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Messages - random_goldfish

The Golden Hammer is nice but it feels a bit slow to pump up the tempo and I think we have a win.
Well, certainly I would if I had ever played the game! ^_^
(That isn't treasonous is it?)
I haven't had a chance to play the game yet...I could look up an MP3 and work off it I guess.
OK, I will here in the next few days. ^_^
I have some in mind that I want to do...full score of course...I need to get some other's off my old computer too.
Music / Re: Gerudo Valley - Guitar (Critique needed)
April 27, 2008, 06:13:03 PM
opps...forgot something...six note chords aren't impossible....but they're not going to be easy is what I mean.
Music / Re: Gerudo Valley - Guitar (Critique needed)
April 27, 2008, 06:09:18 PM
As for as notes and rhythm it's pretty accurate...a few weird things thing you need to keep in mind for playability is that guitar players only have four fingers to make chords with and have some six note chords. XD

It's sounds nice though...just some details need polishing.
@_@ We're getting way off topic, haha.
Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on April 27, 2008, 05:54:30 PMThanks ;D (and I couldn't have done it with out Jazz Band XD YES!) I love being lead.

Well, keep on going with it...this is my last year in jazz band because violin players can't get in at the college level...and I'm more happy in classical...not that I don't love jazz.
Quote from: Brawler4Ever on April 27, 2008, 05:44:21 PMSee? Fallen didn't even need to listen to the song, and he already knows that it's awesome. Or good. Or whatever he said.  :P

*I know what he said.

Haha...well, I thank everyone for taking the time to look at any of my stuff.
Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on April 27, 2008, 04:45:50 PMWell I happen to be a said screamer trumpet and I can...mabey do about 80 or so % of the trumpet part so it's not that bad...Unless you made it EVEN higher then ONLY a Profesinal (Who cares for spelling?!?! XP ) Trumpet player.

Haha, well congrats. Screamers are hard to come by...I applaude you. ^_^
Piano Arrangements / Re: Korados' Arrangements
April 27, 2008, 04:06:52 PM
Haha! Let's hear it for all us nerds!
I mean who doesn't know how to play all the ocarina songs on their insturment?
*Plays Sernade of Water on violin*
Quote from: MetroidHunter26 on April 27, 2008, 02:41:22 PMOMG I know you too! you may not know me but I asked for the Banjo-Kazooie Arrangement XD. Wow! and as I said about your arrangments. INCREDIBLE.

BTW the Trumpet part in route 2 only a SUPER PROFESIONAL can play. Like me! XD LOL J/k but I CAN play it. No joking there. *points at everyone with a serious look*
with the french horn part..I have no clue. still love it!

Ak! OMFG! Hi! Haha.
Yeah...that trumpet part...I guess I might have a thing against trumpets...maybe because I sit infront of the lead trumpet and he's all up in my ear...I bet only one of those screamer trumpets in jazz could play that. I think the French horn part is either barely cutting it or completely way off the top.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
April 27, 2008, 02:45:28 PM
Name: People call me Megan but for the record, it's Mairéad...ask me how to say it sometime. ^_^
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Born: In a hospital
Lives in: America.
Languages: English and Gaelic
Nicknames: My friends call me Murphy.
Religion: Hmm...

Social status
Status: Single

Spare time
Hobbies: poetry, writing, composing, playing, arranging, painting, drawing, reading, tree hugging, gardening, walking, being weird
Sport: I like to hike...not a sport...but it's physical...

Education: About to finish high school and go to college.

Musical Background: Traditional Irish fiddle and classical violin, viola, mandolin, Irish whistle, flute, saxophone...I think that's it...I have been known to lose track. @_@
I know absolutely no don't attack me.

Favorite band/artist: Altan
Favorite musicgenre: Traditional Irish and Classical
Favorite tv-channel: Comedy Central
Series: South Park and Futurama

Favorite genre: RPG, fighting, and nintendo classics
Favorite game: @_@ Way too many.
Favorite game at the moment: Brawl
Dexter's Lab all the way!
At least cartoon network has Adult Swim...but even that's starting to get lame now...12oz mouse? What the heck? At least Robot Chicken is on.
Music / Re: Video Game Orchestrations
April 27, 2008, 01:32:49 PM
Just a wee bit too much. ^_^
Piano Arrangements / Re: Limbo's Arrangements
April 27, 2008, 01:26:17 PM
Yeah, it's overused...makes every song in the game too predictable...but in it's's a nice theme.