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Messages - Qew

Music / Re: The most epic piano piece ever
July 09, 2012, 12:47:28 AM
I raise you a cotton mill blues!

Part 1
Part 2

Let's see you play with your elbows this badassly.
Off-Topic / Re: Chat logs
October 31, 2011, 04:51:50 AM
I'm so glad Australia is half asian ^_^ there are SO many asian stores that are really cheap and they all sell pocky. Not to mention that reminds me of which I don't think you guys have (it's awesome).
Off-Topic / Re: Made mah day.
October 09, 2011, 07:45:02 PM
Well I have the haruhi avatar now, AND I TOOK THIS SCREENSHOT MYSELF!

Anyway, as if Kyon isn't perverted, he thinks impure thoughts about all the girls! and apart from that, everyone knows girls are just as perverted than boys, they just don't voice it as obviously.
Music / Re: Erm... Is this guy stealing our music?
October 07, 2011, 06:47:27 PM
he's german. Maybe we should get Hugo to message him using only polite/formal forms requesting he give recognition to NSM in his future videos, and allow us to place comments referring people to our site to let them find more in his current videos.
Off-Topic / Re: Schoolwork Help Thread
October 07, 2011, 12:13:08 AM
hehe I admit I watched the video out of curiousity. Not quite as glamorous as I thought, it reminds me of newton's method.

Nonetheless Khan academy is badass! *joins with Mashi and Saria*
Off-Topic / Re: Storyteller/Writer and Linguists Wanted
October 06, 2011, 12:20:01 AM
I can do latin, it'll be good practise for my exams!
Off-Topic / Re: Schoolwork Help Thread
October 06, 2011, 12:14:21 AM

here are some examples. I'm not sure what you mean by coefficients but worked through examples usually help if you can't figure out how to use a theorem.

Oh and nebbles, good luck on the test! If you remember the two triangles it'll be easy. For the second triangle all you have to remember is "2, 1, root(3)". Since you know the angles you should know if you have a large angle it will correspond to a large side so the pi/6 is opposite the 1 since it's the smallest, pi/2 (the right angle) is opposite the 2 and pi/3 is opposite root(3).
Off-Topic / Re: Schoolwork Help Thread
October 05, 2011, 02:29:56 AM
We never learned the unit circle like you did, but as far as I pieced together from various things I think I understand what you need to know, tell me if it's too much or too little.

Cobraroll explained the actual circle well, but I have a suspicion you're referring to the values on the unit circle rather than the concept itself.

Firstly radian measure. I won't go into the details of what it is because you may already know. The key thing to remember is pi is equal to 180 degrees. So 2pi = 360 degrees ; pi/2 = 90 ; pi/3 = 60 ; pi/6 = 30 and pi/4 = 45. Thus the formula really is if you have something in degrees, multiply by pi/180. If you have something in radians, multiply by 180/pi. An easy trick to remembering which is which is to look at the denominator, if what you have is in radians, multiply by the one with the pi on the bottom, vice versa for degrees

Now that that's settled, let's look at the unit circle.

Let P be a point on the unit circle of co-ordinates (x,y). Let P have an angle of θ with the x-axis. Therefore, by pythagoras, given the hypotenuse is the radius of the circle and equal to one

cosθ = x/1 = x
sinθ = y/1 = y
tanθ = y/x

Thus the co-ordinates for P can be written as (cosθ, sinθ).

Now the horrible part... how to memorise the values of the co-ordinates when θ is equal to various numbers.

Personally, since I wasn't taught this way, I'll teach you my way and how to convert it to the unit circle.

If θ is equal to pi/4, then the other angle has to be pi/4 because the angles in a triangle must add up to pi (180). Thus the triangle is isoceles because the two base angles are equal. Let one of the smaller sides equal one, the other side must also equal one since opposite sides of an isoceles triangle are equal. Now what about the hypotenuse? well by pythagoras the hypotenuse = square root of 1^2 + 1^2. The hypotenuse = square root of 2.

But the hypotenuse of the unit circle isn't the square root of 2, it's 1. Therefore we have to make the hypotenuse of this triangle 1. Look at the bottom left triangle. All the sides have been divided by the square root of 2. This is fine since I just let the two sides equal one, the ratio and pythagoras and everything still holds if I divide it by root 2. Except now we have the two co-ordinates that define the point for the unit circle.

Now we can use trigonometry! We found earlier that cosθ = x, sinθ = y, tanθ = y/x. If we substitute the values we have on the triangle

sin(pi/4) = 1/root 2 ; cos(pi/4) = 1/root 2 ; tan(pi/4) = 1/root 2 divided by 1/root 2 = 1

The other two values, pi/3 and pi/6 I have shown on the triangles below. For pi/6, you can just swap the values, as long as you know which side of the triangle represents x and which represents y you'll be fine.

Now, this is only for the first quadrant. For the other three you'll be pleased to know it's just these exact same triangles mirrored. For example, in the second quadrant, the x value will be negative, but the y value will be positive. So cosθ is negative, sinθ is positive, and tanθ is negative.

The trick to remembering the angles, I find, is to remember it's the same angle, but taken from the x axis. So for the third quadrant,

In that sense if we have an angle of θ in the first quadrant, the equivalent angles are:
Second Quadrant: pi - θ
Third Quadrant: pi + θ
Fourth Quadrant: 2pi - θ

Hope that helps.
Movies & TV / Re: Movie Lovers?
August 30, 2011, 11:58:33 PM
I somehow stumbled upon this one amazingly dark movie. It's called Confessions, it's a foreign language film that came out last year but it won so many awards. Here's the wikipedia page, Plot summary has spoilers though.

It's based on a book so of course it's great, but I can't find the book anywhere whereas the film should be easier to find. If you like that kind of dark psychological drama I'd reccomend it.
[PC] Treasure Mathstorm - "Intro and Title Theme" - Qew Mus Midi Pdf
Status: Accepted

Winter: I see no problems.

Deku: I did a little page shrinking, one measure hanging over onto a new page seems a bit of a shame :P Other than that, ok.
PC / Re: Touhou
August 20, 2011, 12:15:13 AM
Before japanese I couldn't roll my "r"s except with liquid sounds like "dracula"

then one day I said "jibun o kuroshite!" and it rolled perfectly.

That's why japanese will forever be awesome. Italian didn't do squat for rolling "r"s.

BTW I used to pronounce it "too hoo" until I learned the rules of Hepburn Romaji and how the "u" elongates the sound. So it's really to~ho~
Site News / Re: Update, Friday August 19th of 2011
August 20, 2011, 12:08:53 AM
waah my U.N. owen sheet was lost to technology! Aw well, next week hopefully, I'll submit a piano sheet too D:<
Off-Topic / Re: Chat logs
August 16, 2011, 06:11:49 PM
[11:06:49]   <CA>   Can someone give me 3 random notes?
[11:07:00]   <Master-Armaldo>   C minor
[11:07:04]   <Master-Armaldo>   D flat
[11:07:08]   <YTtF>   B flat
[11:07:22]   <CA>   C minor isnt a note

I am so sorry, but I had to.
I was just wandering around and found this. Legos: very nice arrangement of Lunatic Eyes, can't wait to see it next update.
PC / Re: Touhou
August 13, 2011, 03:52:47 PM
Zun probably had to make it easier for Sanae (she kept nagging him and witholding dinner until he made a game *cough* his girlfriend could beat).