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TWG CXVIII: Noughts and Crosses Postgame

Started by Oricorio, November 16, 2023, 04:53:41 PM

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Yeah, you voted for Poet initially for the second lynch, and TZP initially voted for A#. Either of those wins us the game.

Hindsight is 20/20, I guess.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL

A# Minor

I just remembered this:

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on October 26, 2023, 04:44:09 PMNew Manti. You heard it here first.

*rolls wolf, survives N1*

... I'm incredibly disturbed



lmao 2 comments

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist2752. Xiao—the thing that Toby just pointed out about my posts having a different tone this game I feel could just as easily apply to you. I'm used to you being more off-the-wall than you've played this game. Your posts feel very calculated, and while that could be because you are just more experienced and know how the game works now, it stands out.
this is said about me literally every game, stop saying this

also 2: haha a# i knew it was you

A# Minor

Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 16, 2023, 06:54:54 PMI actually think it would've been a good move to lynch (wolf?) Poet N1. The Xiao wolf put some pressure on TZP, but never enough to get him lynched; in fact, it's what got him to the end. It's the same situation, and I think it probably would've helped you out.
oh, that's interesting, I didn't even notice

I was planning on trying to use that to frame someone, but that, uh, didn't go as planned >_> lol

Quote from: The Musical Poet on November 16, 2023, 07:50:01 PMthief

you stole my luck >:>

also why did you even want me

I wanted you there because you were inactive and I figured TZP would go for you

besides that, (I just remembered this) if you were lynched, I would've had to wolf myself or wait to get myself lynched, both resulting in a human victory

Quote from: XiaoMigros on November 16, 2023, 10:50:32 PMalso 2: haha a# i knew it was you
hee hee X3

that was really fun, and I enjoyed the added tic tac toe! it was an interesting addition and it helped me to figure out who to wolf

... now imma go grab an ice pop and calm my nerves



Quote from: XiaoMigros on November 16, 2023, 10:50:32 PM1:this is said about me literally every game, stop saying this
Conversely, I think I've finally got a grip on normal Xiao TWG behavior (at least, as a human) and felt you acted pretty typically this game.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber


Sorry Specs you got lynched, on the plus side I thought you were being a really cunning wolf but slipped in that while you wanted to look really good and gather data for town, you actually sat on the fence with it and didnt want to push any direction

TZP, it was a tough call to make and feels like it would have been a coin flip

The thing is for every sus wolf play that A# made, poet had also made a similar human play. It was hard to distinct between the two.

Historically anything A# did would get her lynched easily - not really helping humans, clearly not trying to hunt wolves, not analysing anyone's posts, low effort, making irrational moves, making votes that don't make sense - however we are in an age of TWG where these things are also happening frequently with humans. So we somewhat have to compensate our thinking which I think bit me in the bum a bit here. I think A# did have genuine personal reasons for not being as active so it wasn't necessarily a play style choice as it was a play style circumstance ?

It still doesn't really feel like we had the wool pulled over our eyes as I can't really recall anything that made me think A# was incredibly human - just neutral and Poet did incredibly suspicious things, and TZP had a clear change of tone this game , and some tiny things I thought were odd reflecting off of that. I think only notable for A# is when I claimed wolf and she outright called it a lie - I thought surely a wolf wouldn't do that but maybe I got reverse reverse psychology'd, or maybe it was a clear slip from her to be so confident I was bluffing whereas everyone else bought it - should have just took the reaction at face value.

Nevertheless congrats on the win!

I think we need to just lynch the quieter players early on as they're too difficult to read, or compensate our readings on by late game. I guess we could have went poet/A# day 2, but that forced Specs being lynched day 3, which I guess would have felt like 3 forced lynches - lynching middle day 1, the quieter players day 2, and then forced to block day 3 and just hope a wolf was in there somewhere to get free choice day 4.


Quote from: SpecsFlyer17 on November 16, 2023, 09:15:16 PMI'm honestly still pretty shocked I got lynched when I did. Yeah, I suppose everything I posted could have been a smokescreen and I could've put some more opinions in it.... But besides TZP a bit, no one was really deeply considering the cause and effect long-term ramifications of the lynch choice on the TTT board. I really felt like that was critical to the game, and it was worth discussing. And man, I'm still shocked I got lynch-rushed by HUMANS, also signing THCs death sentence.

Everyone involved... like low key ban-able offense?


I mean in hindsight me and BDS were just trying to survive, and although the THC could have made it to day 3, they wouldn't make it to day 4. I did call out poet for why she went for Specs but she was human after all.

