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TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

Started by BlackDragonSlayer, April 03, 2018, 05:58:42 PM

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TWG CIII: Seerious Moonlight

The year is 200_. Famed musician David Bowie is reminiscing about the Serious Moonlight Tour, which, while not as good as the Isolar II Tour, was still a pretty good tour. Meanwhile, a group of obsessive superfans are plotting to kidnap David Bowie and... well, they don't actually know what they'll do once they have him.

1. David Bowie: Famous musician who is unknowingly at the center of a kidnapping plot. Each night, he may paint one player of his choosing either blue, red, or orange, and seer another player of his choosing.
2. Duncan Jones: Director of Moon and son of David Bowie. While the superfans aren't looking for him particularly, he's still an obstacle to their mission. Can seer one player of his choosing each night.

3. David Bowie Fan: Each night, they can choose to seer one player.
4. David Bowie Fan
5. David Bowie Fan
6. David Bowie Fan
7. Newbie: While they're still an obsessive fan of David Bowie, they don't own a copy of Santa Monica '72, so they're looked down upon by the other fans. Is told they're a David Bowie Fan.
8. Addict: Takes inspiration from David Bowie a bit too seriously. When they seer a player, they get a random color result. Is told they're a normal David Bowie Fan.

Third Party:
9. The Ghost of Andy Warhol: Can paint up to three players each night either blue, red, or orange. If they forgo one painting, they get an extra lynching vote. If they forgo another one, they get another vote. If they do not paint anyone, then they are immune to the wolfing for that night. Wins, non-overriding, when all players alive at the end of the game have been painted at least once. Can win when dead.

Cardflips show apparent color.


1. BrainyLucario
2. Maelstrom
3. ThatHiddenCharacter
4. Dudeman
5. Trasdegi
6. Mikey
7. Davy
8. Toby
9. Olimar12345

1. Blueflower


It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends in two days, on Thursday, April 5 at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (9:00 PM Eastern Time).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Role PMs (if you have not received one but feel you should have, please leave a message after the beep):

(PLAYER) is David Bowie.

(PLAYER) is Duncan Jones.


You are a David Bowie Fan, though you may be the Newbie or the Addict.

The Ghost of Andy Warhol

You are The Ghost of Andy Warhol.

Chatroom Link

Night 1
Day 1
Night 2
Day 2

Night 1 Story
One fine (INSERT SEASON HERE) day in the year 200_, David Bowie and his son Duncan Jones were walking along the streets of New York City, which were surprisingly empty for that time of day. Duncan was in a stroller, despite being a thirty-something year old man. All was going well, when suddenly the pair was approached by a ghost! It was the ghost of legendary guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan!!!!!

Ghost of Stevie Ray Vaughan: Mr. Bowie, I hope you remember me. We worked together on several songs for your hit 1983 album, Let's Dance.

The pair stared pensively, confused but somewhat amused just the same.

Ghost of Stevie Ray Vaughan: I am here to tell you that you are in grave danger. A group of obsessive superfans is hunting you down and plans to kidnap you. What they plan to do to you once they have you, I am not certain—and I don't even think they themselves know what to do once they've snagged you—but you must be aware of the grave danger you are in! Also the ghost of Andy Warhol is going around painting people because idk.

David Bowie: All right, thank you. Have a nice day.

Ghost of Stevie Ray Vaughan: Heed my words. Also, Never Let Me Down sucked.

With those harsh words, the ghost vanished without a trace. Suddenly, the streets were filled with people.

David Bowie: I wonder what that was all about. Anyway, I feel like reminiscing about the past. Who wants to listen to old cassette tapes of my past tours? I haven't been on a tour since 2003's A Reality Tour!

Duncan Jones eagerly raised his hands and squealed with excitement.


Meanwhile, the superfans plotted.


The rest of the superfans looked at him quizzically.

Toby: Yes, we're here to talk about David Bowie.

Davy: Anyway, that's the plan.

Trasdegi: ? ? ?

Olimar12345: ? ? ?

THC: ? ? ?

Maelstrom entered the room.

