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Topics - Benjamin


Each song / soundtrack is incredibly short.

Thank you in advance.
Request / [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 3 - "Cascade Capers"
December 06, 2021, 06:38:26 AM

Thanks in advance.
Feedback / Submitted Score
November 21, 2021, 08:44:49 PM
I've just submitted a score. "Fortress" from NSMB Wii. What's next?
Feedback / Donkey Kong Country 3 Sheet Music
November 21, 2021, 07:54:43 PM
Can't hardly find any sheet music for "Donkey Kong Country 3". Stuff like "Cascade Capers" and so. If its is someone in an archive here. Could someone provide some links? Thanks.
Could someone provide me with a .xml file for Ganon's Tower? Thanks.

You could, however, convert the .mus file into an .xml
Request / [SNES] Super Castlevania IV - "Entrance Hall"
November 13, 2021, 12:21:55 PM

Thank you in advance for your time and efforts.
Request / [PS2] Hulk - "Alcatraz Infiltration"
April 09, 2021, 02:09:06 PM

The music is in a minor key. As for as transcriptions go, it sounds as it would be written (and played) in the Bass 𝄢 (right hand) and ottava bassa 𝄤 (left hand) registers, respectivally.

Thanks in advance.
I've made a 'two pianos' transcription of loz: breath of the wild main theme. I've used Pianoth Eakòs Shaveck score (among others) as a basis. I can't convert it to finale music file, so I'll leave it up to you to have it submitted and formatted.


Thanks for your time.
Help! / Fire Emblem piece
March 31, 2020, 09:14:41 AM
Hello. I'm working on a Fire emblem piece (an arrangement in condensed score, as intended)*. The drums, for me, are bit challenge to decipher. Would one of you mind if you can score them out? Once you're finished, send me a link of finished pdf and .xml . Its a short piece.

The ost:

Score (so far):
.xml file: (once you open the xml file, change the page size to A3)

Thanks for your time.
Piano Arrangements / Benjamin's Arrangements
February 11, 2020, 05:52:36 PM

Pdf, midi, & .xml:

Note: the 8vb may turn out upside-down upon opening the xml (its fixable, nevertheless). I don't know why.  But I've provided it anyway as it opens with any/all notation programs. Going by the pdf, you'll see how it actually turns out. I'm a musescore user.

Feedback and suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Feedback / Finale and .mus file
November 07, 2019, 08:19:12 PM
Greetings. I've been having some slight issues with Finale (version 26), so whenever I like open a music file (.mus) from this site these messages pop up (seen here: How can I fix this? Thank you in advance.

And another thing, do y'all think that you could post/link me up to some vst soundfonts?

Completed by Sebastian

Thank you in advance.
Request / [PC] Extreme Pinball - Medieval Knights
December 29, 2018, 07:59:52 AM

Thank you in advance.
Feedback / Piano Transcription
June 29, 2018, 10:25:13 PM
There were a couple of pieces from a game ost where I requested a piano transcription of. They're very short pieces so it will not take long to transcribe/arrange them. I am just wondering when they will be finished. Thanks.

Thank you for your time. I am planning on tieing this theme along with the "victory" (previously posted) in the piano arrangement of "Interior Castle" of the game's level that I am working on (though it is almost finished).

Thank you. I am planning on tieing this theme in the piano arrangement of "Interior Castle" of the game's level that I am working on, in which I am planning to post here.

A transcription of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - Ghostly Piano for piano and strings. My other arrangements of various Nintendo titles our in the same playlist.
For the sheet music & mp3:

Including its:
"Danger" theme (
"victory" theme (

Thank you in advance.

Thank you.
Music / [TV] Merv Griffin - "Jeopardy Theme"
March 19, 2017, 05:15:33 PM

For piano solo, please. May you also add some counterpoint. Thank you.

I think the recapitulation (the restatement of the first part of theme) at 0:15, would be in the key of C minor.