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So, Insig may be able to compose stuff, eh?

Started by InsigTurtle, September 05, 2015, 04:40:17 AM

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so this is what it was

admittedly, i decided to tone down on the dissonance afterwards before presenting it in front of the class

it was supposed to accompany a video of animals

i didn't really care as much for presentation in this one, so it's quite messy, accidentals are everywhere and the beaming is off in places

the piano part can get difficult at times with the cross-rhythm and that one six-note chord i keep on using to represent the caiman's movements (yes, I know that there's a difference between alligators, crocodiles, caimans and gharials, but i went with "croc" in the file because it's easier to type) which forces your hand into a very strange position

i don't know how noticeable the time signature changes are, though. they're all over the place because i synced it up with the video

so yeah

stuff! whoo!


Lol, when I listened to it, I only heard piano. It was an epic and impossible piano performance!



How do you write this in chem class? I feel like the block chords don't really fit with it because it's kinda like peaceful stuff then, BAM! Block chord. :|


By not listening to the teacher, that's how.

I actually wrote them out as rolled chords with a tenuto sign on top in my original version, but I got lazy when transcribing it into Finale. I also didn't mean this to be played in a strict tempo, like what Finale does, and a normal performer would probably accent the top B while keeping the E and G quiet anyway.

Pianist Da Sootopolis

My only gripe is that in the middle bit (a la M.13), the other voices didn't really feel important at all.
what is shitpost


That's pretty much because they're all the same thing, just transposed. I wasn't really thinking in terms of melodic lines, there, so it's a bit stale imo.


guess what this is also in e flat minor

the structure here is A1 B A2 C A3 Coda, with slight changes to the A section each time
by the end, it gets a bit difficult to play, but i don't really care


In my mind, I was thinking, "Wow! This would be a fun song to play!" Then I got to the end.

E. Gadd Industries

You just gave me inspiration to start composing in chem class; the teacher doesn't teach anything anyways. XD
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



Quote from: cashwarrior1 on March 28, 2016, 04:30:56 AMIn my mind, I was thinking, "Wow! This would be a fun song to play!" Then I got to the end.
Hey, I think it's fun to play once you get the hang of it :P

Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 28, 2016, 07:02:40 AMYou just gave me inspiration to start composing in chem class; the teacher doesn't teach anything anyways. XD
Y'know, you might as well do what I do and make tea in chem class (if you're not in a lab). Since my chem class is in a normal classroom, and labs are done elsewhere, every class, I go in and make a cup of tea for myself. Our teacher's fine with it, we have a bunch of teas and a kettle at the back of the room.


I like these ones.

So far, my favorites are: (Most favorite on top)

(Man, these names are creative! Kama is Amak backwards!)



This isn't supposed to sound good, in the traditional sense. It's more of a musical experiment, What I did here, was have 12 staves, each only playing at a different pitch and a different rhythm throughout. It starts out sounding somewhat acceptable to usual musical tastes, then as the other semitones come in, it gradually becomes increasingly dissonant, before the other notes come out in the order they came in.

So why did I write this? I don't know. It's not meant to be music that people listen to willingly. But it's still music, it's still an art form comprised of silence and sound.

Honestly, I don't want to explain this one, but I felt that I had to protect myself in some way from the inevitable "this sounds like shit and you know it so why did you even make this or post it in the first place" comments.

Anyway, I'll try to post something more ear-pleasing next time, something less edgy and hipster and shit like that.
Goddamn, that's stuff a hipster pot-smoker here would say.
The whole "hurr it's art you don't understand" thing.
Man, I rather dislike the scent of marijuana.
Which made 4/20 even worse here, since this place is like the pot-smoker capital of Canada.
But of course, people kept on making references to Hitler's birthday on that day.
Hitler, huh. I remember reading how he had one testicle and a micropenis.
And people think that's funny, and they say how the dictator was trying to compensate for something.
It's strange, how people act that way.
And in those few rambling sentences, I managed to mention weed, Hitler, and penises. The trifecta.
So, yeah. You didn't have to read this. I was just trying to unite three memelords in one disjointed paragraph, since I'm procrastinating right now.