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The Official Wind Waker Project

Started by Latios212, December 28, 2016, 06:36:14 PM

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THE OFFICIAL WIND WAKER PROJECT to keep the title brief since everyone knows what "Wind Waker" refers to.

Here we go! The critically acclaimed tenth installment in the The Legend of Zelda series.

- All bad sheets currently on site will be fixed or replaced by the end of this project. However, you may submit new sheets for currently unarranged songs as well.
- Here's a playlist you can use: [Youtube playlist] Be sure you arrange from the original GameCube version of the OST, not the HD remake.
- Track names are listed below. Keep in mind they may not match up exactly with the playlist. Feel free to ask for any clarification.
- Composer info: see [here] and [here]
- Game/copyright info:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Nintendo © 2002
- Template is here: [MUS]
- Files will be accessible here: [Dropbox]

Color code:
Red - on site, but needs to be fixed or replaced
Orange - in progress
Blue - arranged and ready for checking (find sheet in dropbox folder!)
Green - accepted
Green - on site, does not need to be fixed

List of tracks

01   Title - Static
02   Menu Select - Sebastian
03   The Legendary Hero - Latios212
03   The Legendary Hero (Duet) - Latios212
04   Outset Island - Latios212
04   Outset Island (Two pianos) - The Deku Trombonist
05   Inside a House - Sebastian
06   Grandpa's House - Latios212
07   Fencing Instruction - Sebastian
08   Beedle's Shop
11   The Forest of Outset Island - Static
13   Battle - BrainyLucario
14   Encounter with Tetra - Olimar12345
15   Aryll's Kidnapping
16   Grandma
17   Departure - Onionleaf
18   Pirates
19   Inside the Pirate Ship - Static
20   Forsaken Fortress Invasion 1 - Sebastian
21   Forsaken Fortress Invasion 2
22   Forsaken Fortress - Sebastian
23   Imprisonment - Sebastian
24   Reunion with Sister - Olimar12345
25   Rendezvous with the Ship 1
26   Rendezvous with the Ship 2 - Sebastian
27   Rendezvous with the Ship 3
28   Windfall Island
29   Zunari's Store - Sebastian and Olimar12345
30   Dawn
31   The Great Sea
32   Maritime Battle
33   The Second Maritime Battle
34   Get Treasure Box
35   Open Treasure Box
36   Get Item
37   Get Small Item
38   Dragon Roost Island
39   Dragon Roost Cavern
40   Mini-Boss - Lkjhgfdsa_77
41   Game Over - Static
42   Gohma Appears
43   Gohma Battle First Half
44   Gohma Battle Second Half
45   Boss Clear Fanfare
46   Get Heart Container
47   Get Orb - Sebastian
48   Wind's Requiem (Baton) - Olimar12345
49   Wind's Requiem - Olimar12345
50   Get Baton Song
51   Yacht Game - FireArrow
52   Yacht Game Goal
53   Yacht Game Failure
54   Song of Passing (Baton) - Olimar12345
55   Song of Passing - Olimar12345
56   Forest Haven - ljhale
57   Inside Forest Haven - Lkjhgfdsa_77
58   The Deku Tree's Crisis
59   The Deku Tree and the Koroks - FireArrow
60   Forbidden Woods - Sebastian
61   Kalle Demos Appears
62   Kalle Demos
63   Ceremony in the Woods
64   Song of the New Year's Ceremony
65   The Great Sea is Cursed - Sebastian
66   Sacred Shrine
67   Jabun
68   Tower of the Gods Appears
69   Tower of the Gods
70   Command Melody (Baton) - Olimar12345
71   Gohdan Appears
72   Gohdan - FireArrow
73   To Hyrule - Sebastian

