[DELETED] [NES] Flying Warriors - "Practice in the Mountain" by Jacopo Tore

Started by Zeta, June 10, 2018, 07:26:32 AM

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Quote from: JacopoTore on August 24, 2018, 12:58:35 AMSebastian please help me

Fix this stuff:
(At the very least fix example number 3)

Quote from: Brassman388 on August 23, 2018, 06:56:48 PMLet's begin.

Fix page Margins: all sides, all pages 0.5625 inches. to 0.5 inches on all sides. Fix letters to fit in the page if you need to.

The entire page is not centered. Center it.

This is incorrect.

This is correct.

This is incorrect.

This is correct.

This is incorrect.

This is correct.

Fix the rest of the document to make it look correct. Then I will review it again with more instructions if need be.

Quote from: WaluigiTime64 on August 23, 2018, 08:38:15 PMHonestly, claiming that these methods of notation are "incorrect" is very odd. In these situations, neither is inherently "correct" nor "incorrect", so don't belittle the different notation methods used by calling them such.
Incorrect may be a bit of a strong word; however, I do agree with Brassman's changes. They are much easier to read and I feel Jacopo's is unnecessarily difficult to read.


Quote from: Sebastian on August 25, 2018, 07:42:30 AMFix this stuff:
(At the very least fix example number 3)


Incorrect may be a bit of a strong word; however, I do agree with Brassman's changes. They are much easier to read and I feel Jacopo's is unnecessarily difficult to read.
Ok is not necessary but neither is your change, I make no mistake to write the score as it is and you should respect my choices, I have focused on the clarity of rhythm, in your way of uniting the eighth the trend of a performer is to play notes linked to two, while in my case we understand what are the harmonic accents to interpret. The difficulty of reading is inversely proportional to the difficulty of interpretation, your score is more readable and is more difficult to interpret for the motivation I have just explained. It is also more disordered because the beams are large and bulky.
Concerning the D # it is obvious that the chord (according to the tone of Fa minor) is B major in prime orientation (third and sixth chord) being an agreement borrowed from the tone of F # Major, in fact it is not modulating but Passenger, the following agreement is the same (sixth grade) belonging to the initial key, however, the chord Eb F# B that chord is? Or better B Eb F# what is the chord? It seems a mistake of a novice student. When in a tone with only sharp it is read at the bottom a note flat is destabilizing, above all (as in this case) when the chord is not modulating. If you consider the rule that when the procedure is descending then it is convenient to use the flat notes then you have not understood anything about harmony.
Quotebut for easier performance you may want to consider arranging that into the left hand with the bass figure that it accompanies.
XD I'm almost crying with laughter, but where did you learn to play? in the Junior Woodchucks Guidebook? You really need to simplify this?? 
This is my arrangement so I make my personal choices, the mistakes are corrected, the choices are taken into consideration.

Ok non è necessario ma neanche la vostra modifica lo è, non commetto nessun errore a scrivere lo spartito così com'è e voi dovreste rispettare le mie scelte, io ho puntato sulla chiarezza del ritmo, nel vostro modo di unire gli ottavi la tendenza di un esecutore è quella di suonare le note legate a due, mentre nel mio caso si capisce quali siano gli accenti armonici da interpretare. La difficoltà di lettura è inversamente proporzionale alla difficoltà di interpretazione, il vostro spartito è più leggibile ed è più difficile da interpretare per la motivazione che ho appena spiegato. Inoltre è più disordinato perchè le travature sono ampie e ingombranti.
Riguardo il Re# è ovvio che l'accordo (secondo la tonalità di Fa# minore) è Si maggiore in primo rivolto (accordo di terza e sesta) essendo un accordo preso in prestito dalla tonalità di Fa# Maggiore, infatti non è modulante ma passeggero, l'accordo seguente è lo stesso (sesto grado) appartenente però alla tonalità iniziale, l'accordo Mib Fa# Si che accordo è? O meglio Si Mib Fa# che accordo è? Sembra un errore di uno studente alle prime armi. Quando in una tonalità con solo diesis si legge al basso una nota bemolle è destabilizzante, sopratutto (come in questo caso) quando l'accordo non è modulante. Se considerate la regola che quando il procedimento è discendente allora conviene usare le note bemolli allora non non avete capito niente di armonia. Questo è il mio arrangiamento quindi le scelte personali le faccio io, gli errori si correggono, le scelte si opinano.


Quote from: Sebastian on August 25, 2018, 07:42:30 AMFix this stuff:
(At the very least fix example number 3)


Incorrect may be a bit of a strong word; however, I do agree with Brassman's changes. They are much easier to read and I feel Jacopo's is unnecessarily difficult to read.
Tell me clearly if you forbid me to publish the score if I do not change the beaming thanks
(I did not understand the meaning of "at least")


You need to fix everything we said for you to fix if you want your sheet to be published on the site.

There are no exceptions.


Quote from: Brassman388 on August 29, 2018, 04:13:27 PMYou need to fix everything we said for you to fix if you want your sheet to be published on the site.

There are no exceptions.
Talk me about Eb


Your arrangement is in the key of A-major. There are no E-flats being used in your arrangement.


I'm talking about your suggestion about substitute D# with Eb, please read all the post about this arrangement before reply



The D# is fine.

The beaming, however, is not fine and will need to be changed. This submission will be deleted soon unless you update it.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!
