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Messages - Code_Name_Geek

Quote from: Latios212 on August 21, 2023, 06:01:17 PMFor the intro, it sounds an octave lower than where you have it now. It's also a pitch bend so it would make more sense to write something in chromatic than diatonic given it doesn't stray far from the A-D dyad - try something like this instead? Similar comment about m. 9.
Makes sense. The chromatic option sounds more dissonant with the pedal but without the pedal the playback cuts off the last note instead of holding it the full value... if anyone knows how to fix that let me know. For m. 9, I think the bend is slightly deeper (approximately a third rather than a second) so I did three notes, Fn-G-G# (Fn rather than F# because I think that's the lowest pitch in the bend).

Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Heartbreak - Sandy Bay
Link to Dropbox file

Here's my first submission for this project! This is the theme for the beach area in the game. It shouldn't be very complicated but one thing I wasn't sure about were the chord voicings in the second-last measure.

Edit: Woke up and had a bad feeling about the 16th note runs so I took a second pass at them. Not so sure about the one in the last measure anymore but it's as close as I could manage.

Final Fantasy VII - Costa del Sol
Link to Dropbox file

And here's my second submission, the theme for the sunny resort town of Costa del Sol in FFVII. I made some minor omissions to the accompaniment for playability but otherwise it's fairly straightforward.

Project Archive / Re: 🔥Too Hot To Handle🔥Update
August 12, 2023, 10:47:05 PM
Just want to double check - would sunny beach levels/settings be hot enough for this theme?
Quote from: Latios212 on May 28, 2023, 08:53:13 AMI'm not certain about some of the repeated notes in the left hand in some of the variations, but I can't be confident they're not there either :P
I wasn't sure about those with all voices together, but when splitting the channels it was more obvious that they were there.

Quote from: Latios212 on May 28, 2023, 08:53:13 AM- Level 9 High 2 and 3 last measure:  the lower layer in the RH goes A-C#-C# (with the first A overlapping the melody). This'd also avoid an awkward crossover on beat 1.
Checked those again and I mostly agree, but I think the first A is in octaves instead of unison. It made more sense to put that in the left hand for playability so it avoids the awkward jump either way. (It's fast enough that I don't think the 16th vs 8th difference in High 3 will make much of a difference.)

Quote from: Latios212 on May 28, 2023, 08:53:13 AM- Level 9 High 4 measure 7: The A's in the RH in the second half should be B's. This is also the case in Level 9 High 5 but only for the second pass, so the 1st/2nd endings will need to be two measures long each.
Oh yeah, I hear that too. Done and adjusted the measure distribution to keep it from getting cramped.

Thanks for catching those note fixes, it's much appreciated!
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 02, 2023, 12:11:01 AM
  • Level 9 High 5 is missing a time signature
Done, and noticed that Level 9 High 4 was missing the final bar line so I fixed that as well.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 02, 2023, 12:11:01 AM
  • I would recommend capitalizing 'Piano' in 'Arranged for Piano...' We don't have any guidelines to go off for this but using conventional capitalization rules it should be capitalized.
What conventional capitalization rule would be applicable here? Instrument names usually aren't capitalized in written English. It could be capitalized in a subtitle (following standard title capitalization rules) but I don't think that rule is necessary here. I've seen it both ways in on-site sheets like this and this. But if there's a rule I'm not aware of I'm open to hearing it.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 02, 2023, 12:11:01 AM
  • For the LH in 'Level 9 High 4', is there a reason you used eighths in m1 and m3 but staccato quarters in m2 and m4? I don't think there's an audible difference in the original so you should keep what you use consistent (which in this case means staccato quarters, like elsewhere in the sheet).
No objections here, done.

Thanks again for the feedback! :)
Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 25, 2023, 02:25:07 AM
  • Even though I usually prefer indenting new tracks within a collection, I think it looks a little odd here, especially on the first page where every track starts on a new system. Maybe it's worth removing all indents?
  • 'Level 9 High 5' is missing articulation in m8 of the LH and overall in the RH. I think it's less obvious to hear at first due to the difference in upload quality, but the play style should be the same as 'Level 9 High 4'.
-Done, I'm assuming you meant keeping the first indent so that's what I did.
-Oh yeah you're right, the more active accompaniment also covers that up a bit. Fixed.

