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Topics - davy

The Werewolf Game / TWG XCIV: How to Kill TWG
August 19, 2017, 02:09:42 AM
TWG XCIV: How to Kill TWG

There's no seering in this game, so colors are just for convenience.

1. Breaking the rules - Can wolf a player during the night phase. If he wolves a player, Inactivity cannot use its power during the same night phase.
2. Inactivity - Cannot wolf. Each night phase can target one player, except himself or Breaking the rules. That player loses his vote. If Inactivity uses its power, Breaking the rules cannot wolf during the same night phase. During the day phase, Inactivity can opt to have its voting power changed based on the amount of times it succesfully caused a player to lose its vote:
        0 times: vote counts for 1
        1 time: vote counts for 1,01
        2 times: vote counts for 2,01
        3 times or more: Any vote he casts immediately causes an insta on the player Inactivity voted for, and other players' votes can't cause insta's.

3. TWC Member - Known for his abuse of power frivolousness, he can ban (=vigi) one player each night phase. Additionally, during any phase, but one time only, he can post the name of a player that was vigi'd followed by 'that ban was just a joke, also, frivolous.' to revive that player at the end of the phase.
4. Host - In an attempt to keep his game alive he can convince a player to keep playing (=guard) each night phase. This protects them from both Inactivity and Breaking the rules. Cannot guard self. Each time he guards a player that was also guarded the night phase before, a random human other than the host and the guarded player loses his vote, because the game is no fun if the host has favorites. This loss of votes doesn't count towards Inactivity's voting power, unless Inactivity targets the same player at any point in the game.
5. Player
6. Player
7. Player
8. Player

Role PM's
Breaking the rules
You are Breaking the rules. I mean, you have the role Breaking the rules. If I catch you breaking the rules, you will be kicked out of the game, even though you are Breaking the rules.

NAME is Inactivity.
You are Inactivity. That is not an excuse to be inactive.

NAME is Breaking the rules, well, I mean, that's his role, not his current activity.
TWC Member
You are the TWC Member. It is your duty to provide a structural base for the subforum, to make sure things don't get out of hand and to govern the subforum with knowledge and experience. Or you can just go trigger happy and ban everyone.

You are the host. Wait, no, I am the host. You just have the role Host. You can convince people to keep playing, but try to not have favourites, that might backfire.
You are a Player. You should really stop having all those one-night stands, though.

1. Olimar12345
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. Dudeman
6. BrainyLucario
7. Trasdegi
8. mastersuperfan

All PM's have been sent. It's now night 1. Night 1 ends August 20th 2:00AM PST, 3:00AM MST, 4:00AM CST, 5:00AM EST, 11:00AM CET. That's a little under 24 hours from now.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCIV Sign Ups
January 07, 2017, 01:29:15 AM
in for hosting only.

1. NocturneOfShadow
2. Dudeman
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. Nakah
5. E. Gadd Industries
6. ThatHiddenCharacter
7. FireArrow
8. davy
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCIII Player Sign-Ups
December 11, 2016, 01:15:28 PM

1. davy
2. NocturneOfShadow
3. Maelstrom
4. BlackDragonSlayer
5. TheZeldaPianist275
6. dajwxp
7. Olimar12345
8. Dudeman
9. Dude
10. FireArrow
11. E. Gadd Industries
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCII: Seeriously! Postgame
December 11, 2016, 01:12:33 PM
Congratulations Fools.

Role reveal:

FireArrow          Gulible Seer
Dudeman                   Wolf Shaman
dajwxp                   Drunken Seer
Olimar12345           Drunken Wolf Shaman
NocturneOfShadow   Paranoid Seer
TheZeldaPianist      Seer
Maelstrom           Stoned Seer
Shadowkirby           Foolish Seer
Dude                      Fool Random Seer
BlackDragonSlayer   Fool Random Seer


This game kinda fell apart because FireArrow found an exploit with having a fool claim. I can't blame you for finding it, but next time, could you tell me things like this before the game starts? BDS seized the opportunity to claim so he could get an easy win and since both humans and wolves just went along with FireArrow's plan, he won without putting in any effort. Noct was lynched day 1, which is a recurring theme and I would say that humans could have tried a little harder, but it was a day 1 lynch so I can't blame them too much (although in my oppionon, a shadowkirby lynch would have been better). Maelstrom went along with FireArrow's plan and then got wolfed for doing so, so not much to say there either. TZP, the true seer didn't send in his first two seerings, which only didn't cost the humans anything due to FireArrow's plan. By the time he sent in his first seering, humans had the game locked down already. I do want to give kudos to daj for trying to work of off the seerings day 2 rather than putting the game into a situation where the wolves could decided to just f the humans over, but he decided to go along with FireArrow's plan in the end anyway. Olimar12345 and Dudeman, the two wolves, were also quite fine with going along with FireArrow's plan. Olimar might have said that he was sceptical, but neither wolf tried to turn the day 2 lynch on someone other than BDS (which was quite possible since only BDS, FA and TZP were initially pushing for a BDS lynch day 2), the shadowkirby wolfing was a way to safe one and allowed daj to survive, and the counterclaims were easy to figure out (which the wolves are probably not to blame for). Dude was screwed over by FireArrow's plan and only won because humans put Dudeman in a situation where it was impossible for him to win, but possible for him to screw over the human team. Finally shadowkirby. I'm not sure why you are signing up for these games because you end up not playing them anyways. To end this on a positive note however. I was pleased by Mael and TZP's decision to guard FA, and had the wolves chosen to go after the other obvious wolf target, humans would have won the game easily.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCII: Seeriously!
December 02, 2016, 03:30:50 AM
TWG XCII: Seeriously!

Both wolves are told that they are the Wolf Shaman. They know eachother.
1. Wolf Shaman
2. Drunken Wolf Shaman - Seers humans orange and seers fools blue.

All humans are told that they are the Seer.
3. Seer
4. Drunken Seer - Seers humans red, wolves orange and fools blue.
5. Stoned Seer - Seers humans orange, wolves blue and fools red.
6. Paranoid Seer - Seers every player red.
7. Gullible Seer - Seers every player blue.
8. Foolish Seer - Seers every player orange.

