LeviR.star's Arrangements - [ARCADE] Haunted Castle - "A Lullaby Sent to the Devils"

Started by LeviR.star, November 18, 2016, 04:33:37 AM

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[3DS] Super Mario 3D Land - "Castle"


You know what? I give up on this one. I cannot find a video with the intro and entire song looped properly anywhere on YouTube, so if you really need to listen to the original, you'll have to find it yourself; sorry.

This was what I was going to submit to the next update, but then I arranged a more challenging sheet and decided that this one can wait. In fact, this one was surprisingly easy; the harmonies were easy to pick out, and I didn't have to sacrifice much for playability's sake this time around. It's a notable song in the Super Mario games, so it will likely find itself in one of my submission slots eventually. That special sheet that took the slot was planned for here soon, but it needs work and I'm going to hold off on posting it here until after I submit it. Enjoy this 3D Land sheet!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Finally, another update around here! Don't worry, this was planned. The following update will cover the new sheets arranged for the recent Halloween update, as well as my two most recent submissions. Go ahead -- look!


[NES] Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - "Message of Darkness"


[NES] Castlevania II: Simon's Quest - "A Requiem" (Replacement)

With that, Castlevania II: Simon's Quest is now not only a dedicated game, but a conquered game, with all of my sheets for it on the site! The unmatched dedication of Static, Libera, and Latios made this happen, and for that, I thank you guys. Happy vampire hunting!


[GB] Kirby's Block Ball - "King Dedede"

What's that? You want more Kirby's Block Ball? Well then, stick around...


[ARCADE] Haunted Castle - "Basement Melodies"


[NES] DuckTales - "Transylvania (Beta)"

Aaaand there you have it, folks! My official 300th sheet made since my start on NinSheetMusic! I know I say it all the time, but I couldn't have possibly gotten to this point without all of your support. Thank you all!

Now for some ambitious submission sheets:


[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Future City"



[NDS] Mario Kart DS - "Battle Mode"


As you all might've have already read on the title, I did some re-counting, and discovered that my PA has recently reached 100 games covered! (103 right now, to be exact). As I expand my favorite franchises (Kirby, Super Mario, Mega Man & Castlevania) I'll make sure to venture out and arrange from plenty of other games, too! This is LeviR.star, signing off, saying to remember to...

... eeeeennnnjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements



Do any of you remember a meek little submission from about 3 years ago? That first sheet of mine was the beginning of a goal to arrange the entirety of a game I had played on the 3DS Virtual Console. I set to work in this PA of mine, and added sheets without even making new posts to go along with them. Eventually, though, I stopped altogether; only half of my sheets were in a proper-looking template, and none of them sheets were accurate, even in the rare chance that they could be played. You could say I put this game on the back burner for a while.

... until finally, about 3 months ago, I came back to it, finished the OST, re-arranged the sheets I had, and brought you all the soundtrack that absolutely no one asked for:

The Kirby's Block Ball Arrangement Project!

That's right, every song is here: stage themes, fanfares, and even an unused theme you're even less likely to have heard! It all adds up to a whoppin' 27 sheets, surpassing my Balloon Kid arrangement count by 1 (thanks, "Unused Song"!) And this time, they're all accurate, playable, and done up nice with improved articulation and dynamic variety! It's the treatment only my favorite soundtracks would ever get, so I'm proud to call Kirby's Block Ball my own. On with the sheets!

Note: The missing sheet in this list here is "King Dedede", which was added to the PA in the last update.

[GB] Kirby's Block Ball

20 Re-Writes ((almost) All Done from Scratch!)
Title Screen [ZIP]

File Select [ZIP]

Blockworld Map [ON-SITE]

Demo (formerly "Tutorial") [ZIP]

Link to MP3 Source

Cappy's Stage (Stage 1) [ZIP]

Squishy's Stage (Stage 2) [ZIP]

Kabu's Stage (Stage 3) [ZIP]

Poppy Bros. Sr.'s Stage (Stage 4) [ZIP]

Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright's Stage (Stage 5) [ON-SITE]

Mr. Frosty's Stage (Stage 6) [ZIP]

Kracko's Stage (Stage 7) [ZIP]

Whispy Woods's Stage (Stage 8 ) [ZIP]

Kabula's Stage (Stage 9) [ZIP]

Brobo's Stage (Stage 10) (formerly "Buu-Robo's Stage") [ZIP]

Bonus Game [ZIP]

Boss [ZIP]

Border Line Cleared [ZIP]

High Score [ZIP]

No High Score [ZIP]

Game Over [ZIP]


By the way, "Blockworld Map" and "Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright's Stage (Stage 5)" have been updated on the site as well to go along with this project!

6 New Sheets (Never-Before-Seen!)

Bonus Chance [ZIP]

Bonus Chance (Hurry Up!)


