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Messages - Kricketune54

Sorry took a bit to get around to this one, but it turned out to be somewhat easier to follow than expected given how repetitive the form is, so it's a straight approval for me.

Seems to me though it should be "Rain Code" not "RAIN CODE" for the title. Wikipedia seems to say latter and the VGMdb link also says "Master Detective Archives: Rain Code"
Admittedly, I had a very difficult time following some of the changes that were made since I last looked at this. I would ask if this submission is going to continue through our submissions process that you keep things a little less drastic between edits unless we discuss making such changes - this is a complicated track and I think it might be better for future arrangement submissions that you make to be of less complexity so we avoid having to repeat a ton of sections.

I know this sounds like I'm asking to hold your hand, but I want to make sure that I'm not spending a lot of time having to re-review sections of this submission without much context as to what or why something changed, out of fairness for other arrangers who haven't had their sheets looked at yet. I do also want to be helpful to you though, and perhaps give you more of a sense what we look to have arrangements be like that are on NinSheetMusic, in terms of capturing the melody and feel of VGM songs, and also having a representative harmony optimized for piano.

• Of changes I noticed that were a bit different than I expected, I focused in most on the intro. m1-6 I don't quite hear this second RH voice (which is an acoustic guitar in the original I think?) as is, and honestly I don't think it's one that necessarily needed to be included because it is quite subtle compared to what I had laid out for m1-16 previously. But this is how I hear those notes:
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Now this honestly doesn't work super great. A lot of notes in that third voice (green) end up restruck by the LH, so you'd probably need to maybe make the notes fifths or thirds where appropriate.

Other stuff I had time to look at:
• m4 LH there's a grace note Bn on the Cn on beat 3.5
• m6 LH the Gn on beat 1 should be up an octave. The Gn on 3.5 is actually quarter note length, and 4.5 is where the Bn is played.
• m7 RH I don't hear beat 1-2 like this, more like how m17 is.
• m8 LH I think this works a bit better top to bottom - C#-An-En (C# being the one a half step up from the Bn of the previous measure)
• some of the rests seem to have come out of alignment - examples like m17 RH beat 2 or m18 beat 2. The quarter rest is lower for some reason than it should.
• m20 RH second voice this is an example of a part that maybe should be changed a bit from its original octave. Reason being that G# is the melody note here, and it kind of gets drowned out by striking those other notes on 1.5. I would suggest moving the En and Bn down an octave here.

• I haven't had a chance to do much looking at it, but there are some spots later in the sheet where I can see ties between quarter notes - the usual/more correct notation alternative is to make these two separate voices, where the one that was previously tied is a half note in one voice, and the moving quarter notes are in a another voice.
Submissions / Re: [PC] Minecraft - "Creator" by Wuuthrad
September 11, 2024, 10:47:38 AM
Hi Wuuthrad, thank you goldenscruff for the extensive look you've given this sheet so far.

One quick comment I'd like to add, grace notes usually are given slurs from the start of the grace note to the note that they are gracing on.You cannot view this attachment.

I will do a more extensive review after you have a chance to respond to goldenscruff's latest
Gave this one another check, I have nothing else so it has my approval
Bumping for arranger, are you around still to work on this one?
• copyright info missing developer (check your Pokémon Center B&W sheet onsite for this info)
• m1 and m3 RH I think the staccato on 4.0 is a little unnecessary considering the length. And for beat 4.25, it is technically just 16th length, so you could make 4.5 an 8th rest.
• m1 and m3 the jumps from 3.0 to 3.5 is quite awkward from the added 3rd finger that is needed, I would suggest just doing Dn-F# for 3.5 and 4.5 just like 1.5 and 2.5 as the Bn doesn't add too much.
• m2 and m4 LH the top note sounds like an En for 1.5 and 2.5 - you could keep pattern similar to m1 and m3 by doing En-G# for this

Overall- this is what I'm thinking would work better for the pattern of m1-2, also applying to m3-4 where appropriate
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• m9 RH 2.5 could add G# grace to this An
• m11 RH 3.75-4.0 this tie should be flipped up
• m11 LH top notes also sound like Bn's
• m12 LH 1.75 this En is a part of the RH rhythm - I think the RH also can play it fine and then play 2.5 right after as opposed to the LH needing to finger it
• m14 RH hearing 3.5 as 16th length, and then on 3.75 an En which ties to 4.0 as well (so no 16th rest on 4.0).
• m13-15 RH second voice realistically these notes are not getting held their full length- would suggest either removing this layer, or maybe just adding a single 8th in the first voice on beat 1 that is the current note.
• Small detail but usually don't include colons in the credits for the composer and arranger, not sure if that's a newer preference for you but I think it's a little unnecessary
• m4 the cresc. could go a little lower so it's not touching beat 4's note stem. Could also lower the forte in m5 to align with this change.
• RH m9 you could add an Fn grace note to 4.0

Things I think I can only change
• Tempo font is a bit big
• Top system on page 2 is a little high compared to the title
• adjust second voice staccatos so that they are centered over the notehead and not the stem.
Quote from: Fernman on July 29, 2024, 06:24:53 PMHow about I put in a harmonic where the unreachable octave would be?
I suppose this is fine to do harmonics, but for m4 it would be An not Gn.

