TWG 63: Second Chances Post Game

Started by Bird, January 12, 2014, 07:23:35 PM

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Quote from: Bird on January 13, 2014, 12:24:13 PMIt's been less than 24 hours! I'll get around to it, I promise.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound impatient, but you didn't say if you were done or not, so I had to ask.

Pardon my incessant bugging.
Party Hard!


@fank just saw what you said about going for dude
that was actually Toby's idea and him being more experienced led me to follow through with it. xD  However I was thinking that since I accidentally let spitllama and someone else (can't remember who) know that dude was the seer I was thinking that I could put it on someone who had been there at that time :/


Quote from: Greg on January 13, 2014, 09:56:02 AMAs for how we got Nocturne and Toby... Nocturne and fank were aware that Dude was the real seer. That made them risks, since none of us really knew whether to trust them. We were going to kill them both, but we kinda switched to Toby over fank as a gut feeling since it'd be easy to push a lynch on fank in the event Dude died, and also because he was acting pretty typically human..

1st off, may I say that kilking us both then was a stupid idea. It gives you no information and could give you false information. And as to me beimg an easy lynch? Ha, clearly you underestimate my ability to turn a situation in my favor. And again, on the above principle it's a stupid idea. It's along the lines of lynching between yellow seerings, (except that is actually a good idea).

In short the decision to mangle dude was stupid, regardless of what would have happened
(And in the end, humans won to dumb luck)
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


Actually, my kill on fank was just a safety in case I forgot to vigi someone. Basically, Kman gave me a list of people who claimed human and he explained to me that the list was one person to big. Fank was simply the most neutral person on it, I switched to Toby because of "fank rules" and I wanted more information before killing noc/verm/dude.

BTW Greg and I had absolutely minimal communication becuase I suck, everything was through K-man.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


So I vote that kman gets human MVP because I wasn't a human.
All in favor?


Nocturne, did I say I die a lot? I guess it's just because I'm so good and no one wants me to stay alive and defeat either side. Manti rule, you know?

And with the dude thing, I said we'd wolf him and hope the assassins got Kman (in the hopes that mashi was an angel) but I was under the impression the assassin went for TST and you switched to fire arrow last minute (who wasn't even playing!).

I really don't see why I was killed, I was one of the only players that offered a plan (which was most likely the safest) as wolfs wouldn't want to mangle players they didn't think were special. I was a pretty active poster and each night was one of the only players to give vigi and seering options ( I told you guys to seer mashi who turned out as red!). And I had been saying that Ava was probably wolfed (which seemed most logical) and one thing I'll never do it wolf Gz in a twg!

All I can say is that you guys got lucky, I helped humans more than I hoped wolfs.

I was rather annoyed I didn't claim mega killer though, I realized the specials would just attack all human claims later in the game.


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on January 13, 2014, 03:04:38 PMSo I vote that kman gets human MVP because I wasn't a human.
All in favor?

Well... Greg was 100% accurate with his killings so I vote him.

To be honest though, the game was a little short to say anyone was outstanding.


Quote from: Toby on January 13, 2014, 03:15:07 PMI really don't see why I was killed, I was one of the only players that offered a plan (which was most likely the safest) as wolfs wouldn't want to mangle players they didn't think were special. I was a pretty active poster and each night was one of the only players to give vigi and seering options ( I told you guys to seer mashi who turned out as red!). And I had been saying that Ava was probably wolfed (which seemed most logical) and one thing I'll never do it wolf Gz in a twg!

Too me you looked too human, fank rules are kinda hit or miss though.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department



Well Toby I thought FA was in game and I didn't see anything from him so I said "hey let's lynch him.  The assassin will go for TST so we'll mangle TST."  Which they did.  So in a way, the first missed wolfing WAS from inactivity :/ Or inattention to activity.  And in one of the games you said something like "when I'm a wolf I get lynched.  When I'm human I get wolfed."  eg you die a lot.  Not really for any reason, it just happens.
But for the Kman mvp he's pretty much why the game got back together.  Him setting up the alliance is really what clinched the game in my opinion.  Of course I get wolf mvp  8) jk I was terrible!


Quote from: Toby on January 13, 2014, 03:26:42 PMWhat are fank rules
Fanks rules (heck I'll have to search to see if they are still listed :/) but basicly they are principles on how to play the game... (they become obsolete (as FA said) as the skill level increases and more people follow them)

If I remember, the core ones are-
-what wolves dont know doesnt hurt humans
-Humans have no reason to be afraid of anything

(im pretty sure there's one based on powers... cant remember the wording though.)

I know there's a list somewhere on the internet... (or NSM?)
one of FA's first games, I introduced "Fanks rules" to him (think it was game of doors)

so yeah (I might have a look at the chat log...)
Quote from: FireArrow on January 13, 2014, 03:24:23 PMToo me you looked too human, fank rules are kinda hit or miss though.
thats right... a philosophy of mine, if all else fails, look for the most human.
^as stated it is hit and miss
I come for the sheet music but stay for the ...


lol fastest game ever.

due to my powers i was still able to communicate with mashi, so if you guys hadn't lynched me, there's no telling what could've gone down! D:

sorry that mashi and i are bestest wolf partners of the world.

mashi for wolf mvp even though he died immediately

also mashixk-night 5eva
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: Toby on January 13, 2014, 03:15:07 PMI really don't see why I was killed, I was one of the only players that offered a plan (which was most likely the safest) as wolfs wouldn't want to mangle players they didn't think were special. I was a pretty active poster and each night was one of the only players to give vigi and seering options ( I told you guys to seer mashi who turned out as red!). And I had been saying that Ava was probably wolfed (which seemed most logical) and one thing I'll never do it wolf Gz in a twg!

I don't know about everything else, but I wasn't wolfed. I died because both me and Olimar targeted Mashi and I just sent in my PM second.


Not to bother you bird, but just to remind you about this post game in case you had it half done or whatever and forgot about it.

This was a really fun game and you were great hosting it, I just wouldn't want you to forget about finishing this.


Oh yeah, it completely slipped my mind. I'll try to have it up later this week, although there isn't much to talk about!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die