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TWG XXXIX: Perfect Apples

Started by FSM-Reapr, September 14, 2012, 12:42:23 AM

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That's four votes on Zunawe. Let's be careful not to insta him, especially before he makes a defensive post.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Bubbles7689 on September 15, 2012, 01:45:28 PMI think fsm is doing a good job hosting. Hes not giving unfair advantages to either side by saying whether the wolves missed the wolfing or their target was wolfed. Theres no confirmation whether or not the wolves just didnt send in a pm, only the wolves know that.

Oh no no no. I was actually directing that comment at the wolves, sorry for the miscommunication. I assumed that they were just inactive before I noticed the other possibility that they could have attacked a guarded player.

That was not directed at you FSM, you are doing a good job.
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Currently using Finale 2012


Quote from: spitllama on September 15, 2012, 03:54:27 PMOh no no no. I was actually directing that comment at the wolves, sorry for the miscommunication. I assumed that they were just inactive before I noticed the other possibility that they could have attacked a guarded player.

That was not directed at you FSM, you are doing a good job.
Yah, I figured that. And thanks.


I'm going to inactive today so I am voting a safety on vermillionvermin



Be There or be Square.
And by Square I mean Fat.


At some point, we're going to have to insta Zunawe to prevent instas.  I know the phase doesn't end until tomorrow, but I don't think that most people will be around that early on a Monday.  So if Zunawe hasn't posted a defense by tonight we should insta him.  Phantoms are the reason the wolves won earlier than they would have normally last game.


Oops, I accidentaly put only the EST in PM, I now changed it how it's supposed to be.


Ooh, Lord. I went camping, and I really hoped I would be fine for just one day. Sorry about not claiming, I figured I would have time before we left. Anyway, I'm human, and I guess that would make me either Croagunk or painted. It seems the odds are currently not going to help me, as there are probably four red players right now. I will happily answer any questions in the chat or on the thread if that would help you not vote for me. If I'm not on I'll probably be either mowing the lawn, or giving up the computer for my sister to do homework. Sorry about not mentioning I was going camping. We were rushed because I woke up late.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Good excuse, but I REALLY don't buy it. I'm waiting to vote a little bit longer though.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


part of the chat party that iz happenin:

QuoteKman: idk man
11:30   Kman96   I was expecting an awesome defense
11:30   Zunawe   I know, and I have no idea what to do.
11:30   Zunawe   What am I supposed to give?
11:30   Zunawe   I literally have nothing to go off of.
11:30   Kman96   something like...
11:31   Kman96   "I have no idear wwater u talking abowt- OMG LOOK, MASHI!" *runs away*
11:31   Kman96   lol NO
11:32   Zunawe   I have o idea
11:32   Zunawe   no*
11:32   Zunawe   Why was I seer'd, by the way? Just random?
11:32   Kman96   I don't know
11:33   Kman96   I forgot to PM the supposed un-counterclaimed seer, so they seered you instead
11:33   Kman96   then again, they could be a wolf trying to bull shit me
11:33   Zunawe   Possible. Has everybody claimed?
11:34   Kman96   nope
11:34   Kman96   I'm missing 3
11:34   Kman96   wait
11:34   Kman96   no
11:34   Kman96   2
11:34   Zunawe   hmmm. . . . . . . . . hm
11:35   Kman96   yeah, I'm missing two
11:35   Kman96   lemme see who, though....
11:36   Kman96   OH WOW
11:36   Kman96   I forgot not to include myself -_-
11:36   Kman96   I hadn't claimed to myself...
11:36   Zunawe   . . . nice.
11:36   Zunawe   wuff
11:36   Kman96   ok the only person I'm missing a claim from is Bespinben
11:36   Zunawe   And he's inactive?
11:36   Kman96   ...yes O.o
11:37   Zunawe   So that helps nothing.
11:37   Zunawe   Lol. Spyro: Well, if the seer found a wolf, then it's best we vote for that player.
11:37   Zunawe   such an amazingful argument
11:37   Kman96   Spyro's a cheesecake
11:37   Kman96   teehee
11:38   Zunawe   cheesecake is tasty
11:38   Kman96   cheesy
11:38   Kman96   oh
11:38   Kman96   haha
11:39   Zunawe   So, from what I can see right now, and that only, blueflower seems most like a human.
11:39   Zunawe   Well, there's you, but disreguarding that.
11:39   Zunawe   Lol. spelling. . .
11:40   Kman96   well I'm basically confirmed, because everyone but Bespinben has claimed, and I have no counterclaims (THANK GOD), and Mashi isn't here to fuck with anyone's role either, lol
11:40   Zunawe   Lol. Mashi.
11:41   Zunawe   If he wanted he could destroy the game.
11:41   Kman96   HE DOES.
11:41   Kman96   EVERY TIME
11:41   Zunawe   But somehow it workes out sometimes
11:41   Kman96   yeah. like in History lesson
11:42   Kman96   he messed all us wolves up. that wasn't cool...
11:42   Kman96   then again we had no clue who each other were...
11:42   Kman96   
11:42      *** Bubbles joined #twgnsm
11:42   Bubbles   People
11:42   Zunawe   bubbleses
11:42   Zunawe   Hi. Please don't lynch me.
11:42   Bubbles   Why not?
11:42   Kman96   why herro misshy
11:42   Zunawe   because I'm a human.
11:43   Kman96   there's a 50-50 chance
11:43   Kman96   I don't like the odds
11:43   Zunawe   quiet you
11:43   Kman96   -_-
11:43   Zunawe   
11:43   Bubbles   If you're the red human/painted, then what do you think of the missed wolfing?
11:43   Zunawe   lol. wow. happy smiley
11:43   Zunawe   Missed wolfing?
11:43   Bubbles   You did say you were on a camping trip
11:43   Zunawe   yeah
11:44   Bubbles   No one was wolfed, and FSm said the guarding was unsuscessful
11:44   Bubbles   
11:44   Zunawe   . . . oh crap
11:46      *** spit joined #twgnsm
11:46   Zunawe   Spit, don't kill me
11:46   spit   But you're a wolf
11:46   Bubbles   Zunawe, you still never answered my question
11:46   Kman96   and I'm like the smartest kid in my grade
11:47   Zunawe   I'm still thinking, i guess
11:47   Bubbles   What do you think of the missed wolfing?
11:47   Bubbles   ok
11:47   Zunawe   It doesn't help me in any way.
11:47   Kman96   yeah^^ "what did you think of the missed wolfing?"
11:47   Kman96   oh
11:47   Kman96   spit, what's you're take on the matter
11:47   Bubbles   Just saying, considering youre red seering and you being away during a missed camping, the odds are not in your favor in the least
11:47   Kman96   young Zunawe here was camping,
11:47   Zunawe   I know. . .
11:47   Bubbles   The other person that was away was spit
11:48   Zunawe   lol, young
11:48   Kman96   and there was a missed wolfing....
11:48   Zunawe   So that leaves two other people who weren't around for the night phase (Bespinben)
