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cacabish's Arrangements - Sheetsmas 2022! Day 12: Bug Fables (Again)

Started by cacabish, June 23, 2020, 02:20:53 PM

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Welcome to cacabish's Arrangements Thread!

Hello! Here you can find all my arrangements of various pieces of video game music!
Please note that I am still very much a novice when it comes to arranging, thus, I am always looking for ways to improve and grow, so, if you have suggestions or comments any for the pieces below, feel free to let me know!


Black TitleOn-site. The corresponding links will go to the on-site files. Enjoy!
Green TitleNot on-site yet. These pieces are almost ready for submission and may just need small revisions. I'd appreciate second opinions and feedback on these particular pieces!
Yellow TitleIn submissions. Check the submissions thread for the posted piece!
Orange TitleNot on-site yet. These pieces have a ways to go before submission and likely need major revisions or reworking. Play and examine at your own risk!
Strikethrough TitleObsolete or replaced. May these sheets rest in peace.

Note: Sheets are organized first by series alphabetically, then by game alphabetically, then by title alphabetically. One-off or uncategorized pieces will be at the bottom under "Miscellaneous".

Now, without further ado, enjoy the music!


Ace Attorney

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Apollo Justice ~ A New Trial is in Session![PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Recollection ~ DL-6 Incident[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice for All
Announce the Truth 2002[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations
Recollection ~ Scenery Where the Hazy Bridge is Seen[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUS][Original]

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing
Mr. K.K.[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
Mr. K.K. (Aircheck)[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
3:00 PM[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
Group Stretching[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!

Animal Crossing: Wild World
Steep Hill[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Mario Party

Mario Party
Magma Mountain[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
Saving Courage[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Mario Party 2
Adventure Begins[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
Going Somewhere[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
Horror Land[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
The Blue Skies Yonder[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
Win (Multiple Winners)[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Mario Party 4
Boo's Haunted Bash[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
Fortune's Turn[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
Hurry! Hurry![PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
Loud and Sweet[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
Play Mini-Games[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
The Boo House[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
Try Hard, Folks[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]
You're the Star[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]

Mario Party 9
Be Careful![PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
Good Job![PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!

Mario Party 10
Proceed with Caution[PDF][MIDI][MUS][Original]

Super Mario

Luigi's Mansion 3
The Great Stage - Track 1[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
Mixed-Up Scramble[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Yoshi's Crafted Story
Nighttime Crafts[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

The Legend of Heroes

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
A Cat Relaxing in the Sun[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
In My Heart[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV
In the Darkness of Ignorance[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]


Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Blessed Golden Lands[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
Kut it Up![PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
Make it Crisbee![PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]
Night at the Inn[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]New!
The Sailors' Pier[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei

Overcooked! 2
Main Theme[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]

Paper Mario: Color Splash
Unfurl Power[PDF][MIDI][MUS][MUSX][Original]


First Submitted Arrangement:"Going Somewhere" from Mario Party 2
Latest Submitted Arrangement:"Nighttime Crafts" from Yoshi's Crafted World
Total Arrangements (On-Site):14
Total Arrangements (Posted):44
Series Represented:10
Games Represented:22
# of Harmonies Missed:Anything less than infinity would be disingenuous

Thanks for stopping by! ;D


Just wanted to pop in and say hi and welcome :) You're off to a really great start with these sheets - much better than when I first started, that's for sure! Hope you enjoy the site and learn a lot from other arrangers here.


Quote from: Onionleaf on June 28, 2020, 03:34:43 PMJust wanted to pop in and say hi and welcome :) You're off to a really great start with these sheets - much better than when I first started, that's for sure! Hope you enjoy the site and learn a lot from other arrangers here.
Thanks! I appreciate the welcome and the compliment! :D
I am certainly looking forward to learning a lot from the people here. There are whole layers of music that I've never known about before now and I'm sure the rabbit hole is very, very deep.


With the new year, I've resolved to try to post more sheets that I keep nitpicking to death and keep trying to perfect all by myself. This will hopefully motivate to do more arrangements, post more often, and submit more often! :D

To kick things off, here's probably the most difficult arrangement to play that I've done so far. And, unsurprisingly, it's from a Mario Party game.
(And yes, I actually corrected all the staccatos in the .mus when exporting from Finale v26 this time, with the power of automation!)

Mario Party 4 - "Hurry! Hurry!"


Look at that! An arrangement from a different Mario Party (not necessarily a good one, but a different one nonetheless)!
This piece was nice, simple, and straightforward to arrange! Which probably means I've done something wrong...

Mario Party 10 - "Proceed with Caution"


This piece was what I was originally planning on submitting for last year's Halloween Project, but I decided to challenge myself with a much longer piece, "Boo's Haunted Bash". Nevertheless, this is a super short piece and was pretty easy to arrange! ;D
However, I ran into some spacing issues with the arpeggios when importing into Finale v26. I've tried to mitigate them, but I'm not sure if what I've done is sufficient. :-\

Mario Party 4 - "The Boo House"


After a few months off due to school and learning more about formatting & MuseScore, I've got a new sheet from shock, shock a Mario Party game!
While this music plays on the board named "Bowser's Magma Mountain", the song is actually just called "Magma Mountain" according to the in-game jukebox.