Thanks for the feedback!
The tool that helps me the most is my midi keyboard that I plug into my laptop so I can try out notes alongside the track in my headphones. I also try to match pitch by singing if I'm having trouble - I'm sure that sounds quite strange to those around me. ;D

Audio-wise I mainly use YouTube and its slowdown options, or foobar2000 for chiptune soundtracks like Levi mentioned to split channels. However, I try to do as much as I can without splitting channels and mostly use that as a last resort for tricky spots or to check everything at the end (not that it's bad to split channels, I just want to practice hearing voices together as well). If a bass part is hard to hear, I'll import the track into Audacity and pitch it up an octave to put it in an easier range, but that's as much as I do as far as modifying the actual audio.

I definitely agree that practice makes it better. Transcribing is something I really struggled with at first and it's still not really easy for me, but it's gotten better and I can hear more complex things than I could before. Starting with some early console soundtracks with limited channels (or similarly simple pieces) can be a little less daunting than full orchestral pieces as well.
I hope posting multiple videos is okay, I haven't been able to find all the correct versions in one video.

Level 9 High 0

Level 9 High 1

Level 9 High 2

Level 9 High 3

Level 9 High 4

Level 9 High 5
Quote from: Bloop on April 16, 2023, 07:39:42 AMI usually take 2-3 ledger lines for an upper limit for suddenly reading ledger lines, or 4-5 when there's an arpeggio or other run going towards it (like here). By this rule of thumb you could actually leave out of the 8va's here, but since it's pretty long in ledger line material too, it's nice to have them around still. For consistency it's probably nice to have one at m36 too then ^^

As for another tiny thing, you could move the dim. marking in m29 up a bit so it's aligned with the forte at the start of the par
Makes sense! In that case, I decided to extend the 8va at m36 through the next section as well to minimize the jumping back and forth. Fixed the dim. as well, good call.

Thanks again!
Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m28: It feels kinda weird to me to put the D# in m26 in parentheses for the tenth interval in the R.H., but not the C here for the L.H. though in this case, you do lose a bit of harmonic information if the C is optional. After some thinking, you could add a C in beat 1 and a D in beat 2 in the R.H., so a bit more notes of the L.H. are doubled, which makes the C in the L.H. optional:
I can hear the C and D I added in the R.H. in the original too btw
Makes sense to me, done. I think that leads nicely into the triads after that bar as well.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m35: These E's in the L.H. are a bit stretchy too to not be notified as optional, but I think it might be better to move them down an octave, so they're more in the same area as the rest of the L.H. in this section, and follow the same voice leading as in m43.
Yeah that also makes sense, done.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m38: It might be a bit better to start the 8va at the two 16ths in m37, so there isn't a sudden octave jump in the middle of a phrase. It makes the phrase easier to read. Make sure the 8 of the 8va starts a bit before the first note too btw, it's currently a bit too much to the right.
Did that, but speaking of 8vas, I noticed I'm using them kind of inconsistently in this section (ex: m. 36 and m. 44 go up to the same line but only m. 44 has an 8va). So I'm wondering if the 1-bar 8vas are necessary or if some of them could be removed to make those phrases easier to read - I assumed having an 8va over this whole section would have some of those arpeggios starting a bit low? But I'm used to reading ledger lines so I'm not sure what's considered reasonable for piano.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m39 and 40: The R.H. half note in m39 and the L.H. half note in m40 aren't possible to hold while playing the other voices without using a pedal. Using a pedal, however, takes away the staccatoness of the flute and violin notes. There's a few things you can do:
  -Still use pedal and use the staccatos in the R.H. more as a sound thing (mostly noticeable on acoustic or grand pianos). In that case it's best to add a pedal marking.
  -Shorten the half notes to 8ths, which will cause nearly all notes in these two bars to be short (my least preferred option)
  -Take some arrangers freedom to imitate the general contour of this part, while keeping the long and short notes (mostly) intact, for example something like this:
I edited the second 8th in both bars to a single note which is still reachable by both hands, and shortened the R.H. and L.H. halves to quarter notes, so they're shorter but not too much shorter.
I actually think the first option might be my preferred option haha. In all options, the L.H. D in m40 can be moved down an octave either way, as there won't be any stretching issues with the other voice.
I think I like the pedal option best too, so did that.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m53: The D# and E in the R.H. should be 16ths on beat 2.5, not triplet 8ths.
Oh yeah you're right, done.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m57: This R.H. 16th run is pretty hard to play, and doesn't really convey the flute melody that well, since it's mostly buried underneath the string line. Here's an alternative idea, moving the flute up an octave, and adding a bit of the string line in the L.H.
You could add the A in the R.H. on beat 1.75, but I felt it might be a bit hard to play with everything else going on while not adding that much effect.
I really like this suggestion, it makes the melody more prominent and it still works resolution-wise since it leads into the higher octave. I did add the A on beat 1.75 though. I also swapped the hairpins for "cres." and "dim." markings, both to reduce visual clutter and keep it consistent with what I used before in m. 25.

