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Messages - Merlin

Welcome to my submission thread! Till now, I haven't arranged many pieces of music, but there will be more. Enjoy!

[WII] Disaster: Day of Crisis - "SURGE Hideout" - Merlin ::: MUS [Hard]

In Queue:
[NDS] Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations - "The Bitter Taste Of Truth" - Merlin ::: MUS [Easy]
[GB] Pokémon: Red, Blue and Yellow Version - "Viridian Forest" - Merlin ::: MUS [Medium]

In Progress:
[NDS] Diddy Kong Racing DS - "Pirate Lagoon (DS Version)" - Merlin ::: MUS [Very Hard]


I'm currently arranging Pirate Lagoon from Diddy Kong Racing DS, so it's the DS Version of the song... the N64 Version is completely different, but I like the DS Version, because it's so nice and calm...
Request / Re: Disaster Day of Crisis Music
January 05, 2009, 02:01:22 PM
That's great! Thank you! :)
I know it's very hard, because I've already tried it and I'm currently trying to make the sheet music for an other composition from the game... It's a little simplier, but still quiet challenging... I think I'll open a submission thread when I've finished doing it.
Anyway, I know that all the compositions in the game are difficult and I'm not the world's best pianist... so it doesn't have to be perfect. ;)

(Talking about "perfect"... I'm from abroad, so my English isn't perfect either... ^^)
Some days ago, I bought Disaster Day of Crisis for my Wii. I really like the game and I also like the music, so I tried to find some sheet music on the internet... Unfortunately, I didn't find anything. I've already tried to do some sheet music on my own, but it didn't work...
So, could you try to do it? I especially like this composition:

Thank you :)