Mario Party - "Magma Mountain"


Nice job! I have a few things to say about it:

  • I know it's only 4 measures, but since there are only two systems on page 2, if you repeat the sections at m5 and m13 then the whole thing could fit on one page. Just use a D.C. marking at the end instead of a repeat bar this time I deliberately copied to make sure they were exactly the same
  • It's not necessary and it would make things look a little more cluttered, but you could add a pickup measure
  • m4 LH beat 4.5 maybe you could add the timpani pickup here?
  • m13 (before the repeat change) RH beat 1/3 A's sound like Bn
  • m13 LH could use a bit more to fill things out. One thing you could do is just incorporate some of the timpani hits instead of sustaining dotted half notes and whole notes


Thanks for the feedback, Zeila! I really appreciate it. :)
  • The double repeat idea to reduce the sheet to one page is a good idea! I think I'll do this as I think it'll still look nice and be more fitting for a short song like this.
  • As for adding more based on the timpanis, I'll spend some time listening to them and see how they sound and try to work them in. Thanks for the tip!
  • For m13, I still hear an A and not a Bn, but I could easily be mistaken (wouldn't be the first time :P); I'll take a few more listens to try to ascertain it. Aside from that, the Bn would add some parallel structure in the RH, with the RH in m13-14 becoming the same as m15-16. Something more for me to consider, I guess.
  • I'll probably forego adding the pickup measure for now because of the D.C. and trying to compress this onto one page.
Thanks again!


So, this year I've decided to try the 12 days of Sheetsmas where I post an arrangement (good, bad, or ugly) every day for 12 days straight! :D Yeeeeeah, we'll see how long this lasts. Place your bets now.
At the very least, this will help me get some of my dusty sheets in a more "finished" state and that's nice, so whether I make it or not, it won't be for nothing!

First up! A game that I really enjoyed despite being the king of "missed opportunities": Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam! This is actually one of the first 3DS games I ever bought. A crossover between Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario is such a fantastic idea! Too bad it's 85% Mario & Luigi, 7% Koopalings, and the rest is Paper Toads...
Anyway, here's the main battle music that plays throughout. As usual, the Mario & Luigi series doesn't disappoint in the awesome music department. 8)

Day 1:
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam - "Mixed-Up Scramble"

Oh boy. What to do for tomorrow?


Now for another sheet from a wonderful game that I quite enjoyed, Bug Fables! While I would contend the soundtrack isn't earth-shattering, it's still really good and, as a love letter to the OG Paper Marios, I feel there is still a lot of that original Paper Mario charm in this music. :)
Anyway, this is the song that plays whenever you return to Crisbee (the lovable chubby bee chef) and you want them to cook you a Crisbee Donut. Or 12. Or other food. That too. And, believe me, you ALWAYS want Crisbee Donuts in this game. If you aren't packing at least like 8 of them, you're wrong. :P

Day 2:
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling - "Make it Crisbee!"

Day 2, but how long can this last?


Third on my Christmas-motivated sheet posting extravaganza is a song from a series you might not have heard about (unless you've been introduced by Maelstrom) -- the epic conclusion of the Trails of Cold Steel tetralogy: Trails of Cold Steel IV. This game is the pinnacle of the buildup over the previous three games and I would warn you to avoid any and all spoilers for this game -- you should experience it for yourself. ;)

This is one of the main pieces and primarily plays whenever there is a cutscene with some plot exposition. Since the whole game is set in a very oppressive environment, this song fits really sells the impending doom, despair, and hopelessness. However, what I love most about it are the chords. This song is in a minor key (that's a big plus for me) and it has chords going everywhere! But they all flow so well that you barely notice how crazy some of them become. In fact, I'm not completely certain of the key signatures because of the heavy use of accidentals. But I still love it and makes for an epic piece at the end of an epic series. :)

Day 3:
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV - "In the Darkness of Ignorance"
(.mus file is unavailable due to a bug with how Finale v26 exports accidentals on overlapping voices)

Over the 3 day hump! Now only 9 more to go...


Well, we made it three whole days without any Mario Party sheets from me, which means I need to change that! :P This one is from one of the infamous "Car-io Party" games: Mario Party 9.

The Museum in this game functions as the place where you can spend your Mario Party points to buy constellations, extra cars, music, etc. It's got this nice classical-inspired piano duet and that helps sell that this is a museum -- just in case it wasn't obvious. Anyway, enjoy! :)

Day 4:
Mario Party 9 - "Museum"

Hoo boy...


I instantly recognised this one and was confused because I've never played this game, but then I remembered that Levi made a sheet of this ages ago and I offered some feedback on it back then.

You can look at my posts to get similar feedback if you want, but the main takeaway is that I really don't think this is in 4/4 throughout.  Particularly those repeated three bar phrase sections make more sense in 3/4 to me.  I guess you can compare and think about it yourself.  I won't say too much in this busy arranging period...

Good luck with the remaining eight sheets!


Quote from: Libera on December 17, 2021, 12:45:55 PMI instantly recognised this one and was confused because I've never played this game, but then I remembered that Levi made a sheet of this ages ago and I offered some feedback on it back then.
I was wondering if anyone else had done it; it's a really simple song and I was surprised to find it not on the site yet. Nonetheless, thanks for bringing this to my attention! There is some good feedback there that I can definitely use to help my sheet in case I ever elect to submit this sheet.

Quote from: Libera on December 17, 2021, 12:45:55 PMYou can look at my posts to get similar feedback if you want, but the main takeaway is that I really don't think this is in 4/4 throughout.  Particularly those repeated three bar phrase sections make more sense in 3/4 to me.
Huh. That's very interesting. Looking over the sheet, I can definitely see how you can see that. I'll certainly have to look more into this and play around with it.

Quote from: Libera on December 17, 2021, 12:45:55 PMGood luck with the remaining eight sheets!
Thanks! :D