Fools do not know eachother. Whenever a fool dies, it will be posted that a fool has died.
9. Fool Random Seer - Gets a random seering result (red, blue or orange) of a random player each night phase.
10. Fool Random Seer Gets a random seering result (red, blue or orange) of a random player each night phase.

There will be no wolfing night 1.
Players cannot seer themselves. Players can only seer living players. If a player dies during the same phase as he is seer'd, the seering wil fail.

Each night phase (except for night one) every player (including wolf and fool players) vote for one player by PM. The player with the most votes is guarded from wolfing. Ties are decided by kitb. At the end of the night phase, it will be posted which player was guarded that night phase.

Wolves win when at any point in the game #wolves=#humans.
Humans win when both wolves are dead.
Fools win individually when they die. The game ends when both fools are dead (even if no other team has won at that point).

1. Dudeman
2. Olimar12345
3. Maelstrom
4. Dude
5. NocturneOfShadow
6. TheZeldaPianist275
7. Shadowkirby
8. BlackDragonSlayer
9. dajwxp
10. FireArrow

All PM's have been sent. It's now night 1. Night 1 ends December 3rd 3:00AM AKST, 4:00AM PST, 5:00AM MST, 6:00AM CST, 7:00AM EST, 1:00PM CET, 9:00PM AWST. That's roughly 24,5 hours from now. Remember that there is no wolfing or guarding this phase.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCII Player Sign Ups
November 17, 2016, 08:23:07 AM
There seems to be enough interest in another TWG game, so I'm putting this up.

In for hosting only.


1. Dudeman
2. Olimar12345
3. Maelstrom
4. Dude
5. NocturneOfShadow
6. TheZeldaPianist275
7. Shadowkirby
8. BlackDragonSlayer
9. dajwxp
10. FireArrow

Potential Hosts:

1. davy
2. Olimar12345
The Werewolf Game / TWG XC Post Game
August 13, 2016, 01:11:56 PM
Good game everyone. Congratulations to blue team for winning.

Role and account reveal:

Shadowkirby (green vigi) was TWG Bowser (purple seer)
TheZeldaPianist275 (orange seer) was TWG Falcon (Pink Vigi)
Olimar12345 (blue guardian) was TWG Luigi (green seer)
dajwxp (pink guardian) was TWG Kirby (blue vigi)
AwesomeYears (pink reviver) was TWG Pikachu (green guardian)
FireArrow (blue seer) was TWG Yoshi (orange reviver)
Bubbles (red guardian) was TWG Link (orange vigi)
NocturneOfShadow (purple reviver) was TWG Samus (orange guardian)
E. Gadd Industries (red reviver) was TWG Waluigi (pink seer)
BrainyLucario (blue reviver) was TWG Tingle (purple vigi)
Maelstrom (red vigi) was TWG Ness (green reviver)
BlackDragonSlayer (red seer) was TWG Mario (purple guardian)

Phase summary:

Night 1:
Two teams claimed right from the start. Olimar (the blue guardian) tried to unite team blue, while BDS (the red seer) tried to unite team red. FireArrow and TWG Samus (Nocturne), claimed to Olimar, with FireArrow claiming his own role while Nocturne claimed blue guardian, which obviously failed because Olimar was the blue guardian. Only FireArrow claimed to BDS, claiming that he was the red guardian. Most players were suspicious of these early claims, so BrainyLucario and TWG Kirby (daj) didn't claim to Olimar, Bubbles didn't claim to BDS (which would end up severely hurting team red) and Maelstrom and E. Gadd waited with claiming to BDS untill the start and end respectively of day one. Shadowkirby decides to get rid of the earliest claimer. Tingle (Brainy) does that as well, which effectively means that he kills his own alliance leader. TWG Falcon (TZP) vigi's Bubbles because a random vigi has a high chance of hitting an enemy as he words it. Daj decides to throw a curveball by vigi'ing and guarding Bubbles in the same night phase, which puts a spotlight on bubbles. TZP and TWG Bowser (shadowkirby) succesfully manage to seer a member of their team (TWG Yoshi and Nocturne respectively), while FireArrow gets a red seering on E. Gadd, which he uses to the fullest on the next phase.

Day 1:
Immediately at the start of the day Nocturne (the purple reviver) claims publicly. TZP and Bowser contact the players that they seer'd, with TZP and Yoshi creating a behind the scenes alliance. Nocturne, realising that he has the more important role retracts his claim so that Bowser can be the alliance leader. He also makes Bowser tell the topic that he (Nocturne) is actually orange in an attempt to create an orange alliance (since his alt, TWG Samus is orange). However, that little interaction in the topic greatly reduced nocturne's trustworthyness so nobody claims. FireArrow fake claims purple reviver to Bowser. Nocturne and Bowser both realise that this is a fake claim, because the role of purple reviver belongs to Nocturne. However, they decide that it is more important that FireArrow does not realise that he has been found out then that the members of team purple are being kept secret, so they give all the information to FireArrow (except that Nocturne is the purple reviver). FireArrow also fake claims to E. Gadd, claiming to be the red guardian. Since E. Gadd hadn't contacted BDS yet, he has no way of verifying FireArrow's claim, so he just assumes that FireArrow is speaking the truth. Meanwhile, Maelstrom claims his role to BDS, and since BDS didn't get any counterclaims, he feels safe to start a red alliance with Mael and FireArrow. Maelstrom is quickly forced to claim that his alt is TWG Ness, the green reviver to BDS because BDS had plans to vigi him (Ness). Appearantly, Brainy thinks Bowser's claim is more trustworthy than Olimar's, so he decides to claim his alt's (TWG Tingle) role to Bowser, which makes team purple the most well organized team at this point of the game, especially because they also reveal their alts to eachother. Only Mario (BDS) does not claim to Bowser because BDS thinks that his red alliance is going pretty well at this point and he doesn't think he'll need to team up with team purple any time soon. With his main account gone Luigi (Olimar) claims to FireArrow in hopes of keeping the blue alliance alive, while also claiming his role.  While all this is going on, daj makes a pretty sweet move; he claims for team pink on his alt (TWG Kirby, which is the blue vigi) while in reality his main account is pink. This allows him to draw fire to his alt while keeping his main, which would become the actual alliance leader, safe. He gets claims from TWG Waluigi (E. Gadd, who appearantly thought that Kirby was more trustworthy than BDS) and from TWG Falcon (TZP) both claiming their own roles. E. Gadd only reveals this account on the condition that daj guards FireArrow the next night phase, which he does. In the mids of all of this, Brainy contacts E. Gadd in order to exchange information. Brainy leaks all the information about team purple to E. Gadd, while E. Gadd leaks the false information about FireArrow (and eventually about the red team) to Brainy. E. Gadd then finally decides to claim to BDS, which makes BDS thinks he has the complete team red united. FireArrow asks team purple to vigi E. Gadd, the red reviver. Brainy leaks this info to E. Gadd, yet this does not make E. Gadd too suspicious of FireArrow yet. On a hunch, nocturne decides to claim orange to TZP. TZP decides to trust him and reveals  his own role as well as TWG Yoshi's. Noct then lies about his alt, which makes TZP stop trusting him. Noct did obtain his info, though, which he leaks to team purple. Brainy then leaks that info to E. Gadd, who leaks it to team red, where it reaches FireArrow again. Aside from all this behind the scenes stuff, there is also a lynching (you'd almost forget that). Initially, BDS appears to be the biggest lynch target, but eventually, team purple decides to lynch their seer, because having a player that you can revive can be benificial if you only have one guardian, but two revivers and one alliance leader who is neither of those two roles.

