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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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lol I even said II was Pokémon but I couldn't recognize it :P
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


What's that?  You all really wanted another melody quiz?  Well worry not, for I am here to appease you.

Libera's Melody Quiz II

The theme this time is games from 2010-2019, i.e. this decade.  I've tried to make the selection a little bit easier than last time, but there are still a few tricky ones in there I think.

I'll probably give out results in 1-2 weeks, just like last time.

Splatoon Inkling

I don't even have final fantasy or really any Pokémon games, so I only know of Mario 64.


I'll be giving out the results on Sunday, so if anyone still wants to submit answers you have two days to do so.  (There are still six melodies which still have yet to be guessed, so I guess that I failed to make it easier.)


Gather around, I come bearing the results!  We had six participants, but still six of the melodies weren't guessed.

Melody I
FINAL FANTASY XIII-2 - Wishes - Final Fantasy XIII-2 (0:00 -0:23)
Guesses correct: 0/6

Melody II
The Last General - Hyper Light Drifter (0:00 - 0:19)
Guesses correct: 0/6

Melody III
Rainbow Road - Mario Kart 8 (0:06 -0:17)
Guesses correct: 5/6
I picked one game that I'd never played before / heard the music and hey look basically everyone got it.

Melody IV
Road Taken - Fire Emblem Fates (0:30 -0:40)
Guesses correct: 2/6
After no one got my previous FE piece I picked a more well known piece from a more recent game and I guess that worked out a bit better.

Melody V
Nameless Song - Dark Souls (0:00 -0:21)
Guesses correct: 0/6
Unlike some of the other 0/6 melodies, this one was meant to be really easy...

Melody VI
Don't Think Twice - Kingdom Hearts III (1:52 -2:03)
Guesses correct: 0/6
I wanted to include something from a 2019 game on here and this was the game that I thought would be the easiest.  Still maybe I should have just gone with the chorus instead.

Melody VII
McLarty Party People - Super Meat Boy (0:16 -0:31)
Guesses correct: 0/6

Melody VIII
Coalescence - Risk of Rain (0:02 -0:24)
Guesses correct: 1/6
Pretty glad to see someone get this.

Melody IX
Decisive Battle I - Octopath Traveler (0:38 -0:50)
Guesses correct: 2/6

Melody X
A Beautiful Song - NieR: Automata (0:19 -0:31)
Guesses correct: 0/6
NieR worked last time but it's waaaaay more popular sequel didn't?

And now the results...

The winner is...
Latios212 !!!
with 3/10 (III, IV and IX) correct guesses.  Three times better than the last one!

The other participants were:
mastersuperfan with 2/10 (III, IV) correct guesses.
Static with 2/10 (III, IX) correct guesses,
Splatoon Inkling with 1/10 (III) correct guesses,
Dekkadeci with 1/10 (III) correct guesses
and Bobbythekid21 with 1/10 (VIII) correct guesses.

Special mention to Bobbythekid21 for being the only person to get one that no one else did.

Thanks again to everyone who took part.  I said before that I'd try to make the next one easier and maybe I might actually succeed with the that one.


Did the three-way tie get resolved? Or do we still have a three-way tie for first of twelve points? Let's see:

Number 1
#1: Wii Channels - Mii Channel

Also Accepted: Mii Plaza
Number 2
#2: Mario Kart 64 - Koopa Troopa Beach
Number 3
#3: Pikmin - The Forest of Hope
Number 4
#4: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker - Beedle's Shop

Also Accepted: Beedle's Shop Ship, Beedle's Airshop

Honorable Mention: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Shop
Number 5
#5: Super Mario Maker - Title Screen
Number 6
#6: Rhythm Heaven Fever - The Clappy Trio

Also Accepted: Rhythm Tengoku - Clappy Trio
Number 7
#7: Kirby Super Star - Marshmallow Castle
Number 8
#8: Mario Party 8 - Koopa's Tycoon Town

Honorable Mention: Splatoon - A Fresh Start
Number 9
#9: Wii Party - About Face
Number 10
#10: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon "2" - Waterfall Cave
Number 11
#11: Super Mario Bros. 3 - World Map 2

Also Accepted: Desert Land, Desert Hill, the Koopahari Desert, Desert World
(Geez, why couldn't Nintendo decide on a name for that world?)
Number 12
#12: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Deku Palace

Honorable Mention: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Number 13
#13: Paper Mario: Color Splash - Li'l Princess, Big Bark

Also Accepted: Paper Mario: Sticker Star - Wild Chomp on the Loose!

