Fernman's Piano Arrangements [856 Piano sheets]

Started by Fernman, June 20, 2023, 07:00:38 PM

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Hi All !

I'm Fernman (Pronounced "Fern Man"). I make piano video game music arrangements that are playable for someone who can reach an octave while still being close to the original. What compelled me to start arranging music is I wanted to find approachable music that sounds recognizable and that isn't written so difficult to play. One may not have to play music as written, but if one has to make too many changes to it, one may begin to struggle than actually enjoy playing.
  • I don't aim for precise accuracy in my arrangements, instead I aim for relative accuracy by making the song playable and readable for the average player. So, for example, if a Pokemon song has high speed 16th notes, which may come easy to experts, I will modify it to be a more playable arrangement for a typical player while ensuring it still sounds recognizable.
  • If a song has large intervals I will shorten them while still making it sound part of the song. I can reach an octave so I arrange music to this range when possible.
  • If a song has multiple voices in it, instead of layering them I will have the melody, bass, and accompaniment have their own partnering. This way, when you repeat the song it sounds different each time, and is actually playable and is easier to read than if it were layered
  • In short I try to make music playable and easy to read/play to the extent the song allows it.
  • When applicable I will make a simpler version of the arrangement in addition to the "regular" version.
I am open to any and all constructive feedback to improve my arranging. I want to continue to improve my arranging skills. Although I may not be aiming for precise accuracy, I still want it to be accurate enough and be playable.

I arrange new music periodically.

My Musescore profile will always be most up to date. All songs are included within each music set: https://musescore.com/user/45030287

Do check out my other instrument arrangements over Here


All Things Pokemon

Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow Versions

Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green

Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Versions
Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Version Medley

Opening Movie - Gold & Silver Version
Opening Movie - Crystal Version
Title Screen
Main Menu

Johto Cities and Towns
New Bark Town V1
New Bark Town V2
Cherrygrove City
Violet / Olivine City
Violet / Olivine City EASY
Azalea Town / Blackthorn City
Goldenrod City
Goldenrod City EASY
Ecruteak / Cianwood City
Ecruteak / Cianwood City EASY

People and Radio Themes
Professor Oak
Lucky Number Show
Professor Oak's Radio Show
Pokemon March
Pokemon Lullaby

Johto Routes and Traveling
Hurry Along 2
Dark Cave / Ice Path
Route 26
Route 29
Route 30
Route 34
Route 38
Route 42 / Lake of Rage
Victory Road
S.S. Aqua

Johto Places and Buildings
Professor Elm's Laboratory
Pokemon Center
Sprout Tower
Pokemon Gym
Ruins of Alph / Union Cave
Game Corner
National Park
Bug Catching Contest
Ecruteak Dance Theatre
Burned Tower
Tin Tower
Team Rocket Hideout
Team Rocket's Radio Tower
Dragon's Den
Indigo Plateau
Battle Tower (Outside)
Battle Tower (Inside)
Mt. Silver / Pokemon Lighthouse

Johto Wild Pokemon Battle
Kanto Wild Pokemon Battle
Wild Pokemon Defeated
Suicune Battle
Johto Trainer Battle (V1 & V2)
Johto Trainer Battle V1
Johto Trainer Battle V2
Trainer Victory
Trainer Victory EASY
Rival Trainer Encounter
Rival Battle
Team Rocket Battle
Team Rocket Battle EASY
Johto Gym Leader Battle
Kanto Gym Leader Battle
Gym Leader Defeated
Champion Battle

Kanto Cities and Towns
Pallet Town
Viridian, Pewter, Saffron City
Vermillion City
Lavender Town
Celadon / Fuchsia City
Celadon / Fuchsia City EASY

Kanto Routes
Route 1
Route 2 / Viridian Forest
Route 3
Route 11
Route 11 EASY
Mt. Moon / Pokemon Cave

Hall of Fame
Credits Theme V1
Credits Theme V2
The End

Misc Sound Jingles
Mobile Adapter 1
Mobile Adapter 2

Pokemon Heart Gold & Soul Silver Versions

Pokemon Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald Versions

Cities and Town
A Journey Into the Hoen Region
Welcome to the World of Pokemon
Littleroot Town
Littleroot Town (Extended)
Oldale Town
Trainer's School
Petalburg City
Petalburg Woods
Rustboro City V1
Rustboro City V2
Rustboro City V3
Dewford Town
Slateport City
Lilycove City
Lilycove City EASY
Verdanturf Town
Fallabor Town
Foretree City
Sootopolis City
Ever Grande City

