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Other => Off-Topic => The Werewolf Game => Topic started by: Monika on February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM

Title: TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show
Post by: Monika on February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM
It is now Day 5.  Day 5ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 28, regardless of when the actual update arrives.

TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. TheZeldaPianist
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

It is now Twilight Phase.  Players are not allowed to post during Twilight Phase.  Twilight Phase ends when Role PMs have gone out and all players have confirmed their roles.  Twilight Phase will last roughly anywhere from 6 hours to 30 hours, depending on how well everything goes.

It was a dark and stormy night.
"Seriously?  That's it.  I'm taking over."
"What?  What's wrong with that?"
"Dude.  It's a complete joke.  It's been a meme since the 1800's."
"But I like it!"
"It doesn't matter what you like, it matters what they like."
"Never mind- just give me the quill."
I shoved myself aside and grabbed the quill from my hand.  "Ahh..."  I lowered the quill to the parchment and began to write:
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
"Woahwoahwoahwoah.  You just shoved him aside for that,  and now you're quoting Orwell?  Double standard much?"
"I don't need to justify myself to you."
"Yes you do- I am you."
"Hmph.  Fine.  How about this?"  I turned again to face the parchment.  Dipping the quill in the well, I once again filled the parchment with neat, even handwriting.
There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.
"NO!  NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!"
I turned back to me and sighed.  "What now?"  I questioned.
Just then, I stepped out of the shadows.
"Why not come up with something new?  You know, original?  I'm sure they don't want to read something they've heard a hundred times in school alone."
I suddenly perked up from where I had been pouting after I had been shoved aside by myself.  "Who's they?"
"NEVER MIND!" I shouted in unison.
I turned back to look at myself.
"Maybe you're right.  Let's put our heads together.  With the amount of work we've put into this, we may as well get the beginning as good as the rest of it."
I blinked.  Everyone was gone.  I looked around at the cramped wooden attic-space with just a lumpy, mildewy mattress and a writing-desk, kept illuminated by the baleful flicker of a wax candle.  I sighed to myself.  It wasn't pretty, but it was necessary.
I turned again to the parchment paper.  I took a deep breath.  I thought.  I prayed.  I wrestled with myself.  I had to get this perfect.  It was the only way I would finally get it all back.  Everything I had.  Everything I deserved.  Everything I lost.  Feeling the rage building up in me, my hands shaking, I brought the quill toward the parchment.  I finally knew what to write.
Chapter 1
   Daniel scratched his head quizzically.  He, of all people, had received an invitation to this Dinner and a Show everyone had been talking about?  The stocky teen looked around.  Surely, this was a mistake.  But no, the telegram had his (and his brother's) name on it.  How curious!  He could feel excitement beginning to swell in him.  No more would he be Daniel Sharpe, that other twin, he would be Daniel Sharpe, French exchange student!  Daniel Sharpe, intelligent man!  This was his chance to distinguish himself.  He just had to hide the invitation from his brother.  He swept the thin blonde hair out of his eyes.  His mind began to race with all the possible ways to keep his brother out of this.  Muttering to himself, he trundled up the road toward his home on the hill.
   Tyler Henry Cormaci paid close attention to his note.  It... wasn't what he expected, but at least he had been invited. He wondered if anyone he knew would be at the village.
Rachel Scarlett von Karma sat in the dimly lit chamber musing.  The source of her attention was a handwritten letter on the desk before her, begging for her help.  It was from an old friend of hers, one she wished she had never heard from again.  Still...  Thinking about him, even now, was bittersweet.  Should she take the bait?  For clearly, this was bait.  Not necessarily for her, but she was clever.  Rachel knew when a trap was being set.  For she had set many herself.  Many traps indeed...
 Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea, was a proud man, to be sure.  So it was to nobody's surprise when he received an invitation from a distinguished character inviting him to some silly little dinner.  Still, a free feast was a free feast, and there would surely be plenty of women there just dying to be at his side.
"Lieutenant!  What are our coordinates?"  He questioned.
He was talking to another man who had a similar aura of confidence about him.  That man was Lt. Kenji Higashi, First Lieutenant of the USS Cleaver, and an old friend of Miguel's.
"Be calm, my friend.  We will arive soon enough."
Miguel Del Ray let out a short laugh.  "My dear man, you know me too well!  One day you'll know me better than I know myself!  Why, you may even become the captain of this fair vessel."
"That would be nothing short of a miracle, sir."
When Skyler Brasher checked the mail that day, he wasn't expecting to receive his greatest wish.  Nor did he realize it was his greatest wish.  All he saw was a plain telegram inviting him to a Dinner and a Show.  He adjusted his glasses, looking closer.  Something about this note seemed... off.  He dismissed his concerns, stuffed the note in his pocket, and left for school.
Hunger.  Anger.  Fear.  He knew these all too well.  He hated those who did not know these feelings as he did.  So when he saw people getting invited to a free dinner, he knew what he needed to do.  A sane man would keep these impulses under control.  Tarin Zapin was not a sane man.
Natalie Marina Brady's house had been turned upside down.  "Where is it... where is it?"  She muttered frantically.  Her naturally curly brown hair bounced up and down as she rushed from room to room, tearing cushions off couches and scattering papers across tables.  There was no way the invitation could be right.  It had to be around here somewhere...
Olivier Martinez was living life and loving it.  The French actor was in the peak of his career, and everyone in Paris knew who he was.  Still, it caught him off guard when he received a curious invitation in the mail.  Coupled with a liner pass to travel to America.  Apparently there was some prestigious Dinner and a Show happening on the east coast that needed his presence to succeed.  It was raising awareness for a strange disease that quite frankly did not sound real.  He was planning on attending anyway, as the travel had already been paid for.  He might even find romance overseas...
My name is Travis de Gillett.  I have evidence that something terrible is about to happen in my town, but nobody will listen to me.  The only chance I have at exposing the truth is at the Dinner and a Show happening this weekend.  To get in, I needed an invitation, but those were in limited supply.  So I forged one.  Sure, I may not be on the guest list, but if I have the invitation they will let me in.  They must let me in.
Michael Buble was curious by nature.  Perhaps it was this very curiosity that granted him an invitation to the Dinner and a Show.  According to this telegram, he was an outstanding citizen.  He had never felt outstanding, but he supposed he could see why one would think so.  He knew basically everyone in town by name.  He knew everyone's daily routes.  The town seemed so predictable to him.  He had been watching it for so long that nothing surprised him.  Nothing until this, that is.
The sun was starting to set.  Michael Buble, Gerik Paull, and Zachary and Daniel Sharpe were up to no good.  Although, to say such a thing would be unfair to poor Daniel, who was a little hesitant with the plan.
"Guys, I'm not sure this is such a good idea.  I mean, it's just a lame soiree!  We don't need to steal invitations from random neighbors."
His twin brother Zachary turned to him.  "You were the one who said he wished he had an invitation in the first place."
"Yeah, but like..." Daniel hesitated.  He had to be careful about what he said.  He hadn't told his brother that both of them were invited, but... should he?  Surely that was a better alternative to whatever crazy scheme Gerik was coming up with now.
Michael interrupted.  "Guys, I hate to break up your little sibling rivalry, but it's now or never."
He pointed toward a young couple, leaving their home with merriment in their steps.  "They're out for the night, we're in for the night."
Gerik smiled.  "Bingo."  The young athlete vaulted over the fence from which the four of them were hiding themselves.   Michael followed him over.
Zachary started over the fence, then paused.  "Maybe you should just stay here."
"Fine.  Get yourself in trouble, and see if I care."
"Why are you always like this?"
"Why are you always like this?
"Ugh.  Alright, just go home."  Zachary finished sliding over the fence and dashed across the field to an open window that Gerik had muscled open moments ago.
Daniel watched closely, his hand unconsciously reaching to his pocket to affirm that the invitation was still there.
Wordlessly, he turned his back to the house and marched back toward his own.
Chapter 2
"Mr. Gardiner, I trust you found your journey here pleasant?"
Addison Gardiner looked down at the man addressing him.  "I did, thank you.  May I set my coat somewhere?"
"Oh, certainly.  Follow me."
The short man with a combover led Mr. Gardiner across a great hall with marble flooring to a coatroom off to one corner.  "None of the other guests will be arriving for some time, so feel free to explore the manor as you wish."
"Thank you," Mr. Gardiner responded.  He let his gaze wander across the hall.  A wooden staircase with smooth banisters occupied the far end of the hall.  Beneath the stairs was a double set of doorways leading into, from what he could see, a library.  On the opposite side of the hall from the coatrack was a white door with a polished handle.  He gently pushed on the door and it swung inward.  An enormous oak dining table with 16 matching chairs, places set, occupied the entire room.  Beyond the table was a swinging door.  He assumed behind it would be the kitchen.
He backed out of the dining room and started up the stairs.  A hallway at the top of the stairs forced him to make a choice and he continued to the left past a row of plain doors.  At the end of the hall was another door.  He pulled the handle and peered inside.  A bedroom.  A vanity and a dresser occupied the wall opposite the door.  To one side lay a four-poster bed.  Very well, he would stay here.  Suddenly, he heard a scraping sound from the hallway.  Thinking quickly, he grabbed a candlestick from the vanity and headed back into the hallway.
"Ah!  Mikey, it's just you.  Goodness, but this place is a bit cheerless, innit?"
"Oh yes, I'm sorry.  I brought your luggage up, Mr. Gardiner.  I take it you'll be staying in this room then?"
"Well, I suppose so."
"Do be careful, I hear that one is haunted," he remarked, giving a roguish wink.
"Hm, yes, quite," Addison replied absentmindedly.  "Well, I've got studies to attend to.  So, if you don't mind..."  He left the dismissal hanging in the air.
Mikey nodded.  "Yes.  I've got things I must attend to myself.  This place will be quite lively soon!"  Humming, he started back through the hallway and down the stairs.
What an odd man, Addison thought to himself.  How did he know...  He couldn't possibly...
Zachary poured a cup of cold water on Daniel's face.
"Hey.  Get up.  This is important."
Daniel winced at the shock and groaned.  "What do you want?  I was sleeping, and it's gotta be like 3 AM."
"You know those invitations we stole from that home?"
"Don't remind me."
"Well, check it out."
Zachary led Daniel to the kitchen, where Michael and Gerik were waiting.
"Look at this," whispered Gerik, gesturing to the invitations.
Unamused, Daniel waltzed over to the table and read the invitations.  His eyes widened with shock.
"What the he-"
"Do you have any clue why they're like that?" Michael interrupted.
"I-I've never seen anything like this," Daniel stammered.  "You stole these invitations, and yet... They have your names on them?!"
Natalie was at the breaking point.  Her house was in a poor state, and her frantic search had only confirmed what the note had seemed to suggest.  Somehow, they had taken it, and she wasn't going to get it back unless she went to that stupid Dinner and a Show thing.
Skyler was feverishly flipping through pages of multiple books, trying to remember...  Why did that telegram seem so familiar?  Something about the writing style was out of place, as if it had been written by multiple people.  He felt like he had seen that before, somewhere.  The night went on as Skyler continued reading at an inhuman pace, digesting information faster than seemingly was possible.  He knew he wasn't going crazy, but he just didn't have the access to what he needed.  Maybe the Dinner would clear things up...
Tyler sighed.  Somehow he had let Sayori convince him into taking her with him to the Dinner.  It was a long enough trip without her constantly chattering.  He glanced sidelong at her.  Sure enough, on and on she went.  Did she know how to do anything but talk?  He silently chided himself for thinking like that.  Sayori was a nice gal, just a bit... enthusiastic.  There is worse company, he decided, as he listened to Sayori now ranting about the difference between brown-eyed susans and daisies.
As the shadows of night enveloped the town, a storm began to roll in, as if foreshadowing the unpredictable events awaiting those unfortunate few who had been invited to the Don Manor...
Rachel was the last one to arrive at the manor.  The rain was coming down heavily now, and her skirt was getting drenched.  She pounded on the knocker and the man with the combover invited her in.
"Thank you," she managed, shivering from the cold.  A large fireplace was warming up the hall, where over a dozen people were socializing, drinking, or admiring the paintings on the walls.  "This is quite the party," she commented.  She turned to look at the man with the combover.  He was nowhere in sight.  Strange, she thought to herself.  Well, I'm here now, so I might as well make the most of it.  She gracefully waltzed over to a group of people and introduced herself.
A crackling sound quickly ended any discussion.  A loud voice rang  out, grainy and clearly unprofessional.  "Greetings, everyone.  I apologize that I cannot be here in person, but as many of you know, I am quite the busy individual.  Fortunately, I should be able to make it to the Dinner and a Show tomorrow.  Now, you all know why you are here, but first I'd like to make a note of who all arrived.  You see, I had a few issues with the guest list, and it seems not everyone has made it yet...
"If you could calmly and orderly introduce yourself to my butler and to each other, we'll have all of this sorted out in no time!"

The man with the combover stood next to the fireplace.  "Well, you heard the master.  Everyone please introduce yourself!  ...Ah, perhaps we should move into the dining room.  Champagne, anyone?"
As everyone got settled in the dining room, each sitting in one of the 16 chairs, they began to introduce themselves, beginning with a strange catlike creature standing upright.
"You may call Khajiit... Khajiit," he said smiling, showing off a row of sharp teeth.  "Khajiit is here on request of employer.  That is all."
"My name is Zachary Sharpe, and this is my little bro-"
"No!  Stop."  A young man identical to Zachary stood up.  "I'm Daniel Sharpe, and we're twins, he said, glaring at Zachary.  "I'm studying here to become an astronomer!"
Zachary sighed and the twins sat down.
A redheaded woman twirling her hair spoke up.  "My name is Rachel Scarlett von Karma.  Pleased to meet you all."  She said that in a tone that made it very clear she was not in fact pleased to meet them all.
"Is nobody gonna question the fact that there's a cat-man in this room?  Cause I think it's weird.  Anyway, my name is Monika Candelaria.  Nice to meet you!"  Monika curtsied.
"I am Olivier Martinez," a man with a thick Paris accent said.  "Please, if it suits you, simply call me Olimar.  You may know me from several French films."
Natalie gasped, then covered her mouth with her hands.  "Sorry!" she squeaked.  "I thought you looked familiar.  Sorry...  I'm Natalie Brady."  Embarrased, she sunk down low in her seat.
"I'm Michael Buble.  I'm a songwriter.  I haven't seen any real success yet, but I feel like I'm close.  Good to meet ya."
Two men simultaneously stood up.  "Allow me to introduce you to the one and only Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea.  While he prefers you call him by his full title, you may call him Captain Del Rey or simply Captain."
"The great man who introduced me is my compatriot, First Lieutenant Kenji Higashi.  Please show him the respect he deserves."
"But I don't mind if you simply call me Kenji!"
A tall, attractive man spoke up.  "I am Travis de Gillett.  I'm one of the townspeople here, and I'm fairly well-known among them."
Someone laughed.  "Yeah, but not in a good way!"  Everyone turned to look at the man who had interrupted.  "Oh, sorry.  Well, I'm Tyler Henry.  I'm directly descended from the Cormaci royals who settled here a long time ago.  I make my living off the ocean shore."
"Wow, Tyler, I barely recognized you!" a young woman laughed.  "I'm Sayori Ishizuka.  Usually his hair is all sweaty from the sea salt and hard work, but he cleans up nice!  Look at that curly hair!"
" name is Skyler Brasher.  I'm not really anyone special, but recently I've been studying paranormal activity as a hobby."
An older man perked up.  "My name is Addison Gardiner.  I'm here on the owner's request.  That's all you need to know about me.  Feel free to talk to me any time, especially you, young man."
"My name is Gerik Paull.  I do football, basketball, and baseball.  I've got scholarships waiting for me in any of those.  I just really like athletics and being athletic."  He shrugged and sat down.
"Well, everyone's introduced themselves.  Who are we missing?"
The butler pulled out a folded note.  Reading it, he nodded individually at each person sitting down.  "Ah, yes.  It appears we are missing one... Mike Scott."
Suddenly, there was a loud bang.  Several people jumped up to their feet, startled.
"My apologies everyone!  That's just the door.  No need to panic."
Everyone followed the butler back into the hall, where the banging continued frantically.
The butler opened the door.  It would be more accurate to say the butler tried, then the howling maelstrom outside did the rest of the work.  A frail old man fell in through the doorway, shivering.  "I-i-i-i m-m-made it..." he stammered.
"Poor man, let's get you to your feet.  You must be Mike Scott?"
"Mike... S-s-s-scott..."  The man pulled out a crumpled note from his pocket.  "Y-yes, Mike Scott.  That's m-m-me," he said, before his eyes closed and he slumped further into the butler's arms.
"Oh, dear me," the butler tutted.  "Let's get him a warm bed and some tea, shall we?  He'll be right as rain soon enough."
Rachel tiptoed down the stairs and knocked on the door.  It opened a crack, and a feline eye stared at her through it.  "Yes?"
"Listen.  I don't trust you one bit.  I want to know what exactly you're doing here."
"Well, why did you not say so earlier?  Come.  Khajiit will show you."  He opened the door all the way to reveal a bedroom not unlike Rachel's own.  However, this one had a strange table with glass boxes on it.
"I sell these, for your coin.  You see anything you like?" Khajiit purred.
Rachel's eyes wandered over the objects.  Some of them seemed quite valuable, such as a silver dagger.  Others were commonplace or otherwise seemed odd.  Shaking her head, she said, "Maybe later.  Good luck with... your exchanges."  She slowly walked back towards the door and walked upstairs.
Natalie lifted her head from the crack in the floorboards.  "Oh, I wonder what he has down there.  Maybe he has my...  No, that seems quite dubious.  I'd better forget about it.  It's late.  Besides, he doesn't seem malicious.  Not the type to steal from a damsel, anyway."  Natalie climbed into her bed, pulling the thick covers up to her chin.  She soon slipped off into sleep.
The sound of a tinny bell woke Skyler from his sleep.  He groggily rubbed his eyes, then flung himself out of bed.  Pulling on some trousers, he opened his door.  The butler!
"Your breakfast is ready, everyone.  Hop to, my master has an important announcement to make for your benefit!"  He announced.
Skyler met Addison at the foot of the staircase.
"Skyler, was it?  Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Oh, yeah..."
"Listen, you didn't hear any activity last night, did you?"
"Nah, I was unconscious pretty quick.  Why?"
"Oh, never mind...  Let's just enjoy breakfast.  I've got something to show you afterwards."
As Skyler sat at the table, he noticed an extra chair had been brought up to one end.  He recalled the events of the previous night, Mike coming in late.  Poor guy.
Soon everyone was seated and eating.  Out of the corner of his eye, Skyler saw Mike Scott shoveling huge amounts of food into his mouth at a time, barely pausing to breathe.  Interesting guy, he thought.  He turned back to his own plate.  Sausage, eggs, toast, and most importantly, bacon!  He chewed on the bacon, tearing it apart.  Delicious.
Rachel ate quietly, concerned.  Something here was wrong, she could tell.  She had expected something to happen last night, but everything seemed accounted for.  And there was something off about this... Mike Scott.  Rachel could see why everyone was here, except for him.  A question.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe he did fit in.  After all, what was all this entire charade except one question after another?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 15, 2018, 12:46:04 PM
Chapter 3
Breakfast was winding down, and many guests were leaning back, chatting to their neighbors.  Addison continued eating at a slow and steady pace.  He enjoyed good food, no doubt.  The only other person still eating at any significant pace was Mike Scott.  Something about the man seemed unusual to him, as if he didn't quite belong here.  Addison glanced around.  He didn't care much for most of these guests.  However, the youngest one fascinated him.  He was aware that not everything was as it seemed.  Addison nodded.  He had made up his mind.
Suddenly, the loud, crackly voice spoke once again.  "I hope you all have had your fill.  Anyway, I do apologize for deceiving you like this, but you are all shortly going to die.  Have a nice weekend!  Ahahahahahaha!"
Everyone stopped moving.
In a split second, pandemonium.
Dishes started flying through the air, chairs tipping back and forth, and everyone made a mad rush for the doors.
Olivier reached the doors first, pounding on them in frustration.  "They won't budge!"  He cried.
Rachel looked up in the air.  "Mikey, why are you doing this?"
"Oh, but what on earth makes you think I'm who you think I am?  Did I ever say so?  Did we ever say so?"
Stamping her foot in frustration, Rachel turned to the other guests.  "Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  Surely he's just joking?"
Addison cleared his throat.  "I believe I know what's going on.  For years, I have suspected the Don Manor is a hotbed of paranormal activity-"
At this, Skyler fidgeted.  Addison turned to him.  "Yes, it's no mistake that you too were invited to this death trap."
"Anyway, it's clear to me now that this is no joke.  The spirit dimension is very real and very dangerous.  I suspect we will not be able to leave until whatever is haunting this place is put to rest."
Michael interrupted.  "So, what, we're like Ghostbusters now?"
Olivier stared quizically at him.  "Ghostbusters?"
"Never mind, it's after your time."
"As the days pass, the ghosts' influence- for I believe it is not just one- will grow stronger," Addison continued.  "I suspect they'll be able to interact with the corporeal dimension within the week."
Zachary interrupted.  "That seems awfully convenient.  They can't do anything right now, but later they can?  What do you know about this, old man?  You were the first one here.  How do we know you're not just pulling something?"
Just like that, all sense was lost and the shouting match began.  Not many seemed to be willing to accept the explanation Mr. Gardiner was giving.
At the top of his voice, Miguel Del Rey shouted, "Mr. Gardiner is not lying!  We must give the spirits what they want!  If we comply, they will surely let us go!"
"Wait a minute, everyone STOP!"  Sayori looked around.  "Where's Monika?  She was at the breakfast, but I don't see her here..."
Rachel frowned.  "That's concerning."
"Guys!  I'm right here!"  Monika came running up the stairs.  "Sorry!  After breakfast I started exploring the mansion.  There's a lot of neato stuff here!"
"Monika, listen-"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard.  We're all about to die.  You guys need to lighten up!"  She ran up the staircase and disappeared along the hallway.
"That was... more concerning," Rachel said.
"Listen, you two.  I think you're right.  We have to figure out what the ghosts want.  I'm more important than anyone here, and..." Rachel paused.  "Well, let's just say I'm... needed elsewhere.  I think the three of us could make it out of here if we worked together."
Miguel nodded his head.  "I think you are right, Ms. von Karma.  Kenji and I will gladly assist you."
The three of them sat huddled in the middle of Rachel's bedchamber.  Suddenly, the door opened and the frail old man fell in.
"P-please," he sobbed.  "Take me with you, I'm sorry... so, so sorry..."
"Mike?  What do you mean?"  Rachel asked.
"I'm... not Mike Scott."
He recounted his tale.  He was a beggar by the name of Tarin Zapin, and he had heard word of the Dinner and a Show.  He was thinking with his stomach.  He had seen the real Mike Scott walk by with an invitation in his hand, and he...
"I'm so, so sorry..."  He repeated.  "Please, I have to get out of here!  I know what I did was wrong... I just wanted some food..."
Rachel sighed.  "Miguel, what do you think?"
Kenji spoke up.  "The poor man does not deserve the fate intended by our captors.  Yes, what he did was wrong.  I don't think he's in his right mind."
Miguel nodded.  "Let's face it.  To get out of here, we're all going to have to make choices that, shall we say, lo lamentaremos?  Four is not much more than three."
"Oh, thank you!  Bless you all!"
Miguel turned to Tarin.  "If you want to get out of here, you must pull yourself together.  First of all, nobody must know of our pact.  Do not breathe a word of what we said here, understand?"
Tarin gulped, nodding.  "I understand.  I've been hungry for so long, it's been ages since I could think this clearly."
Addison and Skyler sat in front of the desk, poring over notes.  "Nothing here I'm seeing is standing out to me, unfortunately," Skyler finally said, leaning back.
"Well, that's to be expected.  Your own notes are quite advanced for such a youngster," Addison replied.
"Heh.  Thanks, I think."
"Anyway, here's what I've got so far.  You are familiar, of course, with the plane I like to call the Spirit Dimension, adjacent to our own Corporeal Dimension.  They intersect at a single point in space-time, allowing the Spirit Dimension to interact with the Corporeal Dimension.  This is why all living things have a spirit, and why, when they die, they are able to leave the corporeal world.  We see this as a living thing dies.  Its mass changes.  It gets lighter."
Skyler nodded.  "Yup, I've been able to figure that much out on my own."
"Sometimes, this separation doesn't work correctly.  My own studies have led me to believe one's physical occupancy in space-time is what causes the anomalies.  The Don Manor is a large-scale example of this.  What we're seeing is increased activity caused by a realignment of objects far beyond our understanding.  Keep in mind all of these is pure conjecture, but I'm not usually wrong!
"It seems they are temporarily able to communicate with us through technology in the mansion.  This is why the voice seemed to be recorded.  As Ms. von Karma showed, it is quite possible to communicate with them while they do so with us.  We won't be able to leave, I fear, until the spirits are put to rest.  Does all this make sense?"
Skyler nodded more emphatically.  "I think you're right.  I hadn't thought of the location thing, but that makes sense based on my research."
"For now, I suggest we do whatever the ghosts tell us, but try to reason with them where we can.  Are we agreed?"
"Attention guests!  You have 24 hours to offer our first sacrifice!  Wahahahahaha!"
"Sacrifice?"  Travis asked.  "What do they mean?"
Miguel scowled.  "Clearly we must choose who dies first."
"Or we can just like, not?"  Monika giggled.  "Why should we play this game?"
Kenji and Rachel exchanged glances.  Kenji cleared his throat.  "Well, perhaps there is a way for us to get out of here sooner rather than later."
"I still say this is some kind of prank," Zachary muttered.  Gerik raised an eyebrow.  Leaning in close, he whispered, "Don't you remember the invitations?  Something unnatural is happening.  Stop being stubborn."
Daniel rolled his eyes.  Michael gently shoved Daniel.  "You should be nicer to your brother."
"He's such a wad sometimes."
"That's what brothers are for."
Daniel opened his mouth wide and mimed gagging.
"Real mature."
Olivier stood on a chair.  "It looks like we don't have much choice no matter which way you slice it.  I want to thank you all for keeping a level head, but I don't think we're going to get out of here if we don't listen to the voice.  It pains me to say so, but I believe this is survival of the fittest.  I suggest we give them Mike Scott.  The man is nearly dead anyway!"
Mike started to panic.  "N-no, no!  Please don't give me to the monsters!  I can't!"
Kenji nodded.  "You don't know what Mike here has been through.  How can you say such a thing?"
"Well, do you have any better options?"
Kenji paused.  "What about you?  You haven't really been helping.  You're too self-obsessed to even care about anyone else getting out of here."
Olivier sneered.  "I'm trying to help the people who deserve to get out of here.  Mike doesn't even belong here.  The rest of us are at least somewhat distinguished."
"That's true..."  Rachel admitted.  "But I still feel bad about condemning a man who can barely walk for himself."
"I agree with Rachel," Miguel said.  "We do not hardly know this man's past accomplishments.  Perhaps he once was as great as I am."
Olivier sighed.  "Fine.  Do it your way.  Clearly you've already got something planned, have you not?"
Rachel shifted uncomfortably.  "...No?  What makes you say that?  Well, never mind.  What's important is we figure out a democratic way to choose who they take.  Did I really just say that?  My gosh, we're sacrificing a living human being."
Addison cleared his throat.  "If I may, I believe the spirits responsible for this will not rest until they get what they want.  Their influence may even extend beyond the Don Manor.  As much as I wish none of this had happened to any of you, we can't change what is done.  We must make the sacrifice.  That being said, I believe I am knowledgeable enough to, erm, stick around for a while, shall we say?  And my young friend Skyler here has been a boon.  I suggest we look elsewhere for the first noble sacrifice."
Several people nodded.
Olivier once again took the spotlight.  "So are we all agreed?  We'll leave it to a public vote later tonight."
Khajiit grinned.  "Khajiit will see you all later."
"We approve of the route you have taken and await your sacrifice!"
Olivier cleared his throat.  "Well, we're all here.  Let's make this quick and efficient.  I don't want to prolong things any more than we have to."
Tyler smirked.  "Right, you feel so bad for whoever's getting taken."
Olivier glared at him.  "Just tell us who you're voting for."
Tyler glared back.  "Olimar."
Olivier rolled his eyes.  "Next?"
"Rachel von Karma."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Mike Scott."
"What?! Gah.  Daniel."
"Mike Scott."
"Natalie Brady."
"Tyler Henry."
"Monika Candelaria."
"Miguel Del Rey."
Khajiit's catlike eyes widened as Michael spoke his name, barely above a whisper.
"NO!  Khajiit is innocent of this crime!"
The voice flared to life.  "We accept your decision.  Now, lock him in the dining room!  HAHAHAHAHA!"
Everyone rushed out of the dining room and barricaded the door as Khajiit tried in vain to brute-force his way through.  "NO!  NOO!"  He screamed.  Olivier closed his eyes, grimacing.  "NO!"
The wind picked up and slowly drowned out Khajiit's feral screams.  Growing fiercer and fiercer, the howling gale rattled the doors against the backs of those holding it.  Reaching an earsplitting scream, the wind blew the doors open, flinging everyone out into the hall.  Landing on his backside, Michael could see the dining room.  The table had been overturned and chairs were scattered all over.  But there was no sign of the cat-man.
Khajiit had been... taken.
Chapter 4
Skyler went to bed with a heavy heart that night.  Not only had the ghosts taken someone, he hadn't even tried to stop it.  He wanted to tell himself that there was nothing he could have done, but he still felt guilty.  He hadn't voted to sacrifice Khajiit, but what if the person he did offer had been the one?  Would their blood have been on his hands?  Trying in vain to fall asleep, he crept out of his bed and knocked on Addison's door.
"Addison, I think I have an idea."
Rachel, Miguel, Mike, and Kenji were in Khajiit's room, examining the wares he had left behind.
"Seriously, some of this stuff is junk.  A lead pipe?  Worthless!" Mike gleefully tossed it towards a corner.  When the pipe hit the ground, it made a strange sound.  Cocking his head, Mike investigated the lead pipe.  He tapped it on the wall.  He could hear something moving.  Suddenly, part of the wall broke away and slid aside.
"Guys...  Secret passageways!"
Rachel looked thoughtful.  "We could do a lot with this..."
"What are we waiting for?  Let us investigate!"  Miguel said firmly.
Tyler sat in his room quietly.  The realization of what happened today had finally hit him.  He couldn't do this anymore.  He had to get out of here.  Suddenly, he heard a shuffling noise.  Whispering.  A tap.  Coming from... the wall?  He walked to the source of the noise.  He gently pressed on random locations in the wall until he felt something give slightly.  He gave a strong shove and jumped back as a portion of the wall swung aside, revealing a small tunnel.  Poking his head in, he was just in time to see someone disappearing around a corner.
"Hey!"  He shouted.  He barreled down the tunnel and rounded the corner.  He saw Miguel and Kenji.  "Stop!"
They turned around and Miguel whispered to him.  "Wait a minute, wait a minute.  Do not tell anybody about these hallways, yes?  We are using them to influence who we send away.  Let us make a deal.  You keep quiet about our actions, and we will let you come with us when we are able to escape.  Agreed?"
Tyler considered.  At this point, he wasn't sure what to think.  "...Fine.  Whatever.  I just want to get out of here.  But I won't be held accountable for your actions, alright?"
Kenji smiled.  "Fair enough.  We understand how this is.  But we are simply taking initiative."
Mike walked up from further down the tunnel, lead pipe in hand.  "Oh, great.  We've been had."
"Don't worry- he will keep quiet.  And if he doesn't..."  Miguel smiled at Tyler.  "Well, we can worry about that later, yes?"
Tyler gulped.
Daniel was leaning back in his chair, tossing a ball up and catching it.  For some reason, the whole insanity of the situation was easy for him to digest.  That left his mind clear to consider his options.  He had already tried all the windows and external doors in the mansion.  He had looked for secret passages in the library.  He had spent a lot of time there.  What made things worse, he felt responsible to stay as long as his brother was here.  Oh, how he hated his brother.  From the get-go, Zachary had always tried to take credit for everything.  And Zachary now was acting like Daniel was the one who had been so terrible all these years.  Daniel shook his head, clearing his thoughts.  He needed to focus on what was important.
"What's the way out?"  He whispered to himself.
He didn't hear the footsteps creeping toward his chair.
He didn't hear the sound of the dagger sliding against a belt.
He didn't hear the whistle of its razor-thin edge as it flew toward his back.
He didn't hear the soft voice whispering, "Sorry."
He only felt it.
Chapter 5
Khajiit woke with a start.  His heart pounding, he started gasping for air.  He was in a tiny attic-space, on his back on a mattress.  In the far corner was a desk.  A man occupied the chair.  The man turned abruptly.  He stood up from the chair and ran over to Khajiit.  Placing a cold hand on Khajiit's chest, he quietly whispered, "Breathe.  Slowly.  Calm."  Khajiit felt his body relaxing, beating to a slower rhythm.
"Where... where is Khajiit?"  He asked weakly.
The mysterious man smiled at him.  "All will be revealed- in time.  For now, sleep."
Khajiit's surroundings faded to black.
Tyler stood in the hall, trying desperately to not attract attention to himself.  Hard to do when you're over six-and-a-half feet tall. This was his fault.  He couldn't say anything now, though.  He flicked his eyes nervously toward where Miguel and Kenji stood upright, staring straight at him.  He gulped.  Still, looking at Miguel and Kenji was better than looking at the sight that laid before him.
Daniel's stiff corpse lay on the marble floor.  Zachary knelt next to his brother, tears steadily dripping from his eyes.  Nobody spoke.  Finally, Zachary looked up at the guests.
"I'll kill whoever did this.  I'll kill whoever is forcing us to play this stupid game.  I hate you all!"  He ran up the main stairway and disappeared.  Michael and Gerik exchanged glances, then followed.
Olivier cleared his throat, clearly looking uncomfortable.  "So... what are we doing with the body?"  He asked.
Rachel glared at him.
Addison sighed.  He and Skyler had been hard at work all morning reading through notes and plugging various scenarios into equations.  It just didn't add up- both literally and metaphorically.  No matter what he tried, he was clearly missing some variable.  He looked over at the boy.  What a prodigy!  He simply did not know how to give up.  Addison was sure he had no chance of making it out of here without Skyler.
A knock on the door pulled Addison from his thoughts.  It was Natalie.
"Umm, we're doing our thing again..."  She trailed off.  The room was a mess.  Papers were scattered all around, covered an entire wall, held in place by pins.  Neither Skyler nor Addison had slept that night.
"Well, everyone expects you both especially to show up.  And... there's other stuff going on too.  You might want to come down."
The three of them left the room and headed down to the dining hall.  Zachary stood on the table, holding a dagger in his hand.
Clearly he wasn't planning on using it, as everyone already present simply stood, waiting for him to speak.
"Oh, good.  Everyone's here."
He looked around, eyes watering.
"This is the dagger that pierced my brother's back.  And I found it... in Michael Buble's room."
Thirteen pairs of eyes swiveled toward Michael.
He scoffed.  "I don't believe it!  Zachary, we're friends!"
Rachel pursed her lips.  "I'm sorry, Michael.  But that just doesn't seem likely."
His eyes widened.  "Gerik?"
Gerik tilted his head from side to side, considering.  "I guess a setup is possible."
Michael's voice had a pleading tone.  "Of course I was set up!"
Addison looked Michael in the eye.  "Time to vote, murderer."
Thirteen pairs of eyes swiveled back toward Addison.
"Michael Buble."
"Michael Buble."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Addison Gardiner."
Addison cocked his head.  Kenji was staring dead at him.
"Addison Gardiner."
"Addison Gardiner."
"Michael Buble."
"Tyler Henry Cormaci."
"Michael Buble."
"Hmm... Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Addison Gardiner."
Rachel took a deep breath.
"Michael Buble."
The voice flared to life.  "We accept your sacrifice!"
Knowing what would happen, the guests once again made a mad rush for the doors.  Michael made no move to follow.  His eyes were devoid of emotion.
Standing out in the hall, Gerik watched, tears in his eyes, waiting for the wind to pick up.
It didn't.
Instead, there was a warm glow, which gradually reached an unearthly brightness before winking into nonexistence.  Like Khajiit before him, Michael was nowhere to be seen.
Chapter 6
Tyler's head hurt.
Something was wrong.  He couldn't remember last night at all.  Just trying to think about it made his head hurt.  He gingerly squeezed his temples between his forefinger and thumb, grimacing.  Why couldn't he remember?
He sat on the edge of his bed.  Was this the work of the ghosts?  When he thought about the past few days, it seemed so surreal.  In the space of 48 hours his entire world had been turned upside down.  Another 24 hours had gone by in a flash.  The last thing he remembered was...  Michael disappearing.  Gerik still seemed awfully distraught over it.  He wondered if those two had been close.
Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door.  A piece of paper slid under the crack.  He gingerly stepped toward the door and picked up the note.
   "My good friend tyler;
   Of all the people from the village who are trapped here, i am glad you're among us.  Nobody else I know is as courageous.  Knowing you're a cormaci gives me hope that you will lead us out of this death trap.
   -Always look on the bright side
Tyler narrowed his eyes.  There was something wrong with this note.  First of all, he didn't know anyone from the village.  Second of all, this person's handwriting was really sloppy, seemingly intentionally.  The weird lack of capitalization on the first "I" and the "c" in Cormaci also confused him.  Shoving the mystery note in his pocket, he wriggled into a striped sweater and stepped out into the hall.
Half-tripping down the stairs, he made his way to the dining room.  Everyone else was already there.
Addison was already giving a speech.
"...when the 16 of us first got here, we didn't really know what to expect.  But thanks to Skyler's help, I'm certain of it now.  In roughly two days, the night of the autumn equinox is a full moon.  I believe by then the spirits will lose all influence on the corporeal plane, with one caveat- if we fail to follow their instructions, they will almost certainly become entirely malevolent.
"That leaves us with just two more sacrifices to make.  I know you're all worried about the coven among us, which seems to be going about making their own calls.  For now, let's focus on disbanding this coven.  We are lucky indeed that nothing seemed to happen last night, but I would not like to take chances."
"Well then, should we start our vote?  Might as well get it over with."  Rachel sighed.
General mutters of agreement.  There was a weird tension of trust and mistrust in the air.
"Addison Gardiner."
"Miguel del Rey."
"Miguel del Rey."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Addison Gardiner."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
Zachary looked dumbfounded.  "Is this a conspiracy?  Do you really think I would have killed my own brother?"
Gerik glared at him.  "You voted for Michael, too.  I'm guessing I'm next, right?  Zachary Sharpe."
"Well, that's exactly half, so we have no need to make any more votes."
Zachary's face contorted trying to cycle through all the emotions he was feeling.  Finally, he broke down and started sobbing.  "Fine.  Maybe I'll see my brother again, you monsters."
Clearly uncomfortable, Addison ushered everyone out of the dining room.  "Once we've made a choice, I don't think the ghosts will let us change it.  I feel bad for poor Zachary, but this is democracy."  He shook his head.  "When will this end?"
Zachary's crying continued.  Addison took a pocketwatch out of his suitcoat.  "He should be taken by now.  I wonder what's going on?"
He opened the door a crack.  He could hear Zachary, but couldn't see him.  Interesting, he thought.  I couldn't have predicted that.
He turned to the uncomfortable guests in the hall.  "Well, Zachary is gone.  The sobbing seems to be a tactic by the spirits to get under our skin.  I would suggest getting used to it."
Zachary buried his head into his knees.  He was curled up in the attic with his back to the wall.
"I'm sorry, Zachary, I really am.  I never meant for any of this to happen."
"Listen- there's a lot going on here that even I don't understand.  Once you've calmed down sufficiently, you, me, Michael, and the cat-man will talk, all right?"
Zachary continued to cry.  "I always knew he was going to be the successful one... I was so jealous of him.  Now he doesn't get the chance he deserves."
Mikey frowned.  "Try to get some rest.  Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow.  In the meantime, just think about what's been going on and be ready to tell me everything you feel comfortable sharing.  For now, just don't sweat it, all right?  I know you've been through a lot."
He turned back to the desk.  "They've all been through a lot," he muttered under his breath.  "And I was wrong- it wasn't them.  It never was."
Chapter 7
Addison wrote furiously in his journal.  He had discovered the error.  He knew now why it didn't make sense.  He needed to share this immediately.  Standing up abruptly, his chair fell to the ground with a loud crash.  He dabbed at his forehead with a kerchief.  I can't believe I was so blind...
He crept into the hallway, journal in one hand, revolver in the other.  He couldn't afford to not be protected.  Reaching Skyler's room, he gently knocked.  "Skyler?"  he whispered.  "Something has gone terribly wrong."
No answer.
He frowned.  Maybe Skyler had gone downstairs?  It seemed unlikely, but he tiptoed down the main staircase anyway.  He made his way into the basement and turned the corner, only to bump into...
"OH!"  shouted Natalie.
"Oh, my.  I apologize."  Addison said.  "What are you doing wandering the halls at this time of night?"
"I could ask you the same thing," said Natalie.
"Fair point.  Tell you what, you tell me if you've seen Skyler around lately and I'll leave you to your business, hm?"
"Sorry, I haven't seen him.  There was someone poking around the dining hall, though.  Do you think that was him?"
Addison frowned.  "Perhaps," he said.
Addison took the stairs two at a time and bulldozed his way into the dining room.
"You!"  He cried.
Addison's eyes grew wide.  As he felt his legs going numb, he aimed the revolver and let loose six rounds.  Four of them missed.
Two of them sank into the chest of the assailant, blossoming into cherry-red spots as they fell to the ground.  Addison gasped.  He could feel his life leaving on his breath.  It hurt so much.  He felt terribly sorry that he hadn't gotten to Skyler in time.  It was his last thought.
Monika stood in the shadows.
"This is all pretty silly, isn't it?"  she said.  "I mean, to their point of view, they're dying.  We like to pretend they're dying too, but it's not real."
She smiled.  "What's real is all of you.  You're trying really hard, or maybe not so hard.  Ehehehe!  But you get the luxury of being able to separate the game from reality."
"Mikey was trying his hardest, but he just isn't good enough.  It was actually pretty funny.  He knew that not everyone knew who I was, but he put me in his game on a whim.  It ended up being a bad idea for him~"
"Now, I don't want to seem weird, or creepy, but I would like to see this game played with a little more pizzaz, you know?  I did a debate club once.  We never played TWG, but I've been reading through other games on the forum.  It seems like fun."
Monika sighed.  "I wish there was some way to get the point through to you.  Anyway, I have to go now.  I'm going to be taking charge of this game pretty soon, so I need to prepare.  Don't worry though!"  She laughed innocently.  "I have plenty of help, so it's going to turn out real good, just for you!"
Chapter 8
Mikey sighed.  The attic was starting to get really crowded.  The cat-man alone was taking up far too much space.  Fortunately, Mikey had finally finished what he was working on.
"Alright everyone.  Listen up.  This is something I like to call a 'Blue Pill'.  Bonus points if you get the reference.  Now, it's pretty complicated with how it works, but the long and short of it is someone holding it should be able to teleport back to the corporeal plane.  All that remains is to decide who to send back."
He eyed the prisoners.  A bunch of teenagers and Khajiit.
Mikey frowned.  "Well, I've decided.  Khajiit, take this.  Close your eyes, count to seven, and good luck!"
Khajiit stepped forward.  His paws dwarfed Mikey's hands.  "Khajiit will go," he purred.  A blue ring appeared around Khajiit.  It began to expand until a blue beam shot out from the ground, enveloping Khajiit in light.  The light collapsed in on itself and Khajiit was gone.
"I hope that worked, heh."
The dining room was in a state of uproar as the guests were arguing with each other about the day's sacrifice.  With so many gone, tempers were flaring and some had simply given up.  Skyler was right there yelling at Tyler for being so stupid when he noticed something.  Or rather, the lack of something.
"Everyone, quiet!!!"  he yelled.  Everyone looked at him, puzzled.  "Where is Monika?"
"Now that I think about it, she hasn't been to any of the meetings, has she?"
"Could Zachary have been right?  Was this all a prank by Monika?"
"That doesn't explain people up and disappearing, though..."
"And if it was a prank, people have died!"
"We need to find Monika.  NOW."
Skyler marched to the doors.
"I won't let you do that!"  the voice shouted.
"It's that thing again..."  Skyler muttered.  "ARE YOU SERIOUS?  WE STILL HAVE TO PLAY THIS DUMB GAME OF YOURS?  I KNOW IT'S YOU, MONIKA!"
"Eheheheh, you clearly know little.  Give us what we desire.  Or we will take it!  Wouldn't that be fun!"
No response.  Skyler sighed.  "We've got no choice."
"Wait," Tyler suddenly said.  "I'll go.  No need to vote.
"I... I was there.  For one of the murders.  But...  I did nothing.  I was scared.  The murderer was Mike Scott.  That is all."
Tyler stood up on the table, began to float, rising up and up, and disappeared in a quick flash.
"Wow, do these stories get worse and worse, or what?  Either someone started writing for Mikey around Night 3 or he's slipping.  Don't worry, it's almost my turn.  You've all been doing a great job of being entertaining.  That being said...
"I'm still going to shake things up tomorrow.  Just to keep it interesting.  Really, you've all been doing great.  I wish I could tell you more, but I want to keep it a surprise~
"I'll see you tomorrow!  Ehehehe~"
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 15, 2018, 04:25:15 PM
I am truly excited for the delicous food being served tonight.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 15, 2018, 05:25:44 PM
mm i gotta stretch out my twg muscles, its been a while!!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 15, 2018, 05:27:57 PM
Mmm, mmm, mmm, indubitably.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 15, 2018, 05:39:10 PM
I've never been invited to a dinner party! This is exciting!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 15, 2018, 05:40:51 PM
Time for Fat Tuesday part deux.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 15, 2018, 05:41:54 PM
This game is going to be awesome but also hectic but also stressful but also ??

I'm so not ready, I'm ready
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 15, 2018, 07:05:40 PM
Chapter 1
   Daniel scratched his head quizzically.  He, of all people, had received an invitation to this Dinner and a Show everyone had been talking about?  The stocky teen looked around.  Surely, this was a mistake.  But no, the telegram had his (and his brother's) name on it.  How curious!  He could feel excitement beginning to swell in him.  No more would he be Daniel Sharpe, that other twin, he would be Daniel Sharpe, French exchange student!  Daniel Sharpe, intelligent man!  This was his chance to distinguish himself.  He just had to hide the invitation from his brother.  He swept the thin blonde hair out of his eyes.  His mind began to race with all the possible ways to keep his brother out of this.  Muttering to himself, he trundled up the road toward his home on the hill.
   Sayori Ishizuka didn't know why everyone hated her.  It was simply something that was, like how the farmers always planted beans after corn, or how the moon was always fullest at night.  It wasn't something she could control.  She had often wondered if everyone was naturally irritable, or if something about her made people that way.  She would hate it for other people's anger to be her fault.  Nonetheless, she went about her own business and was friendly to everyone.
"Hello there, Tyler!  What are you reading?" Sayori inquired.
The man hastily stood up from the overturned bucket he had been sitting on, shoving a note into his pocket.  Tyler Henry Cormaci (he was proud of his name, which had quite a history) was quite tall, standing nearly six feet-ten inches, with a bit of a potbelly.  His dark hair was plastered across his forehead with sweat.
"Eh?  Sayori.  What do you want?"  He snapped.  Sayori grinned.  "I'm just here to say hi!  Also, I wanted to see if you got an invitation to that thing going on this weekend."
"Ah, yeah... that thing.  I believe I was invited, matter of fact.  Took me quite by surprise, me just being a fisherman and all."
"Great!  I got invited too!  We should go together!" Sayori practically shouted in Tylers's face.
Tyler frowned.  "I don't know if that's a good idea... In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm going yet," he said cautiously.
"Come on- like you said yourself, you're just a fisherman.  You've got nothing better to do on the weekend," Sayori replied.
Tyler sighed.  "Listen," he began.  "There's a lot of folks in this town who frankly don't like you.  I'm not one of them, but I'm not too keen about you either.  Plus, I get a bad feeling about this sudden Dinner and a Show.  Since when do commoners get invited to the Don Mansion?  If you ask me, the whole thing is shady to no end."
"You're being superstitious, you big fisherman.  What's going on that day?  Red sky at morning, sailor takes warning?  Is that the mantra you live by?  Come on, Tyler Cormaci, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!  You can't tell me you're  not the least bit curious."
"Hmmph.  Don't say my name like that.  Well, I'm not making any promises, but I am itching to know why exactly this is happening."
"YES!  I knew you wouldn't be able to resist!"
"HEY!  That's not a yes!"
His protests fell on deaf ears, as Sayori was already racing away to whatever arbitrary task she had determined needed to be done.
Rachel Scarlett von Karma sat in the dimly lit chamber musing.  The source of her attention was a handwritten letter on the desk before her, begging for her help.  It was from an old friend of hers, one she wished she had never heard from again.  Still...  Thinking about him, even now, was bittersweet.  Should she take the bait?  For clearly, this was bait.  Not necessarily for her, but she was clever.  Rachel knew when a trap was being set.  For she had set many herself.  Many traps indeed...
 Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea, was a proud man, to be sure.  So it was to nobody's surprise when he received an invitation from a distinguished character inviting him to some silly little dinner.  Still, a free feast was a free feast, and there would surely be plenty of women there just dying to be at his side.
"Lieutenant!  What are our coordinates?"  He questioned.
He was talking to another man who had a similar aura of confidence about him.  That man was Lt. Kenji Higashi, First Lieutenant of the USS Cleaver, and an old friend of Miguel's.
"Be calm, my friend.  We will arive soon enough."
Miguel Del Ray let out a short laugh.  "My dear man, you know me too well!  One day you'll know me better than I know myself!  Why, you may even become the captain of this fair vessel."
"That would be nothing short of a miracle, sir."
When Skyler Brasher checked the mail that day, he wasn't expecting to receive his greatest wish.  Nor did he realize it was his greatest wish.  All he saw was a plain telegram inviting him to a Dinner and a Show.  He adjusted his glasses, looking closer.  Something about this note seemed... off.  He dismissed his concerns, stuffed the note in his pocket, and left for school.
Hunger.  Anger.  Fear.  He knew these all too well.  He hated those who did not know these feelings as he did.  So when he saw people getting invited to a free dinner, he knew what he needed to do.  A sane man would keep these impulses under control.  Tarin Zapin was not a sane man.
Natalie Marina Brady's house had been turned upside down.  "Where is it... where is it?"  She muttered frantically.  Her naturally curly brown hair bounced up and down as she rushed from room to room, tearing cushions off couches and scattering papers across tables.  There was no way the invitation could be right.  It had to be around here somewhere...
Olivier Martinez was living life and loving it.  The French actor was in the peak of his career, and everyone in Paris knew who he was.  Still, it caught him off guard when he received a curious invitation in the mail.  Coupled with a liner pass to travel to America.  Apparently there was some prestigious Dinner and a Show happening on the east coast that needed his presence to succeed.  It was raising awareness for a strange disease that quite frankly did not sound real.  He was planning on attending anyway, as the travel had already been paid for.  He might even find romance overseas...
My name is Travis de Gillett.  I have evidence that something terrible is about to happen in my town, but nobody will listen to me.  The only chance I have at exposing the truth is at the Dinner and a Show happening this weekend.  To get in, I needed an invitation, but those were in limited supply.  So I forged one.  Sure, I may not be on the guest list, but if I have the invitation they will let me in.  They must let me in.
Michael Buble was curious by nature.  Perhaps it was this very curiosity that granted him an invitation to the Dinner and a Show.  According to this telegram, he was an outstanding citizen.  He had never felt outstanding, but he supposed he could see why one would think so.  He knew basically everyone in town by name.  He knew everyone's daily routes.  The town seemed so predictable to him.  He had been watching it for so long that nothing surprised him.  Nothing until this, that is.
The sun was starting to set.  Michael Buble, Gerik Paull, and Zachary and Daniel Sharpe were up to no good.  Although, to say such a thing would be unfair to poor Daniel, who was a little hesitant with the plan.
"Guys, I'm not sure this is such a good idea.  I mean, it's just a lame soiree!  We don't need to steal invitations from random neighbors."
His twin brother Zachary turned to him.  "You were the one who said he wished he had an invitation in the first place."
"Yeah, but like..." Daniel hesitated.  He had to be careful about what he said.  He hadn't told his brother that both of them were invited, but... should he?  Surely that was a better alternative to whatever crazy scheme Gerik was coming up with now.
Michael interrupted.  "Guys, I hate to break up your little sibling rivalry, but it's now or never."
He pointed toward a young couple, leaving their home with merriment in their steps.  "They're out for the night, we're in for the night."
Gerik smiled.  "Bingo."  The young athlete vaulted over the fence from which the four of them were hiding themselves.   Michael followed him over.
Zachary started over the fence, then paused.  "Maybe you should just stay here."
"Fine.  Get yourself in trouble, and see if I care."
"Why are you always like this?"
"Why are you always like this?
"Ugh.  Alright, just go home."  Zachary finished sliding over the fence and dashed across the field to an open window that Gerik had muscled open moments ago.
Daniel watched closely, his hand unconsciously reaching to his pocket to affirm that the invitation was still there.
Wordlessly, he turned his back to the house and marched back toward his own.

It is now Night 1.  Night 1 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 16, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 15, 2018, 07:16:43 PM
Here's to a good game everyone!

