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Messages - MasterPenguin

Forum Games / Re: Word Association
December 06, 2010, 09:17:02 AM
I love the difference between high school and university.

High school - mimimum 4 pages.
University - maximum 6 pages.

Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on December 05, 2010, 12:05:49 AMProbably because they just want you to convert?

That's true, I got double teamed and they wanted to visit and call me, to see how things were going with my "readings". But if I talk with them enough, I will eventually make one of them have a normal conversation! They can't all be stubborn.
They're pretty cool people to talk with, but they refuse to have a normal chat. I've tried topic switching with 3 separate people (away from their book of mormon), they all just say "if you want to learn more, come back later", it's like they're perfectly prepared to just drop you.

Click the pink chat button. >:]

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on December 03, 2010, 02:41:53 PMMusic is actually very mathematical, so I could see there being a correlation.
Also, my piano teacher likes to say that to me all the time.

People are full of bullshit, so I could see there being a correlation.
Quote from: Jub3r7 on December 02, 2010, 02:57:02 PMIt's been scientifically proven that music skills improve math somehow...

Source or didn't happen.
I see one good point, which is cuts down pains by 50%, and who even knows if that's true. All the rest don't apply to me. lol.
Off-Topic / Re: Jokes
December 02, 2010, 06:47:31 AM
Quote from: Jub3r7 on December 01, 2010, 11:53:58 AMYeah. He's in 9th grade.
And when you tell someone that's higher than 9th grade that 9th grade has too much homework,

Because it's so obviously true. I spend more time studying for a single quiz (mind you, the quizzes at my university are 10%, which isn't too bad with all things considered) then I did for exams during high school. That thought scares me. But in all honesty, just chill during grade 9 and 10. Those marks won't be considered when you're getting chosen for whichever college you're going into. Grade 11 marks matter if you're going for early applications, however, else, slack away. Schools for fun, not to be uber stressed out 24/7.
Quote from: universe-X on November 30, 2010, 08:15:41 PMIt's not that I'm slacking off, it's just the workload (People in 10th grade +, shut up). I have to do the work to make the daily grades, but once I'm done with that, I can't find time to study for things like tests, which I'm currently getting C's on.

Wait, you mean doing your daily 10 yawns before going to bed, right? Why all the hate on people grade 10 + though?
Off-Topic / Re: Jokes
November 30, 2010, 03:50:29 PM
Three scientists were sailing across the ocean, when their boats gas ran out, and they were washed upon a random island. They decided to go exploring, so that they could figure out how to get off the island. While exploring however, they came across a group of cannibals, and were captured. The cannibals told them: "Bring us 10 of one kind of fruit, and we'll release you."

So off went the three scientists. Soon, the first scientist came back. He came back with 10 strawberries. With smiles on the cannibals faces, they then told him: "You must shove these fruits up your butt without showing any emotion. If you do this, you are free to go." So away he went. One. Two. Three. Four. On his fifth, he slightly squinted in pain, and was killed. Poor guy.

Along came the second scientist. He had ten blueberries. The cannibals told him the same thing, though quite sad as they believed he would be able to complete the task. So away he went, shoving them up his butt. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. On the tenth, he burst into laughter. Needless to say, they killed him.

Now, in heaven, the first scientist said to the second: "Why did you burst into laughter? You could have lived!" The second scientist replied: "I saw the third scientist coming with pineapples."
Quote from: Jub3r7 on November 29, 2010, 09:34:01 PMNah, the universe is too large for us to even imagine, how could we possibly see it?

Look up.
Quote from: GaryOak on November 29, 2010, 01:11:50 PMWell, it's actually a stage piano, not a keyboard. And the laptop cost 800â,¬ but I bought some additional shit with it so it was +300.

I wish I could download my cars and laptops.  :-\

And I wish I could download a job too. >:(

Or even better, download money. 8)

However you can download the games still.