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Messages - cacabish

Current Phase: Final Voting (now until January 27, 2025)
The nominations are in and have been aggregated! It's green light for the final voting! I've taken the top nominations in each category and put them into a poll for you to vote on.

Two quick notes:
  • You are free to skip any contests you don't want to vote for, but I'd encourage you to vote in all contests!
  • And yes, you are free to vote for yourself! You made the final cut, so you deserve all the votes!

Voting Link

You have until 11:59 PM PST on Sunday, January 26th, 2025 to cast your votes! That's about 1½ weeks from the time of this post! (Time zone conversion link for your convenience)
After that, I'll write up the post that announces the runner-up(s) and the winner(s)! Homestretch time!
Current Phase: Nominations (now until January 13, 2025)
Thank you all for the category votes! I've tabulated the results and here is the list of the winning 25 categories that you will nominate people for:
Winning Superlative Categories
  • Friendliest
  • Funniest
  • Most Chill
  • Best Vocabulary
  • Best Artist
  • Best Arranger
  • Best Musical Performer
  • Most Musical Knowledge
  • Most Wholesome
  • Best Peacekeeper
  • Best Profile Pic
  • Most Helpful
  • Most Improved
  • Most Reactions/Emotes
  • Most Likely to Be Online
  • Most Likely to Be Lurking
  • Most Likely to Not Actually Exist
  • Most Likely to Nominate Themselves for this Superlative
  • Most Likely to Edit Their Post*
  • Best Redemption Arc*
  • Most Highly-Specialized Knowledge*
  • Most Spiciest Takes*
  • Most Likely to Be Three Raccoons in a Trench Coat*
  • Most Likely to Give a Panel at NinSheetMusicCon*
  • Most Likely to Actually be a Pokémon*
* = new Superlative for this year
Now, it's time to nominate people! I will take the top 3-ish people nominated for each category and those people will move on to the final voting round!

Ground Rules
  • Nominations MUST be forum names, Discord names, or common nicknames/abbreviations of NinSheetMusic community members. If I don't know who you are talking about, I will not count them.
  • The scope of the Superlatives is all of 2024. That means that you should focus only on stuff that happened in 2024 and/or frame the Superlative within the context of 2024.
  • You can submit as many names as you like per category. You can also nominate someone for as many categories as you like. However, you can leave some/any categories blank. Try to shoot for 1-3 names per category, but leaving it blank is fine too!
  • You can nominate inactive users, but this is discouraged. If the category pertains to older/inactive users, then that's fine.
  • You can nominate yourself, but this is also discouraged. This is primarily a celebration of others rather than of yourself. That said, if you really feel you fit the category, then you deserve to be nominated!
  • Try to use a consistent format when submitting names (like separating each name with a comma). This will just make my life easier when it comes time to tabulate the results. :P
  • Don't think too hard about this! This is all just for fun and not meant to be any kind of official census or whatnot. Feel free to interpret any unclear Superlatives how you see fit and don't get bogged down with needing to submit a comprehensive list of names.
  • Finally, to reiterate, this is all just for fun and to celebrate the accomplishments (and idiosyncrasies) of each other! Please do not be mean-spirited or offensive.

I'd recommend filling out your list of nominations on a notepad on your phone as you go about your days and then transferring it over later. But Google Forms also saves your progress on the same device, if you want to do that. If you have any questions, let me know in this topic, the #superlatives channel on Discord, or via DM!

Nominations Link

You have until 11:59 PM PST on Sunday, January 12th, 2025 to give your suggestions! That's about 2½ weeks from the time of this post! (Time zone conversion link for your convenience)
After that, it'll be time to vote on the top nominations!
Current Phase: Category Voting (now until December 25th)
Thank you all for the category submissions! It's now up to you to decide which categories you will nominate people for! So, go to the provided link and pick all of your favorite categories! I'd shoot to vote for about 25ish since that's about how many I'll take, but just be choosy -- try to not vote for all of them!

Category Vote Link

You have until 11:59 PM PST on Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve) to give your suggestions! (Time zone conversion link for your convenience)
That means make sure you submit your bed before you hang your stocking and leave your cookies for Santa!
After that, it'll be time for nominations!

