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Wander's back! With a YouTube channel.

Started by WandringMinstrel, November 28, 2016, 07:41:46 AM

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Hey everyone! It's been a long time. I'm hoping to get back into arranging soon, but until then I've started putting arrangements up on my new YouTube channel. I just put up my first piano OST there, The Mysterious Murasame Castle. I'm looking to put a lot more up there in the coming weeks and months, so I'd appreciate anyone heading over to check it out! They'll include arrangements of songs both on the site and off, so if you're interested give them a look.
They are just MIDI though, which is why I'm not posting this in the performance thread. I'm not really able to record myself live quite yet. But those looking for piano arrangements of old-school soundtracks, I want to make this a strong resource.

Thanks, and I look forward to arranging again!

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Welcome back! The channel looks good, I'll have to poke around it sometime. (Coincidentally I recently acquired this game for the famicom disk system. Too bad I don't have a system to play it on yet...)
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New video! This time, Wrecking Crew!
Hope you all enjoy it, I have a lot more planned.
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread:


Wow looks really good! :D However the quality on your videos are pretty low making them look blurry. :-\
Quote from: Dudeman on August 16, 2016, 06:11:42 AM
tfw you get schooled in English grammar by a guy whose first language is not English

10/10 tobbeh


Really? There should be a 1080p option...
If there isn't, I'll have to look into it, maybe reupload.
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My Arrangements Thread:


Okay, I looked into it and there seem to be a problem with YouTube in general. Not sure if it's just applying to my channel, but for some reason it's only giving 360p options, sometimes 720p (it's weirdly inconsistent). I upload everything in 1080p, which was working earlier, so I have no idea why YouTube isn't playing them in HD right now.
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread:


Even my video manager says they're in HD, YouTube just isn't playing them in HD anymore. I'm hoping this is an issue YouTube can resolve itself, and quickly. Thanks for the heads-up, this seems like a big YT problem.
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread:


It is a YouTube problem. Sometimes videos uploaded in HD will be in low-res for a while. It usually changes back to the normal resolution within a day
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


It seems to be a different problem than that, but I'm not the only person who it's happened to today so I imagine Google will find the bug and squash it.
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread:


I'M FINISHED! With my next piano arrange vid, Kid Icarus! Some of these are already on the site, but most aren't yet. Hoping to submit them soon.
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread:


I'm really excited for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, so I made a cover of Water Town from the first Shantae game (slash Sky's theme from Pirate's Curse). Hope you enjoy!
Less is More. Show, Don't Tell. God is in the Details.
My Arrangements Thread: