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Messages - JacopoTore

Quote from: Maelstrom on March 16, 2017, 06:58:48 PM

Please include youtube links with your submissions every single time.

Actual feedback:
Staccatos would be great.
Put the "lasciar vibrare" above the 8va.
Make the 8va a lot lower than it is now in both staves.
The x18 repeat thing is unnecessary. I'd say just leave it out. No sane person will want to repeat it 18 times.
That URL is floating way higher than it needs to be.
The composer's real name is "Hideki Kanazashi". This guy used a ton of different aliases in credit rolls, but this is the real name.

When I first put this score I write first note as quarter with staccato and people say me to delete staccato and put only eight without staccato. I do not understand where I should put the staccato, because great it means nothing.
I put the URL a little under I don't know if it is correct now
Help! / Re: Problem with upload
March 17, 2017, 02:27:26 PM
But I'm a composer to, not only an arranger
"Please include youtube links with your submissions every single time."
There is no field in submission to put youtube link into
"Staccatos would be great."
I do not understand
"That URL is floating way higher than it needs to be."
I do not understand
Help! / Problem with upload
March 17, 2017, 01:05:56 PM
Hi have a problem, I want to add a new score but I have this problem: "You've reached the maximum number of currently open submissions. (2) ". I have a submission that is Accepted, and yesterday I put an old transcription I made. Can I resolve this limit?
Thank you
Ok did it
Ok I hope tomorrow to fix and send new version for you.
Thank you everybody
Hi forget, the tempo is precisely 180.25, can you verify this?
Ok you change the composer name?
And resize the staff dimension? It seems a bit little.
I don't know why you put G than Ab at measure 24, can you put .nsf file into a midi converter?
I reprise the YG version, hope will be better.
Ok I think doubled is most clear. I forget the repeat bar at the end. Any other suggestion?
Ok I hope replace it soon, I can't stay on internet always, and usually when I have internet I've not Finale in front.
Last question:
"meaning that you need to double the length of every note"
have you any particular reason for this?
Thank you so much
Hi, I don't understand this suggestion:
The song also needs to be changed to swing. I know Finale Notepad doesn't allow for swing playback, so you'll have to write it out without swing first, and then ask someone with a paid version of Finale to change it to swing for you

I need to rewrite all sheet without dotted note?

I don't understand this other:
As Latios mentioned earlier, you've got layers clashing all over the place. A good example of this is beat two of measure 4, where you have an eighth rest on top of the note.

the fourth bar have 2 layers, it is not good?
Quote from: Latios212 on November 22, 2016, 06:51:42 AMRe-check the formatting guidelines for the right fonts.

Fix some layer issues with measures 3, 5, 7, 9. It looks messy and it's difficult to tell what rests belong to what layer.

Be sure to show beat 2.5 in measure 4 and beat 3 in measure 12.

I don't know what I miss about formatting
Ok I format some measures and "beat 3"