The End? [ZIP]


King Dedede's Stage (Stage 11) [ZIP]


Credits [ZIP]


High Score Award [ZIP]


Unused Song [ZIP]


I'd like to thank Latios for general guidance during this project, Libera and Static for checking my sheets for accidental spelling, and all the updaters on the team for cheering me on the whole way, after 3 years of working towards this goal! It means a lot to finally finish this, but it means even more to me to know they made it happen! You guys are the best!

As far as my plans go for more Kirby stuff, I will continue to work towards my intent to arrange at least one sheet for every Kirby game there is. It'll take a while, and I also plan to work on more difficult sheets from Kirby Super Star, and later entries in the series, like Kirby's Return to Dream Land and Kirby Star Allies. I know which game OST I'll be finishing next, but I won't be planning on doing that again for a while; I need a break...

Thanks for being here for this PA update! To close, I'll just quote from my Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge project:

Quote from: LeviR.star on June 06, 2019, 08:26:38 PMUntil next time, I hope you all have fun learning about yet another game you never knew existed.™

P.S: By a stroke of luck, I came across the oldest draft of my first submission. Check it out!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


We now return to our regularly scheduled sheets...


[Wii] Kirby's Return to Dream Land - "Road to Victory (The Arena)"



[3DS] Kirby: Triple Deluxe - "Moonlight Capital"



[NDS] Kirby Mass Attack - "Tree to Tree"


Here's three games I've been meaning to arrange from for a while now! They've all had a special spot in my childhood memories, so now they'll each have a special spot in my PA. Don't know which song I'm about to arrange next, but I'm thinking some Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. Stay tuned to find out, and enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Here's something I haven't done in a while: a collab!


[SNES] Kirby's Dream Land 3 - "Iceberg"


The story behind this sheet is simple: while I had grown up listening to this tune on my Kirby's Dream Collection Special Edition CD, and so wanted to put it to paper, there were some decisions I wasn't comfortable making on my own. So, lo and behold, it turned out that Static, member of the updating team, was also familiar with the song, and was willing to do a collab on it. And as chaotic as this piece is, we made it happen! I'm so glad it turned out so great, and trust me when I say this: this would have been a load of garbage had it not been for his help.

This sheet was started before I announced my plans to contribute more to Kirby 64, so a sheet (or two) from that game will be on its way here soon enough. "Iceberg" won't be going through the subs this round, but it will eventually (we think), so enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Oh wow, this is a neat one I didn't expect to see any time soon. Nice work you guys!
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Surprise! I've brought not one, not two, but three sheets from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards!

[N64] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards


Battle Among Friends: Waddle Dee [ZIP]


Battle Among Friends: Adeleine [ZIP]


Battle Among Friends: King Dedede [ZIP]

I'm a little surprised to see that not even Adeleine's battle theme (being used in sub-game Kirby Fighters and remixed in Kirby Fighters Deluxe) had been arranged on here, so I decided, instead of arranging just one, why not all three of the "Battle Among Friends" themes? You might have noticed something curious about these three songs:

Waddle Dee: Plays for 12 measures, and then loops. Bears a striking resemblance to Kirby's Dream Land 3's "Minigame" theme (which I also arranged).

Adeleine: Plays for 12 measures, but instead of looping in the exact same way, it extends for another 12, with some slight RH and LH variations (that said, the melody is identical).

King Dedede: Instead of 12 measures, the frantic 16th note melody plays for 8, but surprises us with another 8 measures of a completely new melody, with the LH being very much the same.

So, in short, each battle theme varies more and more each time as you progress through the game, adding new friends to your party. How cool is that?

I'm feeling like doing another Kirby collab very soon. Or maybe some Kirby's Adventure, we'll see. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Well, I couldn't go pure Kirby sheeting forever, y'know...


[GB] Kirby's Dream Land 2 - "Kine's Theme"


I was almost ready to post this one, until Latios pointed out that I needed to spell with flats, not sharps. Rookie mistake, I guess.


[SCD] Sonic the Hedgehog CD - "Stardust Speedway Bad Future (JP)"


Now here's one I've been meaning to do for a while! After finding some interest in the then-upcoming Sonic Mania, I did a little research on the franchise and ended up downloading Christian Whitehead's mobile ports of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Sonic CD. It wasn't my favorite platforming experience I had ever had, but one of the songs that had stuck with me was this one, so I gave it a shot; I had some difficulties from the very start, and ending up trashing my draft 2 measures in. Yesterday, I remembered this song, and tried again; the result is something I'm so satisfied with that I'll be submitting it for the next round.

That's all for today! Expect another collab to be the next thing I post here, so for right now, enjoy the themes of Kine the Fish and Metal Sonic!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Quote from: LeviR.star on November 18, 2019, 09:05:38 AM[SCD] Sonic the Hedgehog CD - "Stardust Speedway Bad Future (JP)"
Believe it or not, there's a 20th anniversary CD which lists the composers for the original JPN/EU soundtrack to this game. Naofumi Hataya was the composer for this particular track, it looks like.