I think with THC being so unpredictable last game, him being alive although confirmed human felt somewhat untrustworthy still. Yeah sure he's a player not to worry about but he would also have the deciding vote and who knows who he would choose


Quote from: Toby on November 17, 2023, 03:17:57 AMSorry Specs you got lynched, on the plus side I thought you were being a really cunning wolf but slipped in that while you wanted to look really good and gather data for town, you actually sat on the fence with it and didnt want to push any direction

TZP, it was a tough call to make and feels like it would have been a coin flip

The thing is for every sus wolf play that A# made, poet had also made a similar human play. It was hard to distinct between the two.

Historically anything A# did would get her lynched easily - not really helping humans, clearly not trying to hunt wolves, not analysing anyone's posts, low effort, making irrational moves, making votes that don't make sense - however we are in an age of TWG where these things are also happening frequently with humans. So we somewhat have to compensate our thinking which I think bit me in the bum a bit here. I think A# did have genuine personal reasons for not being as active so it wasn't necessarily a play style choice as it was a play style circumstance ?

It still doesn't really feel like we had the wool pulled over our eyes as I can't really recall anything that made me think A# was incredibly human - just neutral and Poet did incredibly suspicious things, and TZP had a clear change of tone this game , and some tiny things I thought were odd reflecting off of that. I think only notable for A# is when I claimed wolf and she outright called it a lie - I thought surely a wolf wouldn't do that but maybe I got reverse reverse psychology'd, or maybe it was a clear slip from her to be so confident I was bluffing whereas everyone else bought it - should have just took the reaction at face value.

Nevertheless congrats on the win!

I think we need to just lynch the quieter players early on as they're too difficult to read, or compensate our readings on by late game. I guess we could have went poet/A# day 2, but that forced Specs being lynched day 3, which I guess would have felt like 3 forced lynches - lynching middle day 1, the quieter players day 2, and then forced to block day 3 and just hope a wolf was in there somewhere to get free choice day 4.

This, 100%, especially the bit about the era of TWG we're in. The meta has gone backwards lol. I suppose that to push it forward again, the only way forward is through. These are good observations to be making

At the same time I feel like I've sounded way too salty in this postgame though, and I'm sorry if that's how I've come across. A# you won fair and square from a very tough start, so great job.


Quote from: Toby on November 17, 2023, 03:17:57 AMHistorically anything A# did would get her lynched easily - not really helping humans, clearly not trying to hunt wolves, not analysing anyone's posts, low effort, making irrational moves, making votes that don't make sense - however we are in an age of TWG where these things are also happening frequently with humans. So we somewhat have to compensate our thinking which I think bit me in the bum a bit here. I think A# did have genuine personal reasons for not being as active so it wasn't necessarily a play style choice as it was a play style circumstance ?
I feel like that's sort of been a thing even in the old days, when people have to pick between lynching players who are neutral or more inactive, versus lynching people who stand out as "obviously" suspicious. When sign-ups are open to the public, it's inevitable that there'll always be at least a few people per game who act that way regardless of role.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber

The Musical Poet

question for all of you nerds

Do you agree that my play was absolutely terrible?
I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


Congrats, A#! That was honestly very impressive.

Also, I'm sorry for being so absent. I kept forgetting about this...

Quote from: Toby on November 17, 2023, 03:24:17 AMI think with THC being so unpredictable last game, him being alive although confirmed human felt somewhat untrustworthy still. Yeah sure he's a player not to worry about but he would also have the deciding vote and who knows who he would choose
I mean, I won't argue with that. I don't always play chaos, though. No way to know until it happens, I suppose.
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Quote from: The Musical Poet on November 17, 2023, 07:07:25 PMquestion for all of you nerds

Do you agree that my play was absolutely terrible?

Not absolutely terrible by any means. I'd focus on being more proactive that reactive, however. Ask people what they think. Ask questions about what people said. Push people to defend their stances and claims. Don't just respond to things people ask you.

And if you say you're going to give a suspicion list, actually follow through with it. It looks wolfy not to.

Just my 2 cents. Or 1.6 pence. As of today.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: The Musical Poet on November 17, 2023, 07:07:25 PMquestion for all of you nerds

Do you agree that my play was absolutely terrible?

At the start you seemed really engaged but as the game went on it seemed as if you were missing bits and your activity dropped. There were a couple times players directed questions towards you and I'm guessing you didn't see them and didn't respond - it could look as being an avoidant/sus.

And as specs said best advice to anyone really is to try be more proactive than reactive

The Musical Poet

I like making terrible titles for my schoolwork, but I never follow through.


My speculation is that the quality of your play correlated with how much sleep you got :P It seems like sometimes you were really interested in engaging with and contributing analysis to the game, yet other times you were just seemed sorta confused. I'd be interested to possibly confirm or deny that guess.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber