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Messages - Pianoth

Off-Topic / Re: The Birthday Topic
April 03, 2017, 04:06:35 PM
Thanks ;D By the way, I have no idea what Ben & Jerry's is. I searched for it.
Off-Topic / Re: The Birthday Topic
April 03, 2017, 04:00:42 PM
I sometimes compose good things after 12 am. My teacher of composition once told me that he doesn't sleep much (less than 6-7 hours, which is indeed bad for the health, and he told me that sometimes he sleeps only 2-4 hours). I usually go to sleep around 1:00 ~ 2:00 am, but I get up pretty late, at 8:30 ~ 9:00. I get at least 7 hours of sleep anyway.

Regarding Italians in general, I'm from South Italy, and in southern Italy it's pretty common to go to bed pretty late, since usually there are a lot of places to go and eat even after midnight (not much after though). I think most italians from the North go to bed a little earlier, but there are exceptions of course.

Anyway I don't have much to do in the morning usually, that's why I get up late. I know people that get up even later, like 10:00 am or even 1:00 pm! (I'm not even joking) Regarding people that go to school, or have a job in the morning, they need to get up early, of course, so they can't go to bed late. I used to go to bed at 10:00 ~ 11:00 pm, and wake up at 6:45 am. I don't do it anymore, not only because I don't need it, but also because after 12 am there's silence, which is perfect for me.
Off-Topic / Re: The Birthday Topic
April 03, 2017, 03:34:48 PM
It's 12:33 am in Italy. It's not that late.
Off-Topic / Re: The Birthday Topic
April 03, 2017, 03:24:48 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on April 03, 2017, 03:19:35 PMWell, apparently, it's now 4/4 in Italy which means it's Pianoth's birthday. Happy birthday, Pianoth!
Quote from: Latios212 on April 03, 2017, 03:22:00 PMIt's party common time!

(Also happy birthday Pianoth!)
Thanks! You're the 9th and 10th person to say happy birthday to me. :D Also... I never noticed that my birthday date it's common time, nice lol
Help! / Re: Fingering
April 03, 2017, 03:06:09 PM
Yeah, I imagined an answer like this (after all I didn't see many scores with fingering on the site). At least I opened this topic also to ask for the silent finger-change thing.

BTW it's 0:05 in Italy. So, happy birthday to me :D
Help! / Fingering
April 03, 2017, 02:26:39 PM
Are there any rules in the format of fingering? If that isn't the case, I think there should be some rules. Finale can put fingering with the Articulation Tool. The font it uses is Times, to be precise. It could be changed to Times New Roman, to be consistent with the rest of the score, although it could be slightly annoying to remember and to check every time a fingering is put in a new score. So I would say that should be the standard font used for fingering (for example, if someone converts a score from musescore or sibelius, he should change at least the font of the fingering, if there is any). The size of the fingering in Finale depends on the size of the notes (for example, it's smaller for acciaccaturas), but for normal notes in a standard score it's 10. I would probably like it more if the standard size was just slightly bigger, but it's all right. Anyway, I opened this topic just to understand if there are already any rules, and/or to discuss them.

Also, it would be nice if someone could tell me how to write a silent finger-change in Finale (I know how to do it only in Sibelius), for example something like this:
Updated the links. I did several improvements, but the big change is in the layout (as suggested by Latios212). I also put some fingering where I think it wasn't obvious enough. The fingering I put is for medium/large hands. Small hands would need to use slightly different fingering there.
Quote from: Latios212 on April 03, 2017, 11:43:00 AMGreat work! The left hand looks challenging but doable. I would look to alternatives for measure 6 though, as the LH part moves uncomfortably into the melody's range; perhaps lower the offbeat harmonies a bit or something.
I wouldn't have published it if it wasn't doable. I can play it, I haven't recorded it decently yet, but just to give proof of concept, I'll give you a recording with some wrong notes:
M6 shouldn't be a problem to play, the right hand can easily take some notes of the left hand, I'll just redistribute the notes. I was worried more of the LH in the last bars, but it's absolutely doable, as you can hear in the audio, it's not even that hard actually (at least for me). The thing I changed there is that I moved the D in the bass one octave up, if you didn't notice. I didn't find better solutions, trying to sound as close as possible to the OST. I might do some changes anyway, to other bars, it's not definitive yet. It's a good starting point ;)

Quote from: Latios212 on April 03, 2017, 11:43:00 AMI would definitely say that this sheet deserves more space - briefly experimenting, personally I would go for all three-measure systems (except for the first and last, which would have four).
All righty. :)