Honorable Mention: Mario Kart 8 (two people said this)
Number 14
#14: Wii Fit - Balance Bubble

Also Accepted: Bubble Float Game
Number 15
#15: Yoshi's Island DS - In The Clouds
Number 16
#16: Balloon Fight - Parachuter Theme
Number 17
#17: Game & Watch Gallery 4/Advance - Boxing
Number 18
#18: Pokémon: Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee - Lavender Town

Also Accepted it if it was a different game. This theme appears in way too many games.
Number 19
#19: Yoshi's Woolly World - Fluffy Snow, Here We Go!
Number 20
#20: Sonic - Game Over

How everyone did!
By song (some answers are in here as well)
#1: Dekkadeci, Libera, mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Splatoon Inkling, Latios212, Bobbythekid21
This is the only one everyone got right. Pretty popular song, I must say.
#2: Dekkadeci, mastersuperfan, Splatoon Inkling, Latios212, Bobbythekid21
I only know this song exists because of Smooth McGroove. Now I really love it. Oh yes, many answers for this song.
#3: Libera, mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
The second song I learned to play on piano. Still don't know how to play this one either.
#4: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
The first one where the majority didn't get it right. I didn't know this one either, so yeah.
#5: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Splatoon Inkling, Latios212, Bobbythekid21
Well, everyone who got more than two right got this one right. This is about the only original song from this game.
#6: ThatHiddenCharacter
Well, Magnus, this one was in here for you. Glad you got it.
#7: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
Only the fierce competitors got this one right. Why do I feel like everybody always gets the Kirby one correct?
#8: Nobody
??? Really? This was my favorite Mario Party 8 board. Steven, you're gonna need to tell me which Mario Party games you've played.
#9: Nobody
Well, at least Splatoon Inkling had the courage to get the game right. To be fair, I probably would only get the game right.
#10: mastersuperfan, Latios212
This is about how far I've gotten in Explorers of Sky. I'll probably need to get to the rest of the game at some point.
#11: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
Oh, nice. Our three top competitors. doo doo, do do doo
#12: mastersuperfan
Good job, MSF. No one else knew that one. I didn't either.
#13: ThatHiddenCharacter
That was in there for you, too. Are you offended everyone thinks this sounds like Mario Kart 8?
#14: mastersuperfan, Splatoon Inkling, Latios212, Bobbythekid21
I didn't like this minigame as much as the others, but I love its theme.
#15: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
Never played this game. Though it seems like a game I would play, huh? Good job, MSF, THC, and Latios.
#16: ThatHiddenCharacter
Really? The entire song loops in just under 2 seconds, so. I played Balloon Fight a ton when I first got NSO.
#17: Nobody
The third song no one got. Fine, no more G&WG for a while.
#18: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
So I guess none of LGPE's OST is original? Note to self: No more Let's Go.
#19: Latios212
Thank you, Latios. Such a good beginning of a song deserves recognition. The rest of the song, I couldn't care less.
#20: ThatHiddenCharacter, Bobbythekid21
Is it just a tradition now to end with a game over theme? I guess you'll have to wait and see.
By guesser
Dekkadeci: 1, 2
Libera: 1, 3
mastersuperfan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18
ThatHiddenCharacter: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20
Splatoon Inkling: 1, 2, 5, 14
Latios212: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19
Bobbythekid21: 1, 2, 5, 14, 20

Yep, the tie is still intact. 12 points, wow.

If there any discrepancies with guesses, please tell me. This one was harder to keep track of.
(Happy Birthday, n1!)
Will post GTM Quiz CXXX tomorrow.
"Don't be nervous, be of service."
   - Jacob Howard
On-site arrangements



Haha wow what a round :P

Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on March 22, 2019, 09:35:17 AM#18: mastersuperfan, ThatHiddenCharacter, Latios212
So I guess none of LGPE's OST is original? Note to self: No more Let's Go.
I think only the [first] [two] tracks for Let's Go are new compositions; the rest are remixes.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Ah I recognised that one as Lavender Town but it sounded nothing like the original nor any of the other remixes so I just assumed it was something else using the tune.  I completely forgot about Let's Go.


