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Topics - Cobraroll


QuoteIn an expected move, Game Freak has announced a new generation of Pokémon today during Pokémon Sunday. The first Generation V Pokémon has been revealed. Many details are unknown at this point, but it is known that the new Pokémon will be starring in the next Pokémon movie, Ruler of Illusions Z, with it said that the Pokémon "grasps the key" to the movie.

Generation V has been anticipated since the release of Pokémon Platinum Version. Its release is expected to be in 2010 for the Nintendo DS, following the earlier announcement on the Japanese Pokémon website.

The new Pokémon was only shown in silhouette. The Pokémon's full revelation will come in two weeks, on the Feb. 21 episode of Pokémon Sunday. Some sites have reported that this mysterious Pokémon is Z itself, but as of now this is purely speculation, apparently based on an announcement earlier in the program that Z would be revealed in that same program on Feb. 21.
From Bulbanews

That person on the picture is Jun'ichi Masuda. As in, it's his hands. The picture is a snapshot from Pokémon Sunday. In ohter words, this is a reliable source.

Personally, I think it's sad to see new generations of Pokémon being spewed out, but we all know they do it for profit, and not to please the old fans. At least, it will bring some new interesting changes to the competitive battling scene.

And I don't know about you, but I think that silhouette has quite Lucario-ish traits. But I don't think it is a Lucario evolution, as Lucario's stats are sky high already, and it can perform well as it is against almost every Pokémon in the game. An evolution, with higher stats, would just be broken.

What about your thoughts?
Feedback / NSM + Social Networking?
October 30, 2009, 03:39:24 PM
I wasn't sure on where to put this, but I suppose it fits in with either problems, comments or praise. And it is regarding the site.

The topic title should give a clue about what I'm thinking. Basically, I think we should make a page for NSM on a social networking site, may it be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or anything else (though, please not myspace). I know it requires some effort, but it will be worth it because:

1) It will advertise the site somewhat. The chances of someone stumbling across us is bigger if we appear on more searches than Google's. Fans of us who haven't joined the forum can also see when something new is happening without having to visit the site.

2) Old members can keep in touch without having to visit the site directly. We have a few old members who never visit the forum anymore, and with this, they can be notified when new updates are up, without having to visit the site between writing on their friends' virtual walls. If we bring news about the updates on sites they use, they may be encouraged to come back or at least drop by from time to time. This is also true for new members, or people who visit the site regulary without joining.

3) It will bring a "community feel" to NSM. Members may get to know each other better, seeing as most of us will never meet in real life (for obvious reasons), and see what the others are like when they aren't trolling or talking about game music. As of now, few members actually know each other, and I actually doubt none of us have met in real life. With a "larger platform" to gather on, new doors may be opened (or something like that. My English tends to go a little dodgy after 10PM).

The downside, of course, is that it requires effort, and in a time when the mods hardly have time to maintain the site, giving them more to work on would be just dumb (though, it's not given that the mods will be responsible for our external pages, but I guess we're all as busy as the mods are at the moment).
Also, if we gather so many followers that Nintendo discovers us and decides to sue the lower parts of our backs, the site may be in trouble. Of course, the opposite can also be true, we may be officially recognised with them, but as not even Bulbagarden are atm, I doubt we'll have a chance. Most likely, we will be overlooked by them. But by the general game-music lovers, we will almost certainly be recognised even wider, and probably get more members.

What do the members of NSM say? Should we keep it to this one page, or try to widen our influence radius a little bit? Is it too much to crave from a site that hardly floats as it is, or would it give us a popularity boost? Do we actually have enough activity to justify posting it elsewhere?

Your opinions, please.
Completed and on site

YouTube link.

Walking up the short stretch from Slateport Beach lies Slateport City. A blooming metropolis in southern Hoenn, famous for its market, the Pokemon fan club of Hoenn, the Pokemon Contest Super hall, and the Oceanic Museum. And a catchy tune, which for some reason also fits in with a completely opposite setting.

At the concerts organized by the piano school I attend, I always play game music. At the previous concert, my teacher asked if I could find some "Christmassy" song to play at the next concert; the Christmas concert. And listening through a few songs afterwards, I found out that Slateport City is actually quite "Christmassy". And catchy as well.

The problem is, it's not arranged for piano yet. Member "Tangy" apparently tried some while ago, but his account has gone inactive and he never completed the song. So I wondered if anyone had enough spare time to arrange this beautiful little piece from the third generation Pokemon games. Please?

Here is a link to a version of the song with lyrics, just in case anyone finds it easier to arrange for some reason:
And lyrics can be found here.

P.S.: If nobody will take this, could at least someone suggest another Christmassy song? I've considered Cool, Cool Mountain from SM64, but there's with no doubt more songs with a winter theme in the video game world.
And please, no "zeroth century Betlehem" theme. If I wanted that, I'd have asked for the Route 111 Theme.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Music / Performances of game music
September 22, 2009, 05:53:28 AM
I think we need a topic like this on here. Basically, a topic where you post videos or audios of people who play game pieces, be it any instrument (mostly piano, though).

For overcomeability's sake, don't post more than five links unless the links are closely related (ie, same guy playing, the same song on different instruments, etc).

Guess I'll start, then. Here are videos of a guy nicknamed AndrewPlaysPiano, who plays... piano. Check out these songs:

Rainbow Road, Medley from the Mario Kart Series:
Tetris themes A and B:
Gourmet Race, King Dedede's Theme, Green Greens, from the Kirby games:
Gerudo Valley, from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time:
Chrono Trigger Medley:

Have fun!
Piano Arrangements / Cobraroll's Submissions
September 17, 2009, 11:55:50 AM
Yep, that's right! I'll finally submit something other than a story! (read it, by the way. I'll not submit a new chapter before I know that someone has read the previous one).

These sheets are very simple, as is my music knowledge. I got lots of help from GreekGeek on the first one, the second is all my work (if I remember correctly). It's also dead easy, and meant to be played before you play any other Mario Kart song.
Here goes!

[Wii]Super Mario Galaxy: "Retro Theme #2"

[NGC]Mario Kart: Double Dash!!: "Countdown to race start"

Feedback will be deeply appreciated.
Feedback / Songs appearing in multiple games?
July 15, 2009, 02:54:06 PM
Browsing some sections of the site, particulary the SSB section, I have noticed that we have a few songs here that appear in more than one game, listed twice (an example would be the Dr. Marion Fever theme, and the Mach Rider theme). However, there are scores of songs that appear, almost unchanged, in more than one game.
We have the SMB3 Athletic theme appearing in Super Mario Galaxy, some songs from SMK64 reappearing in the DS or Wii versions, the basic tunes from the Pokémon games (such as Evolution, Pokémon Healing and so on) staying unchanged throughout the series, and again, lots of songs from various games that appear in the SSB series. Some of them might be orcestrated, but the melody stays the same when converted to piano.

My question is: What is the site's policy on such sheets? Should we link to the same file several places on site, giving some sections of the site a lot more bulk, or clean up the few doubles we have and leave it to the users to find the originals? The first solution would be the most user-friendly, though frustrating one. Frustrating because the song either has to be reuploaded with data for each game it appears in, or the game info would be wrong in the doubles (choose one. I prefer no. 2, saves bandwith).
The second solution would make the site a bit cleaner and tidier, without doubles and each link would lead to an unique piece. However, some songs may be a tad harder to find, and we may end up with requests in the forums for songs already on site, due to newbies having trouble finding them.

So, what is our policy?
Fulfilled requests / [Wii] Wii Sports- "Main Theme"
June 04, 2009, 06:30:56 AM
Completed by Wiiman96

And the link:

Umm... with the new rules of how to make a request, how do you make a topic a bit more containeous (?) without repeating what you said in the title, and no more?

What about... describing the song!

OK, the Main Theme of Wii Sports. The song you listened to for twenty minutes after setting up the Wii you just got for Christmas, while you kept pressing 1 and 2 at the opening screen instead of A and B (honestly, what kind of people manage to find that B button at the first try, without reading the manual?). After a while, and a few phone calls to the idiot at tech support (It's Christmas Eve, for someone's sake! How can they be home on holiday, when people need help?), you realise that you haven't muted the TV yet. You've listened to the opening theme for half an hour now, but still you haven't given the mute button a thought. Isn't the song quite... catchy?