Buildings and Places
Professor Birch's Research Lab
Pokemon Center
Poke Mart
Abandoned Ship
Contest Lobby
Contest Lobby EASY
Pokemon Contest
Oceanic Museum
Trick House
Mt. Chimny / Sky Pillar
Mauville Game Corner
Art Museum
Cave of Origin
Sealed Chamber V1
Sealed Chamber V2
Battle Tower (Ruby and Saphire)
Battle Tower (Emerald)

Routes and Traveling
Route 101
Route 104
Route 110
Route 111 / Desert
Route 113
Route 120
Route 120 ADVANCED
Crossing the Sea / S.S. Tidal
Cable Car Ride

Heavy Rain
Victory Road
Victory Road EASY

Battle Themes
Encounter! Tuber
Encounter - May
Battle May / Brendon
Battle Wild Pokemon
Victory Wild Pokemon
Trainer Battle
Victory! Trainer
Battle Team Aqua/Magma Grunts
Battle Team Aqua/Magma Grunts EASY
Battle Team Aqua/Magma Leaders
Victory! Team Aqua and Team Magma
Battle Gym Leader
Victory! Gym Leader
Battle Legendary Pokemon
Battle Regirock, Regice, and Registeel V1
Battle Regirock, Regice, and Registeel V2
Battle Regirock, Regice, and Registeel V3
Battle Elite Four V1
Battle Elite Four V2 Simpler
Battle Elite Four EASY
Battle Champion V1
Battle Champion V2
Battle Champion EASY
Victory! Champion

Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame EASY
Ending Theme
The End

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Saphire

Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Version

Dawn's Theme V1
Dawn's Theme V2
Lucas's Theme V1
Lucas's Theme V2
Looker's Theme

Cities and Towns
Twinleaf Town
Sangdem Town (Day)
Sangdem Town (Night)
Jubilife City (Day)
Jubilife City Day & Night
Oreburgh City V1
Oreburgh City V2
Floraroma Town
Eterna City
Hearthome City
Solaceon Town/Pastoria City (Day)
Solaceon Town/Pastoria City (Night)
Veilstone City (Day)
Veilstone City (Night)
Canalave City
Snowpoint City
Sunnyshore City (Day)
Sunnyshore City (Night)

Places and Buildings
Pokemon Center (Day)
Pokemon Center (Night)
Poke Mart
Pokemon Gym
TV Station
Oreburgh Gate
Oreburgh Mine
Eterna Forest
Lake Cavern
Valor Lakefront
Amity Square
Spear Pillar
The Underground V1
The Underground V2
Contest Hall
Contest Result Announcement
Pokemon League (Day)
Pokemon League (Night)
Fight Area
Battle Tower
Battle Hall
Battle Castle V1
Battle Castle V2
Villa - Lilycove City Bossa Nova

Routes and Traveling
The Great Marsh
Route 201 (Day)
Route 201 (Night)
Route 203 (Day) V1
Route 203 (Day) V2
Route 203 (Night) V1
Route 203 (Night) V2
Route 205 V1
Route 205 V2
Route 206
Route 209 (Day)
Route 209 (Night)
Route 210 (Day)
Route 210 (Night)
Route 216 (Day)
Route 216 (Night)
Route 225 (Day) V1
Route 225 (Night) V1
Route 225 (Day) V2
Route 225 (Night) V2

Decisive Battle! (Pokemon League)
Wild Pokemon Battle
Trainer Battle V1
Trainer Battle V2
Trainer battle V3
Battle! Rival
Gym Leader Battle V1
Gym Leader Battle V2
Gym Leader Battle V3
Team Galactic Battle V1
Team Galactic Battle V2
Team Galactic Commander Battle
Battle! Dialga and Palkia
Approaching Champion Cynthia V1
Approaching Champion Cynthia V2
Approaching Champion Cynthia V3
Battle! Champion

Entering the Hall of Fame
Entering the Hall of Fame (easier)

Global Trading Station
Global Trading Station (Easier)
Mystery Gift (Diamond/Pearl)
Mystery Gift (Platinum/HGSS)
Wi-Fi Plaza
Wi-Fi Plaza Parade

Pokemon Black and White Version

Pokemon Black  and White 2 Versions

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Red/Blue/DX Rescue Team

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time / Darkness Sky
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Come In To Post Town

Pokemon Snap N64

Pokemon Medleys


Pokemon Stadium 1

Pokemon Stadium 2

Opening Screens
Title Screen
Demonstration Battle
Demonstration Battle V2
Mystery Gift
Mystery Gift EASY
Mobile Stadium
Options Menu

Main Menu
White City
Professor Oak's Lab
My Room
Free Battle
Event Battle

Professor Earl's Academy
Professor Earl's Academy
Earl's Academy Quiz
Academy Battle

Mini Games
Mini Game Park
Mini Game Championship and Champion
Eager Evee
Clear Cut Challenge
Delibird Delivery
Furret's Frolic
Topsy Turvey
Tumbling Togepi
Streaming Stampede
Egg Emergency
Pichu's Power Plant
Gusty Golbat
Barrier Ball
Select the Mini Game Winner
Mini Game Won and Complete

Pokemon Select
Battle Intro
Battle Preparation

Little Cup
Little Cup Battle 1-3
Little Cup Battle 4-6
Little Cup Semifinal Battle
Little Cup Final Battle

Poke Cup
Poke Cup Battle 1-3
Poke Cup Battle 4-6
Poke Cup Semifinal Battle
Poke Cup Final Battle

Prime Cup
Prime Cup Battle 1-3
Prime Cup Battle 1-3 Easier
Prime Cup Battle 4-6

Challenge Cup
Challenge Cup Battle 1-3
Challenge Cup Battle 4-6
Challenge Cup Semifinal Battle
Challenge Cup Final Battle

Stadium Victories!
Battle End
Stadium Cup Winner
Cup Victory

Gym Leader Castle
Johto Gym Leader Castle
Johto Gym Leader Castle V2
Gym Trainer Battle
Johto Gym Leader Battle
Team Rocket Battle Intro
Team Rocket Battle
Elite Four Battle 1-2
Elite Four Battle 3-4
Lance Introduction Theme
Champion Lance Battle
Lance Defeated

Kanto Gym Leader Castle
Kanto Gym Leader Battle
Red Battle V1
Red Battle V2
Red Battle V3
Gym Leader Castle Clear

Rival's Theme
Rival Battle

Relearn TM
Relearing Move
Move Relearned
Got a Rare Pokemon

BattleTanx 1

Clockwork Knight 1

Donkey Kong 64

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Klonoa: Door To Phantomile

Live A Live

Luigi's Mansion 1

Mario Kart Double Dash

Nights Into Dreams

Mario Tennis 64


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Rayman 1

Rayman Origins

Star Fox 64

Super Mario 64

Super Mario Sunshine

Wave Race 64

Yoshi's Story

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker

The Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess

The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass

The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link
Palace Theme



Flute & Piano Accompaniments

Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
Northern Dessert
Musescore File

Random Dungeon 3
Musescore File

Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
Battle! Lorekeeper Zinnia
Musescore File

Viola, Violin & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red/Blue/DX Rescue Team
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A Message On the Wind
Musescore File

Team Skull
Musescore File

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Versions
White Treehollow Entrance
Musescore File

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Ciela, The Spirit of Courage
Musescore File

Flute, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet & Piano Accompaniments
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time / Darkness / Sky
A New World
Musescore File

Piccolo, Guitar & Piano Accompaniments
Yoshi's Story [N64]
Yoshi's Happy Result
Musescore File


Asking for feedback on song Stadium from Pokemon Stadium 2

Conversation with Latios regarding my question if this song would be considered to be on NSM based on my arrangement style.
Discord Conversation:

Fernman — 12/28/2023 7:03 PM
One of my submissions is being accepted (yay!) and I'm considering what to submit next. I can play this arrangement and would like to submit it, though I excluded some of the harmonics since they are out of reach or at a minimum it makes the song way more difficult than it needs to be. My question is do you think this has a good chance of being accepted for what I'm aiming for? While I appreciate all of the NSM team efforts, I don't want to submit something that will get stalled for almost a year like my first two submissions. https://musescore.com/user/45030287/scores/9997201

Latios — 12/28/2023 7:20 PM
Hey! Apologies I haven't been able to keep up with your previous submissions, that's partially on me for them taking so long. Skimming this with what I've seen, you do a good job of getting the melody, countermelody, and rhythms correct with a focus on playability which is good. However, this sheet leaves something to be desired when it comes to the bass and harmony, e.g. the chords, which is something I noticed with your prior submission. What you have written in the left hand generally fits playability wise and isn't too far off from the original, but often omits the root note of the chord or has it in the wrong inversion, and sometimes leaves out the bass in favor of a countermelody. While this isn't always a bad thing, it leaves the arrangement feeling a bit "unbalanced" or deviates from the original harmonically, which would require some adjusting.