Night 2:
Nocturne revives Bowser, Brainy and Yoshi both revive Olimar. Shadowkirby attempts to vigi FireArrow as per Nocturne's request, and despite Brainy pleading him not to (because Brainy knows that FireArrow is going to be guarded). Kirby (daj) decides to vigi Nocturne for some reason, who is also guarded by both his alt and by bubbles, who thinks she's protecting the orange alliance leader. Tingle (Brainy) vigi's Kirby, seeing as he is the alliance leader and such. Link (Bubbles), the orange vigi vigi's TZP, the orange seer, for some reason (that was some misfire). After learning from FireArrow that E. Gadd is the red reviver, TWG Falcon decides to get rid of him, and BDS prioritizes keeping himself alive over keeping his reviver alive. Maelstrom doesn't get online in time to send his vigi. BDS gets a red seering result on Bubbles, alarming him that something is wrong with his alliance, while Luigi (Olimar) gets an important pink seering on AwesomeYears. E. Gadd seers Kirby (daj) blue.

Day 2.
Dajwxp reveals his master plan to Waluigi (E. Gadd) and Falcon (TZP) and unites the pink team. This is short lived, however, since E. Gadd continues to message Brainy multiple times despite having been killed the last night phase (in which he reveals that Kirby (daj) is blue), before I have the chance to say anything about it. I make the decision to remove E. Gadd from the game, which unfortunately severly weakens both team red and team pink. BDS decides to claim to Bubbles, and learns that FireArrow was the fake claimer. BDS attempts to ally himself with Nocturne, but the manner in which he attempts to do that (titling his message: "Blackmail Time?" for example) causes it to be fruitless (I found this really unfortunate, because if BDS would have teamed up with team purple, he could have convinced bubbles to play for team purple and control the game from that point on). Olimar gets Brainy to admit to him that he is the blue reviver. In exchange, Olimar tells him that he is the blue guardian, and Brainy leaks this info to team purple. Falcon (TZP) having lost both his main account temporally, and the pink seer (Waluigi) permanently decides to reveal the seer and vigi roles from both team red and team purple, the most well developed teams at this point (although team red did recieve a big hit). NocturneOfShadow gets insta'd, because team purple thinks Brainy will just revive him while everyone else just wants to get rid of the reviver.

Night 3:
With Nocturne down, Brainy decides to jump ship and fully joins blue team. With team pink doing pretty bad and team blue doing pretty good, dajwxp does the same. Brainy revives Kirby (daj), and vigi's AwesomeYears (who as FireArrow had worked out based on Luigi's (Olimar) seering had to be the pink reviver) with his alt. Falcon (TZP) decides that FireArrow is doing a bit too well so he decides to vigi him, however, he is guarded by daj. Link (Bubbles) vigi's Tingle for some reason, Maelstrom doesn't get his vigi in (again) and shadowkirby becomes inactive.

Day 3:
NocturneOfShadow gets mad at Brainy for not reviving him, yet decides to continue to trust him when Brainy's excuse is: "I forgot". BDS, realizing the danger from team blue, decides to lead a lynch on Brainy, the blue reviver. Bubbles on the other hand thinks that FireArrow is a reviver (you know, since he has been guarded two nights in a row) and leads a lynch on him. Blue team tries to push the lynch on FireArrow to make it seem that they are not an organized team, although at this point, AwesomeYears is the only player left that could be fooled that way. This ends in a KitB with BrainyLucario being the unfortunate lynch victim.

Night 4:
At this point, red team unfortunately does not know yet which team blue member has which role. Their vigi's hit TWG Kirby (daj, blue vigi), and TWG Yoshi (FireArrow, orange reviver), who is obviously guarded. Falcon, who still trusts daj, decides to vigi Maelstrom to "hurt the reds". Tingle (Brainy) vigi's Ness (Maelstrom), who is guarded by Bubbles. Yoshi (FireArrow) revives Brainy.

Day 4:
Team blue decides to lead a lynch on TWG Ness (Maelstrom), the last living reviver that is not affilated to team blue. Falcon (TZP) realises that if Ness is lynched, team blue is going to have a very easy victory, so he decides to reveal team blue and lead a lynch on FireArrow. At this point, it seemed to me that team blue had been marked as the biggest target and that they would end up getting defeated by being to strong at this point in the game. However, Falcon (TZP) and team red needed the full cooperation of all non-blue players in order to get the lynch of Maelstrom. Unfortunately, Nocturne still trusted Brainy while Pikachu (AwesomeYears) for some reason decided to lynch HIS OWN REVIVER.

Night 5:
At this point, the game is over. Team blue can revive the same amount of players that can be vigi'd in one night phase, so they will never lose members. Or so it seems untill Yoshi (FireArrow) mistakenly sends his revive to himself rather than to me. Therefore only TWG Tingle (Brainy) gets revived, while Link (Bubbles) and Falcon (TZP) spectacularily hit two out of three remaining blue players (Olimar and FireArrow).