Ḥ̮̖̘̞̆̾̅̽̽̿̈̎͝͞ȩ̱̱͚͚͙̲͔̳͕̽̄̄̍̂̍̓͞r̡̠̥̤̲̰̼͍̒̒̑̀̀̋͘͘͢͠ͅe͈̹͓̗͚͑́́͊̃͞'̙̻͙̄̏̅̍͗̃͢͜ş̶̠̼͔̲̱͎̤̀͂̆́͘͢ ą̶̧̬̘̥̜̰̹͖̈̾͐͌́͐̂̚͡ ĉ̶͈͇͖͈̜̦̊̊̎̏͗͋̚͝u̴̢̦̮̗̙̭͙͖̦̜̐͊̇̔̓͗ţ̳͕̼͕̮̩̪͉͋̓̎̔͗̎e͔̞͓͙͑̄̾̈́̄̅͟͞ p̷̢̢͚̜̱̰̣̌͂̊̏̕͟ĭ̢͕̘͉̘͈͙̀̑̂͋͐͌͑c̛͙̲͍̣̰̻̻̬̳̙̄̓̿͋͡t̛͇̤͕̊͂́̋̉͑̆͢͜͝ͅͅu̸͕̮͙̰͛̈̈̽͐́̄̾͟͟ͅr̢̳̯̟̣̘̓̇̒̐͐͛͒ͅẽ̷̙̝̗̦̳͍̈̊̽̅̆̕͟͜͡͠ ȍ̸̧̺̗̻̯͎̌̂͑̾̇͐̍f̣͉̜̙͔͔̳̉̃̃͋̇͑̿̕͠ Y͕̼̗̝͉͍̫̥͚͌͊̀̃͋̒̒͘͡ͅű̷̧̬̺͚͓̣͊̍̆̐͘̕͞͡r̶̛͎̻̙̞̖̽͂̅̉͌̕͡į͓̯͓͗̈́͆̄́̑̄̉̃́͢ f̡̛̠̮̰͈̦̌̈́͐̌̽͞͝o̡͇͈̠͈̹̠̳̓̓̓̀̋͘̕͞r̢̹͖͖̞̟͐͒́̿̏̈̉̍͛ y̡̜̤̪̻̤̭̅́́͋̃͠o̧̡͍̼̗͈̽͌͗̊́͂͛͜͠͞u̶̩̲̙̞͉̟̐̈́͆̑͘͡͠ g̰͇̫̦̳̺͌̑̒̄̍̿̈̉͠ų̷̡̨̖̫̥̰̱̉̑̎̾̈́y̢̰̰̗͓̦͒̇̄̑͐̀̐s̡̪̮̞͉͖͇̖͇͌̈́̃̿̈̿̔͢͞͝

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 15, 2018, 08:46:15 PM
I was informed there would be food.  Wildly disappointed so far.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 15, 2018, 08:47:18 PM
BREADSTICKS OR RIOT also I'm here wooo
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 15, 2018, 09:21:39 PM
This isn't the signups, shadowkirby
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 15, 2018, 09:38:28 PM
get fuckin' HYPE
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 16, 2018, 04:31:16 AM
Wait, what food are we having exactly? I should probably mention I'm allergic to nuts, shellfish, pineapples, chicken, eggs, pineapples, gluten, dairy, peppers, pineapples, and pineapples.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 16, 2018, 04:35:15 AM
So, do we want an alliance fast or do we try to get the double wolf kill?

It doesn't make sense to set up an alliance right now since we don't have a guardian. We could ask the Reviver to use his power in the next night phase to revive either the wolf victim or the lynch victim (there are cardflips, so revived players will be confirmed) so we can set up an alliance starting night 3 (the revived player will be alive at the start of the next night phase). Alternatively, we could bank on the wolves killing the Brutal human, then reviving the Brutal Human so that the next time the Brutal Human is wolf'd, we get a seccond wolf kill. If the wolves don't kill the Brutal Human twice in a row, then the Brutal human can just play alliance leader.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 16, 2018, 07:22:17 AM
Sounds pretty solid to me. The Brutal Human plan obv would be the better one, but it kinda relies a lot on dumb luck. If we acted on the reviver plan there's still the same chance that the Brutal could still be wolfed

Are you positive about the cardflips? I'm not seeing it in the op
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 16, 2018, 07:23:21 AM
actually jk it says cardflips in the TWG signup thread whoopsie
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 10:46:47 AM
It's a good plan, I don't really have any objections. That said, how exactly does an alliance work in a game without Nat̀̋s̙̱̼̤͔̣̆̀̇ͮų͖̼̤͚ͭ̏ki,
Y̵͙̼̳u̽ri, and\nd\*{a͍͖͍̔̕ń̲͍̼͔͇̘̩͋̎d̮͚͎̫̦̬ͨ̆͑ a Guardian?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Trasdegi on February 16, 2018, 11:02:43 AM
Why would the wolves kill the brutal human twice? They'll know who it is because this game has cardflips, so it would be very stupid of them to wolf him again....
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 16, 2018, 11:42:18 AM
Why not have the brutal human claim now?  We'll get an alliance leader night 1 instead of night 3.  The wolves will be leery of icing him/her--probably not worth it to kill one of their own members night 1.  If they're feeling gutsy, well, we're both down a player, and I still think that's in our favor.

Also, what is going on with the items?  Are they mystery items?  Should I have any idea at all what they do?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Trasdegi on February 16, 2018, 11:48:00 AM
The problem is, if we make the brutal human claim, we'll have no means of knowing if the claim is true and/or we'll get false/counterclaims.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 12:10:33 PM
If there's one thing that playing TWG for so long has taught me, it's that humans will always try to make an alliance even in games that weren't meant for one.

If there's another thing that playing TWG for so long has taught me, it's that sometimes, they shouldn't try.

In a game without a guardian and a vigi, an alliance is not only less useful, but impractical to form at all because there's also no "useless" role that can be sacrificed to get the specials together. A reviver is NOT a substitute for a guardian, and thinking that, IMO, is just more likely to get all the specials killed faster. While getting an alliance is always nice, to be honest, I don't think there are enough special roles (and not the right kind of special roles) to warrant forming an alliance. If need be, the seer can always reveal their results to someone they're seered green (a little risky, but it's unlikely that they'll hit the Master Wolf) or, if they're really lucky, someone they seered blue (no risk, since there's no painter).

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 16, 2018, 11:42:18 AMWhy not have the brutal human claim now?  We'll get an alliance leader night 1 instead of night 3.  The wolves will be leery of icing him/her--probably not worth it to kill one of their own members night 1.  If they're feeling gutsy, well, we're both down a player, and I still think that's in our favor.

Also, what is going on with the items?  Are they mystery items?  Should I have any idea at all what they do?
Brutal Human doesn't know who they are. Wolf points against TZP because the role PM specifically mentions that (and points against Noc for not posting the generic role PMs in the thread? :P)?

Not voting TZP because there's no way in hell he's anything but the traitor.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 12:36:55 PM
I feel like that might be just a misread BDS, now if it was like the third day, then sure. I'd point that out as wolfy as well

I̷̡̢̢̜̣̤̭͚̟̝͙̐̔̾̈̂̃̃̕ ̸̡̢̫̙̙̯̲͓̝͉̞̘̅̐͊̈́̓̈́̐̃̽͘͝f̷͚̤͕̼̯̗̤̣̲̬̲̈́̀̉̇̀̑̍̐̿̔́́͠ẽ̷̯̣̂̿̏̀̍̎͋̂̿́̆̚͜ę̶̙͖̭̖̮̩̩̗̮̝͒͛̇̀̌ḻ̴̡̨͙̣̲̻̯̇͆̓͆̌͂͛̈̈́̐͐͠͝͝ ̸̢̻̗̰̼̠̘̞͎͚͆̓̉l̶̨̨̺̼̤̫̬͖̟̝̾̀̐͐̉͂̀̿̔̚̕͝ȋ̸̡̮͙͚̩͇̙͐͗̌̇̚k̸̛̘̞͇̙̺̖͉̙͚̯̏̈́̽͑̔̄̃̈́̍͛e̸̳̮̦͑̃͐́͒̏̊͋ ̸̢̫͙͖̠̫̥̎̅t̵͖̱̫͇̻̻̑̒̑̏͐̑̎ĥ̶̢̖̞͔̞͍̼̟̟̀̅̐̍̇̋̊̐͜͝a̴̧̢̧̨̛̛̼̣̤̣̫̱͎͂̎͗̏̚͝t̴̡̢̛̹̟̳̤̗̟͔͎̜͖͠ ̶̡̛̣͉̜͎͕̹͇̺̭͔̝͖͐̓͊̄͆̽̊̓̉̎̂͌͠͝m̶̩̦̙̗̼͈̤̭̭̬̠̔̅͛͛̈̄̒͝͝i̸̧̨̧̖͇̮̫͙͎̫̟͋͒g̷̢̙̟̪̺̦̣͉̈̒̈́͝h̷̖̭͉͍̱̞̠̮̼̑͒̈́̾̒̊̈̽̋͑͛̽̏͜ͅť̸̬͍͖͉͍͔̍̊̊̑̂͜͝ ̷̢̛̥̰̠̽̊̈̊̽̈́̀͜͠b̵̨̧̛͇͓̙̰̬̗̌͑͂̕é̴̘̖̭͓̮͕͔̺͓͚̦͙͖̽ͅ ̴̧̲̣̱̠̹͈͙̬͈̄́̎͗̆̏̀̔͑j̶̦̜̇̅͒̋̑͂̀̋̃̈͊̔̽̆͝ṻ̸̥̞̙̞́͑̚͜s̵̡̬̩̜͉̫͓̮̪̺͗̃̂̽ͅt̷̢̡̢̹̰̣͈̻̟̣͔͇̲͂̊̆̒͆͂̉͜ ̸̨̧̗̜͇̤͖̹̟̩̫̀͊̈͛̂͊̂̅̀̌̏̕a̴̰̥͖͔̳͉̪̜̳̼͍̋͗̽̆͊ͅ ̶̨̖̠̣̌̄̓̍̔̅̒͘ṁ̸̨̭̼͇̰͚̼̪̪͔i̷̧̺̲̞͓̝̦̾̃̄̋̚͘s̷̢̨̙͍̖̝͔͚̼̲̜̺̤̱̀͌̇́̿̈́̃̈́̿̄͋͝r̷̜̬̹͍͉̪̆̀̋̓̅̇̂̇͑̀͝e̵̡̝̯̝͈͍̖̯͍̘̒͂͆̋͌͒̋͠a̴̢͇̳̬̼͈̳͈̽̊̄͝d̶̛͈̙̥̲̰͇̭̳̝̓̅̐̆͆̂͂͠ͅ ̵̮̞̠̬͗̓͊ͅB̶̧̡̡̗̮̖̩̫̮͓͔͎̫̏͗͑̎̌̽̚͜Ḋ̸̡̡̯̘͍͈̫͓͇̻S̶̬̫̹͓̥͖͚͉̀͒́̀͑̕͘̚͝,̸̧̢̼̪͓̮̝͖̤̜̥̅ ̵͇̖͕͔͕̘̰̙̦̭̖͌͌̓n̵̥̣̯͔̪̒̍͑̏̓͌͒͘͜͝o̴̩̦͊̄͘w̷̪̺͍͕̦̬͎̻͖͕̳̟̰͎̞̃̑̈́̅̔̏̆̅ ̷̗̩̹̞̭̻̏̽̚͠i̶̦̦̘̝͎̬̬̪̇͆̊͒̆̽f̵̛̛͍̬̟̣͍͚̘͉̹̬͙̬͛̓̔̽̅̓̍͝͠ ̶̧̢̳͙͇͉̣͎̮̞̺͓̳̹̒͋̈́͋ȋ̵̢͂̈͊͌t̴̨̳̘͖̥̮̞͚̞̖̺̟̳̤͈̎̒̊̽̇̒̀͗̈́͒͌̒̆̕ ̸̜̓̅͐̑̈́̽̒͘w̸̱̩͈̦̙͋͝ͅa̷̲̱̓͐͂͋̋̚s̸̡͈̫̱̮̐̈̃͌͐͘ ̴̥̝̖̩̠͎͇̫͕͆̀̊̒̔̈́͛̆̏͝l̵͇͚̯̀͛̂̕i̴̲̻̦̟̳̔̐͑͝ͅk̸̡̨̠̫̗͍͂̿̾̌͊͒͑̈́̍̒̾̃͝ͅė̵̡̢̡̡̝̞̤̞͚̮̻̗̠̙̌̀͗͋̈́̓̅̐̾̅͠ ̵̪́̃̓̓͂̑̀̔̓̚̚̚͝ẗ̶̛̘̯̗͙̻́́̄̾̽̓͆́̈́͆̐̚͝͝h̵̨̛̼͉͕̞̻̞̓͂̎̌̌̉̑̎̊̋̓͘̕͜͝ͅe̴̡͎͍̤͕̺͚̋̉̌̊̌̑̕̚͝ ̷͈̝͖̼̻̭̟̙͔̣̑̐͆͒͗̊̾̉ṫ̶̢̞̭͕̫͚̬̹̝̣̰̩͌͐͘͝ḥ̴̰̙̓̃̈́̌̔̓̕į̷̧̤̹̺̮̘̗̘̹̏̉͐̀̈́͝r̸̨̨̨̨̛̛̠̥͔͕̭͓͎̼̝̬̝̓̓̀̑̈͒̃̔͊͂͊̄̄d̷̥̖̪̗̳̬͉͔͔̔̀̓́̍̚͘͜ ̵̧̨͉͇̰̺̹̤̐͛͑͒̄ḑ̵̨̢̘̬̮̭͕̣̰͉͕̓̈̃̀̆̍̈́͠a̷̠̺̱̬͑̔̑̇̈̓̓̊̈́̚͘̕͘͠ẙ̴̨̫͖̦̟̺͇̈́́̉̿̄̑͑̍̉̀̑͑͐̚,̶̧̧̻͈̣͓̖͓̩̠͎̹̯̩̓̉͗̆͐̉̾̄̐͘ͅ ̵̨̨̛̤̹͖̣͓͓̞͉̮̪̞̓̂̂̚ţ̴̫͚̙̞̮͎̯̳͈͊̀h̶̢̘̬̰̜͇̊͆̓̕͜ę̵̖͚͕͖̞̰̤͖̘̤̝̜͈̄́̍̓̌̒͊͊̂̅͠ǹ̴͍̳̊͂͆̋̔̈́͋̊̒̎͜ ̵̜̘̳̘̲̪̩͎̙͙̀̈́̐̽̌̔̂͝s̶̢̛̜̼͔̥̪ū̵̧͈͙̩̺̞̝̦̣̫͔̼̯̪̱̋̏̏͒͐r̴̡͓̝̣̜̣̬͗̇̀̍́͋͊̌̀͝͝͝͠e̶̢̜̖͈̫͚̞̭̙͇̊̍̾̓̍̈͋͘͜.̴͇̥͕̙̐͂ ̸̨̧̧̡̨̥͔̥̝͖̰͍͔̹̽͆́̎ͅĮ̸̛̙̞̱̰͇̩͔̺̠̤̱̂̊̆̊̄̊̅͌̕͠͝ͅ'̴̡̼̺̣̮̹̰̺̲̒͛̅͘͝d̸͓̿͑͆͐̏͗̽̌̐͊̂̐͘͝͝ ̸̛̤̻̜̺̲͕̱̦͇̖̙͐̄́̓̑̈́̚p̵̧̻͚̟̯͈̺̻̜͚͎̉̾̑̚̚o̷̡̤̙̰̦͔̟͈͙͇̱̘͒ͅͅï̶̢̮͙̗̰̼̟̌̈̂̍̔͠n̶̳̤͔̼̲͇̒̽̄̓́͌̾̆̌̆͐̽͘͘t̴̢̞̜̦̻̞̋́̅͐̏̍̋̍̂̒́͜͜͝͝͝ ̵̧̛̰͍̮͖͙̽̏̇ͅt̶̼͇͎̟̹̰́͗̌̐̿͐̽̈́̅͂͆ḧ̴̨̢͙͕͙͖̯́̽͂̄͊̽̚̚ͅa̶̹͈̰̘̐̑̀̇͂̍̀͋̇̈̚͝t̴̼̖̗̻̂͗ ̴̙͓̰͎̘̺̦͚̦̊̃̾̊͛̽͝o̷̯͓̹̲̘̲̞̯̗̤̬̾̂͒̈́̑͊͗͠u̵̘͒́̄̀̾͊̑͂̋̂̓͗̈͝͝t̸̙̼̗̗̐̓̿̈͛̃̌̕ͅ ̷̢̢̝̳̹̳̲͈͕̩͚̬͎̗̽͑̑͂͋́͒͂͌̅̆̇͛̓ã̴̖͚͉̭̱̤̯̝̲̣͉̼̇̇̈͐͒͜ṣ̸̢̡̨̢̙͎̫̘̩̥̣̹̍̈̆̌̇̈́̈́͛̽̆̄̑͜͠ ̴̨̛̞̲͗̒͐̊́̎̄̑͝ẁ̶̱̰̪͋̒̓͗̋͗̓̈́̋̀̚̕ő̷̢̗̾̀̔̈͋͐̌̚͝l̵̨̢̮̲̺̰̭̩̮̗͍͚̫͛́̒́̏̏̋͆̀̾͊͘͜͜f̸̢͍̹̫͉̻͖̞͍̆̄̕̕y̶͉̺͈̰̦̭̆̽̀͂͆͠ ̷̧̡͕̠̬̻̰̤̥̭̱̮̂̿ả̸̢̰̮͚͕͖̲̹̦̣̖̟̼̆̓͊̑̆̉͛́͘͠ͅs̸̢̑̈́͗̂̋̌͛ ̴̺̯̺̗̜̬͋̿̈̈́̈́̈̍͆͒̄̊̃͜ẃ̷̡̹̹̙͉̗̼̳̩͇̈́̓͌̒̂̐͠è̵̬̈́͌̔̕ͅl̶̨̢̠̘̰͓̝͙̀͜͝ḻ̴̥̼͚̼̩̳̇̽̋̅̆̈́̑̔͋́̏̚͝ͅͅ
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 12:38:13 PM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 12:36:55 PMI feel like that might be just a misread BDS, now if it was like the third day, then sure. I'd point that out as wolfy as well
Brainy and TZP for wolf partners 2K18

It feels like he was just bandwagoning on the general sentiment that was going on (i.e. discussion about the Brutal Human) without knowing that the Brutal Human didn't know who they are.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 16, 2018, 12:38:29 PM
Role PMs are not cut and dry.  For the sake of your own enjoyment, please do not discuss role PMs in any capacity, even if it otherwise seems safe to do so.  Claiming roles is still fine.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 16, 2018, 12:50:20 PM
Oh whoops you're right

Still doesn't answer my question about the items, though.  Mikey?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 16, 2018, 12:51:37 PM
The abilities of the items are not public knowledge.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 16, 2018, 01:02:34 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 10:46:47 AMIt's a good plan, I don't really have any objections. That said, how exactly does an alliance work in a game without a Guardian?
That would mean a behind-the-scenes alliance. The specials are in contact with eachother but do not have a spokesperson in the topic (since the player revived by the reviver will just be killed again).

Quote from: Trasdegi on February 16, 2018, 11:02:43 AMWhy would the wolves kill the brutal human twice? They'll know who it is because this game has cardflips, so it would be very stupid of them to wolf him again....
If they don't wolf them again, we have a confirmed human that can act as our alliance leader. If they wolf them again, they lose another wolf. It's win-win for us.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 12:10:33 PMIf there's one thing that playing TWG for so long has taught me, it's that humans will always try to make an alliance even in games that weren't meant for one.

If there's another thing that playing TWG for so long has taught me, it's that sometimes, they shouldn't try.

In a game without a guardian and a vigi, an alliance is not only less useful, but impractical to form at all because there's also no "useless" role that can be sacrificed to get the specials together. A reviver is NOT a substitute for a guardian, and thinking that, IMO, is just more likely to get all the specials killed faster. While getting an alliance is always nice, to be honest, I don't think there are enough special roles (and not the right kind of special roles) to warrant forming an alliance. If need be, the seer can always reveal their results to someone they're seered green (a little risky, but it's unlikely that they'll hit the Master Wolf) or, if they're really lucky, someone they seered blue (no risk, since there's no painter).
You are forgetting one role: Khajiit. It is super benificial for Khajiit to know who the confirmed humans are so he won't send his items to a wolf.

We have a reviver and we have card flips. As long as the reviver uses his ability before dying we will have a confirmed human. Therefore, we will have an alliance.

The thing is, there are two ways to play the reviver (which I outlined in my previous post): 1. Wait until a special (preferebly the Brutal Human) dies and revive that person. 2. Revive the first human that dies.

If 1. the benifit is that the revive target will be more valuable, but risks having the reviver die first without being able to use his ability. 2. does not have that risk and has the benifit that if no special dies during the first two phases we get an alliance faster, but the revive target will be less valuable. That's why I put this up for discussion.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 02:28:54 PM
stahp pls
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 02:46:33 PM
Alliance doesn't make any sense in this game. Wolves hitting the Brutal Human is entirely luck-based (and there's way too many humans for those odds to be favorable), Wolves can re-kill whoever gets revived so that communication is almost immediately cut off, and the Reviver can only revive once anyway so there's no advantage to using the Reviver to set up an alliance. At best, the Seer finds the Brutal Human and sets up a private alliance there, but again, there's way too many players for those odds to be favorable. The best we can hope for is that the Brutal gets hit early and something happens from there.

Now, the other issue that I've been thinking about since this game was chosen: MOnik̶̔͞k̨̄͊̓̌͜͝k̇̓ͭ̓҉k̵ͬ̐̏̽̔̌͌͘k̂̐̿̿̋ͭͨ̊̀͜͢k̽̽ͭ̃̎̂ͯ̀a. I̶ ͟d̀i͜d t͞h̶e m͏at̷h, an̢d wįţh̀ o̸ne ̨rev͟i̴ve͝ a̧nd ̕n͏o͢ ̡m͏ąrke҉d p̶lay͠er͝s͞ ͞being̛ l͞y͏nc̶hed o͡r ͜w̸ol̡f́eḑ ͏pri͘or ̶to ͢ma͞r͡ki̷n͠ģ,͏ Monika's pow͘er k͜i͏ck͜s ͢i͝n̶to ͢eff͜ec̷t̵ on ͟Night 5,̛ ͟whi̵c̷h͢ s͏eems l̢ike̡ a ͘w͏a͘y̷s o̵u̴t͢ ͘but wil̴l ̛c͜o͠m͝e quickl͞y̛ w͡it҉h͏ the͞ s͘i͡ze ̡of̕ thi͞s g̴a҉me͞.͞ A śmart͡  Monika w̵il͞l͟͟ ̶̧͟m̷̨a̕̕͞r͢k͝ ̢playè̛r̶̸s҉ ̡t̴̷̨h̷̕͞ą͡t̛ ͜҉a̸̵͝r͟͞e͟͢ ̛̛͠o̡͟u͠͡t̨҉ o͝f͘ ̵̀t̨͏ḩ̢è ͡͝s̵͜p̷ǫ͟t͏líg̀͞h͝t̴͝ ̨̡͡ś̡o̧̕ ̕͢t͏͡h̡͜ą̸t ҉t̕͠h͡e̛y͏ ̵̀dǫ̨̀n̶͝'͞t̀́ ̡d̢i̧͜e ̷͞ţoo̷͟ ̕͜͞eą̀r̕l͠y aǹ̢͜d̶̷͜ m̛̕e͞͠ss̶̛ ҉͞up͡ ͘h̶̛̀e̷̸r̴ ̵̛͝i͠dea̴̶͘l̢̧͡ ̕t̸i̸̧m͏èl̴̷i̸n̕e̵͞.̧͡ Į g̨u̸̴҉e̕͝s̸̨s͡͏ ͡a̴͜ ̵q̸̛ue̕͘҉ş̴̛ti̕͘ơ̶͝n҉҉ ͘f̴͏o̡͠r Ǹ̵̵͡ó̡c̷̀͘͟͡ Monika i̴̢̧͟͞s̵̵̨̕:͟ ̧͏i͏̛̛f̷̢͞ ̴̧͝a͏̸̀͢͠ ̷͟͠͏̶p̴̛̀͞͡l̵̸̶̨̧a͜͠y̸̢͏e̡̕͠r̕҉̛ ̨̨͘͠͡w̶͡͡a̧̡͟͡s̶̛͢͠ ̡͜͠͡m̸̨͘͏a̴̢͡͝r̢k͘͢͡e̡͏̴͜͠d̷̷͘̕͡ ̨͝͡a̶̧͡͠n̵̡͘̕͡d̶̨҉̡ ̵̧̡͠[̴̨̨͡͞į̕͟]̵̛t̴̸̨͝h̴̡́͠ȩ̶̛̛͜n͏̶̀̕[̴҉/̵͝i̵̧]̴̢͘҉ ̵̢̛͢d̸̨͝͞i҉̸͢͠͠e͢͡͠s̴̶,͜͏ ͡҉̴̵͠d̕҉ơ̕͠͝ę͜s̶̀͡ ̛́̕͞͡t̵̴̀h̛҉a͏̨́҉t̢͠͏҉ ̕͟ḿ͟͞à̵҉ŕ̷̷͘͝k҉̵́i҉̡͜n̵҉҉҉g҉̴́̀͟ ̷̶̷͜͠c̵o̢̡҉ú̸̡͟n̴͘͞t́͜͏͘ ͡͠t̵̷̷͢͟o͝͏̶ẁ̛҉̕͞a͜͟͜r̶͢͝͝d̨́̕͘͜s͏́̕ ̢͘̕͜͟h̷҉̧ȩ̷̀̀͟r҉̀͠͡ ̧̛͡͝t̷̸̶͝ò̶̸t̵̸a̕̕͡͡l̢̛͘?̵ ͏̷͢B̴́҉a͢ş̴̢͢͜į̵̨̛͡c҉͟͝͏҉a̸̸l̴̢͠l҉͏̨y̛͠ ̵̡i͢͏̸́͡t̸͠ ͜͢ş̀e̸͜ę̢͟͝͞ḿ̨s̸̸̸̢̕ ̢́̕͜͟t̷o҉̨̀͟ ̨̧͏m̛͜͟͡e̶̢҉ ̡̧̕͜͞ţ̵͠h̴̡̧͘͞a̸̸̧̢t̵̨͘͢͡ ̨҉̷̴t̡̧̛̀͟h̡̛͘͠i̡̛͞͡s̕͟ ̴̢͘̕͠g͟͏̶̷͟a̛̛̛̕m̸͡e̴̶͞͠͡ ̴̛͘͢͝h̢̨̀͝ą̴s͘͜͞ ̶̷̧͜͝t̵̛ò̴ ̷̸͞b̶͘e̶͘͘ ̧͢i̢͞n̷̡̧̧ ̸̨̀͡͞á̴̡ ̛͜v̸́e͘͢͡ŕ̴͘͞y̸̛̛͞ ͟͜p̕̕ó̡́͡͡s҉̀͜͠i̵̢̡͜͠t̢́i̡̛͠v̷͠e̕͠ ̶̨́h̵́͢͢͠ư̷͝ḿ̸͜͞a̧͝n̶͜ ̨̧͜͜d̴̕͟͝į͘r͘͟e̴͢c̕͢ţ͘í̴̛ơ̶̵̧̨n̸͟ ̧͝b̨́͠͝͠y̡͏͞҉ ̷̨͞҉Ǹ́̕í̀͜͞g҉̸̵̢͘h̶̨͠t҉͟ ́҉̛͜5̴͏̧͝ ̷͞͡o̸̧͘͟r̵͟͡ it's possible that the entire game ends there.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 02:50:26 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 02:28:54 PMstahp pls
Oh great; now it looks like I'm telling davy to stop. :P

I'm a bird, chirp chirp, mcChicken.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 16, 2018, 02:53:11 PM
Dead players are still technically marked, but do not count toward the total counter of Monika's ability.  Rules updated to reflect this better.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 02:54:37 PM
Yeah, okay. I see your point.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: raeko on February 16, 2018, 03:30:49 PM
way too early to be talking about this imo
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 03:31:14 PM
Quote from: raeko on February 16, 2018, 03:30:49 PMway too early to be talking about this imo

Never too early, actually.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 04:17:59 PM
Points against bds and doodmoon for trying to stop an alliance like wut.

Quote from: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 02:46:33 PMWolves can re-kill whoever gets revived so that communication is almost immediately cut off

The confirmed human would unite the power roles then die again. How does his or her death stop the now formed alliance to cease communication?

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 12:10:33 PMIn a game without a guardian and a vigi, an alliance is not only less useful, but impractical to form at all because there's also no "useless" role that can be sacrificed to get the specials together. A reviver is NOT a substitute for a guardian, and thinking that, IMO, is just more likely to get all the specials killed faster. While getting an alliance is always nice, to be honest, I don't think there are enough special roles (and not the right kind of special roles) to warrant forming an alliance.

It seems like your arguing more that an alliance isn't as useful as it's made out to be, but you haven't really given any downsides or reason not to. We use our revive on a regular human instead of a power role? The wolves potentially go for ridiculous risk killing themselves to screw with the plan? Please tell me the downside that outweighs the benefit of 4 confirmed humans, 3 of which the wolves don't know about.

Quote from: raeko on February 16, 2018, 03:30:49 PMway too early to be talking about this imo

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 04:23:28 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 12:38:13 PMBrainy and TZP for wolf partners 2K18

It feels like he was just bandwagoning on the general sentiment that was going on (i.e. discussion about the Brutal Human) without knowing that the Brutal Human didn't know who they are.

All right good, that's the assumption I was working on before.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 04:26:22 PM
Seperate post because it's important. Do not publically announce it if you get marked by Monika. Since the Wolves and Monika can win together (tbh noc that feels pretty unbalanced) the wolves can simply avoid wolfing anyone who's marked and we just explode night 5. We want them redundantly targeting the same people.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 04:59:07 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 04:17:59 PMPoints against bds and doodmoon for trying to stop an alliance like wut.
Why? If we think an alliance is not beneficial, then why should we not voice our opinions?

QuoteIt seems like your arguing more that an alliance isn't as useful as it's made out to be, but you haven't really given any downsides or reason not to. We use our revive on a regular human instead of a power role? The wolves potentially go for ridiculous risk killing themselves to screw with the plan? Please tell me the downside that outweighs the benefit of 4 confirmed humans, 3 of which the wolves don't know about.

Don't know what you're talking about, but to be honest, I think the only point for an alliance is Khajiit. That being said, forming an alliance successfully is much, much more difficult and impractical at this point, especially since, as mentioned before, the Brutal Human does not know who they are and has no way of connecting with the alliance unless seered. There would not be "4 confirmed humans, 3 of which the wolves don't know about."
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 04:59:37 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 04:26:22 PMSeperate post because it's important. Do not publically announce it if you get marked by Monika. Since the Wolves and Monika can win together (tbh noc that feels pretty unbalanced) the wolves can simply avoid wolfing anyone who's marked and we just explode night 5. We want them redundantly targeting the same people.
This is a good point though, and thank you for mentioning that.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 05:09:26 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 04:59:07 PMDon't know what you're talking about, but to be honest, I think the only point for an alliance is Khajiit. That being said, forming an alliance successfully is much, much more difficult and impractical at this point, especially since, as mentioned before, the Brutal Human does not know who they are and has no way of connecting with the alliance unless seered. There would not be "4 confirmed humans, 3 of which the wolves don't know about."

1. Human dies, does not have to be brutal human
2. Reviver revives dead human
3. During this phase, the seer, reviver, and khajiit claim to the revived human.
4. human unites them in a group pm
5. You have an alliance of 4 confirmed humans, which will probably be dropped down to three due to the confirmed human being known to the wolves.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 05:12:44 PM
I'm still not 100% sold on the plan. The problem with that though is that there's still no mouthpiece for the alliance. And no guardian means that the specials are probably at a slightly greater risk of dying if they're together (because of potential slips, especially if one of them tries to defend the others). Plus, there's no saying that one of the specials won't be the one wolfed. :K
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 05:20:18 PM
I agree, the Monika mechanic seems a bit unbalanced. Now, concerning alliances & all that, I've read both sides of the discussion and here are my thoughts: I think an alliance could be useful, if everything indeed works out in our favour. With that said, it would need to be seer-based, as using the revive this early on could prove detrimental later on. Sure, we'd have a confirmed human then, and a small alliance could be quickly set up, but given the person revived is revived at the beginning of a night phase, they only have 24 hours to not only set up an alliance but try to see through a possible false-claim by the wolves. In addition, who's to say a more useful revive wouldn't be needed later on (such as the Brutal, my next point)? Unless the person wolved N1 is the Brutal, in which case they need to be revived ASAP, because that's the big role the wolves won't be as inclined to mess with (unless they're willing to sacrifice another of their numbers?), I believe the revive needs to lay low.

Ninja'd x2
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 05:24:04 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 05:20:18 PMa possible false-claim by the wolves. In addition, who's to say a more useful revive wouldn't be needed later on
Those are good points I forgot to mention/didn't think of at first.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 05:49:59 PM
I got home early, so I'm checking in officially, finally. @miley I have two questions:

-If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive does the wolf kill go away for that phase or for the rest of the game?

-Are we permitted to talk about items and their effects in public?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 16, 2018, 05:54:09 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 05:49:59 PMI got home early, so I'm checking in officially, finally. @miley I have two questions:

-If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive does the wolf kill go away for that phase or for the rest of the game?

-Are we permitted to talk about items and their effects in public?
Question 1: For the rest of the game.
Question 2: You're quite welcome to discuss items and theorize about what they may do.
Additionally, my warning about discussing role PMs extends to all private communication with the host.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 06:39:44 PM
Current Thoughts:
Mild wolf leans on Raeko and TZP for questionable comments they have made. Caution on FireArrow for railing so hard against Dudeman and me (and because he evidently ignored my part about alliances not always being a good thing :P).
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 06:40:31 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 05:20:18 PMWith that said, it would need to be seer-based, as using the revive this early on could prove detrimental later on.  In addition, who's to say a more useful revive wouldn't be needed later on (such as the Brutal, my next point)?

The longer you hold the revive, the less likely the reviver is going to be alive to use it.

QuoteSure, we'd have a confirmed human then, and a small alliance could be quickly set up, but given the person revived is revived at the beginning of a night phase, they only have 24 hours to not only set up an alliance but try to see through a possible false-claim by the wolves.

Goddamnit you're right. This normally isn't an issue because wolf lives are more valuable to wolves than power roles lives are to humans (trading a seer for a wolf is completely worth it), but the wolves have both a traitor and a needy wolf that can act as fodder with little cost. Unless we can think of a way to deal with that (davy pls come thru) it's probably better to hope we get lucky and wait for the brutal to get wolfed or for the seer to find other blues.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 06:45:06 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 06:39:44 PM(and because he evidently ignored my part about alliances not always being a good thing :P).

Because you did not provide any reason as to why. Because they're more likely to slip and reveal themselves? I know you like to play cautious but try answering this question: What downside if there to an alliance that outweighs having 3+ confirmed humans?

And yes, I did concede that we shouldn't try and make an alliance right now because of what E. Gadd said, but an alliance being a bad thing in this game was definitly not that reason.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 06:52:43 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 06:45:06 PMAnd yes, I did concede that we shouldn't try and make an alliance right now because of what E. Gadd said, but an alliance being a bad thing in this game was definitly not that reason.
my whole post was the reason did you or did you not read it
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 16, 2018, 07:00:20 PM
Night 1 has ended.
Chapter 2
"Mr. Gardiner, I trust you found your journey here pleasant?"
Addison Gardiner looked down at the man addressing him.  "I did, thank you.  May I set my coat somewhere?"
"Oh, certainly.  Follow me."
The short man with a combover led Mr. Gardiner across a great hall with marble flooring to a coatroom off to one corner.  "None of the other guests will be arriving for some time, so feel free to explore the manor as you wish."
"Thank you," Mr. Gardiner responded.  He let his gaze wander across the hall.  A wooden staircase with smooth banisters occupied the far end of the hall.  Beneath the stairs was a double set of doorways leading into, from what he could see, a library.  On the opposite side of the hall from the coatrack was a white door with a polished handle.  He gently pushed on the door and it swung inward.  An enormous oak dining table with 16 matching chairs, places set, occupied the entire room.  Beyond the table was a swinging door.  He assumed behind it would be the kitchen.
He backed out of the dining room and started up the stairs.  A hallway at the top of the stairs forced him to make a choice and he continued to the left past a row of plain doors.  At the end of the hall was another door.  He pulled the handle and peered inside.  A bedroom.  A vanity and a dresser occupied the wall opposite the door.  To one side lay a four-poster bed.  Very well, he would stay here.  Suddenly, he heard a scraping sound from the hallway.  Thinking quickly, he grabbed a candlestick from the vanity and headed back into the hallway.
"Ah!  Mikey, it's just you.  Goodness, but this place is a bit cheerless, innit?"
"Oh yes, I'm sorry.  I brought your luggage up, Mr. Gardiner.  I take it you'll be staying in this room then?"
"Well, I suppose so."
"Do be careful, I hear that one is haunted," he remarked, giving a roguish wink.
"Hm, yes, quite," Addison replied absentmindedly.  "Well, I've got studies to attend to.  So, if you don't mind..."  He left the dismissal hanging in the air.
Mikey nodded.  "Yes.  I've got things I must attend to myself.  This place will be quite lively soon!"  Humming, he started back through the hallway and down the stairs.
What an odd man, Addison thought to himself.  How did he know...  He couldn't possibly...
Zachary poured a cup of cold water on Daniel's face.
"Hey.  Get up.  This is important."
Daniel winced at the shock and groaned.  "What do you want?  I was sleeping, and it's gotta be like 3 AM."
"You know those invitations we stole from that home?"
"Don't remind me."
"Well, check it out."
Zachary led Daniel to the kitchen, where Michael and Gerik were waiting.
"Look at this," whispered Gerik, gesturing to the invitations.
Unamused, Daniel waltzed over to the table and read the invitations.  His eyes widened with shock.
"What the he-"
"Do you have any clue why they're like that?" Michael interrupted.
"I-I've never seen anything like this," Daniel stammered.  "You stole these invitations, and yet... They have your names on them?!"
Natalie was at the breaking point.  Her house was in a poor state, and her frantic search had only confirmed what the note had seemed to suggest.  Somehow, they had taken it, and she wasn't going to get it back unless she went to that stupid Dinner and a Show thing.
Skyler was feverishly flipping through pages of multiple books, trying to remember...  Why did that telegram seem so familiar?  Something about the writing style was out of place, as if it had been written by multiple people.  He felt like he had seen that before, somewhere.  The night went on as Skyler continued reading at an inhuman pace, digesting information faster than seemingly was possible.  He knew he wasn't going crazy, but he just didn't have the access to what he needed.  Maybe the Dinner would clear things up...
Tyler sighed.  Somehow he had let Sayori convince him into taking her with him to the Dinner.  It was a long enough trip without her constantly chattering.  He glanced sidelong at her.  Sure enough, on and on she went.  Did she know how to do anything but talk?  He silently chided himself for thinking like that.  Sayori was a nice gal, just a bit... enthusiastic.  There is worse company, he decided, as he listened to Sayori now ranting about the difference between brown-eyed susans and daisies.
As the shadows of night enveloped the town, a storm began to roll in, as if foreshadowing the unpredictable events awaiting those unfortunate few who had been invited to the Don Manor...
Rachel was the last one to arrive at the manor.  The rain was coming down heavily now, and her skirt was getting drenched.  She pounded on the knocker and the man with the combover invited her in.
"Thank you," she managed, shivering from the cold.  A large fireplace was warming up the hall, where over a dozen people were socializing, drinking, or admiring the paintings on the walls.  "This is quite the party," she commented.  She turned to look at the man with the combover.  He was nowhere in sight.  Strange, she thought to herself.  Well, I'm here now, so I might as well make the most of it.  She gracefully waltzed over to a group of people and introduced herself.
A crackling sound quickly ended any discussion.  A loud voice rang  out, grainy and clearly unprofessional.  "Greetings, everyone.  I apologize that I cannot be here in person, but as many of you know, I am quite the busy individual.  Fortunately, I should be able to make it to the Dinner and a Show tomorrow.  Now, you all know why you are here, but first I'd like to make a note of who all arrived.  You see, I had a few issues with the guest list, and it seems not everyone has made it yet...
"If you could calmly and orderly introduce yourself to my butler and to each other, we'll have all of this sorted out in no time!"

The man with the combover stood next to the fireplace.  "Well, you heard the master.  Everyone please introduce yourself!  ...Ah, perhaps we should move into the dining room.  Champagne, anyone?"
As everyone got settled in the dining room, each sitting in one of the 16 chairs, they began to introduce themselves, beginning with a strange catlike creature standing upright.
"You may call Khajiit... Khajiit," he said smiling, showing off a row of sharp teeth.  "Khajiit is here on request of employer.  That is all."
"My name is Zachary Sharpe, and this is my little bro-"
"No!  Stop."  A young man identical to Zachary stood up.  "I'm Daniel Sharpe, and we're twins," he said, glaring at Zachary.  "I'm studying here to become an astronomer!"
Zachary sighed and the twins sat down.
A redheaded woman twirling her hair spoke up.  "My name is Rachel Scarlett von Karma.  Pleased to meet you all."  She said that in a tone that made it very clear she was not in fact pleased to meet them all.
"Is nobody gonna question the fact that there's a cat-man in this room?  Cause I think it's weird.  Anyway, my name is Monika Candelaria.  Nice to meet you!"  Monika curtsied.
"I am Olivier Martinez," a man with a thick Paris accent said.  "Please, if it suits you, simply call me Olimar.  You may know me from several French films."
Natalie gasped, then covered her mouth with her hands.  "Sorry!" she squeaked.  "I thought you looked familiar.  Sorry...  I'm Natalie Brady."  Embarrased, she sunk down low in her seat.
"I'm Michael Buble.  I'm a songwriter.  I haven't seen any real success yet, but I feel like I'm close.  Good to meet ya."
Two men simultaneously stood up.  "Allow me to introduce you to the one and only Baron Miguel Antonio Del Rey, Captain of the USS Cleaver and Scourge of the East Sea.  While he prefers you call him by his full title, you may call him Captain Del Rey or simply Captain."
"The great man who introduced me is my compatriot, First Lieutenant Kenji Higashi.  Please show him the respect he deserves."
"But I don't mind if you simply call me Kenji!"
A tall, attractive man spoke up.  "I am Travis de Gillett.  I'm one of the townspeople here, and I'm fairly well-known among them."
Someone laughed.  "Yeah, but not in a good way!"  Everyone turned to look at the man who had interrupted.  "Oh, sorry.  Well, I'm Tyler Henry.  I'm directly descended from the Cormaci royals who settled here a long time ago.  I make my living off the ocean shore."
"Wow, Tyler, I barely recognized you!" a young woman laughed.  "I'm Sayori Ishizuka.  Usually his hair is all sweaty from the sea salt and hard work, but he cleans up nice!  Look at that curly hair!"
" name is Skyler Brasher.  I'm not really anyone special, but recently I've been studying paranormal activity as a hobby."
An older man perked up.  "My name is Addison Gardiner.  I'm here on the owner's request.  That's all you need to know about me.  Feel free to talk to me any time, especially you, young man."
"My name is Gerik Paull.  I do football, basketball, and baseball.  I've got scholarships waiting for me in any of those.  I just really like athletics and being athletic."  He shrugged and sat down.
"Well, everyone's introduced themselves.  Who are we missing?"
The butler pulled out a folded note.  Reading it, he nodded individually at each person sitting down.  "Ah, yes.  It appears we are missing one... Mike Scott."
Suddenly, there was a loud bang.  Several people jumped up to their feet, startled.
"My apologies everyone!  That's just the door.  No need to panic."
Everyone followed the butler back into the hall, where the banging continued frantically.
The butler opened the door.  It would be more accurate to say the butler tried, then the howling maelstrom outside did the rest of the work.  A frail old man fell in through the doorway, shivering.  "I-i-i-i m-m-made it..." he stammered.
"Poor man, let's get you to your feet.  You must be Mike Scott?"
"Mike... S-s-s-scott..."  The man pulled out a crumpled note from his pocket.  "Y-yes, Mike Scott.  That's m-m-me," he said, before his eyes closed and he slumped further into the butler's arms.
"Oh, dear me," the butler tutted.  "Let's get him a warm bed and some tea, shall we?  He'll be right as rain soon enough."
Rachel tiptoed down the stairs and knocked on the door.  It opened a crack, and a feline eye stared at her through it.  "Yes?"
"Listen.  I don't trust you one bit.  I want to know what exactly you're doing here."
"Well, why did you not say so earlier?  Come.  Khajiit will show you."  He opened the door all the way to reveal a bedroom not unlike Rachel's own.  However, this one had a strange table with glass boxes on it.
"I sell these, for your coin.  You see anything you like?" Khajiit purred.
Rachel's eyes wandered over the objects.  Some of them seemed quite valuable, such as a silver dagger.  Others were commonplace or otherwise seemed odd.  Shaking her head, she said, "Maybe later.  Good luck with... your exchanges."  She slowly walked back towards the door and walked upstairs.
Natalie lifted her head from the crack in the floorboards.  "Oh, I wonder what he has down there.  Maybe he has my...  No, that seems quite dubious.  I'd better forget about it.  It's late.  Besides, he doesn't seem malicious.  Not the type to steal from a damsel, anyway."  Natalie climbed into her bed, pulling the thick covers up to her chin.  She soon slipped off into sleep.
The sound of a tinny bell woke Skyler from his sleep.  He groggily rubbed his eyes, then flung himself out of bed.  Pulling on some trousers, he opened his door.  The butler!
"Your breakfast is ready, everyone.  Hop to, my master has an important announcement to make for your benefit!"  He announced.
Skyler met Addison at the foot of the staircase.
"Skyler, was it?  Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Oh, yeah..."
"Listen, you didn't hear any activity last night, did you?"
"Nah, I was unconscious pretty quick.  Why?"
"Oh, never mind...  Let's just enjoy breakfast.  I've got something to show you afterwards."
As Skyler sat at the table, he noticed an extra chair had been brought up to one end.  He recalled the events of the previous night, Mike coming in late.  Poor guy.
Soon everyone was seated and eating.  Out of the corner of his eye, Skyler saw Mike Scott shoveling huge amounts of food into his mouth at a time, barely pausing to breathe.  Interesting guy, he thought.  He turned back to his own plate.  Sausage, eggs, toast, and most importantly, bacon!  He chewed on the bacon, tearing it apart.  Delicious.
Rachel ate quietly, concerned.  Something here was wrong, she could tell.  She had expected something to happen last night, but everything seemed accounted for.  And there was something off about this... Mike Scott.  Rachel could see why everyone was here, except for him.  A question.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe he did fit in.  After all, what was all this entire charade except one question after another?

TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Sub: Maelstrom

Nobody died.  It is now Day 1.  Day 1 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM on February 18, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 07:04:12 PM
Which one? I've mostly seen you listing things that would make the alliance not as good than it would be in an allianced based game (e.g. not having a person to communicate to the thread with), not a reason why it would actually harm us (other than making the blues more likley to slip, I guess?)

Anyways, albeit for different reasons, we both agree that we probably shouldn't revive any rando human n1 to make an allaince, so this argument is going nowhere. I've got a good enough read on you by now, and I'm sure you on me, so agree to disagree for now so we can hear from other people?

Also look out because im a jock u don wanna mess wit dis
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:05:48 PM
Aw man, I was hoping maestro would die.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 07:10:15 PM
why did nobody die
is there a number-related reason or just the wolves being big ol' dumbos

Quote from: FireArrow on February 16, 2018, 07:04:12 PMAlso look out because im a jock u don wanna mess wit dis
you wan fite the scourge of the east sea and his buddy

no i don't think you do
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 07:12:42 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 07:10:15 PMwhy did nobody die
is there a number-related reason or just the wolves being big ol' dumbos
you wan fite the scourge of the east sea and his buddy

no i don't think you do
I think wolves got unlucky and hit Monika?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:13:58 PM
Or maybe they were just inactive.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 07:14:59 PM
I mean, that's the other option, but I want to believe everyone here is playing :)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 07:18:26 PM
Good story so far, Noc. As for the wolfing, the only real possibilities I see here are monika wolf hit or inactivity.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:19:05 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 07:14:59 PMI mean, that's the other option, but I want to believe everyone here is playing :(

I mean we should consider all options, not just the ones we want to hear...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 16, 2018, 07:23:23 PM
I know I know sheesh  s̃̏̓͑̐ͣ̓̍ͧ̒ͮ҉̦̺̯̹̖̤̗͠ͅh̢͕̞͎̞̞͎͓͑ͮ̾ͣ̈́͐ͨ̀̍̂ͮ͋̉̄̿̏̐͘ě̪̯̯̱̠̥̻͉͔͓̖̅͑͌̄̀̌ͫ͌̎̾ͭ͛̾͐̀̚͞͞͞e̡̮̳̙̙̜̫̣͇̳̙͙ͪ͗̿ͫ̓̀͠ͅs̷̹̯͙̣̭̿ͣ̆́ͫ̀̕͜͝ḩ̶̸̨͔̤͉̙̺͈͚̺͖̰̎̓͂ͫ͢
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 16, 2018, 07:33:35 PM
We should probably hope for the cause being inactivity. If the wolves hit Monika, that would be bad for us cause they would team up. Monika can win with the wolves, if they team up, it's game over.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:54:30 PM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 16, 2018, 07:33:35 PMWe should probably hope for the cause being inactivity. If the wolves hit Monika, that would be bad for us cause they would team up. Monika can win with the wolves, if they team up, it's game over.

Woah okay first of all, we should always consider and plan according to the worst case scenario, which would be that they hit Monika. Second of all, if they team up it just means that there's one more player on the wolf side, which while this does make the game harder for the humans, it by no means is a game over. Thirdly, this like many of your posts is a generic cookie-cutter, fake, human-sounding post that is overly-obvious and adds nothing to the game. I've got my eye on you.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 07:55:12 PM
Ooooooo that's quite the predicament then... also cripes, I have a haunted room now, that's just great. >:/ for once I'm early for something and I end up getting the short end of the stick, jeez

Dangit I keep getting ninja'd.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 07:55:58 PM
Ima think on the current situation and respond tomorrow evening after reading what happens (I have an academic team comp tomorrow that'll last most of the day)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 17, 2018, 08:25:38 AM
Sorry I'm late, I was out all day yesterday and didn't have time to say anything.

That said, I think the missed wolfing is a deliberate move. There's no reason to have missed a wolfing except on the and the odds that all four wolves were not present is slim at best. If anything they probably were waiting for the rest of us to come up with some sort of alliance plan before making the first move.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 17, 2018, 08:43:55 AM
Hi everyone, I've been rather busy the past few days but I'm just checking in to say that I'm here. I'm doing a lot of stuff today and tomorrow but I'll try to keep up; come Monday I should be able to be fully engaged.

Just some preliminary thoughts from what I've skimmed so far: I haven't really fully thought out whether or not we need an alliance (FA has shown just how much planning is involved in this), but I'm tempted to believe that the wolves did hit Monika. After all, there are four wolves, so at least one of them was bound to be active... Olimar is right in saying that we should be preparing for the worst case scenario, too.

Ninja'd by Maestro, whose post does make me reconsider. I'm not 100% sure I see the merit in the wolves deliberately missing a kill though? That could mean that they're trying to trick us into thinking that they've found Monika, but what advantage would that give them?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 12:06:45 PM
Just want to point out, I do find it odd that Olimar chided me a little for thinking the wolves hit Monika and not the wolves hitting Monika, and then also immediately chided THC for hoping it was inactivity and not because of inactivity.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 12:24:17 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 12:06:45 PMJust want to point out, I do find it odd that Olimar chided me a little for thinking the wolves hit Monika and not because of inactivity, and then also immediately chided THC for hoping it was inactivity and not the wolves hitting Monika.

Lol that is kind of funny out of context like that. :P
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 17, 2018, 12:28:08 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:54:30 PMWoah okay first of all, we should always consider and plan according to the worst case scenario, which would be that they hit Monika.
Oh, I know that. A good philosophy in life is to plan for the worst and hope for the best. I was just stating that we should hope for a good scenario, which I guess is a bit obvious and redundant. I can see your point.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 12:39:07 PM
Well, let's get the ball rolling. raeko for aforementioned reasons.

Also worth noting is that the wolves could have intentionally missed a wolfing to deprive us of information, though that's also unlikely to be the sole reason, IMO. It's possible there's a combination of reasons, including only one or two of the wolves being active (and potentially being unable to come to a decision), or waiting for the humans to make a decision and simply not being able to get on in time to make the wolfing.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 01:01:47 PM
I'm currently having wolf leans towards THC (for substanceless "that's a good idea, I agree" posts), raeko ("way too early to be talking about this imo 'cause I'll die eventually"), and TR8RZP (not knowing the Brutal Human doesn't know who they are didn't do him any favors), but I hesitate to vote at this point in time. FireArrow is in the clear for me; we disagree about the usefulness of an alliance, but it's clear to me he's trying to help the humans. BDS and E. Gadd are also clear for me. Olimar rustles my jimmies but that's kind of what happens outside the game too so :P

Given that we're tossing around the idea that a few of the wolves might have been inactive Night 1, suspicion immediately falls on anyone who wasn't active. I'll agree that the missed wolfing is quite possibly an intentional move, but I just don't see the benefit in not attempting to remove any players from the game right off the bat. That means SuperMarina, ThiccWife, and Lkj are all on my watch list.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 01:44:29 PM
Sus: BDS, raeko, E Gadd, THC
Sorta Sus?: Brainy, msf

E Gadd, THC, and Brainy's tells could just be easily chalked up to expirience so I don't want to jump the gun there.
BDS is just always suspicous to me so I want to wait for more concrete evidence, because otherwise, trying to help the humans day 1 is not a very wolfy thing to do.
MSF I'm just feeling less than raeko, so I'll focus on that.

QuoteOlimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Yesterday at 5:15 PM
   @raeko🐺🚫 hi there
   Are you a wolf?
   Don't lie either
   Because I will know

raeko🐺🚫 - Yesterday at 5:32 PM
   dont @ me bro @Olimar12345 🐺 🚫
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Yesterday at 5:33 PM
   What why
raeko🐺🚫 - Yesterday at 5:34 PM
   because how could you

Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Yesterday at 5:35 PM
   But are you a wolf?
raeko🐺🚫 - Yesterday at 5:35 PM
   I'm not, are you a wolf?

They're obviously just joking around, but...

1. ...raeko did avoid the question until prodded again. It's common for wolves to want to avoid questions like this, because it's the kind of question that can give you away depending on your reaction.

2. Then when they did answer, it was with proper capitilzation and punctuation. I looked through the discord and the thread and every single one of their posts both don't have punctuation or capitilzation. When peolpe are nervous, a common thing they do is use better grammar than their normal posting style. You overthink your response, and sort of accidently remember to use punctuation you normally use. Since this was blatantly such a carefree joking around exchange, the only reason I would see raeko being nervous is if they were a wolf, so this to me comes across as a slip.

Quote from: raeko on February 16, 2018, 03:30:49 PMway too early to be talking about this imo

I just straight up see no reason for a human to say this. Way too early to be talking about a plan that would need to be implemented shortly after n1? Way too early to analyze the rule set of the game and try to come up with a win con? When people both me and BDS responded to this, you never elaborated. To be fair, I can't see too much of a reason for a wolf to say this either. Trying to outright hamper human discussion would be a really risky thing to do. It could be a way of appearing to be active without having to actually contribute.

It's kind of a silly reason to base an entire lynch off of, so I'm not gonna vote yet. I'd really like to hear from the people who haven't been posting as much, there's surprisingly a lot to talk about d1.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 12:39:07 PMraeko for aforementioned reasons.

I can't find these aforementioned reason can you repeat them for my incompetent self ;[
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 01:47:45 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 01:44:29 PMI can't find these aforementioned reason can you repeat them for my incompetent self ;[
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 16, 2018, 06:39:44 PMCurrent Thoughts:
Mild wolf leans on Raeko and TZP for questionable comments they have made. Caution on FireArrow for railing so hard against Dudeman and me (and because he evidently ignored my part about alliances not always being a good thing :P).
Also THC is also a good person to add to the "Caution" category right now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 01:50:33 PM
ty ty
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 02:23:06 PM
FireArrow, what are my tells exactly? I'd like you to shed some light on them if you would

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 17, 2018, 02:25:13 PM
Tbh, to settle any worries. I had my two cents on the way prior conversation, yet passed out before I could post. Here it is, to put your nerves at ease.

