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Pokemon Generation III (Hoenn) - End Credits

Started by Cyndaquazy, April 05, 2009, 06:16:45 PM

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This is the song for the end credits from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald

[GameBoy Advanced] Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - "End Credits" - Anjoola (wrote Original), Cyndaquazy (slightly modified* original)

MUS (Made with NotePad 2008), MIDI, PDF (for those w/o Finale)

*I modified the piece by adding a written tempo and a ritardando (rit.), by extending it to approximately full-length, and by adding any triplets found in the piece.

UPDATE! I have now edited the piece so that is now approximately as long as it is on the game.

Special Thanks
-Korados, for giving advice on articulation (See replies seven & eight)

Other Pieces I'm working on:
[Gameboy Advanced] Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald - "Pokemon School" - Cyndaquazy: MUS (Made with NotePad 2008), MIDI, PDF
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Hey Cyndaquazy! I've seen you around.

Your MUS link is dead. :(


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its great i love it keep on working like this it sounds amazing :) im a fan of the pokemon soundtrack and i have got the complete ruby soundtrack if you want to i can load it up and post it :)
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Very nice. A new dedicated Pokémon arranger, great :D


Awww, shucks ::)

(Nice Greek in your signature, GreekGeek, BTW)
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im really fond of the pokémon school it sounds so great! well done
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!



Sorry, now back to topic: You arrangement is quite good, but I think there are some things to fix:

In the measures 20 and 43, the ritardando doesn't work. This isn't your fault and it doesn't really matter, that's the fault of Notepad.

In the measures 27 and 51, you should put this 32nd, 32nd, 16ths passage into a tremelo, so it looks a lil nicer.

In measure 52, the crescendo is useless, if you push the keys, you can't push them even more to make them louder.

And in the last measure, put on the last note a hairpin and a fermata, you usually use expressions only for passages, not just for a single note.


OK, Korados, I've gone over all of your suggestions, and I agree.

1. Notepad is free and good for what I want done, although it doesn't support repeating or ritardandoing.

2. The tremolos have been added at the specified places and it does look better.

3. I have taken out the crescendo.

4. A fermata and hairpin (if it looks like this: ^) has been added to the last note. (Don't remember what a hairpin is, though)
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Quote from: Cyndaquazy on April 11, 2009, 09:41:21 AM(Don't remember what a hairpin is, though)

The hairpin is the third articulation, it makes a note louder.


Woo! Trainer school! One of my favourites! Great arrangement too!

If you are out of songs to arrange, check the old request thread of mine here.

Keep up the awesome work!
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Ok, I just now made some changes to the End Credits, mainly just visual, but I also varied the dynamics throughout the piece.

I also thought of condensing the .MUS file, but decided against it due impracticality.
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Pokémon is great! Especially the end credits are gorgeous. Nice!
Check out my arrangements! I mean it! Check them out!


Another UPDATE! (May 2, '09) I have now added the ending heard in the games to the piece (Listen to it to find out what I mean), although it needs MAJOR improvement. Any suggestions are graciously accepted.
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