Fernman — 12/28/2023 7:56 PM
That is a lot to unpack...chords should be an easy fix, leaving out the bass I think I understand what you are saying, by excluding the bass section, it can make the song sound "too high and ungrounded" in some sections. I'm not sure what else could be added to the LH and still keep it playable. I rather not add an out of reach voice/layer than what can be currently played.
The suggested "unbalanced-ness" might be the main breaking point. unless there is a solution that could be addressed during the submission process. m24 to the end might be able to accommodate a layer if it is not the harp section.

Latios — 12/28/2023 8:07 PM
I don't mean to say you have to add another layer on top of what you already have, rather to suggest that you listen through again paying specific attention to the bass and include it where possible or invert what you have to match. For example, the bass in measure 4 should be A, measure 6 moves from F# to B, measure 7 should be E, measure 8 should be A, etc. Your rhythms are right but the chords are not quite correct.

Fernman — 12/30/2023 6:02 PM
So I relistened and I hear the bass, which might be the tuba which I was excluding entirely. I also inverted it downward as you suggested and to be quite honest, by inverting it downward it sounds really heavy, and while that may be what the song is, it sounds more cheery if it is up an inversion when played on the piano. Secondly, I really dislike m6 with all those notes in a single chord. I may not have a trained musical ear, but that sounds unpleasant. I would rather exclude that bass section previously suggested. If these are required/strongly recommended maybe this would not be a contender to be submitted to NSM since my preferences don't match the song exactly? Thoughts?

Latios — 12/30/2023 8:17 PM
In some places you have the bass but it's not always right in the image you have above - see my message above for how the bass moves. Before adjusting the voices to sound good and be playable we need the right notes/chords in first. Here's something more along the lines of what I'm envisioning for this piece:
- m. 5 is D and should have D in the bass
- m. 6 starts with F#m so should have F# as the root. The A# is present on the 16th note strikes before the chord changes to Bm7
- m. 7 is a bit odder, the chords in the original include D and A but the bass plays E
- m. 8 is Asus4 > A
What you have generally conforms to the chord structure but deviates in a few places. That paired with some incorrect inversions is what causes it to feel a bit off. Especially with a march-like piece like this it's important to get the chord strikes right in the left hand and here I would recommend mostly using fifths to reinforce the bass note, and perhaps write in some more harmony in the right hand underneath the melody to outline the chords if it's not easy enough to do so in the left hand (e.g. if it sounds too muddy).
I may not have a trained musical ear
I'd highly recommend using a tool like AudioStretch to help you make sure you have the right notes first! https://www.ninsheetmusic.org/forum/index.php?topic=11175.0
Hope that helps 🙂
To be clear, I'm not saying your arranging is bad. But to the question of if it's suitable for the site, I'm pointing out that I feel that the bass and chord structure are musically fundamental aspects of the piece that are not aptly represented in its current form.

Fernman — 12/30/2023 9:12 PM
Thanks for your time and analysis Latios! I need to warm up to the notes an inversion lower. I may submit this one or a simpler one (I think) next. I'll keep a record of your comments.

Latios — 12/30/2023 9:13 PM
You're welcome! I apologize if it comes off as a bit pushy. Feel free to ask if you need more guidance 🙂

Fernman — 1/4/2024 at 7:08 PM
Hi Latios, I've reviewed your feedback and tried to warm up to your suggested arrangement, but I don't like the way it sounds heavy, and odd in that m7 and in general it loses its cheer to compared to its current arrangement.
I ask that you hear me out on my arrangement style. As you've pointed out the song as arranged is missing its base. Generally, when I arrange a song I pick the parts which are most memorable to the feel of the song which in most cases will be the melody and counter melody/accompaniment.
While in m4 you hear the bass as you suggested above, there is also what I hear as an A4 and E4 in the treble staff playing the left hand pattern at the same time. Also at about that same pitch range is the climbing notes in m3. We can call anything playing at this range the counter melody.
I chose to drop the counter melody down an octave to become the bass pattern instead of the "official" bass pattern you pointed out. While I may not be "accurately" representing the "bass and chord structure" I am using chord structure which exists in the song, i just moved it into in a different octave range to avoid any "unbalanced-ness".
This is my arrangement style, I use parts which I think would sound best in the song and arrange it accordingly trying to capture the intended feel of the composition. Based on this I'll respectfully ask again, since it will come up in the submission process anyway, do you think how I have chosen to arrange this song would be considered to be on the NSM site?