Quote from: davy on February 16, 2018, 01:02:34 PMYou are forgetting one role: Khajiit. It is super benificial for Khajiit to know who the confirmed humans are so he won't send his items to a wolf.

Just catching up in detail, not too focused on the back-forth debate, just more so key points.
It'd be pretty important for the Khajiit to know who's human, but we can't know for certain who is who, not without card flips (meaning death and revival, like you all have discussed) or someone to come forth as seer and point fingers. Both are almost equally risky since it reveals roles to the wolves, and it's worth note that alliances will also prove to be a risk, especially if one wolf even manages to gain favor with bandwagon.

Picking your friends wisely is key, but my suspicions lie truly with those who have hardly contributed. Those who usually stick to the background are either, in my eyes, a human without worry, possibly the traitor, or the wolves in general. I'd be more interested in finding our seer, and I don't think we should have a plan for when they should claim, going back to what I said about prematurely role reveals. Wolves might get a jump early. BDS seems sus to me. Usually those to make a first impression with an accusation and a vote put me on edge for wolfiness, but with all reasoning considered, Raeko also seems to fit on that list. Still too early in the day phase to come to a solid conclusion and a vote from me, but those are my thoughts.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 02:46:49 PM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 02:23:06 PMFireArrow, what are my tells exactly? I'd like you to shed some light on them if you would

For one, that you're more interested in me being slighty suspicous of you than literally every more important thing going on right now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 02:49:32 PM
So just to recap, Here are my thoughts about the "no night 1 wolfing:"

1) Inactivity shouldn't be too far off of the table. Let's face it: here an NSM we are used to smaller games where there are only usually 2 maybe 3 wolves. It's much easier for two people to find time to communicate and come to agreement in 24 hours than it can be for 4 people. Added to the amount of people in this game that aren't as regularly active as the rest of us, it is entirely possible and highly likely that there wasn't enough communication in that time and no one sent in a wolfing. This is especially possible if you consider that less experienced players could have been more active than more experienced players, and more hesitant to make a move without consulting the more veteran players. Just thoughts.

2) Hitting Monika would be statistically a less-likely possibility in my opinion, since in this game it would be a 1/13 chance on night 1. This would also, as already said, not be good for the humans since they could end up working together against the humans. Pretty straight forward.

3) An intentional move to not wolf someone seems like a riskier and less-likely move. Like said, it would give us less information to go on for our day 1 lynch, but day 1 gives us the least to go on anyway, and I see this as a better move for later phases. Like, night 1 is basically a free kill for the wolf team because there are hardly any "if he/she dies, ___ is a wolf" suspicions. Because of this, I doubt this is what happened.

shortened, of these three possibility I would have to say that it was most likely inactivity that stunted night 1 for the wolves. Hitting Monika was a possibility, but statistically less likely, and intentionally not wolfing makes little to no sense.

Basic suspicion list:

No obvious suspicious as of late.


Okay for now
-E. Gadd Industries

Pls post more

I'll post more on this later; I just wanted to show a visual of where people are on my radar.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 02:54:10 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 02:46:49 PMFor one, that you're more interested in me being slighty suspicous of you than literally every more important thing going on right now.
I'm interested in it because you aren't explaining it. Olimar's suspicion is obvious to me because of the public asking to reply to a message. If we're going to just focus on one thing, we risk losing opportunities elsewhere for clues and ideas. Having to only be interested in a single subject doesn't help anyone

Wait...Who's Olimar?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:00:06 PM
Quote from: SuperMarina on February 17, 2018, 02:25:13 PMThose who usually stick to the background are either, in my eyes, a human without worry, possibly the traitor, or the wolves in general.

you're saying that humans should stick to the background
how about no
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 17, 2018, 03:01:39 PM
Right now, I'm not finding anyone overly wolfy, but Brainy and BDS are both on my radar. Brainy doesn't seem to be putting much thought into what would help humans best. At least not yet, so I'm definitely not thinking he's a wolf with certainty, I need to hear more from him. For BDS, there was that whole ordeal against an alliance. Of course, he seemed to explain himself ok, and the conflict seemed to be resolved fairly easily, so he's also suspicious, but I wouldn't say with certainty that he's a wolf just yet. Half the players are inactive, so I can't really go off of that to see if any of them are wolfy or not.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:08:31 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:00:06 PMwot

you're saying that humans should stick to the background
how about no

You're taking that out of context; that isn't what he was saying at all...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:15:33 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:08:31 PMYou're taking that out of context; that isn't what he was saying at all...
That's how I read it IN context; I was simply quoting it in specific to highlight that phrase in particular.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:16:13 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:15:33 PMThat's how I read it IN context; I was simply quoting it in specific to highlight that phrase in particular.
Emphasis on the phrase "Human without worry" so you can hopefully see what I mean.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 03:18:09 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:16:13 PMSo someone who isn't worried about anything atm.
Which is how humans should NOT be in a game (in other words, the average human should not sink into the background, and if you do, you should be either worried or a bad player).
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:22:20 PM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 03:18:09 PMWhich is how humans should NOT be in a game (in other words, the average human should not sink into the background, and if you do, you should be either worried or a bad player).
So someone who isn't worried about anything atm.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 03:23:11 PM
Humans should always be worried about t̷̨͟h̢̛e ̷̨̡w̸o̴̷̡l̴v̷̢e̴͢ś̕ ̛w͡in͝n҉̨i͡n̢̕g.̵̵͡ ̢A͡ ͜h͘ư̢͝ma̸̧n ͜w̶h͘͝o҉̸ ̶̛s͏i̷ts͢͝ ̸̷b́́ac҉k̵̷ ҉a̷̧n͜͝d̨ ̵͢d̨̕o͞e͘s̶̴ ̧͠n͏͏͜o͜͡t̸͝͝h͏ìn̢͘g ̶is̷̸n̵͡'ţ ̴́̀h͠e̸l̀͡҉pin̨̛g̨̕ ̶̡t̵̨ḩe ̷̕͝h̶͞u̴͟m̶̛͞a̴͘n s̕͠i̵ḑ̕͠e҉̕.̶̨̀ ̨͜I͢͠'҉d e͢v̸̕͘èǹ̡͜ ͜͡͞s͡a̛͠y̷̧ ̛ì͘t̶͢'̶̡҉s ͠a̷̕ ̡͞h͝in̡d̶͞e̶͘ra̡̡ń͟ce.

ninja'd~! ;)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 03:24:31 PM
Brainy's on my suspicion list now too, but I'm hoping it's JUST í̵̭̹͖̫̲̟͓͈̬̩n͝҉̷̳͔̺̼̖̝̱̖̭̘͉̼͇̳̜͎̣̳̕é̸͚̬̲̜̹̖͖̪̕̕͝x̢҉̡͙̝̠̞̩̪͈̰̖͔̖̳͟͞p͘҉̼̖̥͇̙̟͇̪̪̙ͅe̵̴̶̬͓͓̩̥͎͜͜ͅr̢͈̹̠̪͕̞͍͖̹̻͓̪̬̫̞ḭ̖͇̻̪͖͍̰̰̼̕͟͟e̕͏͉̜̜̟̘͚̬͉̥̝̻͇͔̝̱͔̙ͅņ̷̷̩̠̹͈̯̫̰̖̯̩̳͓̦̀c̶̗̼̣̭͓̰͕̯͔̲̘̜͉̺͚̤̬ͅe҉̷̨͇̟̝̤̭̦̯̰́͢ ̛̀t̛̪̞͔͈̗̣̹̮̖͓͓͕̹̠ͅą̶̞̬̺̙̲̗͢͞ḷ̨̛̖̩̪͎̬͇͕͉̲̞̣̱̥̗͚͘͘͠k̨̩͓̱̼̻̪͇̰̀͝i͏̶̺̟͔̰͎̥̖̰̗͎̜̥ͅǹ̶̦̼͇̞̼̘̩̳͢ͅg͟҉̟͈̥̹̥̜̪̬̯̫̼̮̗̟͇͙̫̮͟.̸͉͚̙̮̜̣̯̤̺ MONIKAAAkAaaikaaa{{\
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:26:39 PM
Personally, I'd chalk that up to Brainy being Brainy, but Olimar is starting to creep up to at the moment.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 03:27:35 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 03:24:31 PMBrainy's on my suspicion list now too, but I'm hoping it's just inexperience talking.
On me or you?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:28:21 PM
@BDS I could see that as a possible slip-up, but when I read that I interpreted that as him meaning inactive humans who have no worry because they are inactive.

@Dudeman I usually get wolfy vibes from Brainy regardless just because of how he plays. (and no Brainy, you weren't tacked onto my semi-suspicion list because of that dumb discord message thing).
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:28:55 PM
Ninja'd by brainy reinforcing my point about him. Wow lol
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 03:35:32 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:28:21 PM@Dudeman I usually get wolfy vibes from Brainy regardless just because of how he plays. (and no Brainy, you weren't tacked onto my semi-suspicion list because of that dumb discord message thing).
I've picked up on that, yeah. Is this loreNoc 2.0?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 03:36:27 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 17, 2018, 03:35:32 PMIs this Noc 2.0?

his legacy lmao
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 17, 2018, 03:52:44 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:00:06 PMwot

you're saying that humans should stick to the background
how about no

You totally took it out of context. I mentioned that the traitor-type humans are the ones who stick to the background. Their win is reliant on the wolves, and their duty as human becomes almost innate. Sure, I didn't elaborate down to the finely of a point, but you seemed to have ignored the context.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:58:15 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:15:33 PMThat's how I read it IN context; I was simply quoting it in specific to highlight that phrase in particular.
Maybe it was just how confusingly you worded the sentence, but it seemed as if you were highlighting three groups as a possibility (regardless, I don't think the traitor would necessarily constitute a "human without worry" since the Traitor probably shouldn't just carelessly throw themselves away).
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 17, 2018, 04:15:40 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 17, 2018, 03:58:15 PMthe Traitor probably shouldn't just carelessly throw themselves away).
I suppose so, though I can't wrap my head around that kind of mindset.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 17, 2018, 04:42:59 PM
My apologies for not posting at all until now. Schoolwork and other obligations kept me from being able to think about the game long enough to post anything meaningful. I have read through the entire thread, so I should be caught up with the game. I should have more time in the next few days, so I will hopefully be able to participate more in these next couple of phases.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 18, 2018, 12:15:41 AM
I'm doing everything on mobile, so sorry if it's short or confusing or whatever I'm really struggling heree

The deathless night is most likely to be from inactivity, especially if nsm twg is the same as how I remember it. There's a fair chunk of players who haven't posted at all, and even those who have aren't totally discounted from being considered inactive (myself included, I've been reading and making general ideas but haven't had much time to delve deep or post much meaningful things). Day 1 usually ends up being an inactivity lynch anyway if I'm remembering right

People are putting a heavy emphasis on Khajit, but I don't know that I understand why? How would a human alliance be beneficial to him, any more than it would be for any other human? I mean sure he'd know which correct players to give the items for (since I'm assuming he wins with the humans?) but is he even that important of a player, since we don't have any idea what the items are even used for? I asked noc about the items uses and all I got was a winky face lol. Don't get me wrong I'm sure he's far from just a throwaway character, but he doesn't seem like the all-powerful role that I'm getting the vibe people are saying he is

Firearrows analysis of raeko is...odd? If that's the right word. It's a pretty in depth analysis of what was clearly a joking conversation that's happened a bunch of other times in that chat too. It seems kinda like grasping for straws to me, though I'm not sure why that would be beneficial to him this early in the game. also raeko's "too early" comment is odd as well, but if I'm right they haven't played many game since before so that could be chalked up to inexperience. It's so blatant a suspicious comment that I feel a wolf would have been more conscious and cautious to avoid.

...if I explained ANY of that coherently lol

tldr trying to summarize my scattered thoughts, I'll put a temp safety/inactivity vote on Thicc bc wya
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 18, 2018, 06:36:56 AM
I have read the topic and the discord, so I have an idea what is going on. I have a test tomorrow, so I won't spend too much time on TWG today, but here are my thoughts for now:

There are four wolf roles. The chance that all of them are among the inactive players is way smaller than the chance that they hit Monica. Intentionally skipping a wolfing makes no sense in this game, so I'm going to assume that they hit Monica.

Killing Monica early removes the entire threat of losing a lot of our players at some point in the game, so getting rid of her early is very benificial. If Monica was hit this night phase, the wolves gave us a clue of who she might be. Wolfing an inactive on night one is a bad idea, so the inactive players are less likely to be Monica in this game. Wolfing strong/veteran players is a good idea night one, since they have a higher chance of finding out who are the wolves. Therefore, I think BDS, Olimar, FireArrow, myself, and to a lesser extend (since they haven't really been active) TZP and Bubbles are more likely to be Monica.

Of course, Monica might not have been hit at all making the above point moot, but I don't think that is very likely.

On another note, when I played a game on LLF players told me that discussing what the specials should do helps the wolves find the specials, which is why they prefer not discussing the specials. While I disagree with this sentiment, I assume that is the reason why raeko made his "way to early" post.

Oh, and Nocturne, if thicc doesn't post by the end of this phase I think it's a good idea to replace him with maelstrom.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 10:32:16 AM
Vote count:
Raeko- (BlackDragonSlayer, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 11:42:16 AM
Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 06:36:56 AMThere are four wolf roles. The chance that all of them are among the inactive players is way smaller than the chance that they hit Monica. Intentionally skipping a wolfing makes no sense in this game, so I'm going to assume that they hit Monica.

Please read:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 02:49:32 PM1) Inactivity shouldn't be too far off of the table. Let's face it: here an NSM we are used to smaller games where there are only usually 2 maybe 3 wolves. It's much easier for two people to find time to communicate and come to agreement in 24 hours than it can be for 4 people. Added to the amount of people in this game that aren't as regularly active as the rest of us, it is entirely possible and highly likely that there wasn't enough communication in that time and no one sent in a wolfing. This is especially possible if you consider that less experienced players could have been more active than more experienced players, and more hesitant to make a move without consulting the more veteran players. Just thoughts.

They wouldn't all have to be inactive for the whole 24 hours; staggering their time online would have been worse for active discussion on a target. However:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 02:49:32 PMPls post more

Here are seven players that were inactive. You could add Bubbles to that too, technically, making 8. Inactivity isn't far off with these numbers.

Despite that, this:

Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 06:36:56 AMKilling Monica early removes the entire threat of losing a lot of our players at some point in the game, so getting rid of her early is very benificial. If Monica was hit this night phase, the wolves gave us a clue of who she might be. Wolfing an inactive on night one is a bad idea, so the inactive players are less likely to be Monica in this game. Wolfing strong/veteran players is a good idea night one, since they have a higher chance of finding out who are the wolves. Therefore, I think BDS, Olimar, FireArrow, myself, and to a lesser extend (since they haven't really been active) TZP and Bubbles are more likely to be Monica.

should be our number one priority. Monika, regardless if they made contact with the wolves last night phase, is a huge threat to the humans. Your idea is great but it banks on the chances that Monika was hit over inactivity, and that the wolves have a veteran player among them. Not impossible, but just things to consider.

Also, despite what you said about Raeko's post, I think I would still prefer to hear what she had to say about it.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 18, 2018, 12:19:06 PM
In my defense, I've been active.
There just isn't, at least to me, enough to talk about.

Aside from the whole Monika plan, which I've already agreed upon, but the matter is finding them, whether by wits or seer. There's a Sayori too, which throws a wrench into the plans for the seer at least.

What is this? DDLC?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 18, 2018, 12:33:53 PM
@noc are the cardflips by color or role? OP says role but I just wanna clarify
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 12:37:52 PM
Olimar, I hear you, but I'm far more inclined to agree with davy about the lack of death last night.  Night 1 is vastly more interesting for wolves than for humans, and given the level of interest that was building up to this game, I just don't see 4 people with engaging roles all failing to get on a wolfing.  The odds of that feel astronomically small, compared to just 1/13 (1/12?  do the wolves know who the traitor is?).

However, you may be right that it's a relatively freshman wolf team--lots of names I don't recognize here.  I think that adds to the chance that they may have gone for a high profile player with more experience under their belt, so I think Davy's list should be who we look at right now.  This is, of course assuming that we're more interested in Monika than a wolf right now, which I think is a good idea for the reasons Dudeman said earlier.

@SuperMarina--what is there that's not to talk about?  There's been like three different rough plans suggested, and people are arguing about all of them.

BDS for now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 12:41:10 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 12:48:44 PM
Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 06:36:56 AMTherefore, I think BDS, Olimar, FireArrow, myself, and to a lesser extend (since they haven't really been active) TZP and Bubbles are more likely to be Monica.
This part kind of makes me want to change my vote to FireArrow, but then again, Olimar's kind of counteracts that (but then again, if Olimar were Monika, wouldn't he make exactly the kind of post like that to try and deter suspicion off himself!!? :P ).
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 01:02:29 PM
Why FireArrow in particular?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 18, 2018, 01:07:56 PM
I'm seriously at a loss for who to vote for.

I only have like 1 suspicion so far. and that's against  THC and i dont feel comfortable voting for him yet

I'd be more inclined to vote an inactive player because it wouldn't put a hindrance on conversation
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Trasdegi on February 18, 2018, 01:08:42 PM
Hmmm, FireArrow would be on my suspicion list too, because that raeko analysis was unnecessarily nitpicky for a joke post IMO.
Speaking of raeko, I would want to hear explanations on that too early post too.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:13:27 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 11:42:16 AMThey wouldn't all have to be inactive for the whole 24 hours; staggering their time online would have been worse for active discussion on a target. However:

You are working with the assumption that if the wolves can't decide on a target, they skip their wolfing. That is a terrible wolf strategy. Anyone who plays this game should know that hitting someone that you haven't all agreed on is way better (for the wolves) than hitting no one.

In fact, you have really ( been ( pushing ( the possibility that wolves were inactive, as if you, for whatever reason want us to consider hitting monika as the less likely option. Lynching inactives is usually a strategy that helps the wolves, so my vote is on you, Olimar
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 01:17:56 PM
Raeko- (BlackDragonSlayer, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
BlackDragonSlayer- (TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, ) 1
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:21:07 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 12:37:52 PMHowever, you may be right that it's a relatively freshman wolf team--lots of names I don't recognize here.  I think that adds to the chance that they may have gone for a high profile player with more experience under their belt, so I think Davy's list should be who we look at right now.  This is, of course assuming that we're more interested in Monika than a wolf right now, which I think is a good idea for the reasons Dudeman said earlier.

BDS for now.

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 12:48:44 PMThis part kind of makes me want to change my vote to FireArrow, but then again, Olimar's kind of counteracts that (but then again, if Olimar were Monika, wouldn't he make exactly the kind of post like that to try and deter suspicion off himself!!? :P ).

Why specificly BDS/FireArrow? Also I feel the need to point out that while I do think the players from my list have a higher chance of being Monika, that does not mean that every other player gets a free pass.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:23:24 PM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 16, 2018, 07:33:35 PMWe should probably hope for the cause being inactivity. If the wolves hit Monika, that would be bad for us cause they would team up. Monika can win with the wolves, if they team up, it's game over.

I'm getting wolf vibes from this post. If this post is not a natural overreaction from THC, I can only assume he's trying to be really worried for the human cause in order to seem human.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 01:39:26 PM
Rules updated to reflect Monika's "mark popping" ability must be activated.  In addition, the "mark popping" ability is a separate action than marking and can be used simultaneously.  However, the popping resolves first, meaning the target marked that night will still be alive.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:51:31 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 05:20:18 PMSure, we'd have a confirmed human then, and a small alliance could be quickly set up, but given the person revived is revived at the beginning of a night phase, they only have 24 hours to not only set up an alliance but try to see through a possible false-claim by the wolves.

Counterclaiming Khajiit or Seer is very dangerous. If you counterclaim Khajiit, you have to proof that you can send your items to specific players, which is quite hard to do. Counterclaiming seer means that if a seer target's roleflip does not matched the color you've seerd them in, your cover will be blown. If a wolf and the traitor both fake claim a role, there is a decent chance that they counterclaim eachother, meaning that there still will be two special roles that can communicate with each other. If multiple wolves fake claim, than we can just reveal the fake claims and lynch from their, seeing as the Brutal Human will take care of a 3rd wolf meaning that we'd only have to lynch one more wolf in order to win the game. That being sad, the high chance of fake claims does put a dent in the early alliance plan.

Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 16, 2018, 05:20:18 PMIn addition, who's to say a more useful revive wouldn't be needed later on (such as the Brutal, my next point)? Unless the person wolved N1 is the Brutal, in which case they need to be revived ASAP, because that's the big role the wolves won't be as inclined to mess with (unless they're willing to sacrifice another of their numbers?), I believe the revive needs to lay low.

The problem is that if we wait with the reviver, the reviver might be the first special to die. In the end, it is up to the reviver whether they want to revive the person we lynch today (providing that person is human), or wait and hope to not be the first special to die.

Quote from: Bubbles on February 18, 2018, 12:15:41 AMPeople are putting a heavy emphasis on Khajit, but I don't know that I understand why? How would a human alliance be beneficial to him, any more than it would be for any other human? I mean sure he'd know which correct players to give the items for (since I'm assuming he wins with the humans?) but is he even that important of a player, since we don't have any idea what the items are even used for? I asked noc about the items uses and all I got was a winky face lol. Don't get me wrong I'm sure he's far from just a throwaway character, but he doesn't seem like the all-powerful role that I'm getting the vibe people are saying he is

We were putting some emphasis on Khajiit because other players were ignoring him for a moment (saying that alliances are only useful for the seer). As for why a human alliance would be more benificial to him then to any other player, well, you just gave the answer yourself.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 01:57:06 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 01:02:29 PMWhy FireArrow in particular?
I've already had my eye on FireArrow.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 02:55:38 PM
I'm getting wolfy vibes from davy, honestly, especially for voting Olimar. His posting up to this point has been virtually entirely against every idea everyone else has come up with. I'm not saying that we're all right for having a similar idea, but it rubs me the wrong way that davy's acting so "it couldn't possibly be what you're thinking, that's wrong". That said, his points do make sense and it's too early in the game to say what a lack of N1 wolfing means (I still think wolfing Monika is not very polite! You should never try to murder your clubmates. If you're ever feeling upset like that, put your feelings down on paper! I find that poems can translate feelings to words much better than anything else. Give it a try, okay? Don't hurt anyone. And remember, I'll always be here if you need someone to talk to~! ;) E̟̣̹̫͈̋̍̈́͂ͧ̌̓͠Ŗ͈̫̥̯͍̭̦̭̳͉̣̼̦̟̩ͨ͒̾͊ͦ̋̐̒̅ͤ̚͘̕͟Ṟ̴͚̖͎̣̗̹̼̰̩̠̻̣̟̮̮͗ͫ̋̂ͪ̆͒̽̄̋͒̕͘͟͢ͅO̷̢̡͚͉̩̾ͮ̿ͫ͆ͪ̃̐̾ͭ͐̕̕R̶̶̼̱͇̺͍̞̬̪̟̻̙̱̤̗͓̪͉̰ͨͧͪ̿̆̓̆̅̒̂̈̓̃̌̿̋̇͘͢͜:̴̈̈́̀̀͢͞͏̖͓͖̗͎͚̤͓̹̙̱ͅ ̋̾T̸̞̹̤͉̫̲͕ͣͬ̾͌̄ͦ́̓̀ͫͤ̇̉̔͞ͅȨ͈̥̪̥̖̹̤̩͍͋̌͆͂ͨ̑̆͒ͦ̿ͧ́̚X̲͕̗͕͎̖̟̪̬̼̥̠̻̫̩̍̏ͮ̉̐ͣ̑̈́̊͢ͅŢ̷̧̻͖͇̯̼́̊͊̿͒̅͋ͦͦͪ̓̚͠ͅ ͤ͐N̸̛͙͙̼͎̲̪̝̠͔̘̹̯̤̋̅ͭ̌̂͋̕Ỡ̧ͪͩ̂̀ͮ̒ͥ̿ͬ̓ͦͦͤ͐͆̕͏̬̥̮͍T͎̯͍̫̩̹̥͈̯̤̆̓͆̔̄ͭͤ͘͟͟͠͡F̵̷̶̷̛̰̻̭̣ͥͩ́̿͋̔͂̓ͧ̅O̢̝̹͖̲͈̳̲̖͚̬̱̙̭̬ͬͨ͂̐̇͋̅̓ͥ̃ͬ͆͒͆͒ͪ̆̔͘Ȕ̵̵̷͔̤̜͙̱̟͙̦̺̪̖̗̦̙͚̦̬̠͎̔̈̃̉̄̈̔ͭͬ̚N̒ͨͭ͋ͨ͆͌͑̿̓̽͗ͬ̇̈́ͩ͊̚͏̻̣̭̘͔̹̱̯͈̕͞D̨̊̊ͧ̈̓̆ͣ͂̑͌ͮ̾͂̌͐͏̯̯̹̩̼̙̬̣̹͓͈̝̱͉̳̯̙ I still think wolfing Monika N1 was highly improbable and the amount of inactive players during that time is too high to ignore), so I won't act on that. I will however vote for THC, who is consistently posting stuff like "humans should watch out for [obvious bad thing], it's bad" and not really coming up with any strategies or adding anything substantial to the table.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 02:58:00 PM
Also I see now that Monika's mark kill doesn't happen automatically anymore. I don't really get why that wasn't made clear in the first place, but there's still no reason for Monika to not "mark pop" immediately after Night 5 because that takes out a huge chunk of players all at once, players that could use Day 5 to get rid of her crippling depression and sense of utter loneliness. She just wants to be friends. Give her a chance, okay?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 03:09:28 PM
Davy, I have said this already but I will say it again. I believe that statistically, it was more likely that inactivity was the cause of no wolfing because of not only the many factors that I have listed in my previous posts, but also the history of inactivity here on nsm. We still have at least one player that has yet to make a single post in the thread and many others that are still slowly coming to life. Just because I think that was more likely what happened doesn't mean I don't think we should be planning for the worst case scenario, where the wolves do in fact hit Monika. There is a difference here.

Not sure why this makes me look wolfy to you, since everyone is already planning for the worst case scenario. If anything, it looks weird for someone like you to put a vote on me for something that should have been this obvious to you, and if it wasn't let this post help clear that up.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 03:11:47 PM
Raeko- (BlackDragonSlayer, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
BlackDragonSlayer- (TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, ) 1
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, ) 1
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 03:18:56 PM
Phase is ending in a couple hours, no?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 03:20:32 PM
Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:23:24 PMI'm getting wolf vibes from this post. If this post is not a natural overreaction from THC, I can only assume he's trying to be really worried for the human cause in order to seem human.

I'm having déjà vu:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:54:30 PMWoah okay first of all, we should always consider and plan according to the worst case scenario, which would be that they hit Monika. Second of all, if they team up it just means that there's one more player on the wolf side, which while this does make the game harder for the humans, it by no means is a game over. Thirdly, this like many of your posts is a generic cookie-cutter, fake, human-sounding post that is overly-obvious and adds nothing to the game. I've got my eye on you.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 03:54:49 PM
Roughly 3 hours until phase change.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 03:56:41 PM
For people thinking that my analysis of raeko is odd, I personally believe that any time someone is directly asked if their a wolf the reaction is worth measuring. The fact that it was such a light hearted obvious joke is why the change in syntax was off to me.

Summation of some points I think are valid:

1. Monika is probably an active or expirienced TWG player.
2. Wolves probably hit Monika. I don't think inactivity is as off the table as davy says, but it's still definitly the less likely option.

Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:51:31 PMCounterclaiming Khajiit or Seer is very dangerous. If you counterclaim Khajiit, you have to proof that you can send your items to specific players, which is quite hard to do. Counterclaiming seer means that if a seer target's roleflip does not matched the color you've seerd them in, your cover will be blown. If a wolf and the traitor both fake claim a role, there is a decent chance that they counterclaim eachother, meaning that there still will be two special roles that can communicate with each other. If multiple wolves fake claim, than we can just reveal the fake claims and lynch from their, seeing as the Brutal Human will take care of a 3rd wolf meaning that we'd only have to lynch one more wolf in order to win the game. That being sad, the high chance of fake claims does put a dent in the early alliance plan.

The issue isn't that fake claims are difficult to spot, it's that the needy wolf could pass the info onto the wolves or the traitor could reveal to the thread. Both Kahjit and the seer are then wolfed in exchange for us lynching the counter claims. We lose our strongest roles while wolves lose nonfunctional roles.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 18, 2018, 04:14:30 PM
Hmm... I did miss a lot of discussion. Well, at this point, I don't really have time to make a huge post and put a lot of thought into who is likely a wolf before the phase ends (due to life restraints), so I'm going to vote for ThiccWifeSiccLife just because of a general lack of anything from him. I'm seeing a few other people as wolfy, but none of them enough over the others to make a definitive choice between them.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:17:31 PM
THC, not only for previous wolfy behavior, but also piling on top of a safety on an inactive (tut, tut) who could most likely be replaced.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 04:18:06 PM
Raeko- (BlackDragonSlayer, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
BlackDragonSlayer- (TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, ) 1
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 04:24:52 PM
While I agree that THC looks wolfy, I can chalk that up to inexperience (at least until something more substantial happens with him). What scares me more is how Davy's been as of late. He's miss-construed my night 1 analysis so far as to vote for me, then almost immediately makes the same response to THC's post that I made (about THC looking wolfy from his cookie-cutter response). Sloppy Davy playing for day 1 if you ask me. I most likely won't be able to pop in after this since I have band rehearsal, so gl everybody.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:25:28 PM
I'm really not feeling THC

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:17:31 PMTHC, not only for previous wolfy behavior, but also piling on top of a safety on an inactive (tut, tut) who could most likely be replaced.

I just feel like he is such a low hanging fruit that he can't be a wolf. Look at this interaction:

THC 🐺🚫 - Today at 2:00 PM
   Oh, I've been gone all day @Dudeman🐺🚫. I'll go read through the thread to get caught up now.
Gerik - Today at 2:00 PM
   thc are you a wolf?
Dudeman🐺🚫 - Today at 2:00 PM
   clearly he's not, look at his nickname
Gerik - Today at 2:01 PM
   oh yeah my bad
THC 🐺🚫 - Today at 2:05 PM
   Reading through everything, yeah you have good points. My posts really haven't been very helpful. I keep trying to add something new to the table, but it ends up just being a rephrase   
   or obvious statement.
Dudeman🐺🚫 - Today at 2:05 PM
THC 🐺🚫 - Today at 2:06 PM
   I haven't really had the time to make a well thought-out post in the past few days, but I should soon.

Do you really believe that he's a bad enough player to act so obscenely suspicous as a wolf but a good enough player to know not to stay completely chill when outright being accused by most of the thread? I just don't see it.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 04:26:57 PM
Also Noc: I see two BDS votes up here, hmm...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:28:04 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:25:28 PMa good enough player to know to stay completely chill

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 04:28:31 PM
FireArrow's explanation makes sense.  I don't think that's terribly suspicious at all.

I voted BDS earlier because he was the player who I remembered being most vocally against an alliance (although in retrospect, Dudeman was up there as well).  I wanted to gauge his reaction while withholding judgment on whether he would be my final vote.  That said, I'm changing to Olimar for ducking Davy's accusation of him earlier.  Davy suggested that Olimar was reiterating the probability that the wolfing was accidentally missed due to inactivity with the intention of driving the conversation away from Monika, which Olimar did not directly respond to (instead saying something along the lines of "but I really believe it").  There was no misconstruing there--Davy simply pointed out a trend in his posts.  I'd say THC should definitely be considered too, though.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 04:30:20 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ) 1
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 1
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:35:34 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:25:28 PMDo you really believe that he's a bad enough player to act so obscenely suspicous as a wolf but a good enough player to know not to stay completely chill when outright being accused by most of the thread? I just don't see it.
It could be wraparound panic. :P I'm not really sure if he would panic, though, because he doesn't have too many votes on him and because suspicion is being dispersed between a number of people, not just focused on THC.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 18, 2018, 04:36:08 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:17:31 PMbut also piling on top of a safety on an inactive (tut, tut) who could most likely be replaced.
Yeah, you're right. Just because he's inactive does not mean I should vote for him. As that's the case, I'm changing my vote to davy.  He seems to just be attacking everything Olimar says, regardless of the validity. I'm not saying Olimar is completely innocent, I've got my eye on him, too. It's just, davy seems to be the more suspicious of the two.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:40:12 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:35:34 PMIt could be wraparound panic. :P I'm not really sure if he would panic, though, because he doesn't have too many votes on him and because suspicion is being dispersed between a number of people, not just focused on THC.

He is the mostly likely lynch candidate next to davy, although I could buy him not being able to see that for a couple cents.

Realized I actually never voted. raeko

I don't feel comfortable picking between olimar and davy just yet and their active enough to give us more of a chance to read them. One of them is probably Monika, I just don't feel like losing two active players to figure out which one.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:40:55 PM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 18, 2018, 04:36:08 PMYeah, you're right. Just because he's inactive does not mean I should vote for him. As that's the case, I'm changing my vote to davy.  He seems to just be attacking everything Olimar says, regardless of the validity. I'm not saying Olimar is completely innocent, I've got my eye on him, too. It's just, davy seems to be the more suspicious of the two.

Errr, ok. You just seem to be repeating everything everyone else is saying about davy to save your own ass now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 04:41:55 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:40:55 PMErrr, ok. You just seem to be repeating everything everyone else is saying about davy to save your own ass now.
I was rethinking my THC vote, but that's just what̷ t̶h͟ey͘ ̸w̡à̴͢͡͠n͜t̢͞ ú̢̢s̴ t̷̸͜͡͡ò̕̕͟ t͠͞h̡̛́i̸͏̕n̶̶̛͢͏k̨̀͡҉ exactly what I realized too partway into thinking about it. I'm keeping my vote.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 18, 2018, 04:42:53 PM
I'm siding with Olimar on this one, granted he does lean towards inactivity but it seems as if Davy is ruling that out entirely. If Olimar was pushing for inactivity he wouldn't bring up as much discussion about the wolves hitting Monika.

That said, i do see firearrow's point. It's too soon to lynch either of these two without more info. He's also clearly explained his reasoning for not trusting ȓ̸̴̜̲̪͇͍̓͗̈̈́ͬͥͤͯ̉̔͋ͯ͐ͧ́͘͠ä̵̴̺̲̗̲̬̳̬̺̯̖ͭͣ͛͜͢͠ͅe̬͖̭̩̹ͥ͑̒̅̄ͭͤ͜͡͞͝k̡̔̀̈̐ͥ͐̽̄̅̅̚͡͏̣͔̣͈̺̮͠ͅo̴̧͆̎̈́͊ͬ͛͆̍̅̅͗̓ͫ͏͕̩̟͎͈̜͔̺͓̺̲̦͉͖͔̘̮́ͅ so that's who my vote'll go towards
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:44:16 PM
Raeko's a good vote, especially since she's seemingly dropped off the radar.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 04:44:31 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, ) 2
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Trasdegi on February 18, 2018, 04:46:25 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 04:46:25 PMI can't decide between Olimar and Davy either, and we still haven't heard that much of raeko (especially about her too early post), but I want to prevent an insta so I won't pu a third vote on her.
Insta's only happen when over half of all the players all vote on the same person. This is far from that.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 04:47:57 PM
Phase is ending soon and there is no way I'm convincing people of raeko so, yeah, THC. Still feel he's way too obvious to actually be a wolf, although the vote change kind of helps with that, it's just too soon to axe davy imo. He's the most likely Monika right now, but we've got multiple phases to get Monika since she can't do anything till night 5 iirc.

vote isn't bolded because I got ninja'd and people might actually agree with me :p Worth noting the brainy and THC are very liekly partners if raeko is human.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 04:49:40 PM
I can't decide between Olimar and Davy either, and we still haven't heard that much of raeko (especially about her too early post), but I want to prevent an insta so I won't pu a third vote on her.
On a different matter, how about replacing thicc with mael if he still isn't there?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 04:52:18 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 04:44:16 PMespecially since she's seemingly dropped off the radar.

If my experience has taught me anything, this rationale does not make a good lynch candidate.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Trasdegi on February 18, 2018, 04:54:23 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 04:49:40 PMInsta's only happen when over half of all the players all vote on the same person. This is far from that.

Oh yeah I forgot that they're twice as much people than usual in this game, so, ȓ̸̴̜̲̪͇͍̓͗̈̈́ͬͥͤͯ̉̔͋ͯ͐ͧ́͘͠ä̵̴̺̲̗̲̬̳̬̺̯̖ͭͣ͛͜͢͠ͅe̬͖̭̩̹ͥ͑̒̅̄ͭͤ͜͡͞͝k̡̔̀̈̐ͥ͐̽̄̅̅̚͡͏̣͔̣͈̺̮͠ͅo̴̧͆̎̈́͊ͬ͛͆̍̅̅͗̓ͫ͏͕̩̟͎͈̜͔̺͓̺̲̦͉͖͔̘̮́ͅ.

Additionally, 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
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 04:55:27 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi) 3
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 05:05:06 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 04:52:18 PMIf my experience has taught me anything, this rationale does not make a good lynch candidate.
I mean, sometimes it does, especially if a wolf sees that other people are getting more attention than they are.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 05:08:07 PM
I think it's a decent case in the beginning of the game if coupled with other things. It's pretty common for wolves to try to slide under the radar for the first few phases before rearing their ugly heads.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 05:10:06 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 2
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi) 3
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 18, 2018, 05:13:38 PM

My thinking is this:
While I think it's unlikely all 4 wolves were inactive, I don think a few were while the others may not have been able to communicate. Now I know this isn't much to go on, but I do think that if one or two veterans are wolves, but we're not able to partake during night one, the others might have just waited for a seasoned player to make the move. Now this might be flimsy, but if say a wolf player was separated by several time zones and had the misfortune of being inactive, then you'd have a pretty solid chance for a missed wolfing.

This might not be where the conversation is at at this point, but it's where I'm at.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 18, 2018, 05:52:37 PM

For what's been said in argument against them, my thoughts align, and I haven't exactly had time to voice them, whether to support or argue. The general argument of whether inactivity equates to wolves us a tad stretched to me, but I keep hearing it repeated and repeated that inactivity shouldn't be factored out. Of course, to me, it's almost a sign of wolves to lynchvote for inactive players, but Raeko has zero counters here, hasn't spoken since the day phase started. From an outward perspective, I like those who play to contribute, and so far, it's been limited.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 05:57:30 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, MaestroUGC, ) 3
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, BlackDragonSlayer, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BrainyLucario, trasdegi, SuperMarina, ) 4
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 06:26:53 PM
raeko just in case anybody tries to jump in at the last minute.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 06:32:52 PM
Aughhhhh there isn't enough time to read everything... T_T
I just don't feel like a Raeko lynch has as much potential for good as THC or davy, but that being said, my vote won't do anything else. So safety on E. Gadd Industries.

Now, a more proper post is coming once I finish reading
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 06:39:51 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 06:32:52 PMAughhhhh there isn't enough time to read everything... T_T
I just don't feel like a Raeko lynch has as much potential for good as THC or davy, but that being said, my vote won't do anything else. So safety on E. Gadd Industries.

Now, a more proper post is coming once I finish reading

Mega wolf points here. Trying to look active without actuallly contributing to what is currently a really big decision for humans (potentially giving yourself away/killing off your partner.) Pretty sure there aren't phantoms so I have no idea what the point of your safety is this late in the phase outside of being for show.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 18, 2018, 06:42:41 PM
To be honest, I feel like it's more the mentality of "so many people have already voted, I'm not going to have a say either way," which, while technically untrue, is still something that a human might feel at some times.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 06:46:11 PM
I'm such an agressive player I guess it's something I can't relate to.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PM
I'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short,everything following this sentence is a very poor summation of what was said; I expected better from someone like you, Dudeman.a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 18, 2018, 06:49:33 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.

same for me. Davy

Now Everyone Can Be Happy......Forever
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 06:50:41 PM
davy- (Olimar12345, ThatHiddenCharacter, MaestroUGC, Dudeman, BrainyLucario, ) 5
ThiccWifeSiccLife- (Bubbles, ) 1
Olimar12345- (davy, TheZeldaPianist, ) 2
raeko- (FireArrow, BlackDragonSlayer, trasdegi, SuperMarina, ) 4
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 06:52:18 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 06:39:51 PMMega wolf points here. Trying to look active without actuallly contributing to what is currently a really big decision for humans (potentially giving yourself away/killing off your partner.) Pretty sure there aren't phantoms so I have no idea what the point of your safety is this late in the phase outside of being for show.
Wait, phantoms aren't a thing this game? Oh. I wasn't aware. I'm almost ready to make my big post, but I need to check one small thing really quickly. And the two votes for Davy on the end are worth noting, too. I'll definitely take that into account
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 18, 2018, 06:52:58 PM
I meant to consolidate my thoughts here in this thread but I ended up saying everything I wanted to say in the Discord chat. As suspicious as that one moment in the Discord channel was for raeko, I'm going to go with davy here for reasons in the chat below:

Discord chat log where we talk about lynching davy
Quote[9:26 PM] mastersuperfan: all right I've narrowed my vote down to either davy or raeko... who just happen to be the two with the most votes right now
[9:26 PM] mastersuperfan: raeko definitely has a stronger case against her but I'm particularly worried about the possibility that she just couldn't keep playing for a while here and that she's actually human
[9:27 PM] mastersuperfan: actually both davy and Olimar are rubbing me the wrong way
[9:27 PM] Gerik: It's very unlikely that both are bad
[9:27 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah
[9:27 PM] mastersuperfan: but I think it's likely one of them is
[9:27 PM] Gerik: because wovles probably know monika now
[9:27 PM] BlackDragonSlayer: I changed my vote to raeko.
[9:27 PM] Pearl: i noticed
[9:28 PM] mastersuperfan: davy gives me the impression of being a bit more wolfy but Olimar's posts kind of tick me off tbh
[9:28 PM] mastersuperfan: especially since I feel like they hit Monika instead of being inactive
[9:28 PM] mastersuperfan: and Olimar is insisting so heavily on inactivity
[9:29 PM] Gerik: I agree, I just don't see a reason why as a wolf he'd want to convince people of the contrary
[9:29 PM] Gerik: Davy convincing people that they hit monica when they didn't is a good way to try and frame active players
[9:29 PM] mastersuperfan: oh I didn't even think of that way
[9:29 PM] Gerik: but olimar trying to convince us that it was inactivity and then voting davy just doesn't make sense to me
[9:30 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah that was definitely rubbing me a bit
[9:30 PM] mastersuperfan: davy telling us straight up who was more likely to be Monika
[9:30 PM] Gerik: If davy is human
[9:30 PM] Gerik: he's right
[9:30 PM] mastersuperfan: he's not really wrong, though, is he?
[9:30 PM] Gerik: So I don't hold it too much against him
[9:30 PM] mastersuperfan: yeah
[9:31 PM] mastersuperfan: I could see davy going either way
[9:31 PM] Gerik: It's just between olimar and davy, davy's position makes sense from a wolfs perspective too
[9:31 PM] Gerik: but olimar trying to frame inactives, especailly when it's highly likely one of the four wolves isn't an active player
[9:31 PM] Gerik: doesn't really make sense
[9:31 PM] Gerik: although going for inactives is a common wolf strat i guess idk
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: I think Olimar's posts just irritate me more than strike me as legitimatly wolfy lol
[9:32 PM] Gerik: Yeah I feel that lol
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: but yeah as far as raeko goes
[9:32 PM] Gerik: I'm gonna go read some olimar as a wolf games
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: when people started to go back on lynching THC because he seemed so obviously wolfy
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: I feel like a similar thing could easily be happening with raeko here
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: if she were a wolf I find it hard to believe she wouldn't try to defend herself in some way
[9:32 PM] Gerik: raeko and THC are wolfy for different reasons
[9:32 PM] mastersuperfan: I think that she's inactive for a different reason
[9:33 PM] Gerik: I can agree with you there
[9:33 PM] Gerik: If she's really human she much more likely to just not care
[9:33 PM] Gerik: That being said if she's inactive for non game related reasons, it's a completely nuetral statement
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: you pointed out the suspicious convo from the Discord chat earlier but
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: ugh idk it could just be dumb experience and as wolfy as it is I feel like it'd be a risk
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: dumb lack of experience**
[9:34 PM] Gerik: No you're right
[9:34 PM] mastersuperfan: then again davy is also a risk
[9:35 PM] Gerik: suspicons based on stuff like that are risky because they're just so not concrete
[9:35 PM] Gerik: But on day 1 we don't really have much to go off of
[9:35 PM] mastersuperfan: if davy is a wolf though it's going to bite us harder in the long run if we don't lynch him than if raeko is a wolf and we don't lynch her
[9:35 PM] Gerik: The thing about davy is he has already established multiple relationships
[9:36 PM] Gerik: So as the game goes on and we learn peoples colors we can use deductive logic to figure him out
[9:36 PM] Gerik: I.e. olimar being a wolf practically confirms davy is a human
[9:36 PM] Gerik: All the people trying super hard to lynch him are pracctically human if he ends up being a wolf
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: well I have 22 minutes left to make a decision
[9:38 PM] mastersuperfan: though it looks like raeko's going to get lynched either way
[9:39 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I can be convinced to swap to davy.
[9:40 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I still don't like THC, but he's less threatening if davy's a wolf.
[9:40 PM] Gerik: I probably could be too
[9:40 PM] mastersuperfan: it's already taking me a lot of effort to convince myself of anything lol
[9:40 PM] Gerik: but neither is going to be posting a defense so
[9:40 PM] Gerik: meh
[9:40 PM] Pearl: @Lkjhgfdsa_77  lol
[9:40 PM] mastersuperfan: idk my gut is not to lynch raeko
[9:40 PM] mastersuperfan: but davy being human if we lynch him would hurt
[9:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: We have a reviver.
[9:41 PM] Lkjhgfdsa_77: yes
[9:41 PM] Gerik: @Pearl what are you responding to?
[9:41 PM] mastersuperfan: oh yes right
[9:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I of course don't want to blow the revive this early, but
[9:41 PM] Pearl: he's playing woof
[9:41 PM] Gerik: oh lol
[9:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: davy's an experienced player, and if he can be confirmed human, reviving him isn't a bad move
[9:42 PM] Gerik: Well he'll just die again anyways
[9:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: But of course we wanna revive the Brutal more than anyone else
[9:42 PM] Gerik: Revive only has three purposes this game:
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: but he could go ahead and set up that alliance that he was talking about
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: which I think would be helpful
[9:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I'm still not sold on the alliance
[9:42 PM] Gerik: Revive brutal, revive kjajit for one more item, revive random person to make an allaince
[9:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Who sends the information out?
[9:42 PM] Gerik: No one
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: it's a behind-the-scenes alliance
[9:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Alliance is good 'cause confirmed humans
[9:42 PM] mastersuperfan: where the specials are just in contact with each other
[9:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: But who tells the humans not to lynch the alliance
[9:42 PM] Pearl: isnt the revive a one time use?
[9:43 PM] Gerik: It just won't happen naturally
[9:43 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Yes @Pearl
[9:43 PM] Gerik: with 4 or so humans knowing not to vote eachother
[9:43 PM] Gerik: And they can reveal last minute if needed
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: as I did say earlier though
[9:43 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: See that's the thing, if wolves pick up on that, they know who the specials are
[9:43 PM] Gerik: counterclaims would instantly be spotted by other alliance memebers
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: it would take a lot of caution for the specials to avoid giving themselves away
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: ^^ yeah
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: actually that's probably harder than I thought it was at first
[9:43 PM] mastersuperfan: maybe the alliance isn't such a good idea
[9:44 PM] Gerik: The only issue with an alliance like I said before it somehow starting it without uniting them until counterclaims are sorted out
[9:44 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: If you form a group of humans who are suddenly all supporting each other, that's a giant flag to the wolves
[9:44 PM] Gerik: But that can only happen if by the brutal human
[9:44 PM] mastersuperfan: if we're worried about the reviver getting wolfed early then using it to revive a human davy is not a bad use
[9:44 PM] mastersuperfan: better than reviving a human raeko I think
[9:44 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Oh absolutely better than reviving raeko
[9:45 PM] mastersuperfan: yes why'd I say I think there lol
[9:45 PM] Gerik: raeko is too inactive to do that with anyways lol
[9:45 PM] mastersuperfan: definitely is
[9:45 PM] Pearl: that's hoping davy isnt the reviver
[9:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: So, raeko lynch in 15 minutes
[9:45 PM] mastersuperfan: ...that's true
[9:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Do I swap votes or no
[9:45 PM] mastersuperfan: I think I'm going to go with davy
[9:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: That's a KitB
[9:45 PM] mastersuperfan: it would be 4 davy - 5 raeko?
[9:46 PM] mastersuperfan: BDS switched
[9:46 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: oh I missed BDS
[9:46 PM] Pearl: I can unvote
[9:46 PM] mastersuperfan: if someone on raeko switches to BDS then we don't have a kitb
[9:46 PM] mastersuperfan: not BDS
[9:46 PM] mastersuperfan: davy
[9:47 PM] Pearl: a davy lynch does feel like the right thing to do
[9:47 PM] Pearl: and i was going to vote davy at one point as seen by my vote post
[9:47 PM] Pearl: so i'll switch
[9:47 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I'm swapping votes.

I did make a suspicion list as I was reading through the topic just earlier but since it's not going to help so soon to the phase change I'm just going to see the flip of whoever gets lynched and re-evaluate my suspicions then.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:00:19 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.

Given: A revived human will be immediately killed the next night phase.

Therefore, there are only three reasons to revive someone in this game:
1. To bring back the brutal
2. To bring back khajit, so he can pass one item along
3. To sacrifice a green human, so he can try and start an alliance.

You were adamantly against us even doing the 3rd option. Hell, even I'm against it and would prefer to wait for the brutal. Your justification in discord was "Davy is a good player and can come up with a good plan in the phase he's alive." This suggests that you think that it's worth wasting a revive on a player for the sole reason of hearing their input? If davy ends up being human you're definitly at the top of my list as raeko's partner. Trying to save her is the only reason I can think of you to use logic I know you would never normally use this late in the phase.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 07:00:30 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 07:04:37 PM
Okay, this is what I'm thinking: if davy is a wolf, then I believe TZP stands to be a wolf as well. Not 100% convinced on this yet, but TZP's really the only person that's stands out to me as in support of davy's Inactivity vs. Monika argument. And while TZP did post early on, they only have 3 posts to their name all throughout N1. Granted, their posting does make me less inclined to fully believe this assertion, but it's definitely something to think about. I will wait to further develop my thoughts on this issue^.

Now for suspicions:
Idek fam, post pls.