Day 5:
At this point, team blue has 5 living players (Yoshi, Daj, Luigi, Brainy and Tingle). Out of the remaining 9 players, 4 are team red (Bubbles, BDS and their alts), 3 are inactive (Shadowkirby, Bowser and Pikachu) and the remaining two are Falcon and Samus. If Falcon and samus team up with team red, they can outvote team blue. BDS leads the lynch on Yoshi and Samus joins him. Unfortunately, since both Falcon and Bubbles have an alt on team orange, they are reluctant to vote for yoshi and end up not voting at all. This paves the way for a lynching on TWG Mario and allowing Yoshi to survive.

With team blue consistently reviving their members and the rest of the playerbase having no consensus, blue victory was pretty much inevitable at this point.

Player Analysis:

Bubbles: Good job getting guarded night 1. I was not a fan of your no claiming strategy, especially considering that it hurt team red quite a lot (although you couldn't know what role FireArrow was going to fake claim). On the other hand, I did like your activity in the topic, as one of the few people that tried to reason against team blue's BS. I'm not not sure why you didn't go for the Yoshi lynch on day 5 (were you still trying to get a team orange win with Yoshi?), which would eventually lead to team blue's victroy. Overal I commend you for your activity in the topic, but try to be a bit less paranoid with alliance joining next time.

Olimar12345: First team to claim, last team standing. Although guardian ususally is not the safest role to publicly claim, as you would soon find out. Fortunately you had two revivers on your side, so from day 2, you started leading team blue again. I was pretty surprised that you managed to persuade Brainy to join team blue, so good job on that. I hated all of your BS arguments against BDS especially because there was no one left (except mayby AY) that you even could convince. Nevertheless, team blue continued to have the majority of votes and you (together with FireArrow) lead your team to victory, so good job.

dajwxp: As I said in my phase summary allready: you did a really good job with your kirby claim. Unfortunately, team pink fell through due to AY not claiming and E. Gadd getting banned. After some messages with brainy, you decided to ditch team pink and join team blue. You did a very good job convincing Falcon that you were still playing for team pink, and just rode the team blue train to victory. Also, your double target on Bubbles on night 1: at first I was like "what the hell is he doing", but then I saw how it made for an amazing discussion on the following day phase. Honorable Mention

AwesomeYears: First, let me apologize for making you play another game without wolves, since you said you disliked that in the post game of TWG LXXXVIII. Nevertheless, I had hoped that you had learned from that game that it was necessairy to involve yourself in the behind the scenes game, which you didn't. Also, why did you even vote for Ness when it had been pointed out that he was the GREEN reviver? I really hope that you step up your game, because I know that you can do better.

Quote from: shadowkirby in the player sign-ups on July 22, 2016, 08:00:46 PMI've been reading this, just not posting but I'm gonna be active!
Well, you were active for the start of the game, which I really enjoyed. It's been a long time since I've seen you playing so well. You got in contact with Noct after seering him and then took over as the alliance leader when he requested that. I would have liked to see you question Noct's more, well, questionable decisions (such as revealing Tingle to FireArrow), but you just ended up following his lead. It was unfortunate seeing you go inactive because that kinda meant the end for team purple. If you return however, I would really like to see you play like you did at the early part of this game.

BlackDragonSlayer: Team red was really unfortunate. First FireArrow managed to infiltrate your alliance, and then E. Gadd got kicked out of the game. At that point, I was kind off surprised that you didn't jump to team purple, especially because you could convince Bubbles to join team purple as well (by telling her that certain team purple members were actually red). The idea of seeking cooperation from Nocturne was good, the execution wasn't. When team blue turned out to be the biggest threat to the game, you did a good job to alert everyone to the danger. Unfortunately, since other players had different priorities, you could not turn the lynch against team blue. You did a good job, but the state the game was in made it impossible for you alone to turn the game around.

Maelstrom: You missed your first three vigi's before landing a vigi on a guarded Yoshi. While I can't really say you were inactive, you weren't there when it mattered, especially on the Ness lynch. It was a real shame, though, since I know how good of a player you can be.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on July 26, 2016, 09:50:18 PMDavy, I legitimately can't remember having this much fun playing a TWG.  I take back whatever I said before about it taking too much energy XD

Thanks for hosting!
I loved this message and I'm happy for you that you enjoyed the game this much. A lucky seering on Yoshi enabled you to create an orange alliance, and you weren't afraid to go for the pink alliance as well. Unfortunately, a random vigi from your on team did your main account in, and team pink had been given up after AwesomeYears remained silent and E. Gadd got kicked out. I liked how you tried to get the topic involved by revealing bits of information about the other teams, but it didn't really pay off since information spread pretty fast behind the scenes. You did realise when you needed to cooperate with BDS in order to stop team blue from winning, but at the end of the game, you've lost your focus by not lynching Yoshi and vigi'ing TWG Mario (which even if he was alive would have been a bad play). I hope you can keep your focus a bit longer next game, because when you had it, you played pretty good.

NocturneOfShadow: As fank009 can tell you, publicly claiming as the reviver is not the smartest idea. You did retract your claim after Bowser contacted you, but you ended up getting lynched day 2 anyway. I usually don't get the chance to see how you play, seeing as you usually get lynched day 1, and I was somewhat surprised with how good you played. You did make some really poor decisions, such as revealing Tingle to FireArrow, lying to TZP when claiming to him, leaking the team orange info to team purple, but especially: continuing to trust Brainy after he failed to revive you TWICE. Had you just teamed up with BDS and Falcon, you could have defeated team blue, and could even have gone for a team purple victory if both Brainy and BDS were on board after team blue had been eliminated. I can't be too harsh on you, though, since I made a similar (and arguably worse) error in TWG XXX. The most important thing is that you learn from your mistakes, and if you combined those learned lessons with the good play you showed this game, you can really do well.

BrainyLucario: Okay, so why did you think it was a good idea to reveal all the information about team purple to E. Gadd? That really destroyed team purple, since E. Gadd gave the information to his team mates, including FireArrow, who in turn gave the information to everybody else. Lucky for you, your alt team was doing well, so it required a little convincing from Olimar to get you to join team blue. When you were on team blue though, you did a really good job on convincing Noct that you were still on his team, altough Noct is mainly to blame for that. All in all, you've played, in my opinion, your best game so far and you won, so props for that.

