So, Insig may be able to compose stuff, eh?

Started by InsigTurtle, September 05, 2015, 04:40:17 AM

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Oh, thanks! Unfortunately, I don't like giving names to things, as you will see shortly...

Anyway, so this one is a recent composition. '"Lullaby" for ???' I wouldn't exactly call it a lullaby, but the B section has some nice and dreamy counterpoint.

If you look at the file data for this one, you'll see that it's been created in April 2015 and it was last edited in December 2015. So, here, you can see my old style when trying to compose videogame-esque music. Infrequent chord changes, stuff like that. This one has a two-bar "bridge" thing with ascending and descending whole-tone scales and diminished 7th chords that I'm rather fond of, just cuz it sounds so weird.

Of course, as always, feedback is nice