Latios — 1/4/2024 at 7:20 PM
I'll defer to the other updaters to weigh in 🙂 but if I could make a request, could you post this in your personal arrangement thread on the forums? Easier to maintain the back and forth on a single topic there especially with the amount of text.
To be clear, I'm not saying that everything that goes on site has to be how I envision it. But we have to make sure that your interpretation is not only correct, but feels representative of the original to other people as well. That's why I'll have others weigh in, given what I've disagreed with above
Appreciate the attention to detail ^^


Taking a look at this as well, and I'm inclined to agree with Latios too on the harmonic structure. Measure 5 to 8 would also be one of my breaking points: in the original I hear these chords:
D7 | F#m7 Bm7 | Em7(add11) | Asus4 A
Whereas in your arrangement it has been reduced to:
D7 | A/C# D | D(sus4?) | D A
The most important notes of any standard chord (limiting to triads and 7th chords) are the root and the third. The root is important to identify the chord and is usually played by the bass. If you leave out this root, you literally leave out a fundamental part of a chord. To me, in your arrangement, m5-8 doesn't sound as cheery as the original, but it sounds more stale. Instead of a heroic cadence (iii vi ii V), you go back and forth between I and V a little bit and stay on that I chord for about 2 bars (m6 beat 3 up to m8 beat 1). I'd probably go with something akin to Latios' suggestion too, though for m7 you could also do E-A-D instead (an octave up from what Latios has).


Speaking a little more generally, There are parts of the bassline that I feel should be included/could be included as another layer  (ex. m9 or m15), and I find page 2 is a bit empty in its accompaniment/LH. Additionally, there are missing harmony notes to the melody such as m27-28 and m30-32 RH.

Also never realized this track was an arrangement of New Bark Town. With that in mind, would like to see Go Ichinose and Junichi Masuda credited, and that Hajime Wakai arranged this. Then you would be listed as "Arranged for Piano by Fernman". If needing help on what this looks like check out any of the Goldeneye sheets not arranged by Evil Squeaky on site


Quote from: Bloop on January 05, 2024, 12:53:23 AMTaking a look at this as well, and I'm inclined to agree with Latios too on the harmonic structure. Measure 5 to 8 would also be one of my breaking points: in the original I hear these chords:
D7 | F#m7 Bm7 | Em7(add11) | Asus4 A
Whereas in your arrangement it has been reduced to:
D7 | A/C# D | D(sus4?) | D A
The most important notes of any standard chord (limiting to triads and 7th chords) are the root and the third. The root is important to identify the chord and is usually played by the bass. If you leave out this root, you literally leave out a fundamental part of a chord. To me, in your arrangement, m5-8 doesn't sound as cheery as the original, but it sounds more stale. Instead of a heroic cadence (iii vi ii V), you go back and forth between I and V a little bit and stay on that I chord for about 2 bars (m6 beat 3 up to m8 beat 1). I'd probably go with something akin to Latios' suggestion too, though for m7 you could also do E-A-D instead (an octave up from what Latios has).

I appreciate the technical analysis Bloop, I had to think about it for a bit, but it makes sense.
I think what is getting me is m4. If it could be brought up an inversion then the rest of the measures as you and Latios have suggested, feel cheery. I know there is a chord structure already there in the bass pattern as Latios pointed out, I'd just like to bring down the chord structure that I hear in the treble.
If I could learn more to hear chords like you that would be great.
I updated the files

Updated PDF

Quote from: Kricketune54 on January 05, 2024, 08:56:06 AMSpeaking a little more generally, There are parts of the bassline that I feel should be included/could be included as another layer  (ex. m9 or m15), and I find page 2 is a bit empty in its accompaniment/LH. Additionally, there are missing harmony notes to the melody such as m27-28 and m30-32 RH.

I appreciate the feedback Krikitune, I don't know if adding that baseline is playable when I'm using all my LH fingers to play what is currently there, what I am noticing may be out of reach.
I don't disagree that it sounds empty on page 2, The Harp is playing and it is going all over the staff so I don't know of a way to include something to make it playable while keeping what I have now.
page 2 RH harmonics are added, as well as composers.

As I have now warmed up to Latios' arrangement suggestion, pending being ok with the m4 inversion change upward and everything preceding. Are there any other breaking points? Latios has a lot more harmonics in his suggestions which I find more challenging to play, at least speaking from my level and hand span. Not to say I'm not open to seeing if I can play it, I just don't want to make it more difficult than it needs to be.
The only place I did a rearrangement was beat 4 of m3 and m20, where instead of it parallelling the RH, I made it sound different and more march-y.