QuoteIt may not be necessary, but the LH looses its "weight" if only the Fn is played when the previous measures it was all harmonic notes. I think the Dn gives it some depth. There was a Gn so the song called for some harmony.
Well if it has to be a harmonic, I suppose this is fine. You could also add an additional Fn an octave up in the 1st voice  Also for this section, the RH G's should be their own whole note voice, and the Dn to Cn should be a separate second voice.

Quote from: Fernman on July 29, 2024, 06:24:53 PMThat makes it seem lop sided, I rather include it and leave it up for interpretation/adaptation.
Would jut suggest this alternatively.
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Also, did you mean to keep the rest of the measures m19-24 the same with the 16th's on beat 4.5-4.75, or were you waiting to update that?

• m10, m14 RH beat 4 I don't feel these 8th's are staccatoed
• m18 RH beat 2.5 could add the En under the Gn like all the other measures of this rhythm.
• m19, m21, 23 back to accidentals, the chord for these measures is Db, so the sharps should be the flat versions of these pitches
Quote from: SlimyWyvern on September 05, 2024, 09:17:27 AMHaha, no worries. This game was actually a favorite of mine as a kid, even if I could never beat it until years later when I finally scored myself a used copy (and good god, is this game expensive nowadays).
Honestly never heard of it before the previous submission

Things look good though, so I will approve for the next updater!
Projects / Re: Rubikium's Aquatic Update Project Sheets
September 10, 2024, 02:38:41 PM
Quote from: Rubikium on August 30, 2024, 03:38:37 AMI can't move the Segno symbol in Notepad. Please help me to move it later
will do!

Quote from: Rubikium on August 30, 2024, 03:38:37 AMI'm not hearing these two, so I kept them as is for now
I'm hearing the Dn in m26 as part of the melody line, up an octave from top Dn in LH. As for m36 it sounds like the accordion goes up an octave.

Quote from: Rubikium on August 30, 2024, 03:38:37 AMI hear it starts at beat 1 with a crescendo
Oh yep, you're correct

Quote from: Rubikium on August 30, 2024, 03:38:37 AM• m43 RH the F# sounds like it's dotted quarter length, followed by a C# 8th length, and a C# on b3 that ties to an 8th length C# on m44 b1.
The C# is only an 8th note currently

• m16 LH beat 2-3 I heard G# and C# instead of Bn and D#
• m33 RH beat 2 sounds staccatoed
• m46 RH beat 1 I hear an An as well
• m46 LH I think the LH has a bit more pitches than necessary, maybe just Gn on beat and An on 2.5? Honestly they aren't really audible to me though so I'd be fine with just having the RH pitches here
• m63 and m67 LH I hear an An between the D's
• m77 RH not hearing these notes, I think the Bn and Bb on top in the LH are the top pitches.
• m78 RH beat 1 hearing top to bottom: Gn-Dn-Bn, and beat 2 An-En-C#.
Projects / Re: Cashwarrior1's Aquatic Update Sheets
September 10, 2024, 02:01:23 PM
Okay, just did a last check through, I approve of this sheet, but I am just going to make comment that I think the composer's name should be spelled Ryo, not "Ryou". I understand the intent, as that is technically how the Romaji would be spelled out, but in every release and available resource the name for this composer is anglicized to Ryo. Just think it would be odd to be out of step with how his name is officially listed/credited
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on August 31, 2024, 07:15:16 AMSorry, work has been hectic lately, we've been understaffed. I've updated the file now, though!
Oh sorry, totally understandable reason. 

Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on August 31, 2024, 07:15:16 AMThis is the only particular note I disagree with, though I do believe what I had was also a bit incorrect. I'm pretty sure the clavichord is playing a (each pair listed in descending order) Bb-G, Bb-Ab, Bb-D, then Ab-C on the offbeats. It's also an octave higher than I originally had it. So I adjusted that accordingly, still including the flute bit in there as well, of course
On my own relistening, I think the flue part is correct, but the clavichord on 1.33 sounds like Fn-Eb underneath the Bb. For 2.33 I think you could have the same notes again to represent the clavichord part (Bb-Fn-Eb)