E. Gadd Industries: It's a shame to see you go, man, because you were consistently improving every game. I can't really blame you for trusting FireArrow, since he decieved the entire red team, but I can blame you for your alliance with Brainy. In games like this, it's better not to have all your information circulating everywhere, and it did end up getting you vigi'd (and eventually kicked out of the game). Nevertheless, you did a good job of being active in the alliances that you were supposed to be in, and had you not been kicked out of the game, both team pink and team red were viable options for you to win the game with.

FireArrow: What hasn't been said about you this game? You were the first one to join an alliance, worked together with TZP on your seccond alliance, atempted to infiltrate three alliances, two of which were succesful and you got the information from the third one anyway, and got the ball rolling on the team blue victory. You also survived two vigi's, drawing the attention to your main account rather than two the revivers. You were also the first player to find out everybody's roles, which made the team blue victory much easier from there. Not to mention that you also convinced Bubbles that Falcon was a team blue player at the end of the game. Although you may disagree yourself, I think that with out a doubt, you were the most valueble player in this game. Therefore I grant you mvp

It was a great game everyone. Let's keep this up!
The Werewolf Game / TWG XCI Player Sign-Ups
August 13, 2016, 12:59:23 PM
Let's see if we can get three games in a row.

In for playing

1. davy
2. BlackDragonSlayer
3. NocturneOfShadow
4. TheZeldaPianist
5. Dudeman
6. dajwxp
7. FireArrow
8. BrainyLucario
9. Bubbles (if the game is simple).
The Werewolf Game / TWG XC: Spliter Personalities
July 23, 2016, 04:05:33 PM
TWG XC: Spliter Personalities

1. Seer
2. Vigi
3. Guardian
4. Reviver

5. Seer
6. Vigi
7. Guardian
8. Reviver

9. Seer
10. Vigi
11. Guardian
12. Reviver

13. Seer
14. Vigi
15. Guardian
16. Reviver

17. Seer
18. Vigi
19. Guardian
20. Reviver

21. Seer
22. Vigi
23. Guardian
24. Reviver

Players cannot target themselves with their abilities.

None of the players know who their partners are.

While there are twenty-four roles in this game only twelve players will sign up. All these players get a role and an anonymous account which also has a role. The role of the anonymous account will play for a different team than the role of the player. In other words: each player plays on two different accounts and plays two different roles for two different teams.

For each team, no members have an alternate account with the same power. For example: if Bubbles' alternate account is TWG Mario and Olimar12345's alternate account is TWG Luigi, and TWG Mario and Olimar are both part of team red, Bubbles and TWG Luigi cannot both be a vigi.

Teams win by eliminating all members from all other teams or when all other teams can't win anymore.

Players win when eighter one of their accounts win.

Read section 13 of the rules, as it deals specificly with the anonymous accounts.

Due to hostmasks revealing your location in chat, chatroom is banned in this game.

Basing a reasoning on forum statistics is banned this game (this includes Who's Online Stalking).

Please send all messages related to this TWG to me, since it helps tremendously with writing player analysis.

1. Bubbles
2. Olimar12345
3. dajwxp
4. AwesomeYears
5. shadowkirby
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. Maelstrom
8. TheZeldaPianist275
9. NocturneOfShadow
10. BrainyLucario
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. FireArrow

1. TWG Mario
2. TWG Luigi
3. TWG Bowser
4. TWG Yoshi
5. TWG Waluigi
6. TWG Link
7. TWG Kirby
8. TWG Pikachu
9. TWG Samus
10. TWG Ness
11. TWG Tingle
12. TWG Falcon

It's now Night 1. Night 1 ends July 25th 11:00AM AKST, 12:00PM PST, 1:00PM MST, 2:00PM CST, 3:00PM EST, 9:00PM CET, July 26th 5:00AM AWST. That's roughly 44 hours from now.
The Werewolf Game / TWG XC Player Signups
July 15, 2016, 11:55:12 PM
in for playing and for hosting

1. davy
2. Olimar12345
3. dajwxp
4. AwesomeYears
5. shadowkirby
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. Maelstrom
8. TheZeldaPianist275
9. NocturneOfShadow
10. BrainyLucario
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. FireArrow
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXIX Player Sign Ups
February 27, 2016, 03:15:26 AM
  • davy
  • NocturneOfShadow
  • Maelstrom
  • E. Gadd Industries
  • dajwxp
  • BrainyLucario
  • braixen1264
  • BlackDragonSlayer
  • Olimar
Good game everyone, I enjoyed it. Congratulations to E. Gadd for winning.

Phase by phase actions:

Night 1:
BrainyLucario guards himself (this blocks both vigi's. The OP didn't specify how many vigi's a guard can block, but nobody asked so I left it like that).
AwesomeYears vigi's BrainyLucario
fank009 vigi's BrainyLucario
E. Gadd Industries guards fank009
BlackDragonSlayer and BoywithoutaFairy don't choose any action

Day 1:
BrainyLucario is insta'd

Night 2:
fank009 vigi's BoywithoutaFairy
BlackDragonSlayer becomes charismatic
E. Gadd Industries, AwesomeYears and BoywithoutaFairy don't choose any action.

Day 2:
Due to a KitB, nobody is lynched.

Night 3:
BlackDragonSlayer nullifies fank009
AwesomeYears nullifies BlackDragonSlayer
fank009 nullifies E. Gadd Industries
E. Gadd Industries nullifies BlackDragonSlayer

Day 3:
AwesomeYears is insta'd

Night 4:
Everyone is nullified, so no night action is performed.

Day 4:
Due to a KitB, nobody is lynched.

Night 5:
BlackDragonSlayer vigi's fank009
E. Gadd Industries nullifies BlackDragonSlayer
fank009 nullifies BlackDragonSlayer

Day 5:
Due to a KitB, nobody is lynched.

Night 6:
E. Gadd Industries vigi's BlackDragonSlayer.