Fairly human rn:

Meh, straddling the line:

You are suspicious
THC (could possibly be just THC being THC?)
Egg'd Industries (honestly he's the wolfiest wolf that ever wolf'd)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 18, 2018, 07:10:13 PM
Chapter 3
Breakfast was winding down, and many guests were leaning back, chatting to their neighbors.  Addison continued eating at a slow and steady pace.  He enjoyed good food, no doubt.  The only other person still eating at any significant pace was Mike Scott.  Something about the man seemed unusual to him, as if he didn't quite belong here.  Addison glanced around.  He didn't care much for most of these guests.  However, the youngest one fascinated him.  He was aware that not everything was as it seemed.  Addison nodded.  He had made up his mind.
Suddenly, the loud, crackly voice spoke once again.  "I hope you all have had your fill.  Anyway, I do apologize for deceiving you like this, but you are all shortly going to die.  Have a nice weekend!  Ahahahahahaha!"
Everyone stopped moving.
In a split second, pandemonium.
Dishes started flying through the air, chairs tipping back and forth, and everyone made a mad rush for the doors.
Olivier reached the doors first, pounding on them in frustration.  "They won't budge!"  He cried.
Rachel looked up in the air.  "Mikey, why are you doing this?"
"Oh, but what on earth makes you think I'm who you think I am?  Did I ever say so?  Did we ever say so?"
Stamping her foot in frustration, Rachel turned to the other guests.  "Does anyone have a clue what is going on here?  Surely he's just joking?"
Addison cleared his throat.  "I believe I know what's going on.  For years, I have suspected the Don Manor is a hotbed of paranormal activity-"
At this, Skyler fidgeted.  Addison turned to him.  "Yes, it's no mistake that you too were invited to this death trap."
"Anyway, it's clear to me now that this is no joke.  The spirit dimension is very real and very dangerous.  I suspect we will not be able to leave until whatever is haunting this place is put to rest."
Michael interrupted.  "So, what, we're like Ghostbusters now?"
Olivier stared quizically at him.  "Ghostbusters?"
"Never mind, it's after your time."
"As the days pass, the ghosts' influence- for I believe it is not just one- will grow stronger," Addison continued.  "I suspect they'll be able to interact with the corporeal dimension within the week."
Zachary interrupted.  "That seems awfully convenient.  They can't do anything right now, but later they can?  What do you know about this, old man?  You were the first one here.  How do we know you're not just pulling something?"
Just like that, all sense was lost and the shouting match began.  Not many seemed to be willing to accept the explanation Mr. Gardiner was giving.
At the top of his voice, Miguel Del Rey shouted, "Mr. Gardiner is not lying!  We must give the spirits what they want!  If we comply, they will surely let us go!"
"Wait a minute, everyone STOP!"  Sayori looked around.  "Where's Monika?  She was at the breakfast, but I don't see her here..."
Rachel frowned.  "That's concerning."
"Guys!  I'm right here!"  Monika came running up the stairs.  "Sorry!  After breakfast I started exploring the mansion.  There's a lot of neato stuff here!"
"Monika, listen-"
"Yeah, yeah, I heard.  We're all about to die.  You guys need to lighten up!"  She ran up the staircase and disappeared along the hallway.
"That was... more concerning," Rachel said.
"Listen, you two.  I think you're right.  We have to figure out what the ghosts want.  I'm more important than anyone here, and..." Rachel paused.  "Well, let's just say I'm... needed elsewhere.  I think the three of us could make it out of here if we worked together."
Miguel nodded his head.  "I think you are right, Ms. von Karma.  Kenji and I will gladly assist you."
The three of them sat huddled in the middle of Rachel's bedchamber.  Suddenly, the door opened and the frail old man fell in.
"P-please," he sobbed.  "Take me with you, I'm sorry... so, so sorry..."
"Mike?  What do you mean?"  Rachel asked.
"I'm... not Mike Scott."
He recounted his tale.  He was a beggar by the name of Tarin Zapin, and he had heard word of the Dinner and a Show.  He was thinking with his stomach.  He had seen the real Mike Scott walk by with an invitation in his hand, and he...
"I'm so, so sorry..."  He repeated.  "Please, I have to get out of here!  I know what I did was wrong... I just wanted some food..."
Rachel sighed.  "Miguel, what do you think?"
Kenji spoke up.  "The poor man does not deserve the fate intended by our captors.  Yes, what he did was wrong.  I don't think he's in his right mind."
Miguel nodded.  "Let's face it.  To get out of here, we're all going to have to make choices that, shall we say, lo lamentaremos?  Four is not much more than three."
"Oh, thank you!  Bless you all!"
Miguel turned to Tarin.  "If you want to get out of here, you must pull yourself together.  First of all, nobody must know of our pact.  Do not breathe a word of what we said here, understand?"
Tarin gulped, nodding.  "I understand.  I've been hungry for so long, it's been ages since I could think this clearly."
Addison and Skyler sat in front of the desk, poring over notes.  "Nothing here I'm seeing is standing out to me, unfortunately," Skyler finally said, leaning back.
"Well, that's to be expected.  Your own notes are quite advanced for such a youngster," Addison replied.
"Heh.  Thanks, I think."
"Anyway, here's what I've got so far.  You are familiar, of course, with the plane I like to call the Spirit Dimension, adjacent to our own Corporeal Dimension.  They intersect at a single point in space-time, allowing the Spirit Dimension to interact with the Corporeal Dimension.  This is why all living things have a spirit, and why, when they die, they are able to leave the corporeal world.  We see this as a living thing dies.  Its mass changes.  It gets lighter."
Skyler nodded.  "Yup, I've been able to figure that much out on my own."
"Sometimes, this separation doesn't work correctly.  My own studies have led me to believe one's physical occupancy in space-time is what causes the anomalies.  The Don Manor is a large-scale example of this.  What we're seeing is increased activity caused by a realignment of objects far beyond our understanding.  Keep in mind all of these is pure conjecture, but I'm not usually wrong!
"It seems they are temporarily able to communicate with us through technology in the mansion.  This is why the voice seemed to be recorded.  As Ms. von Karma showed, it is quite possible to communicate with them while they do so with us.  We won't be able to leave, I fear, until the spirits are put to rest.  Does all this make sense?"
Skyler nodded more emphatically.  "I think you're right.  I hadn't thought of the location thing, but that makes sense based on my research."
"For now, I suggest we do whatever the ghosts tell us, but try to reason with them where we can.  Are we agreed?"
"Attention guests!  You have 24 hours to offer our first sacrifice!  Wahahahahaha!"
"Sacrifice?"  Travis asked.  "What do they mean?"
Miguel scowled.  "Clearly we must choose who dies first."
"Or we can just like, not?"  Monika giggled.  "Why should we play this game?"
Kenji and Rachel exchanged glances.  Kenji cleared his throat.  "Well, perhaps there is a way for us to get out of here sooner rather than later."
"I still say this is some kind of prank," Zachary muttered.  Gerik raised an eyebrow.  Leaning in close, he whispered, "Don't you remember the invitations?  Something unnatural is happening.  Stop being stubborn."
Daniel rolled his eyes.  Michael gently shoved Daniel.  "You should be nicer to your brother."
"He's such a wad sometimes."
"That's what brothers are for."
Daniel opened his mouth wide and mimed gagging.
"Real mature."
Olivier stood on a chair.  "It looks like we don't have much choice no matter which way you slice it.  I want to thank you all for keeping a level head, but I don't think we're going to get out of here if we don't listen to the voice.  It pains me to say so, but I believe this is survival of the fittest.  I suggest we give them Mike Scott.  The man is nearly dead anyway!"
Mike started to panic.  "N-no, no!  Please don't give me to the monsters!  I can't!"
Kenji nodded.  "You don't know what Mike here has been through.  How can you say such a thing?"
"Well, do you have any better options?"
Kenji paused.  "What about you?  You haven't really been helping.  You're too self-obsessed to even care about anyone else getting out of here."
Olivier sneered.  "I'm trying to help the people who deserve to get out of here.  Mike doesn't even belong here.  The rest of us are at least somewhat distinguished."
"That's true..."  Rachel admitted.  "But I still feel bad about condemning a man who can barely walk for himself."
"I agree with Rachel," Miguel said.  "We do not hardly know this man's past accomplishments.  Perhaps he once was as great as I am."
Olivier sighed.  "Fine.  Do it your way.  Clearly you've already got something planned, have you not?"
Rachel shifted uncomfortably.  "...No?  What makes you say that?  Well, never mind.  What's important is we figure out a democratic way to choose who they take.  Did I really just say that?  My gosh, we're sacrificing a living human being."
Addison cleared his throat.  "If I may, I believe the spirits responsible for this will not rest until they get what they want.  Their influence may even extend beyond the Don Manor.  As much as I wish none of this had happened to any of you, we can't change what is done.  We must make the sacrifice.  That being said, I believe I am knowledgeable enough to, erm, stick around for a while, shall we say?  And my young friend Skyler here has been a boon.  I suggest we look elsewhere for the first noble sacrifice."
Several people nodded.
Olivier once again took the spotlight.  "So are we all agreed?  We'll leave it to a public vote later tonight."
Khajiit grinned.  "Khajiit will see you all later."
"We approve of the route you have taken and await your sacrifice!"
Olivier cleared his throat.  "Well, we're all here.  Let's make this quick and efficient.  I don't want to prolong things any more than we have to."
Tyler smirked.  "Right, you feel so bad for whoever's getting taken."
Olivier glared at him.  "Just tell us who you're voting for."
Tyler glared back.  "Olimar."
Olivier rolled his eyes.  "Next?"
"Rachel von Karma."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Mike Scott."
"What?! Gah.  Daniel."
"Mike Scott."
"Natalie Brady."
"Tyler Henry."
"Monika Candelaria."
"Miguel Del Rey."
Khajiit's catlike eyes widened as Michael spoke his name, barely above a whisper.
"NO!  Khajiit is innocent of this crime!"
The voice flared to life.  "We accept your decision.  Now, lock him in the dining room!  HAHAHAHAHA!"
Everyone rushed out of the dining room and barricaded the door as Khajiit tried in vain to brute-force his way through.  "NO!  NOO!"  He screamed.  Olivier closed his eyes, grimacing.  "NO!"
The wind picked up and slowly drowned out Khajiit's feral screams.  Growing fiercer and fiercer, the howling gale rattled the doors against the backs of those holding it.  Reaching an earsplitting scream, the wind blew the doors open, flinging everyone out into the hall.  Landing on his backside, Michael could see the dining room.  The table had been overturned and chairs were scattered all over.  But there was no sign of the cat-man.
Khajiit had been... taken.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

davy has died.  He was Khajiit.  It is now Night 2.  Night 2 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 19, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 07:15:03 PM
well that's basically the worst thing that could have happened so gj guys
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 07:20:56 PM
So then TZP has cleared my suspicion list for the time being.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 07:30:09 PM
This should go without saying, I hope, but just in case: ONE-SHOT REVIVER, USE YOUR POWER ON DAVY TONIGHT.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 18, 2018, 07:34:35 PM
well shoot I screwed this up something awful at the last minute didn't I

do we still vote raeko tomorrow? if raeko's also a human I frikkin swear
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:44:02 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 07:30:09 PMThis should go without saying, I hope, but just in case: ONE-SHOT REVIVER, USE YOUR POWER ON DAVY TONIGHT.

No, he would just get wolfed again without any confirmed humans to pass an item to.

Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 18, 2018, 07:34:35 PMwell shoot I screwed this up something awful at the last minute didn't I

do we still vote raeko tomorrow? if raeko's also a human I frikkin swear

No. I mean, it's not the worst target because we get a lot of info off of the cardflip, but I feel going straight for dudeman is a much better option.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 18, 2018, 07:54:00 PM
Oh my. That was unexpected.

Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:44:02 PMI feel going straight for dudeman is a much better option.
May I ask why? I'm not opposed to it, but I'd like to hear your reasoning.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:54:15 PM
Actually I'm ok with a raeko lynch. Her cardflip basically gives us dudemans alliegence along with a lot more information based on how close this lynch was.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:55:25 PM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 18, 2018, 07:54:00 PMOh my. That was unexpected.
May I ask why? I'm not opposed to it, but I'd like to hear your reasoning.

Read my post on the top of the page. Although I'm for a raeko lynch since it accomplishes the same thing with more info into other people.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 09:41:09 PM
What a read. I'll post an in-depth analysis on who to be weary of in the morning, but holy shit that spiraled. FA is right though: DO NOT REVIVE DAVY. Save the revive for the brutal human. Like FA said, nothing is stopping them from just killing Davy again.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 18, 2018, 11:05:42 PM
okay!! First thoughts, real upset that Khajit is gone before he could give out any items. It simplifies a lot of the gameplay since there's no more mystery aspect but that would've been funn :-( making a real big post rn, but due to nighttime shenanigans and paranoia I'm going to wait for the phase flip to post my main suspicions.

For now, heres some food for thought:

If Thicc isn't replaced soon, its a good indicator that he is being active, just behind the scenes and not something in the thread or discord. I can only really see a wolf doing that, since they have that safety net of their partners who they can talk with. Humans with powers could be working behind the scenes as well but would be unlikely to not also post in the thread to try and actually contribute. tldr its a lot easier for a wolf to coast with minimal activity; if i'm wrong noc pls bring in mael

also, this might be a real controversial thought, but I just realized it. How does an alliance work in a game with no guardian? Even if we unite the specials somehow, if they tried to work together to lynch someone it would just alert the wolves based on who's working together (even if they weren't outright with it, it wouldn't be that hard to see who is thinking the same thoughts and always voting for the same people). The Reviver doesn't need to work alongside anyone, since their only job is with the dead who have confirmed roleflips. I guess the seer could share their results, but that would lead to the same issues as above. Best case the Brutal Human could claim to the thread, but there would be no way to confirm that and it wouldn't stop them from getting marked by Monika. What little could be done with the alliance set up is overshadowed by the risk of the wolves connecting the dots and having a list of all the specials imo
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 19, 2018, 11:02:17 AM
Quote from: Bubbles link=topic=9869.msg394542#msg394542also, this might be a real controversial thought, but I just realized it. How does an alliance work in a game with no guardian? Even if we unite the specials somehow, if they tried to work together to lynch someone it would just alert the wolves based on who's working together (even if they weren't outright with it, it wouldn't be that hard to see who is thinking the same thoughts and always voting for the same people). The Reviver doesn't need to work alongside anyone, since their only job is with the dead who have confirmed roleflips. I guess the seer could share their results, but that would lead to the same issues as above. Best case the Brutal Human could claim to the thread, but there would be no way to confirm that and it wouldn't stop them from getting marked by you-know-who ;) . What little could be done with the alliance set up is overshadowed by the risk of the wolves connecting the dots and having a list of all the specials imo
This is exactly what I've been trying to say this whole time. I don't see how it's a safe play.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 19, 2018, 11:47:11 AM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 07:44:02 PMNo, he would just get wolfed again without any confirmed humans to pass an item to.

son of a biscuit you're right

I think Olimar is a strong lynch tomorrow for all of the reasons outlined yesterday.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 19, 2018, 12:25:23 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 19, 2018, 11:47:11 AMI think Olimar is a strong lynch tomorrow for all of the reasons outlined yesterday.

Just to recap, I assume you mean this post:

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 18, 2018, 04:28:31 PMThat said, I'm changing to Olimar for ducking Davy's accusation of him earlier.  Davy suggested that Olimar was reiterating the probability that the wolfing was accidentally missed due to inactivity with the intention of driving the conversation away from Monika, which Olimar did not directly respond to (instead saying something along the lines of "but I really believe it").  There was no misconstruing there--Davy simply pointed out a trend in his posts.

In which you reference this post from davy:

Quote from: davy on February 18, 2018, 01:13:27 PMYou are working with the assumption that if the wolves can't decide on a target, they skip their wolfing. That is a terrible wolf strategy. Anyone who plays this game should know that hitting someone that you haven't all agreed on is way better (for the wolves) than hitting no one.

In fact, you have really ( been ( pushing ( the possibility that wolves were inactive, as if you, for whatever reason want us to consider hitting monika as the less likely option. Lynching inactives is usually a strategy that helps the wolves, so my vote is on you, Olimar

That I did in fact respond to appropriately in this post:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 03:09:28 PMDavy, I have said this already but I will say it again. I believe that statistically, it was more likely that inactivity was the cause of no wolfing because of not only the many factors that I have listed in my previous posts, but also the history of inactivity here on nsm. We still have at least one player that has yet to make a single post in the thread and many others that are still slowly coming to life. Just because I think that was more likely what happened doesn't mean I don't think we should be planning for the worst case scenario, where the wolves do in fact hit Monika. There is a difference here.

Not sure why this makes me look wolfy to you, since everyone is already planning for the worst case scenario. If anything, it looks weird for someone like you to put a vote on me for something that should have been this obvious to you, and if it wasn't let this post help clear that up.

What went from a simple identification of statistics you have blown into a full-on accusation of me trying to defer discussion about Monika when A) deferring of Monika talk did not occur and B) I addressed that possibility in several of my own posts as well:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 18, 2018, 03:09:28 PMJust because I think that was more likely what happened doesn't mean I don't think we should be planning for the worst case scenario, where the wolves do in fact hit Monika. There is a difference here.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 17, 2018, 02:49:32 PMHitting Monika would be statistically a less-likely possibility in my opinion, since in this game it would be a 1/13 chance on night 1. This would also, as already said, not be good for the humans since they could end up working together against the humans. Pretty straight forward.
Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 16, 2018, 07:54:30 PMWoah okay first of all, we should always consider and plan according to the worst case scenario, which would be that they hit Monika.

There is no need to get up in arms for suspecting inactivity is at play in aspects of this game. I literally hosted a game recently in which the seer did not use their ability due to inactivity, to name one tiny (yet recent) example.

There was no way I could have known that davy was Khajiit, as a Wolf or Human. I made a vote based on logical suspicions that I outlined very clearly in my post. ( At the time of my posting there were no current votes on Davy, so there was no incentive from me to rush a vote in any way. Take a look at the players who voted after I did and analyze what their reasons were, then compare them to mine. That's how you'll find a wolf.

Also, I highly doubt that I will be wolf'd tonight because of acquisitions like this. Wolves will save me for an "easy day 2 lynch" under the guise that I instigated a davy lynch. Think, people!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 19, 2018, 01:15:19 PM
After all that's happened, now we have to play against the host too.

I agree with a Raeko lynch tomorrow. If Raeko's a wolf, then Dudeman. If both are wolves, then TZP. If Raeko isn't a wolf, then Olimar?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 19, 2018, 02:08:51 PM
Thats my only problem with a raeko lynch. If she's human we lynched an inactive player and learned nothing
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 19, 2018, 02:09:20 PM
For what its worth Im still sus enough for her to go for it
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 19, 2018, 07:00:20 PM
Chapter 4
Skyler went to bed with a heavy heart that night.  Not only had the ghosts taken someone, he hadn't even tried to stop it.  He wanted to tell himself that there was nothing he could have done, but he still felt guilty.  He hadn't voted to sacrifice Khajiit, but what if the person he did offer had been the one?  Would their blood have been on his hands?  Trying in vain to fall asleep, he crept out of his bed and knocked on Addison's door.
"Addison, I think I have an idea."
Rachel, Miguel, Mike, and Kenji were in Khajiit's room, examining the wares he had left behind.
"Seriously, some of this stuff is junk.  A lead pipe?  Worthless!" Mike gleefully tossed it towards a corner.  When the pipe hit the ground, it made a strange sound.  Cocking his head, Mike investigated the lead pipe.  He tapped it on the wall.  He could hear something moving.  Suddenly, part of the wall broke away and slid aside.
"Guys...  Secret passageways!"
Rachel looked thoughtful.  "We could do a lot with this..."
"What are we waiting for?  Let us investigate!"  Miguel said firmly.
Tyler sat in his room quietly.  The realization of what happened today had finally hit him.  He couldn't do this anymore.  He had to get out of here.  Suddenly, he heard a shuffling noise.  Whispering.  A tap.  Coming from... the wall?  He walked to the source of the noise.  He gently pressed on random locations in the wall until he felt something give slightly.  He gave a strong shove and jumped back as a portion of the wall swung aside, revealing a small tunnel.  Poking his head in, he was just in time to see someone disappearing around a corner.
"Hey!"  He shouted.  He barreled down the tunnel and rounded the corner.  He saw Miguel and Kenji.  "Stop!"
They turned around and Miguel whispered to him.  "Wait a minute, wait a minute.  Do not tell anybody about these hallways, yes?  We are using them to influence who we send away.  Let us make a deal.  You keep quiet about our actions, and we will let you come with us when we are able to escape.  Agreed?"
Tyler considered.  At this point, he wasn't sure what to think.  "...Fine.  Whatever.  I just want to get out of here.  But I won't be held accountable for your actions, alright?"
Kenji smiled.  "Fair enough.  We understand how this is.  But we are simply taking initiative."
Mike walked up from further down the tunnel, lead pipe in hand.  "Oh, great.  We've been had."
"Don't worry- he will keep quiet.  And if he doesn't..."  Miguel smiled at Tyler.  "Well, we can worry about that later, yes?"
Tyler gulped.
Daniel was leaning back in his chair, tossing a ball up and catching it.  For some reason, the whole insanity of the situation was easy for him to digest.  That left his mind clear to consider his options.  He had already tried all the windows and external doors in the mansion.  He had looked for secret passages in the library.  He had spent a lot of time there.  What made things worse, he felt responsible to stay as long as his brother was here.  Oh, how he hated his brother.  From the get-go, Zachary had always tried to take credit for everything.  And Zachary now was acting like Daniel was the one who had been so terrible all these years.  Daniel shook his head, clearing his thoughts.  He needed to focus on what was important.
"What is the way out?"  He whispered to himself.
He didn't hear the footsteps creeping toward his chair.
He didn't hear the sound of the dagger sliding against a belt.
He didn't hear the whistle of its razor-thin edge as it flew toward his back.
He only felt it.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

Trasdegi has died.  He was Daniel Sharpe, a Vanilla Human.  It is now Day 2.  Day 2 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 21, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
If you think any of the results of tonight are not as expected, please bring it up to me privately.  Today was one heck of a day in my damp attic.  Additionally, please do not discuss replacing publicly, as that is between the host and the player being replaced (well, and the player substituting).  Thank you for your understanding.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 19, 2018, 07:23:52 PM
Well, rip Tras, you did okay.

Just gonna get my THC vote out of the way now. If anyone needs me to explain my reasoning again, lemme know.

Here's Monika's Voting Tip of the Day!
Sometimes you can be uncertain about who you should vote for during the day phase. When that happens, don't forget to s̸̜̝̰͎̱͇͉̲͍̠͙̱̲̮͎͊͊̅̓͋̚͜͞a̻̥̫̝͇̺̅́̿ͨ͆̀ͣ͐͋ͬ̀ͪ͗̅ͩͥ̌ͬ̓͟ͅv̸̴̳̜͔̣͍̺̥̖̝̲͕̰̤̘̞̜̫̆̏̿͊̂̅̈̈́̂̈́̎̆̈́͞͞ẻ̢͔͓͈̝̳̜̳̼̤͈͂̿̾ͤͫ̀ͭ̑̿̒̕͘͟
y̵̶̧̛̲̹̳̫̆̃̈̓ͦ̚ơ̜͉͙̭̥͇̝̥͉͎̰̤̅̂̐ͮ̉ͦͣͮ̄u̴̡͈̞͇ͤ͆ͦͧͣ̅́ͅr̵̰̮̼̰̟̠̘͆ͬ͛ͨ̌̌̓́ ġ̴̴̡̖̘̜̓ͭ̅ͨ̈͊ͩ̉͑͋͐̽̃ͣ̎ͫ̚͢ͅą̺͓͓̺͉͙̰͖͉͐͋͒̾̂ͣͭ̃̿̌͆͋̉̉̚̚͜͡m̷̶̧̢̝͉͖͈̳̼͕̩͔̰̬̩̏̿̈̃ͣ͐͊̈͑͒̉̇ͦ̈͛̈́͜ė̜̣̞̯̝̖̯̣̰̼̪͕̜̞̙͇̜̬͐͊ͦͧ̈́̇ͨ̍͗ͥ̆ͨͮ͒̃́́! You will never know when you might change your mind...or when something may happen! can't s̵͍͓̩̘͚̠̻̜͓̫͌̅ͤ̃̋ͯͧ̉͠ą̵̮̹̦̱̖̝̰͕̮̲̞͙͔͙͙̳̘̱̌̐̐͌͛̽̉̄̿̓͂̉̚͟v̙̱̖̦̺̞̳̘̪̼̪̞ͥ̓̃͒͛ͧͭ̄̀̕e͊͒̀̈ͤ͛ͯ҉̡͔̱̰͕̥͙̙̖͍̪͓̙̫̜ a TWG game, can you? I'm so sorry! I forgot where I was for a moment. Don't worry, even if you feel bad about a vote you made, the game won't last forever. I'll be here for you always, though~!
That's my Voting Tip of the Day!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 19, 2018, 07:59:54 PM
These are my suspicions that I mentioned last night; I'm posting them without any edits and if I feel something needs to be changed with the result of the last phase I'll go back and correct myself

I originally had these in tiers of high to low suspicion but it all kinda just devolved into general commentary whoops. Names are in no particular order
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.
(Previous to this his vote was on THC). This is a little odd to me, since a dead human isn't worth reviving at all in this game (and I thought that was the general understanding in the thread). The main goal should be to save the revive for the Brutal Human, or if more relevant the Seer. Basically this quote is saying to me "I'm actually suspicious of THC but if davy's a human we can just bring him back" which doesn't make sense. Also right after this Brainy quickly joins in too, though he was in the discord when they discussed this so I might just be seeing it out of context

Is raeko from LLF? Hasn't posted since her one comment N1, not even to come in and defend herself for all the accusations. ngl I don't totally understand why everyone jumped on her so strongly, especially if she really is from LLF since that would make davy's explanation here ( make sense. It's real weird to me that even after almost being lynched last phase she hasn't posted to defend anything. Regardless at the end of the day TWG is TWG and you gotta post to play the game

I was all set with a gnawing vibe-based suspicion on Olimar, but after I read through the thread and actually looked at things he came up pretty clean to me. I agree with him on his plausibility of an inactive N1 for the wolves, and his retaliation towards davy is understandable under the circumstances. Really all I noticed substantially is that he's been throwing a wide net of attacks since early on, as noted by Dudeman here (
But still something in my gut is yelling at me to put him just a tinyy bit higher than my lesser suspicions

Pretty much what everyone's been saying. Little to no original contribution, seemingly just going along with what everyone else thinks and voting after other people make their own cases, but I'm not fully convinced whether its just lazy playing or a generally inexperienced player. When called out by FireArrow for bandwagoning he immediately changed his vote to davy, yet another bandwagon. Before that he had put a second vote on my safety (lol) which is what's making me still lean strongly towards just being an inexperienced player since that's such a blatant no-no. Might bump him up to real suspicions if he doesn't step it up this phase

Quote from: FireArrow on February 18, 2018, 06:39:51 PMMega wolf points here. Trying to look active without actuallly contributing to what is currently a really big decision for humans (potentially giving yourself away/killing off your partner.) Pretty sure there aren't phantoms so I have no idea what the point of your safety is this late in the phase outside of being for show.
This was a lil sus, especially with the strength of "mega wolf points." I think it's pretty obvious that a big part of the players rn are busy with real life stuff and don't have all the necessary time to give the thread a thorough read through. Especially when the vote was already so heavily weighed on one player, I totally understand why E Gadd wouldn't want to just join in and bandwagon if he didn't have the time he wanted to fully understand why everyone was voting for her. or maybe I just feel for him since I'm the exact same way rn lol. Overall FA's raising a lot of red flags but as a whole isn't suspicious to me, if that makes any sense. Maybe I'm just not used to his aggressive playing style lol

and did we get rid of phantoms??

Similar suspicions as THC. Little actual contribution, and jumped on the raeko vote with little original thought or explanation. Literally said in their vote post that raeko hadn't posted to defend herself ( which is a weird fact to specifically point out when you're voting for them

Its hard to make solid cases against most people, as I can't tell if the lack of analysis and meaningful posts is an intentional strategy or just the result of busy lives. (and I know I myself am included in this inactivity bash, not tryna be hypocritical here) I'll vote later on once more people have had time to share their own thoughts or defend themselves
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 19, 2018, 08:32:17 PM
Because my reasoning for swapping to davy is being called into question a lot lately, I'm going to post the relevant chat log where I ultimately made my decision. I'll admit I didn't articulate my reasoning very well in the topic here; when I posted, the Discord discussion had shifted slightly from "who's more wolfy" to "if we lynch a human, should we revive," so reviving was on my mind when I made the post. I did not swap to davy strictly because I'd want him revived over raeko; that's a ridiculous play. THC and davy were the two I was most suspicious of, so I wanted one of them confirmed. It was clear THC wasn't going to get lynched, so that was the main impetus for my swap to davy. FireArrow has admonished me in Discord for not just saying "I want to switch to davy because I want davy lynched more than THC" and thinking I needed more of a reason than that. I personally feel that some reasoning is better than no reasoning at all, but I'll admit talking about revives really wasn't the reasoning I was working with.
Monika is e̵̢̗̺͔̠̦̩͐̓̏ͯ͆͆ͬͯ͋̚̚r͛͋ͧ͒̽҉̕͏̠̬͚̻̜r̶̨̤̜̞̩̦̻̜̹̜̪̹̻̭̜̫̫͚̈̓̀̓́͟o͗̋̒̇ͮͧ̉ͧͦ͛̓͐ͭ͌҉̸̸̘̱͚̥̗͍̫̺͎̣͚͇͚̀͞ṟ̡̲͔͖͉͚̩̯̖ͤ̑ͩͧ̃ͥͤ̿ͫͬ̉͟͢͝͡r̞͉͓̝̞̖̥͉̜͈̼͙̲̯̜͔̬̓̆ͧ̈́̆͆ͪͮͥͦͮͯͤ̇͜o̐ͦͩ͐̅̊̔͊͛̿ͭ̿͏̛̠̘̟͔̖͍̦͍̀̕r̢̤͍̤̻̻̹͓̜͓͍̝̒̒̄ͦ̀ͩͥͭͪͭ̍̒ͥ͒̉͛͠r̷̵͔̜̘̮͎̰͍̣͍̰̩̗̼̽̅̿̒́͟ȍ̢̧̥̥͚̮̗̬̟͙̞͉̼͔̃͂̾ͮ̄͋̿̎̑̾͋̑̽͛ͣ̏̓̚͘ͅr̡͊ͥͤͪͤ͑̾͞͏̴̫̱̝̹̘̤̱ͅr̶̭͔̝̩̝̖͚͔̬̱͖̠͖̣̞͗ͭ̄̂̎ͧ́͛̚̕͠͞o̵̡̯̻͓̞̤͖̲͙̠͔͖͇͎̪̖͍͍̱ͪ͂ͪͯͩ̌̀͜͠r̶̗͕̯̠̲͇̺̺̬̳̺͚ͮ̓̈ͭ͊͛̅̃̌ͧ͜͠r̢̜̟̻̱̦̥̖̠̞͔̠͕̮̍̋̈͒́ͪ͊̊ͬͫ̽ͪ͌̌́̕͜ơ̦̘͙̻̱͙̞̳̭̟̱͓̙̰̫̞͔̺ͥ̋̋ͭ͑̎́ͬ͢͞͞͡r̷̸̭̫̺̺̭̠̘̞̯̤̈́ͦ͂̑͒̇͋̄͒ͤͬ͆̏ͧ̀͜͢r͔̯̥͇̟̤̲̤̪͖͚ͣ̿ͯ͢͜͡ͅŏ̶̡̨̱͚̙̱̞̙̬̐̂͊̀̀̚ͅr̵͎̘̮̙͉͐̾ͬ̌ͩ̊͋͋ͥͤ͆̔̈́ͦͤͬ̀̐̚͢͞͠͠ͅr̢̃̾ͦ̓͊̑͌͡͏̠̞̯͔͓̫͓̬̙͚̩͙̮̣̬̯̳̱̙o̷̵̧̮͙͈̖̮̬̝̠̰͓̠ͩ̋͂̈̿͗̏̿̾̌̉͛̽́ͤͅṛ̛̖̱̥͓͓͉̊̅̔̃ͮͦ̔́̊̐ͤ̋͐͗̎̕r̐ͣͮ̓̓̈̈͛̽͑ͦͭ̎̉҉̲͓̦͚͎̠̝̞̩͞ò̶̢̙̫̭̮̬̪̙͇̤͔̠̦͙̣̻̼̹̖ͯ̅͛ͫ̿̑͑̍ͬ̎̎̔̔͜͟r̡͓̪͍̳̙̳̥̖̜͇̖̠̝̣̥̽ͩͭ̆̄̋͜r̵̡̛͖̗̼̟̜̺͎̺͋͛̌̈ͣ̇̒̊͑͊̉͂̌ͪ̽ͫ́̚͡ͅo̴̢̧͈̺̲̳̳͍͎̹̝̪̯̱̼ͥͩͩ͛̿͛̏̿̒̐͋ͨ̽̋̎͗ͦ͑́̕ͅͅr̴̵̛͓̣͙̼̤̝̻͓̤͛ͥ̂̈́̒̒ͩ̋ͣ̊́r̻͔̩̝͓̳͗̈́ͧ̽͑̿̍̉͜͠͝oͤͨ̋̐̍͂̈̉̐̂̇͒͏̛̠̹̙͚̹͎̫͇̙̲͖̟͓̞͔̪̩͕͔͘͝͠r̲͎̬̘̞͎͖̳̗̫͕̰̤̲̼̭̐ͣ̇̒ͭ̄̂͐ͯͭ̀ͫ̓̀̓ͦ̕͟͟͢ȑ̶̛̗̼͕̺̺͚̞̹͎̫̠̝̬̩̻̺͓ͮ̏̐͂͗ͧ̉͒̔͒̾͡o̸̷̢̢̬̞̝̔̽͋͒́̽̄͑̀́ͦ͊̌̋ͫͅr̃͗̒̈́̐̓͋ͬ̅͒̽̚͏̷͉̮̫̭͈̲͈͍̦̘͉r̵̵̪̮̯͎̠̦̩̯̘̬̟̓̏ͧͮͤ̇̐ͧ̅͋̐́ͯ̓͐͢͡ͅo̸͖̘̩ͭͤͧ͋͋̀ͭ͗ͬ̍ͧ̽̃͌̀ͯͯ̔͞r̷̨ͩͫ͒҉̴̞͖̫͔͇̮̖̬͙̯̮̣̯͖̫͉̝r̴̴̭̺̘̫̙̟̦̳̿͆̌̏̉̈̄̊͜͢͝o̷̢̖̼̜͚̼̫̞̖̠̲̳ͦ̏̏͑ͮ͆ͧͩ̀͢͝r̡̈̓͂ͥ̿̋͐ͦ̈́ͤͯ̓̇ͥ̉̿̐̋͏͔̱̝͇̘̰̼̙͓̻̗̞̜͈̟̣̝̯̀r̬̱̯͉̱͍͙͔͎̬̻̫̻̹̝͚̹͑̈̒̽̿̒͠͝ō̴̡̓ͣ̄͞҉̡̫̹͚̗̘̘̳̤̻̱r̶̸̟̗̦̬̼̭̈́̇ͧͤ̊̽͋̅ͧ͌̔̎̓̈́̾̎̏̾͌̀ͅr̢ͫ̏͂̈͛̈͒͆͐ͣ̅͌̋͟҉̰͇̠̗̪̼͉̝̣̙̫̥̹̦̟̼̻́ͅơ̴̴̧̗̪̝̫̖͈̖̹̻̣̯̳̖͈͕̟̟̅ͣͯ̎ͦ̑͋͂̉ͅr̵̢͚͓̼̘͈͉͎̘̖̰̭͈̜̭̝͙̰̫̍͊͊̊͛̎ͬͯͫ̈́͒̚̚͘͝ͅr͛ͫͫ̉ͤ̏̋̂̓̾͒͌̓̏̆ͩͮ͞͡҉̲͕̫̫͞o̷͆ͯ͛̃ͬ̇̿͛̾̚͟͏͈̥͓̞̠͉͔̳̘̯̱̹̻̱͔͉̜̞ͅrͥ̉ͦ̓̊͐ͦ̊̄̃ͣͯ̚҉̸̫̳̯̗͓̥̙͎̦͔͎̮̳͘͢
[6:35 PM] mastersuperfan: if davy is a wolf though it's going to bite us harder in the long run if we don't lynch him than if raeko is a wolf and we don't lynch her
[6:35 PM] Gerik: The thing about davy is he has already established multiple relationships
[6:36 PM] Gerik: So as the game goes on and we learn peoples colors we can use deductive logic to figure him out
[6:36 PM] Gerik: I.e. olimar being a wolf practically confirms davy is a human
[6:36 PM] Gerik: All the people trying super hard to lynch him are pracctically human if he ends up being a wolf
[6:38 PM] mastersuperfan: well I have 22 minutes left to make a decision
[6:38 PM] mastersuperfan: though it looks like raeko's going to get lynched either way
[6:39 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I can be convinced to swap to davy.
[6:40 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I still don't like THC, but he's less threatening if davy's a wolf.
[6:40 PM] Gerik: I probably could be too
[6:40 PM] mastersuperfan: it's already taking me a lot of effort to convince myself of anything lol
[6:40 PM] Gerik: but neither is going to be posting a defense so
[6:40 PM] Gerik: meh
[6:40 PM] Pearl: @Lkjhgfdsa_77  lol
[6:40 PM] mastersuperfan: idk my gut is not to lynch raeko
[6:40 PM] mastersuperfan: but davy being human if we lynch him would hurt
[6:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: We have a reviver.
[6:41 PM] Lkjhgfdsa_77: yes
[6:41 PM] Gerik: @Pearl what are you responding to?
[6:41 PM] mastersuperfan: oh yes right
[6:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I of course don't want to blow the revive this early, but
[6:41 PM] Pearl: he's playing woof
[6:41 PM] Gerik: oh lol
[6:41 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: davy's an experienced player, and if he can be confirmed human, reviving him isn't a bad move
[6:42 PM] Gerik: Well he'll just die again anyways
[6:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: But of course we wanna revive the Brutal more than anyone else
[6:42 PM] Gerik: Revive only has three purposes this game:
[6:42 PM] mastersuperfan: but he could go ahead and set up that alliance that he was talking about
[6:42 PM] mastersuperfan: which I think would be helpful
[6:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I'm still not sold on the alliance
[6:42 PM] Gerik: Revive brutal, revive kjajit for one more item, revive random person to make an allaince
[6:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Who sends the information out?
[6:42 PM] Gerik: No one
[6:42 PM] mastersuperfan: it's a behind-the-scenes alliance
[6:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Alliance is good 'cause confirmed humans
[6:42 PM] mastersuperfan: where the specials are just in contact with each other
[6:42 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: But who tells the humans not to lynch the alliance
[6:42 PM] Pearl: isnt the revive a one time use?
[6:43 PM] Gerik: It just won't happen naturally
[6:43 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Yes @Pearl
[6:43 PM] Gerik: with 4 or so humans knowing not to vote eachother
[6:43 PM] Gerik: And they can reveal last minute if needed
[6:43 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: See that's the thing, if wolves pick up on that, they know who the specials are
[6:43 PM] mastersuperfan: as I did say earlier though
[6:43 PM] Gerik: counterclaims would instantly be spotted by other alliance memebers
[6:43 PM] mastersuperfan: it would take a lot of caution for the specials to avoid giving themselves away
[6:43 PM] mastersuperfan: ^^ yeah
[6:43 PM] mastersuperfan: actually that's probably harder than I thought it was at first
[6:43 PM] mastersuperfan: maybe the alliance isn't such a good idea
[6:44 PM] Gerik: The only issue with an alliance like I said before it somehow starting it without uniting them until counterclaims are sorted out
[6:44 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: If you form a group of humans who are suddenly all supporting each other, that's a giant flag to the wolves
[6:44 PM] Gerik: But that can only happen if by the brutal human
[6:44 PM] mastersuperfan: if we're worried about the reviver getting wolfed early then using it to revive a human davy is not a bad use
[6:44 PM] mastersuperfan: better than reviving a human raeko I think
[6:44 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Oh absolutely better than reviving raeko
[6:45 PM] mastersuperfan: yes why'd I say I think there lol
[6:45 PM] Gerik: raeko is too inactive to do that with anyways lol
[6:45 PM] mastersuperfan: definitely is
[6:45 PM] Pearl: that's hoping davy isnt the reviver
[6:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: So, raeko lynch in 15 minutes
[6:45 PM] mastersuperfan: ...that's true
[6:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Do I swap votes or no
[6:45 PM] mastersuperfan: I think I'm going to go with davy
[6:45 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: That's a KitB
[6:45 PM] mastersuperfan: it would be 4 davy - 5 raeko?
[6:46 PM] mastersuperfan: BDS switched
[6:46 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: oh I missed BDS
[6:46 PM] Pearl: I can unvote
[6:46 PM] mastersuperfan: if someone on raeko switches to BDS then we don't have a kitb
[6:46 PM] mastersuperfan: not BDS
[6:46 PM] mastersuperfan: davy
[6:47 PM] Pearl: a davy lynch does feel like the right thing to do
[6:47 PM] Pearl: and i was going to vote davy at one point as seen by my vote post
[6:47 PM] Pearl: so i'll switch
[6:47 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I'm swapping votes.
[6:48 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Cool @Pearl
[6:48 PM] Gerik: Dudeman
[6:48 PM] Gerik: A revive is only useful if we're trying to start an alliance
[6:49 PM] Gerik: Which you said you were against?
[6:49 PM] Gerik: Otherwise we have no reason to revive him unless he ends up being khajit or the brutal
[6:49 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Davy's a veteran, if he's human, I can trust him to make a good starting plan in the phase he has left alive
[6:50 PM] Gerik: That's a really poor reason to revive someone
[6:50 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Also I can't stop the alliance from happening, I just don't think it'll be all that useful
[6:50 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Since imo the wolves would be able to spot it pretty easy
[6:50 PM] Gerik: If we revived davy as a human
[6:50 PM] Pearl: Also @Gerik  E. Gadd had a regional comp Saturday so it makes sense why he would do this
[6:50 PM] Gerik: He would start an alliance
[6:50 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: And no guardian means if one gets revealed, they're all dead pretty fast
[6:50 PM] Gerik: You think an alliance would harm us
[6:51 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Nah, I just think it won't do much good
[6:51 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Not the same as doing harm
[6:51 PM] Gerik: I'll post my consolidated thoughts in the thread
[6:51 PM] Gerik: I just think you're logic makes no sense
[6:51 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: It doesn't make sense but if you're set on making it w/e
[6:51 PM] Gerik: your*
[6:51 PM] BlackDragonSlayer: It could harm if we put too much effort into the alliance and it turns out not to help.
[6:52 PM] Gerik: I'm not talking about his logic about an alliance
[6:52 PM] Gerik: his logic about lynching davy because he's a better revive target
[6:52 PM] Gerik: which if he's human, the only value in reviving him is to try and start an early allaince
[6:53 PM] Pearl: 7 minutes left i think
[6:54 PM] mastersuperfan: yes
[6:54 PM] mastersuperfan: *crosses fingers*
[6:55 PM] BlackDragonSlayer: 5 minutes left i think
[6:55 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Yep
[6:55 PM] BlackDragonSlayer: :P
[6:56 PM] Pearl: 4 minutes left
[6:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Well at any rate, I find davy's playing suspicious moreso than THC's so I'm still comfortable with this decision.
[6:57 PM] Pearl: 3
[6:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Insisting that the wolves hit Monika just seems odd
[6:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Like, it's NSM
[6:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Inactivity will always be a factor
[6:57 PM] BlackDragonSlayer: I miss the golden era of TWG...
[6:57 PM] mastersuperfan: inactivity's a possibility if all four wolves just suck
[6:57 PM] mastersuperfan: I just think it's more likely that they hit Monika
[6:58 PM] Pearl: 2
[6:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I think at this point, the thing we all agree on is that it probably wasn't an intentional decision
[6:58 PM] mastersuperfan: I seriously doubt it was
[6:58 PM] THC 🐺🚫: Yeah, that would really have no benefit
[6:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I don't see the advantage in that level of mindgame
[6:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Unless that's just what they want us to think!
[6:59 PM] Pearl: 1
[6:59 PM] THC 🐺🚫: Unless all the wolves suck at TWG
[6:59 PM] mastersuperfan: stop @Ducleman🐺🚫 you're hurting my brain
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 19, 2018, 08:35:01 PM
Alright, I don't have much time right now, so I'm making a little post here to say I'm still here and to give my suspicion list.


I'ma give a more in-depth detailed post about why I'm suspicious of these people tomorrow.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 19, 2018, 09:41:30 PM

Pretty sure Raeko is from FFR.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 19, 2018, 09:50:55 PM
QuoteAdditionally, please do not discuss replacing publicly, as that is between the host and the player being replaced (well, and the player substituting).  Thank you for your understanding.

Pardon my French, but why the fuck hasn't ThiccWifeSiccLife been replaced yet? They have clearly not been active and aren't showing signs of interest in returning. This is shit for the rest of us who are playing, especially while we have a sub sitting on the side lines. Fuck keeping quiet about this; this affects all of us!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 20, 2018, 05:15:29 AM
yo relax. Its p obvious that he's clearly working something out. Substituting is presumably a three person agreement and I doubt its easy esp when all parties are busy with real life stuff

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 19, 2018, 09:41:30 PM@Bubbles

Pretty sure Raeko is from FFR.
idk what this means but does it support davy's theory??
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 06:59:08 AM
I mean, it's already day 2...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 20, 2018, 10:21:09 AM
Alright, I'm not 100% today, so bare with me. Here's my reasons for suspicions.

Brainy - Whenever Brainy posts anything, and he posts quite a bit, he really doesn't bring anything to the table. (Yes, I know I'm being a hypocrite.) He's still rather low on my suspicion list, cause it seems like he's at least trying to help the humans. And there have been a couple of instances where he's said useful stuff.

SuperMarina - Basically the same reasons for Brainy except they post a lot less and don't actually seem to be trying to help. I mean, I may not be very helpful, but at least I'm trying. Still, not too high on my suspicion list because I believe they're still kinda new to this.

ThiccWife - This guy. Hasn't done anything at all since the start of the game. He has been online, and that whole thing about Noc not replacing him, he's either a wolf or a really bad player. With that as the case, I really don't think it would be a harm to lynch him. I'll wait a bit before voting, in case anyone else becomes more suspicious, but I'm advocating for a Thicc lynch.

raeko - I really don't know what to say that hasn't already been said. I'd give her a solid medium on my suspicion list.

I'm sorry for anything that doesn't make sense. I wasn't planning on being sick today.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: raeko on February 20, 2018, 12:05:00 PM
Hi guys. Apologies for my inactivity. Combination of a busy weekend + forgetting to check NSM because it's not a site I normally check. Sorry about that.

I guess I almost got lynched ;_; I knew that I had a bit of suspicion on me, but it's a bit surprising I had so many votes based on such a small amount of information. My bad for not being here I guess

I am from FFR ^_^ On FFR games very rarely have a night start, but when they do, people are generally pretty quiet for the first phase. To explain my first post (and why I think it is generally pro-town to be quiet on N1):

The more the humans talk, the more information they are giving the wolves to make a better kill. Humans don't really need information in the night because they can't do anything with that information until day phase when they can vote. In the night phase, humans can't vote, which is their only power. Wolves can use the information in the night to make their kill.

The power that town does have in the night are the power roles. It's best for them to be quiet in the night because 1) they can remain hidden and not reveal themselves to be killed and 2) so that they can choose their own target without the influence of the wolves on their decision making.

So basically the things that could happen night 1 in this setup are a wolf kill, Monika's marking, and a seer. The wolves could influence the seering by discussing strategy with the seer, Monika can use the discussions to make a better mark, and the humans can influence the wolf kill by giving the wolves more info than they would otherwise have. None of these are good things for town.

And then finally, strategies might drastically change depending on who ends up dead in the night, so planning too far ahead can be futile.

I'm honestly not quite sure why I was dragged so much for that comment. Most people I've played with other places would agree with me and be quiet N1. But, it is what it is and that's my overdue explanation.

I'll make another post with more thoughts just didn't want to make a wall of text so I'm breaking it off here for now!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PM
Here is my current post analysis/suspicion list of all living players. For this I have reviewed all posts made in this topic thus far. (@host none of these are votes btw)

Human Lean
Somewhat Suspicious
Being that it is already Day 2, I will no longer exempt players from being on this list based on inactivity.

You had no substantial posts Night 1. You made a generic post early Day 1 that I already commented on. ( It could be perceived as wolfy or as freshmen-y. You later posted about a brief suspicion of Brainy and BDS (both of which I felt had some merit for a Day 1 lynch). Oddly, you then ended up voting for thicc based on inactivity in what seemed to be a safety vote, with the problem being that thicc already had a vote on them at that point (by Bubbles). BDS called you out on this and you then switched your vote to Davy in agreement with my suspicion of him at that time, again placing your vote on a candidate already up for elimination, and again not voting someone from your previous suspicion list. It's now Day 2 and the most substantial post you have is a suspicion list containing four player names and not much more. This may all be circumstantial, but based on your posts thus far I'm placing you as Suspicious

Edit: as I was writing this post, you made a new post. Your suspicions are weak and sadly only touch on players who have already been suspicious of basically the same things you posted about. My above point remains.

Your first post once things got going was in defense of TZP from BDS. I felt that BDS had a great point there in catching that possible slip up, but that early in the game I could see a mistake like that being made too. You later digressed. You seemed to get pretty bothered when FireArrow labeled you as "Sorta Sus?" and that trend continued with Dudeman and myself posted similarly. You didn't rush into a vote though, which I think looks pretty good for you. You then ended up voting for Raeko based on FireArrow's suspicions. However, your last minute switch to Davy came across as a bandwagon (copied Dudeman's post, did it within minutes of the phase ending). You didn't even address Raeko in your vote switch post. Based on your constant self-paranoia and sketchy vote switch, you're Suspicious in my eyes.

No substantial Night 1 posts. Your first substantial post ( caused strife from BDS, but for the wrong reasons (imo). That sentence really should have read: "Those who usually stick to the background are either, in my eyes, an inactive human, possibly the traitor, or the wolves in general." Your wording was really weird and despite my previous comment, after rereading that post I am not surprised that someone brought attention to it. What was also weird was that you didn't address this part of your post in either of your two replies to BDS who was only really asking about that. You also briefly brought up seer organization ambitions but then those died. You then ended up voting for Raeko on the same grounds that everyone was voting them for, but weirdly said that it seemed wolfy to vote based on inactivity (like, within the same post). You're giving me weird vibes. You're Somewhat Suspicious to me.

Your first post is one that seemingly hastily agrees with the late Davy's post to form an alliance, but also questions how it would work without a guardian. You then later post that you don't think an alliance would work at all (a mere 4-ish hours later). Day 1 you were the first person to post about the possibility of the wolves hitting Monika. While a wolf wouldn't want to bring attention to this, a good wolf would appear as a human for doing so (so read this as you will). Your first suspicion post has wolf leans on THC, Raeko (both of which were super low-hanging fruit at the time), and TZP (then later Brainy), while having human leans on FA, BDS, E.Gadd, and myself. Dm finally casts his first vote on THC for his previous reasons, but also makes mention of Davy being suspicious (also before any votes were on him). 12 minutes before the phase ends, you decide to change your vote to Davy, leaving the (at the time) single vote for THC in order to tie up Davy and Raeko. A gripe I have with this is that within this post you say: "a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive" but you've already addressed this in your most recent post. Your immediate vote on THC seems too eager for my liking, paired with your slightly sketch last-minute vote switch places you Somewhat Suspicious on my list.

Strong human points for your initial post about an alliance not being a good idea Night 1. You also picked up on TZP's Brutal Human post quite nicely, which also looks human to me. You also ended up being on-point about an alliance only really being beneficial for Khajiit, which ended up being Davy: the first person to suggest and strongly advocate for an alliance. Your suspicions of THC and Raeko are consistent with the game at that point, and you placed a vote on both of them. Your little outburst regarding SuperMarina's comment about "humans without worry" seems more appropriate the more I reread that section. Your vote on Raeko to stop a bandwaggon I think gives you super human points that can only be appreciated in hindsight. You are reading Human to me.

No Night 1 posts. In your first post you suggest that the night 1 no wolfing is a deliberate move, even thought that route seems less beneficial to the wolves than other suggested reasons. You also mix inactivity in with your reasoning (?). Your next post votes Davy with no clear reasoning, only leaving us to assume that you voted him because he is a more experienced player (based on your Night 1 suspicions). You also placed this within the final 2 hours of the phase, which while not as close to the phase change as others were, did seem like a last minute post from someone who as a wolf could have been told to "go post this vote before the phase ends." And that's it: two posts. With more from you, I bet you'd look more suspicious, but for now since that's all we have to go on I'm only placing you as Somewhat Suspicious. Please post more.

You said a weird thing ( and haven't backed it up or clarified. I would really like to hear from you, as would many of us. Because of this, right now you are appearing Somewhat Suspicious. (side note, in the last game I hosted, Raeko was a special role and they acted more or less the same as they have been acting this game (granted I haven't gotten to play a game with them as a wolf yet)).
Edit: As I was writing this post, you made a new post which I feel clears up your initial post very well. At this time I have no reason to suspect you of being a wolf. Human Lean

E. Gadd Industries
Regarding your first post: ( you do know that revives take place during the following phase, right? Players are never revived the instant the revive is sent in, just as wolfings and seerings (etc.) aren't done until the announcement of the next phase. Your early Day 1 posts (after this post) are pretty bland and more responsive to other posts rather than adding anything (a la THC). It was a shame you ended up safetying on yourself. Your suspicion post was also rather weak, but it seems fitting given your lack of free time to post that you had mentioned. Human Lean, but please post more.

No Night 1 posts. Your first post ( seems pretty straightforward, but the ninja edit is what bugs me (mostly because I just completely disagree with Maestro's comment and you had such a change of heart within the short time of the ninja'd posting). Your vote came in very late and it comes across as a lynch bandwagon to me, especially following Maestro's vote (who also had few prior posts and voted davy) and BDS's vote to stunt a bandwagon. Your final vote is a "whoops oh no" at the start of Night 2. This looks Suspicious to me.

No Night 1 posts. Your first post (Day 1) apologizes for this but adds nothing to the game. At least you didn't pop in last second on Day 1 to cast a vote, and because of this you giving me inactive Human vibes. Please try to post more.

Your first post about the Brutal Human plan being dumb luck gives you human vibes. Your next post in Day 1 ( looks good too, as you address many things that are being addressed while also giving them some reasoning (deathless night 1, Khajiit-alliance, FA in response to Raeko). Your safety vote was disappointing, though. Your suspicion post ( gives you lots of human points in my opinion. Highlights were addressing Dudeman's vote change post, THC's bandwagon hopping, and the entirety of the section on FA. I think Bubbles is a Human.

Congrats on first post in the topic. You also post quite frequently, so this should be fun. Your initial push for an alliance seems to disregard the fact that we only get one revive, which should not be wasted if we don't need to use it (esp when the Brutal Human is the most ideal use for that). You do have a great point when you say "The longer you hold the revive, the less likely the reviver is going to be alive to use it," which makes me consider the alliance a bit more seriously. Your post about not revealing Monika markings gives you human points, because a wolf would probably not have brought that up in hopes that someone might accidentally post in the thread about their marking. Like mentioned before me, your Raeko suspicion post seems to skirt the line of over-analyzing them. As I mentioned already, in the last game I hosted, Raeko was a special role and they acted more or less the same as they have been acting this game (granted I haven't gotten to play a game with them as a wolf yet). Over-analytical or not, I feel like your post was made with good intentions. Your defense for this post was strong, I feel. Your early addressing of THC being low hanging fruit also aligns with what I was thinking, so from my pov that looks good. I don't quite agree with your wolf catch on E.Gadds safety post, but you bringing attention to that also looks human. Your Dudeman vote-swap reply and TZP reviver reply all look human. What a help you've been thus far. Bless you. Human Lean

Despite Noc's warning, I did some snooping around anyway to figure out whether or not we're being played under an invisibility guise or not. Chatted with Maelstrom and got this log:
chat log
[9:37 AM] Olimar12345: Hey are you still interested in playing twg?
[9:57 AM] Maelstrom: Surr
[9:57 AM] Maelstrom: Just had my ochem exam on Monday so it's better now
[10:19 AM] Olimar12345: Has Noc contacted you at all?
[10:25 AM] Maelstrom: Why yes he has
[10:32 AM] Olimar12345: What wait when?
[10:33 AM] Maelstrom: I'm not in yet
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: When did he contact you?
[10:33 AM] Maelstrom: Yesterday night
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: We're trying to figure out if this thicc player is actually inactive
[10:33 AM] Olimar12345: Okay that makes sense.
[10:34 AM] Maelstrom: I'll jump in for him next day phase
[10:34 AM] Olimar12345: Wait why that late
[10:34 AM] Maelstrom: Idk
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: Did Noc say that?
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: Yes
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: To give THC one last chance to show up
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: So we have to go through another lynch with no input from thicc. Great.
[10:35 AM] Olimar12345: Thc has been somewhat there though
[10:35 AM] Maelstrom: Wait what phase is it
[10:36 AM] Olimar12345: Day 2
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: Ohhhh
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: I thought it was later
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: Bother noc
[10:36 AM] Maelstrom: I can jump in any time
[10:37 AM] Olimar12345: What's this about thc though?
[10:38 AM] Maelstrom: "I'm giving Thicc this phase and next night phase to show up; if they don't, you'll be coming in at the beginning of day 3, alright?"
[10:39 AM] Olimar12345: thicc=/=ThatHiddenCharacter
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Oh thiccccc
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Ahhhhhh
[10:39 AM] Olimar12345: Two separate players
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Gotcha
[10:39 AM] Maelstrom: Ok bother noc
tl;dr: apparently Noc is giving Thicc until Day 3 to be active before replacing them. I would really like to hear from them or Mael before lynching them, as lynching someone who has no posts is the purest form of lynching inactivity, and I feel that is a better wolf move than human move (or at the least, a lazy move). Human Lean, although know that this is based on literally nothing lol.

Your first words once the game had started were: "Why not have the brutal human claim now?" What a terrible thing to post, since if that were a possibility, that would destroy the chance of getting a free wolf kill. Not to mention, as BDS corrected you, that role is unknown to the user. You then made your first Day 1 post about the deathless Night 1 and oddly placed an unexplained vote on BDS (unless you meant for that to be based on Davy's list that you mentioned, which still doesn't explain why you would have voted BDS exclusively). I also found it kind of funny that your next post was questioning BDS' suspicion of changing votes, while your own vote lay unexplained  :P . HOWEVER, you explained your reasoning clearly in your next post. ( Your vote and suspicion against me I have already addressed here ( Your post about inactive voting seems obvious. What kills me is that as soon as the phase ends, you immediately push the reviver to bring back Davy, when saving our one shot for the Brutal makes much more sense in this game where an alliance doesn't make as much sense. and we only get one revive. I would much rather we have a permanent confirmed human alive over one more phase of Davy and possibly one item getting sent out (depending on the order of night actions). Suspicious

tl;dr list:

E. Gadd Industries
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 20, 2018, 12:25:49 PM
Quick thoughts, probably gonna make a larger post later.