Maelstrom: Hey guys, sorry I'm late! I'm <redacted>

Brainy: Wow, really?

Mikey: We're hopeless, guys.

Mikey: I don't know where I was going with that.


Night 1 Theme Song:

Day 1 Story
Having returned home, Bowie and his son immediately began to dig through the pile of cassettes that had conveniently been piled up in the living room over the years. Lucky for them, they found a video cassette of the Serious Moonlight Tour, which David Bowie insisted on watching, to Duncan's objection.

Duncan Jones: I thought the Isolar II tour was better. That tour started in 1978, when I was 7 years old.

David Bowie: Very good my son! You're starting to get the grip of basic math! Pretty soon you'll be directing your own movies!

Duncan Jones: But dad, I am directing my own movies.

David Bowie: Tehehehe, very good! I'm so proud of you, son!

With that, they began to watch. But, just then, they were interrupted by a knock at the door!

David Bowie: I'll get it!

But as he stood up from his seat, there was suddenly a giant commotion outside! When it began to settle down, Bowie and Duncan both ran to the door and flung it open! Outside was the body of Mikey, laying on the doorstep, dead!

David Bowie: Ooohhh nooooooo! There's been a murrrrderrrrr! I wonder who could have done this?

Just then, another ghost appeared!

It was the ghost of Mick Ronson!

Ghost of Mick Ronson: David, my old friend, you are in trouble. This chap here was trying to snag you. So I killed 'em. I killed 'em good and dead.

David Bowie: So I've heard. Anyway, thank you for killing this man in front of my house. It looks really good and certainly won't attract any attention at all. I miss you.

Ghost of Mick Ronson: I miss you too man.

And with that, the ghost of Mick Ronson began floating away into the heavens.

Ghost of Mick Ronson: I love you man. Peace out and be safe.

David Bowie blew a kiss after his beloved band mate. Duncan blew a kiss as well for good measure.


Meanwhile, the superfans continued to plot.

Toby: I think we try searching in the mirrors. We should all look at ourselves in the mirror to make sure we're not David Bowie.

Dudeman: ? ? ?

Maelstrom: ? ? ?

Davy: Everyone should try inspecting the person below their own name on this here arbitrary list I just made.

Toby: No, that's a terrible idea. Everyone should try inspecting the person below their own name on this here arbitrary list I just made.

Olimar12345: After looking at myself in the mirror, I have figured out that I am indeed a David Bowie Fan and not David Bowie himself.

Toby: Good, so it's a plan, yeah?

Maelstrom, Olimar, Dudeman: NO!

Toby: Ok LOL

Brainy: Hey, where did Mikey go?

Maelstrom: Wait, did I miss something?

THC: idk

Trasdegi: idc


Day 1 Theme Song:

Night 2 Story
Hoping not to be disturbed any more, David and Duncan were watching clips from the Serious Moonlight Tour, while David was cackling voraciously off and on, and Duncan was not very entertained.

David Bowie: Bwoohoohoohoohoo! Look at my HAIR! Look at how 80's it was! Kahahahahahaha hahahaaaa!

Duncan Jones: dad stop pls

David Bowie: Ahahahahahaha! Ah ha hahaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Duncan Jones: dad staaaaaaahp

Things would go on like this for the rest of the evening.


Meanwhile, the plotters were beginning to take action.

THC: Mikey's dead guys. He isn't coming back.

Trasdegi: Serves him right.

Olimar popped in to disrupt their conversation.

Olimar12345: Are you a... a real kidnapper?

BrainyLucario: Well, uh, technically, a... Nah?

Olimar12345: Have you ever actually captured someone before, like, a real big superstar?

Everyone else shook their heads.

Toby: Well, then, we're going to teach you guys how to be kidnappers!

Dudeman: Look at these nets that I just found!

Davy: Cool let's practice using those.

Maelstrom: Hey, let's practice using Brainy as a target!

Brainy: Hey!

Everyone Else: Sounds great!

They all greedily grabbed at the nets, eager to get into the swing of things and hopefully get another step closer to capturing their idol.