Player Analysis:

Basically, the game revolved around you. You decided that AY, BDS, E. Gadd and yourself would be the final four, so Brainy and BoywithoutaFairy died early in the game. When E. Gadd and AY seemed to have formed an alliance against you, you managed to convince E. Gadd to vote for AY. Unfortunately, taken BDS into the final three ended up as your downfall. Nevertheless, because of the way you controlled the game I will grant you mvp.

For some reason, all the other players wanted to get rid of you. You managed to guard yourself night 1, which I found quite an impressive call, but you couldn't do anything about the day 1 lynch afterwards. However, if you were more active in creating alliances, or rather, being active behind the scenes at all, you might not have met such a fate.

E. Gadd Industries:
You won, so kudos for that. Agreeing with fank's alliance proved to be a way to get to the final four for free, and by helping AwesomeYears with the BDS lynch meant he'd be off your back. Nullifying BDS proved to be a great choice as it completed the circle of nullifications, therefore not allowing BDS to gain the upper hand (even though AY also decided on the same nullify). In the end though, I think you got a bit lucky. I don't know why fank chose you over Brainy, but to me it seemed it could have gone either way. You also profited of fank and BDS ending up as each other's biggest threats. However, your choices were usually made pretty well, so I think you deserved to win.

You joined any alliance kinda half-heartedly and never trusted anyone, in a typical BDS fashion. I really liked how you planned to win with your night 3 action, but due to the nullifies of AY and E. Gadd, it just ended up with fank turning against you. Eventually, you got both E. Gadd and fank against you in night 5, which meant there was no way for you to win left. I like how you played with risk in night 3 (either you win, or it would become very hard), but I would like to see you try to stay on good terms with the other players a little longer.

You were kinda just there, having little impact on the game. Your night 1 action was blocked, your day one vote was just part of a bandwagon, you didn't even send in a night 2 action and your night 3 action was shared with your only sort of ally. Strangely enough, you almost made it to night 4, where you could have devastated the other players, because you were the only player that could still chose a power. Unfortunately for you, fank and BDS didn't want that, and your inactivity became your downfall when E. Gadd switched sides.

Inactive. That's all I have to say.

Thoughts on the games balance:
When the game reached its final stages, I realised that certain powers were stronger than others. Vigi would beat charismatic which would beat nullifier which would beat guardian which would tie vigi. The power that could stop vigi, was not helping the user win the game, which meant that is was not that good. I had been thinking that it might have been better if the guard would also kill the first player that atempted the vigi, that might have balanced things out a bit. Another problem was that nullify could not be blocked, which proved that when it was the superior play, everybody went for it. I definately like the concept of this game, and I would definately host a tweaked version of this game another time.
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXVIII: Six Player Death Match!
February 12, 2016, 09:14:18 AM
TWG LXXXVIII: Six Player Death Match!

There is no wolf in this game, so in that sense this game is like a faction game, except each faction only consists of one player.

1. Independent Human
2. Independent Human
3. Independent Human
4. Independent Human
5. Independent Human
6. Independent Human

Each night phase each player chooses Vigi, Guardian, Reviver, Nullifier or Charismatic.

If the player chose Vigi, he can vigi (=kill) one player during that night phase.
If the player chose Guardian, he can guard one player from being vigi'd that night phase.
If the player chose Reviver, he can revive one dead player during that night phase. That player will be alive at the start of the next day phase.
If the player chose Nullifier he can target one player, and that player will be unable to get a power the next night phase (the player targeted will be notified of this at the start of the night phase in which he is nullified).
If the player chose Charismatic, that player's vote counts for 2 during the next day phase.

In the event of a KitB (Knife in the Box, when multiple players are tied for the most votes) no one will be lynched.

If no one died for two night phases and two day phases everyone will be modkilled and nobody wins.

Players can only win by being the last player remaining.

1. fank009
2. BrainyLucario
3. E. Gadd Industries
4. BlackDragonSlayer
5. AwesomeYears
6. BoywithoutaFairy

Role PM will be sent immediately. It's now Night 1. Night 1 ends February 12th 11:00AM PST, 12:00PM MST, 1:00PM CST, 2:00PM EST, 8:00PM CET, February 13th 7:00AM in New Zealand
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXVIII Player Sign Ups
February 02, 2016, 03:17:55 AM

  • davy
  • fank009
  • BrainyLucario
  • E. Gadd Industries
  • BlackDragonSlayer
  • AwesomeYears
  • BoywithoutaFairy

potential hosts:
  • NocturneOfShadow
  • fank009
  • BlackDragonSlayer
Congratulations Wolves.

Role reveal:
BlackDragonSlayer: Wolf Painter
BrainyLucario: Wolf Painter
Dudeman: Business Man
TheMarioPianist: Banker
Yellow: Miller
12Mari0: Herring
NocturneOfShadow: Human
E. Gadd Industries: Human
FireArrow: Human.

Will write some comments later this weekend.
TWG LXXXVI: Mo' Money, Mo' Werewolf Games

1. Wolf Painter
2. Wolf Painter

Wolves know each other

Each wolf has a wolfing of his own, meaning that as long as both wolves wolf, two lives will be lost each night phase.

As long as the other wolf is still alive, a dead wolf can PM the host in any phase in order to be revived. That wolf will be revived at the start of the next phase. Each wolf can only be revived once. Revived wolves will have 1 life and will be unable to gain more lives.

3. Banker - Is told the amount of money all wolf players combined have as well as the amount of money all humans have combined at the end of each night phase.
4. Businessman - Earns NSM$150 at the end of each day phase rather than NSM$100
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

8. Herring
9. Miller

Like last game each player starts with 3 lives. Wolfings and lynchings each take away one life.

Unlike last game however, each player starts with NSM$200. At the end of each day phase each player earns NSM$100 (except the Businessman who earns NSM$150 instead).
Whenever a player dies(=loses all lives), the player responsible for the killing (the wolf that send the PM if it was a wolfing, the player that bought/stole the item if it was an item kill) will steal all of the killed players money. If the player died by lynching, that players money will be evenly divided over the players that voted for that player.