Quote from: Latios212 on April 03, 2017, 11:43:00 AMOh, and perhaps use a dotted quarter in m. 10 beat 3?
Actually, the last tied D was supposed to be a pause, like in m11. My bad. One thing I have to change is that tenuto on the F in m12. It doesn't make sense on a piano, unfortunately. And I know since I played it, as you can see lol (if you're wondering, I compose and arrange away from the piano. I found with experience that it's a lot better and faster, at least for me)
New arrangement:
[NS] - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Parasailing MinigameOriginalMIDIMUSMUSXPDF
The left hand was pretty hard to arrange, it needed a lot of simplifications to make it playable.
Quick check:
Did you intentionally write different notes in m26-28? Is that A in m48 supposed to be an octave higher? (I don't hear any octave jump in the OST) In m65-68 the melody in the OST is super soft, while the bass has still a pretty high volume, so maybe you should put different dynamics for LH and RH. But if that was an intended change, I agree, I would prefer both hands piano like you wrote.
Quote from: Pianoth on March 31, 2017, 01:34:01 PMI didn't have time to record the score yet, I'll probably record it tomorrow though. I'll just record the All-day score, since it includes the other two.
In case anyone is wondering, I didn't put a recording yet of the arrangement because I decided to wait that the scores are in a final state. So I'll wait a bit before actually recording.
Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 03:16:18 PMFantastic! For m. 9-12 it's fine to start on either the D or the C, I was just saying it's odd for the slur to start in the middle of a note for piano.
Yeah I know, but I pretty much always think of the orchestra, even when I write for piano. Basically, in the middle of that D I felt like some other instrument started playing the melody, while the instrument that originally played the D was still playing it. If you think to it like this it kinda makes sense, even though it's pretty much the same thing on a piano. That's not what happens in the original song, though, so I guess some correction needed to be done.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 03:16:18 PMIs there something you would like me to check in m. 31 specifically?
Nope. I just can't tell if it's correct or not, despite my absolute pitch, and that's bothering me. ;D It's "correct enough", though.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 03:16:18 PMAbout the composer, actually upon further inspection I'm seeing Hajime Wakai instead of the two main composers Kataoka and Iwata but uh I'm not 100% sure about that, maybe we can just leave it as is haha
I did some research on the composer too. The information found just isn't clear... So I just put all of them. Do we leave it as it is? I don't know.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PM- Tie directions! There are a few spots where the presence of layers flips some ties in the wrong direction. Like the tie between m. 9-10, and 30-31. Also the top one bending downwards in m. 31. Oh, and the tie between the two G's in m. 21.
I did notice the tie on the very last note (not the other ones, I admit), but I was too lazy checking how to flip ties in Finale (I'm good at Finale, it's just that I don't use it since 2013, I got used to Sibelius a lot more). I saw it's as easy as a cmd+f (I use Mac), so I corrected everything.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PM- The courtesy natural in m. 10 seems kind of odd to me. Yeah there's an A flat in the previous measure but it's in a different part in a different hand so I don't think it's totally necessary.
That was most probably an automatic courtesy natural put by Sibelius, since the first version was converted from it. I actually think it makes sense, but I also think that even a beginner could tell that's an A natural in that case. So I removed it. (I didn't even remember how to remove it lol)

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PM- Any reason why you don't star the slur on the beginning of the note as opposed to one that's tied? (m. 9-12)
There isn't really that much difference on a piano. The way I wrote it seemed more correct to me, thinking it orchestrally. Actually, listening to the audio again, probably it should even start from the C. I'll change it to what you're implicitly suggesting though, I trust your opinion ;)

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PM- Minor thing, but I'd suggest flipping the last beat of m. 21, since that's how it is in other measures and it'll make the slur bend upwards a little less.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PMAll the notes sound correct! Very nice job!
Thanks :) Actually, there's one bar that's still really bothering me: bar 31. Damn. I feel like it's not exactly what I wrote, but I can't tell if that's actually the case.

Quote from: Latios212 on April 02, 2017, 02:00:37 PMEDIT: cool thing I noticed: the melody in m. 22-25 bears an extremely striking resemblance to Lively Town from Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (skip to around 0:38).
The resemblance is pretty evident indeed. That might just a coincidence, since that's a pretty standard progression. But it might also be intended, especially considering that the soundtrack of this game was not composed by a single person.
I don't agree with several things in this arrangement, I'll quickly list them (I'm not saying you should change anything, these are just some quick things I saw, based on the OST you linked):
  • m2, m6, m19 LH: that rhythm is one octave lower. If you're afraid of the hypotetical quick 2 octave jump, since they are very low notes, it doesn't really matter if you remove the A on the second beat. Also, I think they are played forte, I would write it.
  • m3 RH, I don't hear any C in the original. Also, I hear that the upper A should also repeat. I would just remove the A on the second beat in the right hand, so you can keep the rhythm with right notes. After all, you also don't hear an A on the second beat in the original, it's covered by that rhythm.
  • m4, m21 RH, the second chord should have the lower A you removed for some reason. I don't think it can be problem, since it can just be taken by the LH. Also, the last 3 chords should be all staccato in my opinion, I don't see a reason to change it really. Actually, I don't even hear chords in the original, I hear single notes played forte. But chords could also make sense on piano, since you can evoke more instruments with the sound of a chord.
  • m7, m8 RH. There are 10ths in the original. Probably the choice that makes the sound as close as possible to the original is by writing thirds instead of 10ths, and also add a lower octave to the melody (for example the first chord would be E C E, then F D F, E C E, B D B and so on). Also, I hear them as all staccato.
  • m12-13 you missed an entire measure.
  • m20 There's the characteristic rhythm in the RH.
  • m25-27 You can hear the characteristic rhythm, I would insert it. Of course you can't insert in the proper octave, but you can repeat the chord. That would make it a little closer to the original.
Nice arrangement, although I don't fully agree with what you did in m11, and I would put staccato on the 16ths in the last bars, like you did in the first bars.