Finally, your five year old niece come to your aid, pointing out the B button hiding under the controller, and you finally press the correct buttons. The game magically starts, leaving you and your niece playing various sports for the rest of the evening. Later that Christmas night, you sneak back to the TV to try out the practise section, to avoid being beaten at boxing by a kindergarten girl more times. Whens the sun rises, and you can't lift your arms anymore, you go back to the title screen, sinking down in the sofa, let the Wii controller glide out of your sweaty hand, and fall asleep to the tune of sports events, the sound of the present you've wanted since your 22nd birthday, when the Wii was announced. Finally.
Dududumdum dum-dum-duuuuuuuu...  Dum-Dum... dumdumdum-dum-dum dum dum-dum... du-dummm...  Zzzz...

So... anyone ready to take the challenge?

Thanks in advance!

What the title says. And I must say, I'm very, very excited by this. Story-wise, the Gen. 2 games were my favourites, and with the addition of the Gen. IV Pokémon roster, graphics and battle system, these will most likely nab my top spot in favourite Pokémon games. Any thoughts?

Critics, please read these articles before you say anything:

You can of course refrain from doing so, but your arguments better stand strong if you want to be taken seriously.
Story Telling / Emergence (Final Update - 28.03.12)
March 27, 2009, 03:33:04 PM
Well, first time I ever try anything like this, and have seen that most stories here are in a downloadable format. This will be a straight-in-the-post story, chapter by chapter. Intervals between chapters will depend on feedback and/or nothing-to-do factor. The latter is quite high as of now...
I do not own Pokémon or any trademarks associated with it. I am not writing this for profit, merely for entertainment. I do, however, own the human characters of the story unless others are credited. If you want to repost this somewhere, ask me first or direct link to this topic. is the only site so far authorised to contain this. Thanks for reading.

Chapter one: Escape of a tyrant

Ask anyone, deserted forest roads are quite creepy at 2AM. Even moreso when you're alone, and you know you should have been in bed, and your only items for protection are a rope and a small Maglite. And you know that there is something out there that you are responsible for, and that shouldn't really be left unguarded, let alone in a forest. Sometimes, explainging your situation in second person makes it easier to cope with. In my case, it didn't.
The lights on the Maglite had already started to flicker, I knew I should have brought spare batteries when I left home an hour ago. Resigned, I turned it off, and let the distant light from the city, reflected in the clouds, guide my way. After all, the light might only drive him away, and I wanted to be done with this as quickly as possible. Get out there, find him, bring him back unnoticed, go back to sleep, and hope that the chains will hold this time. Or at least, that he won't decide to leave again...

Around the bend, something huge and shadowy loomed over the road. With a wheezing sound, the shadow turned, and looked at me, then... turned back. Only a tree bending in the wind. Nothing to fear. Not this time.
"Tree", I thought. "Only a tree. Can't hurt anyone. Unless it falls over". I sighed over my own thought, and remembered my friend's advice:
"You always fear the worst. Where has that brought you today? You're not going to get anywhere with that attitude..."
I hadn't answered, but a polite answer would have been something along the line of: "I have a too vivid imagination, and that has brought me into deep, deep trouble. In my current situation, it's best to always assume the worst"