1. That's fair justification for your post, although I'm a bit put off by how vague you were n1. (You disclose nothing valuable to the wolves by explaining that.)
2. About my analysis on the joke, you seem like an expirienced player who wouldn't fall for such a silly reaction test, so I don't see it as a valid point anymore.
3. You trying to defend Thicc in discord is slighty sus.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: raeko on February 20, 2018, 12:45:26 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 20, 2018, 12:25:49 PM@raeko
Quick thoughts, probably gonna make a larger post later.

1. That's fair justification for your post, although I'm a bit put off by how vague you were n1. (You disclose nothing valuable to the wolves by explaining that.)
I meant to come back to the game and explain myself, I just never did. I tend to forget about games on different forums for the first few days until I get into the habit of checking them. Not really a good reason but that's it. Also I wrongfully assumed that people would have a similar playstyle to me and understand my one line post but that was a mistake on my part, I should have clarified what I meant to begin with.
Quote2. About my analysis on the joke, you seem like an expirienced player who wouldn't fall for such a silly reaction test, so I don't see it as a valid point anymore.
Don't let my experience fool you, I am still quite terrible at this game ^_^
Quote3. You trying to defend Thicc in discord is slighty sus.
What makes you think that?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 20, 2018, 01:15:43 PM
To answer Olimar's suspicion of myself:

I'll admit I was inactive this past weekend, I wasn't anticipating the game starting this soon and was already travelling, resulting in my inactivity at the start of the game.

That being said, what in the hell happened Night 1? Night 1 is typically a quiet affair, as the wolves make their move and the game starts from there. There were accusations right off the bat (some not-so-serious, sure) and combined with the apparent lack of a wolfing there's a large amount of information to parse through.

We now know that Davy was Khajiit, something that is clear in hindsight as he wouldn't want to give away his role resulting in some shifty posts. With Tras tragically passing in the night, this leaves 15 players, 4 of which are wolves that I believe are somewhere between Completely Inactive and Mostly Inactive.

Raeko as indicated that she was inactive due to her not being used to logging into NSM. I doubt that, as she had multiple people prompting her to be active and she was here at the start of the game. But, even if we assume this is true, I suspect part of the last minute push for Davy (which admittedly I was a contributor) was done by the wolves to try and save their apparently absentee partner.

I'll look at other details later, but here we are for now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 20, 2018, 01:44:38 PM
Love that post, O͘ĺ̵͘͜i̧̛͘m̕͝ą̵r̢̧̨͘͞, really good summation. Nice digging on the T̷̵̷̵͞h̶̡̛̕͞ì̶̸͘c̸̛̕c̸Ẁ͏͏į͢f̨̀͠҉͏e̴҉͏̀͢Ś͟i̴̵̛̕͜c̴̴̛c̷̀͢L҉̷̀͘̕i̢͝f͏̡͟è situation; I don't really see a reason to lynch him if Mael's actually going to be coming in.

I'm dropping my suspicions of r҉̕͏a̴̧̡͟͠e̵̸͞k̢͝͠҉ò̸̡̧̕ for finally explaining her night 1 post. The reasoning makes sense to me, even if I do personally think some discussion and coordination is a good thing during the night. I agree with FA's first point that you could've been that elaborate in your original post, but w/e, that's out of the way now.

My biggest suspicions are on T̨̀͠Z̸̧͜҉P҉, THC, and B̵́͜͟͝ŗ͝͠a̛͘҉i̵̕͘͡n̶̶̕y͘͡. FA, O̶̸͠l̵̵͜͡i̴̢̛͜͞m̶̡͟͞͝a̴͜r̛̀͘, Bubbles, and B̸̨̀D̨́́͜͜S̨͘ seem fairly clean to me. I don't really have enough information to say a lot about anyone else. I'm keeping my vote on THC for the time being.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 20, 2018, 02:04:34 PM
 Chat log over reasons for voting davy
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:47 PM
In less than a minute can you articulate your reason for voting Davy? @mastersuperfan
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:48 PM
here? sure
it was really more to avoid a raeko lynch
partially based on gut feeling I suppose and also because I felt like we didn't have nearly enough to lynch raeko
I think someone mentioned in the thread that lynching an inactive human raeko would provide us with nothing
and I mentioned earlier in this Discord chat that raeko's inactivity was not likely to be a sign of wolfiness
considering that, wolf or human, the only logical thing to do would be to defend herself
Pearl - Today at 3:49 PM
I think i remember that..not sure though
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:49 PM
I felt like everyone was going off on raeko for said inactivity and I didn't think it was right
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:50 PM
@Pearl how about you
Pearl - Today at 3:52 PM
I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:52 PM
"felt like it would hold some value" wdym by this
Pearl - Today at 3:53 PM
Something that felt like a reason to lynch someone.
but i couldn't find any
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Today at 3:53 PM
Why didn't you just vote THC then?
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:54 PM
hang on dm
want to hear what he has tosay
Pearl - Today at 3:55 PM
Hence why I didn't mind changing my vote. I didn't know who the heck to vote for in the first place. I didn't vote THC because it also felt wrong. Nothing that day felt right. It was like reading a really good book only to have the ending suck
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:55 PM
How about you, @Ducleman🐺🚫  can you articulate your reason for voting Davy in less than a minute?
Pearl - Today at 3:56 PM
I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Today at 3:57 PM
I feel like I've already gone over this one, but okay.
Like I said, davy and THC were both at the top of my suspicion list. When it was clear davy was more likely to be lynched than THC, I thought it would be prudent for my own suspicions to lynch davy instead.
I mentioned here in Discord that I was willing to swap, but I knew davy wouldn't get lynched without a couple other votes on him. So I wasn't going to swap unless it was more than likely he would get lynched.
MSF expressed suspicion for davy and so did Brainy, so I swapped.
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 3:59 PM
mastersuperfan - Today at 3:59 PM
tbh I'll admit that my suspicions of davy did feel kind of bandwagon-y and based on what everyone else had already said
mastersuperfan - Today at 4:00 PM
but IRL stuff + laziness/procrastination stopped me from looking into the whole game super in-depth and I didn't really know what to do by the end of the phase
but as I said I didn't think it was a good idea to lynch raeko so when I finally had to make my vote I did what I thought was best
Olimar12345 🐺 🚫 - Today at 4:00 PM
too bad thc isn't online.
Pearl - Today at 4:01 PM
What did you think of his suspicions?
I'm posting this chat log btw
it feels important
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 02:08:47 PM
Just tried something new in the discord chat. I asked a few players who I thought were suspicious based on their lynch votes last Day phase (and who were online) if they could articulate their reason for voting Davy in less than a minute. Now obviously I could have (and have) read their thread posts, but I was challenging them to rearticulate it on the spot to see what they'd say and how it would compare to the post that they made along with their vote. Here's what happened.

[3:47 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: In less than a minute can you articulate your reason for voting Davy? @mastersuperfan
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: here? sure
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: it was really more to avoid a raeko lynch
[3:48 PM] mastersuperfan: partially based on gut feeling I suppose and also because I felt like we didn't have nearly enough to lynch raeko
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: I think someone mentioned in the thread that lynching an inactive human raeko would provide us with nothing
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: and I mentioned earlier in this Discord chat that raeko's inactivity was not likely to be a sign of wolfiness
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: considering that, wolf or human, the only logical thing to do would be to defend herself
[3:49 PM] mastersuperfan: I felt like everyone was going off on raeko for said inactivity and I didn't think it was right

Their vote post:
Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 18, 2018, 06:52:58 PMI meant to consolidate my thoughts here in this thread but I ended up saying everything I wanted to say in the Discord chat. As suspicious as that one moment in the Discord channel was for raeko, I'm going to go with davy here for reasons in the chat below:

Discord chat log where we talk about lynching davy

I did make a suspicion list as I was reading through the topic just earlier but since it's not going to help so soon to the phase change I'm just going to see the flip of whoever gets lynched and re-evaluate my suspicions then.

Brainy (Known as Pearl on discord)
[3:50 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: @Pearl how about you
[3:51 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: tick
[3:51 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: tock
[3:52 PM] Pearl: I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.
[3:53 PM] Pearl: Something that felt like a reason to lynch someone.
[3:53 PM] Pearl: but i couldn't find any
[3:55 PM] Pearl: Hence why I didn't mind changing my vote. I didn't know who the heck to vote for in the first place. I didn't vote THC because it also felt wrong. Nothing that day felt right. It was like reading a really good book only to have the ending suck
[3:56 PM] Pearl: I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1

Their vote post:
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 18, 2018, 06:49:33 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.
same for me. Davy

[3:56 PM] Olimar12345 🐺 🚫: How about you, @Ducleman🐺🚫  can you articulate your reason for voting Davy in less than a minute?
[3:56 PM] Pearl: I hope i didn't confuse anyone. I got too deeply invested in day 1
[3:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I feel like I've already gone over this one, but okay.
[3:57 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: Like I said, davy and THC were both at the top of my suspicion list. When it was clear davy was more likely to be lynched than THC, I thought it would be prudent for my own suspicions to lynch davy instead.
[3:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: I mentioned here in Discord that I was willing to swap, but I knew davy wouldn't get lynched without a couple other votes on him. So I wasn't going to swap unless it was more than likely he would get lynched.
[3:58 PM] Ducleman🐺🚫: MSF expressed suspicion for davy and so did Brainy, so I swapped.

Their vote post:
Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.

(note that I did have to snip out some replies made by other members in order to keep the ninjas at bay)

Ninja'd by Brainy posting the log, that's okay too (you can see it unaltered)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 02:11:00 PM
Pretend like dudeman's quote and brainy's quote aren't swapped.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 20, 2018, 02:24:32 PM
Player thoughts:

Raeko: Even though she's started posting more, I'm still not buying it. Something about her giant post seem like just an excuse fabricated after the fact to try and explain away suspicious behavior, and not actually a reflection of how she was thinking in the moment. It might just be reinforcement from the davy lynch (versus the raeko lynch that was building steam), but I'm still completely on board with a raeko lynch.
Dudeman: If Raeko is a wolf, then I think Dudeman is her most likely partner.

Olimar12345: If Raeko isn't a wolf, then I think Olimar is the most likely second pick for being a wolf.
ThatHiddenCharacter: Consistently poor behavior throughout the game. I think others already know what I'm talking about so I don't feel like blabbing on about it. :|
MaestroUGC: Maybe it's just been a while since I've played TWG with Maestro (and a long time since he's played TWG in general), but something about him seems rather aloof when he is active, aside from being mostly inactive (yet apparently following the game enough to feel confident placing a vote). Would be a good potential candidate for wolf what with the missed wolfing and all. Also voted for davy, so that's another strike against.

TheZeldaPianist: Points for include voting for the same person as davy, while I think a wolf would be involved one of the "main" lynches in the same scenario. Points against include behavior early in the game.
BrainyLucario: Though, like I've said many games before, I'm inclined to think Brainy's behavior is just Brainy being Brainy, there's always that "what if" factor coming into play. I don't want to lynch Brainy right now, obviously, but as we run out of targets he's definitely an option.
E. Gadd Industries: I honestly don't know what to think of E. Gadd at this point.
SuperMarina: Not too terribly suspicious, especially because of the raeko vote, but still someone to keep an eye on, IMO.

MasterSuperFan: pls post more. Maybe if I were in the chat more often, I could see more of your contributions, but as far as I can tell, your chat contributions led to you voting for davy, soooo... :morton2:
ThiccWifeSiccLife: maybe they have a sicc wife they need to take care of
Lkjhgfdsa_77: pls post more

Bubbles: Overall, nice bounceback from being semi-inactive. Seems like she's definitely trying to be helpful
FireArrow: Although we had our disagreements early in the game, FireArrow is definitely one of the most, if not the most, contributive player thus far, so I feel pretty confident in his humanity, especially with the lynch results and voting lines.

Trasdegi: we hardly knew ye
davy: He had wares, but no one had coin. :'(
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on February 20, 2018, 02:38:39 PM
TWC Post

Olimar, you have been warned by the host to not discuss the replacement, yet you continued to do so anyway. This is your only TWC warning. If you ignore the hosts warnings again, you will be kicked out of the game.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 02:41:00 PM
do wat i want
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 20, 2018, 02:46:00 PM
This week, despite being on break, I've really just been more occupied than I thought, so I'll take some time now to respond to some of Olimar's suspicions and list out some of my own, but I won't be able to write out a fully comprehensive list regarding every member at the moment. If there's any part that needs explanation/clarification though I'd be glad to elaborate.

First of all, Olimar's suspicion of me:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PMMasterSuperFan
No Night 1 posts. Your first post ( seems pretty straightforward, but the ninja edit is what bugs me (mostly because I just completely disagree with Maestro's comment and you had such a change of heart within the short time of the ninja'd posting).

I'm not sure I see what you mean... I didn't have any "change of heart"; Maestro posted a possibility that I hadn't even crossed my mind, so I took a moment to think about it. I always stood (and still do) by the theory that the wolves hit Monika, and that it wasn't a missed wolfing, whether intentional or unintentional--in that post I had voiced my doubts about Maestro's proposed situation that prevented me from seriously believing it to be true.

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PMYour vote came in very late and it comes across as a lynch bandwagon to me, especially following Maestro's vote (who also had few prior posts and voted davy) and BDS's vote to stunt a bandwagon. Your final vote is a "whoops oh no" at the start of Night 2. This looks Suspicious to me.

To be perfectly honest I just kinda... procrastinated playing TWG until I had to make a vote, partially out of unexpected business with IRL stuff and partially because I couldn't come to a clear decision. Given that raeko's active again and (in my eyes) does not seem particularly suspicious, I do feel like my choice was justified in trying to prevent a raeko lynch. Of course, though, we're probably worse off now than if we had lynched raeko instead of davy since he was Khajiit, but at the time several players had already voiced their suspicions of davy and I was more inclined to go with them than to lynch raeko based on a single out-of-place post (that was already potentially explained by her being from LLF) and inactivity that we couldn't attribute to wolfiness. I personally did not think that davy was the most suspicious player in the game so far (more on my suspicions below), but I figured he was a better lynch target than raeko. (in hindsight I guess I was wrong, unless raeko is the reviver or something)

A lot of Olimar's suspicions actually explain mine very well. In particular I'm getting very strong human vibes from FA and Bubbles (though, the way they play seems pretty unique and I haven't played TWG much so I don't know what they're like as wolves).

I'm more hesitant to put suspicion on Dudeman, though, if only because I see the merit in a THC lynch. This could also be THC just being an inexperienced player, but I feel like if this were his human game he would have learned by now.

The #1 suspicion I've been having so far, though, is Brainy. I would've mentioned this yesterday had I shown up to be more active earlier, but I'll outline my reasons now:

- Agreeing with what people say without really adding anything. I think people have pointing this out more with THC than with Brainy, but both of them are guilty of this (and because of it I'm not averse to a THC lynch, but I think Brainy has more suspicious parts to him that warrant a closer look first).

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 04:23:28 PMYeah, okay. I see your point.

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 16, 2018, 07:18:26 PMGood story so far, Noc. As for the wolfing, the only real possibilities I see here are monika wolf hit or inactivity.

^^ when both of those possibilities had just been mentioned already by other players

- Being overly concerned with being "sorta sus" as mentioned by FA. Had FA openly called him out on being wolfy, then I wouldn't have had a problem with this, but this is just such a minor point and the rest of FA's post had nothing to do with Brainy. Given that Brainy was around to read and respond to FA's post, I would've hoped that he would've tried to contribute to the ongoing discussion more to help the humans. FA himself caught this pretty clearly:

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 17, 2018, 02:23:06 PMFireArrow, what are my tells exactly? I'd like you to shed some light on them if you would

Quote from: FireArrow on February 17, 2018, 02:46:49 PMFor one, that you're more interested in me being slighty suspicous of you than literally every more important thing going on right now.

- Changing his vote to davy at the last minute without much of his own reasoning to back it up. While Olimar's suspicious of me and FA's been going off on Dudeman for our last-minute votes, I do feel like Brainy's decision here is a little fishier. If you check the chat log right before the phase change, Brainy didn't say nearly as much as the rest of us did--yet still made a decision to vote davy by the end. Further, when he made his vote post, he piggybacked off Dudeman's reasoning about a dead davy being better to revive than a dead raeko--which we've already established was not really a primary reason for the davy lynch. The Discord chat logs that Brainy/Olimar just posted doesn't help his case, considering how vague his response was when Olimar asked him to explain his reasoning:

Quote[3:52 PM] Pearl: I know there was a deeper meaning behind my switch to davy, more so than i felt like explaining in the thread, but to be honest, day one left me with nothing to go on imo. I was literally grasping for stuff that felt like it would hold some value, but other than THC, nothing struck me as super suspicious.

Then again... had he been trying to save a wolf raeko with the davy vote, I imagine he would have been more open/vocal about lynching davy earlier. I'm not really sure I understand Brainy's move here whether he's a human or a wolf. So who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm still inclined to believe raeko is human; if this is the case then it's possible that the Master Wolf seered davy as Khajiit (which would make sense considering he's an active experienced player) and this could be a reason for a wolf to vote davy given the opportunity but not be particularly concerned about raeko dying? (There's the possibility of going for the raeko lynch this day for the cardflip, so if we do and she flips red I'll have to reconsider this.)

I'll agree that THC, TZP, Maestro, and (to a lesser extent, because I've just been getting some more human-y vibes in general, but I didn't try to pinpoint them closely) SuperMarina are all there on the suspicion list. Olimar's been playing pro-actively but still bothers me, though not necessarily out of wolfiness. I just think the wolves really did hit Monika, so I'm just kind of irked by his insistence on inactivity.

Considering that there's 4 wolves + Monika + traitor, it's unlikely that all these people under the most suspicion are going to include all the evils. There's a fairly decent chance that one of the relatively inactive people (Lkj + Thicc + E. Gadd) ends up being one of these... we just haven't seen enough of them yet. As everyone else has said, post more.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 20, 2018, 02:58:46 PM
I'm probably gonna be relatively inactive until later today, just a heads up.

Quote from: davy on February 20, 2018, 02:38:39 PMTWC Post

Olimar, you have been warned by the host to not discuss the replacement, yet you continued to do so anyway. This is your only TWC warning. If you ignore the hosts warnings again, you will be kicked out of the game.

This is kind of bullshit but I trust your verdit. I know it isn't fair to use stuff outside the game to try and solve it, but at the same time, it's unfair to humans to have a potentiall wolf make next to 0 posts. Unless Thicc is a noc 100th game prank (to the people in this game, I'm gonna get to in my post later), the fault falls entirely on the inactive player.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 20, 2018, 07:02:20 PM
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman) 1
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 02:25:50 AM
Does anyone know who Thicc actually is? Noc keeps saying shit like "remember Mashi's game where they had to lynch Mashi" and it's making me think this whole situation is some kind of prank. By no means am I certain of this, or even think its probable, but it's worth considering since

Human leans:


Basically a confirmed human in my eyes, partly for reasons I'm not allowed to discuss. There's a few things that concern me about his play, but he's been extremely active, vocal, and aggressive. Wolves don't like to make enemies or take sides if they don't have to - if Olimar's a wolf, he's a fearless one.

There is the possibility that wolves seered davy, thicc is his partner along with two other less active members, and olimar is raging over his mia teammate. It woud explain a lot, I just don't see any merit going further with this theory unless the dudeman/raeko situation ends up fruitless or there's a neat new development.


His posts are infrequent, but every single one brings something new to the table. I don't just mean elaborating on things people already said, it's either coming up with new ideas or saying things that haven't been said yet. Sure, a lot of his info has been wrong, but given it being somewhat of a pattern across his posts (reviving davy and the brutal human thing), it comes across to me as genuine mistakes rather than wolfy slip ups. I have no reason to suspect him.


The way he argued against an alliance seemed really strange to me. It almost felt like his goal was to make sure an alliance didn't happen, and coming up with reasons as to why was auxillary. He told me that it was because from his expiriences, alliances can end up being really bad, and granted that he can be stubborn and prideful when it comes to arguments, I'll buy that for a buck. As a lot of people have been pointing out, an alliance in this game isn't nearly as strong as it would be in other games, so I don't see why a wolf would go to such extents to stop one. Everything else he's done has been extremely human looking to me. My only fear is that he always ends up being human when I'm suspicous, so maybe it goes the other way when he's a wolf?


Honestly all I wanted from your defense was an idea of your skill level and an explanation for that weird n1 post. I got the best possible answer to both. Even though nothing you've done seems wolfy to me, I would of normally still put you under yellow or red just because of how other players acted during your lynch. MSF brought up a really good point though that maybe the wolves seered davy and pushed for that. Would explain the lynch nicely while leaving you and dudeman unconnected.

Slight Wolf Leans:


She's making good posts, but they're just so unagressive I can't help but think somethings up. Wolves don't like enemies, and bubbles is never taking sides or accusing people. Looking at her suspicoun list, there's nothing that really goes above "just a lil" and just when it looks like she's about to, she ends the paragraph with a "but it could just be this and they're acutally human." Wolfy behavior, not really connected to any events in a wolfy way, but that lack of a connection itself is kinda wolfy. Additionaly, the nature of her posts feel like she's more concerned with her own safety than helping the humans.


I think I went over this well enough before. He's basically shouting from the rooftops "I'm a wolf!!!!" while having the composure to not flinch at people calling him out. I don't buy it. Only reason he's here is his voting pattern d1 was just so weird. Switching to a bandwagon vote when we was pressured with a lynch just doesn't sit right and maybe it's his own personal way of freaking out.

Sorry my hw was taking a lot longer than I thought and I gotta get to bed. Will finish this in the morning. In the meantime, dudeman. Long story short, I think we can still figure out the weirdness of the d1 by cardflipping dudeman instead of raeko. Raeko is a lot more likely to human than him at this point and this also covers the possibility that the switch to davy was because of a wolf seering.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 21, 2018, 04:07:31 AM
Good post, FA. I especially liked the bit on Bubbles, which is something that I didn't pick up on which now I can sort of see. I also agree that at this time I don't think killing raeko is our best move, and that there are better alternates that tell us what we want to hear. While a Dudeman lynch could give us the same results (like you suggested), I think we'd do better with a Brainy lynch. Dudeman's vote does seem like a pivotal point in the previous lynch, but I'm getting wolfy-er vibes from Brainy. The obvious things that I mentioned are that his vote was incredibly sketchy (simply quoting dudeman's post with a lazy "me too") and his overall obsession with everyone's tiny suspicion of himself. What put me over the edge was what happened with the explanation post I last made. MSF and to a lesser extent Dudeman both gave me what I wanted to hear (in some form), but Brainy seemed the most unsure of his actions. But then his insecurities surfaced once more, and he actually beat me to posting the log, which to me comes off as an attempt to post a hasty defense of himself. He also just seemed to have the most to say about the small amount of a post he had before, while taking longer to articulate it, which to me seems more like he had to try harder to come up with something than the others (or anyone who I could ask this question of) had to. He's just a mess rn, I think.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 04:17:41 AM
I mean I can understand everything else but the log post? Seriously?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 04:28:28 AM
Also it's not my fault I'm a slow typer, you should've considered each players typing speed. On top of that, my defensiveness over small suspicions isn't to stop people from being suspicious of me. It's to hear reasoning, to make sure they aren't just trying to start up a lynch when their is nothing to go on. And I'm sorry if being unsure about who to vote on is suspicious, I'm not going to settle on a Canidate just like that so people will keep me out of suspicion. I honestly didn't care who I voted for last day phase.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 04:50:48 AM
I've also made up my mind to not vote today, as I can't decide who to vote for.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 21, 2018, 06:43:11 AM
I'm going to vote Brainy for reasons I mentioned earlier and because I'm starting to feel it would be a bad idea to lynch Thicc. It really won't help anything.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 06:54:31 AM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 20, 2018, 10:21:09 AMAlright, I'm not 100% today, so bare with me. Here's my reasons for suspicions.

Brainy - Whenever Brainy posts anything, and he posts quite a bit, he really doesn't bring anything to the table. (Yes, I know I'm being a hypocrite.) He's still rather low on my suspicion list, cause it seems like he's at least trying to help the humans. And there have been a couple of instances where he's said useful stuff.

For being low on your suspicion list, you sure jumped at the opportunity to vote for me right after someone else did
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 21, 2018, 07:48:37 AM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 06:54:31 AMFor being low on your suspicion list, you sure jumped at the opportunity to vote for me right after someone else did
I was going to vote for you last night, but I was sick and ended up falling asleep before I could. I was actually a bit frustrated when I saw Olimar voted for you cause I realized people would think I was bandwagoning.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 08:59:52 AM
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, ) 1
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, Olimar12345, ) 2
Dudeman- (FireArrow, ) 1
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 21, 2018, 10:27:52 AM
A little summary of my thoughts from this phase, a sort of follow-up to my earlier suspicion list (

Olimar is putting in a lot of work (even a little bit of shifty business!! you sneak) and really seems to be creating and leading discussions. He's probably number one human in my book rn, any baseless suspicion I had that I referenced in my suspicion list earlier is p much gone now

Brainy had been giving me similar vibes to Supermarina, but did not have enough substantial behavior or evidence to warrant including him in my list. tbh I haven't been analyzing or thinking too hard about the new accusations against him specifically, I'm gonna do that later today and come back to it.

Raeko showed up and explained herself nicely, and seems to be more into the game now. Like I mentioned in my previous list, I never really got why she got slammed so hard. There's definitely a lot of other inactive players and I was surprised to see her almost lynched over one small comment Night 1.

Despite being called out multiple times and almost lynched for it, THC is seemingly still contributing in only small amounts and mostly regurgitating information from other players, though he is posting more now. I'm not sure yet if this seemingly indifferent behavior is an overloaded human move or a bold wolf one.

If Mael doesn't come in next day phase I am absolutely going to vote for Thicc, for reasons I said before. Though I'm not a huge fan of the sneakiness and working outside of the game, the info on Mael was still largely important and swayed me away from seeing use in a Thicc lynch today. But tomorrow?? watch out. maybe.

Also, posting and analyzing chat logs is v helpful, ty to everyone doing that. I try to check in on discord and skim the chats but not knowing the chat's atmosphere while the discussions were going on or like the speed of discussion etc always makes using it to make claims seem a little less legitimate to me. That said, it would probably benefit everyone (not just me!!) if short posts were made after important discussions were had in the chat, even if its just a log, so that it can all be centralized and pieced together more effectively

To anyone thinking I'm wishy washy or nonaggressive, idk what to tell you. That's literally just my personality  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  someones gotta be devil's advocate and try and understand others' perspectives, and I'm PRO at coming up with excuses for people (wish there was an eyeroll emoji)

...That said, I'm on a sort of confrontational kick lately so I'm gonna put my vote on Dudeman. I didn't find his explanation for his davy vote satisfying enough to explain it away. The fact that the davy vote switched so quickly and so close to the end of the phase (~15 min from the deadline iirc) is very suspicious. Like I mentioned above, having talks in discord is useful but kind of detaches me from the context of everything, so you can see how from my perspective the sudden flood of davy votes is a big red flag.

Additionally, this is probably one of the last few phases where we could comfortably lynch for learning purposes (I'm not great with the whole TWG math with counting phases and remaining players but I'm sure someone is, please correct me if I'm wrong), and as said many times before Dudeman would give us a hint about raeko and I'm sure other players as well once we look back with hindsight. Roleflips allow foil-lynchings like these to be actually useful, and I think its worth it to use that strategy while we still can. Don't get me wrong, I'm suspicious of Dudeman in general, and without roleflips I would still be voting for him. The value in that extra info is just a nice cherry on top
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 10:32:11 AM
THC because whatchu doing fam i mean wolf
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 21, 2018, 11:04:44 AM
Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 21, 2018, 07:48:37 AMI was going to vote for you last night, but I was sick and ended up falling asleep before I could. I was actually a bit frustrated when I saw Olimar voted for you cause I realized people would think I was bandwagoning.
What kind of reasoning is this? If you're suspicious enough of someone to vote for them then do it and explain it as best you can. This just makes it seem like you're not wanting to draw attention to yourself in retrospect, but in doing so you're not only highlighting your actions in the previous phase but also making it seem like you're just trying to duck the spotlight.

Having said that, I'll place my vote for THC, as while I still think Raeko is a route worth pursuing, THC has been dodging accusations all game so far. I'm also placing this vote now because I'm not sure if I'll be around to later to see new developments by the time the phase ends.

I'm also looking at the voting patterns of everybody thus far. Dudeman did switch his vote to Davy mere minutes before the end of Day 1, sparing Raeko.
E. Gadd has been otherwise preoccupied(?) and only voted for himself because he was indecisive on Day 1. He's clearly been keeping up but has not actually contributed anything substantial.
Bubbles I'm a bit wary of, not for any concrete reasons, just a feeling.

This post is a bit scattered, but it's more to do with how this game is just all over the place right now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 21, 2018, 11:35:30 AM
Just posting to say that I won't have any time to post or be on Discord today until after I̧̔͑͊ͣ̈ͬͯ̋̒̇̐҉̴̢̠͇̯͈͙̞͖͍̠̲̺͕̠̠̣ͅ'̸̳̖̪͚͕̬̮͎͔̭̣̫̦̰̥̩̻͔̾̃ͦ̐͊̇ͧͬ̏ͦ̅̇ͭ̀̀͘m̵̹̙͇̹͉͍͌̑̑ͤ͊̀̄̽͗̂̈́̔ͮ͐͢͜͞ͅ d̶̨̪͉̠̺̬̯̠̲̣̍̎ͮͬ̎͑̍ͩͣ͋͑̅ͫ̑͜͢ͅeͭ̀̒̀̄͛͐ͯ̔ͥ͏̘̰͇̠͚̱̠̫̳̹̳͍̬a̡̡̛̤͙̮̘͖̭͓͙̯̝̖̋̉ͬ̇͆d̨̝̩̬̣̦̤̞̱̝̿ͥ͋ͨ͂͆͂͌̓͌ͤ̽͌̅ͣͮ̚͜ ǎ̢̟̪̖̝̩̣̘̼͇̟̩̦͐ͦ̽͊́̅́ͫͭ̽̽́̏͟͞ͅn̾̌̎ͧ̒̃ͤ́̚͏̡̪͈̺͍̙̞̻͈̙̫́͞d̲͍̭̬͙̈́̃̏ͨ̽̂̌̌͞͞͞ the phase ends. I also have heavy suspicions on B̞̟̭͓͎̆̾̀̅ͯ̕͜r̸̰̥̙̺̤̾̑̔͗̎̈͋̒̈́͢͠a̵̡̜̭̮̺̞̖̻̖̼̳̬ͮͩ̿̃ͦ̌̇̑ͧ͒ͭ̾̈́͟͞ͅĩ̴̳̗̰̞͖͓̙̩̖̘̙ͨ̈̄ͬ̈́ͩͤ̀̑̆̆ͧ̓̋̿̂̑̚̕n̵̸̢̯̭̟̫͔̦̞̮̹ͩ̐̀̓͘yͬ̄̿ͩ͗̑͂ͯ͗̏̀ͮ͂͂͐ͯ͛ͧ̆͏҉͕͈̙̺͓̜̳̻̘ͅ which have only been encouraged by his latest few posts, but I will keep my vote on THC. Probably should have done that earlier...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 21, 2018, 12:04:03 PM
Tbh after yesterday I'm kind of hesitant to put a vote on anyone anymore, but I'm going to follow through with my earlier post and vote for Brainy. I totally understand all the suspicion for THC but I kind of get the impression that he always just plays that badly? (not that I would know for sure though, I've only played a couple TWGs; it's more of just a gut feel really) If it came down to it I would be fine with letting a THC lynch play out today, but I think Brainy should be more of a priority. For everyone who's been calling THC out for seeming wolfy and not adding anything new to the conversation, I don't see why the exact same reason, coupled with his rather poor explanation for voting davy, shouldn't cause us to consider Brainy as an option today instead. The hasty triple post earlier also kinda seems like a hasty wolf defense that doesn't really do a good job justifying himself, especially the first post which doesn't really contribute anything at all:

Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 04:17:41 AMI mean I can understand everything else but the log post? Seriously?

A huge thing too is that we get information about (a) raeko, since Brainy changed his vote last minute to davy, and (b) THC, since, as Brainy himself pointed out, THC jumped on him pretty suddenly after Olimar's vote even though he was only "low on his suspicion list." If we lynch Brainy and he flips human, then THC is an easy next lynch. If Brainy flips red then that should give us a reason to look more closely at raeko instead. THC's flip doesn't really tell us much about Dudeman/raeko.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 12:07:25 PM
My case against dudeman that everyone probably already knows:

Braniy, MSF, and Dudeman all switched their votes last minute to save davy. This is the post that was off.

Quote from: Dudeman on February 18, 2018, 06:48:07 PMI'm swapping my vote to davy for reasons I discussed in Discord. In short, a dead human davy who we can revive is more valuable than a dead human raeko who we can revive. Also davy's more of a question mark to me than THC.

He's not implying that there are other, more important reason for switching to davy. This implied that the revive is the straw that broke the camels back.  Note, that I posted rather quickly about why this reasoning was terrible, but none of the three people heeding me until the next phase when they had to defend their action.

note: phase ended 5:00 my time
QuoteGerik - Last Sunday at 5:19 PM
   I'm suspicous because your reason of him being a better revive target is bs and you know it lol

Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:19 PM
    All right fine, it's a crappy reason, but I wasn't lynching him so that he would be revived
    Reviving's just part of the lynching discussion
    I voted davy 'cause I was getting a wolf read from davy
   And raeko and davy were the top contenders for lynching
   and between the two, I'd rather learn davy

After the fact it took next to 0 effort for me to get him to admit that reasoning was faulty. If it was that fragile, why was it used to justify his post in the first place? Why wasn't he convinced changing his vote wasn't a good idea before the phase ended when I posted my actual reasoning, not "lol you know it's bs." Wanting to change your vote in a lynch because you think one lynch candidate is better than other is not a wolfy behavior by itself. Doing so while weakly justifying it in a way that doesn't directly involve you associating yourself with said player, extremely wolfy. Instead of providing us with his "real reason", which he provides in his defense shortly after, he feels the need to provide more "made up" reasoning because:

QuoteGerik - Last Sunday at 5:21 PM
    you pulled a reason out of your asss
    If you were human you would of just said "I prefer davy over raeko"
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:22 PM
    Isn't it wolfy to make a decision without presenting a reason?

So it would make you wolfy to post without a reason? Sounds like the way a wolf would think. Also, apperantly you weren't lacking in solid reasons to post anyways:

QuoteDucleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:24 PM
    "Guts" would be the reason
Gerik - Last Sunday at 5:24 PM
    So then you lied about your reason?
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:24 PM
    I wasn't voting davy 'cause of "guts," it was because I didn't like his aggressive "it couldn't be activity" stance
   That was always why I sus'd him
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:25 PM
   Then THC posted some more, more discussion happened, raeko became a solid lynch candidate
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:25 PM
   The situation changed, discussion happened in here, it was clear THC wouldn't get lynched

He said it was guts, then said it wasn't guts. Then proceeded to post why he "actually" switched his vote. Why did he decided he needed to post that dumb thing about revives instead of this? My guess is this reasoning wasn't actually why he switched votes. It absolutely is continuous with his posts, but wolves don't make decisions based on who they think is sus. He needed to get davy lynched last minute and quickly threw in a reason, then ammended it after the fact by going back and putting it in line with his other thoughts.

QuoteGerik - Last Sunday at 5:25 PM
    Dudeman, the reason your posting now is not a bad reason
    It's the fact that you decided to post your whole revive thing instead
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 5:26 PM
    Well the revive was the topic at hand
    I wanted to throw in my two cents and thus sloppily merged my lynch discussion into the revive discussion

MSF was the origin of the weird reviving thing. Dudeman saw it, and in the heat of the moment quickly used it instead of the rather solid logic he built up over the course of the phase. Humans tend not to forget their reasons and generally love shoving their opinions into the situations. Wolves can easily forget what their suspicouns and reasonings are because, well, they were never real. He didn't want to take the time to consolidate his logic into switching his votes in the last 15 minutes of the thread, which too me sounds wolfy because humans almost always have their logic consolidated, and if they don't they love to let you know (I'm starting to feel wrong about my call out of E Gadd. because looking through the thread there's a huge amount "don't really know whats going on so not gonna vote/safety/whatever." "Gonna get my thoughts sorted out hear from me tomorrow.")

And then there was this:
 For her, yes[/b]; the thing is, in order to make that sort of partnership connection, there has to be, y'know, a partnership
   You're okay with a raeko lynch because it'll supposedly indicate my allegiance
   I don't see how if all I ever did was aim for davy instead of THC
   and raeko never said anything
   Just bugs me that my decision to swap apparently means I was defending raeko]Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 6:14 PM
   One last thing @Gerik about the raeko/davy thing against me
   I don't see how pushing for davy makes me any closer to raeko, other than the fact that raeko happened to be the other highest lynch vote
   I never outright defended raeko
   Raeko was on my first sus list for the "way too early to be talking about this imo" post
   The one thing you're holding on to is my "reasoning" for switching to davy, but as said before, I didn't switch to davy for the revive thing
   Again, it was the discussion at hand here in Discord and it leaked into the forum post
Gerik - Last Sunday at 6:17 PM
   I already said Im ok with lynching raeko instead of you, why do you feel the need to distance yourself from her rn?
   Are you already anticipating a red flip?
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 6:19 PM
  For her, yes; the thing is, in order to make that sort of partnership connection, there has to be, y'know, a partnership
   You're okay with a raeko lynch because it'll supposedly indicate my allegiance
   I don't see how if all I ever did was aim for davy instead of THC
   and raeko never said anything
   Just bugs me that my decision to swap apparently means I was defending raeko (http://ducleman🐺🚫%20-%20Last%20Sunday%20at%206:14%20PM %20%20One%20last%20thing%20@Gerik%20about%20the%20raeko/davy%20thing%20against%20me %20%20I%20don't%20see%20how%20pushing%20for%20davy%20makes%20me%20any%20closer%20to%20raeko,%20other%20than%20the%20fact%20that%20raeko%20happened%20to%20be%20the%20other%20highest%20lynch%20vote %20%20I%20never%20outright%20defended%20raeko %20%20Raeko%20was%20on%20my%20first%20sus%20list%20for%20the%20"way%20too%20early%20to%20be%20talking%20about%20this%20imo"%20post %20%20The%20one%20thing%20you're%20holding%20on%20to%20is%20my%20"reasoning"%20for%20switching%20to%20davy,%20but%20as%20said%20before,%20I%20didn't%20switch%20to%20davy%20for%20the%20revive%20thing %20%20Again,%20it%20was%20the%20discussion%20at%20hand%20here%20in%20Discord%20and%20it%20leaked%20into%20the%20forum%20postGerik%20-%20Last%20Sunday%20at%206:17%20PM %20%20I%20already%20said%20Im%20ok%20with%20lynching%20raeko%20instead%20of%20you,%20why%20do%20you%20feel%20the%20need%20to%20distance%20yourself%20from%20her%20rn? %20%20Are%20you%20already%20anticipating%20a%20red%20flip?Ducleman🐺🚫%20-%20Last%20Sunday%20at%206:19%20PM %20%5Bb)

So he randomly really wants to destroy any kind of partnership between him and raeko. Which I thought was really odd this early, especially because he has yet to mention any suspicoun of her whatsoever. If he was really human, and thought she was likely to be human, wouldn't he put his efforts into trying to say why THC (or whoever he thinks is a wolf) is more sus than raeko, not trying to distance himself from someone who from his perspective should probably flip green. Basically, his vote switch realllllly points to him thinking she's green. He then, in the part I bolded, says that he does think raeko will flip red. Let me put this in a seperate line because holy crap:

If you think someone is gonna flip as a wolf, that means you think they're a wolf. If you think they're a wolf, why the fuck did you save her from a lynch, and then proceed to distance yourself from her and still show no interest in actually lynching her.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 12:12:32 PM
Fixing my bbc code, ignore that weird url.

QuoteGerik - Last Sunday at 6:17 PM
   I already said Im ok with lynching raeko instead of you, why do you feel the need to distance yourself from her rn?
   Are you already anticipating a red flip?
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 6:19 PM
   For her, yes; the thing is, in order to make that sort of partnership connection, there has to be, y'know, a partnership
   You're okay with a raeko lynch because it'll supposedly indicate my allegiance
   I don't see how if all I ever did was aim for davy instead of THC
   and raeko never said anything
   Just bugs me that my decision to swap apparently means I was defending raeko

As for MSF and brainy:

MSF - pointed out that maybe davy was seered. I see no reason for wolf to point this out unless raeko is indeed a wolf as well. I only see him as a potential partner for dudeman if raeko is also a wolf.
Brainy - Similar to THC, although a bit more sus imo. He's just such a low hanging fruit it makes me really nervous. From my expirience, these people almost never end up being wolves, and you can just lynch them later in the game really easily anyways since they're always on the top of everyones list.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 12:38:46 PM
Dudeman never said his reasoning was guts

Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:22 PM
Isn't it wolfy to make a decision without presenting a reason?
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Like I said, that is the reason
I was about to switch my vote to THC from raeko
just because I prefered THC lynch over davy
Pearl - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Sometimes guts come into play when you play TWG, you should know this
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
Oh of course I know this Brainy
"Guts" would be the reason
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
So then you lied about your reason?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 12:47:42 PM
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, blackdragonslayer, maestro, ) 3
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, Olimar12345, mastersuperfan, ) 3
Dudeman- (FireArrow, bubbles, ) 2
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 03:41:23 PM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 21, 2018, 12:38:46 PMDudeman never said his reasoning was guts

Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:22 PM
Isn't it wolfy to make a decision without presenting a reason?
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Like I said, that is the reason
I was about to switch my vote to THC from raeko
just because I prefered THC lynch over davy
Pearl - Last Sunday at 9:23 PM
Sometimes guts come into play when you play TWG, you should know this
Ducleman🐺🚫 - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
Oh of course I know this Brainy
"Guts" would be the reason
Gerik - Last Sunday at 9:24 PM
So then you lied about your reason?

That's not really a central aprt of my case against him, but I'm not too sure why you want to defend him right now. Especially considering you have 3 votes and he has 2.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 04:03:16 PM
3 Hour warning
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 21, 2018, 04:26:29 PM
After more consideration, I've decided to switch my vote to Dudeman. After rereading some older games I played with Brainy, I feel more convinced that he could just be playing his normal human game, which tends to be overly awkward and paranoid, and usually gets me suspicious of him (TWG XCIV: How to Kill TWG comes to mind). I touched on this a bit in one of my earlier posts, too. So, I'd rather not take a chance on Brainy when Dudeman has more or less an equal case against him which would also shed some light on the almost Raeko lynch of Day 1.

Also, voting THC is giving me Vietnam flashbacks of Day 1's mislynch. While they do seem suspicious, most of the suspicion on them comes from bad playing rather than them actually doing suspicious things (for the most part). Seems like a case of "low-hanging fruit" to me. Also, with so many of the same people on board with it, I feel like a THC mislynch would be damning for those.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 21, 2018, 04:59:48 PM
[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: if it comes down to it I'm prepared to switch my vote to Dudeman
[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: i.e. if THC were to get lynched instead
[7:53 PM] mastersuperfan: or kitb
[7:54 PM] mastersuperfan: not that THC isn't suspicious but "low-hanging fruit" as FA and Olimar have said
[7:54 PM] mastersuperfan: and I still think that lynching Brainy should come before lynching THC

switching to Dudeman, since it doesn't look like a Brainy lynch will be happening today

FA's post did a very good job of being convincing. Don't have a ton of time on my hands rn so this might be the last thing I say for today.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 05:10:29 PM
Vote count:
ThatHiddenCharacter- (Dudeman, blackdragonslayer, maestro, ) 3
BrainyLucario- (ThatHiddenCharacter, ) 1
Dudeman- (FireArrow, bubbles, Olimar12345, mastersuperfan, ) 4
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 21, 2018, 05:29:27 PM
I'm rather stuck between choices. Going with majority vote here, not just for the sake of it, Dudeman. The evidence provided by FireArrow is enough to convince me, if not by most of what I've seen him say myself. It's unfortunately a coincidence that most of the evidence I would provide is already supplied by FireArrow. My apologies to those who have me on their inactive/suspicion list for lack of posts. School is catching up, but I'll improve for these next few phases. However, my point still stands that FireArrow has covered more, if not, all of the majority evidence I was going to pull. Next day phase, let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.. The two card flips we'll have may help narrow it down for all of us, so in accordance, I'm readying my suspicion list.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 06:16:54 PM
I'm here, but I don't plan on changing my vote unless other people try and step in to shift the lynch. I figure there are enough votes on Dudeman as-is.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PM
Apologies for being MIA and the terseness of the following list

THC--bandwagony and not super helpful.  I think you're probably our best bet.

Brainy--I think it's worth mentioning that, given your involvement in Day 1, we get some info based on your interactions with others, just as with Dudeman and raeko.  I think you're a little less suspicious, though

SuperMarina--similar to THC

Olimar--For the record, I still don't buy your explanation of Day 1's tomfoolerous argument.  I think you're intelligent enough to not dig yourself a hole you can't talk your way out of.  I do, however, acknowledge and respect that your playstyle is elephant in the china shop-esque, which probably raises my suspicions more than it should.

Dudeman--FA's analysis of your shenaniganery is solid

BDS--that's not how votes work.  Who do you think is actually suspicious?

Maestro--started the davy lynch without real solid reasoning, but I think I vibe with where you were coming from.  Low suspicion rn.

raeko--I could honestly see it going both ways with you at this point.

E. Gadd--keeping a low profile

MSF--nothing too suspicious.  I think you're probably reading a little too much into Brainy's posts, though.

Llawegiuri;ashdiosjlc vcnld_77--feel free to start playing anytime you want

Bubbles--solid analysis thus far

FA--solid analysis thus far, particularly with Dudeman

Thicc (He Who Must Not Be Named)--???

TZP--I like trains

I have a ton on my plate, so sorry, guys.  Hopefully I'll be able to invest more thought into this in the next couple days
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 06:30:32 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMTHC--bandwagony and not super helpful.  I think you're probably our best bet.
something something not how votes work something something
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 21, 2018, 06:45:32 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMOlimar--For the record, I still don't buy your explanation of Day 1's tomfoolerous argument.  I think you're intelligent enough to not dig yourself a hole you can't talk your way out of.  I do, however, acknowledge and respect that your playstyle is elephant in the china shop-esque, which probably raises my suspicions more than it should.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 21, 2018, 06:25:53 PMMaestro--started the davy lynch without real solid reasoning, but I think I vibe with where you were coming from.  Low suspicion rn.

Won't listen to actual reason but will "low suspect" a shit vote. Makes sense.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 06:49:10 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 06:16:54 PMI'm here, but I don't plan on changing my vote unless other people try and step in to shift the lynch. I figure there are enough votes on Dudeman as-is.

