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Messages - MaestroUGC

That's it the showcased is cancelled!


((The showcase is not actually cancelled))
Hey NSMers!

It's been... a bit too long since we hosted our first Super Mario Maker Showcase but worry not because we will resume with the second half of our first submissions next Saturday!

That's right tune in on Saturday November 9th at 7pm EST to our NSM Twitch channel as I continue to explore these great levels you all submitted.

Please understand that because of the influx of levels we received the first time that we will not be accepting new entries for this stream. We need to get through or original entries before we play newer levels. However we do enjoy playing through what you guys create so we will be hosting more of the events in the future so stay tuned and keep making levels!

Maestro "I didn't order a giant trampoline!" Grenkowski
Piano Arrangements / Re: 607's Arrangements
October 08, 2019, 12:29:08 PM
Perhaps it'd be better to consider arrangements to be interpretative rather than transcription. Part of our process here is to not only recreate the original music but also edit and modify it for the purpose of performance. Therefore in many cases our sheets aren't 100% exact copies of the originals. We also exist in a grey area regarding copyrights, so we have these measures in place to make sure we try to stay on the favorable side of the law.

Aside from that, as both Levi and myself have stated we as a community can help you train these skills. Even if you don't want to prepare written arrangements for NSM, or even at all, these are important skills to have a musician and would be things you'll be taught anyway should you pursue music beyond a hobby.
Piano Arrangements / Re: 607's Arrangements
October 08, 2019, 10:51:50 AM
Hey there, just thought we'd chime in here real quick:

@Levi: While the intent of your post is well meaning it is rather hostile towards newer arrangers trying to get into the craft. The overall tone is dismissive of the effort 607 has made, and can be read as shaming him for not following our standards. You have some good advice in your post, but calling him out for his methodology and repeatedly asserting he was wrong for doing so is not the way to encourage newer members here.

@607: We are always excited when newer members show an interest and desire to start arranging, but as Levi has pointed out there are some requirements we have here to ensure NSM has the highest quality sheets. First and foremost is the fact we do not tolerate plagiarism which we identify as using the work of people as the basis for arrangements, such as: MIDI arrangements, rips directly from the ROMs of the games, or copying of any officially released materials. This helps us to avoid overstepping any copyright infringement and maintain our reputation. As such we do require that anything submitted for review be made entirely of your own efforts, or that of collaboration with other arrangers. That said we do have a number of resources to help you get started, as well as a community of great arrangers to ask for help both here on the forums or through our Discord server. We do want accurate sheets, but we also want honest arrangers who put in the work. We look forward to seeing the kind of arrangements you make!
Site News / Re: NSM Mario Maker Showcase!
August 19, 2019, 08:37:08 AM
Well at was a lot of fun! Thank you for tuning and a special thanks to all those who submitted levels. Now I wasn't able to play all of the levels submitted but fear not! I'm saving all of the submission to feature on our next Mario Maker stream. That's right, we'll be doing this again so stay tuned for when we announce the date!

Here's all of the levels we played:

Journey Through Pipes - 80R-154-7RF
Cat Burglar - 82S-7VR-YHG

Maximum 256
1-1 Mushroom Forest - 5MC-N4W-7YF
1 -2 The Mysterious Tomb  - 84H-SM6-0WG

Matt (3K0-3NQ-0WG)
Three-Way Cavern - Y0X-JQ6-WLF

Pyukman (Jax)
Desert Munch - WF3-88S-LYG
Cave Escape - 9Q4-0QY-G1G

Red Coins At Sunset - JFS-PLV-CXG
Cape Tactics Flight Test - J3C-7MK-SJF

Evergreen Hills - 8BG-L50-MMF
Bob-Bomb Factory - FWH-5JC-DTG

Icy Slide 2 (easy version) - 30F-WCF-VTF

Not Celica (Libera)
Wings - 1DH-7V7-9VF

P-Switch B
Easy Kaizo - CSP-LWC-2WF
SMB Level Mashup (Part 1) - 172-07H-GkG

Bleeping Wall Jumps! - PRG-JPM-2MG
Site News / Re: NSM Mario Maker Showcase!
July 18, 2019, 05:03:58 PM
Below are the details for joining the event.

1. You must be a member of the NSM Discord group to enter. Join here.
2. To submit your levels you will need to complete this Google Form. You can edit the form later if you want to add or change submitted levels.
3. You can submit levels until 11:59pm EST August 15. This is to give me enough time to download the levels and organize them for the stream.
4. You can only submit up to 5 levels for this event.
5. I reserve the right to omit any submitted levels for time constraints and fairness to other submissions.
6. I make no promise that I can complete any levels submitted. I will try my best but if I can't succeed after 5 attempts then I will move on to the next level.
7. I will be playing all of the level mostly blind, but I will do some screening before hand to gauge the overall difficulty for organizational purposes.
8. Do not submit anything containing offensive or vulgar messages or content.
9. This is all in good fun, so send me whatever you want other people to see.
Site News / NSM Mario Maker Showcase!
July 18, 2019, 05:03:43 PM
Greetings NSMers!

Maestro here to present a unique opportunity for all our community members and fans of NSM. We've been having a blast making levels in Super Mario Maker 2 for the Nintendo Switch and we want to see what kind of levels you all have made!

Here's the deal: Until August 15th you guys can submit your own custom levels for me to play, and on August 17th at 7pm EST I will host a stream of my attempts trying to play them! I will also be joined by E. Gadd offering some commentary while I likely fail repeatedly. In the meantime be sure to subscribe to the NSM Twitch channel! You might see some other things while you wait for the main event...

All of the details for this event will be on the NSM forums, including how to submit your levels. I look forward to the crazy stuff you guys can come up with!

Best Wishes,
Maestro and Friends

Well it looks like we've got a submission already, I'm looking forward to what you guys will throw at me. Like I said before I'm not imposing any limits for the kinds of levels to submit, so go crazy and make troll levels of you want as well. I promise my goal is to give all the levels equal focus when streaming.
Make whatever you like, I just make no promises I can complete the levels within a given amount of time. If you guys want to go crazy I'm game for it.
The time frame is just a rough deadline to submit something for me to play. You do not need to make an new level if you do not want to.
It is I, Maestro, the Arbiter of Fun on NSM!

Super Mario Maker 2 has just been released and many of you have already begun making your own levels. Well now is your chance to come together as a community to showcase your creativity! Here's what we're going to do:

1. You all will spend 3-4 weeks making some sweet Mario Maker levels and submit them here.
2. Once we've settled on a date, I will gather them up and play them all during a Live Stream on Twitch.
3. You guys may have the chance to join us to talk about your levels as well as just have a good time!

Some exact details will change depending on our expected turnout, and an official Sign-Up will be posted in a few days. Comment below if you want to show me what you've made!
Movies & TV / Re: Avengers: Endgame
April 28, 2019, 07:05:52 AM
Captain Marvel will have many of the same problems that most Superman-like characters will have, in that they'll either need to face ever increasing dangers or the conflict will have but not be in the fight but rather in the ideologies and viewpoints.

On topic I saw the movie opening night and have many thoughts but will refrain from sharing until more time passes and more people have a chance to see the movie.
Site News / Re: New art for the main site?
March 13, 2019, 04:31:38 PM
We're getting rid of the house but keeping the kitchen, actually.
Site News / Re: Ghost Updaters
March 06, 2019, 07:37:14 AM
I'm going to need you to stop begging for a staff position. You're spamming this thread and are reaching the limit of my good graces.
I exist outside of how you perceive time.