Of course, there were all the times as a kid, when I had thought my neighbour was a witch, that my entire class conspired against me, that aliens were going to abduct me, etc. On some level or another, all kids get that. But in my case... it all seemed so real. It made sense. I was really believing that stuff. And what happened? Freak stamp and psychologist. This time, I'd keep the products of my imagination to myself. Given that it didn't manage to attract attention on its own.
After some intensive searching on the Internet, and even some mail exchange with a couple of guys who claimed to have seen Bigfoot, I had managed to construct a theory. It turned out that human imagination is a quite powerful thing, and that it has a sort of substance. And sometimes, it appears to be able to blend with reality. Dreams, for example, is imagination messing with your senses. You can see, hear, smell the dreams, and however weird it may be, you'll never stop and wonder. The dreams makes sense, as long as you are dreaming, but the logic falls apart when you wake up.
But not always. Most people have once in their lives woken up after a nightmare, still convinced that the demons are chasing you, or that your loved one is dead. That, I found out, is imagination blending with reality. Your own senses is the first place it connects. Then, in some rare cases, it'll go on to affect your surroundings. A lot of the "real" ghost stories you hear is just the results of a guy having a nightmare. The guys aren't nutheads, but their imagination has gone wild. After a while, usually just a few seconds, things settle, and the connection is broken. Imagination is imagination, reality is reality. But the memories remains.
One of the Bigfoot guys told me that he had woken up with the Canada Ape itself towering over him in his bed. When he woke up, it was appearently startled, broke a window and fled through it. He went back to sleep, but the window was still broken when he woke up. After that, he was convinced that what he saw was real. He, and a few others, saw it a few times in the following months. Eventually, it went off into the forest and disappeared, just as all the stories says it does.
What he didn't know, is that it didn't behave that way because it's meant to. It did because it was how he had expected it to behave. After all, if a thing is the product of your imagination, it has only your mind to base its behaviour on, right? If the guy never had heard of Bigfoot before, it would most likely have vanished the instant he woke up. No stories whatsoever to connect to. But because the world is full of Bigfoot legends, the Bigfoot believed that it was meant to wander off to the woods and hide for humans. Which it appearently did.
I hadn't been that lucky. One fatal night, some weeks ago, I had woken up after a particulary lifelike dream. I had dreamt that creatures had escaped from one of my many games, and that I had managed to get them all back except for one. But my "inner clock" also knew that my wake-up alarm clock would start ringing any moment, and in my dream, I was in my room, desperately trying to remember how I had fitted all the other creatures back into the game, and I had been very short of time. In the dream, it was very important that I got it back in time, but I couldn't. I simply couldn't. Then, the alarm had sounded. And, as I had discovered once I had opened my eyes, the creature still hadn't returned to its game.

And now, twenty-two days and nineteen hours later, I was out in the forest, literally chasing dreams. And for the umpteenth time, I stopped, closed my eyes, and tried to dismiss it as a dream, and no more. What I had seen had just been coincidences, not in any way connected to what I had dreamt. When I opened my eyes, I would go straight back to my house, get some hours of sleep, and spend tomorrow laughing of my own stupidity. Just a short mental peptalk to myself, then I'd turn:
"There. Are. No. Such. Things. As... Holy pancake!" A few steps ahead, lay something big, blue and metallic. And leading up to it, several footprints the size of dinner plates. Almost round, but with three triangular toes. I followed them, and found out that the blue metal sheet had no direct connection to the footprints. On closer inspeaction, it was revealed to be the right sliding door on a Wolkswagen caravan. The rest of the car was scattered in several pieces around the area. No trace of a driver or passengers. No blood. Just a very smashed up car. And footprints leading in a straight line towards the huge parking area, normally used by local citizens as a base for day trips. Most Sundays, the average local would stuff himself and his family in their car, drive out from the city and up here, park the car, and go walking a few hours, then drive back. My dad had dragged me up here countless times, so I knew the area pretty well. Like most local children, I used to have a small area that was "mine" up here. A small ravine between two hills, far from the paths, and never visited by anyone. The perfect place if you wanted to relieve some stress and be alone. A place I'd gladly fight to keep as my own. And I would do anything to prevent intruders from coming there. By all accounts, the creature I had unleashed had thought just the same. On the last five hundred meters of road leading to the parking area, I found four more cars. All seemingly recklessly thrown from where they were parked, and all pretty destroyed from the landing impact. Also, I had to climb over several fallen trees, by the looks of them, deliberately torn uproot and dragged here to block the road. Just like in the games, he appeared to be extremely territorial. And I was intruding his territory. Every possible department of my brain was screaming "Bad idea!", but I had long ago decided that it would be far worse to keep him here, to let him do as he wanted to. With a final sigh, I climbed the final barrier, and jumped down on the other side.

The parking area was, as I had half expected, half hoped, empty. It was about twice the size of a soccer pitch, lined with trees on all sides, and one road going from each corner. I had come from the northeast corner, "my" area was to the northwest from here. That road was not yet blocked, but neither were the others, so there was no reason to believe he had headed off in another direction. Hopefully, he had grown tired of blocking the road from the city, and had then went to the ravine to sleep. If I caught him sleeping, it would be a lot easier to get him home. I hoped. I had long ago realised that I didn't have a plan, but as they say, "it's never too late". I took a deep breath and took the first step into the dark path leading to the ravine. So far, so good...