During the night phase, players can buy items with their money. Passive items will only last for the next day phase and the next night phase. Active items can only be used during the next night phase unless stated otherwise. In any case all items will be useless after one day phase and one night phase after they have been bought.
list of items
Search Warrant (seers a player) – NSM$75

Poison Dart (poisons the player shot, causing that player to lose a life at the end of the next night unless that player buys an antidote during that night. Poisoned players will be told that they are poisoned) – NSM$75

Gun (takes one life away from the player shot) – NSM$100

Bulletproof Vest (protects the player from guns and snipers, but not from wolfings, bombs and poison darts) – NSM$100

Silver (protects the owner from wolfings) - NSM$150

Antidote (when bought, the player will not lose a life due to poisoning that night) – NSM$150

Steal-an-item item (target a player upon buying the item. If that player also buys an item during the same phase, you get that item instead) – NSM$150

Sniper (takes two lives away from the player shot, can be fired in the middle of any phase) – NSM$200

Bomb (When bought, chose a player and a detonation time (the detonation time must be between 24 hours after the end of the following day phase and before the end of that day phase) that player will receive the bomb during the next day phase. Each player holding the bomb can give the bomb to another player by posting in the topic. At the detonation time, the bomb will explode and the player that had the bomb when it exploded will lose 2 lives, unless that player has a Guardian Angel, in which case that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Defusing Manual (if you get the bomb while you have the defusing manual, the bomb will not explode at all) – NSM$200

Guardian Angel (protects from guns, snipers, poison darts, and wolfing attempts. If the player with a Guardian Angel has the Bomb when it explodes, that player only loses 1 life) – NSM$200

Potion (Restores 1 life during the next day phase. Doesn't work if the player has 3 lives remaining) – NSM$200

Duct Tape (Target a player during the night phase. That player will be unable to perform any action during the next night phase. Actions include wolfing, buying an item, using an item (except duct tape) and painting. Also prevents passive items from working and if the banker is targeted it prevents him from learning the amount of money each team has and if the businessman is targeted he will only receive NSM$100 during that night phase. Cannot be bought more than once per night phase.) – NSM$300

Bribery (Your vote counts for 3 during the next day phase) – NSM$300

Reflector (when targeted by a gun, a sniper or a poison dart, the shot is reflected to the user) – NSM$300

Tank (Target a player, that player will lose 3 lives. Also protects the owner from guns, snipers, poison darts, bombs, other tanks, wolfing attempts, but not from duct tape. Also prevents the owner from being lynched, in which case the player with the second most votes is lynched instead. Cannot be stolen) – NSM$500, each player can only buy one tank per game.

Wolves win when all humans are dead.
Humans win when all wolves are dead.
If there is one human alive and one wolf alive with both having one life at the start of the day phase and there is no vote manipulation, the game ends in a tie.

1. BlackDragonSlayer
2. Dudeman
3. TheMarioPianist
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. BrainyLucario
6. NocturneOfShadow
7. Yellow
8. FireArrow
9. 12Mari0

Human role PM
You are a Human. You might be the Miller or the Herring, though.
All PM's have been sent. It's now night 1. Night 1 ends 9:00AM PST, 10:00AM MST, 11:00AM CST, 12:00PM EST, 6:00PM CET. That's roughly 24 hours from now.

If anyones timezone isn't covered yet, please tell me, then I will add it to the list of timezones.
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXII: File Island Post Game
August 06, 2015, 09:48:16 AM
Congratulations, Wolves.

Role Reveal:
Brawler   Kunemon-->Kuwagamon-->Vademon
Fank      Betamon-->Seadramon
Latios      Gabumon-->Tsunomon-->Elecmon-->Tokomon-->Kunemon-->Kuwagamon
Dudeman   Penguinmon-->Shellmon
Bubbles   Palmon-->Koromon-->Agumon-->Greymon
Nocturne   Patamon-->Tsunomon-->Kunemon
FireArrow   Elecmon-->Koromon-->Gabumon
Olimar   Agumon-->Greymon
Dude      Jijimon
BDS      Biyomon-->Birdramon

Well guys, firstly I want to thank you all for playing my game. I was prepared that players would drop out the moment they saw my game, because last time I tried to host this game, I couldn't get even close to enough players, so I was pleasantly surprised with the activity this game.

Unfortunately, since I was unsure wheter this game would actually start, I did not had a closer look at the game and see if I should have ballanced it more and I appologise for that. As fank pointed out, there were numerous ballancing mistakes in the game and had I paid some attention to the game, at least some of them could be prevented.

The human team was very good on track during the first day phase. Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. I can understeand Dude's mistake, but Olimar's vigi seemed very wierd to me. Olimar did manage to hit a wolf right thereafter, so that's a bit of a compensation. BDS' lynch went wrong on two fronts: BDS not noticing fank's chatlogs and FA and Bubbles incorrectly assessing fank's vagueness of his claim. The human team also made another mistake twice (which is a mistake I tend to make often too), which is assuming helpful players are automatically human. Summarised, I give credits to the human team for comming up with a strategy in this very complicated game, but their play thereafter had a lot of flaws.

While the human team is mainly blamed for the outcome of this game, the wolf team's efforts should not be underestimated. Fank and Brawler did a very good job in seeming human by actively adding to the strategies, even despite it might have hurt them more than it would help them. Although their wolf choices weren't always superb (mainly the night 4 wolfing), they managed to control the game once the humans let it slip from their hands.

I will grant mvp to both Brawler4Ever and fank009. While fank was the wolf that mainly came up with the strategies, Brawler did just a bit better in blending in with the humans.
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXIII Signups
August 03, 2015, 03:41:18 PM
In. Not for hosting though this time around.

1. davy
2. fank009
3. Latios212
4. Maelstrom
5. FireArrow
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. Dudeman
8. NocturneOfShadow
9. Brawler4Ever

1. mariolegofan
2. Dude
3. Liggy
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXII: File Island
July 25, 2015, 03:44:57 AM
TWG LXXXII: File Island

In this game the color of a player's role is always representive for his team (in which wolves are red and humans are green and blue. Green humans are told they are a data digimon).