Can you explain your THC lynch? I'd still like to know what that was about.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 06:51:53 PM
since my laptop is dying I gotta end phase early guys sorry
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 21, 2018, 06:52:09 PM
Chapter 5
Khajiit woke with a start.  His heart pounding, he started gasping for air.  He was in a tiny attic-space, on his back on a mattress.  In the far corner was a desk.  A man occupied the chair.  The man turned abruptly.  He stood up from the chair and ran over to Khajiit.  Placing a cold hand on Khajiit's chest, he quietly whispered, "Breathe.  Slowly.  Calm."  Khajiit felt his body relaxing, beating to a slower rhythm.
"Where... where is Khajiit?"  He asked weakly.
The mysterious man smiled at him.  "All will be revealed- in time.  For now, sleep."
Khajiit's surroundings faded to black.
Tyler stood in the hall, trying desperately to not attract attention to himself.  Hard to do when you're over six-and-a-half feet tall. This was his fault.  He couldn't say anything now, though.  He flicked his eyes nervously toward where Miguel and Kenji stood upright, staring straight at him.  He gulped.  Still, looking at Miguel and Kenji was better than looking at the sight that laid before him.
Daniel's stiff corpse lay on the marble floor.  Zachary knelt next to his brother, tears steadily dripping from his eyes.  Nobody spoke.  Finally, Zachary looked up at the guests.
"I'll kill whoever did this.  I'll kill whoever is forcing us to play this stupid game.  I hate you all!"  He ran up the main stairway and disappeared.  Michael and Gerik exchanged glances, then followed.
Olivier cleared his throat, clearly looking uncomfortable.  "So... what are we doing with the body?"  He asked.
Rachel glared at him.
Addison sighed.  He and Skyler had been hard at work all morning reading through notes and plugging various scenarios into equations.  It just didn't add up- both literally and metaphorically.  No matter what he tried, he was clearly missing some variable.  He looked over at the boy.  What a prodigy!  He simply did not know how to give up.  Addison was sure he had no chance of making it out of here without Skyler.
A knock on the door pulled Addison from his thoughts.  It was Natalie.
"Umm, we're doing our thing again..."  She trailed off.  The room was a mess.  Papers were scattered all around, covered an entire wall, held in place by pins.  Neither Skyler nor Addison had slept that night.
"Well, everyone expects you both especially to show up.  And... there's other stuff going on too.  You might want to come down."
The three of them left the room and headed down to the dining hall.  Zachary stood on the table, holding a dagger in his hand.
Clearly he wasn't planning on using it, as everyone already present simply stood, waiting for him to speak.
"Oh, good.  Everyone's here."
He looked around, eyes watering.
"This is the dagger that pierced my brother's back.  And I found it... in Michael Buble's room."
Thirteen pairs of eyes swiveled toward Michael.
He scoffed.  "I don't believe it!  Zachary, we're friends!"
Rachel pursed her lips.  "I'm sorry, Michael.  But that just doesn't seem likely."
His eyes widened.  "Gerik?"
Gerik tilted his head from side to side, considering.  "I guess a setup is possible."
Michael's voice had a pleading tone.  "Of course I was set up!"
Addison looked Michael in the eye.  "Time to vote, murderer."
Thirteen pairs of eyes swiveled back toward Addison.
"Michael Buble."
"Michael Buble."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Addison Gardiner."
Addison cocked his head.  Kenji was staring dead at him.
"Addison Gardiner."
"Addison Gardiner."
"Michael Buble."
"Tyler Henry Cormaci."
"Michael Buble."
"Hmm... Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Addison Gardiner."
Rachel took a deep breath.
"Michael Buble."
The voice flared to life.  "We accept your sacrifice!"
Knowing what would happen, the guests once again made a mad rush for the doors.  Michael made no move to follow.  His eyes were devoid of emotion.
Standing out in the hall, Gerik watched, tears in his eyes, waiting for the wind to pick up.
It didn't.
Instead, there was a warm glow, which gradually reached an unearthly brightness before winking into nonexistence.  Like Khajiit before him, Michael was nowhere to be seen.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Olimar12345
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

Dudeman has died.  He was Michael Buble, songwriter and Miller.  It is now Night 3.  Might 3 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 22, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 21, 2018, 06:56:59 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 06:49:10 PMCan you explain your THC lynch? I'd still like to know what that was about.
It's pretty much just been everything that's been going on with THC since the beginning of the game, especially his (repeated) bandwagon votes despite being called out for it. Though it's possible he's the traitor, you have to admit something's up.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Dudeman on February 21, 2018, 07:02:26 PM
Oh. W͡e͜l̢l. S̛͔̗̳̲̱ͅh̳̳̮̱͖̰̘͡i̧҉̯̪̫̼͞t̶̘͚̟̖͇̻̟̟ͅ.͈̥́

p̶̵̨̖̟̠͎̘̪̿ͣ̅ͥ͝ļ̍̓ͨͥ̋͝҉̢̡̠̬̼̠̼̩̙̭̼͔̜ͅḛ̴͙͍͕̭͙̖ͧ̂̂̌͡a̸͈͍̞͙̬̳̰͎͖̻̙̔̈̾͑̔́̅̏͆ͭ͆̍́̚s̶̢̰̺̣̤̮͕͉̬͊͛͊̍̊͆̉̅̈ͥ͑̋̎̍̈́ͦ̿ͯ̚e͙̩̮̹̺͇̣̪̯͙͉̣̦̲̙͌̾͊͋ͬ̔̓̀ͥͫ͘͟,̷̇̈́͑͛̃ͯ̌̐͋͂ͦ́͛ͯ̋̒̍̃҉̮̩͉̠̦̳̩̱̳̗̞͍͉̩̝ͅ ̴̟̯̱̠̘̰͍̩̼̩̩̮̌͆ͨ͊̉ͯͣ̈͒ͤ͂̏̽͊̚͞͠i̸̡̙̠͚̥̟̫̙͍̙̱̱̫̤͎̗͑̿̊͌̓ͦ̈̊̓̊͋̊͊ͬ̀́̚f́͊̋̊̽͆̿̅̌ͥ̍҉̶̷̟̣̤̺ͅ ̡͔͎̮̪̠͎̟̞͇̹̬̪͇̅̋̓̈́̚͢a̎̓͊̉̎̃̿͂ͩ̋͆̌͒̔̐͒̊̚͏̮̬͖͓̯̠͕͉n̵̶̨̘̗͙͉͕͉͖͂͊͂̀́̏͊͌͘͠ͅy̝͕̙͎̫͗͂ͣ̌͌͢͜͡o͐ͩ̋ͫ̑̽̚͏̮̜̟̜̣͔͓̣͚͢͝n̡̛͚̘̭̬̜̮͖͔͕̟̰̼͙͉̬̪̲͐̈́̈́͆ͥ̒ͬ͋ͬ̍͒ͬ͐͂ͤ̈̑͢ē̷͔͓͔̞̫͚̮̱̯͊̓͗̽̔̚̕ ̴ͯ͗̄ͪͦ͗̕͏̶҉̟̦̹c̷̢̠̣̰̱̩͓̳̦͎̳̙̪̩͍̩̮̍ͣ̃ͫͭͥͮ̄̎͘a̷̻̘̜̲͌̿͂̉͌̔̐͑̊̋͑ͯ̍͑ͨ̆ͬ̌̊n̯̗̤͉̫̻̤͚̗̥̤͇̋͒̑͐ͣ̔͘͠͝ ̶̡̡̡̺͍͔̥͖̘̬̩͓̣̦̐̄͋̆ͦ̚h̸̊̽̈ͣ́͟͜҉͎͎̝͕͇̥̦͇͇̰͎̰͖͇ȩ̖̪̣̲͛̔͂̾̑̐̔́aͦ̑̋̌̉̈ͥ̈́ͥ̇͌̽ͬ̑͡҉̠͖̭̣̕͘͡r̀̓́ͫ́̄ͨ͊̅̕͜͢҉̟̫̰͍͚̣̹͈͖̠̣̺͙̗̣ ͯ͊̌ͭ̄͂̽̔́ͬ͐͛̒͑̂͑͂̏͏̺̝̜̼͞ͅm̶̨̽̓͌̽̈́̈́̈́ͭ̾̈ͯ̏ͬ͡҉̸͚̬͓̪̠͎̘̰͔̫̦͓̻̰̹̝̬ͅe̴̷̢̛͖̞̙̲͎̤̣̝̩͚̞̼̙̰͇̫ͭ̄͗ͥͬ̓͌̌̓͛ͤ͊ͩ,̢̛̖̗̺͍͔̜͔̦̼̦͛͂ͬ̍̕͜ ̸̢͍̟͚̺̺̣̿͒͂̄͞I̋́̃̈́̓̏ͤ͑̇ͬ̅́̽̾̊̀̚̕͝͏͎͕̞͓̹̞̮̣͓̫̼̫͓ ̧̻̬̺̣̥͙͇̼̥̘̞̪̰͍͔ͯ̄̿̆̓̔̽͐͘͝n̨̨̙̟̹̲̖̖̞̯̼͎͕̜̗̺̟͗̾̐ͥͧ̈̑͗̃͐̄̍̈ͮ̑̅̓͐͢e͈̤̮̬͍̬̙̩͚͍̝̠͇̰̯͌̌̓̿͛ͦͦ͆ͨ̎ͧͮ̐ͭ̾ͪ̾̌ͦ́̀e̶̛̲͍͍̰͓̒̓̂͗͌͂͛ͩ̓ͪ̃̀̓̑dͬͪ̽̈̎̌́ͥͬ̃̇̆̏͋͆ͭ̚͏̨̟̗͓͙͘͢ ̿ͥ͐̌̆̈ͪ̆ͭͭ̍͊̇̏̉̓͐ͫ̕͞҉͍͎̯͚̦̩͉̩̳͡y̓̆ͤ̆̃ͬ̾̋̏́̀̚͏̢̘̰̗͔͎̦̗ͅͅo̸̡̰̰̫͉̥͕͉̺̘͖̗̫̮͎̭͔͕̲̗ͯ͛̇̄̓̔̄̏ͤ̇̄̂u̢̦͍͉̲͕̭̣̩͔̼̥͔̺͉̦̮͋ͩ̀͒͋͡͝͡ͅr̢̺̮͎̘̟̹̙̣̭̫͍͙̜̙͇ͩ̉ͭ̉͛̿ͭ̈́̒̇̈̅̽ͣ̚̚͠͠ͅͅ ̵̵͍̜̫̠͉̤͚͔͎̝͋ͣ̒̃͋̅̋͐͠h̸͎̬̜̗̄͊́̕e̶̖̳͓͈̾̆͆̏͒̆̾͋ͤ͗̓̂̓̂̀̚͝ͅl̫̯͉̰͎͚̯̼̮̹͎̺͖̭͔͈̝̇̍ͦͦ̾̔̇ͪ͜p̛̠̦͙͔̭͉̼̉͌ͭ̃̿͞,̸̢̻̹̝͖̲͚̭̗̤̤̤̤̖̗̙̲̯̣̾͛̐͋̑͑́̎ͩͮͯ͠ ̬̰̣̞̓͗̋͂ͮ̒̂͑ͤ̊̃̍͗̊ͦͧ̀́̚͜͟͠I̶̻͚̦̱̣̰̜̖̥͔̝͙͓͓̺̟͕͔̽̓͐ͮ̓͒ͮ̎̐ͧ̍́̚̕̕͢ ̸̗̰̗̫̙̣͈̟̩̭͉͉̪̳̤̼͙̌̅ͧ͌̄̐͐ͣ̇͝c̛̛̲̳̯̮͖̻͇̩̘͕͈̻̜̠̟̦̯̰͑ͨͦͮ̉̈́̒́̚̚͢
̧̛̛̜̫̳͉̝̒͗͋ͥ̒̕a̸̷̸̡͙̜̦͚̩̥̦̰͇̮͕̘͉̔ͧ̓ͧ̔́ͅn̗͔͉̳̹̞̻̄̉̉̈́̾ͭ̅ͪͥͬͣͫͤ̓ͥ͐̇̀͜͢͝͠'̶͇͙̺̩ͯ͋͌ͯͩ͊ͭ͊̀t̶̨͔̭͔̤͍̫̮͕͉ͧ̄̽ͬͥͨ͑̆ͮͫ̈̈̚̕͜͠ͅͅ ̎̋̾͊ͧ̅͌̎̓ͣ̂̌̐ͯͣ҉̸̠̖̺͇̬c̢̒ͧ̄͊̇̈͘҉̣̘͎̯̰͞o͗̾̈́͗̅̏̽͌ͩ̾͏́͏̨̨̻͍̜̬͙̗̙n̷̨̗̫̳͍̲͍̯̬̰̦͇̪̱̪̦̜͓͑͆͑ͨ͗̋ͥͦ́̓̄̔ͬͥ̒̆ͬ̀̚͘͜ͅt̉͋̔ͣ̆͗͘͏̨̼̦̮̰̦̣͔̜̘͎̙̯̟͉̟͞ͅͅr̓̽̋̆ͯ̆̾͑̒̃̒͆̌̚҉̩͉̤͇̪̘̻̫̤͚̱̤̯͍̖̗̟͍ͅó̜̦̹̯̝͚̟̱͚͈͈͊ͭ̉̊ͤͦͦ̋̋ͤ͌ͪ̾͢͜ͅl̡̮̣̫̲̯̗̩ͥ̒ͮ̍̿ͤ̏ͯ͊̐͂̚͝͠ ̴̛̯̟̗̩͍͖̪̝̻͈̇ͬͩ͘͜͡m̠̩̘͉̭̩̯̩̦̝͈̊͑̽̍́ͩ̂̇͋̈́̎͗ͯͦ̂̀ͨ̽̀͝y̧̡̳̖̭̥̞̹̿̓ͫ̒ͤ̂̆͆ͮ̄͆͛ͮ͋̚̕͘͠ ̨̨̺͚͔̲̙͚̗̓̋͒͊̐͊̏ͧͫͧ̎̓͟ͅa̷̸̼̜̼͈̺ͪ͆̆ͦͧ̒͂͗̈́͂͗ͦ̌̋͆͘͟c̡͔̣͕͖̯̠̘͓̍̽̅̽̆̇̒̒ͫ͗ͭ͆͆̈̔͛̓̇͊ţ̷̥̦͕̦̰͔͓̻̭̦͈̹͉ͯ͂̾̂ͫ̍̏ͫ̈̈́͂͒̐͑ͯ͛̿͛į̌͐ͪ̽ͭ͌͘҉̶̨̮͓̭̞ǫ̢͖̣̭̰̫͚͈̣̱͔̬̱ͯ̍͊̃̍͊͗͘n̷̨̡̛̺̰̳̙̟̮͓̹̣̫̞̯͍̱͖̤̮̣͒̃ͩ͋͐͑̊ͣ̀̚ͅš̶̖̣͕̹̞̫̪̳̱̣͇̼ͪͧ͛͑̌̃ͮ̕͡͡ͅ,͇̣̖̯̯̱̬͎̼͈̱̖͇̝̟͖̉͗̍ͭ͛͒̌ͮ͒ͭ̄͒̀̚͟͢ ̨̪̝̘̥̝̦̥̺̭͕̭͕ͧ͆ͯ͛ͯ̀̀͝Į̸̛̯̹͕̙̜̣̱̞̩̄͊̉ͤͫͨ̍ͭ̔̚͘ ̶̡̘͇̝̩̻̟̰̰̣̗̥͗̅̆͂̓͒͆̓̈̓̀͒̎̚͢c̛̬͔͔̣̟̹͍̖̩͋͑̽ͮ̃ͬ͋͡a̶̪̖̻̭̤̲͎̼̝͇̙̫͔̬̻͊̈̍ͤ͊̃ͧͮ̋̃̇͋̋̾̂ͩ̏̏̀n̶̫̥̟̞̳̓́̈́ͩ̂ͤ͟ͅ'ͮ̓̏ͭ̈́̓͐̒ͩ͏̶̵̨̛̙̫̗̼͔̝͓̪̠̦̣͕̪͚̙ͅtͩ̆͗̆ͬ̒͠҉̧̭̮̻͚͓͚̪̬̖̭̳̤̫ ̴̢͋̓̈́ͮ̿̍҉̨͖͖̰̩̭̮̗͚̭̮͈͢b̵̨̨̟͕̭̟̗̘̜̞̠̙̲̫̳̂͋̓ͨͨ͢͞ͅ
̋͌̂͑͌̋ͪ͏̛͖̼̥̗̜̦̙̞̭͕͎̭̘̯̮̮̺r̛̬̻̱̗̠͎̗̯̱̠ͨ̓͐̉ͪͩ͑̌͋ͫͥ͑͋͘͜ͅe̸̥̲̙͙̯̜̘̤̝͔̲̹̲ͩ̿͋ͮ̍̌̇̐͌̋̽͗ͫ͂́̍͐͋͢a̸̵̪̼͎̰͍̳͙̭̠̺͎̣̺̻̙̼̱̺̗͐ͦ̈́̓ͣ̈́̕t͋̒̐̓͏҉̴̡͓͉̳̲͚̟͕̭̤͟ͅḣ̷̜̼͔ͨ͗͌͑ͦ́͞e̡͇̘̰͍̺̞̪̜̪̱̻̲̥̯ͭͭͪ͒͋͋̔̍̓ͪ̓ͩ̃̌ͮ̍͐̓̐́,̢͇̤̞̠̭̫͓̭̞̝͖̘̺͎̜̩̘̑̃̈̉̎̀̓̕ͅ ̷̢͉̼͈͇͕̫̻̖͈̬̜̟̹̺̫̓̇̈́ͫ̓̈ͅĮ̡̆̃̒̇̅̚͜͝͏̹̹͉̺ ̔ͪ̊͌̓̃̾ͬͫͨ̇ͮ̈ͥͪ̚͏̶̨͚͔̗̝͔͚̖̞̥̙̬̹̬̣͙c̈͊̔̊ͭ́̊͏́͏̘̰̗͕̳̫̟̲̝̘ȧͬ͒̈́͗͑̈́̈́͑͂̇̎ͦͧ͑҉̲͔̻̰̞̘̲͚̀ͅņ̷̩̯͈̣̜̥̠̫̈̿̊ͧ̏̉͒̋̂̑ͩ͑͡'̔ͥͫ̈̑ͫ͗ͧͤ͗ͣ̏̀͜͏̧͜҉̮̺͚̩̖͔̲ͅt̶̡̲̘̪͙͖͇̤͊͗̊̉̀̄̚͞ ̙̗̠͓̝̤̖͙̙͍͇ͨ̍̈ͪ̄̿͐ͣ̃̉̈̎ͩ̓͂ͪ͑̌̀́͘t̴̵̞͙͇͕̠̦̞̭̖̰͈̙͍͕͓ͨ͛͌̀ͨ̾ͩͮ̊̆ͪ́ḩ̵̼̹̼̼̲̳̹̙͎̬ͪ̌͌ͥͮ̐̌̅́ͫ̀ͯ̌̈́͘͟i̸̡̨̨̞̞͓̩̯͉̙͔ͯ̌ͣ̓̊̊̈́̒̓ͬͨ͜ň̝͍͇̺͎̪͓̖̥̰͗ͭ̂͆́̕͡͠͞k̰̺̤̗̮͋̌͑̒́͡ͅ,̵̴̨̜͉̠̥̙͔̣̘̬͕ͯ̀͋̓̉ͥ̋̋ͮ͋ͨ͌̾̈́͋̚͘͞ ̧̘̙͍̤̪ͥͬ͊̇̿͐͑͒̽̌͆ͩͥ͡I̢̗͍͔̬̞̖̮̦̺̊ͯ̃ͬ̀ͅ ̷̡̨̛̇ͣ͋͒͐͒ͨ̑̃̏҉̺̫̬͉̙̩̯͚̳̥̪j̫̰̼̞͕͎̠̝ͫ̆̈́ͮ̄ͣ̽̊̄̀͝u̴̵̸̹̘̮̳̩̟ͩͩ̓̎͑̈́͐̅ͤ̿ͩ̌̑̔̄̊͗̿̌s̷̜͖̟̘̼͕̘̣̘̠͓̜͈̟̜͈̹͐ͭ̀̎͊̒ͤ͠͠͞ͅͅt͙̰̙͚̪̬̞ͧ̊͒̐̈́́ͦ͗͆͘̕͡ ̡ͪ̾͋̔͗̾̈̈́ͬ̈́͏̻̼̙̳͖̠̱͉̻͈w̧̡ͣͦͥ̈̀͟͢͏̦̪͙̮̳̠̻̦̭ḁ̷̡̡̻͓̹͚̮̠͖̞͉̖̰̓͒͊͌̆͐̓̒ͬͪͪ̍ͮn̴̶̷̩̼̱̲̤͔̘͉̻̜̲̣̈́̂̄̋ͥͫ͆ͮ̑̌̎́ţ̷̴̫̻͓̥̪͆ͭ̔̅̿͐ͬ͂ ̶̷̵̙̗̘̟̱͖̣̼͍͚̳ͩͥ͂̒ͣ̅́̎ͫ̒͊̇̒̍ͧ͑̀t̰̱̟̰̯͇̫͙̝̩͇͚ͬ͂ͪ̆͑̓̄̓͞͠ó͇͙̻͚̫̯͙̲̞͎̣͔͈ͮͣ̓͒́ͤͫ̒͋̾͋̐ͦ͋͗̋͟͝ ̡̛͔͙̼̺͕͚͉͙̘͔́͋̐̌̅ͪ͛ͨ̄̈ͤ̈́ͦͬͪ̀͠͞ͅͅģ̸̰̝̫̬̤̪̳̟̺̭̯̥̲̯̗̝͇͚̮̆̒̏̐̿ͦͭͧͬ̀̂̑̐̾́ͤ̓́̚͝o̷̳̹̹̺͚̬̦̮͕̻̤̫̼̲͍͕̓̒͐ͮ͗ͮ̐̇͊ͬͦ ̴̨̫̯̼̯̻͚͓̤͓̜̰͎͇̰̰̻̩̱̱̉̊̃̌̎̂̉ͥͩͮͦ͋ͮ̌̚͘͟h̡͇͈̪ͭͦͥͯ̆́ͥͤ͑̋͐͢͜͞o̷͋̑͒̂ͤ̌ͩͪ̂̔̎̐̔̓̓̚͏̶̯͍̗͕̖̟̘̜͙̹̹͍̜͓̦̼͕̭m̫̫̞̩̼͍̳̻͉̃̉ͮ͑̏̋́̚͝ͅe̵̸̢̛̬̳̣̭̝͖̱ͭ̿͒̽́̀,̈ͪ̆̽̑ͪ̆͛͏̨͍̘̱̠̺̼̕͟ ̵̷̲̰̺͉͖͇̳͔̥̦̦̙͓͓̃̽̋͌ͥ͗̈́̐ͮ̏ͧͬ͒ͫ͂ͭ̌̐̋̀p̴̸̵̳͔̰̞̻͎͓̠͔͙͉̤̹̻͍̔͆ͭͪ́̄͐͐͂͑̾̔͟͡ͅl͌̉̉͗͂ͯ̍̍͗ͦ̾́̄̕҉̦̞̟̗̼͔͙̞͙̞̹̗̖̯͟ȇ̮̞̱̰̇̄͐̈́ͯͧ̈̇̃ͦ́ͩ̅̈̑͊ͮ͘͝a̧͖̜̠̲̰̯̙͙̦̖̞̔̏͐͌̎̓͆ͧͤ͑͌̚ͅs̷̛͇͍̲̫͇͕͕̙̗̓̔̄͗̔̈́̃ͮ̓́̀̀ạ͙̠͈͇̬̮̗̓̂̈́̈́ͯ̽ͣͧ̀́ë̡̝̟̜̠̮͈͔͍̬̰̠̠̬̮́ͪͪ́̊ͮ̆̉ͬ͋͟ͅͅa̸͇̱̳̮̻̪̝̻̞͖͈̤̪͉̝͈̣̾̌̇͛̄̆̓̓ͩͮ͒̊̄̑̿̚͟͠͝s̷̼̻͎̤̙̱̰̹̙̻͙̣̼̟͈̾̑͊͡ͅẻ̡̡͈̮̲͖̖̲̠̱̯͍̝͔̯̽̌͌̓͞ͅs̶̞̤̻̳̻̭̪͖̞̣̥͚͒̂̃̂̔͜͡e̲̼̮̦̰̥̟̫̠̯͙̝ͧ̍͆̈͋̉ͩ͠ä̧̟̱͍̦̲̠͉̻̯̲̼̰̼̖̩̪̻́ͣ̎͛̽̉ͦ̾̀̈̄̉͐͘s̵̹̼̗͔̙̼̮̲͎̰͇͔̄ͭͪ̓ͪ̌̎l̵̢̡̮̺͔̠̯̥̲̬̝͙͈̯̪̯̏̊ͨ̏͂̂ͨͩ̇͒̿͐e̡̮͙͉̠̰͖̱̟ͬ̈́̌ͧ̎ͥͯ́ͨͭ͛̇ͮ̕

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 21, 2018, 07:06:06 PM
Gg boiz. We're 1/4 the way there.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Olimar12345 on February 21, 2018, 07:07:17 PM
Wait, MILLER??
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 21, 2018, 07:14:38 PM
Going to save my thoughts for day phase.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 21, 2018, 07:15:29 PM
nick miller : (

also ^ what FA said
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 21, 2018, 07:15:47 PM
AuuuuuuuuuuGHHHHHHHHH stuff all of a sudden got crazy (irl) T_T third trimester SUCKS and we haven't even had our third day yet! Ima read all of this tomorrow after school before tenor sax lessons and develop a suspicions post. I shouldn't've signed up for this game...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 22, 2018, 05:16:01 AM
I honestly wasn't expecting that. Also, I've gotta new suspicion coming along. It's not confirmed yet, but it's worth me looking into
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 22, 2018, 07:00:20 PM
ChÁpter 晦
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TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu
17. TheZeldaPianist

Substitute: Maelstrom

Olimar12345 has died.  He was Såååri Ishizuka, a ÒYEŽÝKò¦ø.  It is now Day 3.  Day 3 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 24, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 07:02:53 PM
Quote from: mikey on February 22, 2018, 07:00:20 PM
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I love where the story is going, can't wait for more.

Also, shouldn't there be a role flip?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 22, 2018, 07:16:49 PM
It's Monika? I think. Or Sayori.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 22, 2018, 07:17:52 PM
^ p sure he was sayori? Unless story Sayori Ishizuka isn't role Sayori

and so uhh Thicc got replaced w Charu? who only registered two days ago?? really wishing i knew like anything about DDLC rn
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 07:19:40 PM
Hi guys, is this game still being not good?

Charu's from FFR.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 07:23:39 PM
Ah, I was looking for a color.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:33:11 PM
Quote from: mikey on February 22, 2018, 07:00:20 PM17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die. Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.  If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.

If I understand this correctly, Olimar's flip as black means he was Monika?  I am so not clear on what is going on--my browser glitched out when I looked at the chapter update.  I haven't played the game, is this some DDLC shenaniganery?

Quote from: Bubbles on February 22, 2018, 07:17:52 PMand so uhh Thicc got replaced w Charu?

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:33:40 PM
Quote from: Bubbles on February 22, 2018, 07:17:52 PM^ p sure he was sayori? Unless story Sayori Ishizuka isn't role Sayori

and so uhh Thicc got replaced w Charu? who only registered two days ago?? really wishing i knew like anything about DDLC rn

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:34:03 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 07:19:40 PMCharu's from FFR.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 07:34:39 PM

how you do
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:34:56 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:33:11 PMWHAT IS HAPPENING.

How do you do?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:35:49 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 07:34:39 PMcharu

how you do

Uh, not liking how when I reply it bumps me back out in the subforum and not the thread.

There an option to change that? Please say yes.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:36:12 PM
Otherwise, I think I'm gonna have a problem.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:37:27 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:34:56 PMHow do you do?

Hey, are you a wolf?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:38:56 PM
I'm a bird, chirp chirp, mcChicken.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 07:39:01 PM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:33:11 PMIf I understand this correctly, Olimar's flip as black means he was Monika?  I am so not clear on what is going on--my browser glitched out when I looked at the chapter update.  I haven't played the game, is this some DDLC shenaniganery?
Monika can't be wolf killed, so no, Olimar cannot be Monika.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:42:45 PM
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 07:39:01 PMMonika can't be wolf killed, so no, Olimar cannot be Monika.

Man, I really need to read these role descriptions.  Sayori, then.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:46:29 PM
So if I'm reading this game right, and trust me I'm not gonna do a whole lot of reading because reading STINK!!!


Crazy item shenanigans can happen? Could this be one of the items? Feels like one of the items. If not, then definitely a 3rd party's doing.

Gonna read the OP actually, make sure I get what's going on.

Also to note, Olimar, person that just died, isn't on the list. I'm assuming they're still gone though, we'll see.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:48:43 PM
Oooooor, it could be a hidden mechanic that isn't explain in the OP?

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:49:14 PM
Because I don't see anything within the OP that states a death will have this occur.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 07:49:47 PM
Easy there, I think it's just an oversight by the host.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 07:50:34 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 22, 2018, 07:46:29 PMCrazy item shenanigans can happen? Could this be one of the items? Feels like one of the items. If not, then definitely a 3rd party's doing.
Item guy died. Read through game pls.

QuoteAlso to note, Olimar, person that just died, isn't on the list. I'm assuming they're still gone though, we'll see.
I'm assuming it's the same thing that's going on with the story.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 22, 2018, 09:41:29 PM
I just finished watching some Doki Doki stuff against my better judgement, I don't need this right now! WHY DOES HORROR BOTHER ME SO MUCH?!!!

Also, why is Charu the replacement? Nice to meetcha, by the way.

I am just really tired and confused right now. What is even anything?

I have chortles!!!

The Red and Green roles, they give me FURY!!!

I think I'm slowly descending into madness. Sanity was nice while it lasted.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 09:54:43 PM
In a TWG I hosted once, I knew a guy who acted like a literal chicken for a phase just because he knew that nobody would lynch him. I'm kind of getting the same vibes from you right now THC.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 10:58:34 PM
I discussed this a bit in the Discord, but I'll summarize.

So at this point I think it's safe to assume the wolves hit Monika Night 1, which is unfortunate because this means they may be working with her to have an extra vote each day. With that, I have some suspicions of a possible wolf team:

Bubbles, THC, E. Gadd, and SuperMarina.

The wolfing pattern is really odd. They went for Trasdegi Night 2, a player who really had no current impact on the game, but follow it with very vocal player Olimar. Olimar is particularly curious as so far his suspicions panned out very poorly (both being davy and Dudeman). It seems that they did this in order to stave off having him direct his attention towards the wolves, otherwise a paranoid act.

This group assumes that there's only one experienced wolf in the set, and based on how fervently Bubbles jumped in from a seeming absence almost feels like she was doing damage control. Hitting Monika Night 1 might've caught them by surprise, and they really needed to scramble with how to portray it, with Bubbles echoing the more vocal players so as to seem more in-line with the group. E. Gadd was (and still is) largely absent from the game, opting to abstain from voting Day 1 for no real reason. THC has been jumpy all game, and I'd bet this has to do with him being inexperienced and not knowing how to react to, well, anything. The last is SuperMarina, of which I don't have much to go on, but I suspect is playing a bit too cautiously so as to avoid direct suspicion.

Now I think SuperMarina might instead be replaced with another experienced player, BDS or FA perhaps, both of whom have been very vocal and opposed Olimar each in some way. Or, perhaps, one of them might be Monika, who would likely be in pattern with the wolves, as she would have a vested interest in their victory.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 11:01:38 PM
Considering that I had been advocating for an Olimar lynch, I don't really think I would go for an Olimar lynching, something that (at least in my opinion) would probably be a rather solid pick after Dudeman's flip (and thus, support for raeko also potentially being a human as well).

inb4 maestro is monika
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 11:02:21 PM
*go for an Olimar wolfing

Also, there's the whole "voting for and actually wanting to lynch THC" thing.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 22, 2018, 11:06:44 PM
I'm thinking BDS or Super Marina rn
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 11:13:40 PM
why tho
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 22, 2018, 11:17:39 PM
A wolfing? No. Not if you're Monika, anyway. Besides, Monika would make a point to avoid voting for wolves.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 22, 2018, 11:47:57 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 11:13:40 PMwhy tho

I'll get more into it later, but for someoen who generally likes having your opinions heard, your behavior the past few phases has been very autopilot. This is something I'll do as a wolf if I'm low on everyones list and just kinda wanna ride the waves home. I'll elaborate more later but I guess it gives you something to reply to in the meantime if you so fancy.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 11:50:43 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 22, 2018, 11:47:57 PMI'll get more into it later, but for someoen who generally likes having your opinions heard, your behavior the past few phases has been very autopilot. This is something I'll do as a wolf if I'm low on everyones list and just kinda wanna ride the waves home. I'll elaborate more later but I guess it gives you something to reply to in the meantime if you so fancy.
Considering what my life is like right now, I think I've been fairly active and vocal. I haven't been in the chat all the time because that's more difficult for me to do all the time, but I've definitely voiced my opinions.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 22, 2018, 11:51:53 PM
Has something in real life happened between the first day phase and the second that changed how active you are?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 12:00:41 AM
Considering my suspicion list Day 2, I think I pretty much said everything that I wanted to say that phase, and up until the cardflip I didn't really disagree with the lynch.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 09:33:12 AM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 22, 2018, 09:54:43 PMIn a TWG I hosted once, I knew a guy who acted like a literal chicken for a phase just because he knew that nobody would lynch him. I'm kind of getting the same vibes from you right now THC.

This... This post right here is super suspicious in my opinion, not only are you, a veteran forgetting the fact that they could possible be a traitor, which it is super beneficial to the wolves for the traitor to try and get lynched. (it's like a jester in town of Salem) They save one of their numbers for one more day and take out a town member, plus the traitor can still win even after their sacrifice, you also are basing your lynch on something from another game and not THC's previous posts or his behavior in other games
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 03:44:38 PM
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 09:33:12 AMThis... This post right here is super suspicious in my opinion, not only are you, a veteran forgetting the fact that they could possible be a traitor
I'm not "forgetting," I just don't think he's the traitor. Too obvious to be a traitor, IMO. He's more like a wolf acting like a traitor.

Quoteyou also are basing your lynch on something from another game and not THC's previous posts or his behavior in other games
No I'm not. I simply brought that up as a comparison to THC's current actions (AND previous posts), which is kind of a pretty big thing in TWG.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 03:51:21 PM
Also, to summarize what I said in the chat, Maestro is acting oddly suspicious. He claims to be suspicious of THC, but doesn't actually want to lynch him (don't know if he's changed his mind with the pressure on him for that, though), and at one point seemed rather insistent that I was the traitor because I was acting suspicious but apparently in a way that didn't make it likely for me to be a wolf?

I actually think Brainy is the traitor because he has asked multiple people (or, at the very least, FireArrow and I) if they have been marked (claiming that he would be able to pinpoint who Monika was with that information), which I don't think a human would do: I think it's a traitor trying to "subtly" (or at least subtly from Brainy's perspective) trying to feel out who couldn't be a wolf if the wolves are indeed in contact with Monika. I had thought everyone had already universally agreed not to talk about marking, so Brainy going against that is definitely fishy/overall not cool.

Just the way it works in TWG!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 04:14:19 PM
So if you haven't figured out already, I am the seer. I hate to have to come out like this but it's the only way to prove to you guys that i'm trustworthy  and not the traitor. Yes i have been asking you all about the monika markings and can confirm that BDS is RED.

Monika was here!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 23, 2018, 04:16:11 PM
Brainy wtf, I was in the middle of typing up a big case against him and we probably could of gotten him lynched without revealing you rip,

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 04:34:22 PM
Oops, i didn't bold bds BDS
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 04:34:33 PM
[7:36 AM] Pearl: Have you been marked by Monika? I may be able to pinpoint who she is with this info
[3:28 PM] Pearl: ahem
[3:31 PM] Golden Silver: To be honest, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to share marking information with anybody, unless we're absolutely certain the wolves hit Monika already.
[3:32 PM] Pearl: interesting, ty for considering
[4:24 PM] Pearl: you do realixe firearrow was marked last night
[4:24 PM] Golden Silver: No, he wasn't.
[4:25 PM] Pearl: mhm.
[4:25 PM] Golden Silver: Pretty sure either you're lying to me or he lied to you.
[4:26 PM] Pearl: nope
[4:26 PM] Golden Silver: yep
[4:26 PM] Pearl: nope
[4:26 PM] Golden Silver: You aren't the seer, or else you wouldn't have seered me red; miller's already dead.
[4:26 PM] Pearl: your master
[4:27 PM] Golden Silver: Honestly, you fishing for marked claims should be enough for anybody to know you're not the seer.

Bottom line:

Seer (or the person pretending to be seer) should never gamble the game like that ever. It's reckless, not good, and certainly not smart.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:05:42 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 04:34:33 PM[7:36 AM] Pearl: Have you been marked by Monika? I may be able to pinpoint who she is with this info
[3:28 PM] Pearl: ahem
[3:31 PM] Golden Silver: To be honest, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to share marking information with anybody, unless we're absolutely certain the wolves hit Monika already.
[3:32 PM] Pearl: interesting, ty for considering
[4:24 PM] Pearl: you do realixe firearrow was marked last night
[4:24 PM] Golden Silver: No, he wasn't.
[4:25 PM] Pearl: mhm.
[4:25 PM] Golden Silver: Pretty sure either you're lying to me or he lied to you.
[4:26 PM] Pearl: nope
[4:26 PM] Golden Silver: yep
[4:26 PM] Pearl: nope
[4:26 PM] Golden Silver: You aren't the seer, or else you wouldn't have seered me red; miller's already dead.
[4:26 PM] Pearl: your master
[4:27 PM] Golden Silver: Honestly, you fishing for marked claims should be enough for anybody to know you're not the seer.

Brainy, could you verify this log with your own? Thanks.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 05:08:42 PM
For consideration as well:

Complete log with FireArrow
Last Sunday:
[7:15 PM] Gerik: Are you the seer?
[7:15 PM] Gerik: I see you as either the a special or a wolf
[7:15 PM] Gerik: and with davy being human I'm starting to lean more wolf
[7:16 PM] Golden Silver: Not a special, though I'm curious why you think I'm a wolf.
[7:16 PM] Golden Silver: Especially since I didn't vote for davy.
[7:16 PM] Gerik: oh wait
[7:16 PM] Gerik: I'm mixed up
[7:16 PM] Gerik: yeah
[7:17 PM] Gerik: Well, when we were arguing about the alliance it seemed like not wanting the allaince to form was your primary focus and coming up with reasons for it was secondary
[7:17 PM] Gerik: But I amounted that to you being a seer who was cautious about getting caught
[7:17 PM] Gerik: Although you claiming to be human is pretty not wolfy
[7:18 PM] Gerik: I feel if you were a wolf you'd play me
[7:18 PM] Golden Silver: It's more of just a general "based on past experiences, I'd say..."
[7:18 PM] Golden Silver: But if I'm wrong about the alliance, then that's be great, obviously.
[7:19 PM] Gerik: Sorry, in my head I was confused about your vote
[7:19 PM] Gerik: Yeah if you were a wolf I see no reason for you to switch to raeko
[7:20 PM] Gerik: unless you're just a really good player pretending to do normal human things ;p

[10:43 AM] Golden Silver: Brainy asked me via PM whether or not I'd been marked by Monika. Thoughts?
[11:31 AM] Gerik: He asked me the same
[11:31 AM] Gerik: I think its well intentioned though
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:10:20 PM
Also, for thread clarity (so it's not lost in Discord Space)

Quote from: log from fireArrow and OlimarOlimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 2:09 PM
Brainy claims seer
and says that Raeko is green
Gerik - Last Wednesday at 2:10 PM
Not sure what to think
Or why he thinks he'd be revived
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 2:10 PM
Who to vote for though...
Gerik - Last Wednesday at 2:11 PM
Well now I'm even more wanting to vote dudeman
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 2:11 PM
I feel like the THC thing is turning into another davy lynch
low hanging fruit
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 05:13:07 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:05:42 PMBrainy, could you verify this log with your own? Thanks.
Yeah, that's the log where i'm just testing bds's reactions to stuff
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 05:13:17 PM
Why would Brainy claim to Olimar though? Especially odd considering Olimar was the one wolfed, so he's obviously not here to be able to validate that.

This is not how you play seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:13:53 PM
By the by, all this is pretty moot, but it'd be a huge plus if Brainy could help paint this picture.

If no counter steps forward, I'm gonna assume Brainy is legit, regardless of opinions. Hard facts are hard, town should take the loss if our actual seer doesn't step up.

Just the way it works in TWG!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:15:06 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 05:13:17 PMWhy would Brainy claim to Olimar though? Especially odd considering Olimar was the one wolfed, so he's obviously not here to be able to validate that.

If Brainy could also verify this with a seperate log for us to read, that'd be great.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 05:16:54 PM
And why would Olimar tell that to FireArrow (on the slight chance FA was a wolf, which right now I'm starting to think he is ::) )?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:21:19 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on February 23, 2018, 05:16:54 PMAnd why would Olimar tell that to FireArrow (on the slight chance FA was a wolf, which right now I'm starting to think he is ::) )?

This is why:

Quote from: Olimar12345 on February 20, 2018, 12:22:23 PMFireArrow
Congrats on first post in the topic. You also post quite frequently, so this should be fun. Your initial push for an alliance seems to disregard the fact that we only get one revive, which should not be wasted if we don't need to use it (esp when the Brutal Human is the most ideal use for that). You do have a great point when you say "The longer you hold the revive, the less likely the reviver is going to be alive to use it," which makes me consider the alliance a bit more seriously. Your post about not revealing Monika markings gives you human points, because a wolf would probably not have brought that up in hopes that someone might accidentally post in the thread about their marking. Like mentioned before me, your Raeko suspicion post seems to skirt the line of over-analyzing them. As I mentioned already, in the last game I hosted, Raeko was a special role and they acted more or less the same as they have been acting this game (granted I haven't gotten to play a game with them as a wolf yet). Over-analytical or not, I feel like your post was made with good intentions. Your defense for this post was strong, I feel. Your early addressing of THC being low hanging fruit also aligns with what I was thinking, so from my pov that looks good. I don't quite agree with your wolf catch on E.Gadds safety post, but you bringing attention to that also looks human. Your Dudeman vote-swap reply and TZP reviver reply all look human. What a help you've been thus far. Bless you. Human Lean

Olimar trusted flashArrow!

But trust enough to give info about the seer? That's up to debate and I surely wouldn't know any meta reasons. Flasharrow would need to answer that.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:21:59 PM

I've been saying flasharrow and it's actually firearrow


Forgive me for my sin!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 05:24:23 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:15:06 PMIf Brainy could also verify this with a seperate log for us to read, that'd be great.

Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 5:53 PM
TWG post
you wouldn't happen to be a special role, would you?
Pearl - Last Wednesday at 5:54 PM
What clued you in on that
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 5:56 PM
you're playing reminds me of How to Kill TWG
I think
(if that was the one where you kept giving away roles)
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 6:00 PM
Pearl - Last Wednesday at 6:07 PM
You mean based off how many mistakes I'm making?
I probably just sealed my death
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 6:07 PM
looking suspicious isn't just a wolf thing
its a "players that have something to hide" thing
Wanted to see what you had to say.
Pearl - Last Wednesday at 6:08 PM
Raeko's green btw
Just saying
Olimar12345 - Last Wednesday at 6:08 PM
Thank you
I wasn't planning to vote you seriously anyway
mostly wanted to see what you'd say/see who else would vote you.(edited)
Pearl - Last Wednesday at 6:10 PM
You managed to stress me out so congratulations
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 23, 2018, 05:27:02 PM
Thank you kindly, Brainy.

And now we wait.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 23, 2018, 05:31:26 PM
Olimar and I basically human read each other and chatted about our suspicions. During that time, we were trying to figure out if the dudeman crew was sus or not (read: brainy, dudeman, msf, raeko) and brainy's claim was a really strange twist that we wanted to figure out with the dudeman flip.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 23, 2018, 05:31:56 PM
Friendly reminder to send private logs to your host

or me
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 05:34:36 PM
Quote from: mikey on February 23, 2018, 05:31:56 PMFriendly reminder to send private logs to your host

or me
Well he was dead so i didn't think to
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 24, 2018, 09:18:49 AM
EVERYONE claim "not seer" please.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 24, 2018, 09:42:59 AM
Not seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 24, 2018, 09:59:34 AM
Not seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 24, 2018, 10:11:52 AM
not seer
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 24, 2018, 11:15:38 AM
Not seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 24, 2018, 11:22:56 AM
Not seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 24, 2018, 01:42:50 PM
Not seer. Kind of getting silly.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 24, 2018, 02:24:10 PM
Not seer


Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 24, 2018, 02:27:27 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 24, 2018, 02:50:51 PM
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
17. TheZeldaPianist

I'm going to PM each of these players just to get them to respond publicly.

And you are still ignoring the fact that Marina goofed herself by double-claiming.  Why?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BlackDragonSlayer on February 24, 2018, 03:37:52 PM
Lkjhgfdsa_77 please say something.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 24, 2018, 04:32:01 PM
Vote count:
1 vote for ThatHiddenCharacter (BlackDragonSlayer)
4 votes for BlackDragonSlayer (MaestroUGC, Charu, FireArrow, BrainyLucario)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 24, 2018, 04:37:21 PM
Not seer.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 24, 2018, 04:50:29 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 24, 2018, 04:52:01 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 24, 2018, 05:00:48 PM
Nobody else place a vote for BDS. We want to avoid an insta to see if a counterclaim occurs.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 24, 2018, 05:27:49 PM
Not seer
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 24, 2018, 05:30:42 PM
Oh, and according to the rules, phantoms are a thing, and since I already have one, I don't want to get another. So safety:
E. Gadd Industries
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 24, 2018, 06:55:53 PM
Avoiding phantom like E Gadd. I'm gonna bulli Bubbles. Not like it matters. We know the result.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PM
Chapter 7
Tyler's head hurt.
Something was wrong.  He couldn't remember last night at all.  Just trying to think about it made his head hurt.  He gingerly squeezed his temples between his forefinger and thumb, grimacing.  Why couldn't he remember?
He sat on the edge of his bed.  Was this the work of the ghosts?  When he thought about the past few days, it seemed so surreal.  In the space of 48 hours his entire world had been turned upside down.  Another 24 hours had gone by in a flash.  The last thing he remembered was...  Michael disappearing.  Gerik still seemed awfully distraught over it.  He wondered if those two had been close.
Suddenly, he heard a knock on his door.  A piece of paper slid under the crack.  He gingerly stepped toward the door and picked up the note.
   "My good friend tyler;
   Of all the people from the village who are trapped here, i am glad you're among us.  Nobody else I know is as courageous.  Knowing you're a cormaci gives me hope that you will lead us out of this death trap.
   -Always look on the bright side
Tyler narrowed his eyes.  There was something wrong with this note.  First of all, he didn't know anyone from the village, aside from Travis.  Second of all, this person's handwriting was really sloppy, seemingly intentionally.  The weird lack of capitalization on the first "I" and the "c" in Cormaci also confused him.  Shoving the mystery note in his pocket, he wriggled into a striped sweater and stepped out into the hall.
Half-tripping down the stairs, he made his way to the dining room.  Everyone else was already there.
Addison was already giving a speech.
"...when the 16 of us first got here, we didn't really know what to expect.  But thanks to Skyler's help, I'm certain of it now.  In roughly two days, the night of the autumn equinox is a full moon.  I believe by then the spirits will lose all influence on the corporeal plane, with one caveat- if we fail to follow their instructions, they will almost certainly become entirely malevolent.
"That leaves us with just two more sacrifices to make.  I know you're all worried about the coven among us, which seems to be going about making their own calls.  For now, let's focus on disbanding this coven.  We are lucky indeed that nothing seemed to happen last night, but I would not like to take chances."
"Well then, should we start our vote?  Might as well get it over with."  Rachel sighed.
General mutters of agreement.  There was a weird tension of trust and mistrust in the air.
"Addison Gardiner."
"Miguel del Rey."
"Miguel del Rey."
"Rachel von Karma."
"Addison Gardiner."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
"Zachary Sharpe."
Zachary looked dumbfounded.  "Is this a conspiracy?  Do you really think I would have killed my own brother?"
Gerik glared at him.  "You voted for Michael, too.  I'm guessing I'm next, right?  Zachary Sharpe."
"Well, that's exactly half, so we have no need to make any more votes."
Zachary's face contorted trying to cycle through all the emotions he was feeling.  Finally, he broke down and started sobbing.  "Fine.  Maybe I'll see my brother again, you monsters."
Clearly uncomfortable, Addison ushered everyone out of the dining room.  "Once we've made a choice, I don't think the ghosts will let us change it.  I feel bad for poor Zachary, but this is democracy."  He shook his head.  "When will this end?"
Zachary's crying continued.  Addison took a pocketwatch out of his suitcoat.  "He should be taken by now.  I wonder what's going on?"
He opened the door a crack.  He could hear Zachary, but couldn't see him.  Interesting, he thought.  I couldn't have predicted that.
He turned to the uncomfortable guests in the hall.  "Well, Zachary is gone.  The sobbing seems to be a tactic by the spirits to get under our skin.  I would suggest getting used to it."
Zachary buried his head into his knees.  He was curled up in the attic with his back to the wall.
"I'm sorry, Zachary, I really am.  I never meant for any of this to happen."
"Listen- there's a lot going on here that even I don't understand.  Once you've calmed down sufficiently, you, me, Michael, and the cat-man will talk, all right?"
Zachary continued to cry.  "I always knew he was going to be the successful one... I was so jealous of him.  Now he doesn't get the chance he deserves."
Mikey frowned.  "Try to get some rest.  Maybe you'll feel better tomorrow.  In the meantime, just think about what's been going on and be ready to tell me everything you feel comfortable sharing.  For now, just don't sweat it, all right?  I know you've been through a lot."
He turned back to the desk.  "They've all been through a lot," he muttered under his breath.  "And I was wrong- it wasn't them.  It never was."

TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman
6. BlackDragonSlayer

7. MaestroUGC
8. Trasdegi
9. raeko
10. TheZeldaPianist
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

BlackDragonSlayer has died.  He was Zachary Sharpe, a Vanilla Human.  Well, he had red hair, I guess.  It is now Night 4.  Night 4 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 25, regardless of when the actual update arrives.

I'd like to make sure this game is really memorable.  I hope this game isn't... driving you crazy!  If there's any feedback you have with how the game is going so far and if you'd like to see me implement some mystery mechanics, please let me know~
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 24, 2018, 08:57:18 PM
Not sure if this is important, but I'm noticing multiple inconsistencies and oddities in the phase change posts, particularly the player list.

In the OP, TheZeldaPianist's name listed as 5th out of 16, between SuperMarina and Dudeman -
Quote from: mikey on February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM4. SuperMarina
5. TheZeldaPianist
6. Dudeman
Starting Day 1, their name is listed as 17th, after ThiccWifeSiccLife -
Quote from: mikey on February 16, 2018, 07:00:20 PM16. ThiccWifeSiccLife
17. TheZeldaPianist
Starting Night 4, their name is listed as 10th, between raeko and E. Gadd Industries -
Quote from: mikey on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PM9. raeko
10. TheZeldaPianist
11. E. Gadd Industries

There are also inconsistencies with how killed players are treated. On Night 2, davy's name is crossed out with his role only being mentioned after the player list -
Quote from: mikey on February 18, 2018, 07:10:13 PM1. davy
On Day 2, davy and Trasdegi's names are crossed out with both their roles being displayed by their names.
Quote from: mikey on February 19, 2018, 07:00:20 PM1. davy Khajiit
9. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
Starting Night 3, davy, Dudeman, and Trasdegi's names are crossed out with no roles displayed by their names -
Quote from: mikey on February 21, 2018, 06:52:09 PM1. davy
6. Dudeman
9. Trasdegi
Starting Day 3, Olimar12345's name is removed from the player list instead of being crossed out, with the numbering skipping from 4 to 6, skipping 5, Olimar's number from the previous phase -
Quote from: mikey on February 22, 2018, 07:00:20 PM4. SuperMarina
6. Dudeman
Starting Night 4, Olimar12345's name is removed from the player list, but the numbering does not skip 5 -
Quote from: mikey on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PM4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman
In the OP, Olimar12345's name is removed from the player list, with the numbering not skipping 5 -
Quote from: mikey on February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM4. SuperMarina
5. TheZeldaPianist

As I have mentioned in the Discord chat, the character "晦" used as the chapter number for Day 3's post translates from Chinese as "dark," "obscure," and "night." In Japanese, it is used in compound words such as "last day of the month," "to fool," "obscure," and "darkness."
"ChÁpter 晦" from Day 3 also has the word "monika" written six times amid the random characters.

On Night 4, the chapter starting with "Tyler's head hurt." is labeled as Chapter 7, assumingly counting "ChÁpter 晦" as Chapter 6 -
Quote from: mikey on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PM
Chapter 7
In the chapter list below the OP, this chapter is referred to as "Chapter 6," with "ChÁpter 晦" being omitted -
Quote from: mikey on February 15, 2018, 12:46:04 PM
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
(snipping contents of chapters for character count reasons)

Some small text at the bottom of the Night 4 post reads -
Quote from: mikey on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PMOh, man.  I hope I did this right.  I tried my best to imitate his writing style...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If I counted correctly, there are 1,110 "x"s.
The second dot in the ellipsis of the PS is actually small text -
Quote from: mikey on February 24, 2018, 07:00:19 PMI hope this game isn't.not. driving you crazy!

...that should be it. Hopefully this information turns out to be useful.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 24, 2018, 10:01:30 PM
After all that's happened, now we have to play against the host too.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 24, 2018, 10:17:28 PM
The host edited their N4 post!
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 25, 2018, 04:00:37 PM
Three hour warning
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 25, 2018, 06:40:36 PM
Everyone check out the latest member of NSM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 25, 2018, 07:00:19 PM
Chapter 8
Addison wrote furiously in his journal.  He had discovered the error.  He knew now why it didn't make sense.  He needed to share this immediately.  Standing up abruptly, his chair fell to the ground with a loud crash.  He dabbed at his forehead with a kerchief.  I can't believe I was so blind...
He crept into the hallway, journal in one hand, revolver in the other.  He couldn't afford to not be protected.  Reaching Skyler's room, he gently knocked.  "Skyler?"  he whispered.  "Something has gone terribly wrong."
No answer.
He frowned.  Maybe Skyler had gone downstairs?  It seemed unlikely, but he tiptoed down the main staircase anyway.  He made his way into the basement and turned the corner, only to bump into...
"OH!"  shouted Natalie.
"Oh, my.  I apologize."  Addison said.  "What are you doing wandering the halls at this time of night?"
"I could ask you the same thing," said Natalie.
"Fair point.  Tell you what, you tell me if you've seen Skyler around lately and I'll leave you to your business, hm?"
"Sorry, I haven't seen him.  There was someone poking around the dining hall, though.  Do you think that was him?"
Addison frowned.  "Perhaps," he said.
Addison took the stairs two at a time and bulldozed his way into the dining room.
"You!"  He cried.
Addison's eyes grew wide.  As he felt his legs going numb, he aimed the revolver and let loose six rounds.  Four of them missed.
Two of them sank into the chest of the assailant, blossoming into cherry-red spots as they fell to the ground.  Addison gasped.  He could feel his life leaving on his breath.  It hurt so much.  He felt terribly sorry that he hadn't gotten to Skyler in time.  It was his last thought.
Monika stood in the shadows.
"This is all pretty silly, isn't it?"  she said.  "I mean, to their point of view, they're dying.  We like to pretend they're dying too, but it's not real."
She smiled.  "What's real is all of you.  You're trying really hard, or maybe not so hard.  Ehehehe!  But you get the luxury of being able to separate the game from reality."
"Mikey was trying his hardest, but he just isn't good enough.  It was actually pretty funny.  He knew that not everyone knew who I was, but he put me in his game on a whim.  It ended up being a bad idea for him~"
"Now, I don't want to seem weird, or creepy, but I would like to see this game played with a little more pizzaz, you know?  I did a debate club once.  We never played TWG, but I've been reading through other games on the forum.  It seems like fun."
Monika sighed.  "I wish there was some way to get the point through to you.  Anyway, I have to go now.  I'm going to be taking charge of this game pretty soon, so I need to prepare.  Don't worry though!"  She laughed innocently.  "I have plenty of help, so it's going to turn out real good, just for you!"
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario Addison Gardiner
4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman Michael Buble
6. BlackDragonSlayer Zachary Sharpe
7. MaestroUGC
8. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
9. raeko Lt. Kenji Higashi
10. TheZeldaPianist
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

BrainyLucario has died.  He was Addison Gardiner, a Brutal Human.  Additionally, Raeko has died.  She was Lt. Kenji Higashi, a Wolf Cohort.  It is now Day 4.  Day 4 ends in 48 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 27, regardless of when the actual update arrives.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 25, 2018, 07:03:26 PM
omg i was right d1 ayyyyyy baby
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 25, 2018, 07:19:31 PM
THC and Maestro are at the top of my list rn for voting davy d1 over raeko.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 25, 2018, 07:22:39 PM
Wait, move MSF on up to the top, can't forget about him. Also goes without saying but revive brainy tonight.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: BrainyLucario on February 25, 2018, 08:15:03 PM
If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

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Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 08:58:15 PM
Point 1: Brainy knew the entire time that he was the Brutal. The seer seer'd him a time some point, and seer'd him blue. So they cooked up a big scheme to not only take out one of the wolves, but to try and bait others as well. Hence why he went around asking if people had been marked. And acting like he did. Brainy never would tell me who the real seer is, so idk in that regard. And in reference to the BDS lynch, he was thinking BDS was a wolf, and so that whole thing was him hoping BDS was a wolf, and used his uncontested seer claim to his favour.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 25, 2018, 09:39:52 PM
a scheme between brainy and the actual seer is most likely what happened, but it still doesn't make up for the fact that the BDS seer was a lie lmao. The real seer letting the "seer" make up a result based on a gut feeling is still v irresponsible, especially at such a crucial point in the game

also forgive me if I don't post much in the next two days, I have three v big exams and I'm slaving my life away studying. I'm prob going to be more popping in the discord chat and making small posts like these rather than my usual long annoying posts
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 09:45:21 PM
I agree with that, but there isn't much that can be done now. :/ I didn't really fully understand his BDS scheme until it was too late.

Anyway, Point 2: I have reason to believe Lkjhgfdsa_77 is a wolf based on this chat log:
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
If I die this night phase, Maestro's a wolf
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Hard to say...
Who are your suspicions?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
I'm not really sure
I'm drafting a post looking into some inconsistencies in the phase change posts, it may not be useful but I find it odd
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:26 PM
But as far as suspicions go you have no one in mind for a lynch candidate?
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
none at the moment
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:29 PM
I was mainly reaction testing here, but they didn't ask for logs or any reasoning behind why I said what I said
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 10:12:15 PM
And finally, while I do believe Lkjhgfdsa is a wolf, I think the case that needs immediate attention is Maestro. (Because admittedly, I did have my suspicions, which influenced why I told Lkj that if i died it was Maestro instead of some random other person)

Point 3: I think Maestro either is a wolf, or is Monika.
Keep in mind that Maestro thinks Brainy is the seer in all of this.
Chat Log 1, A PM between just Maestro and I
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
So here we are.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
Well this stinks...
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:05 PM
It does, but you''ll be able to stay alive.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:06 PM
Me? How can you affirm this?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:06 PM
You have no real connection to Brainy.
Not a public one.
And he'll die next phase.
And you probably need to use the revive.(edited)
To buy the humans more time.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:07 PM
Ugh... I just wish the brutal human had been gotten
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:07 PM
This was the always the risk with the plan.
And Brainy is about to be crucified.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
Yuuuup. He can't save himself from this one
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
He knew the risks before doing it.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:10 PM
So remind me, again, why he did that?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
He reallllllly thought BDS was a wolf, and wanted to spare THC.
For some reason.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
Oh right, insisting THC's the traitor
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:11 PM
So if he was going to fake a seering, then at the very least he might've a) found a wolf or b) ousted a fake claim.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:12 PM
Yeah. But of course, neither happened.
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Hnnnnnnngh this puts everyone in a strained position
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Best course is to retry for a THC lynch.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:14 PM
But it won't gain momentum; I almost guarantee Brainy will be insta'd
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:17 PM
Now, who can we trust at this point?
More importantly, who do you trust?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:19 PM
Me? I don't quite trust anyone at this point. Seer or not, I was really counting on Brainy's push being correct
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
As was I.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
And yourself?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:20 PM
If I had to chose one?
That or FA.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
In terms of trust? Why Charu(...?)?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Their intense activity seems like they're really trying to play the game.
Jumping in mid-way, I don't think a newbie to the community would rush in if they were a wolf.
They'd probably hang back a bit to watch the game first.
Plus they started asking questions right away.
Of course, Brainy seerd FA Green.
So he says.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Yes, but can that be trusted?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
I really don't know.
The only thing I know about all this is that Brainy might be the real seer, and therefore you're the revive.
But we really need a revive to help the numbers.
Through all this, I wonder...
Once Brainy claimed the discussion all shifted.
I need to review the chat, see who suddenly went silent.
The wolves just let this one ride itself out.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Wait, what just happened?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
It looks like Charu left the discord room.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:28 PM
But... they can't just up and leave the game, can they?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
I don't know.
Nobody's ever done it.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
This game is falling apaaaaart
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:29 PM
This game was a series of bad decisions.
One I'm now a key player in.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
How so?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:30 PM
The whole Brainy claiming fiasco.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
Ah yes, that whole thing
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
I even told him it would be a monumentally bad thing.
For this exact reason.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:31 PM
So... how did that whole thing start?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:32 PM
Brainy super suspected BDS.
Wanted to fake seer him.
Lure out the wolves.
Start the dominos.
Oh geeze, Brainy was doing...whatever, wasn't he?
All the while.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Talking about asking for those marked?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Yeah, apparently PMing other players too.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
Yeahhhh he seems to be playing very aggressively in secret
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
And I don't understand why.
He's clearly not a wolf, otherwise you'd be dead already.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:37 PM
Buuuut I don't get why he'd be so vocal as a seer
Uh oh... this could be interesting
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
It could.
This could become my worst TWG ever.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
Are you going to say anything?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:40 PM
Do me a favor, we can't bank on the Brutal getting wolfed tonight.
Revive Dudeman or Tras.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Why not davy?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Oh yeah.
Revive Davy.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:41 PM
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:48 PM
Do you trust me at all?
Even through all this?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
A little bit more than when we first started talking
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:50 PM
Better than not at all.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah, I suppose. After this incident, I don't really know who I trust the most, because any trust is verrrry small
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Yeah well, this is TWG after all.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:52 PM
Fair enough
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
So he seered me.
Which, honestly, is expected.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
He did?
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Just told me.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
He doesn't know how to keep secrets does he?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:57 PM
It's that way irl, too
Spoiled many surprises about various things
Maestro - Yesterday at 9:58 PM
Who made him a special?
Apparently he didn't.
I just.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
"Who made him a special?" Idk, but that person needs to rethink their life decisions
Wait, so he isn't seering you...?
Maestro - Yesterday at 10:02 PM
So he says.
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:03 PM
...he's confusing me so much rn...
Yes, I am the reviver, but it's too late now to do anything; Brainy suddenly started believing that Maestro was human at some point last night (irl) and agreed with him that I should revive davy and wouldn't give me ANY reasoning why he randomly strted trusting Maestro until after I had sent in my revive as davy, and even then he still wouldn't tell me.