A thundering thump to my left suggested otherwise and ripped me out of the planning. Startled, I looked at the rock that had crashed down a mere meter away from me. It was about the size of a washing machine, and must have weighed at least a couple of tons. More afraid than I had ever been before, I turned on the Maglite and illuminated the road ahead. In the dim glow, I could see a large tree moving towards me, roots first. Something huge was carrying the tree, appearently without breaking a sweat, and at the same time hurling rocks to build up another barrier.
"Taaaarrr..." a deep, growling voice said. Had to be him. The tree he was carrying thundered to the ground, and I could finally see him properly. Almost three meters tall, a bit bigger than the games said. Well raised, I assume. About one and a half meter wide, the spikes on his back making him look even bigger. Completely covered in green plates, resembling something between green rubber and sheet metal. Only the underbelly was another colour, deep blue. His eyes glowing faintly yellow in the glow from the Maglite. Evidently, he could move silent when he wanted to, but now, he was in battle mode. He walked slowly towards me, ground shaking with every step he took. His entire appearance roared out what my brain had told me all night: "Coming here was a really bad idea".
"Want to... come home?", I said, my voice sounding as scared as I felt. "You... can't stay here, you know". I tried putting my hand in my pocket, to search for a snack to feed him. Some chocolate might calm him down...
Rule no. 1, concerning things bigger than you: While they are facing you, threatening to crush you, putting a hand in a pocket is generally a bad idea. They never know what you may produce from there, and decide to strike before you can pose a threat to them.
TyyyyYYYRAAANniiTAARR!!, the thing roared. Yep, I was out in the forest, at stupid o'clock, facing a Japanese game monster that had escaped from a little electronic plastic device I kept on my bedside table. Now, straitjackets didn't sound like a very bad idea. I could have told everyone, and spent the remainder of my days in some nice place at the countryside, surrounded by friendly people. Instead, half a ton of Animé terror was regarding me like most people regard wasps in their living room.
"Quiet, you'll...", I began. It stopped. Took a deep breath. A small, orange sphere was forming in its mouth. The very air around us felt electrified, the ground vibrated slightly, and a voice in my head said calmly:
"Now, you run".
I ran.
About three seconds later, a full-power Hyper Beam hit me between the shoulder blades. The impact threw me through the air, out in the open parking area, and sent me flying across the open space, spinning like a mixmaster out of control. The beam passed me, hit a tree, and everything turned white. I'm sure the explosion could be heard all over the city, and seen from space. Because I had gradually fallen down while the beam continued in a straight line, the explosion started in front of me, the blast wave changing my direction of movement in less than half a second. Every bone in my body shattered from the inertia alone, and I was slammed to the ground, hard. I had no idea whether my eyes were closed or simply torn out, but I couldn't see a thing. Laying on the ground, deaf from the blast, feeling something I hoped wasn't spinal fluid flow from my nostrils, my last thought was:
"Now, how the hell can I explain this..."
Everything went dark.

To be continued... No, he's not dead
Completed and on site

Well, only one for now, but I think this topic can be used for all future requests concerning the Mario Kart series.

The song I'm asking for now, is the first song that made me sit down by the piano and figure it out. I made a pretty crap single-hand melody out of the pretty repeating pattern, and learned it by heart. But even though it was crap, it got me started on piano, and I looked up a few more melodies on YouTube, learned a couple of songs from tutorials, and then started taking lessons. So all in all, this song is a bit special to me.

The song I'm speaking of is:

Mario Kart 64's Rainbow Road
Simple, yet sweet. Quite slow, and repeating, so it would fit as a beginner's piece. Could anyone have a look at it?

The next song requested here is End credits from Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
All you who played MKDD should know this song. You finally managed the S-bends on Rainbow Road properly, dodged that red shell that would have sent you spinning out of the course, and narrowly avoided the last banana peel before the finish line. Controller over your head, shouting "YES!", you had won the Mirror Mode All Cup Tour, by a mere two points. Celebrating your victory, you leant back, tapped the A button to skip the ceremony, thus managed to write your sister's initials in the record box because you didn't pay attention, then closed your eyes and listened to the credits theme:

Thanks a lot in advance.
Feel free to use this topic to request other songs from the Mario Kart series.
Off-Topic / The bad news topic
March 10, 2009, 01:36:42 PM
This topic is one of the most popular topics on the other forum I use. As of now, it has ran for 18 months and has reached 6200 posts. Thought it would be worth it to post here.