• m6 and m10 LH 2.33 I think instead of Gn, Fn would be a bit more accurate to the progression of the clavichord here.
• m14 LH 2.33 Ab is restruck
• m13-14 and m17-20 I think you could add the clavichord parts to the RH, just as harmonies underneath beat 1 and beat 2 (where applicable). Separately though, is there a reason m17-20 is down an octave?
• m24 RH beat 2 the Eb sounds like it is restruck
• m26 RH beat 1 hearing Cn under the Gn
• m28 RH beat 1 is the Bb actually played? I was thinking on relistens that it was an 8th rest like how m31 begins
• m35 RH beat 1 hearing Fn under the Bb
• m36 RH beat 1 hearing Db under the Bb
• m37 RH beat 1 hearing An under the C#
• m38 RH hearing An and C# under the En
• m39 RH beat 1 hearing F# under the Bn
• m40 RH beat 1 hearing Fn under the Dn
Project Archive / Re: Kricketune54's Aquatic Update Sheet
September 09, 2024, 02:33:29 PM
Quote from: Bloop on September 06, 2024, 05:11:59 AMI think at those places the note actually just falls on a funky laid-back beat 2.25, as trying to count 32nd's at this speed doesn't seem feasible. The song in general seems to be in a sort of 16th-swing-y vibe, which probably delayed the tuba note a bit, or just the attack of the tuba took a bit too long.
Ah okay. I have adjusted these notes to beat 2.25.

Quote from: Bloop on September 06, 2024, 05:11:59 AMAll other changes look good! One small thing I noticed:
-m2 and 14: The quarter rest in the second layer should be two 8th rests (similar to the rests in m4)
Fixed this as well

Quote from: Libera on September 07, 2024, 12:34:01 PM-Maybe add some of the other keyboard notes in as harmony in bar 18?  The texture is a little sparse there comparatively to the surrounding bars, and I think adding in that harmony there would help.
I went back and forth on this. On one hand this makes it a bit more "arranged" than I usually strive for, but in context of this sheet and keeping the flow, it makes sense, so I've added the harmony here

Quote from: Libera on September 07, 2024, 12:34:01 PM-vgmdb lists Shinobu Nagata as the composer for this piece.
Ah good catch forgot to do this between updating the titles for this sheet and the already onsite Tournament (in progress) one, updated

Thanks both! I have updated my Dropbox
Project Archive / Re: Kricketune54's Aquatic Update Sheet
September 05, 2024, 12:13:05 PM
Quote from: Bloop on September 01, 2024, 04:55:15 AM-In most bars, the second tuba note is on the same beat as the guitar (on beat 2.75 instead of 2.5), probably best to check these throughout.
Wow and even after checking this bassline multiple times thinking I had a grip on it, I still slipped up big. Did a thorough relisten, rectified all tuba notes (note there are some parts where the note still lands on 2.5 such as m4, and there are even two spots where the second tuba note at the beginning of the measure is further subdivided to 32nd length at m27 and m31). I think I thought the notes were just a little "laid back and funky"  ::)

Quote from: Bloop on September 01, 2024, 04:55:15 AM-m2 and 14: The staccato in the L.H. beat 3.5 should be above the notehead.
-m6: You can keep the L.H. guitar part in the R.H., and maybe write this bar in the bass cleff for easier readability. Same in m10
Fixed, made those two measures bassclef.

Quote from: Bloop on September 01, 2024, 04:55:15 AM-m7: I think I hear an An instead of Ab as grace note before beat 3 in the R.H. Same in m11
I still hear Gn grace note for m7 but I've fixed m11.

Quote from: Bloop on September 01, 2024, 04:55:15 AM-m19: Maybe instead of just Ab's for the guitar, you could do C and Eb's and put them in the R.H.?
-m24: There's a low Eb in the guitar from beat 2 on here too
Added in these notes

Made a few other separate changes, and changed the systems to 4-4 as I thought it was getting too cramped. Thanks!

Quote from: MomoQca on August 31, 2024, 10:10:25 AMI was able to cut it down to 5 systems per page (page 2 and onwards).
No reason in particular. I keep forgetting to include con pedale lol
These look good

Quote from: MomoQca on August 31, 2024, 10:10:25 AMThe lyrics has been taken from the official OST booklet (which I have). This site has the lyrics taken from the booklet. For the first point, the "The" in <The final day has come to an end> has been eliminated. The singer doesn't appear to pronounce the word despite it being in the official lyrics. However for the second point, I left the "I" in <I will trace back all the memories>. It sounds like it could go either way, but I personally prefer to use the official one.
Thank you for this clarification! Hmm... I would think go by the official lyrics, but if the artist doesn't say them in the recording... I am good with you leaving the words as is. I guess one thing you could do if you wanted, is to put parentheses around each word that is not spoken in the actual track.

Quote from: MomoQca on August 31, 2024, 10:10:25 AMI think I fixed this. I messaged you via Discord. If needed, I will adjust accordingly.
Yep as discussed on Discord this looks good

• m2 RH technically if there's a hidden rest, the first voice wouldn't be flipped won teh way it currently is. Also applies to m4
• admittedly I have to do a bit of a deeper look, but why did you choose to bump the sung melody up an octave?