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Sheikah's random crafts

Started by the_last_sheikah, March 20, 2012, 03:37:21 PM

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I have so much stuff in my room that I've made and finally, a place to display them.

*ok, this I didn't "make" per say, but I painted it myself so it counts*

*my Ezlo hat*

*It's-a me! Super Mari-O-Lantern!!*

Thats all for now, I'll upload more when I get a chance.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!

Fleetstar The Flygon

You need to tell me how to make that hat. It looks awesomesauce!


you need:
green felt
yellow felt
2" styrofoam ball
thin craft foam
green paint
a paper plate
cardboard(cereal box)
a crap ton of hot glue and patience

1)Cut the green felt so when rolled up, will look like a cone. Cut it like 1/4 of a circle.  Make sure it will fit your head, then hot glue or sew the straight ends together. You now have a basic link hat.
2)Paint the stryofoam ball green. Let dry.
3)Cut two 1.75 inch circles out of the plate.  Sketch the curved lines for the eye lid/ pupil(in that order), paint eyelid green, let dry, fill in pupil with a black sharpie.
4)Cut two 6" by 2" cardboard pieces, trim to look like a beak. Cover individually with yellow felt, use hot glue.  Hot glue together along long edges and make round so the beak appears open.  Round off the short, straight edge to fit flush with the "head" and glue to head.  Be careful, I learnded the hard way that styrofoam melts when hot glue is applied.
5)Glue eyes on oposite sides of the head.
6)Cut hair curl out of the crafting foam, just eyeball it.  Paint green, let dry, sharpie in the swirl. Glue to back of the head.
7)Carefully glue the head to the hat tip. CAREFULLY
8)If head is too heavy, tape supports inside the hat (thin wooden dowels, sturdy pipe cleaners, straws, ect.)

If you need any more specific help, let me know.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!