decided to learn a few of those songs myself.
If it hadn't been for NinSheetMusic, I would most likely never had started playing, as I would have run out of songs after... hmmm, I found one song that I was able to play on another site before discovering NSM, so I guess I would have learned myself that one, and that's it. Thanks for being here.

By the way, the noobism doesn't stop there either. I'm from the far, remote north, where English isn't the main language. Norway, to be more precise. So sometimes, my sentences can be impossible to understand, and I know nada about music terminology in English. Understanding Finale isn't the easiest either, so so far I haven't gotten any decent results when trying to arrange.

My username is taken from my other major interest, roller coasters. On coaster forums, my username is Pokemaniac, but that would be too noobish for a Nintendo related forum. And Cobraroll would be too noobish to use there, as it's simply a coaster element (as seen here), but would be somewhat random and exotic here. It's all a matter of context.

Well, I guess that's it. I hope the site will be back to normal soon, and that my posts are understandable and within the rules. See you around!