Dudeman: When I say "go," get ready to throw!

There was a definite pause; the smell of anticipation strongly pervaded the air around them.

Dudeman: G...

Everyone threw their nets at Brainy. Out of nowhere, more nets kept appearing, and the superfans kept throwing. They kept throwing and throwing nets, even as Brainy started screaming and crying out for help. Dudeman and Toby had looks of horror on their faces, until they realized that they could do nothing to stop what was about to happen, then they started throwing more nets on top of Brainy for fun. So many nets.

Pretty soon, there was a giant pile of nets where Brainy had once stood. Nobody had seen that many nets in their life! So many nets. Everyone looked happy and excited, except for Dudeman and Toby.

Toby: Well, everybody, I think you killed him.

Everyone looked kind of ashamed, but simultaneously invigorated by the rampant bloodlust they never really knew they had.

Trasdegi: How do you know? Are you gonna dig him out from that mound of nets??

Dudeman: Nah, we're pretty sure he's dead. Besides, I don't want to find out what's left under there, and I don't think any of you guys do either!

Everyone agreed and left it at that.

Night 2 Theme Song:

Day 2 Story
Duncan Jones: dad staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahp

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, like the shattering of glass! David Bowie and Duncan Jones got up and started running around the room, screaming! They were about to get kidnapped because they had not heeded the warnings, and had sat here all day watching old videos from the Serious Moonlight Tour.

Maelstrom turned around the corner, a crazed look in his eyes!


He started creeping toward the pair, who had huddled together in the corner.

Maelstrom: OOF! *whump*

Duncan peeked out from the corner.

Duncan Jones: Look!

It was... it was...

It was the Ghost of Tony Visconti!

David Bowie: Wait a minute, you're not dead!

Ghost of Tony Visconti: Don't think about it too much David, don't think about it too much.

David Bowie: Mmmm. Anyway, what happened to that creepy chap who just broke into our house?

Ghost of Tony Visconti: I did away with him. He won't be bothering you any more. Don't think about it too much, David.

He got closer and closer and whispered in his ear.

Ghost of Tony Visconti: Don't think about it too much.

And like that, he was gone. Bowie suddenly decided he had to go next door to check up on his old friend.


THC: ...

Dudeman: ...

Trasdegi: ...

Davy: ...

Toby: Are we actually going to do anything?

Olimar12345: Maybe.


Day 2 Theme Song:

And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber



I don't think there's much in terms of plans that we can make, other than we shouldn't give any indication of who we will seer tonight, but we should all obviously use our actions. We just don't want the wolves to know who they should be painting, perhaps more discussion of that can be brought up later, but I would say wait for day, unless people think everyone seering themselves might be a good idea :? , seerings are mostly useless anyway though so I don't think I'm too interested in trying to do anything with them though lol.

Also third party shouldn't claim


Also, as a clarification, the Newbie does receive seering results; the only difference between them and the normal seer role is that their default seering is red.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


do paintings go through before the seering?  EG we can't trust our seering results tonight?


Yeah, otherwise painting would do nothing.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


That's literally the point of seerings. They only last the night/day phase, though.


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


oh I figured paintings were permanent
since like the ghost of andy warhol requires all living players to be painted




When given the choice between adulting and music, choose music every time.


in that seerings are more or less pointless yes


Oh, it says have been painted at least once. I misread it, too. Well, at least it's not permanent, but doing the math, there can be up to four paintings in a night, which is not a good thing. While everyone, except for the ghost of Andy Warhol, can seer, it seems that it would be pointless for David and Duncan to seer because they know each other and Andy doesn't really give them a benefit if they figure him out, as far as I can tell. So, assuming all four paintings happen tonight, there's a 5 out of 9 chance that our seerings will be accurate. While this isn't ideal, it does go to show that the odds are currently in our favor. It would probably be best not to share our seering results on the day phase, though. At least not on day 1. Ooh, I actually contributed, yay! I should probably start using a more visually pleasing format instead of just a long paragraph, though.
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red wolf will probably paint himself blue

it's what I'd do anyway