In-Training Digimon:


Rookie Digimon:

Agumon (Digivolves from Koromon, vigi, cannot vigi during the first night phase since he has digivolved into this role, and cannot vigi during the first night phase of the game.)
Gabumon (Digivolves from Koromon)
Elecmon (Digivolves from Tsunomon)
Penguinmon (Digivolves from Tsunomon)
Patamon (Digivolves from Tokomon)
Biyomon (Digivolves from Tokomon, guardian, if he guards a player, he cannot use his powers during the next night phase if he is still Biyomon.)
Palmon (Digivolves from Tanemon, Whenever he dies, the player that caused his death, or the player that voted for him last cannot activate his power untill two phases after he died).
Betamon (Digivolves from Tanemon, a normal wolf)
Kunemon (Any In-Training digimon digivolving at the end of the Day phase has a 50% chance of digivolving into Kunemon, a normal wolf)

Champion Digimon

Greymon (Digivolves from Agumon, vigi)
Garurumon (Digivolves from Gabumon, whenever he is targeted by a power, there is a 25% chance that the power won't work and the player who targeted him will die)
Leomon (Digivolves from Elecmon, Can send the host a name of a player during the night phase and that players power will be negated untill the beginning of the next night phase. If he does, he cannot activate his power during the next night phase.)
Shellmon (Digivolves from Penguinmon)
Angemon (Digivolves from Patamon, seer)
Birdramon (Digivolves from Biyomon, Guardian)
Vegiemon (Digivolves from Palmon, Whenever he dies, the player that caused his death, or the player that voted for him last cannot activate his power untill two phases after he died).
Seadramon (Digivolves from Betamon, Charismatic wolf, vote counts for 2)
Kuwagamon (Digivolves from Kunemon, wolf psychic (is told the number of blues currently in the game at the end of the night phase).
Numemon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Numemon, is told he is a Data Digimon)
Sukamon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Sukamon, is told he is a Data Digimon. If Sukamon knows he is a Sukamon, he can PM the host to turn him back into his Rookie form. If the host receives such a PM while the player sending it is not Sukamon, the host is allowed to tell that player that he or she is not Sukamon.)
Nanimon (Any rookie digimon that has at least been reborn once will have a 5% chance of digivolving into Nanimon, is told he is a Data Digimon)

Ultimate Digimon

MetalGreymon (Digivolves from Greymon, wolf vigi)
WereGarurumon (Digivolves form Garurumon, Whenever he is targeted by a power, that power will be negated and WereGarurumon will use that power against the player that targeted him instead. However, he cannot post in the tread, nor vote, nor PM, nor be able to speak in the chat. After four phases he'll die and always (even if Jijimon is dead) be reborn as an In-Training digimon)
Mamemon (Digivolves from Leomon. Can PM the host in order to be modified)
MetalMamemon (Has a 50% chance of being modified from Mamemon, can target one player each night phase, that player's power cannot be activated untill the next day phase)
Giromon (Has a 50% chance of being modified from Mamemon, whenever he is targeted by a power, that power will fail and that player will lose his power untill he digivolves or dies).
Andromon (Digivolves from Angemon, role seer, instead of recieving the color of the player he seer'd he recieves the role of the player he seer'd).
Devimon (An Angemon that dies has a 50% of being reborn as a Devimon, wolf shaman)
Phoenixmon (Digivolves from Birdramon, Double Guardian (Can guard two players during the night phase)
Megaseadramon (Digivolves from Seadramon, vote counts for 3)
HerculesKabuterimon (Digivolves from Kuwagamon, is told the role names of all the blues currently in the game at the end of each night phase).
Monzaemon (Digivolves from Numemon, Is told the role of any player who dies, and any role they become after dying.)
Etemon (Digivolves from Sukamon, at the beginning of each night phase, he will be told the name of a current wolf).
Digitamamon (Digivolves from Nanimon)
Vademon (Any Champion Digimon digivolving has a 10% chance of digivolving into Vademon, a normal wolf)

Mega Digimon

Machinedramon (Digivolves from Digitamamon, wolf vigi, can vigi up to 2 times per night phase)
Jijimon (Does not digivolve, as long as he is alive any digimon that dies (exept for himself) will be reborn as a random In-Training digimon (this power cannot be negated). Any living player may PM Jijimon if they want to be immidiately reborn, together with the digimon the want to be reborn into. If Jijimon recieves such a PM he may forward it to the host to grant such a request. Jijimon may do so once per two phases.)

The game will start with the following players:





Wolves do not know eachother.
If multiple wolfings are sent, then the first one will take place.

This game will use card flipping.

If a player dies and is reborn, it will be posted in the end of the phase update.
If a player survived an attempt to kill, that will be posted in the end of the phase update as well.
If a player dies, the cause of death will not be posted in the end of the phase update.


After being an In-Training digimon for one phase you will digivolve into a Rookie digimon.
After being a Rookie digimon for 3 phases you will digivolve into a Champion digimon.
After being a Champion digimon for 5 phases you will digivolve into an Ultimate digimon.
After being a Digitamamon for 5 phases you will digivole into Machindramon.

In-Training digimon have 2 digivolved forms. They have a 50% chance of digivolving in eighter of them (25% when digivolving at the end of the day phase, because then there is a 50% chance of digivolving into Kunemon).
The chance of digivolving into a digimon whose description says: (Digivolves from: ...) is equal to 100%-(the chance of digivolving into any other digimon possible).

Wolves win when all players still alive in game are Wolves
Humans win when there are no wolves at the start and the end of the same night phase.

Players may not make any action that will hurt their current team. If any player makes an action that might hurt/seems to be hurting his or her team that player should PM me the reason for doing so. I may request such a PM for any action at any time.

Obviously, this doesn't count for Numemon, Sukamon and Nanimon, because they don't know on which team they are.

1. Olimar12345
2. Latios212
3. Fank009
4. Brawler4Ever
5. BlackDragonSlayer
6. Dudeman
7. FireArrow
8. Dude
9. NocturneOfShadow
10. Bubbles

1 mariolegofan

All PM's have been sent. It's now night 1. Night 1 will end July 26th 4:00AM PST/5:00AM MST/6:00AM CST/7:00AM EST/1:00PM CET/July 27th 12AM in New Zealand
The Werewolf Game / TWG LXXXII Signups
July 20, 2015, 12:52:14 PM
Posting this early to try to keep the playerbase active.

In for playing and hosting.

1. davy
2. Olimar12345
3. Latios212
4. Fank009
5. Brawler4Ever
6. BlackDragonSlayer
7. Dudeman
8. FireArrow
9. Dude
10. NocturneOfShadow
11. Bubbles

1 mariolegofan