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Errors regarding the Main Site (Spelling, 404's, Track Titles, etc...)

Started by Winter, February 28, 2013, 07:56:58 AM

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I hope this is the best place to put this.

The Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack has somewhat drastically different titles for songs than the ones the fans probably know best, such as these titles corresponding to on-site sheets (in the order of our on-site sheets):
  • Fledgling
  • Under a Hollow Moon
  • Dark Cavern
  • Everlasting Instant
  • Romantic Vagrant
  • Uroboros, the Serpent that Devours the Horizon
  • Eternia, Land of Immortality
  • The Joy of Victory
  • The Evil Wings
Which titles do we go with? I'm publishing my transcription of a different Bravely Default theme today that I've found with four different titles online....



I was recently snooping around on VGMDB when I came across this album. I was not aware that Pokemon Stadium had ever had its soundtrack released onto a physical CD before.

The issue at hand here is that it appears that the game's Sound Director (Masafumi Kawamura) and at least one of its Sound Programmers (Mitsuhiro Hikino) did actually write and/or arrange some of the games soundtrack. As such, my Pokemon Stadium sheet on-site needs to be updated with this new information. I'm choosing not to include a credit for the other Sound Programmer (Hideaki Shimizu), simply to not take up too much space, but it is possible that they may have contributed to the soundtrack. Until we get a full soundtrack release with credits for all tracks, we may never truly know for sure.

Here are the updated files:

Pokémon Stadium [N64]


Thanks for the diligence! I got that updated. The PDF has a character after the URL (I still have no idea why that mysteriously appears on exports sometimes) so I exported a new one.

Quote from: Dekkadeci on May 01, 2022, 12:08:04 PMThe Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack has somewhat drastically different titles for songs than the ones the fans probably know best
Sorry I didn't reply to this earlier! I'll defer somewhat to people who know the game/soundtrack better, but pretty much everywhere I've seen uses the typical names and I don't know if there's a source for those. I do wonder how potentially confusing people would find the official names.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Super Paper Mario's "Overthere Stair" should be "The Overthere" based on this source