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Gamma-Ray's Arrangements

Started by Gamma-Ray, November 12, 2015, 01:37:09 PM

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Hi everyone! I've been trying to arrange some Pokemon music for quite some time now and finally managed to finish some sheets, with hopefully many more to follow. I will likely be arranging music from Pokemon (XD, COL, BW, RSE, since these were my favorite Pokemon games), Diddy Kong Racing and perhaps Mario Kart 8.
I'm still not feeling 100% confident with arranging, so any comment or feedback is greatly appreciated.

I don't know if it's possible to open the MIDI-files, but the PDFs should work. Will add the corect MUS-files when I think the sheets are good enough to be submitted.

E: Added all the MUS-files, should be correct now.


[NDS] Pokémon Black and White:
"Entralink" - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum:
"First Battle" - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]

[GCN] Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness:
"Theme of Suspense" - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire:
"Cave of Origin" - [PDF] [MIDI] [XML] [Original]

[GBC] Pokémon Gold/Silver:
"Route 30" - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]

[N64] Diddy Kong Racing:
"Greenwood Village" - [PDF] [MUS]
[MIDI] [Original]


[NDS] Pokémon Black/White:
"Carrying a mission"
"Driftveil Drawbridge"

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire:
"Route 113"

[GCN] Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness:
"Cipher Peon Battle"
"Cipher Admin Battle"

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum:
"Cipher Peon Battle"
"Final Battle"

[N64] Diddy Kong Racing:
"Jungle Falls"
"Pirate Lagoon"
"Star City"


Ah, it's nice to see a new face! This is pretty good, though I'd prefer a mus file :3. My only advice atm would be to try and include some of the niceties such as the grace notes in measure 7 and and the piano voice in measure 9.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Thanks for the comment! I added the .mus file, although the formatting is a bit off. I agree on your suggestions about measure 7 and 9, though it will be hard to play the piano voice in measure 9 without drowning the melody.


Hello Gamma-Ray!
Just wonder, do you like the band Gamma Ray??
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on November 13, 2015, 05:21:08 AMHello Gamma-Ray!
Just wonder, do you like the band Gamma Ray??
Hi Tobeh99! I don't know the band Gamma-Ray, I'm not really into Heavy Metal at all. I guess my name just came from the scientific gamma-rays.


 :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\

nah it's OK. Have fun arranging! :)
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Short update: "Route 30" from Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal, also known as "Welcome to the world of Pokémon", has been added. Please let me know if the .mus file works fine (i.e. I can not edit stuff in it, so I'm not sure if the XML-file messed something up) since I plan on submitting it. As always, any feedback is appreciated!


I'm back!  :D
After a long hiatus, i decided to try arranging again and i feel like i definitely missed that. I'll try to tackle a good part from the Pokemon XD-COL Soundtracks, as well as Diddy Kong Racing, which has really good (and nostalgic) music.

Here is the first completed Sheet, Greenwood Village (or Windmill Plains) from Diddy Kong Racing N64. Any feedback is highly appreciated, as I plan to submit it.

[PDF] [MIDI] [XML] [Original]

First, I did download Finale (2012), but it didn't correctly import the format and I wasn't able to change it manually. Therefore I'll leave the XML file (from MuseScore), and hope that somebody can help me with it.

Second, the sheet looks kind of messy atm and is quite difficult to play, so it might need some adjustments on either the format or the notes. Here are some issues that could be changed imo:
b. 5,7,9,14,16 The graceties are actually 16-triplets at the end of the bar before, but that would mess the format up even more, since i'd need a 3rd voice.
b. 16,17 The 32-notes once again hinder the format, maybe put a tremolo there or just a long note?
b. 22 The glissando is not actually a proper one, but imo less complicated than to write it out.
b. 35-41 The melody sounds rather monotone, but including the 16-broken chords would make it unplayable, so I only included them in b. 38.

Once again, I'd appreciate any help (especially with the .mus file difficulties).


Another update! Taking a little step away from Diddy Kong Racing, so here's a colourful mix of (sort of) relaxing Pokémon music. I'd still appreciate Feedback on Greenwood Village though.

[GCN] Pokémon Colosseum: First Battle - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]
Quite happy with this one, only small Finale formatting issues.

[GCN] Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness: Theme of Suspense - [PDF] [MIDI] [MUS] [Original]
This probably needs some revision if i wanted to submit it, so i didn't bother too much with optimizing articulations and dynamics. Still like it, but it might be too far away from the Original.

[GBA] Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire: Cave of Origin - [PDF] [MIDI] [XML] [Original]
Such a beautiful track, and i think i got it quite accurately, although it's pretty difficult to play. For some reason Finale messed up the 8va-parts pretty badly, so here's only the XML file for now (any help with the formatting greatly appreciated). The dotted eight notes in the first voice in M.6-7 are most likely impossible to play, but i had to include them for a much better MIDI - so any ideas? Maybe be less accurate and play the Eb/D in the left hand instead?

Again, any kind of feedback is appreciated (hope i don't annoy you with constantly asking for this ;) ).


Taking a quick look at Cave of Origin. Keep in mind the whole point of sheet music is for someone on a piano to play it - so yes, adjustments must be made. It's up to you what they are; can't listen to the original right now to compare.

A note on rhythms - a slow tempo marking and tons of 32nd note runs hint to me that this sheet would be better off written with all note durations doubled.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I'll definitely work on an easier version, probably putting some of the highest notes in the left hand (although that takes a decent chunk from the original).
The problem with changing the time signature and doubling the durations is the 16th notes changing between doublet and triplet rhythm, which is a bit messy to depict in 3/4 or 6/8 (imo). Maybe the solution is starting in 3/4 and switching to 6/8 (and back)? Either way, not quite sure about how i should approach this.


One of the problems as you have it right now is that it's difficult to discern the rhythm by looking at it. I think it's be clearer in 6/8 or 3/4 (or switching if necessary, again, don't really have the time to analyze the song right now). Probably a good idea to ask in the timesig help thread.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Cave of Origin is guaranteed 6/8 or 12/8 time (I would personally go with 12/8) at 100 bpm. Fosho.
I don't actually hear anywhere you should be forced into doublets either, should all be right in time from what I can tell. On top of that you didn't use any doublets in your current sheet, so just halving the time shouldn't change anything lol