WiiMan96's Arrangements | Added Trine "Main Theme" 23rd January '12

Started by WiiMan96, September 09, 2008, 11:34:43 PM

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Arrangement focus?

Music WiiMan wants!
Doesn't bother me so long as you keep arranging!

The Deku Trombonist

It's one of those wierd things that one could have a debate over for hours and hours and hours and...zzzzzz

Anyway, back to being awake. There are two sides to the argument. One is, like you said, for the sake of continuity. The other side is that it is more diffcult to read that way. I don't really know seeing as I don't play piano but that's what other people have told me. I guess it doesn't really matter, but if you are going to have separate layers, make sure they line up properly! The bottom A in 33 isn't properly under the one above and I reckon it looks a little dodgy. Deleting the note and re-entering it usually does the trick. Same with the bottom ones in 39. Also seeing as the second layer rests are hidden in 33, move the 1st layer rests back to their normal position. Once again, it looks a whole lot tidier.


Dammit, I became inactive again. No promises, but I'll try achieve things this time. :P

Currently working on the FFCC: My Life as a King soundtrack. The first song is fairly easy, but it is naturally giving me a lot of trouble anyway. -.- I might get to posting what I've done so far within the next day, any help would be much appreciated as I'm sure I've got the majority of chords wrong. Melody seems fine to me though. ;)


Here's what I got so far:

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King ~ A New Home

The chords (where existing) in the last eight measures are completely wrong. I'll try to fix them in the next few days, but any help would be greatly appreciated, and might just result in a cash reward NICE BIG BEAR HUG.


Finished! The piece does repeat with added strings chords, but I didn't include them. Originally just because I couldn't figure them out, but I later reasoned they would be awkward / impossible to play in addition.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

Please do let me know if you find any incorrect notes in there, it would be moocha 'preciated.


Here's another My Life as as King arrangement, which plays when... you chase... a... penguin. Yeah. As always, thoughts are welcome.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King

EDIT: Made a minor fix.


Pac-Man World 2 was actually a decent game. Not stellar, but playable.
Anyway, this is a good arrangement. I don't have any real fixes for it. I just want to say that maybe they should've made the song a little shorter.
Guitar and video games.


Thank you! I haven't played the game myself, but if it's anything like the first one, then I agree with you. Adequately satisfactory.

Y'know, this the first time I've received praise for an arrangement I did by ear, without help. So uh... [Achievement Received]. Thanks for taking the time.


No problem. I appreciate it when people give me some feedback so I try to return the favor. Definitely keep arranging, we need all the help we can get around here. So, thanks for taking the time to keep contributing to the site!
Guitar and video games.


I'll try my best! I'll also make sure to look out for your arrangements, if they catch my eye. ;)

Next up is a Sims 2 piece, "Bare Bones". I made an arrangement of it earlier and it gained moderate popularity but it was inaccurate in many aspects. If it doesn't go up by Monday I probably won't finish until February or maybe a little sooner.


Thanks! That would help a lot.
And I've never played a Sims game before, but I'll be sure to check out your arrangement anyway.
Guitar and video games.


Don't feel obliged, but it would be much appreciated if you could. :)


What seems to be wrong with 20X6 and Sonic Heroes?

Why do we love the exact same games?  And homestarrunner.com is the stuff.
Please check out my arrangement! http://www.ninsheetm.us/smf/index.php?topic=4222.0


20X6 has some wrong notes in places in addition to the wrong melody in the last half. Sonic Heroes just needs some lovin' in the articulation department and a few other fixes to make it not-MIDI-like.

Turns out we both have good taste, my flavour-conflicting friend! ;) It's too bad H*R hardly gets updated anymore. I'll be sure to arrange some more music from their games in the future. Eventually. :P


I know right?! First a baby break is fine but now it's just ridiculous. :P
Not to impose but I've always loved the Strongbadian National Anthem. :D
Please check out my arrangement! http://www.ninsheetm.us/smf/index.php?topic=4222.0


As do I, I like the majority of H*R songs.


Okay, I know what you're getting at. :P I'm just gonna focus on H*R games pieces for now, because the cartoon music won't be able to go on the site. But whenever I find some extra time and I'm keeping on top of other requests I might just arrange a song or two like the anthem just for this thread or similar.