So here: How the original topic started. You'll find it on .
Quote from: furie, a mod on CFIt must be the old goth in me (and the fact I have some bad news ;D ), but I thought we needed a slightly downbeat topic for people to post the slightly less happy things that have happened to them.

So here it is, the place to post bad things that happened to you over the course of the past days. Everything from losing one's father, to the fact that it's Monday, has been posted in the other thread. It's a place to let out bad feelings, tell someone about how you feel, and to comfort and encourage others, and vice versa. Many a problem has been solved by the help of other forum members, who have read and commented on the problems.

Guess I'll have to start then. Not much, but it fills its purpose:

Well, the weather here is really crap now. We've had three feet of snow, and suddenly, the temperature rises, and it starts to rain. So now, there's water everywhere, the roadsides are filled with dirty snow, and you're standing in half-melted snow to your ankles as soon as you leave the safety of your house. I now have to change clothes every time I get inside, everything gets soaked on the trip back from school.
Yet worse, it freezes again overnight. So it's extremely slippery to walk to school every morning. Yet it's still quite wet, so you'll get soaked when (not if, when) you fall over.

Now, it's your turn to complain. If this topic gets popular, I'll copy our "post happy things here"-topic too, which, by the way, is several hundred pages longer than the Bad News Topic, and often an enjoyable read.
Title should say it all.

Actually, it surprises me that the site doesn't have this classic song. The song is calm and peaceful enough to lull a baby to sleep, and classic enough that Mario gamers get a tear in the corner of their eyes when they hear it.

At least have a look. Here:
Request / [MUL] Pokemon Series - Multiple Songs
January 21, 2009, 01:21:26 PM
On other forums, I am known as Pokemaniac. And there's a reason for that. I like the Pokémon games, simple as, and I have many fond memories from them. Not going too far off topic and into the realms of nostalgia, I can say that the music in the Pokémon games is amongst my favourite music of any kind, ever (sad, I know).
And Ninsheetmusic has largely helped me bring back sweet memories from playing the games. A lot of people have volunteeringly (sp?) arranged a lot of songs from the games, and put on this site. Thanks to you all.

However, as a fan, there are some more themes I'd like to see here. Here is a short (?) list:

Note: I'd like to see any of these songs, not necessarily all of them. Demanding you to arrange them all would be selfish and rude, as I know you have lives outside NSM too (at least, I assume so). Even if only one of these is arranged, I'd be happy. To prevent this from being one long demanding list, I'll put some comments beside them, in an attempt to inspire someone to consider arranging (or making the post frustratingly long. Your opinion). Thank you.

Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow:  ( )
The Main Theme - Or Title Screen, if you prefer that name. Referred to as Opening on VGMusic. The tune that greets you when you turn on the GB, ready to explore the world of Pokémon. It's also used in the following generations, and is one of the main songs anyone should have in their head once they hear the words "Pokémon Game"
(NOTE: There is already a song in the SSB64 section named "Saffron City". It's essentially this song, used on mentioned stage in mentioned game. But could we put it other places too?)

Viridian City - Title should say it all. And in conjunction with the Route 1 music (already on site), it could be used to form the "Road to Viridian City" theme from Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Viridian Forest - Remember that place? Big, dark and full of bugs? And a freakin' labyrinth? All accompagnied by that tune. Ahh, the memories...

Trainer Battle - The craziest tune since Flight of the Bumblebee. I have seen an arrangement of it (in .pdf) somewhere else, and heck, that one's fast. And it is one of the most memorable songs from Pokémon as well, really deserving a place on this site. Too bad that very few people would be able to play it (hey, you accepted Break the Targets, right?).

Team Rocket Hideout - Beneath the Game Corner lies this evil lair, like the smaller brother of the Silph Co. building, just with spiining tiles instead of warp tiles. The music is almost the same as Silph Co. too, but still a bit different. Check for yourself.

Route 12 - The amazing open fields east of Fuschia City. Every time I hear this, I picture a vast open landscape, wind in my hair adventure, and just feeling generally good. How I wish I could play this on piano... (And it's less than 30 seconds long before it loops. Can't be that hard to arrange, can it?)