11:48   spit   I came back for the night, like I said
11:48   Kman96   can't believe I didn't see that before
11:48   Kman96   yup
11:48   Zunawe   shh. I was on to something
11:48   spit   I think it's just inactive wolves, there's no plan I can think of
11:49   Bubbles   Nah, bespinben is always here
11:49   Zunawe   Well, there's no reason for them not to wolf
11:49   Bubbles   but he might not have known how/whenn to send to pm
11:49   Zunawe   He could have said something.
11:49   spit   FSM or his wolf partners would have helped him out
11:49   spit   That seems unrealistic
11:50   Zunawe   Lets say the wolves intentionally did not wolf anybody for a second.
11:50   Kman96   yeah
11:50   Bubbles   But if his wolf partners werent there, fsm couldnt tell him who to wolf
11:50   Bubbles   Remember, theres three wolves
11:50   spit   I meant that FSM would have told him how to wolf, not who
11:50   spit   But yes
11:50   Zunawe   He could have chosen anybody do wolf.
11:50   Bubbles   But thats only if the wolves already told him who they were going to wolf
11:51   Bubbles   Which they couldnt have done if they werent online
11:51   Zunawe   This is all assuming he's a wolf as well. Lets just wait on him.
11:51      *** sheikah joined #twgnsm
11:51   Zunawe   Hai
11:51   Zunawe   Don't kill me
11:51   Kman96   herro
11:51   spit   This same logic still takes us back to the inactive piece, though
11:51   Kman96   lol
11:52   sheikah   why shouldn't I?
11:52   Kman96   you say that every time, Zunawe
11:52   spit   So it would make more sense to figure out who wasn't here
11:52   Zunawe   because I don't want anybody to kill me
11:52   Zunawe   It's a waste of a lynching
11:52   sheikah   tell me, why would the wolves paint you red?
11:52   Zunawe   Why would they paint anybody red?
11:52   Kman96   I REPEAT: young Zunawe here was camping, and there was a missed wolfing....
11:53   Zunawe   Shhhhh
11:53   sheikah   why you specifically?
11:53   Zunawe   i don't need that shtuff
11:53   Kman96   that speaks for itself
11:53   Zunawe   I don't know
11:53   spit   I would just drop the painting thing Zunawe
11:53   Zunawe   Sure
11:53   Kman96   ahahaha
11:53   spit   It's unrealistic that you'd be targeted for a painting and seer'ing the same phase without anything suspieiocus about you
11:53   Kman96   I'm sorry
11:53   Zunawe   Gaah, so many people speaking
11:53   Zunawe   It's unlikely, not unrealistic
11:54   spit   No it's unrealistic
11:54   spit   It's so unlikely that it's unrealistic
11:54   Zunawe   But possible.
11:54   Zunawe   Also, what if I'm the miller?
11:54   spit   That I would accept as an argument
11:54   Kman96   what if?
11:54   spit   However, there are 2 reds vs. 1 miller
11:54   spit   Odds still don't help
11:54   Zunawe   I knowwwwwww
11:55   Kman96   that doesn't sound like a very compelling idea
11:55   Kman96   plus, even if you ARE the miller
11:55   Kman96   there's always what K-Night said about millers
11:55   Zunawe   I was hoping that wouldn't come up again.
11:56   Kman96   "My take on millers in games is that if they are seer'd red, they should probably be lynched. Even if they are the Miller, we can't know that for sure. There's the possibility that he was painted, but with the no-wolfing last phase, that seems unlikely."
11:56   spit   You are being battered from all sides
11:56   Bubbles   Aww I really hope were wrong about the possibility of bespinben/inactives being the wolves
11:56   Bubbles   I want this game to go on forever
11:56   Kman96   don't we all
11:56   sheikah   here's another thought, why seer zune? I say because a not highly experienced player would be unlikely for painting, so easy confirm of human or wolf, thoughts?
11:56   Zunawe   That's what I thought
11:57   Zunawe   Kman said he didn't know
11:57   Kman96   the un-counter-claimed seer told me he had seered Zunawe
11:57   Kman96   I had forgotten when the phase ended
11:57   sheikah   so you admit painting isnt an option for being red?
11:57   Kman96   so I never got a PM of who to seer to them
11:57   Zunawe   ?
11:57   Kman96   personally I wanted to seer Vermverm
11:57   Kman96   but I was too late D:
11:57   Bubbles   After last game XD
11:58   Kman96   yeah
11:58   Bubbles   That was great
11:58   Kman96   that shit was not gonna happen again
11:58   sheikah   thats what i said
11:58   Bubbles   Everytime you suspected one of us I was like "crap"
11:58   Bubbles   Then you decided not to
11:58   Zunawe   Anyway, what did you mean, sheikah?
11:59   sheikah   you say you agree with my question of why seer you, so you admit that your denece about being painted was wrong
12:00   Zunawe   No. I was just wondering what made the seer seer me and not somebody else, that doesn't mean the painting didn't happen.
12:01   sheikah   but why would a wolf paint someone that was unlikely to be seered, kman said he would have seered verm, so why didnt they paint someone like him?
12:01   Kman96   I'm having so much fun
12:01   spit   Nothing is going to sway my opinion in terms of the painting possibility. Just saying.
12:02   spit   I would focus your defense on something else.
12:02   Kman96   how many votes are currently on zunawe?
12:02   Kman96   anybody know/
12:02   sheikah   thats partly what im geting at
12:02   Bubbles   I think 4
12:02   sheikah   and no i dont
12:02   Zunawe   I know. It's unlikely that I was painted. I'm just saying it's possible. It's definitely more likely I'm a miller.
12:03   Kman96   last game I just had this haunting feeling that I was a miller- and I was O.O
12:04   sheikah   kman, I know, the fact that the millers survived till the end kinda ruined the Buzz Hiss mechaninc
12:05   Zunawe   What can I do that will make me not a wolf?
12:05   Kman96   dead wolves aren't wolves.
12:05   Kman96   they're dead.
12:05   Zunawe   Statistically, I'm not being helped. Situationally, I'm more likely not a human. That leaves "I'm not a wolf"
12:06   Kman96   sucks, doesn't it?
12:06   Zunawe   And that's why I feel helpless.
12:06   sheikah   welcome to NSM TWG, you must be new...
12:06   Bubbles   If you give us some logical suspicions, it might help
12:06   Zunawe   Lol. I wasn't in this position before because I was the psychic
12:06   Bubbles   But no promises
12:07   sheikah   yes, i agree with bubbles, but a red seering is a powerful thing
12:08   Zunawe   If I was a wolf, why would I have waited to claim? I knew my role before we went camping, and wouldn't a wolf want to establish his assumed innocence as soon as possible?
12:08   Kman96   well guys hear me out:
12:08   Kman96   what if my seer is lying to me?
12:08   Kman96   that's always a possibility
12:08   Bubbles   I was thinking that
12:08   Zunawe   Unlikely, I've gone that way
12:08   Bubbles   Id like to know who he is
12:08   sheikah   thats also an option
12:08   spit   He hasn't been counterclaimed though?
12:09   Zunawe   Bespinben
12:09   Kman96   Bespinben is the only one who hasn't claimed
12:09   Kman96   so unless Ben is the seer, then no.
12:09   sheikah   what are we waiting for? bring him in!
12:09   Bubbles   And zunawe, what you said about waiting to claim, claiming humanis the safe route for a wolf, since its hard to be counterclaimed
12:09   Kman96   shit I don't have the whole log...
12:09   Zunawe   So why didn't I claim human as soon as possible.
12:09   Zunawe   I do, kman
12:10   Kman96   Zunawe, I lost like the first half of our convo....
12:10   spit   I don't think Bespinben gives a f*** about this game, tbh -_-
12:10   spit   Which is too bad
12:10   Zunawe   o wait, i don't
12:10   Bubbles   Its his first and last game, cut him some slack

...still going strong, come join us!

(There was a lot more at the beginning, but I kinda missed some. sorry.)
Party Hard!


After the chat events, I'm leaning toward a Zunawe lynch, but if we have a much more confirmed wolf I'll change, but until then, Zunawe.
You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!


I've kinda given up defending myself. I have nothing even remotely solid to give as a defense, so unless some wolf makes a huge mistake, I feel helpless. Anyway, go humans!
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Well in that case, I guess I'll go ahead and vote Zunawe
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*