Quote from: Yug_Guy on November 18, 2019, 06:40:53 PMBelieve it or not, there's a 20th anniversary CD which lists the composers for the original JPN/EU soundtrack to this game. Naofumi Hataya was the composer for this particular track, it looks like.

Thanks for the info, Yug! I made sure to change that when I submitted it, so your help is much appreciated!

Now, behold: another collab!


[N64] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - "Pop Star" (Replacement)


The distribution of work between Latios and I on this one was simple: I did the right hand part, and he did the left hand part. It took me a long time to write out the melody, but I think it's safe to say that my work and his work on this much-needed replacement paid off. There's still more Kirby 64 sheets to be done, replacements and new sheets, but we'll get to them in time. Enjoy this collab, and make sure to bring any comments to the topic linked above!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


Hey, did you forget that this game exists?


[NES] Wily & Right no RockBoard: That's Paradise - "Megalopolis"


Happy thanksgiving, everyone! To celebrate having updated my OP layout (as well as spending several hours replacing all of the Dropbox links with Bitly links!) I decided to arrange a random, simple sheet while I wait to unveil my next two submission sheets. Yuki Iwai has made several great contributions to the Mega Man franchise, and this is no exception. Rockboard has all sorts of cool songs that I hope to bring here some day, so 'til then, enjoy "Megalopolis"!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


I'm so glad this game is almost completely untouched right now!


[GB] Mega Man V - "Jupiter Stage"


This song worked pretty well transcribed to piano; there was very little I had to cut or change, so I'm satisfied with it. How many more updates until I do another Mega Man V sheet? I'm not sure; it could be the next, it could be not for another 5. But this game will get the full-OST treatment I've already given to Game Boy games Mega Man III and Dr. Wily's Revenge. That's not in the near future, but the time will come someday. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


And now, here's the last "Dr. Wily Stage" theme from the Game Boy games!


[GB] Mega Man V - "Dr. Wily Stage"


Nearly all aspects of the original song were able to be kept intact for this sheet, so I'm very pleased to bring it to all of you. Aside from this game's "Rush Space Stage", and a re-write I need to do for Mega Man II, this marks the final "Dr. Wily Stage" sheet I needed to do from the Game Boy games! This one isn't my favorite, but I still enjoy listening to it, as with all other Game Boy Mega Man tunes. Enjoy! I'm taking a break from arranging for a few days to focus on my final project for Composition class ~
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


We're getting closer to finishing the original Mega Man OST!


[NES] Mega Man - "Boss"


My original attempt at this song actually predates my first official sheet by almost 2 years; about the same time I was introduced to this game, I made it my goal to arrange the boss theme, which was (and still isn't) on the site. The transcription process was brutal; it took me much longer than it did today, and it was nowhere near as accurate as my final version, mostly due to the reverb effect of the second pulse channel, and the fact that I didn't know how to slow down the Youtube video. If you'd like to see the unfinished draft (though I'm not sure why you would), you can download it here. Today, five-ish years later, I downloaded Audio Overload, and for the first time, successfully split a chiptune song by myself. To celebrate, I finally tackled this song once and for all. I hope you all enjoy this sheet as much as I enjoyed finishing it!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements


And now, 3 shorter (but essential) sheets!


[NES] Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - "Battle (FDS)"


It doesn't look like anyone's touched this game on the site for a long time; I can understand not knowing about this particular piece, but any complete soundtrack arrangement would be incomplete without it. When the Master Sword update for Super Mario Maker 2 was recently announced, I noticed that the miniboss music for Link was the battle theme from the Famicom Disk System version of this game, not the international NES version. So I knew that I just had to do this one; I doubt it'll ever take up one of my submission slots, but it felt nice to get done.


[GB] Kirby's Pinball Land - "Table Select"


If you think this sheet sounds familiar, it's because it's Mr. Ikegami's reworking of the "Sparkling Star" theme from Kirby's Dream Land, which you can view here. The right hand is a combination of two channels layered over each other, which wasn't very easy to transcribe until I installed Audio Overload. The left hand, in case you couldn't tell, was a cinch. Now we're even closer to finishing the Kirby's Pinball Land soundtrack!


[NES] Mega Man - "Stage Clear"


Recognize this? It's actually one of my oldest sheets ever, and it started out as a pretty bad one. It was deleted for reasons I never knew. Maybe it was because I didn't have Finale 2014, and couldn't make certain changes myself; maybe it was because no one really cared, except for Bespinben, who went out of his way to completely redo my sheet with his own style, with fingerings and everything. Recently, I revisited this old sheet, made some changes, but kept some aspects of Ben's version intact. I'm glad that after over 4 years, this sheet could finally make it to my PA.

That's just about all I have to say for this update. Enjoy!
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music! LeviR.star's Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread! LeviR.star's Arrangements