Fantastic Ike's Arrangements | (NEW) Versus, Final Fantasy, NecroDancer

Started by Fantastic Ike, November 04, 2017, 08:05:48 AM

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Fantastic Ike

QuoteLooked at and listened to your Mario Kart Super Circuit Bowser's Castle one and found these:
The tonality of this theme is a little weird: despite the E minor-like atmosphere, G sharp is prominent, so I suspect Phrygian Dominant-like flavour in the original. As a result, I'd much rather change all A flats in your arrangement to G sharps.
I'm getting the first half of the bassline of Bar 1 as G# (for a half note, all running 16th notes) in the original. The rest of your bassline for Bar 1 is fine and I'd keep the first half of the bassline in that style, but the notes need to change for the first half note.
I'm getting the first half of the right hand of Bar 31 as 8th rest-D-E-G# (all notes are 8th notes) in the original - in fact, they're the same as the melody of the first half of Bar 29.
I'm getting straight 8th notes for the first set of melody D's in Bar 37 in the original instead of your dotted quarter note. I'd like that dotted quarter note split into 8th notes (the span is a bit painful, I know, so I'm letting you off for melody articulations there).
We are going to have to do something about that severe overlap between left and right hands for the first half of your arrangement (Bars 1-17) and Bars 31-32. It sounds surprisingly OK in your arrangement, possibly because you emphasize the melody notes in the MUS, but we might have to cut out all harmony notes in Bars 1-17 above melody notes, accent melody notes only in your arrangement (including in unintuitive places), drop the accompaniment of Bars 31-32 (either drop an octave or drop only the E's an octave), or something like that.

Hey, thanks! I'll be sure to clean these up before I submit.

Fantastic Ike

Mostly jingles and fanfares, but wanted to get some sheets done while I settle into my new job

Deathloop [MUL]


Final Fantasy XIII [PS3]

Glory's FanfareMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Yakuza: Like a Dragon [MUL]

Substory StartMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike


Final Fantasy XI [PS2]


Mario Kart: Super Circuit [GBA]

Yoshi DesertMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Street Fighter IV [MUL]

Theme of Dee Jay -SSFIV Arrange-MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

And to celebrate my 50th sheet...

Final Fantasy XIV [PC]

Crowning AchievementsMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

There is a disturbing lack of Mario Sports sheets onsite, might fix that in submissions someday

Mario Super Sluggers [Wii]

Nice Hit!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops [PSP]


Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack [ARCADE]

Bottoms Up ~ Germany ~ Hugo StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Literally only found out about Sable's awesome soundtrack through Japanese Breakfast, who's a great artist you should check out regardless.

Sable [MUL]

Mask Caster's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Mario Sunshine [GCN]

Paint Battle (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tales of Vesperia [XB360]

Might of the Gigantic FortressMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

I really do be arranging anything these days

F-Zero [SNES]


Final Fantasy II [NES]

The Princess's SeductionMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken 4 [ARCADE]


Fantastic Ike

Final Fantasy IV [SNES]

Hello! Big Chocobo!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Medal of Honor [PS1]

Merker's Salt MineMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [MUL]

The Unknown WorldMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Look at me, being timely for once

Final Fantasy [NES]

Receive ItemMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [MUL]

Theme of She-HulkMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 [MUL]

Here Comes the NavyMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

*looks at number of sheets completed* Nice

Final Fantasy V [SNES]

I'm A DancerMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Golden Sun [GBA]

Saturos and Menardi (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017) [MUL]

Count Dooku ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

More arrangement fun

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light [NES]

Player AttackMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

SoulCalibur II [ARCADE]

History Unfolds (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter Alpha 2 [ARCADE]

Stage - SakuraMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mario Sports Mix [Wii]

Waluigi PinballMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Only two of these are actual arrangements but hey I hit 75 sheets done

Hades [MUL]

The ExaltedMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mother 3 [GBA]

Porky's PorkiesMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Untitled Goose Game [PC]


Fantastic Ike

Mostly fanfare nonsense

Final Fantasy III [NES]

Let's Play the Piano!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Let's Play the Piano Again!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

GoldenEye 007 [N64]

Frigate (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mother 3 [GBA]

Enter the Pigmasks!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

The Stellar 7 track fades out weirdly, but I'm unable to find another version of the song RIP

The King of Fighters '97 [NEO]

Rhythmic Hallucination (?? Stage)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Stellar 7: Draxon's Revenge [3DO]

Track 5MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Street Fighter II [ARCADE]

Dee Jay StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

One of these was sitting in my to-finish pile for literal months, another I cranked out in a day. The more you knowTM

Final Fantasy XIII [PS3]

Sazh's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Plants vs. Zombies [PC]

Crazy Dave (Intro Theme)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune [PS3]

Sir Francis DrakeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

One of these made me lose my sanity arranging guess which one

Crypt of the NecroDancer [PC]

Konga Conga KappaMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Romancing SaGa 3 [SNES]

Four Noble Devils Battle 1MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter V [MUL]

Theme of F.A.N.G.MUSMIDIPDFOriginal