01   Sealed Hyrule Castle - Sebastian
02   Get Master Sword - Onionleaf
03   Hyrule Castle - Sebastian
04   Phantom Ganon
05   Aryll's Rescue 1
06   Aryll's Rescue 2
07   Aryll's Rescue 3
08   Aryll's Rescue 4
09   Aryll's Rescue 5
10   The Tower of Forsaken Fortress
11   Helmaroc King Appears
12   Helmaroc King
13   Ganondorf on Forsaken Fortress
14   The Miracle Stone Shows One's True Nature
15   Hyrule King Appears - Piano Psychopath
16   Zelda's Awakening - Onionleaf
17   Princess Zelda's Theme - RustyJustice
18   Ballad of Gales (Baton) - Olimar12345
19   Ballad of Gales - Olimar12345
20   Fairy Spring - RustyJustice
21   The Fairy Queen - Olimar12345 (edit replacement)
22   Dungeon
23   Earth God's Lyric (Baton)
24   Sage Laruto
25   Medli's Awakening
26   Earth God's Lyric
27   Earth Temple - Bloop
28   Jalhalla Appears - Piano Psychopath
29   Jalhalla - Bloop
30   Medli's Prayer - Latios212
31   Wind God's Aria (Baton)
32   Sage Fado
33   Makar's Awakening
34   Wind God's Aria
35   Wind Temple - Onionleaf
36   Molgera Appears
37   Molgera - Maelstrom
38   Makar's Prayer - Latios212
39   Hero of the Wind - Sebastian
40   Ganon's Castle - Lkjhgfdsa_77 and Olimar12345
41   Gohma First Half (2nd Time)
42   Gohma Second Half (2nd Time)
43   Kalle Demos (2nd Time)
44   Jalhalla (2nd Time)
45   Molgera (2nd Time)
46   Illusionary Room
47   Puppet Ganon First Half
48   Puppet Ganon (Puppet Mode)
49   Puppet Ganon (Transformation)
50   Puppet Ganon (Spider Mode)
51   Puppet Ganon (Snake Mode) - Latios212
52   Puppet Ganon Second Half
53   Ganondorf Battle First Half
54   Ganondorf Battle - Maelstrom
55   Farewell Hyrule King - mastersuperfan
56   Ending - Sebastian
57   Staff Credits - Nutella511
58   Epilogue - Sebastian
59   Aryll's Theme
60   Game Demo - JDMEK5, Latios212, and Maelstrom

Topics of Interest (maybe?)
Deciding the Next Official Arrangement Project 3(?)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I will take the following:
- Grandpa's House (already done)
- Outset Island (solo)
- The Legendary Hero (solo)
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Here is the first:

[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Hyrule Castle     

I'll also be taking these:
Disc 1:
02) Main Select
05) Inside a House
07) Fencing Instruction
20) Forsaken Fortress Invasion 1
23) Imprisonment
26) Rendezvous With the Ship 2
27) Rendezvous With the Ship 3
60) Forbidden Woods
65) The Great Sea is Cursed
73) To Hyrule
Disc 2:
01) Sealed Hyrule Castle


I'd like to take "Inside the Pirate Ship", "The Forest of Outset Island", and "Game Over" for now. I may ask for more in the future, but these are ones I'd definitely like to claim.


Perfect timing. I'd like to claim Makar's Prayer, Staff Credits, and Princess Zelda's Theme. Also, Dragon Roost Island is already on site.

The Deku Trombonist

Yay, Wind Waker. Feedback, here we come.

Hyrule Castle:
- Perhaps write the opening line as a cadenza? I know it is in time in the original, but that's not how it 'feels' when listening to it. Well, for me anyway. Do whatever.
- Any reason you didn't include the bass note on beat one of bar 6 and every 2 bars after? It punctuates it nicely, adds weight (it's not like it's a happy tune) and breaks things up. And it's not like the chord has to be there on beat one, there are still 3 beats left in the bar to hammer out D minor.
- Bar 7: E flats, not D Sharps (they want to resolve down to the tonic). Also, G natural in the chords on beats 3 & 4 of the LH, not F sharp. And I'm not sure why there's a quaver triplet rest in the 3rd beat, it sounds quite smooth and connected to me.
- Bars 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Same thing.
- Bars 16 & 20: There are 3 beats of rests missing in the RH.
- Respell the Ab in bar 21 as G# (chromatic neighbor note).
- The LH of bar 29 would be clearer in two layers. (Whole note A & E, and then use the other layer for D-> C#).

The staves on page 2 are bigger than the ones on page 1. I think here I would normally inquire as to why you'd reduce the staff size when using my template which contains an already reduced staff size, but that would be beating a dead horse and I don't really care. Just be consistent, whatever it is you're going to do.


YES, Deku!