Quote from: on December 15, 2024, 07:41:57 PMBy "best reviewer" do we mean the person who has the best reviews, or the person who simply spends the most time reviewing?
Either/or. A lot of these categories are meant to be flexible and up to individual interpretation, so "best reviewer" could be based on quantity, quality, both, neither, just depends on the person! Though, I'll probably try to make it more specific than that since "reviewer" is an overloaded term.
Although, I do like "Spiciest Takes" as a category suggestion... :)c

Quote from: Latios212 on December 15, 2024, 03:58:55 PMHow about splitting most musical into things like performing and theory knowledge since we already have arranging?
Not a bad idea. I think that helps with a bit more granularity since if someone is a master in one, they usually take the whole thing, whereas it'd be nice to recognize people in different ways
Reserved for final results
There sure is a lot of dust around here... methinks I might sne.... eez.... ACHOO! ...ugh... ...I'll get a broom... and a vacuum... and a ventilator...
Welcome! Greetings! And salutations to all! This is the Eighth NinSheetMusic Superlatives!
I'm your host, cacabish! It's been a couple years and, despite not winning the "Most Likely to Host Next Superlatives" last time around, I've agreed to host them this time around since both previous winners are busy with various endeavors. (We miss you E. Gadd... :'()

Now, on to business! This time, we'll break this into five phases, with each phase lasting ~1-2 weeks: (Current phase is highlighted in blue and previous phases are struck)
1. Category Ideation -- Where people can propose new ideas for categories this time around!
2. Category Voting -- Which of the existing and the new categories should go on?
3. Nominations -- Naming people you think deserve to win each category!
4. Final Voting -- Amongst the people nominated per category, who deserves the crown?
5. Announcement -- The coveted list of the winners!
I will update this post as we move through the phases.

Current Phase: Final Voting (now until January 27, 2025)
The nominations are in and have been aggregated! It's green light for the final voting! I've taken the top nominations in each category and put them into a poll for you to vote on.

Two quick notes:
  • You are free to skip any contests you don't want to vote for, but I'd encourage you to vote in all contests!
  • And yes, you are free to vote for yourself! You made the final cut, so you deserve all the votes!

Voting Link

You have until 11:59 PM PST on Sunday, January 26th, 2025 to cast your votes! That's about 1½ weeks from the time of this post! (Time zone conversion link for your convenience)
After that, I'll write up the post that announces the runner-up(s) and the winner(s)! Homestretch time!

Finally, just remember that his whole thing is just for fun and should not be taken super seriously; we're here to celebrate each other in a fun way! <3
And, if I've left something unclear, forgotten something, or if you have any other comments/questions/concerns, feel free to post them in the topic or in the #superlatives channel in the Discord! I'm new to this and I'm realizing E. Gadd left size 17 shoes for me to wear...

Get excited! This is gonna be fun! :D
Come in, check your bag, and take a stroll through the NinSheetMusic Museum!

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the website, we have constructed a fine museum, where one can stroll the halls of the past, pondering on the contributions and milestones that have made NinSheetMusic what it is today.

Here, you will observe backdrops of the website transition as you promenade through the museum, observing how NinSheetMusic has evolved from a fledgling website into the grand community that you see before you this day!
Read all about the various contributions of many key figures, the important milestones, and the numerous high-quality site improvements, whose releases all just so happen to coincide with the 1st of April! (Strange coincidence, eh wot?)
And discover how the number of masterful arrangements in our archives went from naught, as all things must start out, to having swelled to over five grand in number!

As you leave the museum, humbled by the past and filled with awe and inspiration, please enjoy a visit to our complementary gift shop, where you may procure facsimiles of any of our over 5,000 high-quality pieces of sheet music, with no charge to you for your visit today.

Thank you for your visit to our museum today and for your continued patronage of NinSheetMusic. And, in the immortal words our most esteemed avian curator,
Quote"Eeek! A bug...! Ah, I beg your pardon! I just don't like handling these things much!"
Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- Double barline at the segno?
Yeah, I didn't think of that, but it looks nice!

Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- The systems could be moved up a bit on page 1 and down a bit on page 2 to leave a bit more space around the footer/header respectively.
Good call. I've moved 'em a bit, let me know if you think I should do more/less.

Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- When cross-staving in m. 23, it's generally best to have the angle of the beam follow the contour of the notes. You can use the Beam Angle tool to make it point up.
Yeah, I did think it looked odd, but it's what Finale did by default so I was just like "alright then, Finale" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I shouldn't have trusted Finale... -_-
Fixed that now (definitely didn't take me 7 tries to figure it out)

Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- In m. 24, it'd be best to have a small bracket hook along with the 8vb to more conspicuously tie it to just that one octave.
Fair call there. I've seen bracket-less 8vb's before in music, so I figured this applies, but I think yours communicates better.

Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- It sounds like m. 25 should have a Bb on top of the right hand chord.
Hmmm... I can't confidently say I hear this, but the opposite is true too. The overtones are tricking me and so I can't say for certain it's not there, but it really feels like it's an F on top for the chord. For me, this is just repeating the melody motif from the previous 2 systems, so I feel like it makes sense to really frame that well instead of throwing a Bb on top, which will muddy the melody. Also, if it's there, it's really faint, so notating it might give rise to people playing it forcefully, which is definitely not what the piece does. Anyways, you check again and let me know. If you're pretty sure it's there, I'm cool adding it since I'm on the fence.

Quote from: Latios212 on March 06, 2024, 06:39:00 PM- I think a dynamic change (to f) in m. 25 would be good to accompany the espressivo.
Sounds good to me! Had to make a bit of space here or there, but nothing bad.

Alrighty, files are updated! Sorry about the late response, but thanks for all the feedback, Latios!
Quote from: Bloop on March 06, 2024, 06:47:31 AM-m17: The courtesy accidental in the L.H. isn't really needed here, the Bb's have been Bb's for this whole sheet already, and since there's a modulation there's not really a need to further indicate accidentals.
Ah, oops. I meant to flag the Db as the courtesy (since you're going from Bb Major to Bb Minor), but in this case, I now realize I'd also have to do the Gb by that logic, so I'll just scrap it.

Quote from: Bloop on March 06, 2024, 06:47:31 AM-m40: Instead of just "al niente", it's best to use "dim. al niente" instead
Sounds good to me! Out of curiosity, is there is a specific reason to spell it all out (other than just being less terse and more explicit)? I've seen a couple pieces of music where it's just "al niente" as the conclusion.

More speedy work from Bloop! Mario would definitely have trouble dodging you. Files updated.
Quote from: Static on March 05, 2024, 03:37:07 PMJust popping in to mention that this game was actually originally released only for PSP in 2010, so it should be under the [PSP] tag instead of [MUL]. With few exceptions, we go by the original platform release.
Ahhh. Thanks for the catch! I just got mired in the details of all the console releases, thought too hard about it, and just went with [MUL] as the fallback. I'll remember to simplify my thinking next time.

Quote from: Bloop on March 05, 2024, 02:11:40 PM-m17: I don't think I hear the F in the L.H.
Yeah, I was debating that one. It always felt too strong to me, but I swore I could hear it too. Probably overtone shenanigans. I agree with you here, so I've removed it.

Quote from: Bloop on March 05, 2024, 02:11:40 PM-m24: I hear a (very) low Bb an octave below the L.H. here too
Yep, I agree

Quote from: Bloop on March 05, 2024, 02:11:40 PM-m29: I don't think I hear the Db in the R.H. and the top Gb in the L.H. on beat 1, and the Db on beat 3. Some of these might be overtone shenanigans
I swear I can hear a Db in beat 1, but not confidently. However, after removing the other ones (which I agree are probably overtone shenanigans), it's clear what the pattern should be; just parallel RH octaves, so I think it's probably more overtone shenanigans. I've removed all these.

Quote from: Bloop on March 05, 2024, 02:11:40 PM-m40: There are some (very) soft chords in the R.H. in beat 1 and 2 here too: did you intentionally exclude them?
(I'm presuming you mean measure 41 here) Nope! I completely missed them! :P
I can hear beat 1 (strange how I missed that), but had to crank my volume to hear beat 2. Now that they're there, I think an al niente is super appropriate here, so I've added that. Great catch!

Quote from: Bloop on March 05, 2024, 02:11:40 PM-m42: The grace notes should chromatically descend from the Bb in m8, i.e. the grace notes should be Bbb, Ab, Abb and Gb. Also, it sounds like the full chord is rolled: maybe you could put the R.H. Db in the L.H. instead and add an arpeggio wavy line to that chord?
Yeah, I thought of the arpeggio but I was afraid with how messy it is with grace notes, accidentals, jazz...iness, that it would just introduce more clutter. But the Db in the LH is a really good idea and helps to keep things grouped nicely!

