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Best Serie?

Started by erickclifford, March 21, 2016, 02:31:11 PM

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Best serie?

Game of Thrones
0 (0%)
How to get away with murder
1 (33.3%)
American horror story
0 (0%)
The 100
2 (66.7%)
House of cards
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3


Which one is your favorite serie??  8)



My favorite Siri is the non-existent one owO


I watch the Wire it's very solid


I think The 100 is the best series. The start does give major teen vibes, but they are teenagers. They soon learn that being a stupid teenager does not work in their new world and that's when things start changing. Some of the character development is great, imo. I don't want to spoil anything though.