Evolution - The same theme for every game, and you're likely to hear this hundreds of times through the games. Pleeease...?

Show Me Around - Remember that guy who pushed you back to Pewter Gym every time you wanted to go further, but you couldn't? Well, the guy may be irritating, but the music is sweet. At least, check it out.

Ending Theme - Referred to as "Credits" on VGMusic. All adventures have to come to an end, in this case the victory tour around Kanto, running, biking, hiking and swimming from town to town celebrating the victory in the Pokémon league. But if possible, could the eventual arranger do the FireRed/LeafGreen version instead? It's a lot better than the one on VGMusic:

Last, Pokémon Healing - Bing-bing-be-be-bing! Five notes, that's all. Three seconds worth of playing. Can anyone help me with this?

Also, I know that the Bicycle Theme already has been requested, but I'll still mention it.

Pokémon Gold, Silver Crystal: ( )
New Bark Town - Starting with the start. For the umpteenth, but not last time: Ahh, the memories.

National Park - Calm and peaceful, but may not work on piano. Either way, check it out.

Mount Moon Square - One of the many ways the programmers saved space. The viridian forest was cut down, Pewter museum closed, Cinnabar Island destroyed, etc. And following the collapse of Mount Moon, Mt. Moon Square was made. With nice music. Check it out.

Lavender Town - Not on VGMusic, so here's YouTube to the resque:
Emotional, no? One of my favs from GSC.

Champion Battle - Epic. Really a dramatic battle against Lance and his dragons. Too bad his entire team sucked, as did every other trainer in the game except Red.

Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald: ( )
Route 104 - Trumpets! Now well, maybe it would work on Piano too?

Littleroot town - Another memory-inducing song. Really good.

Pokémon Trainer's School - Also known as the Chansey Dance in FRLG. It's entirely in piano, so it shouldn't be too bad to arrange. Or amybe it would, but the results would be good. Please have a look at this. If you were to choose one song from R/S/E to arrange, let it be this.

Pokémart - If my local mall started playing this, I'd shop my arms off. I love this song.

Pokécenter - The slightly different Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald version. Worth it if you have the time.

Battle Tower - Please, is all I can say. The best trainers on the planet gather for the Ultimate Challenge, the Battle Tower. I really like this theme, and I would be very happy if anyone bothered to arrange it.

The Trick House - A good contestant for "Hardest Song on Site". Also, who honestly didn't love the Trick House?

The Battle Frontier - YouTube to the resque!
Really I song I would love to play. Have a look at it!

Emerald - The Battle Tower - From 3:00 in this video:
I bet it won't sound too bad on piano. And it's really sweet as well.

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl: ( )
Luckily for potential arrangers, I'm not that fond of the D/P music. Dialga/Palkia Battle has been requested, and the SSBB version is lots better anyways. The same goes for Route 209, the second good song in the game. So here's my only request from D/P:

The Sinnoh Underground - Looks like VGMusic lacks this one too. So we have to turn to YouTube again: . Have a look.

Dialga/Palkia Battle - I'll keep going on about this until I get some sort of feedback (STFU will do, but I hope for something better than that). The SSBB version of this gives me shivers, and the piano parts are wicked (in my opinion). I've listened a lot to it, and realised that most of the song is piano or very playable on piano, and I think eventual arrangers would run into very few problems. Here's even a link:

Now, I really hope for some feedback for that song. Other people requesting songs from the Pokémon games, post it here. It's not worth the trouble to post a bunch of all similiar topics.

I will once again repeat that I'm fine as long as one of these finds its way to the Net. This is just a list of proposals, it's not that it's deadly important to me that all these are arranged. Just a bit like your wishlist to Santa, you'll never get both the PS3 and the flying car, but either one will make you screaming with happiness.

So have a look, tell me if some songs would sound like a rockslide in a glass store when played on the piano, or let me know if you find some songs interesting, or if I have left some songs out.

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: Did I break any forum rules here?

EDIT: Arranged songs (Thanks a lot, GreekGeek, Composer#40, Furiianda, Cyndaquazy, DekuTrombonist, DrPamplemousse, Dahans, Pumpy_Heart and others!) are now marked with a strikethrough.