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Messages - ThatHiddenCharacter

I would also like to point out that if Nakah were a wolf, there would likely be two people trying to defend him. And from what I can tell, no one has come to his defense. I will say, I was fully prepared to be on the chopping block in the case that Nakah is a wolf, but the posts he made after I fell asleep all feel genuine to me. I'm getting a bit more of a town read now. I also didn't have two people defending me when I was the subject of votes, which would also likely be the case if Nakah were a wolf.

The issue now is that I don't agree with wolf read on BDS, and therefore don't want to vote him, but I also no longer feel voting my own pair out is a good idea.

I'm going to change my vote to raeko because it's clear that voting Toby will get me nowhere right now.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 05:49:37 AMwhich of the other three pairs (mine, Specs', or yours) would you rather lynch instead?
Probably mine. Knowing my luck, I wouldn't be surprised if I got paired with a wolf. I don't have enough suspicion on my lover to make that call as of yet, though. I'd still like to wait until closer to phase end before making any rash decisions.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 05:24:14 AMI'll come out and say that we're not.

Does this change anything for you?
Not particularly. I don't fully believe you're a wolf, but I still find it odd how hard you're pushing me right now (like I said, my name appears at least half a dozen times in your suspicion list). I still don't trust Toby, but to be fair, I think I never trust Toby. I doubt I'll be changing my vote before phase end unless something big happens, though.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 05:22:38 AMTHC, do you think Toby and I are wolf partners together?
No. I actually think you are lovers.
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 09, 2024, 05:06:13 AMAs in, people always think I'm sus because of how I play. But they always point out the things I do regardless of alignment. Never things I do only as a wolf.
At a certain point, it gets very old being a prime lynch candidate in every game for the same reasons every time.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 05:02:42 AM???
As in, people always think I'm sus because of how I play. But they always point out the things I do regardless of alignment. Never things I do only as a wolf.
I also can't help but notice you seem to be plastering my name in almost everyone's sections on your suspicion list, which feels like overkill if you were a townie that was convinced I'm a wolf. Feels more like trying to sway others into believing that narrative.
Quote from: mastersuperfan on March 09, 2024, 04:04:44 AMbut he's pretty stubborn
I mean, yes. That's me in a nutshell. I play that way regardless of my alignment. If I believe something, I will defend it no matter what. Plus, it's hard not to default to the defensive when every game people think I'm sus just for playing the way I play in every game. At some point, I feel like it should be obvious that I just play a way that can be seen as suspicious, and I wish people would actually notice the things I do differently as wolf!THC because there are differences.
In the meantime, just so I don't forget to later, I'm placing my vote on Toby.

@Oricorio If there's a tie, does it go to a KitB?
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on March 09, 2024, 01:05:00 AMMy impressions were based on your reaction to the votes on Specs, which struck me as a bit disproportionately strong.
It's only strong because there are two people voting for someone that I don't really see as being sus, both without giving much in the way of reasons. If even one of those factors were different, I wouldn't have fought it nearly as hard, if at all. Like I said, I'd be more than happy to vote Specs if I believed there was good reason to. And there is certainly still plenty of time for that to end up being the case.
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 08, 2024, 10:51:14 PMIt really peeves me when I respond to an accusation or make an accusation and the person in question makes a post(s) and completely ignores mine.
I hope this doesn't come across as rude, I only me tonight it since I feel it gives important context to my views on players.
Quote from: raeko on March 08, 2024, 11:38:16 PMwhy are we connected together ;_;
When I started that line, I thought I had no thoughts on either of you, but as I kept typing, I realized I could have put you two separate without the question marks. But I'm at work and I didn't have time to adjust it.
Quote from: raeko on March 08, 2024, 11:38:16 PMWhen you say "their" do you mean both of us? or who do you mean? you can call me she/her btw
I was referring to you, I didn't want to make any assumptions. Thank you for specifying what to use!
To put my suspicions into a succinct list:

Specs Townlean: As I said, nothing has jumped out at me as suspicious. Has added a lot to the conversation, and seems to be in the best interest of town. I don't think reiterating what someone else has said, as long as it's putting it in a more succinct and easy-to-understand way, is suspicious.

BDS Townlean: It really peeves me when I respond to an accusation or make an accusation and the person in question makes a post(s) and completely ignores mine. However, everything else from you seems on the up and up, so I'm willing to look past it for you for now.

msf neutral: As I said before, I initially was townleaning msf for the same reasons as BDS and Specs. Their posts seem intended to help town and they've been very active (non-fluff) in discussion. However, the vote on Specs, while it could just be a reaction test, doesn't sit well with me. It feels more like a bandwagon than a reaction test. Not enough to make me fully sus, but enough to drop down to neutral.

TZP neutral: I believe he only has one post so far? I'm at work, so I can only look at what's on the current page. The post was just calling out msf for math stuff (I believe msf did have the math right, btw, since you exclude your own pairing in the math, meaning it wouldn't be a 50/50), but not really anything substantial enough to get a read. Btw, math isn't in this game, TZP.

raeko/Nakah ??: I honestly haven't even been able to make much sense of their posts. Specifically raeko. I think I'd go full neutral for Nakah just for lack of posts to read, and neutral-slightwolf for raeko because of my notes about fluffy posts from them still seeming to be the case. They keep pointing out things claiming to "note" them, but not really elaborate.

Toby slight-wolflean: I've already given my reasons for not trusting Toby. Plus what I mentioned in my BDS section. Toby posted shortly after I accused him, but never acknowledged it. It's not enough to make me certain of wolfishness or anything, but he's definitely my top contender to vote for. I'm waiting until just before I go to bed today to put my vote in. It'll definitely be well before phase change.