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Messages - JacopoTore

Quote from: Static on June 20, 2022, 09:00:43 AMI think Jacopo is asking if this is serving as a replacement to his sheet - which to be clear, it is. You have rearranged the Stage Theme in this collection.

Edit: Also, if I didn't already imply this from the above, this sheet is fine to be a replacement. We've had collections replace single sheets in the past. Not a big deal.
I'm sorry Static but I don't understand if Levir want to remove my score, I'm a little confused by your answers
Quote from: on June 19, 2022, 05:49:11 PMI can't stand the reverb this guy adds to his soundtrack uploads, but it was the only video I could find, so whatever...

In hindsight, The Tower of Druaga's OST may not have been small enough to fit into one sheet, but this one certainly is. Some notes:

- I'd like to clarify that this submission is not necessarily meant to replace Jacopo and his student's sheet (though it needed some fixing anyway), but to cover all of the game's music into one convenient, compact arrangement; you may recall that my "Music from Dig Dug" sheet was submitted for the Replacement Project in a similar manner
- by "fixing", I'm referring in part to the copyright year at the bottom of the on-site sheet; yes, the original Bomberman was released in 1983 to a line of personal computers, but not only was it an entirely different game, it had no music whatsoever. This game was released to the Famicom in 1985, and in North America two years later. Did I mention this sheet is labeled incorrectly, too?
- "Bonus Stage" will sound a lot less energetic on my sheet, but I had no choice but to simplify the repeated sixteenths into eighths, and the two-octave span of the LH part into one. I'm sure you could've figured this out yourselves, but I felt it was still worth mentioning
- the last two bars of "Ending" were repurposed for the "Stage Clear" theme (or was "Ending" built off of "Stage Clear"? Who knows). So, for this reason, I've notated them as interconnected segments (see the double barline), and the performer may start at the seventh bar in if they so choose
- the NES/Famicom release of Bomberman has six sound effects in total, and I've chosen to transcribe one of them. It sounds like it might be used for when the player gains an extra life, but information on this subject matter is sparse. I'll be doing more research on this, but in the meantime, it shall be titled "1-Up?". You may listen to it for checking purposes here

Excuse the question, but why did you put on "replacement" if you don't intend to replace our score?
Quote from: on June 20, 2022, 08:22:16 AMThese are just things I noticed glancing at the PDF:

- I think it'd be good to include the intro, yes? It only plays after bosses and before the looping track you've transcribed, so I think it's worth having on the sheet
- copyright info should read as follows: Nintendo, Pax Softnica © 1990
- the sheet's title is fine, but the word "defeated" in the submission title needs to be capitalized
ok thank you! I will do it
What do you think now?

btw thanks you your help
Quote from: Static on May 27, 2022, 09:08:06 AMNo need to be agressive/accusatory here, it's likely Jacopo wasn't aware of the project. I don't think Jacopo came off as complaining or rude.

To Jacopo, if you weren't aware, we do special projects a few times per year. If you're interested in participating in the future, keep an eye on the Projects Board.
Thanks for the Static link, I was wondering if there was an explanation link on the characteristics that the projects must have or on how they should be inserted (if you use the same form as the submissions that I already use), I did a project with one of my students where we have transcribed all the music of the video game "Dragon Buster" for NES, could it fit?
Thank you
Quote from: on May 27, 2022, 08:30:34 AMThis is a special project update, it has nothing to do with submissions. The staff has spent the last month or so working on both regular sheets and space travel-themed sheets; now that this project is done, they'll continue preparing for the next "normal" update. When that's done, your arrangement will be added to the site.
ok thank you
Quote from: on May 27, 2022, 08:22:27 AMthat your sheet hasn't been accepted yet
the sheet was accepted
why is there no score:

has been approved[NES] Taboo: The Sixth Sense - "The Magician" by Jacopo Tore, Andrea Licheri & Andrea Muceli

has been approved?
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 16, 2022, 07:45:53 AMAwesome! There are some more minor things I found, such as:
  • Measure 1: I think the forte marking should be moved down a bit, so it is centered between the staves, and right a bit, so its starts at the same place as the notes.
  • The sheet also doesn't have a tempo marking yet, you should probably add one of those.
  • There is also a lot of vertical space between the first system and the composer/arranger text, so after adding the tempo marking you should change that.
Did it
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 16, 2022, 07:45:53 AMAwesome! There are some more minor things I found, such as:
  • Measure 1: I think the forte marking should be moved down a bit, so it is centered between the staves, and right a bit, so its starts at the same place as the notes.
  • The sheet also doesn't have a tempo marking yet, you should probably add one of those.
  • There is also a lot of vertical space between the first system and the composer/arranger text, so after adding the tempo marking you should change that.
Did it
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 15, 2022, 02:38:53 AMIt still looks the same to me. If you want that lower layer to be played by the left hand, I think that should be made more clear.
Did it
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 12, 2022, 01:03:49 PMAh, I think I missed that. The last 3 half notes in this excerpt will also need changing:
You cannot view this attachment.
ok can you try now?
Quote from: XiaoMigros on May 12, 2022, 11:44:39 AMI'm afraid I'm not seeing any changes compared to the previous version, did you save/update the files correctly?
I change the last note
Quote from: Latios212 on April 14, 2022, 04:40:19 PMIs "Andrea Muceli" supposed to be cubo2's arranger name? If so, I'll get that updated in the system.

Aside from what Static mentioned above about the copyright, please put the arranger info in two lines, with a comma after the second arranger:
Arrangement by Jacopo Tore,
Andrea Muceli, and Andrea Licheri
Did it! Thank you!