Quote from: Bloop on April 07, 2023, 12:05:35 PM-m60: You can add the harmony flute G and F# on beat 2.5 in the R.H. here too, like in the pickup measure.

Just to note, I also noticed that I had forgotten the natural sign on the trill in m. 36 so I changed that as well.

Thanks for looking it over! Glad to sort out playability issues since it means it'll be easier for me to play too. :)
Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:18:56 PMMy bad, I meant that that F# should be a D
Got it, done.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:18:56 PMThey all look (and sound) pretty accurate to me! For some reason the staccato at beat 1.5 is on the wrong side of the note, just make sure to get that
Whoops, no idea why it decided to do that. Fixed as well.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMNo problem! For the most part it's looking pretty good but here's some things I found (all referring to the harmony):
  • m1 beat 2.5: I hear G instead of B here
  • m5 beat 2.75: The G here is sharpened
  • m7: Beat 2 should be B and beat 2.5 should be G
  • m8: I hear F# at beat 1
  • The same points apply to the repeated section, m9+, where needed
  • If you want you can remove the harmony note in m15 b1.75 for playability purposes
Made all these changes, except m8 where I think it was already an F#? And I decided to keep the harmony note in m15. Thanks!

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMInteresting, because I can get it with my LH but not with my RH... Parentheses is the best option then.
Oh that is interesting, I have pretty small hands so I always assume everyone can play something if I can haha. Maybe my left hand is less flexible since piano isn't my main instrument? Either way, I agree that parentheses is the best option and I'll leave that note up to the performer.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMPretty much, though I hear the middle notes in m29 b2.5 and m30 b1-1.5 one step higher than you have written (so E, D & C respectively)

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMThat's a valid way of seeing it, let's keep the key change then!
PS Spoilered images don't seem to show in post previews but I can see them fine :p
Sounds good! The images weren't showing in the post either for me but I think it was something with my adblocker because it worked on another browser. (Oh but they're working on this one now, go figure.)