Alrighty, that should be everything addressed! Files are updated. Thanks for the lightning fast feedback, Bloop! I was not expecting feedback that quickly! :D
I personally like the two layers because m.2 is two layers, so it really flows into that nicely and is, technically, representative of what the instruments are playing. That said, I'm 100% in agreement of it being unnecessary as both layers are playing on the same beats and for the same durations, but I think I prefer the current version of the two separate layers, so let's roll with that! :D
Quote from: XiaoMigros on November 15, 2023, 10:51:08 AMPersonally I feel like having more notes helps get that sweeping feeling across quite well, but I'm okay with leaving things as is too, since thats the educated conclusion you came to :)
Then let's just leave it at that :)

Quote from: XiaoMigros on November 15, 2023, 10:51:08 AMsorry, I meant the low RH layer, not RH. I'm still hearing it there FWIW
Ahhh, gotcha. And yeah, it's this slide into the D that I didn't notice. Good catch! I've added it as a grace note. :D

Thanks Xiao! You're awesome! :)
I also redid the first measure to use two layers as an experiment and I think it looks nicer, but if you disagree, let me know and I'll change it back.
Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • I think in this sheet, when you have 8th+8th rest it would be better off as staccato quarter notes? I'm getting 'short, but not too short vibes rather than 'hold exactly an eighth then release exactly an eighth'. Up to you though, that's just my 2 cents
Yeah, I can see that and I think it's a decent enough idea, however, I do like the consistency across the eighth notes. Besides, then I'm kinda using staccatos just for length instead of length+articulation. So, I think I prefer the eighths.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • m3 and similar: I don't hear beat 2.5 as staccato
  • m4 and similar: beat 1 doesnt sound staccato either
Yep, simple enough fixes! :)

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • maybe it's better to use legato 8ths and staccato quarters for the bass? though it does lose some snappiness...
Same as above and I kinda like the snappy bass, especially in this arabeseque-style music.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • The 16th triplets would look neater as mordents IMO, what do you think?
At this speed, mordents and 16th triplets are basically equivalent, but I (personally) like the look of a slick triplet thrown in amongst eighth notes. It really grabs your attention and makes you appreciate the rhythm over a mordent. It definitely gives a piece more character. That's just my personal preference.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • m25-33: Since the tonal center kinda shifts to F here for a few measures, it makes more sense to use Gb and Db in this section than F# and C#. You'll notice the melody follows more logical steps as a result, too
Oooh, yeah, that's a great idea! That definitely cleans up a lot! The reason I didn't go for it is because F# is the 3rd of D, which is the V here, and is commonly used throughout, so I was mostly focusing on that.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • m33 and m36 sound a bit bare in parts, compared to what's going on in the original. For m33, you could add a low Db at beat 1 and a low Bb at beat 3, maybe? and for m36 a low Bb at beat 3.
Ehhh, perhaps so. Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of trying to cram every last note into every beat. And given that this section is like the sweeping sands with the rise and falls and more legato compared to the bouncy A section, I think leaving off layers allows for that to shine. However, if you think there would be great benefit from adding on extra bits there, I can pursue that.

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • m39: I hear an Eb at beat 2.75 in the low LH layer
Hmmm, I'm not hearing that. And I'm going to plead that makes it inconsistent as m43 mirrors m39 and it doesn't have it either (as far as I can tell).

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • System spacing: 4-4-4 systems per page, instead of 5-5-2?
Yeah, that's a good idea. If I'm going to use 3 pages, I might as well own the 3 pages. Thanks for the tip!

Quote from: XiaoMigros on October 29, 2023, 05:45:10 PM
  • For the time signature, I'm hearing 2/2 rather than 4/4, how about you?
I still have no idea what's the significant difference between 2/2 and 4/4 other than speed and marching... kinda? And this meets the speed requirement. I do also admit it'd be easier to conduct this in 2 instead of 4, particularly at this tempo, so I think that's probably enough justification to make it 2/2. Thanks! I've also updated the tempo marking to a half note (I often forget to make that change)

Alright, I think that's everything! Thanks for all the feedback, Xiao! :D And sorry it took me so long to respond; I was occupied prepping for a guest math lecture at my local college and I decided to program my PowerPoint (looked amazing, but took like 20-30 hours of work). File is updated!