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- Perhaps write the opening line as a cadenza? I know it is in time in the original, but that's not how it 'feels' when listening to it. Well, for me anyway. Do whatever.
I could do that. I mainly left it this way because, as you said, it's in time.
It's not quite as punctual as the rest of the song though, so I could put a 'feely' marking at the beginning. In my opinion, I don't believe this section constitutes a cadenza.
I normally use cadenzas if the introduction or another section of a piece is really wild or dissonant. For example:

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- Any reason you didn't include the bass note on beat one of bar 6 and every 2 bars after? It punctuates it nicely, adds weight (it's not like it's a happy tune) and breaks things up. And it's not like the chord has to be there on beat one, there are still 3 beats left in the bar to hammer out D minor.
I left it out to avoid the hassle of jumping around, but I like what you said about adding weight since it's not a happy tune. I think this will enhance the piece! Fixed.

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- Bar 7: E flats, not D Sharps (they want to resolve down to the tonic). Also, G natural in the chords on beats 3 & 4 of the LH, not F
And I'm not sure why there's a quaver triplet rest in the 3rd beat, it sounds quite smooth and connected to me.
- Bars 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19: Same thing.
Aye, my bad. Fixed.

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- Bars 16 & 20: There are 3 beats of rests missing in the RH.
Hmmm, very weird. Must've been an export issue. Finale usually auto-inputs rests. Fixed.

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- Respell the Ab in bar 21 as G# (chromatic neighbor note).
Oh, ok. I was going by the D diminished, but that works better. Fixed.
Curious, is this similar to the reason we use C/Eb/F# in C Minor key instead of the diminished (C/Eb/Gb)? These chord variants always seem to trip me up, even when I think I use the correct chords/get them right.

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AM- The LH of bar 29 would be clearer in two layers. (Whole note A & E, and then use the other layer for D-> C#).
Sounds good to me! This should help the performer far better than the previous notation of this measure. Fixed.

Quote from: Deku Trombonist on December 29, 2016, 01:55:14 AMThe staves on page 2 are bigger than the ones on page 1. I think here I would normally inquire as to why you'd reduce the staff size when using my template which contains an already reduced staff size, but that would be beating a dead horse and I don't really care. Just be consistent, whatever it is you're going to do.
Oh, crap. That must've been a glitch on my end. This is a roughly new template that I've been using for my sheets (I got this template from a previous arrangement project [Latios/Ben said it was a Deku template if I recall correctly]) and the last sheet I arranged consisted of one page at 90%. I simply forgot to blow it back up and the second page was a different size. That was my bad. I'll go ahead and blow both pages back up to 100% and respace the measures/systems.
I just wanted to clarify that I didn't intend to minimize the size purposely. :P

Here is the file with the changes (I fixed everything you pointed out except for the cadenza. I did, however, include a 'freely' expression text at the first measure and then an 'a tempo' expression text when the introduction transitions into the melody):

Thanks for the feedback, Deku! Just like old times. : )


I'm glad that Wind Waker was chosen. Wind Waker was one if the first Zelda games that I played and it really means a lot me. I'll take Inside Forest Haven for now.
- Lkjhgfdsa_77
Arr | Tran | LiPo | Intro | YT | Blog


Updated with everything said above!

Quote from: nutella511 on December 28, 2016, 09:04:44 PM... Staff Credits ...
That's one heck of an undertaking. Are you sure?
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



[GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

02 Menu Select     


Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!



02 Menu Select

-The first system is indented, but there is no "Piano" text. Add that in.
-The composer for this one is Koji Kondo. Kenta Nagata is the arranger (I guess you could include them both, but Kondo is the big one).
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Double post: Since I already have a few of these done,  I'll claim the remaining baton songs:
48 Wind's Requiem (Baton)
49 Wind's Requiem
54 Song of Passing (Baton)
55 Song of Passing
70 Command Melody (Baton)
18 Ballad of Gales (Baton)
19 Ballad of Gales
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 29, 2016, 08:53:30 AM-The first system is indented, but there is no "Piano" text. Add that in.
Aye. Fixed.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on December 29, 2016, 08:53:30 AM-The composer for this one is Koji Kondo. Kenta Nagata is the arranger (I guess you could include them both, but Kondo is the big one).
Ah, makes sense. I'll put in both of them.

I also fixed the name on the file.