Quote from: Latios212 on March 22, 2019, 05:36:32 PMHaha wow what a round :P
I think only the [first] [two] tracks for Let's Go are new compositions; the rest are remixes.

Once everybody has forgotten that you mentioned this, I'll put some LGPE tracks in, hehe.
"Don't be nervous, be of service."
   - Jacob Howard
On-site arrangements



Welp, I made another one. This one's a little different. The first letter of each of the song titles spell something. Ooo... interesting. Due to the nature of this quiz, I will not tell you the correct answer if you're wrong. But if you get it right, but your answer isn't exactly what I have written down, I'll correct you. For example, if you had the hypothetical correct answer "12. Jolly Roger Bay - Super Mario 64" and I respond with "12. Dire Dire Docks - Super Mario 64", you'll know your answer is correct. There is a general sense of the Melodies getting harder as you go, but it's not too precise. Geez, some of those letters were hard to find melodies for.

ShyYoshiGuy's Third Guess That Melody! (Round CXXX)

Ok, so that receipt idea was inherently flawed. Instead, I'll make a spreadsheet. So this means NON-FORUM MEMBERS may participate. Not that I think necessarily anyone will, but it's nice to give people the option.

Three ways to submit answers this time 'round:

1. Forum PM, as usual. ShyYoshiGuy
2. Discord DM. ShyYoshiGuy#2988
3. Email. (I've had this email address for a while, but no one's emailed me.) For anyone that takes this option, please put "Melody" in the subject line.

Ends: April 12th
Next Starts: April 13th
(I already have the next one prepared, but I anticipate I'll be busy, so I'll just keep it saved up.)
"Don't be nervous, be of service."
   - Jacob Howard
On-site arrangements



Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 24 – Answers and Results!

#1 (0/8)
"Unfinished Battle" – [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 0:49–1:04

Guessed by:

#2 (2/8)
"Trees in the Depths of the Earth" – [SNES] Kirby Super Star

Timestamp: 0:31–0:44

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Yug Guy

#3 (1/8)
"Vs. Ultra Necrozma" – [3DS] Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon

Timestamp: 0:51–1:02

Guessed by: FlamezofDeath

#4 (1/8)
"Vs. Susie" – [PC] DELTARUNE

Timestamp: 0:53–1:07

Guessed by: Dudeman

#5 (1/8)
"Title Theme" – [3DS] Nintendo Badge Arcade

Timestamp: 0:12–0:21

Guessed by: Dudeman

#6 (2/8)
"Reach for the Summit" – [MUL] Celeste

Timestamp: 0:45–1:00

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • Libera

#7 (0/8)
"Rivers in the Desert" – [PS3/PS4] Persona 5

Timestamp: 1:58–2:13

Guessed by:

#8 (2/8)
"Inkoming! (Wet Floor)" – [SW] Splatoon 2

Timestamp: 0:45–0:56

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • Yug Guy

#9 (3/8)
"Tour" – [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Timestamp: 0:33–0:40

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • Static
  • Yug Guy

#10 (2/8)
"Fight With Seymour" – [PS2] Final Fantasy X

Timestamp: 1:15–1:29

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Libera

#11 (5/8)
"Honeyhive Galaxy" – [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy

Timestamp: 0:55–1:04

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • FlamezofDeath
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64

#12 (1/8)
"The Devoted" – [Wii] Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

Timestamp: 0:06–0:19

Guessed by: Yug Guy

#13 (1/8)
"Final Destination" – [SW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Timestamp: 1:38–1:51

Guessed by: FlamezofDeath

#14 (3/8)
"Gerudo Town" – [SW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:40–0:53

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • Latios212
  • WaluigiTime64

#15 (3/8)
"Super Sonic Racing" – [SEGA Saturn] Sonic R

Timestamp: 0:35–0:47

Guessed by:
  • Dudeman
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Yug Guy


With an impressive score of 8/15!

And congratulations to our runner-up, Yug Guy, with a score of 5/15!

Score List (out of 15)
Dudeman [8]
Yug Guy (5)
FlamezofDeath, Latios212, WaluigiTime64 (3)
Libera, Static (2)
Dekkadeci (1)

Average Score: 3.38
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


It's been several months, but I am officially™ back!