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMThis looks better, yeah! I think there's an extra voice in the flutes, like so:
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Also done.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMI think what you have is correct, it's just harder to make out because of the echo in this track. That said, you might want to omit some of either part to make it a little easier to play..
I took out one note that seemed particularly difficult to play. I'd rather keep the melody over that trill here so if there's any other parts of it I should leave out lmk.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMHere's some other points that came up:
  • m2-10: Finale seems to have ignored some of the accidentals in its measure spacing, it fixed itself when I removed & readded them
  • m32 beat 2: There's a chord missing here in the RH lower layer
  • m46: I hear the harmony note at beat 1.25 as Cx. For beat 2 you should preserve the 3rd interval, I recommend changing the B# to Cn
  • m47-48: I can hear some harmony here, do you want to add it in?
-Oh yeah, I'm actually familiar with that issue - another way to fix it is to click on the measure with the note entry tool and it will automatically respace it. Must have missed those measures though :)
-Oops not sure what happened to that chord, I must have deleted it accidentally. Fixed.
-Keeping it as 3rds makes sense, done. I also wrote the bass note as a B# instead of a Cn to keep the measure more internally consistent (and did the same with m. 36).
-Tried to add that harmony, I'm not confident on the notes in m. 48 though.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on April 04, 2023, 01:23:27 AMThe rest of the changes look great! Thanks for taking the time to look over the sheet again :)
Thanks again for the feedback, it was really helpful! :)
Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m1-16: I think you can add more harmony to the R.H., it would still be pretty playable. You might want to re-check the existing harmony you've written for playability and note accuracy.
I did my best here, but I have a hard time hearing harmony lines so please let me know if there are any wrong notes or if I missed anything obvious.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m17-24: I feel like the bass notes might look better without staccatos but written like 8th notes: staccatos don't mean "play these notes at 50% length", but "play these notes shortly". A player might interpret those bass notes as shorter than they need to be.
  • m25-28: Some of these bass notes are also shorter like the ones in m17-24, so these will also be 8th notes or staccato'd notes, depending on what you choose in m17-24
I wanted those to be a little longer than eighth notes and with more weight, but still a little short (or maybe "lifted" is a better term). But yeah staccatos could end up being too short so I changed it to a combination staccato/tenuto marking. Continued through the next section as well for consistency.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m26: I think removing the lower D# on beat 2 here would make this part more playable without losing too much sound. If you really want to keep it, I'd suggest moving it to the L.H.
I disagree with moving it to the LH; when I play it myself I can reach it with my RH but I'm nowhere close to reaching it with my LH. But it does make it a lot harder so I put parentheses around it so the player can decide whether or not to play it.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m29-30: I hear triads in the R.H., maybe those or dyads would be better suited here than octaves?
Triads like this?

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m33-end: Here too, there's a lot of R.H. harmony you could include to get a full sound, and you can leave it out where it makes things too difficult to play.
Did my best here as well, but as per my comment for the first section I'm not entirely confident on all of the notes here.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • You should make sure that all the 8va markings end just after the last note, rather than inside the measure.
    You cannot view this attachment.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m33: I'm not sure if the key change here is necessary, especially since the track doesn't really stay in E.
I think the key change makes sense here. It helps with the readability of the melody and while the song doesn't stay strictly in E, it resolves back to E enough times that I feel reasonably confident marking this section as E. I've done a bit of harmonic analysis below showing what I mean but don't look too closely at the figured bass it was done really quickly.

Edit: not sure if the images are working right, here's the direct link to them if they don't show up.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m35-36: Most of what you have written here is part of the less audible lower harmony voice, I suggest writing the higher voice instead.
Oh man you're totally right, not sure what happened here. I think I got the right part now.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m39-40: You might want to check over this section again to make sure it's correct
Took another look here and I think this is closer?

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m57-58: You could add a some more parts here to simulate the buildup better. for the 16th run in m58 I hear C-D-G-A
There's this repeating figure in the strings that I'm having trouble picking out, so the C/D trill is my best approximation of that... let me know if there's a better way to do that.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on March 18, 2023, 08:07:25 AM
  • m59-60: I wonder if leaving the upper layer legato (or adding a slur) would be a nicer contrast to the lower layer? It would definitely be easier to play..
    I also don't hear the high D in the LH in m60.
Like this? Yeah that would be easier to play. The high D in the LH was originally the resolution of the middle line so it's back to the top staff here.

All of the other little fixes like notes should be done as well. This was kind of a beast to revisit, but thanks for the detailed feedback!
Quote from: Latios212 on March 01, 2023, 02:47:54 PMDo you have any links to OST information? Also, do other titles in the series follow certain naming conventions for their music?
Oh geez now I'm looking at the information again and I didn't realize one of the albums on VGMDB actually was the official soundtrack release, which has the title I have. The alternate title shows up on some arranged albums like this one. But I think it's probably safe to stick with the one from the original soundtrack after all. Sorry, I must have been tired when I was double-checking my information last night :P

As I was double-checking credits I noticed there's two common translations for this song's title: "The Sun-Gathering Village" and "Village Bathed In Light". I'm not sure which one to choose, and putting both of them is a bit of a mouthful (but doable if that's the best solution). So a second opinion on that would be appreciated. :)