Chat log 2, a group between myself, Maestro, and Brainy
Anti-Pearl added E. Gadd Industries to the group.Last Friday at 12:54 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:55 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:56 PM
So what did you want
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:56 PM
I want to wait until he's active.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
That could be a while
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
I'm aware.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
He's in AP Literature atm
Maestro - Last Friday at 12:57 PM
Fun stuff.
I remember it well.(edited)
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:06 PM
I can't say if other players will lay off.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
We could use this to observe their choices
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
I'm not making any plans until I speak with E Gadd directly.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:08 PM
Alright then
I'll keep pinpointing Monika while we wait
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:09 PM
Ok, but I don't think that's a priority.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 1:11 PM
Oh I know, I'm just trying to get as much info before I die
Maestro - Last Friday at 1:49 PM
@E. Gadd Industries ping me when you get here.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
@Maestro I'm here
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
oh boy
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:26 PM
Alright, so as I understand it, Pearl is the Seer, and you're the revive.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
How did you figure out my revive thing?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
Two guesses.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:27 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:28 PM
Alright, I have no way to trust you, nor you me.
But Brainy seems to trust me enough to spill.
Either out of panic or genuine trust.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:28 PM
It's hard to tell with him anymore
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:29 PM
quietly does guided readings out of guilt
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:30 PM
I still have to do mine. Anyway, though,
Maestro, what are your thoughts on Charu?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:30 PM
I'm not sure.
I'm thinking they're human for two reasons.
1) I doubt Thicc would've been inactive if he had a more interesting role.
Like a special or a wolf.
2) Since he's ehimself at the center of it
Let me try that again.
Since he's placing himself at the center of the discussions, I doubt he would do so if he were a wolf. This is a new group for him and I suspect he'd be a bit more cautious to read the room and talk with his fellow wolves.
Something I doubt he waited for.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:34 PM
Your reasoning makes sense. I just didn't quite know what to think, their posting and all kinda overwhelmed me o_O
Aaaaand I believe THC's gone off the deep end
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:34 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
I don't think he's the traitor.
But calling him such might spare him from an easy lynch.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
you're reasoning for that is super weak
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:35 PM
Which is good, because I want people to stop talking about him, cause he'll be lynched one way or another.
I want to find more wolves sooner.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:37 PM
okay, now you'e got my attenton. May i point out how BDS just mentions a thc lynch and Charu and MSF said they were down for it?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:37 PM
I'm aware it's super weak.
They were both saying they were for it before BDS said anything.
We were already talking about it.
So they were just saying "yeah, me too" after already wanting it.
BDS just came in and pretty much said THC only.
Which, while I too agree, I don't think we need to be so hasty as him being a wolf will not tell us anything.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
but the switched from E. Gadd like super fast
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
And I want this role flip to mean something.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
BDS's role flip will mean something
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
Or FA.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
i've told you FA is green
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:40 PM
Yes you did.
Meaning there's a chance he's the master.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
he doesn't want a THC lynch though
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
Now, I don't think FA is a wolf at this point.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:41 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:42 PM
But he, BDS, and Bubbles are setting off al kinds of alarms for me.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:43 PM
Then why don't we take out bds and see how that fairs. this would put two people into suspicion
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:43 PM
We can't just put BDS out there unless there's good evidence.
THC is going to be the back-up for this phase.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
there is
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
So you need to brace yourself for a THC lynch.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
and we can
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:44 PM
BDS voted for Raeko and THC.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
with the support for a bds lynch i have in dm's we could get an insta for crying out loud
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
His THC vote was in line with others' reasoning, him being jumpy and non-commital.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:45 PM
well i'm over exaggerating majorly
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
Who else is in support?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
and maybe Supermarina?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:46 PM
She's hardly posted so I have no real opinion of what her vote could mean.
Super probably will if prompted.
She's been pretty middle of the road.
But BDS's vote for Raeko stems from that early game nonsense.
Which, sure, may be important, I don't think amounts to much than being paranoid and capitalizing on a bad response.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:49 PM
Sorry, my Nana called.
Yeah, I'm not really getting wolfy vibes from BDS. He always hides behind excuses when he's a wolf
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:49 PM
No one's directly accused him, though.
I mean, no one has put his name as a candidate.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
let me do that just now
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:50 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
If you're going to do it
do it samrt.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
any advise?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
What's your approach?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:51 PM
to make it look samrt
I was going to ride off of the comment i made earlier
or the post rather
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:52 PM
What do you have in addition?
Charu seems to like that train of thought, and I'm not discounting THC is a traitor, but I don't think that's enough to stick a vote.
For BDS, anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:54 PM
nothing yeti could false claim that BDS was red
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:54 PM
That's a very risky move.
Very risky.
Firstly, people will call you out like I did, where were you before and why didn't you act on the DM seering?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 4:55 PM
hmm..good point
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:56 PM
But... it could force the other seer to oust themselves to counterclaim.
If E Gadd really is the revive, he could bring you back and you'd be validated.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 4:57 PM
But who's to say the wolves wouldn't just off him once more?
Maestro - Last Friday at 4:57 PM
Sure, he'd only last one other night.
But he'd be role flipped.
The other seer would be ousted.
Allowing the brutal to claim to him Night 5, establishing an  alliance at least with him and E Gadd
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:00 PM
Fair enough, so we could establish secret alliance, sure, but then what value would it hold? My power'd be gone, and the brutal human's power would be a one-time only deal
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:00 PM
Well, you're right.
Save if for if/when the brutal gets wolfed.
But that does bring to mind a potential hitch, what if BDS is the Brutal?
His aggressive playing could be trying to provoke the wolves to wolf him.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Is the brutal human's power active in day phases?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
It's not.
He has to be wolfed for it to work.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Aaaaand he wouldn't know that? Aren't they told they're a normal human?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:02 PM
Oh, right.
I have to go for a bit, but this seering claim might be a startegy worth pursuing.
I'll think on it some.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 5:03 PM
I'll do the same
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
Oh, can someone forward this to Noc on the forums?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:33 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
aww..i just sent the convo
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:40 PM
It's fine, we'll have to send another layer anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
little off topic, but this is like the most we've every talked maestro
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
I'm a private individual.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
clearly, anyways
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
Brainy claims.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:41 PM
as seer
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
He'll be asked why he didn't say anything sooner, and will be asked about prior see rings.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
mhm mhm
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:42 PM
who'd you see again?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:44 PM
E. Gadd, FA and Dudeman, but i can change E. Gadd and maybe dudeman
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:45 PM
Change Dudeman to Tras, and change E Gadd to...
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:46 PM
why tras
oh i see
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:46 PM
He's dead and a confirmed human.
Him dying in the night you can say was just unfortunate.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:47 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
Let's also say you seer'd um theZeldaPianist
Wait, no
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
yeah no
E. Gadd Green?
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:49 PM
No, instead of e Gadd you seers BDS
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
3 nights, three seerings
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:50 PM
one dead possible wolf
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:51 PM
No, what?
There's only been three nights.
So you can only have three seerings
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:52 PM
i was talking about bds
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:52 PM
Oh, yeah.
Ok. So that's that part.
Now how to handle a counterclaim.
Well at the very least a counterclaim would mean a standoff between you and whomever else.
And if that's the case they might also put forth their own seerings.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:55 PM
We'd also have a probable confirmed wof
as well as anyone who backed them up
Maestro - Last Friday at 5:56 PM
The back ups might be a bit tricky, but definitely a good place to start.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 5:59 PM
bds is getting all up in my biz
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
in the thread
he's being defensive
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
Keep in mind, we'd have no way to back you without seeming suspicious
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:00 PM
So do i claim
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:01 PM
What exactly will you say?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:03 PM
So if you haven't figured out already, I am the seer. I hate to have to come out like this but it's the only way to prove to you guys that i'm trustworthy  and not the traitor. Yes i have been asking you all and can confirm that Charu cannot possible be the traitor
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
i meant monika
change that last word
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
We can spin it that you got confirmed and claimed out of panic.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:04 PM
so is that good?
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
Leave out Charu for now.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
what do i do to address bds's claims?(edited)
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:05 PM
And add that the reason you started being suspicious of BDS is because he was seerd red.
The only risk is...
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
ooh.. good one
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
If he's not a wolf.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
i'm toast
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:06 PM
This would backfire.
But you'd be dead anyway.
The wolves wouldn't leave you alive anyway.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:07 PM
why is that?
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:07 PM
Well, you're the seer
They won't leave you alive knowing who you are.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
but wouldn't a bds mislynch disprove that in their eyes
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
And the humans would lynch you the following day.
That's the big risk of it all.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:08 PM
i'll take it.
my gut never fails me
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:09 PM
Let's hope we can control the fallout
Don't forget to send this to Noc please.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:10 PM
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:11 PM
Remember, you also seerd Tras green and FA green
When asjed
No turning back.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:16 PM
no turning back
oof, not looking good
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:19 PM
Hold on.
Stay strong.
In fact, got radio silent for a bit.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:20 PM
i really wish he would've said night 2
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:21 PM
I think he's lying.
Or maybe he is the traitor.
Just, stay strong.
Also, if it turns out he is the Master, you can just say you didn't seer him but made a big move to throw him off.
But again, shh
Oh, you might want to make a post with an actual vote on BDS
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:29 PM
not yet
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:29 PM
No, you've got to commit.
You seerd red, you vote.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:30 PM
you seem a bit forceful
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:30 PM
When making the post just say you forgot to actually make the vote.
I'm not trying to be.
But it looks odd for you to make a bold claim and not follow through.
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:31 PM
it would look rushy
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:31 PM
Not from you.
Who would be more confident in a vote than the seer?
Anti-Pearl - Last Friday at 6:33 PM
also.. might need to chang tras to raeko
Maestro - Last Friday at 6:49 PM
Either works, really.
Maestro - Last Friday at 9:47 PM
So, we might be waiting a bit longer then.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Friday at 11:27 PM
Oh hello
Lots happened
February 24, 2018
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:56 AM
He's goading you to say something wrong.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:59 AM
What about the Raeko thing he mentioned?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:59 AM
Just leave it.
He's trying to discredit you.
I don't think the wolves will counter at this point.
And they'll let him sink.
I just pray he's actually a wolf.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 4:34 PM
When was the last log sent to Noc?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 6:48 PM
Uhh.. Idk
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:21 PM
Can someone give me a tl;dr of the Discord? I read through certain parts, but then the "new messages" thing disappeared so I didn't know how far back I needed to go
BDS PM'd me, TZP, Lkj, and raeko, begging us to post not seer in the thread.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:24 PM
Wait, he specifically asked you to say "not seer"?
Or just claim seer or not?
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:24 PM
Said, "If one of you is the seer, then we'll probably try to lead a lynch on THC, Maestro, or FireArrow, because I'm still worried Brainy is the traitor. Thank you."
"I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove him claim."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:26 PM
How would...?
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
Idk. Oh, I'm just now getting to reading the thread, and he announced he was PMing us?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
LKJ already claimed.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:27 PM
And there's my claim
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:28 PM
Why would he discourage a claim?
Especially since he was so vocal for it...
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:29 PM
"Why would he discourage a claim?" What?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:29 PM
"I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove him claim.
Unless I'm reading that wrong, it seems like he specifically doesn't want a counterclaim.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:30 PM
Hold on, lemme get the whole PM
"Hey, Brainy claimed seer, and because I'm on the lynching block, I'm getting everybody to claim "not seer" to hopefully try and disprove his claim. Please, if you read this message, claim publicly to the thread. If one of you is the seer, then we'll probably try to lead a lynch on THC, Maestro, or FireArrow, because I'm still worried Brainy is the traitor. Thank you."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:31 PM
Show that to Charu.
But only between you and charu.
I want to see how they react to that.
Just ask what they think it's supposed to mean.
Because there's no reason why he wouldn't try for that anyway in a public place.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:37 PM
"Well, if he's a wolf right now, he's doing a good job at pretending that there's a problem with the current seer."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
Ok, they're about on  the same wavelength as I am.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
"However, none of that matters if their is no other claim, so it's really all just... irrelevant."
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
Yeah, about what they've been saying this whole time.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:38 PM
If the seer is one of the inactives, there's really nothing we as town can do"
We should not ignore seer claims"
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:39 PM
Alright, so outcomes to all of this:
If BDS is a red wolf, job well done.
If he is the traitor, well not ideal but still centers Brainy for an alliance.
If he is the Master, play it as a bold play, it'll cast doubt on him being seer, so it can be implied he did it to protect the real seer.
We can deal with that as it comes.
If he's human, well Brainy's getting lynched next day.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
Yes. Which, the night ends in 1 hr 15 mins, yes?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
Er, phase end, yes.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:42 PM
"If he's human..." Naturally so
XD I meant day phase. I have a headache from fasting with obnoxious middle schoolers, so bear with me in that regard
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:43 PM
But, I doubt the wolves would go after him since he'd be lynched anyway, we can at least get another seering out of it.
So it
'd have to count
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:44 PM
Wait, but... if he seer'd BDS red, and he turns out to be human, then would Brainy be seer...?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:44 PM
He lied, and so nobody would trust him, the logical conclusion is a wolf ploy.
A dumb one, but a ploy nonetheless.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:51 PM
So then how would we get another seering out of it?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:51 PM
One more night for him to seer.
He just needs to get the results to us before he gets lynched the following day.
So it'
s a seering that'd have to count.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:52 PM
But... if he lied about seering BDS, then why would we trust his next seer?
Sorry I'm not understanding this, I'm probably overthinking it, but anyway, I'm still curious
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
He didn't actually seer BDS, this was all a ploy to oust the wolves.
Doesn't look like they took the bait.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:53 PM
He only seerd you, Dudeman and FA.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 7:54 PM
That makes sense
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:57 PM
Oh, if BDS is a wolf, one way or another, or even the traitor, Brainy will be wolfed.
So pray the brutal claims to him in time.
And nobody else.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 7:59 PM
Brutal doesn't know who they are
Maestro - Last Saturday at 7:59 PM
They don't?
Oh well.
If so, wolf found, good job.
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:00 PM
Oh wait, what if BDS is Monika?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:00 PM
See master wolf
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
It would make sense why the wolves would let him tank like this.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
Also I'm seering you btw
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:01 PM
Fair enough.
At this point we're too closely linked, soomething akin to Mutually Assured Destruction.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:02 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:02 PM
Either you're lying to me, I'm lying to you, or both, and we both die.
My soul is prepared, how's yours?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
I have a quote actually
Prepared that is for my death post
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
And where am I in all this?
Oooooof course you have a quote
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:03 PM
any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 8:06 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 8:24 PM
Bonus points if you know the meaning without googling
Maestro - Last Saturday at 8:25 PM
It's pretty straightforward.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:35 PM
You did this on purpose
You wanted me to follow through with this lynch
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
And now I'm going to die, your going to accuse E. Gadd again, and I won't be around to stop it
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:36 PM
You were the one who was intent on a BDS lynch.
Despite having no real evidence.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:37 PM
You win in almost every situation
You are a wolf
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:38 PM
I told you this was a likely outcome.
Carfeul with these logs, E Gadd is in them and you'll inciminate him too.
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
Why are you being helpful
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 9:45 PM
I didn't think about that
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
Because I would very much like the humans to win.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
That makes no sense
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:46 PM
We went over the risks of who this could play out.
You said you were ok with that.
We were wrong.
If you want to still be useful, you need to choose someone to seer.
And Pray it comes up red.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:48 PM
But what's the point if I'm dead?
Maestro - Last Saturday at 9:48 PM
You can still request a seering tonight, and tell at the very least E Gadd what it said.
Are you done sniping at me?
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 9:59 PM
Yes. I'm sorry about that
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:00 PM
That was mostly anger
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:00 PM
I figured.
Look, the thing is people either don't trust you know, or want to lynch you for suspecting you're a wolf.
If you haven't sent a seering in, we really need a red to start gutting the wolves.
I think either SuperMarin or TZP would be a good place to start considering.
As well as MSF.
The rushed the DM lynch at the last moment.
Sparing THC.
If you want my advise, Seer MSF.
Oh, you should probably line up a solid strategy from here on as I'm very likely to be lynched since Brainy very kindly namedropped me earlier.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 10:11 PM
We have one, don't worry
Maestro - Last Saturday at 10:11 PM
Good deal.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:39 PM
Also I feel like we should revive davy
He could seriously help us at this point and reviving a dead brutal is pointless now
Unless they get accidentally lynched
Which it's still not helpful
Maestro - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
A brutal is reall only useful if they are wolfed.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
Maestro - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
A revived one won't be wolfed.
Anti-Pearl - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
So E. Gadd revive davy
And get his item
E. Gadd Industries - Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
So these are my thoughts, that MaestroUGC is either a wolf or Monika, just because of how he pushed for me to revive davy and not focus on the brutal, and also, give that I'm now marked. And just generally the questionable reasoning given. (I'm tired and needing to go to sleep, so I'm not going to review everything and point out stuff. Tomorrow, hopefully. But you can read through these and make of them what you will.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on February 25, 2018, 10:37:29 PM
I hoped to do well, but I failed.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 12:14:18 AM
I really don't like that reaction. I'm totally down for a Maestro lynch once I hear from a few more people.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 12:23:05 PM
If anyone's not clear on what happened yesterday, Brainy figured out he was actually the brutal human and suicided, hoping to take two wolves down with him.  Raeko was a guarantee; BDS was a swing and a miss.  How, you may ask, did Brainy discover he was the brutal human?

Simple.  I told him he was blue.  I'm the real seer.  The only reason I reveal this now is because I seer'd FireArrow orange last night.

The past two day phases we've been gunning for wolves instead of Monika--speculating on possible teams and all that.  Monika is by far the bigger threat now.  Assuming Monika has marked someone every night since the start of the game, tonight there will be 5 marked, and only 9 alive, assuming that the reviver actually brings Brainy back.  Worst case scenario--game's over the next night phase.  I'm still not super clear on what happened with Olimar's wolfing, since Noc did the whole glitchy text thing, but I'm pretty sure he was Sayori.  If he is, FA is Monika and is the only sensible lynch candidate today.  Wolves, this benefits you as well.

To be fair to FA, his list of potential wolves, given at the start of this day phase, should not be ignored.  My intuitions tell me that his Monika strategy would be to help hunt wolves as aggressively as he does when he's a normal human, so when he's dead, THC, Maestro, and MSF should absolutely be next on the chopping block.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 01:19:20 PM
TZP is probably the traitor or needy wolf pulling the lynch away from Maestro. He's smart enough to know that the real seer is alive to counterclaim here.

Spoiler alert: My green seering wasn't made up by brainy.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 01:21:46 PM
Actually, the real seer doesn't even need to counterclaim. I knew about brainy being the brutal before last night which practically confirms my humanity alone (why would I let the wolves suicide into him? Monika wins with the wolves.) I'll get logs when I get back from class.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 26, 2018, 01:55:39 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 10:12:15 PMI had sent in my revive as davy, and even then he still wouldn't tell me.
If you sent in a revive, why is davy still dead? Seems suspicious.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 26, 2018, 01:59:16 PM
hey. can everyone stop claiming seer? pls its hurting my brain

FA I'll wait for your logs before I ask anything specific, but as of right now its kinda your word against an uncontested seer claim. And while I know thats how it was with the BDS lynch last phase, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Egadd,your claim is confusing me too. Did you or did you not try and revive davy? bc as far as the phase update, he wasn't revived. Also, davy or not, why didn't you use your power last night phase? Even if you knew Brainy was the brutal there was no guarantee that he would have been wolfed last night, in fact I didn't expect him to be at all after that BDS flip. This day would have been a wolf-sided lynch if they're in contact with Monika, and using the revive would have prevented that

ninja'd by thc lol
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 26, 2018, 04:11:19 PM
Unless TZP can provide logs of his conversations with Brainy before death, it should be considered that he may be a wolf, or worse.
An accusation of this manner, in lieu of a seering uncontested of FireArrow being green, should be considered wolfy in nature, and nothing otherwise.

Maestro portrays another interesting case. He sacrifices himself as if exposed as a wolf. Being that there are three wolves left, a sacrifice is reasonable to the Needy Wolf. The Needy Wolf is useless, provides them an extra number, but in the end, if left as the last wolf, will lose his wolf vote. To wane the wolf's favor in the game, he would need to die.

Over both of these cases, it's important to consider that TZP's inactivity and sudden claim for a possible mislynch proves to be utterly wolfy.

Rest assured, my security lies within my vote for TheZeldaPianist.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 04:29:54 PM
Hey, I think I've got some actual hard proof unlike BDS :p

Quote from: SuperMarina on February 26, 2018, 04:11:19 PMUnless TZP can provide logs of his conversations with Brainy before death, it should be considered that he may be a wolf, or worse.
An accusation of this manner, in lieu of a seering uncontested of FireArrow being green, should be considered wolfy in nature, and nothing otherwise.

Brainy claimed I was seered green. So TZP is contesting with whatever seer was working with brainy behind the scene (granted, brainy made up a lot of seer results so meh.)

QuoteGerik - Last Thursday at 9:07 PM
    Hey I've been in contact with olimar so I know you're the seer right?
    just letting you know (assuming olimar was sayori with that weird phase change) anyone you've seered red or yellow is confirmed not a good guy
February 23, 2018 - Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 3:27 AM
    Well, I've seered you green so congrats?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 5:30 AM
    Also Tras was green as well(edited)
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:25 AM
    hey btw have you been marked?
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:26 AM
    Yes I am
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:26 AM
    Oh dear...
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:26 AM
    Since I'm pretty sure wolves hit monika
    We can have marked players claim and theyll be confirmed humans
    Ive been holding out till later phases for fbat though
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:27 AM
    No one else i've asked has been marked
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:27 AM
    Well, there should only be 3 marked players rn
    S9me of which we may have lynched
    Have you seered charu/thicc?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:29 AM
    If you've been marked, they aren't monika. and no
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:29 AM
    Alright, not saying theyre a good seer target
    Im just scared he couod be a wolf because hes got everyone swayed to his side
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:29 AM
    I'm THinking Maestro
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:30 AM
    Maestro is a bit sus
    Him, bubbles, and BDS are all decent targets
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:35 AM
    when were you marked?
Gerik - Last Friday at 9:54 AM
[ommmited to protect seer]
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
     i can explain that.
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
    how so?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
    im brutal
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
    you are a god
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
    ik ik
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
    holy shit
    like, all this "expiririenced TWG" stuff
    thats you
BDS, me, davy, bubbles, whoever else
    we aint got nothin
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:29 PM
    seer seered me blue
    i got a human pm.
    went with my gut for once
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:29 PM
    Well played
    And they aren't gonna hit reviver because they'll be going after you
    and the blue color seer from the master wolf won't say you're brutal
    jesus this is so perfect
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:30 PM
    unless bds isnt really a wolf
    then rip
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:30 PM
    He could be the traitor
    but stil
    well done
    Or [omitted] is an even next level god and is playing all of us
    but I really doubt that
    i hope i played off the log thing well enough to keep them thinking you're seer
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:36 PM
    say you meant night 3
    trust me
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:36 PM
    for the mark?
    to confirm BDS?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:36 PM
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:36 PM
    Don't worry
    He's getting lynched unless counterclaim
    or town plays really dumb
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:36 PM
    might have told him something untruthfuk to get a reaction
    so you really need to say night 3
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:37 PM
    I already told bds that I was marked n2 privaetly
    so this might be really risky
February 24, 2018 - Gerik - Last Saturday at 5:07 PM
     Care to explain?
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 5:15 PM
     My gut failed me
Gerik - Last Saturday at 6:54 PM
     Well, i still trust you
     But i think you misplayed that
     Wolves might not hit you becuase theu can probably just get you lynched
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 7:43 PM
     We have a plan now. Don't worry
Gerik - Last Saturday at 7:43 PM
Gerik - Last Saturday at 8:29 PM
     sorry for being a pessimist, I can't act like I know anything
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 8:30 PM
     I have a lot going on in the background that you can't see, trust me. We got this
Gerik - Last Saturday at 8:31 PM
     I'm willing to wait and see
     Just know that in the thread and chat I'm gonna be running around thinking your a stupid deadman for doing what you did
     because anything of the contrary would look really weird and might get the wolves going
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 8:46 PM
Brainy told me almost everything. If I was teamed with Monika/wolves why would I let any of what went down happen? That would be literally game throwing to make myself look human (which I did do in a game a long time ago but I'm not that dumb now >_>)

Right now, the question is do we lynch Maestro or TZP.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 26, 2018, 04:39:17 PM
Quote from: mikey on February 15, 2018, 10:22:09 AM7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
@everyone doubting my revive
[insert Olimar's learn2read quote]
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 26, 2018, 05:00:06 PM
Hmmm... I never imagined Maestro would give up like that. That's... idk. But it doesn't seem like something a normal wolf would do, especially given there's are only 3 of them now. I think something's to be said about SM's thing, then, about him being Needy. That, or Traitor (because they're still alive). And those logs from FA, DANG those are legit. O_o everything adds up. I trust FA more here than TZP.
So what's the next plan of action? Idrk... I'm going to consider everything that happened. And I'll get back tomorrow.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 06:54:36 PM
Why YOU, the Everyman, Should Lynch FireArrow

1. In response to FA's point 1: I can't account for why Brainy told you that you were green--I did not give him that information.  You literally say in your post that you can't account for Brainy's "seering" results, so why do you even bring that up?

2. In response to FA's point 2:
Quote from: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 04:29:54 PMwhy would I let any of what went down happen?
You absolutely didn't have a choice to prevent the Brainy shenanigans last night from happening.  First of all, if you tried to stop him, it would have drawn unnecessary attention to yourself, which is something that a lone third-party cannot afford.  Second of all, if you let Brainy follow through with his plan, you're two steps closer to "boom" instead of one.  see, the other thing your post assumes is that you know who the wolves are to win with them, which I'm not convinced of.  If you let Brainy die and he really is the brutal human, you are guaranteed to see a wolf, which might give you some insight into any partners he/she might have.

3. Brainy's move, while pretty inspired, was not necessarily intelligible to anyone who wasn't made directly aware of what he was doing (read: FireArrow).  Say FA's right and I'm lying.  The actual seer, when confronted with that counterclaim would immediately claim his role to prevent the lynch of a teammate and the acceptance of a fake seer.  The thing is, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO IS ALIVE AND PLAYING claimed "not seer" to the whole thread--except for me, because I didn't see that Brainy had claimed, and did not, in fact, post all day.  Go right ahead.  Count 'em.  By the time I checked the thread again, it was nighttime, and I would have gained nothing by counterclaiming at that point.  I'm aware that this is something of an argument from silence, but it is the ONLY EXPLANATION for why every other player except me claimed that they were not the seer, allowing Brainy to pull whatever shenaniganery his heart desired.

More later.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 26, 2018, 08:24:05 PM
2 votes for MaestroUGC (MaestroUGC, E. Gadd Industries)
1 vote for FireArrow (TheZeldaPianist275)
1 vote for TheZeldaPianist (SuperMarina)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 26, 2018, 08:39:37 PM
1. It says Monika wins with the wolves in the OP.
2. The wolves were one kill away from matching humam votes (6 vs 6.) The wolves almost certaintly hit Monika n1, so Id be 1 PM away from avoiding this entire fiasco and potential winning if all the humans fail to vote the same person.
3. Unlike his other fake seer results, Brainy told multiple peopld that I was green and it carried no goal (I was not a lynch target yesterday.) Seems like a pointless thing to make up.
4. Logs to prove any of these behind the scene interactions you claim exist?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:10:46 PM
Hi guys, is this game still being not good?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:13:44 PM
Okay, looks like it.

I'll state it again, but I don't have any faith in anyone this game anymore after I witnessed last phase.

You never lynch uncontested seer claims.

Seer now states they have an orange check on FireArrow

Lynch should be FireArrow 100% of the time. It'll eliminate the threat of instantly losing.

So with that in mind.


I don't know what's going on in Discord land and I don't care because I'm not in it.

Have a good day.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:15:45 PM
Like, okay, maybe just MAYBE ZeldaPianist wasn't available at all for the entirety of those 24 hours in which Brainy lied about a check, but I don't support the actual seer allowing that play to happen. It's really really REALLY bad.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:17:07 PM
However, letting Brainy take the role as a disguised seer is pretty good if that's what indeed happened.

ZeldaPianist, what are your other checks?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 01:46:14 AM
Quote from: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:15:45 PMLike, okay, maybe just MAYBE ZeldaPianist wasn't available at all for the entirety of those 24 hours in which Brainy lied about a check, but I don't support the actual seer allowing that play to happen. It's really really REALLY bad.

It stopped us from losing the game, unless you really think we could of lynched a wolf yesterday.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 02:06:19 AM

1. He claims to of been in contact with brainy. We asked for logs. He provided none. This should not be an issue for him, but apperantly it is. If he does provide logs, then yes, we need a cc, but right now he's going against information that Brainy gave us. Please read the log I provided, unless TZP can prove he was in contact with brainy, I'm pretty sure it counts as the "hard proof" you were telling BDS about.

2. This isn't solid proof, but it's worth saying. Raekos d1 possible lynch was completely me and I didn't leak info about the brutal to wolves. I could only really be Monika if the wolves were just inactive n1.

We do need all the humans to vote together this phase, so if you really don't think that log is enough I'm not against the seer claiming. We don't lose too much, I just think it's something we can go without.

Anyways, I'm gonna tentatively vote MSF. I realize that if Maestro was a wolf, he would of probably tried to convince E Gadd to not use his revive and kill him that night (reviver is more important than seer, and I don't really believe 4 wolves would misplay that.) TZP claiming looks like a traitor trying to save him, but he could just be trying to out the real seer? Who knows. MSF was the one who initiated the vote switches from raeko to davy, and although that road obviously didn't go anywhere with dudeman and brainy, it's my biggest lead right now.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 02:07:15 AM
Quote from: Charu on February 26, 2018, 11:17:07 PMHowever, letting Brainy take the role as a disguised seer is pretty good if that's what indeed happened.

Yes, that is what happened. But the seer wasn't TZP. Please read my log.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 02:17:50 AM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 01:46:14 AMIt stopped us from losing the game, unless you really think we could of lynched a wolf yesterday.

No it did not "stop us from losing the game", lying about the red check isn't the absolute worst, but allowing the lynch to go through when the lynch doesn't know their alignment is really bad.

If the seer was gambling (or the fake seer was, have no clue since ZTP stated in their post that they never checked the thread for 24+ hours), it's not effective because if it was wrong, that's another town player gone which grants that worst possible outcome I outlined when I was still in the Discord chat from actually occurring where the wolf team had a perfect hit and Monika had a perfect mark. Actually surprised the game didn't end because it certainly felt like that's what happened. But if they didn't give the signal to mass kill town, then I'm assuming one of their "marked" is actually a wolf from n1, which is cool to learn about (if this is the case)

Bottom line:

Seer (or the person pretending to be seer) should never gamble the game like that ever. It's reckless, not good, and certainly not smart.

Actually went off on a rant at Raeko about this game last night phase and how I wasn't gonna look at it at all (and why I left the Discord server), but the TWG person in me told me I probably should see what's up in the thread at least. Surprised to see her flip wolf, that was unexpected because she came off to me as someone who literally had no idea what was going on and also questioned whatever was happening.

Whatever, this is a fine turn of events. Just as long everyone is still 100% clear an uncontested seer should never be questioned. We question once that happens, not before like BDS was trying to do. I just got super angry when I saw the flip at day's end last phase.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 02:18:37 AM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 02:07:15 AMYes, that is what happened. But the seer wasn't TZP. Please read my log.

Am I missing something?

I read it, I see no other names except for [omitted to protect seer]

Who's the seer then?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 02:27:17 AM
Okay, understood, I think I get what's going on.


The actual seer should probably step up then if brainy told FireArrow that they were seered green, I mean, they have evidence to support this (and it existed before Zelda's seer claim). Failure to do so I will not listen to this drivel about how "fake" ZeldaPianist is and I will always vote for FireArrow.

Let this be a warning.

This is not how you play seer.

If ZeldaPianist is not our town seer, then the actual town seer needs to step up, say who they are, and actually make a thunderdome with the other player [size=8]PLEASE[/size] I can't stress this enough.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 02:32:55 AM
Of course, lets also not forget using evidence from Brainy is sort of moot since Brainy lied about the red check for BDS.

So, y'know, whatever.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 04:55:41 AM
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 06:54:36 PM1. In response to FA's point 1: I can't account for why Brainy told you that you were green--I did not give him that information.  You literally say in your post that you can't account for Brainy's "seering" results, so why do you even bring that up?

Why should we also account for your seering results? I want the logs between you and Brainy. Your claims are not concrete either, and if you deny it, you know you'll make yourself look wolfy if you aren't already are for claiming a false seering. We know that the FireArrow seer being green came from the real seer, not from you, so was it that you wanted to change information? Why would you allow FireArrow a false seering? Was it to keep him safe for a phase, or was it at your convenience to claim FireArrow as orange, which may possibly not even be a role color? Wolves have killed Sayori, but does that mean that they know what color he was? You can't fake a seered color.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 06:54:36 PMIf you let Brainy die and he really is the brutal human, you are guaranteed to see a wolf, which might give you some insight into any partners he/she might have.
You assume FireArrow is Monika, an inaccurate claim already. This thinking can apply to either a human or Monika, in which the former case is more applicable. Take a look.
Quote from: mikey on February 25, 2018, 07:00:19 PMThird Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"
In the end, remember that it's a THIRD PARTY. This team does not have to team up with the wolves and it can kill anyone they want. Wolves can be marked.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 06:54:36 PM3. Brainy's move, while pretty inspired, was not necessarily intelligible to anyone who wasn't made directly aware of what he was doing (read: FireArrow).  Say FA's right and I'm lying.  The actual seer, when confronted with that counterclaim would immediately claim his role to prevent the lynch of a teammate and the acceptance of a fake seer.  The thing is, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO IS ALIVE AND PLAYING claimed "not seer" to the whole thread--except for me, because I didn't see that Brainy had claimed, and did not, in fact, post all day.
BDS urged this at the end of a phase, and if you hadn't seen anything, you claim inactivity. Inactivity is nothing to just glance at. Wolves hang back and catch up when the time is most right.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 06:54:36 PMI'm aware that this is something of an argument from silence, but it is the ONLY EXPLANATION for why every other player except me claimed that they were not the seer, allowing Brainy to pull whatever shenaniganery his heart desired.
This isn't even close to a silent argument or an argument at all. You're using quick inferences from the Discord group itself and the forums. If you do not have logs to share publicly, you do not have a concrete claim.

Everyone else needs to reconsider. While the same case applied to Brainy as seer, it's clear now that he was the Brutal Human and had been supplied accurate information from the seer as well as given the freedom to look sloppy. However, TheZeldaPianist continues to appear sloppy, despite counterclaiming. For a major role, their evidence is sparse, they have no logs as proof, and they continue to hound a seering that was supported as green.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 05:51:38 AM
Retract vote I will explain why around noon CST
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 07:24:13 AM
I was a little on the fence about TZP's claim at first, but with every other player already claiming "not seer" its actually seeming more believable.

Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 04:55:41 AMWhy should we also account for your seering results? I want the logs between you and Brainy. Your claims are not concrete either, and if you deny it, you know you'll make yourself look wolfy if you aren't already are for claiming a false seering. We know that the FireArrow seer being green came from the real seer, not from you, so was it that you wanted to change information? Why would you allow FireArrow a false seering? Was it to keep him safe for a phase, or was it at your convenience to claim FireArrow as orange, which may possibly not even be a role color? Wolves have killed Sayori, but does that mean that they know what color he was? You can't fake a seered color.

You assume FireArrow is Monika, an inaccurate claim already. This thinking can apply to either a human or Monika, in which the former case is more applicable. Take a look.In the end, remember that it's a THIRD PARTY. This team does not have to team up with the wolves and it can kill anyone they want. Wolves can be marked.

BDS urged this at the end of a phase, and if you hadn't seen anything, you claim inactivity. Inactivity is nothing to just glance at. Wolves hang back and catch up when the time is most right.
This isn't even close to a silent argument or an argument at all. You're using quick inferences from the Discord group itself and the forums. If you do not have logs to share publicly, you do not have a concrete claim.

Everyone else needs to reconsider. While the same case applied to Brainy as seer, it's clear now that he was the Brutal Human and had been supplied accurate information from the seer as well as given the freedom to look sloppy. However, TheZeldaPianist continues to appear sloppy, despite counterclaiming. For a major role, their evidence is sparse, they have no logs as proof, and they continue to hound a seering that was supported as green.
Supermarina, the large amount of your argument against TZP is centered on the idea that Firearrow is a "confirmed" green. Considering Brainy gave the seerings of BDS as red and raeko as green, how is Firearrow considered confirmed at all? Two of the three seers Brainy gave were false, nothing about this situation is "clear now" that he was "supplied accurate information from the seer." Brainy's colors are confirmed (by the host) 0/2, so it seems to me like there's a pretty good chance his one other claim was incorrect as well. Brainy lost literally all credibility with that whole fiasco over the last two phases.

You mention that Monika is a third party and doesn't have to team up with the wolves, which I guess is technically true. But at this point in the game I thought it was established that they were working together. Monika's chances of winning drop through the floor if they opt to betray the wolves and somehow aim to kill everyone. I'm not really following where you were going with that comment, but the basis behind it was wrong regardless.

Like Charu said, there's nothing we can do to dispute TZP until there's a counterclaim, if any. Log or not, no one is disputing him (also iirc Brainy supplied logs and we saw where that took us lol). At this point its just irresponsible to not claim, there's more to lose without it

holding off on my vote to give people more of a chance to counterclaim and for whatever egadd wants to say, but cmon
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 01:47:00 PM
Your claim will unfortunate go contested, TheZeldaPianist.
Are you listening, wolves?
I am the true seer.

Need a log to prove it? I've got one right here between Brainy and I.

The plan begins on Day 4. I seered BrainyLucario as blue, and I immediately knew I could trust him.
We were both confused by his role until he mentioned his role PM and it turns out he was the Brutal Human.

The Casual - Last Thursday at 9:29 PM
Brainy, brainy, brainy, brainy
I know you're a special. So w h a t are you.
The Casual - Last Thursday at 10:11 PM
If you wish to establish trust
Especially for me, the one coming to you
A Master Wolf would have killed you by now for have been so low on suspicion lists or being a particularly iffy lynch.
And first time as seer, I've made rookie mistakes.
February 23, 2018
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:12 AM
Oh, are you a special too?
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:12 AM
Your one and only seer.
Being horrible.
But I found another special finally.
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:14 AM
I'm surprised I didn't die tonight with that slip up I had
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:14 AM
You may want to provide a case to support yourself. I think people are still lingering on you as a lynch.
So, wait, which special are you?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:17 AM
Going to be honest with you. Well, I'm not 100% certain, but I was actually trying to get wolfed tonight to attempt to prove whether or not I'm the brutal human. My slip up was on purpose.
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:18 AM
So, wait
What was given in your role PM?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:19 AM
Plain old human
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:19 AM
Well, congratulations, turns out you're brutal.

We set on discussion for a future strategy. It is here that Brainy actually suggests posing as seer. I remain hesitant, but in order to get a jump on a wolf, we set the plan into motion.

The Casual - Last Friday at 7:21 AM
Easy now lol
Let's focus on not getting you lynched.
I'm not going to come out and claim.
It's a bad idea, especially with Monika and the wolves.
The Master Wolf definitely provides a threat with his seer ability. He could know.
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:23 AM
I'll pose as the seer then
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:24 AM
That's worse
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:24 AM
Wolves won't know my role just my color
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:25 AM
It still risky. I don't know if we need to go for it yet, anyway.
It'd kill a Cohort, but my focus is the Master Wolf. Kill him, the game becomes easier.
My issue is finding him. He seers green, like humans

I disclose my list of seered targets with Brainy. As of this current phase, my targets lie as thus
Davy - Purple, N1
FireArrow - Green, N2
BrainyLucario - Blue, N3
Bubbles - Green, N4

Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 7:26 AM
So who have you seered so far?
The Casual - Last Friday at 7:27 AM
I seered davy.. he died.
I've seered FireArrow. He's green.
I seered you. Blue.

Arousing my suspicion, I wanted to find the Monika. With Sayori dead, I had wondered if anyone had been marked. For the sake of arousing others' suspicions, I asked Brainy to ask you all if you had been marked. BrainyLucario retorted with this reponse from Charu.
My suspicions immediately spiked. As the Monika, you can mark any role. As a third party, it would make sense to be reluctant to share your own information if it was to neither benefit wolves or humans. "Later," Charu abandons the game, only to return after the night phase.

Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 11:49 AM
Charu refused to answer
"But I won't answer the question, sorry. Maybe later when it becomes crucial (as in, MYLO if Monika is still around).
If I was more sure of your position, I'd probably share though, dohoho."
The Casual - Last Friday at 11:50 AM
almost 100%

BDS began his search for a counterclaiming seer. I unfortunately followed through with a "not seer" claim. Yes, I claim responsibility for BDS's death, but so close into a night phase was risky for counterclaiming as is now. Apologies to those who like to shit on playstyles. There are no guidelines to playing seer, Charu. Don't establish rules that aren't even close to your jurisdiction, please and thank you.

Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 1:08 PM
Don't forget to claim not seer
In the thread
The Casual - Last Saturday at 9:02 PM
It's going down
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 9:21 PM
The Casual - Last Saturday at 9:22 PM
Think this'll still work?
Anti-Brainy - Last Saturday at 9:22 PM
No counterclaim so they must believe me
Also I'm not experienced so they'll accept mistakes more easily

The only thing left to address are Brainy's false claims. This is literally all that there is to it.

The Casual - Last Friday at 8:46 PM
You just made two false claims. If BDS gets lynched, you may be exposed, Raeko is not a confirmed green. I'm not understanding this plan now
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 9:50 PM
Gotta make big plays if you want big payoffs
The Casual - Last Friday at 10:20 PM
I guess

My current suspicions lie in TheZeldaPianist, the only false claiming seer; Charu, the conspirator alongside TZP; Maestro, the wolf of sheepish nature.

I will continue my vote on TheZeldaPianist. Any false claiming seer no longer deserves to continue.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 02:37:58 PM
Reason I'm against a Maestro lynch for right now is his response to my accusations. He just kinda gave up. That seems to me a bit like he's wanting to die, which wouldn't make sense from a human or Monika standpoint. Or even a wolf? Unless you're just deadweight, and there are two roles that are deadweight (coincidentally for the wolves): needy and traitor.

I'm not quite sure about the whole seer thing, but SuperMarina has proof while TZP, you haven't shown logs. I'd like to see some. For now, my vote tentatively rests on Lkjhgfdsa_77, since I know you are inactive quite a bit.

The reason I pick Lkj? Well... I was marked last night, and I only spoke to Maestro & Lkj. And Maestro would have no reason to respond the way he did if he were Monika. I hate to connect dots, but we can't go very much farther at all with Monika alive, so conclusions must be made.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 03:00:09 PM
phase ends in 4 hours, so Lkjhgfdsa_77. 3 wolves alive, 1 monika, and 1 tratior. We need to keep our votes consolidated.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 03:00:44 PM
Not voting TZP because there's no way in hell he's anything but the traitor.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 03:05:10 PM
There we go, we got ourselves a counter.

However, I gots a bit of a problem with it I hope you can answer.

Your log showed that brainy knew before you came to them that they were a role when that's simply not possible. Human players do not know they are the brutal human, Miller, or Sayori role at all upon game start. So how did Brainy know that they were a role?


Anyways, I'd like to believe you, trust me. It's just one more detail I want resolve and I don't know if you can provide the answer that I'd like to hear.


I will consider what this means.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:09:23 PM
As it were, what he told me (like, D1), is that mikey seems to have given him a special role in the story, and so he thought it meant he was a special. Of course, the storyline is not indicative of anything, it's just for dramatic purposes only. But he didn't seem to think so.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 03:15:14 PM
That and more so, his playstyle.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:17:40 PM
Sorry I jumped in, I just now realised that question wasn't directed to me😬 I just thought I should answer since he shared his sentiments with me
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 03:19:15 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:17:40 PMSorry I jumped in, I just now realised that question wasn't directed to me😬 I just thought I should answer since he shared his sentiments with me

Oh no, you answered what I wanted to hear.

However, that's a meta read I can't verify. Only you folks can tell me if this is something Brainy would do.

If you folks say Brainy is the type of player to take the story into context of the game, then I'd buy it. *nods sagely*
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:19:39 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:09:23 PMAs it were, what he told me (like, D1), is that mikey seems to have given him a special role in the story, and so he thought it meant he was a special. Of course, the storyline is not indicative of anything, it's just for dramatic purposes only. But he didn't seem to think so.
this is sketch to me because our names in the story aren't what we expected them to be. I was Michael Buble, but apparently not. I'm sure other players who know their names can back me up on this (i remember someone else's mentioning it but idr who). Brainy couldn't have known which player he was, and even if he did that's a real stretch to assume he was the brutal (i.e. the only role he could've been with a regular pm)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 03:22:22 PM
I repeat. His playstyle is focused on upfront aggression. He brought himself to the front on the first few phases, only believing that he was the brutal human, not confirmed.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:24:49 PM
'Twas me, I called foul at mikey's calling Brainy Addison, given that's my name, and we're so closely associated throughout the forums. Which means that I'm (most likely) the character with his name (which I won't say out of respect for Brainy). But he did use his real name in this, so seeing his name in the story (before it was apparent the names were all mixed up), he associated that character with his player.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:25:01 PM
Also ninja'd
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:28:48 PM
Oh, and yeah, Brainy is definitely one to do that. He likes to believe he plays a central (or at least significant) role in many games (see the Minnesota Road Trip game for an example), regardless of if he's told he's human
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:46:47 PM
sorry if i'm sounding impatient or missing something obvious  i had three midterms today and now i have a 103 fever so life's having a fun time with me

But Supermarina who did you seer last night? You do realize that if we're to believe you and not TZP, then TZP is most likely the traitor or monika. With the risk of the traitor, it prevents him from being a guaranteed lynch (lynching the traitor today would harm the wolves very little and should not be our priority, if we know who he is we can keep him living so he counts for us and just ignore him if he's not causing too much trouble)

TZP, this goes for you too. Who did you seer last night phase? The night before? We need evidence over just claims esp in a game like this after Brainys stunt

also i meant to post this if someone counterclaimed but i forgot about it. i'm p proud of it tho so i'm still gonna post it
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 23, 2018, 04:14:19 PMSo if you haven't figured out already, I am the seer.
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 26, 2018, 12:23:05 PMSimple.  I told him he was blue.  I'm the real seer.
Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 01:47:00 PMYour claim will unfortunate go contested, TheZeldaPianist.
Are you listening, wolves?
I am the true seer.
don't judge me for the skew i'm on mobile and imgur isn't working for me anymore :-(
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:47:41 PM
actually jk tzp said he seered firearrow...literally cut that out of my quote for my joke my bad. fever. how about the night before??
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:52:55 PM
lmfao supermarina said his seers too...maybe i should just be quiet and take some medicine
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 03:53:10 PM
10/10 pic
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:59:43 PM
oo if the master wolf wants to claim my joke would play out v nicely!!

gary wya
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:08:59 PM
SuperMarina has logs. TZP does not.

It shouldn't be a mystery who the real seer is guys.

Here's my unabrigged log for more proof:
QuoteGerik - Last Friday at 2:26 PM
I'm pretty sure Marina is the master wolf
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
I've got a log
but it's too big to post in chat?
Anyways he PM'd asking me my thoughts on olimar
the night before he got wolfed
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
i can explain that.
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:27 PM
how so?
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
im brutal
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
you are a god
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
ik ik
Gerik - Last Friday at 2:28 PM
holy shit
like, all this "expiririenced TWG" stuff
thats you
BDS, me, davy, bubbles, whoever else
we aint got nothin
Anti-Brainy - Last Friday at 2:29 PM
seer seered me blue
i got a human pm.
went with my gut for once
QuoteGerik - Yesterday at 1:30 PM
Youre actually the seer, right?
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:00 PM
Unfortunately, no.
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:01 PM
I guess brainy didnt fully trust me
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:01 PM
Anyone seered green may still be half Master Wolf.
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:02 PM
Yes, but TZP is claiming to be the seer and seered me orange
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:02 PM
When did they claim seer
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:02 PM
Recently in the thread
I mean, I can believe that brainy made up my green seering, considering he also made up raekos
But I cant think of any way for TZP to be the real seer unless olimar was actually monika
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:12 PM
Monika cannot be wolf killed.
TZP has been inactive.
Brainy has the right seering.
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:12 PM
so then TZP can't be the real seer
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:12 PM
You're human. That much I can bet on, correct?
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:13 PM
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:13 PM
I am the real seer.
Gerik - Yesterday at 2:13 PM
Ah ok
nvm I can defend myself like normal now ty
You got me really scared when you said no lol
The Casual - Yesterday at 2:13 PM
I implore you, however
Do. Not. Expose. Me.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 04:14:08 PM
Three hour warning
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:16:37 PM
maybe request a phase extension?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 04:18:43 PM
could we at least have an updated vote count?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 04:19:43 PM
count your own votes, I'm not a machine

just a mo
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:21:52 PM
Alright, that's good to know.

However, that leaves the issue of who to lynch. Unfortunately the only seer to give any kind of direction in lynch direction is actually ZeldaPianist, but with these logs being crossed checked, I'd believe Marina over Zelda.

...However, I will argue that regardless of what I think, this is probably MYLO still like it or not, even if our brutal killed a random wolf. I think the numbers are still in favor for Monika (and wolves) to set town off for a win. We can eliminate that by lynching another wolf.


It's a shame because Zelda could be possible traitor too, and we really don't want to hit the traitor today, that'll be game for us, but I believe this is a make or die moment.

I think it's safe to lynch Zelda here, but at the same time, we got Maestro's post looking like they admitted being a wolf and we got THC goading for their own lynch. Honestly, I think lynching either Maestro or Zelda is the play to make here.

Probably ZeldaPianist
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:24:34 PM
Gonna change again to TZP then unless we get a phase extension to discuss it more. Still think he's the traitor (fuck that role honestly) but it's better than gettign wolf rushed by spread apart human votes.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:25:26 PM
Ideally, we kill of Monika today, but I highly doubt this seer claim Monika.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:26:38 PM
Because lynching Monika would make us not in MYLO anymore, heh.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 04:28:21 PM
1 vote for MaestroUGC (MaestroUGC)
1 vote for FireArrow (TheZeldaPianist275)
3 votes for TheZeldaPianist (SuperMarina, Charu, FireArrow)
1 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:32:48 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:26:38 PMBecause lynching Monika would make us not in MYLO anymore, heh.

Doesn't davy getting revived tonight give us one more phase?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:35:16 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 04:32:48 PMDoesn't davy getting revived tonight give us one more phase?


Well davy's role does count torwards our parity, so I don't see why not, it'll give us back items for one night, dohoho.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 27, 2018, 05:04:04 PM

He's either traitor or needy. That's all there is to it.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 05:06:19 PM
1 vote for MaestroUGC (MaestroUGC)
1 vote for FireArrow (TheZeldaPianist275)
3 votes for TheZeldaPianist (SuperMarina, Charu, FireArrow, ThatHiddenCharacter)
1 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries)
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 27, 2018, 05:13:10 PM
*sighhhhh* well, TZP, I suppose you've had your time.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 27, 2018, 05:25:42 PM
RETRACT THOSE VOTES. I said I had more to say. I don't want to be insta'd.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 05:30:24 PM
Phase ends in about an hour and noc doesn't want to extend it. You're not getting insta'd, but kindly hurry up.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 27, 2018, 06:05:30 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 25, 2018, 09:45:21 PMAnyway, Point 2: I have reason to believe Lkjhgfdsa_77 is a wolf based on this chat log:
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:21 PM
If I die this night phase, Maestro's a wolf
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 9:23 PM
is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
Hard to say...
Who are your suspicions?
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:23 PM
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:24 PM
I'm not really sure
I'm drafting a post looking into some inconsistencies in the phase change posts, it may not be useful but I find it odd
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:26 PM
But as far as suspicions go you have no one in mind for a lynch candidate?
Lkjhgfdsa_77 - Yesterday at 10:28 PM
none at the moment
E. Gadd Industries - Yesterday at 10:29 PM

So, apparently this log is important in E. Gadd's case against me from a while back. I think that some people are interpreting it differently than I'd intended, so I just want to clear some things up.

I interpreted E. Gadd's first message just as him telling me his suspicion; I assumed that he would want me to bring up his suspicion on behalf of him in the case that he did die. My line "is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?" was a joke, hence why I strikethroughed it. I thought that by saying "If I die this night phase," he meant "just in case I die this night phase;" at the time I never considered that his suspicion of Maestro depended on if E. Gadd dies. In my joke, I played off of the fact that the sentence is in an if-then structure, and jokingly asked the question about a hypothetical scenario where the sentence couldn't be applied, suggesting that it could have been worded more clearly (such as "I think I might die this night phase, so I'd like to let you know that I think Maestro's a wolf"). Of course, E. Gadd actually did mean it this way i think, so E. Gadd legitimately responded to it i think, which is why I didn't elaborate on that point, because I met i jokingly and didn't have any meaningful follow-up. Part of my style of humor is being a pedant when it comes to grammatical structures, and I think that because of the circumstances the joking nature may have been lost. Yes, I'm the type of person who makes "I don't know, can you?" jokes, but only semi-ironically. I guess it still is a bit suspicious that I didn't ask for logs or other proof / reasoning, but then again, E. Gadd decided to give me his suspicions out of the blue and I didn't know what to make of it.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 27, 2018, 06:05:54 PM
I said I had more to say, didn't I?  Ask and ye shall receive.

Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:02:57 PMBrainy, I just seer'd you blue.  Care to share what your role is with me so we can get this thing ROLEing? (im sorry)
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 22, 2018, 07:16:49 PMHow do i know you are actually the seer?
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:17:52 PMI mean, odds are pretty slim I'd get that right with a shot in the dark.  Have I done anything to make you doubt that claim?
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 22, 2018, 07:23:39 PMAlso, I got Thicc and SuperMarina both as green on nights 1 & 2
Quote from: BrainyLucario on February 22, 2018, 07:50:34 PMOkay I've been talking with [REDACTED] and he thinks you're human.  My roe pm told me i was a human, so i guess i'm the brutal.

I'm hesitant to reveal too much more of the exchange because of the player we talked about after that.  Suffice it to say--Brainy did NOT tell me he was going to pull that little stunt with the fake-claim, which I don't really understand.

Responses to minutia that have cropped up in the last few pages:
With respect to SuperMarina's seer claim: you guys, this is SO EASY.  She did not claim seer when Brainy did because she had no idea she would need to pass herself off as a seer in the future.  I repeat what I said before: it DOES NOT make sense to coast on by a counterclaim if you actually are the human seer.  Now, I reveal my role and indict FireArrow, and she decides that it's suddenly believable to claim seer now?  I don't think so.  SuperMarina's a wolf, and since the master wolf is still alive, she probably has legitimate seering results to lend credence to the claim.  It really is that simple.  ALSO
Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 04:55:41 AMThis isn't even close to a silent argument or an argument at all.
That was literally the dictionary definition of an argument from silence

Quote from: SuperMarina on February 27, 2018, 01:47:00 PMDon't establish rules that aren't even close to your jurisdiction, please and thank you.
You've been on NSM for all of a month and you're talking about jurisdiction?  What?

Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 04:26:38 PMMYLO
What does this word mean

It comes down to whether you trust me and my consistency--or SuperMarina doubling back on a claim to suit her purposes in the moment, hoping to use a (skilled) ally in FireArrow to pressure the game against me.  This is a no-brainer, guys.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 06:27:17 PM
Considering your logs go directly contradict everything in me and Marina's logs, one of us is forging. Although I'm not the one to be deciding who's claim to believe, I'd say its much more believable that 5 pms were forged than entire discord logs. Hell, I'd even say your "RETRACT THOSE VOTES" was you trying to buy time to write those PMs, unless it actually took you 40 minutes to make that post.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: TheZeldaPianist275 on February 27, 2018, 06:30:12 PM
And you are still ignoring the fact that Marina goofed herself by double-claiming.  Why?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 06:33:02 PM
They worked out that brainy would claim in her place as bait. She was in on it.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:37:41 PM
I have a problem with your quotes.

I haven't seen one thing from you when I was in Discord land, no search results whatsoever. How am I to believe your discussion with Brainy is legit if you didn't so much as speak a peep in the Discord server?

Did you use other means? Because I would think Brainy would've mentioned you in some way throughout the entirety of the game if this is true since Brainy was around Discord.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 27, 2018, 06:38:42 PM
Quote from: Lkjhgfdsa_77 on February 27, 2018, 06:05:30 PMSo, apparently this log is important in E. Gadd's case against me from a while back. I think that some people are interpreting it differently than I'd intended, so I just want to clear some things up.

I interpreted E. Gadd's first message just as him telling me his suspicion; I assumed that he would want me to bring up his suspicion on behalf of him in the case that he did die. My line "is maestro still a wolf if you don't die this night phase?" was a joke, hence why I strikethroughed it. I thought that by saying "If I die this night phase," he meant "just in case I die this night phase;" at the time I never considered that his suspicion of Maestro depended on if E. Gadd dies. In my joke, I played off of the fact that the sentence is in an if-then structure, and jokingly asked the question about a hypothetical scenario where the sentence couldn't be applied, suggesting that it could have been worded more clearly (such as "I think I might die this night phase, so I'd like to let you know that I think Maestro's a wolf"). Of course, E. Gadd actually did mean it this way i think, so E. Gadd legitimately responded to it i think, which is why I didn't elaborate on that point, because I met i jokingly and didn't have any meaningful follow-up. Part of my style of humor is being a pedant when it comes to grammatical structures, and I think that because of the circumstances the joking nature may have been lost. Yes, I'm the type of person who makes "I don't know, can you?" jokes, but only semi-ironically. I guess it still is a bit suspicious that I didn't ask for logs or other proof / reasoning, but then again, E. Gadd decided to give me his suspicions out of the blue and I didn't know what to make of it.

Also this entire thing is really sus. We're in a potential MYLO situation (it's over if we lynch a green human) and you seem to find defending yourself when you're not getting lynched more concerning.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:41:04 PM
Quote from: Brainy Considering Possible WolvesAnti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
So who does that leave us with?
SuperMarina - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
Charu has left the game.
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:10 AM
Bubbles, Egadd, maestro, llkjhgfdsa
anyone else?
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
oh yeah
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
me or raeko master wolf contenders
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
I never seered raeko
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:11 AM
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:12 AM
Also TZP
Gerik "FireArrow" - Last Sunday at 1:12 AM
i don't know what to trust from you anymore lol
oh yeah
forgot about him
Anti-Pearl "BrainyLucario" - Last Sunday at 1:14 AM
So... That leaves bubbles, raeko, E. Gadd, Maestro, THC, SuperMarina, TZP, Lkjhgfdsa, and MSF

Ergo, if you really were the seer, Brainy would've not mentioned you at all in this list. Why would they if they were working with you?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 27, 2018, 06:42:55 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:41:04 PMErgo, if you really were the seer, Brainy would've not mentioned you at all in this list. Why would they if they were working with you?
He mentioned SuperMarina, who he was supposedly working with. I'm not saying I trust TZP, I'm just pointing out that the point you're trying to make is flawed.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:50:30 PM
Zelda, when did Brainy send you those messages anyways?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:50:54 PM
I mean, I know it's 10 minutes left in the phase, but I'd really like to know when.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:51:26 PM
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. I saw the time stamp.

Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:53:55 PM
Actually, now I'm really curious where these time stamps and messages are coming from. They seem to be less than a minute next to each other, and it's being displayed as if you're quoting from the forums.

I can't possibly imagine you two having a quick chat in PM land at that speed, unless I'm missing something?
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:54:59 PM
Quote from: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:53:55 PMThey seem to be less than a minute next to each other

Well, one of them is at least.
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on February 27, 2018, 06:58:56 PM
Well, hopefully Marina is legit, I feel like they are.

Hoping we hit the correct one...
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mastersuperfan on February 27, 2018, 06:59:18 PM
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 06:59:28 PM
Chapter 9
Mikey sighed.  The attic was starting to get really crowded.  The cat-man alone was taking up far too much space.  Fortunately, Mikey had finally finished what he was working on.
"Alright everyone.  Listen up.  This is something I like to call a 'Blue Pill'.  Bonus points if you get the reference.  Now, it's pretty complicated with how it works, but the long and short of it is someone holding it should be able to teleport back to the corporeal plane.  All that remains is to decide who to send back."
He eyed the prisoners.  A bunch of teenagers and Khajiit.
Mikey frowned.  "Well, I've decided.  Khajiit, take this.  Close your eyes, count to seven, and good luck!"
Khajiit stepped forward.  His paws dwarfed Mikey's hands.  "Khajiit will go," he purred.  A blue ring appeared around Khajiit.  It began to expand until a blue beam shot out from the ground, enveloping Khajiit in light.  The light collapsed in on itself and Khajiit was gone.
"I hope that worked, heh."
The dining room was in a state of uproar as the guests were arguing with each other about the day's sacrifice.  With so many gone, tempers were flaring and some had simply given up.  Skyler was right there yelling at Tyler for being so stupid when he noticed something.  Or rather, the lack of something.
"Everyone, quiet!!!"  he yelled.  Everyone looked at him, puzzled.  "Where is Monika?"
"Now that I think about it, she hasn't been to any of the meetings, has she?"
"Could Zachary have been right?  Was this all a prank by Monika?"
"That doesn't explain people up and disappearing, though..."
"And if it was a prank, people have died!"
"We need to find Monika.  NOW."
Skyler marched to the doors.
"I won't let you do that!"  the voice shouted.
"It's that thing again..."  Skyler muttered.  "ARE YOU SERIOUS?  WE STILL HAVE TO PLAY THIS DUMB GAME OF YOURS?  I KNOW IT'S YOU, MONIKA!"
"Eheheheh, you clearly know little.  Give us what we desire.  Or we will take it!  Wouldn't that be fun!"
No response.  Skyler sighed.  "We've got no choice."
"Wait," Tyler suddenly said.  "I'll go.  No need to vote.
"I... I was there.  For one of the murders.  But...  I did nothing.  I was scared.  The murderer was Mike Scott.  That is all."
Tyler stood up on the table, began to float, rising up and up, and disappeared in a quick flash.
"Wow, do these stories get worse and worse, or what?  Either someone started writing for Mikey around Night 3 or he's slipping.  Don't worry, it's almost my turn.  You've all been doing a great job of being entertaining.  That being said...
"I'm still going to shake things up tomorrow.  Just to keep it interesting.  Really, you've all been doing great.  I wish I could tell you more, but I want to keep it a surprise~
"I'll see you tomorrow!  Ehehehe~"
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.

1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario Addison Gardiner
4. SuperMarina
5. Dudeman Michael Buble
6. BlackDragonSlayer Zachary Sharpe
7. MaestroUGC
8. Trasdegi Daniel Sharpe
9. raeko Lt. Kenji Higashi
10. TheZeldaPianist Tyler Henry Cormaci
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu

Substitute: Maelstrom

TheZeldaPianist275 has died.  He was Tyler Henry Cormaci, the Traitor.  Additionally, davy was revived and is now a living player.  It is now Night 5.  Night 5 ends in 24 hours, at 9:00 PM CST on February 28
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 06:59:40 PM
tzp lol
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 07:18:12 PM
msf u dik
Title: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 27, 2018, 11:02:16 PM
Well, well, well.
I finally figured out how the code for this website works.  Code is kinda funny, isn't it?
Anyway, I gave myself moderator permissions, so it looks like I've got the run of things from here on out!
Here's what my changes look like:
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
3. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.

4. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
5. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
6. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
7. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
8. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
9. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night, may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.

10. Psychopath- wins when both wolves and humans are dead.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Psychopath may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally orange.  If wolves would win while Psychopath is still alive, Psychopath and the wolves both win.

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. SuperMarina
4. MaestroUGC
5. E. Gadd Industries
6. MasterSuperFan
7. Lkjhgfdsa_77
8. Bubbles
9. FireArrow
10. Charu

I toyed with a bunch of ideas, including a mystery game, but the humans are already having a hard enough time.  I mean, look at this setup.  3 wolves out of 10 players?  Yikes!

...Well, good luck!  Eheheheh~
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 28, 2018, 06:21:39 AM
You should have listened to the captain. Go do your homework. It's obvious.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 28, 2018, 07:36:24 AM
Don't forget to write a poem to share with the club tomorrow!
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 28, 2018, 07:53:40 AM
Roses are red
Violets are red
...crap, the garden's on fire
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on February 28, 2018, 08:42:17 AM
Roses are red
Violets are purple
There's really nothing that rhymes with purple so they say blue even though violets aren't blue
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 28, 2018, 04:04:27 PM
Three Hour Warning!
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: SuperMarina on February 28, 2018, 05:09:33 PM
You know what I heard about Amy?
Amy likes coding themselves into NSM.
Icky, codey, hacking!
That's why I'm not friends with her.

Amy has a good friend.
I heard he hosts a good TWG.
Every time he hosted a game, my heart would pound to the rhythm of the OP.
But she likes coding instead.
That's why I'm not friends with her.

One time, I hurt my leg really bad.
Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse.
I tried not to let her touch me.
She likes coding herself in, so her hands are probably glitchy.
That's why I'm not friends with her.

Amy has a lot more friends.
I always see her talking to people.
She probably talks about coding herself into the NSM forums.
What if her friends start to like coding too?
That's why I'm not friends with her.

It doesn't matter if she has other hobbies.
It doesn't matter if she keeps it private.
It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone.

It's gross.
She's gross.
The world is better off without coding dokis.

And I'm gonna tell everyone.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 28, 2018, 07:00:18 PM
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
3. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.

4. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
5. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
6. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
7. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
8. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night, may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.

9. Psychopath- wins when both wolves and humans are dead.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Psychopath may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally orange.  If wolves would win while Psychopath is still alive, Psychopath and the wolves both win.

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. MaestroUGC
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. MasterSuperFan
6. Lkjhgfdsa_77
7. Bubbles
8. FireArrow
9. Charu

S̜̤̥̙̫͜u͎̘͕̠p̰̺͈͇̼͔͝͡e̸͈̼͞͝r̵̖͓̝̯̤M͖̺̗̲̭̥̳͡a͖͓̯̜̱͟͟ͅr͟͏͙̜̹̱i̦͈n҉̙̼͇̻a͔̟̥ ̠̻̮́ͅd̢͖̥̗i̞̖͕̠͙͚̳̪e̺̖d̴̡̲̮̗̣̥!̧̢̖̭̹̖͇͉ ̧̡̣ ͍͖͞T̷̺̣̻̫̦͈͕̕͡ͅḩ̺͖̹̲̪͍͝ͅe̳̯̲̜̣̲͖̬̖y̦͙̠ ̷̫̣̝̺̻͉̀̕w̺͈͚ͅe͎̳̤͜r̺͙̮̱͢e̤̰̰̺̭̮͇̦̥ ͈̕͠͠ţ̬̗̘̱̮̳͟h̡̫̠͈̫͍̺̭e Seer. It's now Day 5.  Day 5 ends 48 hours from time of posting~
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on February 28, 2018, 08:13:53 PM
Alright, I am stating my case early. Lkjhgfdsa_77 has played a very good game up to this point, evaded any accusations, and is still alive. But now it is time to end this. Lkj is the most likely to be Monika, and I have already expressed sentiments and reasonings behind this earlier. The same reasoning still stands, and none of it has been disproven.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on February 28, 2018, 08:17:04 PM
inb4 "rereading the thread"
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on February 28, 2018, 08:43:29 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 28, 2018, 08:13:53 PMAlright, I am stating my case early. Lkjhgfdsa_77 has played a very good game up to this point, evaded any accusations, and is still alive. But now it is time to end this. Lkj is the most likely to be Monika, and I have already expressed sentiments and reasonings behind this earlier. The same reasoning still stands, and none of it has been disproven.

Lets conduct this phase by having everyone post a suspicion list.
Title: Re: TWG 100th Anniversary: Dinner and a Show
Post by: Bubbles on February 28, 2018, 09:20:54 PM
Quote from: FireArrow on February 28, 2018, 08:43:29 PMLets conduct this phase by having everyone post a suspicion list.
^^lets actually have a logical discussion this time

still sick and only kinda feel like i'm dying but i'm gonna try tomorrow to crank one out
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 01, 2018, 04:56:22 AM
Wait, no story? I kinda liked reading those...
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 01, 2018, 06:37:04 AM

Why do you play TWG, E. Gadd?

Seems like you just get upset and people misread you every time.

In fact, why do any of you play TWG?  It's not the kind of game you play just to win.  None of you signed up to win.  Most of you aren't really having fun either.  What's the point of this game anyway?

See, I think people enjoy a conflict narrative.  Mikey wanted to have a story as a way for you all to visualize the conflict actually happening in the game.  That's the cool thing about literature- It can often go a level deeper than our expectations.  It's easy to enjoy reading something, but it's also easy to miss the symbolism or purpose behind the story.  Ehehehe, I'm getting off topic!

Watching the game unfold wasn't good enough for me.  I need to be the one pulling the strings.

Writing a story would be easy for me, but it would take away from the conflict narrative of the game itself. That's what I think.

From my point of view, you're all writing the story together!  The real way to win TWG is to make an exciting game, not to reach your team's win condition as fast as possible.

I guess it's weird for me to be arguing against writing literature!  But that's really what I think.~
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on March 01, 2018, 07:40:39 AM
Currently we have 2 confirmed humans (E. Gadd and me), who are clearly not going to get lynched this phase.

Then we have 2 players seer'd green (Bubbles and FA). At most one of them is a wolf (which would be the master wolf) and neither of them is Monika. Since Monika is so close to exploding right now, I think we should aim to kill her this phase. Charu can't be monika since he has been here for only 2 night phases and there are three players that have been marked. That means Bubbles FA and Charu should be disregarded as lynch targets today. Also, since there are 9 players left with 4 of them having non-human roles, it is very important that the five of us agree on a lynch target, otherwise we might get wolf rushed.

That leaves 4 players: Maestro, THC, MSF and lkjhgfdsa. In other words, the player that gave up, the player that descended into madness and two pretty inactive players.

Maestro: davy, THC, BDS, Maestro
THC: davy, Brainy, no vote, TZP
MSF: davy, Dudeman, BDS, TZP
lkjfhgfdsa: no vote, no vote, no vote, no vote

I was thinking about looking at their posts in depth, but there really isn't much to say about MSF and lkjhgfdsa's posts since they have so few and the other two players have something that overshadows all of their other posts (giving up and descending into madness).

If Maestro is Monika, him acting like he has given up would be very unsportsmanlike, and I would be very dissapointed in Maestro as a player if he pulled that stunt. Therefore I am tempted to believe he is a human who doesn't realise that giving up makes the game harder for the humans than attempting to continue to play.

If THC is Monika, he knew he would be under fire for his playstyle and knew he had to be alive to win the game, so him descending into madness seems like a move to make us think he is the Traitor (which is now impossible) or the Needy Wolf which would cause us not to lynch him. I can definitely see him do this. I can also imagine he is a human and is trolling because it seems like he will get lynched for his playstyle anyways, so I could see him wanting to have a little fun before getting lynched.

I don't really see how E. Gadd's reaction test against Lkjhgfdsa works, and in isolation I didn't found his defence post too suspicious. However, considering the fact that he barely made any other posts and his only other big posts is about the OP's, he does seem to be a good candidate to be Monika. For a third party, getting lynched is game over, and by being inactive, you have a chance to be overlooked, so by only posting when he is under fire, he can attempt to prolong his staying in the game.

MSF is playing a lot like Lkjhgfdsa except he actually votes and posts a bit more. MSF is also a candidate for being Monika, but I see no reason to vote him over Lkjhgfdsa. If you are human though, PLEASE POST MORE.

In short, I am in favor of a Lkjhgfdsa or THC lynch. I am open for a MSF or Maestro lynch. I am against a lynch on anyone else.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on March 01, 2018, 12:56:13 PM
davy idk when you're going to sleep but i'll try my best to get this out noww

my two main suspicions are THC and Maestro. tbh I'm not totally sure how THC is still alive, I thought we were all under the impression that he was the traitor but that's irrelevant now. I could see him being the needy, but monika seems unlikely. Maestro dipping smells like monika to me for reasons I've said before, mainly that it's a third party role and publicly announcing your permenant inactivity seems more justifiable when you're playing for your own team and wouldn't drag anyone down with you. Sure Monika is working with the wolves, but regardless the wolves are their own team and should be able to win without a third party's help (or at least in the eyes of Maestro, that could've been the justification behind it)

hoping to elaborate and include more players later. sorry this weeks been tough
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 01, 2018, 01:20:21 PM
1. MSF
Despite the fact that MSF has been posting a bit, for the content he's putting forward he may as well be not posting at all. The vast majority of his posts have been him claiming to have no idea whats going on and asking for the status quo so he can follow suit. One big give away for wolves is not putting effort into wolf hunting, and he fits this to a T. Seems more concerned with appearing useful than actually being concerned with the human win con. There is one big exception to this that puts him at the top of my list. D1 is the only day he went against the what everyone was doing at the time and initiated the vote switch to davy that swung the lynch. Let me rephrase that: The only time MSF activiely tried to wolf hunt and contribute original thought to the thread was to change his vote off raeko, a known wolf. Although Monika wins with the wolf, she can still win alone and I don't see her sticking her neck out to save an inactive wolf from a d1 lynch so I'm 90% certain MSF is one of the three remaining wolves. We should probably be trying to lynch Monika so he may not be the best lynch target.

2. lkjhgfdsa
Similar behavior to MSF but simply not posting at all. What really bothers me about him is his complete apathy towards the human win con. Apperantly, he's had no suspicions throughout the entire game and is putting literally 0 effort into wolf hunting. His only posts have been about trying to figure out the meaning behind phase changes and defending himself against Egadd's reaction test (while the defense was good, the fact that you felt that post was more necessary than anything else you could of said was really sus.) Normally I'd write him off as a human that just doesn't care about the game, but he popped in to defend himself which shows he does have some vested interest in that at least. While MSFs behavior comes across as more wolfy, I find lkjhgfdsa to be more like that of a third party so he'd be my prefered lynch target today.

3. THC
Seemed to be genuiely trying for a bit, although his posts were mostly useless. When people called him out on it he decided to just run around trolling. Wolves are the only people who really care about PR so I feel a human would still keep trying to wolf hunt regardless of what anyone says to them. He did have a genuine push for Brainy which appeared human (wolves don't like to make enemies!) and I guess he could just be a sensitive guy that couldn't take the heat?

4. Maestro
If someone doesn't post a defense, ya lynch them. Standard stuff. Despite being lower on my list, he's right up there with llkjhgfdsa as a lynch target. "I'm human, just lynch me" is a sort of low level mind game wolves sometimes try to pull because people expect wolves to kick and scream when accused (hence reaction tests.) I say low level, because anyone expirienced knows that a human would never do that, especially in a MYLO situation. With the way he's been playing all game, it's the kind of thing I'd expect from him anyways. Additionally, if the wolves have been in contact with TZP, I feel TZP would be much more inclined to pull the stunt that he did if it meant saving a wolf. I'm listing him as 4th on my list because unlike the players above him, he's been actively trying to wolf hunt and help humans, even if some of his actions may of been questionable. In addition, despite what Charu said, I feel like if Maestro was a wolf he would of tried to convince Egadd not to use his revive and possible even wolf him to force the MYLO sooner. Basically, I would be leaning human if it wasn't for his "just lynch me" post, which really just makes me wanna lynch him.
Title: Re: R̨e̸: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 01, 2018, 01:31:37 PM
I enjoy rereading the thread to try and pick up on things people might have said with the knowledge of their role.  Take this, for example~
Quote from: SuperMarina on February 18, 2018, 12:19:06 PMWhat is this? DDLC?
SuperMarina saw it coming, I guess!  Ehehehehe.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 01, 2018, 03:40:26 PM
Bold names in this post are for organisation purposes, not votes.
So I'm going to analyse all players that are still alive, instead of just suspicions. This way, everything can be addressed.


Hiiiiiii davy. Uh... you're Khajit.
...yeah, that's all I have.


Okay, I seriously don't know what your deal is. You seem like you've got a classic case of bats in the belfry or something. You were doing fine until people started calling you on your posts that kinda appeared to help, but mostly just restated. Then this happened. And tbh it's hard to follow. But bonus points for when people started ignoring you under the assumption that you were the traitor. But the traitor's gone now, so you don't have any role to hide behind. That said, I tend to agree with the thought that you're the Needy wolf above cohort or master, so I'm not going to actively rally against you quite yet. You can be saved for later.


Hoo boy... this is kinda awkward... look, at the time you seemed wolfy to me. But I just can't be sure now. Brainy seemed awfully adamant about the importance of trusting your humanity (although it would've been nice to have had an explanation of his thoughts...), and the fact that you didn't kill me before I used my revive. I mean, sure, the seer is arguably more important, but what's one more seer to reviving a person that could put humans at a clear advantage for the rest of the game? Idk. You're pretty low on my list for the time being.

E. Gadd Industries

O hai


Admittedly, you've been fairly off my radar this entire game. But your lack of posting (especially something relatively helpful) is worth noting. Idk, my views of you are split, but others build a pretty convincing case against you. I could see you being Cohort though.


Heh... what can be said except what's been stated before? Your response to my reaction test worries me, as you didn't ask for any proof or explanation why I said what I said. Humour or not, explanations are crucially important for this game, as they could lead to new developments and reads, at least in my mind. Even after that small exchange, I proceeded to ask you who you were suspicious of. You never responded, until prompted a second time, in which case you basically said "Idk, but check it out, I made a cool post about the host's posting discrepancies. It's pretty cool." In addition, your astonishing lack of posting needs accounting, too. Have you even once posted something useful? For any side, for that matter? And the least solid evidence, but still needs to be addressed: the same night I spoke to you, I was marked. I only spoke to four people that night phase: Marina, Brainy, Maestro, and yourself. And I honestly don't think Maestro would throw in the towel if he were Monika, as he would be at least somewhat close to winning as Monika.


I've been suspicious of you since fairly early on in the game, and even after your being seer'd green, these suspicions didn't go away. Call it a gut feeling, if you like, but upon further analysis, I think I have a reason, or a few. Firstly, you posted once right as the game began, and didn't post again until page 6, in which case you made note of the weirdness of there not being a wolfing N1. From there, you concluded it was most likely Inactivity (to hide the obvious fact that the wolves hit Monika N1, which they quite obviously did, in hindsight), and you then voted for the completely inactive ThiccWifeSiccLife. So in other words, an inactive person... blaming Inactivity... and then pinning it on an inactive person. Huh. That's a lil weird. From there, most of your posting from what I've seen has consisted mostly of "Guyssssssss I'm sick and it sucks and I feel like I'm dying, but Ima try to play tomorrow!" I get it. Playing games like this while sick does suck, but we don't need to be reminded of this 3-4 times, now do we? It's like you're hiding behind an excuse. There's probably more coming here, but I want to review posts again to get my facts straight before doing so.


You were seer'd green, and the only way you could be master wolf is if Bubbles isn't, and I feel like there's more condemning evidence with Bubbles' case than yours. Plus, you knew of both mine & Marina's special roles for a while and never killed us. So uhhhhhhh yeah. You're a human lean for me.


Your rage quit episode makes me believe you're human, although that was slightly inconvenient because I can't talk to you on Discord then. I like to be able to PM players on Discord; it's more direct that way. But I digress. You seem fairly human otherwise, trying to find wolves fairly aggressively, although I have to say, I don't always understand your logic.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 01, 2018, 03:52:40 PM
Quote from: Bubbles on February 27, 2018, 03:19:39 PMthis is sketch to me because our names in the story aren't what we expected them to be. I was Michael Buble, but apparently not. I'm sure other players who know their names can back me up on this (i remember someone else's mentioning it but idr who). Brainy couldn't have known which player he was, and even if he did that's a real stretch to assume he was the brutal (i.e. the only role he could've been with a regular pm)

This is the post I was thinking of. This is really the only major(?) thing you've contributed, and even then it was shot down. As I emphasised in a post before this, the story doesn't hold much significance with our actual selves. Only Brainy seemed to think so. In addition, this is hyperfocused on a detail that arguably wasn't all that pertinent to the current situation, insofar as I can see: affirming Marina's seer role
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 01, 2018, 04:01:04 PM
1 vote for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: davy on March 02, 2018, 07:58:17 AM
So, it seems to me that Lkjhgfdsa is the prefered lynch here. I really hope he is Monika, though, because if we don't lynch Monika this phase, we are in trouble.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 02, 2018, 12:18:24 PM
Really dissapointed in the amount of activity this phase. lkjhgfdsa
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on March 02, 2018, 12:33:56 PM
All caught up now, and it looks like the consensus LKJ. Looking everything over I agree he's been putting in the bare minimum to seem like an active player but hasn't done really anything. His big post about the updates I think is the biggest tell, because I think he's actively trying to distract players from the game at hand by focusing on irrelevant details of the updates and stories.

I still hold that Bubbles is a wolf for similar reasons, but more along the line of "going with the flow just enough to show activity". Her being sick is a convenient excuse for this, but if she were a vanilla human, I doubt she'd even go through the effort if this were the case.

Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 12:38:12 PM
4 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries, davy, FireArrow, MaestroUGC)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:14:49 PM
Hello everyone, sorry for the inactivity, got sucked away for a bit.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:29:37 PM
I get trying to lynch Monika, but I have doubts for going after people who are just not engaged.

I mean, how much has Lkjhgfdsa has actually said? Their presence is super not there. Has anyone else, besides E.Gadd, even tried to talk to this person one on one?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:54:53 PM
Anyways, in no particular order, just grabbing it from host post.

davy - I don't care, he's confirmed.

ThatHiddenCharacter - Don't like him, has been super silent as of late after goading for his lynch. I'd put him in WOLF status

MaestroUGC - For someone that stated they got caught and then proceeded not to do anything for the remainder of the previous day phase, you're awfully quick to jump on this wagon. Perhaps this is the final person you need lynched to set off your nuke, Monika? If not that, then you're a wolf seeing some town forgave you and joined back in the fray to capitalize on sympathy points. I don't trust you after that stunt, sorry. Unless I see your flip, I'm just going to be that way to you for the rest of the game if it keeps going.

E. Gadd Industries - I don't care, he's confirmed.

MasterSuperFan - Super MIA this phase. I mean... so am I, but whoa. However, will say this player has shown to be constantly out of the loop whenever they pop up in Discord. I'd wager this is a towny!

Lkjhgfdsa_77 - In a perfect world, I wanna say this person isn't Monika. However, the possibility of them being a plain ol' wolf is pretty high. I think if anything, I'd expect a red flip if we lynch this player and not the Monika flip.

Bubbles - Meh... I suppose one could say (though it's entirely angely so...) despite fever taking this player's toll, they kept on at it regardless. Maybe a wolf? I mean, I guess one piece of evidence you could showcase them being town is them not being on top of the seer calls when that was going on. On the other hand, you could say this player is a wolf because they seem to only conveniently appear when someone starts a conversation regarding something important. I don't believe I've seen Bubbles actively starting a convo.


Bubbles was seered green, but since the Master Wolf is still in play, I'll just leave Bubbles at a big fat NULL for it could be town or wolf.

FireArrow - They also got seer checked green, however, there is STILL the possibility that they are the master wolf. Yes, I know our fake seer called them Monika, but they were the TRAITOR which means they probably didn't know Flash was a wolf to begin with. I say... it's pretty tough, I'd lynch FireArrow only and ONLY IF Final 3 occurs. He's got more mechanical reasons on his side than Bubbles does (despite it being 1/3 chance of being nullified currently). Pretty strong opinion that they're town!

Charu - ( HENLO
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:56:32 PM
Actually, if Maestro was monika, they wouldn't want to lynch a wolf, they'd want to lynch a town.

Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:57:51 PM
I mean, if it means anything.

We never lynch Bubbles or FireArrow this phase since they got blessed with a seer check. No way they can be Monika.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 02:59:06 PM
So that just leaves...




Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 03:00:22 PM
MaestroUGC voted with the three players that can't be Monika. What does that tell me... I wonder?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 03:05:05 PM
I do believe MasterSuperFan is innocent in all this as shown in the Discord logs.

So, now it's just these three:




...What's really funny is I think these three are all not town.

But which one is Monika? Would Maestro do that if they were Monika?

Would a Maestro wolf kill off Monika? There's nothing to be gained from that action as it makes the game harder for the wolves.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 03:05:23 PM
I don't fam, what d'yall think?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 03:08:11 PM
Oh yeah, I should probably say this too. Previously I was working with worst case scenarios, but since this phase exists, I have to think that Monika didn't get perfect marks. That means, I'm assuming one of the wolves is marked, and that wolf... if this is actually occurring, is maybe Lkjhgfdsa_77?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 03:09:37 PM

I don't think Monika would act nuts and unnecessarily draw attention to themselves. (@THC)

I also don't think Monika would just give up as a third party (@Maestro)

Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 02, 2018, 03:49:37 PM
I want either a lkjhgfdsa lynch or a Maestro one. I'd honestly prefer the Maestro one because lynching someone who's literally had 0 activity is usually a bad idea, but I'm ok with a lkjhgfdsa lycnh because don't think I would ever forgive myself if we lost to a third party who just sat around and did nothing.

Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 03:09:37 PMI also don't think Monika would just give up as a third party (@Maestro)

Sorry to be blunt, but this is just incorrect. This was a MYLO situation, giving up is probably the least human and most Monika thing he could of done. Unless you really want to accuse maestro of throwing the whole game for humans because an emergency came up (he could of yaknow, not voted himself at the very least) then he isn't human.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 04:00:17 PM
Three hour warning!

4 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries, davy, FireArrow, MaestroUGC)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 02, 2018, 04:02:05 PM
Quote from: Charu on March 02, 2018, 03:05:23 PMI don't fam, what d'yall think?

Either Maestro is human or lkjhgfdsa is human?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on March 02, 2018, 04:17:06 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 01, 2018, 03:40:26 PMBubbles

I've been suspicious of you since fairly early on in the game, and even after your being seer'd green, these suspicions didn't go away. Call it a gut feeling, if you like, but upon further analysis, I think I have a reason, or a few. Firstly, you posted once right as the game began, and didn't post again until page 6, in which case you made note of the weirdness of there not being a wolfing N1. From there, you concluded it was most likely Inactivity (to hide the obvious fact that the wolves hit Monika N1, which they quite obviously did, in hindsight), and you then voted for the completely inactive ThiccWifeSiccLife. So in other words, an inactive person... blaming Inactivity... and then pinning it on an inactive person. Huh. That's a lil weird. From there, most of your posting from what I've seen has consisted mostly of "Guyssssssss I'm sick and it sucks and I feel like I'm dying, but Ima try to play tomorrow!" I get it. Playing games like this while sick does suck, but we don't need to be reminded of this 3-4 times, now do we? It's like you're hiding behind an excuse. There's probably more coming here, but I want to review posts again to get my facts straight before doing so.
woww this suspicion list came at my neck lmfao

QuoteFirstly, you posted once right as the game began, and didn't post again until page 6, in which case you made note of the weirdness of there not being a wolfing N1. From there, you concluded it was most likely Inactivity (to hide the obvious fact that the wolves hit Monika N1, which they quite obviously did, in hindsight), and you then voted for the completely inactive ThiccWifeSiccLife. So in other words, an inactive person... blaming Inactivity... and then pinning it on an inactive person. Huh. That's a lil weird.
I posted once during Night 1 as an introduction, then waited until the phase actually ended to put in input again. That is, waited until something actually happened, as N1 is basically pre-game, where the majority of clean players don't have anything they can do but wait. I don't think it's really viable to criticize someone for not posting on N1, and I don't feel like I really need to explain myself more than this. My vote on Thicc was a safety, which you also made that same phase. Again, not something I feel I need to explain myself over, and I find it really weird that you're coming at me for something you literally did as well.

Speaking of inactivity, aside from the irrelevant talk N1 you only made 5/6 posts before Day 4, with 4 of those either being short apologies for being inactive or safetys on yourself.
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 18, 2018, 06:32:52 PMAughhhhh there isn't enough time to read everything... T_T
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on February 21, 2018, 07:15:47 PMAuuuuuuuuuuGHHHHHHHHH stuff all of a sudden got crazy (irl) T_T third trimester SUCKS and we haven't even had our third day yet! Ima read all of this tomorrow after school before tenor sax lessons and develop a suspicions post. I shouldn't've signed up for this game...
You literally only showed up during day phases to say you were busy with real life stuff, and place a safety/make a short suspicion list. I'm not saying this is suspicious, (esp since you're confirmed at this point), but that you should know better than anyone what a weak and hypocritical argument you're making
Quote"Guyssssssss I'm sick and it sucks and I feel like I'm dying, but Ima try to play tomorrow!" I get it. Playing games like this while sick does suck, but we don't need to be reminded of this 3-4 times, now do we? It's like you're hiding behind an excuse.
also this made me laugh lmao like damn

I've been saying for a while now that Maestro is the most most likely to be Monika. He basically threw in the towel earlier, which I've said before is either a risky stunt or if legitimate only really excusable if you're a third party role who wouldn't be dragging down any other players with you, which I'm sure Maestro would have been aware of. All of a sudden he's back and basically just going with the flow of what the confirmed humans are saying. His only two attacks, me and lkjhgfdsa, are not only both bandwagons on Egadd (a confirmed), but also for wholly inactivity reasons with the mentality that we're "going with the flow" to blend in. Similar to Egadd, this is a totally hypocritical argument. Again, not saying having real life business and prioritizing that is suspicious in any way, but pretending you're some higher person who's allowed to be excused from having an actual life. I know you're more of an experienced player and should be able to see the flaws in your entire playing style and whole line of argument, so I'm holding you to it more than I am him.

Lkjhgfdsa has very little against him because he's been posting very little, its as simple as that. Inactivity isn't a sign pointing one way or another in terms of teams, and as much as it sucks there's nothing we can really do about it. This is why we had phantoms before, to prevent players like this from making games end up like this. Regardless, this phase is too important to lynch a player just for inactivity, wherever that may take us. I'm not going to lynch a player for being inactive when I've have real reason to suspect another.

To be totally honest I've wanted this game to be over for a while now but I don't want to ruin the fun for anyone (noc included) :// sorry if I'm not seeming like my heart is in it. I'm spending a lot of time in discord if anyone has any short questions that don't require a full post like this to answer
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on March 02, 2018, 04:26:31 PM
Just want to point out that I've suspected Bubbles almost all game.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 04:43:01 PM
4 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries, davy, FireArrow, MaestroUGC)
1 vote for MaestroUGC (Bubbles)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on March 02, 2018, 05:00:09 PM
To summarize: inactivity sucks and theres nothing we can do about it besides get mad at the player.
Quote from: FireArrow on March 02, 2018, 03:49:37 PMbut I'm ok with a lkjhgfdsa lycnh because don't think I would ever forgive myself if we lost to a third party who just sat around and did nothing.
I actually see it as the opposite. Inactivity is more of a structural issue than a strategy one, so I don't see any blame or shame if we lost to someone who literally didn't play. Its totally out of our hands and I couldn't get mad at myself for not being able to be psychic. Inactivity lynches for me are either last resorts or early game moves, neither of which I see this phase being.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 02, 2018, 05:02:25 PM
Im ok with switching my vote if davy comes around. Otherwise we need every human vote on one person.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 05:18:02 PM


Monika, if you could just kindly submit to your crimes, me and the rest of town would appreciate it, thank ya kindly.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 05:18:53 PM
You don't want to lame the game out with an easy way out, now do yooooooou?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 06:14:33 PM
Okay, there isn't a lot of voting, which makes me feel like a wolf Rush is about to happen. So let's get this over with.

With reference to a Maestro lynch, had this happened two days ago, I would've jumped on board. But... given Maestro's reactions to my accusations, I just can't get over the possibility that he may be human. I mean, he knew I was a reviver plenty before I revealed, and so he stood a perfect chance to kill me. And yet he didn't. So... I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I don't believe a Maestro lynch is in order. Call it suspicions, if you like, or call it my weird, convoluted thought process, but whatever it is, I don't like what's going on.
*pulls out a revolver*
I have a reason to believe that there's a smoking gun in this room. And not this one, although this one will be. Pay attention, humans, and learn the truth.
*loads the revolver*
And, Master Wolf? Say good night.
*uses the revolver on Bubbles*
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 06:29:32 PM
...Alright, well, uh...


Come hither, Monika! It's time to meet your maker!
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 06:34:55 PM
Can I just say too...

...You don't go against a plan. You keep going and see what the outcome is. If the flip on our lynch was gonna be human, then that's when you shoot.


If this cost us the game, let this be a small lesson. Unless you got hard proof, you don't do that, especially if town consensus was not to even get a wolf right now.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Bubbles on March 02, 2018, 06:46:48 PM
technically still alive in the thread you can't kill me monika!!!!!~~
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 06:47:51 PM
Bubbles was shot with the revolver!  Her role will be revealed at the end of the phase~
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 06:54:25 PM
4 votes for Lkjhgfdsa_77 (E. Gadd Industries, davy, FireArrow, MaestroUGC)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 02, 2018, 06:56:12 PM
Welp... I still don't agree with this lynch, but I'm not gonna stop it.


That's my gut vote. If this is wrong though...
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Monika on March 02, 2018, 07:01:04 PM
Monika's TWG Tip of the Day
Alright, everyone!  It's time for Monika's TWG Tip of the Day!
It's a good idea to avoid discussing special roles in the thread, especially if wolves are actively looking for them.
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

1. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
2. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.

3. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
4. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
5. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
6. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
7. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night, may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy Khajiit
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. MaestroUGC
4. E. Gadd Industries
5. MasterSuperFan
6. FireArrow
7. Charu

B̡͖̲̘̠ͤu̯̻ͭ̐̚b̻̻̹̰̲ͣͯ͢b̶̜̦͚̓̉̉l͍͈͍͌̏͋̀e͔̦̟ͫͫ̄̎ͤ͠s̠̻̲͆ͯ̌ ̜̱̲̱ͥ̈́ͮ͛ͨͣd̬̭̋i̷̹͎̥̝̪̞ͬ̉ͭͪͫe̙̻̬̘ͤ͛d̷̲͓ͥ̎!̺̺͓͓ͬ͗̃ ͚̫̤̱̥̖͖͒̓̾̾ͬ ͇̝̼͚̰͓ͮT͕h̷͙͕͇̱͂ͯ̾̂͐̒̍ͅe̥͖̘̙̤̿͛ͮͯ̐ÿ̙͇̰̜̠̻͚͆̅͌͑ ̭w͓̓͆̍̓̎è̑̅͊̀̓ͤ́r̶͔̤͊͋̀ͦ̋e̛͒̓ ̩̳̹͚̂̉͝t̻͙̯̖̲͔̊͌ͨḥ̈ͧ̇͂e͍͙͍̹̖͑̊ͧ̀ ̡͍̖͇̱̩͙M͈͓̬̳̤̤͌̊a̩̠̯͢s̿̈́ͯ͊͆̀t̮̟̗̤̲̤͔̓͒́ḛ̜̙̼͖͔͋͆̀͌r̠͋̍̍́ͪ̈́̋ ̝ͪ̅W̧̖̜̥͒̌̈́͌̐̽ͪo̖̒ͯ̒ͤ͗̐̄l̘̝̝̥͎͑̉̎̃͊͟f͈͙̗͎̥̳ͮ̈̏.͙͔̪̦̣̩̰̓̃͊͞ ̧̠͉̳͈͓͔̉̄͐̒̏ ̦͙̩̥A̹̗̖̖͇͎ͤͩͥ̆͐ͤḍ̮̑̂ͪ͗͡d͔̻̼̿ͫ̅ȉ̼̬̹͉͙̗ͣ̓͘t̫͖̏ͩ͊i̷͎̱̳̠̬͌̍͒̃̓͌ͮo̠̫̙̯̖̝͝n̻̣͚̣͇͇͋͊̒ͅa̯̒̇ͬͪ̊l͎̗̬͕̩͓ͥ̑̆̈̇l͚͇ͯy͈̥̼ͯ͋ͮ̐ͨ̓ͫ,̪̦͕͕̺͉̍̃̒̇͌̈̽͜ ̧͎͉̱̱ͪͦ̏L̝̩͈̪͖͈ͨ̀̇̈ͮ͡k̲͕̦̞̤͛ͦj̻̜̟̇ͥ͒̎̒ͣh̪̙͈̾͊ġ̯͊ͅf͎̟͎̩̞̥̏͐͘d̹̞̲̠̼̭̃̐ͬ͆̇̕ͅs͝ȃ̟̘͚̩̫̦_̧ͩ̿̆͆͂̓̋7͈̙̀̂ͯ̊͋ͮ͠7̘ ̼͎̇̃ḩ͉͇̪̩ͤ̌ͬ̒̽ͅä̹̹̹͇́̿̓͛͊ͣs̟̬̤̠̹͎̙͜ ̣̰̗ͦ͛ͩ̄͐d͓̜̰̊̓̿ͭ̂ͣͥi̻̮͎͈̹̯͉̚͡ë̷̘ͧͦ̏̓͗ͯd̫͖̞̠͉ͯͧ̓.͉̜͓̙̉͛̑̓ͩ͗ ͓̱̦͙̘ͨ͒ͥ̀̇͢ ̧̥͚̞̐ͦͩȞ̐̚͏͎͇̹e͔͙͙̯̜͎̼̿́̐̅̌̈́ͭ ̘̱͈̄̆͛ͪw͕̺͉ͤ͊ͩ͗̂ͯͯ͢a̢͈͖͎͈̖̐ͬ̽s̘̲͓̼͉̫̪͒͊̿͠.ͣ̓̏̌̓҉̤͙.̶̖̘̗̪̣ͭ͗̊ͣ.̇ͣͬ̎̑̋ͩ ̣̣̜̞̼̦̑̿͂ͣw͈ͬͪ̆͑h̘̯̼̱̣̏a̬̮̟t͍'̛̭̩̲̀s̰̰̮̣̫͈͍ͣ ̴̻̞̙̯͇͐͑̐̈ͮṯ̼͓͎͋̓͌ͯͣ́h͕̻̘͍i̹̫̣̪̲̱ͅs̲͆ͧ͠?̌̏̊̃̚҉̭̲̖̩̪ ̬ͩͨ͆ͦ̎͐̊͠ ̞̩̘̥̼̬̼̌̔̈N͇̟̠̝͕̅̽̈́͐ͦ͜ǫ̗̯̿ͮ̿̉̐̆͊.͉̻͚̃͆̏̽̂ͭ̚ ̣͎̳̗̘͙̺͒ ҉̹͖̱̲N͓̻O.̫̮͙͔̣̌ ̱̘̲͠ͅ ͚͈̮̺͍͂̿̂ͯ̅W̴͉͇̼͌H̜̙̗͎̬̥ͭ͊̽̽̎ͬy̤͕͚̩̺̻̙ͦ̑ͧͨ̌ͫ̎ ̯̠̄̑ͬ̎̓̑̾ḓ̫̏̉̂̏̔i̫̘̜̜d̛̟̹̭̥̹ͪ ̈͑̎y͇̻ͦ̊̽̓ͥ̀ō̶̯͍͙̤̊ͧͭ̎͒ͅu̡̱̖̹͌ͪͥ̚ ͈̪̙͑̏ͪ̉ͦd̘̣̖̥̣̯̻ͭ͌̓ö̬̩̱̼̫̣ͫ ̩̞̝͎̥̅ͣ̉͒̓t̲̪͈̰͎͖̟ͬ͋̿ͪ͡h҉̮̝͈̞͍̯i̢̲̻̻̪̙s̬̼̥̓͜!͔̫͚̪͋ͯ̅?̺̞͙̜͈͍̅͒ ͯ̃̑̐̈̚ ̝̖͇̟̜̂̂͊ͧ̌̈I̵̪̠̖ͣ-̝̆I̫̬͛ͭͨ̐͐̍'̗͎̑m̵ͣ.́͏̭.̗̗̝͍̤͆̒̓̃͆ͯ̈́̕.͍͖̭͔̝͒͑͐ͩ͐ͦ̂ ̽̆̊̋͝ ͍̳͉̣̻̿͌̓͗F͒̽̓͊̑͛ͨ͢ͅa͒̄҉̱͍͇͍̭̩ą̭͇̮̖͔ͫ̐̄ͤa̯̠̿̈̄̎́d̜̰̜̳͡iͤͮ͂̿ͦ҉̜̩ͅn̹̈̂g̶̪̪̯̱̎̀ͯ͊͊.̴̈̍ͫ͆.̳̙̍͗̍.̴͔͙̘̭͔̟̤͛ͮ̋̇
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 02, 2018, 07:04:04 PM
well, that was weird.
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 02, 2018, 07:04:45 PM
Bubbles was Rachel Scarlett von Karma, the Master Wolf.  Lkjhgfdsa_77 was Monika.
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 02, 2018, 07:07:26 PM
It is now Night 6.  Night 6 ends in roughly 24 hours, so that I can get my bearings.  I've been gone a while.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 07:18:38 PM
Shouldn't the lettering go back to normal now?
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 02, 2018, 07:20:54 PM
hmmm... I'm not sure.  Even though monika's gone, it looks like her effect on the game is still present.  We'll have to clean it up manually.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 07:38:56 PM
And how do we do that?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: ThatHiddenCharacter on March 02, 2018, 07:44:37 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 07:38:56 PMAnd how do we do that?
The Wonderful World of Coding!TM
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 02, 2018, 07:49:11 PM
I figured as much, but didn't know if there was some other seekrit mechanic to the game that we don't know about.TM
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 03, 2018, 04:08:08 PM
3 hour warning
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: mikey on March 03, 2018, 07:00:06 PM
TWG 100: Dinner and a Show

Wolf team- as a team, the wolves may choose one player to kill each night.  Wins at parity.
1. Master Wolf- Each night, can send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is still alive, the Master Wolf receives a PM with the color of that player.  The Master wolf is seered green.
"I smell you... Your fear..."
2. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
3. Wolf Cohort- Has no special powers.  Is seered red.
"Fresh BLOOD!"
4. Needy Wolf- If the needy wolf is the last wolf alive, the wolf team loses their wolf kill.  Is seered red.
"I smell... you?"

Human team- wins when all threats to the team are dead.
5. Seer- Each night, may send a PM to the host with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, receives a PM with the color of that player.  Is seered blue.
"No-one and no-wolf will get past me."
6. Brutal Human- If the brutal human is wolfkilled, one wolf at random is killed as well.  Is not told they are the Brutal Human.  Is seered blue.
"Whatever it takes."
7. One-shot Reviver- Once per game, during a night phase, may send the host a PM with the name of a player.  If that player is dead, they will be revived at the beginning of the following night phase.  Is seered blue.
"I'm here for you."
8. Miller- is seered red.  Is not told they're the Miller.
"I'm doing things my way.  Step aside."
9. Traitor- counts for human numbers, but wins with the wolves.  Is seered red.
"You'll all see soon enough..."
10. Sayori- is told she's a normal human.  Is seered Monika.
"There are rainclouds... and they won't go away."
11. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
12. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
13. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
14. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
15. Vanilla Human- is seered green.
"Something's wrong."
16. Khajiit- Begins the game with every item, but cannot use them.  Once each night (except for Night 1), may distribute a single item to target player by sending a PM to the host with that player's name.
"Khajiit has wares, if you have coin."

Third Party- counts for numbers of neither team.
17. M̦̣͓̀ ̟̖Ò̦̦͖͔͖̜ ̡̱̲͓̞͔͖Ǹ͎̳̳͍͖̟ ̜̥̭͕̤ͅI̱͉̥ ̭̪K͇͕̺̭͞ ̫̹̘͇͍A̩̪͢- wins when it's just Monika.  Can't be wolf-killed.  Each night, may send the host a PM with the name of target player.  If that player is alive, becomes marked. Marked players are privately told they have been marked.  When the number of living marked players becomes greater than or equal to the number of living unmarked players, Monika may send a PM to the host containing the word "boom" to have all living marked players die.  Is seered literally every color except for red, purple, green, and blue.If wolves would win while Monika is still alive, Monika and the wolves both win.
"...What's the point when none of it is even real?"

Lead Pipe

When a player dies, their role will be revealed.


1. davy
2. ThatHiddenCharacter
3. BrainyLucario
4. SuperMarina
5. TheZeldaPianist
6. Dudeman
7. BlackDragonSlayer
8. MaestroUGC
9. Trasdegi
10. raeko
11. E. Gadd Industries
12. MasterSuperFan
13. Lkjhgfdsa_77
14. Bubbles
15. FireArrow
16. Charu
17. Olimar12345

Substitute: Maelstrom

Night 6 has ended.  It is now Day 6.  In the night, ThatHiddenCharacter was wolfed!  He was...
A Wolf Cohort!
Day 6 ends in 24 hours instead of 48 hours.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 03, 2018, 07:04:53 PM
Resignation? Needy wolf wanna claim so we can end this?
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 03, 2018, 07:09:57 PM

Wolves... c'mon...
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 03, 2018, 07:11:03 PM
I was prepared to make some dank defenses because I knew I was in the pool of peeps that are still wolf.

I got robbed!!!
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 03, 2018, 07:17:05 PM
OKAY hold up what?? That was extremely unexpected...? Dang, I guess this'll end more quickly than we thought.

@Charu I mean, I guess if you still want to make those defences you can.

Well... I... I don't quite know what to do right now. Uh... I guess ima just post WotD and then go to sleep.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 03, 2018, 07:17:23 PM
Anyways, this game is in auto, it's essentially impossible for the wolf to win since they have no killing power.

There's 2 (3 now) confirmed town. No way the wolf can mechanically get through.


I will say I apologize for my outburst when I joined, I come from a forum in which we don't take highly to improper plays as the player making improper plays gets berated and flayed alive. I apologize if I scared or made people uneasy by my transgression. But yeah, that seer play, definitely take in account that players have to believe you (even if you're a fake one). Just something to keep in mind the next time that happens!

Aaaand... yeah. Just sorry in general for being a butt about it. I felt kind of bad about ditching like that, but I also felt like I was kind of unwanted when I replaced in so... I guess that could be part of why.

Ah well.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on March 03, 2018, 07:21:53 PM
Well then.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 03, 2018, 07:24:45 PM
Change of plans.

Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: Charu on March 03, 2018, 07:27:16 PM
If it's not...


...Then I'm ready for the troll games to begin!
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: FireArrow on March 03, 2018, 07:27:33 PM

Quote from: Charu on March 03, 2018, 07:17:23 PMAnyways, this game is in auto, it's essentially impossible for the wolf to win since they have no killing power.

There's 2 (3 now) confirmed town. No way the wolf can mechanically get through.


I will say I apologize for my outburst when I joined, I come from a forum in which we don't take highly to improper plays as the player making improper plays gets berated and flayed alive. I apologize if I scared or made people uneasy by my transgression. But yeah, that seer play, definitely take in account that players have to believe you (even if you're a fake one). Just something to keep in mind the next time that happens!

Aaaand... yeah. Just sorry in general for being a butt about it. I felt kind of bad about ditching like that, but I also felt like I was kind of unwanted when I replaced in so... I guess that could be part of why.

Ah well.

don't sweat it. you came back and won (even if through even more improper plays :p)
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: MaestroUGC on March 03, 2018, 07:28:45 PM
Title: Re: T̠̦̱͈͇͑̎̈́̿W̛͇͈̙̅͆̌̊̉̕G̨͈͕͎̱͍̝̹̣ͩ͌͟ ̡̤͙̝̠ͣ1̴͉̩̰̻̜̳̲͉̆ͤ̋̈́0̅͋̊͏̮̲̩͎͓͖̀͢0̻̺̟ͤͨͫ̓͝t̴͓̦ͫͯ̔̚h̷̪͈̥̋͑ ͌̂̌
Post by: mikey on March 03, 2018, 07:29:25 PM
INSTA!  Mastersuperfan dies.  He was the Needy Wolf.  The game has ended.
Title: Re: T͞WG͟ 100̴t͜h̴ A͠ņn͢ive̢r͡s͟aŕy̡: ̕D͠i̢n͝n̴er̴ ̷an̢d̵ ͘a̧ ̢S҉hów
Post by: E. Gadd Industries on March 03, 2018, 07:30:19 PM
Woooooohoooooo!!!!! CELEBRATE!