Static's Miscellaneous Melody Quiz XXIV (Round 132)
[Folder of Stuff]

This time it's half and half: 10 melodies and 10 basslines. And it's probably hard too, as always. Good luck!


Since I did not have time today to finish the results, I outsourced the work to fellow Melody Quiz extraordinaire mastersuperfan, so you can thank him for this. So, without further ado, the results:

Melody I

[3DS] Pilotwings Resort - "Plane"
Timestamp: 0:04 - 0:23
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody II

[Wii] Punch-Out!! - "Title Theme"
Timestamp: 0:24 - 0:36
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody III

[PS1] Ape Escape - "Crabby Beach"
Timestamp: 0:11 - 0:23
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody IV

[PC-98] Touhou 2: The Story of Eastern Wonderland - "Sunfall"
Timestamp: 0:35 - 0:48
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody V

[GBA] Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - "Credits"
Timestamp: 0:06 - 0:23
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (Dudeman)
Melody VI

[SNES] Panel De Pon - "Lip's Theme"
Timestamp: 0:21 - 0:32
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (Dudeman)
Melody VII

[GBA] Golden Sun - "Battle! [Saturos & Menardi]"
Timestamp: 0:29 - 0:42
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody VIII

[PS1] Mega Man 8 - "Wily Stage 3"
Timestamp: 0:02 - 0:25
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (Dudeman)
Melody IX

[SNES] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - "Under This Flag"
Timestamp: 0:01 - 0:16
# of Correct Responses: 4/4 (Dudeman, FlamezofDeath, Maelstrom, mastersuperfan)
Melody X

[NDS] Kirby Mass Attack - "Off into Space"
Timestamp: 0:25 - 0:38
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (mastersuperfan)
Melody XI

[SNES] Chrono Trigger - "Delightful Spekkio"
Timestamp: 1:11 - 1:21
# of Correct Responses: 2/4 (Maelstrom, mastersuperfan)
Melody XII

[NDS] Mario Kart DS - "Credits"
Timestamp: 3:16 - 3:30
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (mastersuperfan)
Melody XIII

[GCN] Super Smash Bros. Melee - "Trophy"
Timestamp: 0:07 - 0:17
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody XIV

[Wii] Wii Shop Channel - "Main Theme"
Timestamp: 0:07 - 0:19
# of Correct Responses: 2/4 (FlamezofDeath, mastersuperfan)
Melody XV

[GCN] Super Monkey Ball - "Jungle"
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:14
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody XVI

[SNES] Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - "The Merry Mary Bell Rings"
Timestamp: 0:04 - 0:17
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (mastersuperfan)
Melody XVII

[SNES] F-Zero - "Port Town"
Timestamp: 0:30 - 0:39
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody XVIII

[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Menu"
Timestamp: 0:07 - 0:19
# of Correct Responses: 1/4 (mastersuperfan)
Melody XIX

[SNES] Shin Megami Tensei II - "3D Virtual Battle"
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:14
# of Correct Responses: 0/4
Melody XX

[GBA] Mother 3 - "Dangerous Highway"
Timestamp: 0:07 - 0:21
# of Correct Responses: 0/4

Congratulations to the winner...
...mastersuperfan, with 7/20 correct responses!

Other Scores
Dudeman: 4/20
FlamezofDeath: 2/20
Maelstrom: 2/20
# of Correct Responses per Melody
I: 0/4
II: 0/4
III: 0/4
IV: 0/4
V: 1/4
VI: 1/4
VII: 0/4
VIII: 1/4
IX: 4/4
X: 1/4
XI: 2/4
XII: 1/4
XIII: 0/4
XIV: 2/4
XV: 0/4
XVI: 1/4
XVII: 0/4
XVIII: 1/4
XIX: 0/4
XX: 0/4
Correct Responses per Contestant
mastersuperfan: 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18
Dudeman: 5, 6, 8, 9
FlamezofDeath: 9, 14
Maelstrom: 9, 11
Other Data
# of Contestants: 4
# of Melodies Correctly Guessed: 10/20
Average Score: 3.75/20
Most-Guessed Melody(ies): IX


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.