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TWG XCII: Seeriously!

Started by davy, December 02, 2016, 03:30:50 AM

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Unsurpisingly, I seer'd Dude orange.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


@Dude, you got that Dudeman was red?

I got FireArrow as blue. Will post thoughts when I have time later.


FireArrow was red.

weeelllll shit. He's human. Sorry man xD


1. Dudeman - BDS, TZP, Dude
2. Olimar12345 - BDS, Daj, Dudeman
3. Maelstrom - BDS, rip
4. Dude - Noc, FA, Dudeman
5. NocturneOfShadow - BDS, rip
6. TheZeldaPianist275 - :c, >:c, FA
7. Shadowkirby - :c, >:c, rip
8. BlackDragonSlayer - le fool
9. dajwxp - BDS, Dudeman, FA
10. FireArrow - BDS, TZP, tba

Got a lot to work with here.  I'll get my thoughts down in a while.


Might as well come clean, I lied about FA. I apparently seered shadowkirby the second night and got orange for no reason even though he wasn't a fool??

So maybe fool's readings are shit?? And I suck at this game??


Still have no clue what Olimar is tho so why not


I seered daj blue. I may or may not be that active today gotta write up a final essay by midnight.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Dude on December 09, 2016, 09:57:54 AMSo maybe fool's readings are shit?? And I suck at this game??
I mean it says in the OP that fools get a random seering of a random player so yeah I guess that first part's true

also I guess this confirms Dude as fool?
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Here is are everyone's claims.

1. Dudeman - BDS, TZP, Dude -- True Seer
2. Olimar12345 - BDS, Daj, Dudeman -- Drunken Seer
3. Maelstrom - BDS, rip -- Stoned/Paranoid Seer
4. Dude - Noc, Shadowkirby, Dudeman  -- Fool 2 ??
5. NocturneOfShadow - BDS, rip -- Stoned/Paranoid Seer
6. TheZeldaPianist275 - :c, >:c, FA
7. Shadowkirby - :c, >:c, rip  -- Foolish Seer
8. BlackDragonSlayer -- le fool
9. dajwxp - BDS, Dudeman, FA -- Drunken Seer
10. FireArrow - BDS, TZP, Daj -- Gullible Seer

Olimar and Dudeman are the wolves.

Olimar and Daj are both implicitly claiming Drunken Seer, but here's the thing: Olimar claims to see Daj as human.  See, if there's a counterclaim in TWG, you don't ever try to deal with that claim by arguing that your counterclaim is actually human.  Olimar is the liar here.  If Daj is actually the Drunken Seer, then, Dudeman is the other wolf and FA is on the level. 


1. Dudeman - BDS, TZP, Dude -- Wolf Shaman
2. Olimar12345 - BDS, Daj, Dudeman -- Drunken Wolf Shaman
3. Maelstrom - BDS, rip -- Stoned/Paranoid Seer
4. Dude - Noc, Shadowkirby, Dudeman  -- Fool 2 ??
5. NocturneOfShadow - BDS, rip -- Stoned/Paranoid Seer
6. TheZeldaPianist275 - :c, >:c, FA -- True Seer
7. Shadowkirby - :c, >:c, rip  -- Foolish Seer
8. BlackDragonSlayer -- le fool
9. dajwxp - BDS, Dudeman, FA -- Drunken Seer
10. FireArrow - BDS, TZP, Daj -- Gullible Seer

Let's get this done, everyone.  Lynch Olimar today, Dudeman tomorrow, guard Dude tonight so the wolves won't be sore losers.


With Dude a confirmed fool, here's my suspicion list:
1. Olimar. Actively fought against FA's plan from the start, and I think it was a great plan. As TZP pointed out, he kind of shot himself in the foot by using Daj to claim Drunken Seer. But there is something to be said about...
2. Daj. Based on his playstyle, I wouldn't be surprised if he was lying. He swapped between lynch votes often, and his long analysis on Day 2 hinged on the idea that Olimar was the fool, a good move if they were partners. Both of them acting as Drunken Seer could be a result of stepping on each other's toes, or as an effort to save one if the other dies. A stretch? Maybe. But a lot of Daj's analysis has seemed kind of assumptive and reeks of "believe me I'm human trust me".
3. FA. Played aggressively from the start, sure, but he's basically led us all through this for the humans. He defended the seering plan and put thought into his analyses. He's human in my book.
4. TZP. Tied with FA really but I've seen absolutely nothing to paint him as a wolf. You're cool, buddy.

Olimar is my pick today, but Daj is a close second.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


I agree with Olimar being a wolf over daj. This being true means that daj is human, thus making dudeman the second wolf. Yay tzp.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: Dudeman on December 09, 2016, 12:29:36 PMOlimar is my pick today, but Daj is a close second.

Olimar and daj are not compatible wolf partners. Additionally daj seered you as a wolf. From your perspective daj and tzp should be wolf partners.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Pls insta and get this day over with


Actually since you seered TZP blue if you were human I'd have to be a wolf partners with daj, so your post really makes no sense. Also considering how unlikely that situation is its a pretty good case for you being wolf.

Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Alright, I think this makes sense.


Cheers guys ;)